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General Conspiracy Infodump
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really OP?
Dumping some random conspiracy-related posts.
What the fuck is going on in Antarctica Holla Forums?
From what I know based on past anons discussing it, there is some sort of enormous structure/city under the ice. The Nazis, I believe, went there and stayed after WW2.
I may be wrong, so be skeptical.
take a look at >>9828387's first picture
He's a jewish child-trafficker who sabotaged McCarthy, the fact that he mentored Trump is a bad thing.
So much of that is bullshit. Benjamin fucking Fulford? I didn't think anybody took that kike seriously since 2007.
Anyone know anything about FWD: 7?
Atlantis? Ayy lmao craft? Sorry, I know i'm late on this subject. But all my research points towards either Atlantis/Ancient tech or fallen ayys+???
That sounds like bullshit.
Oh okay I did not know about that. Sorry.
Ancient (advanced) tech is very likely 'cause I remember the U.S. sent a naval fleet to chase the fleeing Nazis going for Antarctica. The U.S. fleet returned empty-handed and one of the captains/admirals described being attacked by laser beams from below the waters and attacked by flying objects.
It's very fascinating and terrifying to wonder what is under Antarctica.
Any anons got any hollow earth/nazi exploration shit saved? That was intriguing as fuck if real
They sent a voyage down there in the late thirties. I want to know what they knew was down there.
nb because I can't provide images etc at the moment
essentially they found whatever remnant civilization that was hiding down there, studied it, and eventually vanished to there.
There's been reports of WW2 era craft surfacing around the world - less now but it was once pretty uncommon to see a u-boat surface, radio it in, and when verifying it have it disappear.
Will approach the same way I was taught.
that is all anyone can really say on that subject - there's more, like entities that were/are trapped there, under the south china sea, and Australia. All these entities really hate radiation - similar to all the old gods, aligning with Indian lore that states that the gods can only be killed by radiation weapons (nukes, emps, etc).
bibliotecapleyades .net/bb/index.htm
Really interesting… If you (or any other anons) could provide links/pdfs on this it would be greatly appreciated.
That sounds a lot like two things in the bible: the Angel of Death, and Ark of the Covenant.
D-does this mean jews killed their own God? Makes sense that they started taking up Molech worship during the exodus. Fuck.
You forgot to mention how he was a fag who died of aids.
This explains the quote by jew who created the atom bomb
They are literal god killers now
So in these threads you LARP about the Antichrist being stuck in a booby trapped ancient temple in Antarctica with pictures of the future on the walls, and Jews want to find him to find the secret to immortality and start a zombie apocalypse.
Sounds less ridiculous then some of the holocaust bullshit theyve come up with tbh