The Eternal Anglo and Why the West is Jewed

Every race has its flaws; the Orientals are robotic and soul-less, the Asians struggle with savagery and toilets, the Semites are excessively gaudy and greedy, the Africans are retarded and barely human, the Mestizo are thuggish and smelly, the Aboriginal is impressively primitive and drug addled, and the Whites are altruistic and progressively minded (in the traditional sense of improvement). While all races certainly share these flaws to some extent, these stand out the most. But even among these races, thereally exists subraces. Among the Africans, it is said that Ethiopians tend to be more intelligent and humane. Among the Asians, Punjabis are seen as the Indian equivalent of a redneck. Among the Whites, the Anglo-Saxon is most like a Jew.

The Anglo-Saxon culture is a non-culture; it is but the eternal punching bag to every other European tribe, from Normans to Nordics. Their very roots are founded in the germanic invasion of the Angles, Saxons, and Frisians upon the Pictish, Scoti, and the various Celtic-Welsh tribes in Britain. This miasma of culture, while not wholly unrelated, lays the groundwork for the inevitable multiculturalism love we see today. Indeed, it could be argued that this obsession goes back to the Roman invasion of Britain, which brought also the gauls.

All of these diverse ethnic cultures cause enough problems, but now we have the Viking raids and the Celtics battles and the crowning moment of doom; the Norman invasion. 1066 was the year the west formed it's greatest power, a weapon that would help subjugate the world and eventually destroy itself.

Observe the language; English is a toxic concoction of Latin, French, Germanic, and Greek. Now with the USA, its added in Spanish and Hebrew as major contributers.

The Anglo is the Jew of the west; a cesspool of various ethnic cultures formed into a root less collective of greedy, manipulative perverts.

This is a quick overview of the Eternal Anglo problem. With these basics given, what should be done about the Eternal Anglo? As an Anglo, what can be done to correct the mistakes of ancestors past?

Consider eating the end of a gun barrel.
I personally wouldn't advocate it's merit, but I merely suggest that it's as much of an option as posting again.

And yet you didn't sage.

Anglos have shit jawlines.

English is a rubbish language, so I decided to learn German.

Fucked up teeth, too. That's the wonder of "hybrid vigor". in reality, it might just be welsh mix problem

The logical first step to unfurling anglos would be to go back to its germanic roots. It's part of the reason why I've been learning Dutch.


Anglos are really a double edged sword. Some of the best explorers, engineers, and artists in the world, but horrible mercenaries of Jews in other times…

Nevertheless, DnC is not acceptable.

How is trying to solve a problem divide and conquer? The very least you could do is answer the questions posed.

these things are wrong, also you asked no meaningful questions.

Ill post in your D&C shit thread cos i have fuck all else to do
Its between england and sweden to be the first shitskin desert country in europe, it will awaken the oh fuck panic mode in the remaining ethnic euro to purge kill destroy all coloureds and then the jew as no doubt the kikes will be still be telling them that its a good thing to be replaced by savages.

It's tough to relate to a country with such a tight living space and relatively close gene-pool. With a kike run state media. It does seem like being a contrarian or being a "conspiracy theorist" that thinks that the world isn't the way that BBC presents it, is met with way more ridicule and mockery than they would be in America. It's the land of "smartest guy in the room" that snears at anything that his kike professors told him is the case.

*snears at anything counter to what his kike professors told him is the truth.

There is nothing small about what happened to Britain.

It's not the war and fighting that was the primary problem, it's the colonization that fucked things up.

I asked how do we unfuck the Anglo-Saxon culture (which includes the US, the UK, and Australia and Canada).

how do we unfuck the culture
and genetically speaking germanics and nordics and britons are pretty much identical, there is no real problem there.


Anglos tamed the fucking planet, and brought civilization and culture to a mud-slinging world of savages. It's just that they share their culture too much(Altruism flaw), and all the shitskin races have short memories. Electricity and computing are as culturally significant to Anglos as rice is to gooks.

So essentially what happened to Spain, then?

Anglo-Saxon culture is much greater than Britain. The US, Australians, and Canadians (to an extent) are part of the Anglo diaspora. This is a problem that is far deeper than "what can x country do to unfuck itself?" This is a "what can the jews do to unfuck themselves?" problem.

I didn't say Anglos have no culture goy, I said it's a shit one that has lead us to the current problems we face. But keep on touting how progressive us anglos are.

You do know fascism is supposed to for to the culture who adopts it, and not vice versa. Genetically we are incredibly similar, but do you seriously mean to say that there isn't a serious difference between a Swede, an Austrian, and a Scot?

That word used to mean something, and now it just makes me sick. Regardless, it happens to be literally true in this case. You're a faggot, and even for the weakest JIDF meme in existence(Eternal Anglo? Really?) this is the worst attempt of shilling it that I've ever seen. Have some anime for your troubles, and get the fuck off my board.

So then, how do we fix this problem?

Anglo's have very little racial consciousness. Their culture revolves 100% around making money that is why they make ideal allies for the Jews.

We've always known the answer, newfag. Lurk moar.


because we have bigger problems
all whites face extinction, we need to unite together and save ourselves. After the west and Europe is saved from annihilation we can go back to fighting amongst ourselves.

The merchant can't sell what they goy ain't buying. When I remove merchant. I don't want to become merchant.

If you get so upset over taking criticism that you are willing to say "fuck all whites", you were going to break anyway. Stop being cowardly and face the problem. Answering a question like this will help to preserve the people.

We can't. Our forebears should've killled every non-white they encoutered and wiped them out but they couldn't even do that with the fucking abos down under and that is like shooting fish in a barrel.

It was a critical error, and unfortunately the people who made that error won't have to pay the price for making it, but we likely will.

No, in fact, cucking out and apologising for establishing the greatest empires to grace the earth -won't- help preserve "the people". Fucking kill yourself. I'm done with this shill thread, this cunt's got the blinders on.

Then let's play with the cards we are dealt and not focus on what ifs. On our current situation, what is a healthy way to culturally channel the Anglo spirit? I'd say that part of the appeal of sci-fi and Trans humanism is that inner Anglo desire.

You're reading something I never wrote. Work on your literacy. Did the Chinese ever apologize about their empire? What about the Japanese? Any of the pre-enlightenment empires in Europe never felt the need to do so. Why would I suggest that if it's clear I oppose modern progressivism?

I never said "fuck all whites" retard, I said the opposite. Whites have always had rivalry amongst each other. I'm saying we can't afford to have rivalry at a time like this. I don't care if you dislike anglo's or if you hate cucked nordic swedes. We all share a common enemy and we all face being bred out of existence. Rivalry and completion makes us stronger but right now it will destroy us. Even if you feel as if other whites are your enemy you need to set your priorities straight, who is the biggest enemy? its not Anglo Saxons. This is literally divide and conquer and I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Think of it as carpooling m8, you might dislike the people you're riding with but you're heading in the same direction even though you may have different destinations you're not gonna gonna get to where you're going without their gas money.

Anglo countries are, indeed, a liability to the western world.
But that's only because they are the lastest golems.
I don't blame Joe Schmoe on the street, though, including anglo posters on here.

The entire western/civilized world rode the heeb cock carousel.
What really is the problem is the ((( eternal monarch ))).
It's the exception to the rule that monarchs, especially christian ones, didn't fuck over their own people for (((usury law free shekels ))) thanks to ((( christian laws that made kikes excempt from it))).

70 years of kikery is NOTHING.
It's just the current golem.
Don't let it split you too much.
They're golemized, but everybody was golemized at one point.
I'm German and sometimes catch myself cursing the anglo, too.
The allies really did a number on the west with the golemization, but ultimately I remember that it's just that.

The most recent ride on the cock carousel.

The only silver lining is that the internet has connected us all, allowing us to share the jew poison and reducing "unverifyable propaganda" against us. (Because now we can investigate and survey the kikes, as well).

And the kikes are running out of host countries.

But, to reiterate.

I don't have any answers, I focus on myself (weight training, good diet, hiit) and my wife and 2 kids and I ride the tiger. It's not my responsibility solve the problems of our race, nor could I even if I tried.

Put yourself first, then your family, then your neighbours, then your local community, then nation. I hate to say it but vast majority of those on right can't even tackle the problem of self let alone the nation.

Oh, forgot to add, I doubt there will ever be a habbening because if you look around you, most people are weak, that goes for both left and right sides. Kids of immigrants are as weak and lazy as the natives. Obesity and heart disease is sky rocketing, best approach you can take is to be fit and healthy, encourage your kids to do the same so that their grandchildren don't fall victim to lifestyle diseases so that the fire continues to burn until such time those problems are no longer an issue. Noone talks about tackling white obesity on the right yet I believe it is a much bigger problem than muslims or jews tbh.

That >you in the sentence wasn't referring to you directly, but an instance of you that couldn't handle criticism. Re-read the thread, re-read the op. If you can't handle the banter, you need to stop being so anti-anglo-Saxon and understand that it's just my culture.

you guys do heroin?

your races problems are your problems, whatever problems the world faces will become your children problems. Its absolutely you're duty to you and your children to do all you can do to fix them. The world we live in today is what is is because the blood sweat and tears shed by our ancestors. Its not something any 1 man can solve on his own but we all have our part to play and all have something we can contribute.

Heres how i know youre a kike or half breed monstrosity, your values are self centred and disgusting

This is why all hope is lost. We had our shot with complete hegemony prior to WW2 and wasted it killing each other.

Just give up.

Spit out the blackpill or go die in the corner m8. Dont waste our oxygen

I think you may be retarded son, you replied to my post, therefore you were responding and referring me.

I think you need to re read both of my posts, take up some English classes, then proceed to blow your fucking brains out m8. There was not a single part of either of my posts that were anti anglo Saxon or anti white.

That is not a bad way. Every person is an atom of their culture. When these atoms change, what can the culture do but change with it? Of course, we need to have a method to strengthen those who are weak. That is the problem. Perhaps when the strong change, the weak will follow. But I'm worried because the overwhelming power is vile. Even among "counterculture" figures, they don't actually oppose the weak. I'm concerned that this will build another culture just as bad as this one.

Whats worse is faggots like OP who want to go to war with each other before we even regain control of the world. We are all being bred out of existence and OP thinks we need to plot the genocide of Anglo Saxons.

You're a cheeky retard, I'll give you that.

I don't drink or use drugs, but I sure as hell do my best to master the surroundings and conditions I find myself in, whether I like those conditions or not. We're human, we're masters at adapting, most here masters are masturbating though.

Yes, the problems of my race are my problem, but they come last in the hierarchy of what is import. This is why I am married, this is why I have 2 children, this is why many people here want to put the cart before the hourse and run off and race war (despite the fact they don't even know how to fight) before securing the existance of our people (HAVING CHILDREN) and a future for white people. It is clear what must take first before the later.

I have a wife and 2 kids, yet I am self centred. Many here are fat and childless and unwilling to even try, you will be cast to the annals of history unless you change my friend for there is no people unless the individual meets his own needs first (need to procreate).

Show me where I'm clamoring for white race war.

You've got to be shill or English isn't your first language. I make a point and then you go off replying to shit I didn't even say. Its like you're fucking replying to someone else and accidentally hitting my post by accident. You do realize I didn't say anything anti anglo or anti white correct? I seriously can't tell if you're a Holla Forums troll or if you are legitimately retarded.

D&C Threads get off my board


Self > family.
This is your argument on not being a self centred twat?
Grow up faggot

Yes, self first because you must ensure you are a suitable mate you fucking clown.

I don't care if this might not be the majority opinion, but children aren't as important as destroying the enemy (at this stage). Children born in this day in age will not stem the tides of demographic changes. If they are born, only the few here will raise them to be people who care for there kin. In the best case scenario there would exist a small tribe of whites who have true solidarity, but at that point we would be such a minority we could easily be crushed (due to the technological advancement of our modern age). So, although you should always try to procreate, for we need a next generation, one must not cease to focus on winning the actual battle, lest you merely be burdening your children with that duty which will be all the harder for them since they will be worse off in demographics than yourself.


how about you give a counter argument to just one of my fucking posts first? you've replied to about 5 of them so far and not one had a argument in it. Seems like you're just trying to bait people into replying to you my dude.

Can confirm, master masturbator here.

I disagree about you're priorities but do agree the importance of having children. Our fight isn't one that will end with one generation, and likely not something that will be solved in our lifetime. Thats why its important to have children. However you still need to fight yourself. And I'm not simply talking literally. This "fight" isn't something we can solve with our fists, there may be a time for that but a lot of it is educating and informing. Like I said this is a multi generation problem so its important to have kids, but its also important to do as much as YOU can in your generation.

Off yourself.

Having children is the #1 priority.

point taken, you're an illiterate retard. You urge others to reply and answer your questions but refuse to do the same. You're not interested in discussion or trying to solve a problem you're just here to bait and illicit a reaction from people. This is the definition of D&C.

Did I say not to procreate faggot? No, I said to procreate. But, I will admit, I didn't claim it to be the #1 priority. Please tell me the flaw in my logic in placing the battle before having children: if you just have children, then they'll be forced to deal with the battle we have with worse odds, therefore, to have a better chance of ending this battle in our favor, we must give priority to the battle. Not only does this result in an end to it, but saves our children (who I said to have) from bearing it themselves.

op is a semite who hate white people. neck yourself

I can't counterargue an argument that doesn't exist. Everything that you say Ive said I didn't say. You read way too much into the initial post (which is understandable and easily forgivable), but then you shut down any reading comprehension when it came to the consecutive posts. This is because you cannot into simple rhetorical devices and humor. Therefore you are either being facetious, as I have implied before, or you're autistic, which I implied with my last post.

You're trying to guilt trip me for having kids by saying I am burdening them because they enter a world that is not perfect. Guess what, that is true for person born in the past 2000 years and beyond.

I restate what I said - off yourself or better yet, harden the fuck up and start making babies. Quit looking for the perfect wife, some of you don't deserve it, couple up with a used up thott and knock her up, you MUST ensure the torch is passed forward.

I see what your saying and somewhat agree but I think you underestimate the importance of having children. You're right having children won't solve the demographic problem, but the thing is no matter how hard we fight this is likely not a problem that will be solved in our generation. This is a multi generation battle and its important to create and educate the next generations foot soldiers. I think its just as important to have children as it is to do anything else.

I don't have a concise idea as to how we can deal with this problem. I've talked about one thing we can do here:

But the problem with that is how Roman influenced the US is. We are obsessed with any culture that isn't ours to an unhealthy degree, or we don't care at all. I have no clue and genuinely want to hear suggestions.

Not an argument. Just because something makes you feel guilty does not make it not true. Also, yes, it hasn't been a "perfect world" since "ever", but it also hasn't been a "nearing irradication at the hands of shitskin hordes" level either.
Now I know (or hope) you're just baiting/shitposting. Due to the thot comment, you seem to imply that not raising the kids properly in a stable household is important tl;dr you seem to prefer r-select nigger-tier shit. As for the deserve, I know not what I deserve, but I doubt you can give me a valid metric as for determining whether one deserves something or not, so it can be disregarded. Lastly, I'll repeat, I never said not to have kids, but I said it's not #1 (i.e. #2).

I think you're projecting user, was pic related sarcasm or humor? you do realize there was nothing ant anglo Saxon or anti white in my posts

if so then how about you stop being a sarcastic twat and posting shit thats inherently hard to comprehend. If you were actually being sarcastic or satyrical its really not coming through in text format m8.

If you don't fight and have children, then it's a meaningless fight. Likewise, having children and not fighting is pointless.

I don't feel guilty, I said you were attempting to make me feel that by appealing to emotion. You want to fight a war (of which there will be none) but not have a fall back (children) in case you lose, thus handing victory to the winner for eternity.

Found the jew.


I'm going to be very, very sincere with you. You have autism. There is no possible way you aren't on the spectrum. Yes it is a joke. Much more than that, it is a painfully obvious one. I could easily mistake you for just being new, as that is a referential joke, but that was not the first time. The fact that you couldn't identify the use of a rhetorical device, sets my tism detector off. If you're a troll, congratulations, you've convinced me that you're retarded.

I presume you're clarifying the idea I'm tring to convey, if so, thank you.

Again, an appeal to emotion is not invalid if it's rooted in truth. One references the poor Austrian boy who was raped or the young school girl in Sweden who was abused by her fellow students and that is, to most people, an emotional appeal, but it is rooted in speaking the truth.
I presume by war you mean to the death? Well, whether or not there'll be one depends in the shift in the overtone window and a few people to be catalysts. For you to say it wont happen is interesting though, especially here of all places.
I swear, do you not read? I never stated not to have children. I said to maintain it as a persuit.
Whatever you say you cherry-picking, reddit-spacing faggot.

Agreed, one must have children for the sake of the next generation, but one must fight and not lose sight of that in getting a wife and kids (i.e. the "relaxed" life/desired life).

That the world isn't perfect and has horrible people in it is no excuse not to have children, rape or not.

You're likely not even a suitable partner for a thott tbh, go back to jacking it to blacked or something and coming here to counter the confusion you must feel after the fact.

This confirms you don't read. Oh well, kys.

Yes, what you posted deserve a skim, at most.

im also convinced I'm retarded because I keep re-reading some of our back and forths and can't figure out wtf you were trying to say.

That is nothing but a Jewish meme (specifically Hollywood, pushed in Kike movies like Austin Powers.)
American children have significantly poorer dental health than British children.
In fact British children have the best dental health (tied with Germany) of any nation IN THE WORLD.

It's because you couldn't understand this simple post:

If you get so upset over taking criticism that you are willing to say "fuck all whites", you were going to break anyway. Stop being cowardly and face the problem. Answering a question like this will help to preserve the people.

This was written in response to:

because we have bigger problems

all whites face extinction, we need to unite together and save ourselves. After the west and Europe is saved from annihilation we can go back to fighting amongst ourselves.

You implied this topic would only divide whites. This leads me to say rhetorically:

You took this very literally, as if I actually accused you of saying "Fuck all whites!":>>9828522

If you can't take criticism, you are helpless and would not have done anything to begin with.

You d be surprised the extent to which this group think and "expert" bullshit happens in America. Even literal schizoid retards will attack you for merely having a different opinion than the television or schoolteacher on a topic.

England used to be the criminal colony of the Frisians called the iron and tinlands(see the oera linda bok). It explains how they are great in ways just like the Frisians, but also have that jewish finda side.

At first it seemed like you were onto something but then nah you're actually a retard spouting pure conjecture

Dubs of truth, checked.

The eternal anglo, the kindred spirit of the kike. The shabbos goy of the west, always plotting and scheming. Bongs of Holla Forums need to recuse themselves.

We've made some errors to be sure, but I'm not taking the rap for The United States screw ups. America is only about 9% Anglo, while it's 15% German. So I guess under Roosevelt (Dutch) and Eisenhower (German) there were more German-Americans storming the beaches of Normandy than there were Anglo-Americans. All our nations have fucked each other over in the past. We must stop D&C kikery.

You cannot be loyal to that which is not loyal to you.

We still have a duty to our race, whether we like it as it stands or not. Kill the Jew within yourself first.

I want to find the remnants of NA soon.

You could at least try harder.

This is a stupid fucking thread, and the OP has identified himself as an outsider. Anyone that has lurked here long enough knows of the "cousinhood" aka the ruling """anglo""" elite social networks are actual Jewish or controlled by the Jews for at least a few hundred years, e.g. the Rothchilds, the Sassoons, and the Montagus.

Shit thread based on false assumption.

Whites HAVE to be altruistic because without that we would have cleansed the earth of the last edible animal centuries ago

Briton here
Stay mad at our supremacy continental filth

You know who's to blame right?

The English