Every race has its flaws; the Orientals are robotic and soul-less, the Asians struggle with savagery and toilets, the Semites are excessively gaudy and greedy, the Africans are retarded and barely human, the Mestizo are thuggish and smelly, the Aboriginal is impressively primitive and drug addled, and the Whites are altruistic and progressively minded (in the traditional sense of improvement). While all races certainly share these flaws to some extent, these stand out the most. But even among these races, thereally exists subraces. Among the Africans, it is said that Ethiopians tend to be more intelligent and humane. Among the Asians, Punjabis are seen as the Indian equivalent of a redneck. Among the Whites, the Anglo-Saxon is most like a Jew.
The Anglo-Saxon culture is a non-culture; it is but the eternal punching bag to every other European tribe, from Normans to Nordics. Their very roots are founded in the germanic invasion of the Angles, Saxons, and Frisians upon the Pictish, Scoti, and the various Celtic-Welsh tribes in Britain. This miasma of culture, while not wholly unrelated, lays the groundwork for the inevitable multiculturalism love we see today. Indeed, it could be argued that this obsession goes back to the Roman invasion of Britain, which brought also the gauls.
All of these diverse ethnic cultures cause enough problems, but now we have the Viking raids and the Celtics battles and the crowning moment of doom; the Norman invasion. 1066 was the year the west formed it's greatest power, a weapon that would help subjugate the world and eventually destroy itself.
Observe the language; English is a toxic concoction of Latin, French, Germanic, and Greek. Now with the USA, its added in Spanish and Hebrew as major contributers.
The Anglo is the Jew of the west; a cesspool of various ethnic cultures formed into a root less collective of greedy, manipulative perverts.
This is a quick overview of the Eternal Anglo problem. With these basics given, what should be done about the Eternal Anglo? As an Anglo, what can be done to correct the mistakes of ancestors past?