Where is Ben Swann

Just feel like this deserves a re-hash if anyone has anymore info. Have not heard a peep from anyone about anything …

It is nearly three months to the day since and I am hazarding a guess that the deep state cronies got to him. But just seems so weird that after that piece he has just vanished like a fart in the wind!

Other urls found in this thread:


No shekels today for the schlomos

From what I could find the lolbertarian was given an ultimatum by his news station, delete fucking everything or you're fired.
The backlash that segment got by the wider press lead to his suspension for some months and I think he might be back on the air now.

Remember a shitload of articles at the time making fun of him and his station, some were even calling for a CBS boycott.

Nah, Im pretty sure he was disappeared by kikes. I havent heard shit from him. Pretty sad, he used to follow one of my sockpuppet accounts on twitter when he worked at RT.

Also, didnt he tell his mother if he disappeared that he was murdered or something?

He's gonna do an interview with Derrick Broze in late May some time. (8:03 in embed is the relevant bit)

I sure hope someone special reads this and has the bright idea to take this guy on in some capacity at the White House. Probably one of the few real journalists out there.

Saw on PG voat he is supposedly going to come out about where he went at the end of May. Which is a long fucking time in addition to how long it's been so…? Pretty fucked.

Well that's what I could find with some general searching.
We could know for sure if some faggot from Atlanta would watch weekday morning CBS news and tell us if he is still on there.

Yeah I remember reading a few news articles just shitting all over him as a conspiracy theorist, was just so sad to see and virtually all from kike owned propaganda bullshitting media companies.
I think that was someone else but I also remember that, some aussie maybe was overseas investigating something and he texted his mother saying if anything happens investigate and like next day his dead.

Haha, my thoughts exactly, as if there is even a sane soul out there that would frequent this place that also watches cbs …

"If I disappear, investigate!" seems to come to mind.

Didnt mean to sage that

In my memory hole it was like an aussie investigating UFO's and other conspiracy stuff, here found a link … archive.is/4yNVk

OP here
Thanks guys, seems to be the same for all of us, enjoyed his vids, noticed he disappeared, months later nobody knows, just wanted to remind people incase something comes up and its connected or if something thats connected hasnt been realised. Just blows my mind that he is gone after the pizzagate story, although since about the same time this website went to shit. Not saying Holla Forums wasnt already on the downward slope since november.

I actually totally forgot he existed, but I saw the original thread when he initially disappeared. That feels like more than 3 months ago, more like 5.

Yeah I know right, but if he did the pizzagate vid in January its virtually 5 months since he surfaced. And absolutely swept under the rug, that youtuber "ed" or "theoutterdark" did a piece on it a month after and that was the only outside investigation since, just cannot think of any other means of looking into it, anyone wanna give the news station he worked for a call? Im in Aus so kinda not a sound economical move, but fuck if someone posts the digits ill do it.

Yeah and if its not a decent vid or weird shits happening to his clothes like that Julian Assange vid that come out after he disappeared too, and people speculated it was a fake vid, like a hannity interview perhaps? Yeah if its anything like that then ex-com deep state have carbon copied the swann man and we will have to knit pick the shit out of it if and when he re surfaces! Why cant these kiddy fucking evil beings just fucking give it a rest, i feel like this entire fuck fest is just Orwells Animal Farm in a nutshel. Just keep slightly changing small details and over time no one has any real evidence that can stand up against anything.

Forgot about this guy.

How could you forget? C'mon man, our mantra is

anyway, will be monitoring this thread to see if anything else comes up. There is a youtube channel called "Ben swann lives on" some champion saved all his vids and re uploaded. Alotta redpiles for plebs there

Oh man, guys, thinking about this just makes me super tired, you know? Maybe we should all just go to bed and save this for tomorrow, right? Probably not a big deal anyway, let's just all get some shut eye and maybe we can talk about it later if the thread's still up.

Goodnight schlomo! Hope the hitler-bugs bite!

It's a little weird that if you search Google or Bing, including the news aggregators, all you get is stuff from around February 3, plus fringe sites.

Correct me if I'm wrong here.

Thats why I made the thread, I hadnt looked into it and there is just still fucking nothing up, not to mention the cryptic shit he posted before they "went dark"
Tzuday … In refrence to the art of war
The little symbol looks lik the rebel alliance logo from star wars
I remember something I read somewhere that I cant find that he may have been approached for a gig for trump, but now thats been scrubbed. I dunno shit just does not line up with any of it.

Also just this image, I forgot that prior to going dark he had crowd funded a doco that he reimbursed the money for.
Any social media shit flingers wanna get something trending? #gimmieben #wheresben #whereforartthouben? I dont fucking know I have t social media'd since 2011

I've been lurking here since this thread was created and I couldn't find anything new of him on any of the major channels, including faceburg. However I did find a list of past things he has done and received no problems from the higher ups on. Why was this any different?

Wrong image lol, i cant seem to save the right one but it was just some faggy twitter shit about the isis funded by obongo doco that he cancelled …

Yeah, all of his stories where just as "hard hitting" yet I guess the media where going for a general consensus that none of them believed in the pizzagate story, all but Ben Swann.

With a person like this, outright killing him is unnecessary. They could just threaten to bring the full weight of the (((courts))) against him and he'd fold in an instant.

The only other thing would be that he could have had some heavy shit in his documentary he was doing about the collusion with isis and obama, thats honestly all I can attribute it to, filthy nigger didnt want too many people finding out the truth there.

Thing is, how many people have been disappeared without anyone realizing it was due to an implicit connection to this? I warrant there are many who see their careers fall apart when they get too close to the truth without realizing it.

Ben Swann took them on directly. He is a hero and deserves a/pol/theosis.

Remember Ben Swann
Who took the elite on
He told of mass con
And was forced to respawn

And there is the truth, this is but one journo in most recent times that had his interests vested to close to the fire. There would be millions of others from all over. We need to meme this man to greatness, demand proof of life … Or just do what we always do and shrug,

I remember Ben Swann
He brought us the truth
And took (((them))) to task
And now they probably have videos of him fucking a kid in the arse
He was so well mannered
His content with no equal
But we will never know if there is to be a sequel
Give back our dearest Ben
The one with large balls
He took on king nigger
And showed him whose bigger
But now his gone, we all feel the loss

He's still working at CBS46 apparently as of April 19th.


I just realized you can't watch the video via the archive.

www .cbs46 .com/story/35193093/dekalb-county-sewer-lines-not-cleaned-in-50-years

He seems to just be anchoring for daily news now.

Just where in the fuck is Ben Swann?

What happened to Holla Forums in general? Most of the content regarding pedophile circles is not talked about anymore and half of the posters seem to be newfags. Influx AND quality of posts seems to have gone down. How heavily are we being infiltrated?

Holla Forums was not hacked. They introduced new code so that they can selectively mute posters without those posters realizing what has happened. Kind of like Twitter doing shadow banning.

Yeah look … Confirmed. There is Ben, not doing reality check but sitting next to a nigger talking shit. Will watch that video alot more closely when I can to check for inconsistencies or if anything is amiss.


Yeah, I suspected this.

No more leaks, social media dried up, autists got bored.

Goy. Listen.

I know your idealism and blah balh bal
I know your redpill nad blaj balbal

Thing is.

We're really running out of baby blood here and
I got cash and
you have not

I have the power to release you from your computer
I have the means to release you from you poverty
I have the means to release you from slavery
Goy… I have the power to make you not a goy

Do you know where your little sister live.
Give me what I want.
I hope we can find an understanding

BTW Fuck Drumph. Antifa - do your job this time. For FUCK sake.

Why the fuck are we resorting to these cuckservative euphemisms like "deep state cronies" motherfucker you BETTER name the jew next thread you make

Op here, absolutely fair call man, In my defence I absolutely meant filthy kike edge lords but I got scared, this is actually the first thread Ive made here and have been lurking for quite a while, next time I will be more concise!

He was doing CBS ATL news last I saw him. He was a midday anchor. I don't watch television so I'm not sure if he's still doing it but it was about a month ago I saw him.

You don't need to take a website down for several days to swap out the code.

If/when O'reilly and Hannity start a new news network, this guy needs to be their first hire. He's certainly never going to be picked up by CBS news after his massive PG redpill.

…it will still be controlled by the jews.

Who do you think funds cable news channels? It's the jews. Directly, and through (((advertising agencies))). Look at OANN, privately family owned and funded, that's about as good as you could possibly get away with. And they're still kosher.

Watched that episode with the wife in the hopes that it would be a massive redpill. Instead there was absolutely no mention of celebs, jews, etc. Phil was careful as fuck, and when I mentioned Bill Clinton going on pedo-flights, the wife said "SO DID TRUMP!" I asked her where she'd heard that and she said she didn't remember, so the whole fucking thing was just an exercise in frustration and anger for me.

Fucking this.

Trump was in Epstein's contacts book, but not in his flight logs. These two things are deliberately conflated by people looking to defend Bill Clinton.

That what I'd hoped, but I'd be grateful if you could point me to an article that confirms that. I'd like to have it handy the next time it comes up (and it will come up, unfortunately; I'm stuck in a liberal hell).


When you suck at coding you do

B-But I can see you

Unless its a non permanent, maybe thread specific, shadow ban? Maybe just key words trigger automatic shadow ban? Its got to be something like this cuz the instant it came back up we were flooded with such a volume of nothing but newfaggotry that it is almost unbelievable that anything else can be the case. We should test this out by screen capping our own posts and seeing if other anons can see them in the thread.

They only other thing I can think of is a proper ai bot was installed on the server using leakyforums type shit as a learning database


Code it, then deploy it. Even the fucking poo in loos I work with can wrap their minds around this. If you deploy it and it doesn't work, revert it and try again tomorrow. Downtime of days to deploy new code is completely unheard of.

Can we test this hypothesis somehow?

This, the official narrative was that there was a "hack" anyways, not that they were deploying new code. The whole damn thing stinks to high heaven and I don't trust that fat mason ricemixer Jim as far as I can throw him.

The only way to test shadowbanning is to become shadowbanned. Then you'd test it by going through tor with a clean browser.

You can prove shadowbanning exists this way, but you can't do this to prove it doesn't exist. Suppose you shitpost all day like Holla Forums, then check on tor and see that your posts are still visible. Does that mean that shadowbanning doesn't exist here? Or does it mean that the mods are lazy and didn't bother to shadowban you? There's no way to know that.

Mods had the kikey audacity to ban the Waco threads in addition to banning book and self-improvement threads, I don't see why they would use shadow banning when they are already pretty obvious about their (((motives))), but yeah, they have been boiling the frog here for a while and you would have to be stupid not to see it. We need a promised chan.

Incompetence and/or apathy would explain days of downtime following a hack. I don't trust Jim either. But what we saw was more consistent with a hack than a feature deployment. Holla Forums's code has been updated many times before without days of downtime. I'm pretty sure if they rolled out a new shadowbanning feature, the site would hiccup for a minute or two at the most. Maybe not at all, if they've got a "fleet" running properly configured so they can do rolling deployments. That's how we do it at work but I wouldn't expect that sort of competence from Jim.

Fully agreed. It's the chan we need, the chan we deserve.

Dont you remember that infinity roll out?

Okay, fair point. I have no clue how they fucked that up so badly. Did they have to migrate databases or something?

There's a Waco thread in the catalog. It's been up and had steady conversation since Friday, dude. If they wanted it gone, they probably would have shut it down at some point over the past few days. Not saying the moderation here isn't shit, but if you're going to be a fag and start screaming about needing to dump this place, get some actual examples and proof.

Waco thread

Shills btfo "muh deleted waco thread" thread

Reported. Enjoy you ban, disinfo shill.

of course.

Not that I dont enjoy a good conversation tangent, and I am more than happy that this thread is still getting hits but the original discussion was revolving around Ben Swann and his disappearance and how they have silenced him, not about the degredation of this board, the lacking of quality in the threads and The questionable bans or implications of shadow bans … But please if you guys want that then lets make a thread and discuss. But this thread was my hope of finding out the outcome of the only journalist who had taken aim at the jews, confronted Obongo and the pizzagate story.

Now understandably we have discussed he is alive, videos dated 4/20 of him on cbs, but clearly they have had a serious talking to, they have made him close his social media accounts, his website and the cancelling of new documentary on isis and who funds them. These are yuge topics of discussion and paramount to the nature of this board.

So not that I am not appreciative of the discussion so far on this thread, can we please get back to topic or can we make a thread to discuss the bullshit of late on Holla Forums

Thanks in advance, yours truly

He was silenced, at least he's alive.

I made that mods deleted Waco thread thread.
It happened because of a bug and the vol fixed it right away.

However it was deleted because of a bug and if I had not sperged like I did it may have been 404 forever.
Sorry for any misinformation I caused, it was not intentional. Do not let shills take advantage of my autistic attempt at preserving a thread about history.

Couldnt agree more. To lose your life over attempting to deliver the truth is heinous, but anything less is still not justifiable. I personally feel that its the biggest smoking gun in recent history. Yes he is alive but at what cost? What freedoms is he sacrificing to stay alive?
Here is a man with a notable telivision show, the content he makes is more "fact checked" than any other media company to date. The biggest story of our generation is unearthed and is as questionable as any story to date, and this same man makes one very bland story washing over details of a mass elitist pedophile ring, stretching all the way to the top. And this is what happens? Not only silenced but pulled off the grid for an extended period of time to now be chained to a desk with some nigger as a co-host? Is this not PROOF we live in the world we are trying to fight? And proof to everyone else that they are living a lie?