Let's see some of the best nigger OC memes you have. I need a fresh stock for social media redpilling.
Nog Hate Thread
Even niggers hate niggers
Been waitin to use this baby
You should spoiler that shit. I saw this and got synaesthesia of nigger stench, so thanks for nothing faggot.
I may attempt to retire early and work with African real estate companies to convince as many blacks as I can to move there. I'm sure the commissions would be shit, but I'd enjoy every day of the job.
Nog hate is best hate brother.
Remember to flog-a-nog for mommy.
Hell yeah, I've been waiting for a BIX NOOD thread in a while.
Why would she hold that sign any way?
There is a movie I'm dying to mine for memes and webms, but I can't drum up anyone with the skills to butcher it for the best cuts of dank material on how niggers are. It's called Johnny Mad Dog, and you'll want the subtitled version only found by torrenting it as the spoken niggerish is gibberish.
It's about a gang of Liberian Child soldiers that rape and pilliage their way everywhere and recruit by forcing other children at gunpoint to kill their parents or be killed themselves, they get fucked up on cocaine via bandaging the powder into a fresh cut on their heads during prebattle chants and rituals, and they commit absolute animalistic savagery at the slightest inclination to do so; the titular character leads his men onto battle wearing a looted white weddingdress, complete with veil. It scared the cucks I showed it to, it visibly made them more racist when I explained that it is a true story and these things happen all the time in Africa.
On mobile, so here's the trailer, warning, its brutal as fucking hell!
The Changing Relationship between Income and Crime Victimization by Steven D. Levitt:
1986-1995, Homicide per capita:
Whites Low Income: 3.5 per 100k
Blacks Low Income: 63.9 per 100k
Whites High Income: 2.9 per 100k
Blacks High Income: 10.0 per 100k
PISA scores by race:
White Americans:
519 in Reading
528 in Science
506 in Math
Black Americans:
443 in Reading
449 in Science
421 in Math
Hispanic Americans:
478 in Reading
462 in Science
455 in Math
Racial ranking in PISA as compared to the world:
White Americans at:
Reading: 6th in the world, on par with Estonia
Science: 7th in the world, on par with Canada
Math: 15th in world, on par with Germany.
Black Americans at:
Reading: 47th in the world, on par with Cyprus
Science: 47th in the world, in between Chile and Greece.
Math: 53rd in the world, in between Chile and Turkey.
Hispanic Americans at:
Reading: 39th in the world, on par with Israel
Science: 44th in the world, in between Slovak Republic and Malta
Math: 45th in the world, on par with Greece
nces. ed. gov/surveys/pisa/pisa2012/pisa2012highlights_5e_1.asp
busines sinsider. com/pisa-worldwide-ranking-of-math-science-reading-skills-2016-12
"Key findings are as follows. First, there are notable differences in levels of homicide and violent index crime across race/ethnic groups. The first three columns of Table 1 indicate that Blacks have the highest homicide and violent index crime rates (rates per 100,000 of 15.81and 1311.48, respectively), followed by Hispanics (6.39 and 505.63) and then Whites (2.85 and 331.52). Hispanic crime rates tend to fall between the relatively low levels of Whites and the higher rates of blacks, though they are closer to the White than the Black rates."
ncbi. nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC4097310/#!po=20.0935
Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.
jbhe .com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html
Black men were more than six times as likely as white men to be incarcerated in federal and state prisons, and local jails in 2010, the last year complete data are available, according to a Pew Research Center analysis. That is an increase from 1960, when black men were five times as likely as whites to be incarcerated.
Different Black and White intelligence means were found in preschoolers even when controlled for parental education: "The present study explored the nature of differences in performance on the 3rd revision of the Stanford-Binet for groups and white preschoolers matched for parental education in two independent experiments. Large mean differences, favoring the white children, were found in both experiments. In addition, significant race × items interactions at level III, in both experiments, and level III-6, in Experiment 2, indicated that the differences in performance between blacks and whites were much larger on some items relative to others. Results were further examined by contrasting items on which black and white performance was not significantly different with items which showed large significant differences in performance."
sciencedirect .com/science/article/pii/0160289688900293
Racial differences in personality, behavior, and family environment of lower elementary school children were examined in a sample of 433 black and 897 white children. Numerous significant differences in scores on scales of the Missouri Children's Picture Series, the Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist, and the Family Environment Scale persisted after adjustment for socioeconomic status.
ncbi. nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC2609770/
Trusting neighbors and strangers in a racially diverse society: Insights from survey data in South Africa, Dorrit Posel and Tim Hinks - University of KwaZulu-Natal and University of the West England, is a study of trust in South Africa and trust among strangers vs neighbors. When asked 'who do you trust more to return a lost wallet, a neighbor or stranger?' both Blacks and Whites report the same number of trust within their neighbors when adjusted for socioeconomic status, but, in conclusion "[If a stranger is assumed to be Black, then our results suggest that Black South Africans are more trusting than Whites of other Blacks, a finding that would be consistent with in-group bias.]"
http:// archive.boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/?page=4
According to National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) the gap between Hispanics and Whites are the following:
White Hispanic: (WH)
Non-ELL Hispanic: (ELL)
White Non-ELL Hispanic: (W)
4th Grade: 21(WH), 19 (ELL) and 14 (W)
8th Grade: 26 (WH), 34 (ELL) and 19 (W)
4th Grade: 25 (WH), 29 (ELL) and 19 (W)
8th Grade: 26 (WH), 39 (ELL) and 15 (W)
"[N]on-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the Danish army’s intelligence test than native Danes: “19.3% of non-Western immigrants are not able to pass the Danish army’s intelligence test. In comparison, only 4.7% of applicants with Danish background do not pass.”
According to Insidehighered.com, SAT scores with three subsets, Critical Reading (CR), Mathematics (MM) and Writing (WT), for different ethnicities were the following: Black, 431 (CR), 428 (MM) and 418 (WT). Hispanic, 448 (CR), 457 (MM) and 438 (WT).
White, 529 (CR), 534 (MM) and 513 (WT).
Asian, 525 (CR), 598 (MM) and 531 (WT).
+Whites from families with incomes of less than $10,000 had a mean SAT score of 993. This is 129 points higher than the national mean for all blacks.
+Whites from families with incomes below $10,000 had a mean SAT test score that was 61 points higher than blacks whose families had incomes of between $80,000 and $100,000.
+Blacks from families with incomes of more than $100,000 had a mean SAT score that was 85 points below the mean score for whites from all income levels, 139 points below the mean score of whites from families at the same income level, and 10 points below the average score of white students from families whose income was less than $10,000.
jbh e.com/features/49_college_admissions-test.html
According to the Center for Immigration Studies, "In 2012, 51 percent of households headed by an immigrant (legal or illegal) reported that they used at least one welfare program during the year, compared to 30 percent of native households. Welfare in this study includes Medicaid and cash, food, and housing programs……Welfare use is high for both new arrivals and well-established immigrants. Of households headed by immigrants who have been in the country for more than two decades, 48 percent access welfare. "
Breaking this down to orgin of immigrantion, the C.I.S. says, "Welfare use varies among immigrant groups. Households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico (73 percent), the Caribbean (51 percent), and Africa (48 percent) have the highest overall welfare use. Those from East Asia (32 percent), Europe (26 percent), and South Asia (17 percent) have the lowest."
According to Pew Research, in 2014 the percentage for receiving welfare income for Hispanics was 3.9%, African American 5.0% and Whites 2.0%.
pewhisp anic. org/2016/04/19/statistical-portrait-of-hispanics-in-the-united-states/
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Commerce:
percent of welfare recipients who are white/caucasian: 16.8 %
Percent of welfare recipients who are black: 39.6%
Percent of welfare recipients who are Hispanic: 21.2%
Goddamn that shit sets me off
and this one too
Euro here, please explain last pic.
Not familiar with GPA, did I get right that the acceptance of Whites and Asians in relation to their GPA is a healthy mix, but nigger no matter how bad or good they do the acceptance rate basically doesnt change and if its complet shit you win the ghetto lottery?
They'd sooner be thrown in the chamber…
Pretty much. They also base it on test scores. I don't have the infograph handy but the lowest white scores are higher than the highest nog scores of those accepted. Black doctors, not even once.
This graph?