we were on a tv show called Dark Net, season 2 episode 4. bretty based.
if you don't trust the link just look it up yourself
we were on a tv show called Dark Net, season 2 episode 4. bretty based.
if you don't trust the link just look it up yourself
Other urls found in this thread:
Gas yourself.
they Tayed Crusader Girl also
Nigger that image is from fucking cuckchan read the URL
then >>/gasyourself/ while you're at it
Posting the word of a mentally ill degenerate will only make me believe the opposite.
4chan has been mainstream for years.
oh not this ex-skinhead piece of degenerate shit again. he was a retard then and he's a retard now.
Not us, it's 4chan.
he even goes on to say a russian hacker coerced crusader girl. lmao
Apparently he also puts the screw on a lot of people who try to become outspoken and don't seem like absolute idiots.
He blackmails them, threatens their families, etc.
Crusader girl ?
Really. You know, someone like that could be baited into a setup. You know what they say about traitors, and enemies.
I legit dont get the girl at the end.
Like how? How are you manipulated by Nazis when all we fucking tell you on this board is to read books and gain a sense of race and culture. The rest becomes obvious.
How are we manipulating you when we show you left wing activists beating up innocent old men? How are we manipualting you when we show you who paid those activists?
How are we manipulating black crime statistics, media lies and our two thousand year history? Anyone can come here and argue against us!
I don't get this either. I have nevet felt a sense of community from you guys. Anytime we ever fraternize, such as chanology, youtube channels and etc, it turns into a shit show since the only thing any of us agree on is that Hitler did nothing wrong. All of us came to that through independant conclusion too! On our front page we have a list ot tactics that you can use to detect when Jewry is afoot. I don't get it at all. Just lies lies and more lies.
That man who "fights racism" after leaving the group, he never believed in the ideology. He never saw black people act like animals like I have, in real life mind you. He never saw the Jew scumbags profiting off of the misery of others. He just saw fraternity. Which is fucking nothing.
I own a god damn library worth of books and spend all my spare money on more books. But I'm manipulated and ignorant. Or worse, I'm the manipulator. Fuck that noise.
He's clearly being sarcastic.
The left's way of calling political opponents losers.
Human being are fucking social creatures, hence why solitary confinement fucks people up. College liberals will call right wingers loners who long to feel a sense of belonging while simultaneously going along with academic groupthink at a university offering 800 after class clubs. The won't even blink twice at the double think, there isn't anyone driving the bus in their head.
But for real if Holla Forums is your "community" get the fuck out of the house and do shit and make friends. Go lift, do sports, play chess, camp, hunt, you should be here for brain gains and/or fucking off and not autistic borderline-minecraft social interaction.
Do they also blur out the avatars?
lol the beginning scene is so gay
Fuck I got cancer just seeing that
He was on 4chan Holla Forums a couple of days ago and did a ama. Everyone was roasting him and some anons proved he was being funded by soros and anti-racist globalist organisations. He kept talking about punching a nigger for walking into MacDonald's, no one took this cunt seriously. The first reply to him was:
"You were a Nazi based on emotion and because it offered an escape from the problems in your life that made you feel unworthy. You could have just as easily joined the crips if things had gone differently.
The difference between you and the alt-right Nazis is that they came to their conclusions based not on emotion but sound historical research and most of them are not even hateful despite the larping you see here.
To "extend a hand" to them you will have to deal in facts and argumentation and carefully think about what you've been told about the world and history, in which case you will probably end up joining them."
wasnt Molyneux too?
That's 4cuck.
Its perfect.
So this is the part where cuckpol appears. They are labeled "alt-right", kek.
2:50 of part 3.
Hahahahaha great work guys!
Those SJWs will be #shaking. Praise Pepe.
OP a faggot who can't post.
The threads actually interesting. Bump.
The message in the video:
it's kind of irrelevant because their narrative can get wrecked even by a 'normie' casually browsing youtube these days. Which is why they're trying to shut_it_all_down.jpg I guess.
Anybody watch Homeland?
Cuckchan & Holla Forums are mentioned in Season 6 Episode 9.
I watched all of it and can't say I'm impressed.
Thanks for the webms, though.
This is the thread
I'm calling bullshit. Crusader girl is clearly TV stereotype of a white nationalist with no deep ideology. Nathan damigo and everyone involved in this doc are pretty much confirmed controled op.
This shit show is god-awful bluepill propaganda. They portray Molyneaux as a cult leader for crying out loud. It waffles between blatant (((propaganda))) and normalization of mental illness (muh electric field allergies). It is some of the worst I have seen.
are you implying electromagnetic fields aren't real and dangerous? why do you think everyone is so much more retarded now than 10 years ago
halfcuck is basically a shillbot test board now.
Then GTFO you stupid fucking nigger.
Fucking niggermonkey.
You disgusting fuck.
This fucking guy. I'm going to find this fucking guy.
No wonder your kid hates you, you ugly, lying, cunt.
-t. Holla Forums
That's your own fault you dumb fuck.
Shitty parents have only to blame yourself tbh.
This is so fucking blatant. Your propaganda is shit "Dark Net".
"If I show these people something they hate with something they have no opinion of over and over that'll make them hate it!"
It won't work, stupid fucking neo-nazi nigger. You weren't strong enough to find your own way and think you'll be able to literally take down a hive mind of the most ingenious people ever found? Dumbfuck.
Top kek. Do something about it then you commie cumdumpster.
Oh now the fucking host is wearing a god damn black lives matter shirt?
Kill yourself Mati, you stupid fucking retard.
Thanks for giving us a list of people who made your shitty film though, I'm sure some fun will be had with that.