Is this real or is there someone out there bootlegging rare pepes?
Is this real or is there someone out there bootlegging rare pepes?
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You can get one off vinyl made, would be a decent money making venture selling to all the kekistani faggots
me the bootlegger
yeah its probably a bootleg
inb4 Manuele Pepe is doing it himself.
That's not how bootleg records work.
t. italo pro
On the listing:
Guess he didn't think the bids were real.
It was at what, $1500 earlier? Rare pepe hunters must have no shame. They tricked the seller into restarting the listing because they got assblasted it was so expensive. Watch it hit Chris Chan sweater levels in the last 5 minutes of the auction. This thing is going to be in a meme museum one day.
I thought they'd never take pepe back from us again. Is Kek insane enough to approve of this?
What the fuck, that's a fucking Commie, fucking normies
I saved this vid when it was first posted, you can clearly see the EMERGING, not the ENERGING on the cover. op is a bootleg
The most expensive one on Discogs is €20.00. It's rare, but not that rare.
It's always been Energing on the cover. Check the discogs scans. Italians aren't really good at english.
[spoller]Did we slip into the Bearenstein universe again?[/spoiler]
There hasn't been one on discogs since Nov 16.
Chances are it's an early mispress, when bootlegs of italo disco records show up they do in dozens and they are in mint, sealed condition. Repressing these things ain't cheap and takes a lot of time.
fucking hell who makes this shit?
It hurts.
Who is this even marked towards? Who says to themselves "I'm going t pay someone hard earned money for a Shirt with Che Guevara as a cartoon frog. Yeah, I'm going to wear that.This is going to be great". I don't even know what I would do if I saw someone wearing that.
no one cares about your shitty garage sale find OP
What the fuck?
Hopefully, the buyer will record the a and b sides and share them online. Not holding my breath, though. Good vinyl recording equipment is not something most people have.
I'm looking everywhere for a pepe shirt and I always get the message "this item does not ship to Canada".
I want this Pepe shirt damn it.
ah here we go, now which women's size fits a skinny af 6'4" male?
They're trying to dissociate Pepe from his true roots of Nazism and make him "hip" again. This is why our memesmithers must never falter.
Dude, its Energing on the cover and Emerging on the LP label. Look better.
this is all a way to devalue pepe's
You are fucking stupid if you're doing to buy that stupid shit.
I just went out on my bike actually and spent $45 CDN for a custom-made high quality Pepe shirt which I will have in 2 days. u mad?
Why is this single song on a full length LP record? This song could easily fit on a 45rpm single. What's filling the rest of the space? Looks like bullshit to me.
Well, it is Italian disco. Seems to check out in that regard. I thought the sleeve might have been fake at first too sing it says "energing", but the same typo is on the discogs scans too.
Checking dubs.
The hour hand is pointing straight up and the minute hand is pointing straight down. That's not possible, if it's meant to show the time. In other words, it's not telling the time, it's showing something else which is divided into 12.
As in a zodiac. It is pointing to the 6 and 12, which correlates in the Western zodiac to The Virgin and Pisces.
The Virgin is traditionally associated with the dates running from August 22 - September 21. That is, the day after The Great American Eclipse, and right before September 23 which some people have been saying is significant. Pisces has the traditional date range February 21 - March 20. So either something has already happened this year, or it will happen in 2018.
However, NASA apparently recalculated the date ranges for the astrological signs last year. You might say that's only coincidental… but there's enough dark magic shit going on at NASA that you can bet this is some people trying to fuck astrology to buy a little more time. The new date ranges for The Virgin is, according to NASA, September 16 - October 13. Pisces is March 11 - April 18. Why the shorter date ranges? Because NASA also fucked with the zodiac by adding the 13th astrological sign of Morpheus.
Morpheus is the god of dreams.
PS the demotion of Pluto from planet status was another attempt to fuck with astrological magic.
Also I keep asking this, but does anyone else notice the spiral?
You're not though. Astrological signs were made thousands of years ago & the stars are not in the same place now that they were then. They never accounted for this though & haven't ever corrected for it.
Then how the fuck do you calculate your zodiac signs?
Well I don't know the exact time they were made, but yes, the stars have moved in the past 2000 years. You check what sign you were "born under" by seeing what constellation is under the sun before the sun rises.
You're autistic right? Google 'autism moonchild.'
And call on the name of Jesus when shit gets spooky, it works.
Nope, had several (((professionals))) look at me too. Fuckers always want to diagnose me with shit because I'm missing part of my tongue - it makes me slur my speech so people think I'm insane or inebriated.
Meh, worth go look it up anyway.
Truly he is living the dream.
I'm not finding anything interesting. But looking into Crowley more I figured out my real name and "beast six six six" which was Crowley's title as prophet have the same simple and english gematria.
BTW, what is this?? Just so you know this is NOT shadilay!!
You have to go back.
Italian disco is truly the greatest genre. Right up there with 90s Serbian war music & Mongolian Throat singing.
fuck outta here
Not to mention judging by the pics the records is VG- or worse.
Fucking casuals
In Germany it's common to dress as a commie to confuse these fags e.g. at demonstration