Bill Nye Nukes Traditional Values

Bill Nye, engineer turned child educator.
But what the fuck happened?
Now he is shilling for biology deniers. The globalist sterilization program of removing manhood.

Do you seriously realize this guy's videos will be shown to kids and parents? The teachers will show this shit to kids. What if in a few years workers get forced to watch this shit at the workplace, just to make the token genderfuck comfy, because your boss was forced to hire one.
This fake scientist legitimizes fake science and fake news.
What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Female genital mutilation is a myth and at the same time a rich piece of black cultural heritage

he got his brains fucked out by a tranny.

Get rid of him, and all the rest who are like him. 1 by 1, "false flag!" by "false flag!".

I don't think he ever engineered a thing.

The show isnt meant for kids im pretty sure its for losers in their late teens and early twenties that watched him as a kid themselves. Kind of like a
final nail in the Jew brainwashing system his pozzed show is the final tier. No one even cares about it except extreame lefties anyway.

Dawkins seems to be coming around though.

Hes not a real scientist. Hes just a marxist cunt. He was never a scientist, he never had any advanced knowledge above you or anyone else. Hes just a kike shill.

The national socialist part is made up, isnt it.

He was always a kike-puppet, user. The nostalgia from your childhood has blinded you to this.

You only notice now that you're an adult and able to understand why what his show pushes is bullshit.

He was always a kike-puppet, user. The nostalgia from your childhood has blinded you to this.

You only notice now that you're an adult and able to understand why what his show pushes is bullshit.

obviously its just a meme to send to the athiest "intellectuals". I find it funny. That tweet is cancer, who cares what kikes do to each other as long as they keep it to themselves. What gets me mad is
they push their cock chopping practice on us with pseudoscience.

Do I even have to answer this? We all know what must be done. Absolutely not slice him up and leave him alive and bleeding in a very maggot infested dumpster. Ok thx fuhbee

But user, maggots don't eat living flesh. That's why they're used to clean up necrotized wounds and burns. If anything, they would make him recover faster.



The point of that tweet is that the rabbis were outraged that they couldnt simply circumcise every child that was born, and that some parents would be able to object to it happening at all.

The fact that Bill Nye is one of their top-tier public advocates for climate change policy tells a lot about how our masters see us. We're children to them; we're to be instructed and propagandized, not engaged and persuaded. It's fitting that they set a children's television figure as their spokesman.

Granted, huge numbers of people are childlike and this is a perfectly appropriate way to communicate with them. But it's not something to be proud of.

But the flies that are born would cause infection.

I don't care if it is just an atheist meme. It was a pretty sick burn, and I enjoy bantz.

Tie up his limbs and put him in between two boats. Let the (bound) feet, hands, and head protrude from the boats. Force him to ingest copious amounts of milk and honey and smear honey on his eyes, ears, mouth, face, and genitals.

Put him in the middle of a pond surrounded by flies and mosquitos and let them eat him alive.

Just guillotine this faggot.

Dawkins is based even if he is autistic

Only if it is a blunt one, making necessary multiple, extremely painful chops extending his torment.

He needs to suffer user. No quick death for this piece of shit.

Crucify him then.


He get no martyr status by being in any way associated with Jesus. Im not even a Christian, but I would never defile the image of Jesus in this manner.

Bull Nye suffers a fate reserved for the highest traitor.

Vlad the Impaler style ?

How about death of a thousand cuts?

Impalement would work well.

You know, in my younger Christian days, I hated Dawkins. But nowadays I've grown to not look at him with such hostility. He could be a great ally if he would drop any pretense of liberal shit and focus his anger at religion towards jews and muslims.

IIRC, he was the same guy who called himself a 'cultural christian', kind of in the same vein as Breivik. He also said at one point "who is to say Hitler was really wrong? That is a genuinely difficult question."
Dawkins has potential, I think he just needs to be shafted by the left a couple more times before it pushes him over the edge. Than he will realize that he was fighting the wrong enemy the whole time.

I can get behind this idea.


Bury him alive with an airway.

Meh hes still a lefty socialist fag imo but yeah he makes some decent points, I mean he cant help it he knows too much about evolution. This quote is real.

implying he could nuke anything

He took the traps aren't say meme seriously

he had a stroke while he was being bullied because he said or did something that pissed off lefties a while back iirc

Oh please. Nobody is killing Bill Nye, so the question of whether to do it slowly and cruelly or quickly and humanely is moot. The tough talk makes you feel manly, but it's pathetic.

What lefty celebs has our side disappeared? None whatsoever. The issue is not that they're being killed too humanely, because they're not being killed at all.

Go away Chaim. You leftists are all so unfunny and gay, just go die somewhere damp and disease infested already.

What did Rome do with traitors to the Legion?
The Decimation

I bet Bill Nye loves pizza.

I'm pretty sure his day job was just working a lathe or something at Boeing.

Dubs confirm

That was only done to men in the army. The tarpeian rock is what they did to traitors.

Educating normalfags on the foul practices of jews is important. It helps them break free of the programming.

Noice dubs.

He has lost his mind.
I bet he would think nuking polluters to save the planet is a great idea.

He is a kike after all.

Is he ?

praise kek. How much you wanna bet some of the kids that were on his show in the 90's start speaking up about him being a diddler back then.

Is he a literal kike, or crypto? To me theyre the same pile of disease infested shit, tbh.


When it is easy for everyone to ignore religion and take a quiet path and generally be left alone, even the more intelligent of people will just stay with basic bitch liberal opinions. We saw this in the late 1980's through the 90's and through most of the 2000's. But as culture becomes further and further left, we have seen increasing polarization. Of people abandoning previous moderate principles and embracing more radical ones.
I myself was once a libertarian that found myself confounded by some arguments liberals made. Mainly because it would take a different stance entirely to object to them. You can only 'muh free market' for so long before you get sick of faggots wanting to shut down your pizza joints and kike bankers wanting to foreclose on your grandma because she couldn't pay property tax.

I remember at one point, when I had not fully changed my position, I called myself "Ideally Libertarian, realistically Fascist."
When you wake up from the gumdrop fantasy of happy little capitalist 1800's America and force your face into 2000's American nigger shithole cities, you really smell the shit and get mad.

Now if only he could embrace a more National sort of Socialism.

True knowing that my penis could have been chopped at birth thanks to these kikes pisses me off beyond belief.
not even clicking that

It's not so bad, it's like kitty history.

It's just a Trevor Moore song, making fun of jews.


They prolly found his CP stash.

Shills will attempt to deny these quads

funny, i was of the exact same opinion once.

Thanks for reminding me I never actually saw the vid on youtube to dislike it. But wew look at that time delta its only been ~10 minutes between our posts and its got.
Legit Tweet
Imagine My Shock


But yeah, you could be forgiven for thinking so.

That's not a semitic nose. Certainly not proof that he's not a jew, since many jews don't have jew noses either because of surgery or stolen white genetics, but there's no proof of jewhood there.


It would be a shame if someone called William LeGate +1 (404) 771-0241

He didn't lose his mind. You have finally realized that he's not a man of science and never was; he's a shill in the truest sense of the word, and has spent his life presenting whatever "truth" he's paid to.

The atheism and pop-(((science))) he is pushing is pure ideological judaism. Liberalism simply goes hand in hand with that. He's nowhere close to ever being an ally. Once in a while he gets tired of the excesses of PC culture, it's the ultimate cognitive dissonance because people like him, who are repulsed by traditional values and have spent a lifetime working to break western culture, are the vehicle whereby the excesses of modern liberalism have been able to flourish. Goebbels and Hitler constantly warned about people like Dawkins.

I take it back, in better pictures the semitic shape of his nostrils becomes very apparent.

First of all, hes clearly got a huge bump and non-straight nose. Ignoring the nose, his mouth also protrudes. Look at:

Its a kike. Hes a known kike. He has all the kike traits, but hes 50% white, or less.

Bill Nye the jewish guy


A bump by itself doesn't indicate a jew, since many whites have roman noses with such bumps. I don't think that picture showcases a particularly prominent semitic curve either.

But you can see traces of it in this picture:

Ahh, well. I guess its just wishful thinking on my part.

Url is dubs 88.

Fucking kek

Large ears, sticking out, low on the head.
Brown skin
thin lips
protruding mouth, sticks out from rest of profile (not to be confused with Irish which have a similar "homer simpson" mouth)
dark eyes (mixed kikes and ashkenazi sometimes dont have this)
Bumpy, non straight bridged nosed with a hook or pointy tip in relation to nostrils (not to be confused with French, or Italian)
Large forheads, often sloped and wrinkled (think larry king)
Sunken, dark eyes is another trait, he doesnt really have it though

What am I missing? Dark hair I guess, and of course things like their voice. I can almost always tell its a kike when listening to Hannity's guest without seeing him, but its almost always a kike, so I guess thats not very impressive.

1188 likes? Checked!

Dubs calling dubs Heil Hitler

for those of us not on reddit or talmudvision, please explain. I know he is on the climate bandwagon, that's about it.

I do believe he probably is a kike, in fact, I'm almost sure of it due to the nature of his brain and how he shills. I just warn that the physical features are also consistent with one who has some Albanian blood or even some Brits have those features. The behavior, though, pretty much gives away that he is a kike.

Them dubs confirm. That, along with his actions, make him a kike in my book. I don't care if he is by blood, a kike; by spirit he is definitely one of them. Any blood to support this spirit of the kike. is like it is of them, the Juden.

There really is no problem with confusing a jew and an Albanian. The worse case scenario is we accidentally gas some Albanians, but that's not really a bad thing is it?
Jews have been hiding among the Brits for many centuries. Brits that look like jews probably are jews. Perhaps jews that have even forgotten what they are since they've been hiding so long.


Young Bill Nye with his incredibly jewish mother.

How did he become Bill Nye the Wiemar Guy?
I don't even think he's Jewish, he looks like an anglo.

He was never not.

The mouth alone is a dead giveaway. He looks similar an English person because hes like 50% white. You wont find all the Jewish traits in every Jew, especially not mixed ones. His mouth is extremely obviously a kikes mouth, and all the other features match. Heres some more examples. The only people who look remotely close to having a mouth like that are Irish. The leprechaun mouth/homer simpson mouth can be confusing, but their other traits make distinguishing an Irishman from a kike extremely easy, like their broad and stubby little noses with flared nostrils.

I tend to think the Islam remaining and infesting the old culture (and subtle present day culture, in conjunction with the more obvious Jewish ways) is somehow kike influenced from some earlier time. As half Albanian, I have always loathed these dirty sewer waters flowing through my blood. A battle between the spirit (Heaven)Anna and the blood (Earth)KIa is at place within me. Its like the battle between Marduk and Tiamat roars within me.


Meh. His career and credibility are over so there isn't much to do but stir the pot and laugh. The kikes don't realize their message about MUH GENDER is so odious that nobody can make the goyim buy it.

That's why he's got his own show again. They saw the success of Fuller House and realized 95% of our generation of adults just want to crawl back in the womb again and hide from the world, with all the things that made them feel safe and happy as children.

Is WKUK redpilled?

I agree. Only the most devoted, in spirit, buy that shit. Most arent THAT devoted, in spirit, to such ends. The blood evokes very core values, that this tranny/gender cacophony the kikes have poured over the land, repulses this blood.

The majority don't dig this noise. They just needed a push in that direction, to see something they always subconsciously knew, but consciously were bound by kikes to not believe.

Being able to recognize people by race is a skill. It takes some attention to detail, and you acquire it over a period of time. I see people who are the most jewiest of jews… and I ask someone "what race do you think he is?". Half the time, they dont know, and when they do, its extremely obvious. Being able to know a Jew when you see one is very helpful in every day life, all Holla Forumsacks should brush up on their racial recognition skills. One day, youl need to be able to pick the kike out of the crowd, and he might be only 1/4 jew. Pic related is a kike. Its actually Soros's son. How many people do you think would recognize him as a kike, immediately, with one look. Probably not that many.

Thats just a rich "white" guy, to them.


Separate the NPC from the HUMAN. Make it clear to all.

Btw if someone just reported the above remarks I made about Irish people, take a fucking look at one. Im Irish, I know my race. We have homer simpson mouth, the upper lip sticks out. Thats not insulting in any way. If you dont, its probably because youre mixed with Normans, Norwegians, English, etc.

1 Feminism
2 Birth prevention (Birth Control leads to sterilization after 8 years of constant use)
3 Abortion clinics (Child sacrifice clinic)
4 Easy divorce always side with women
6. Video Games
7. Porn
9. Subverted Religion
10. MTV
11. Single mom welfare

top lel

I never thought some people in real life were NPCs until I started getting out more, seriously, they talk about the same shit all the time like an NPC would.

Sunset on the Age of Decadence as the Age of Anti-(((Intellectualism))) dawns, lads.

Sumerian goddess

Google her name. See for yourself. Kikepedia is mostly correct. She is there to weed out the diseased crop, I guess.

I'm fully convinced that at least 90% of the general population consists of unthinking NPC normies. Simply observing them in public, or at business meetings and focusing on the fine details of what they say/do highlights this. They utterly lack the ability to have an original thought, and are fully event/environmentally driven, thus literal NPCs. Metaphysically, this may mean they have no soul, inner self, atman, whatever you want to call it.

Seems that Isaac Newton won this round

It's not that hard. If you look at somebody and their skin isn't shit-colored but you still get an intense urge to neck them, that's a jew right there.

It is inevitable that we will create better humans. Any country not already on this path will be left behind. It avoids many unnecessary struggles. To anyone whose IQ is maxed out in one or more areas, it is clear how much of a gap exists.

I dunno, this guy isnt quite shit colored but I still have an intense desire to neck him.

Typical neanderthal


Im an over the road truck driver. I meet many different sorts, and have in my life prior to this job.

It really is a spectrum, like what them lefty retards ascribe to only one aspect of being, gender. But they hit at a very base aspect of being, to evoke great confusion. Anyways, back to what I was saying earlier…

We all hate faggots and dykes who base their whole persona upon their being sexually fucked up, but what of the other grey people who do the same? They are easy pickins too, but not as dedicated, to varying degrees.

Theyre slaves to the Earth The Mother Tiamat, and forgo the HeavensAnu, in the form of Marduk


Guess it doesnt work since hes a kike though.

I actually said "What the fuck" out loud to myself because I was so bewildered.

What in the goddamn fuck.

Oy vey.

Well, he did work for (((Disney))) back in the day…

He's only working against himself.

My god, I will not feel sorry if Libs get Eradicated.

That would be all of the people with an IQ less than 120.

Borderline case. He's not Holla Forums, more of a dude weed type, but he's got the right sort of skepticism towards the (((mainstream))).

This. He's made some like this that shows he's not totally on our side either.

This is dangerous

Watching his twitter account during the election was interesting. He was mostly just taking sarcastic snipes at everybody. I think he's probably disillusioned with politics, but clearly rejected social conservatism due to highly religious parents.

It's the same as with MTV's New Year's Resolutions for white guys.

He is one of them greys who are losing their shade. There is many more like him. Always remember your progression to your present conclusions. We all climbed that mount too, and are still climbing it.

Riiight, they were religious folk singers.
There was a WKUK sketch where he said a lot of conspiracy theory stuff, and I recall later watching the commentary about it where he mentioned the ones he does and does not believe, I'll try to find it.

It's at 19:28

Trevor knew but I know he knew he couldn't go to far or he'd be chased off the network. I see him more of a hidden Sam Hyde trying to redpill leftists than outright degenerate.

Yeah, traveling religious folk singers.

He has a self-professed fascination with conspiracy theories in general, and a lot of the conspiracies he repeats aren't consistent (for instance, a french sniper killing JFK
vs George Bush Senior killing JFK ) Which is probably how he got away with calling out baby dick sucking rabbis on TV.

Checking dem dubs. My ignorance of this lad keeps me from giving the confirmation check.

There's also this one where LBJ killed Kennedy, and another where H.W. Bush tried to have Reagan shot.

I think he's got the spark in him. When I look back at myself, there were a lot of little signs, especially the things I would joke about. It's the inner sense of truth.

Years ago he was also a confirmed chan user. Probably still is, since we're here forever.

I like this dudes style. It speaks to the proto-NPC crowd, yet sends a message to those looking to escape.

Just because he is not 1488, does not mean he is doing harm. Remember that you autists.

I think it just turned out he was doing an ama on leddit or some other shithole like that and someone linked the thread.
But I want to believe.

Come on, at some point in our journey we all would've said "I'm just goofin" to avoid unnecessary bullshit. We know better now. Some still have to learn that.

It's like playing the Jew.
We say it's all a gag, then when we're back at the temple, talking to Rabbi Goldenblatshekellikker, it's very real.

I know I've deliberately cultivated a reputation for saying provocative shit as jokes, to give myself an escape hatch. Sometimes you say something just a bit too far to a normalfag and it helps to laugh it off.

The best part is the comments, if you scroll down you'll find /ourguys/ all through it naming the Jew and saying Hitler was right - and nobody arguing against them. We're all gonna make it brahs.


The substance of what we say does enter the minds of those open to hear it. Presented as a joke makes the process much easier to digest for normalfags.

What really strikes me about this one is how little effort they seem to have put into the whole thing. Half the time it doesn't even rhyme… Compare with which isn't Shakespeare or anything, but the difference in quality is astounding nonetheless.

Were better at their game. Our source of power is based on reality, and not unreality.

I remember this. It really was him

It's like the difference between Holla Forums meme magic and when (((they)) try to do it. It's that they simply don't understand it. They merely adapted to it, we were born in it, molded by it.
The reason that works is because it just sort of slipped out, whereas their shit is forced and artificial while trying to push a message.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I was saying someone led him to the thread from leddit as opposed to him being on halfchan already.

I know that face.

He also has the thin upper lip and low set ears of a kikerat.

Dolph is literally perfect

WHAT AN AWESOMEthreAD! This isn't a dead board at all!

Was it worth that .1 shekel in your account?


wew laddie

Theyre perpetually trying to force the square peg into the circle hole. The more they force it, the more circle like it becomes, thus empowering the clan of the circle.


The ride never ends.

Lets make this ride awesome then. Fuck them kikes, we don't need them.

Kikes convinced a lot of American Christians its good to chop up their kids dicks. Kikes are poison. They use those kids dicks for beauty creams. Kikes deserve to suffer. They deserve it all for circumsizing me with their jew doctors lying about health benefits and shit while they took a part of me to profit off of.

I fucking hate them.

Checked for Adolph Lundgren

Incredible; looks, fame, brain, humility
(I don't think I have heard him speak outside of a film, almost as if he knows pretending to be someone you aren't isn't particularly skillful and doesn't give you the right to try to lead the world narrative.)

Ya, Im more and more bothered by this. Kikes and their addiction to foreskins.

He is me a few years ago. Give it time.

Bill Queer the Mechanical Engineer BTFO

It's personal for me.

Of course, I have millions of more reasons to hate them too, all of my fellow whites they want to kill or racemix to oblivion.

I know I'm just some TORfag, but honestly, I came here to read opinions, and see what you're all about. The thing that fucking got me (I'm not FULLY on board yet) about the JQ is that they're all dual-citizens of israel, and I can't argue against this shit when there's a fuckload of jews in positions of power that openly support this shit that leads to the death of an empire, like this disgusting display that Bill Nye has made recently.

Remember when sex ed was aimed at high schoolers and focuses on safety and non-promiscuity? And that was somehow considered so controversial that teachers weren't even allowed to show a condom or how it worked? Now the message is go fuck anything moving in every degenerate, unsafe way possible and the fanatics are cheering….




The reason that JQ is most important to coming to this position is realizing that there is fundamental other who's very being and interest is in conflict with you.

It's like being physically attacked by someone, as pain compels you to draw the line between yourself and the attacker (there can no longer be "we all the same" in that moment), so does realization about Jews and their actions against your group make you fundamentally draw the line between them as a group and yourself as a group. That's the psychological aspect of it.

Brother Nathaniel is Jewish, but he left Judaism for Christianity.
In this video he says everything we say about Jews, except he names them, and the companies they own.

Is this a movie set?

go to /polarchive/

Unavailable in my country.

Looks like some spiritcooking-tier hollyjew party art installation to me. Dolph and Grace dated for years. Grace seemed made to let those Aryan genetics get away.

I don't remember that and i went through elementary and middle school about 17-15 years ago.

Even then there was poison.

I can't trust him. He has jew genes.

He's transcended mere genetics, user

he's probably not from murica. these things take a while to reach us

What the fuck is this story ?

(((Purely coincidental)))


Just a couple of anecdotes from a Grace Jones tell-all memoir.

I love this meme already

If someone other than their priest-figure Dawkins had told them, they would be brushing it off as a "wild conspiracy theory" but since it is coming from a top preacher in the cult of scientism, they respond all "wow", "amazing", "barbaric", "shocking."
And these people think they are worldly wise.

Guys, look at the title of this video. Holy shit.

So thats why he is trying social engineering now.

Oh hell no the kikes must be so fucking desperate that the brainwashing is not where they wanted it to be and they are so out of ideads that they reboot shit to make some shekels and make new plans.

If after years on the internet espceially chans there is something that can you make say wtf out loud its and clear indecator for something to degenerate out socity to a point of no return

Wonder if this old fucker didnt consider that he fucks up his legend with this shit and eventually generate so much negative PR (that wasnt callculated for promotion) that (((they))) eventually drop him and he is fucked more than he would ever have been before?

And yet this board like this guy.

that was fucking cringe


You're cancer.
It educates people on the sick practices of the kikes and normalizes the criticism of Judaism, particularly amongst atheists. That one tweet would have done much more good for bringing atheists to our side than a million autists yelling about jews while spamming hats and tropical fruit.

I did for a bit, back, and I apparently have much more reading to do.

sage because off-topic

Personal here as well. They memed mutilating our dicks at birth was a good thing. Thats very fucked up.

is this a troll


I know nothing about this man except he classifies things as arguments or not arguments.

It's not just the nose, his entire face looks like a human rat. That's when you know 6 million percent sure you're dealing with a kike.


thats what it sounds like when he talks about this shit.

More like the fact that an unscientific retard like Bill Nye is one of their top-tier public advocates for climate change policy just drives it home that 'muh climate change' is bullshit for an extortion racket.

I didn't have sex education in my school.

She might of called him a kike but shes still a degenerate.

While what was said wasn't wrong, how she said it was garbage. If you didnt know Bill Nye Goyim Guy was pozzed well before the last week or so, fuck you. Lurk more faggot. That was meant for that Brit cunt in the video.

It's "might've" or "might have".

t. Evil Nazi

From his latest tweets. Seems like for every decent thing he says he has to make it up with saying a lot of stupid shit again.


if we are all africans then colonialism wasn't taking their land. it was all our land.

He was never a scientist, he just played one on TV, and that's his only selling point.

(((RACHEL BLOOOOOOOOM))) and Shill Nye the Weimar Goy BTFO

Kek has spoken.
I was thinking upsidedown crucifixion with a bladder full of menthol and a giant funnel to ensure any agonizingly burning hot concentrated mint piss goes straight into his eyes, but yours has it's charms.


Same thing we allways do user
We point to him and laugh
it's no secret that he ain't a real scientist, everyone knows he is a "beakman's world" tier entretainer, mocking him is not hard, especially after he jumped the shark with that degenerate and cringy ice cream orgy cartoon

he shilled his fucking show in don herbert's obituary. he's always been an opportunistic faggot.



Bill Nye the Science (((Sentient entity that identifies as slightly leaning to the masculine end of the spectrum of gender identity, and who has yet to proclaim what species xir identifies as, with an unknown number of headmates)))

Kek. What's a headmate?


He was never an actual Mechanical Engineer either. Bill Nye was a sketch comedian on a Seattle based show called Almost Live. From there he got a mister science kid's show and a generation of morons grew up believing what they saw on TV was real. Bill Nye did as well apparently and like Jimbo Wales thinks he's a scholar. But Bill Nye is a standard pedowood actor, so he just espouses their shit with a bowtie on.


When do we get a normie TV station?

If they were real, they would be an example of a split personality disorder or schizophrenia or something.. Except it goes further than that. Instead of simply having two different personalities, these people often times claim that their headmate is a famous person from the past, or a fictional character.

Imagine some retard talking and pretending to be Sonic the Hedgehog half the time. Normally, in a healthy society this person would be considered mentally ill. But we now normalize this behavior.

It's basically an imaginary friend, who you pretend to be half the time. Except we aren't supposed to call it an illness, nor criticize it. And of course, having one headmate isn't enough. I'm sure somebody out there just LARPs as the Game of Thrones cast or something, and has like 30 headmates or whatever bizarro thing they can come up with.

Who /Romannose/ here?

Checked. Its like being a prolific writer, and then your characters become a little too real in your mind, except cringy. I think with this case instead it's because an author is channelling the divine spark of the story in stead of wholly creating it whole-cloth.

I'm with the opinion that says he was with the Jews even way back on his old TV show. Get the kids hooked on this hip and trendy science man so the kids think he's a trustworthy authority, have him disappear for about one generation, then bring him back for an EPIC XDDD nostalgia tour so the kids-now-adults who know him easily buy into whatever Jewish propaganda he spews.

If they were real, they would be akin to tulpas, which is another way of saying intentionally induced MPD.

>tfw didn't have any particular science celeb except probably Steve Irwin

He worked for Boeing as an engineer and worked on the landing gear of the 747, but that's it as far as I know.

I miss Steve Erwin


I came to that conclusion too. It is that much easier to utilize someone as a mouthpiece when they've have already crossed the barrier to get someone's trust. It should be painfully obvious that Shill Nye has an agenda he's pushing for the latest chosen propaganda piece but that's asking too much of lemmings.

Sorry for the double post but I would also suggest Mr Steve Erwin was by far and away the better scientist of the two. Mr Erwin was also a zoologist, a naturalist, and a conservationist.

Get this prick linked to pedophiles. Odds are good he's a pedo. Even if all we find is flimsy evidence, if he responds to it, we win.

Co-created by Bill Nye, James McKenna and Erren Gottlieb, the show was produced by McKenna/Gottlieb Producers, Inc, in partnership with KCTS-TV Seattle, and distributed by Buena Vista Television, a division of Disney. Nye, McKenna and Gottlieb all met while McKenna was a producer on Almost Live!, a comedy show in Seattle.[2]

The announcer was Pat Cashman, whom Nye knew from his time on Almost Live!. The theme song is credited to Mike Greene.

Before this show, Nye had previously worked alongside Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future: The Animated Series, where he played Doc Brown's assistant and demonstrated several experiments.[3]

The show has been likened to the next generation version of Watch Mr. Wizard.[4][5] The show ran about the same time as and covered similar topics to Beakman's World, in fact sharing one crew member, editor/writer/director Michael Gross.[6]

and another

Fuck you're right, we can give him the Cosby treatment! All we have to do is create rumors of him being a pedo, and all the child poorfags and niggers from the show, now grown, will try to cash in by claiming he molested him! It'll be HUGE and discredit everything he says!

Heil'd! Bill Nye the Pizzaguy!

Black science guy him?
Give him some retared quotes with his retared quotes hes alredy said about gender.

look at his face he is definitely a child molester.

And so another Holla Forumsack is born.

This show's being universally panned by all but the most lefty of leftist rags. I doubt it makes it a season without drastically changing its tone.

is this thread about something on tv? A youtube vid?

You've piqued my interest

Holy shit, this. I'm legitimately worried about that ice cream cartoon being a clip that kids will be able to view easily and be taught how wrong it is to have a sexual preference. It's like the Sausage Party scene but somehow creepier as the agenda is clearer.

The only celebrities who are safe to enjoy are those who are dead.

But what if those celebrities ended up voting democrat?

He was preaching global warming bullshit even back then.

hearty kek

You're not alone brother

This is getting tiresome.. Everyone here knows how we get rid of him. #BillNyeThePedoGuy and just let the memetic metafibers take care of the rest

Come on now

What's not to like?

Oh wow how new. Im a little jealous.. you are in for one hell of a ride.


defooing, the cult he has built around him, and that he is an eceleb for starters

I know who bill nye is, I know some of the shit in the past. I just don't know what the fuck OP is referencing and there isn't a single relevant webm in this thread.

says the redditspacer

There is no cult, and if your family is actually shit, leaving them is fine. Nowadays he tells people they need to be breeding and has single women past the wall on to show girls how to avoid that being dried-up whores.

I'm last person to say having sex with someone of the same sex isn't natural.

He has dropped quite a few redpills. The first minute or so of this video is hard to watch, but I think you will enjoy it.

Precisely! Warm up the memes! Pass us some ammo here!

You are a born yesterday tier newfag

Go back to reddit you cancerous faggot.

That quote is not real.


Did a tour bus show up and just start letting off newfaggots?

This is essentially true, but thanks to the internet, those people can go back and watch all those original shows, hell, even the commercials, and be nostalgic. Bringing back these aged actors with a new SJW / kike message of sexual degeneracy and blatant anti-white sentiments isn't going to attract anyone looking for nostalgia. In fact, it really brings home how far we've drifted into the abyss as a society. Kikes destroying our images of childhood figures is only going to redpill more people.

A lot of people think that shit is real, I'm just pointing it out for the autists that it aint real.

Beakman's world was better

No kidding, it's a meme targeted at anti-religion fedoras who don't yet understand the social role of religion.

Who cares at this point?

Don't listen to , Reddit verified it was a real quote about a year ago.

ctrl+f "talmudvision", notice the first instance

you forgot your nametag

The left has a habit of nonsensically projecting the things they are guilty of onto their opposition. Here, they are acting like it's the right that "feels" facts, i.e the "science of feelings". Fuck, that's one of the constant hallmarks of a lefty SJW retard. I've seen other cringy SJW videos where they refer to right leaning people as "special snowflakes that need a safe space". FFS, it's these faggot SJW fucktards that are always calling for safe spaces and inventing new identities to feel like special snowflakes. It's the SJWs that spout bullshit they made up out of what they "feel" as incontrovertible facts, even when confronted with concrete, replicable evidence that what they are saying is complete nonsense and objectively wrong. They're just taking the right's accurate description of them and saying "no u", except it makes no sense at all when they reverse it.

Ah yes, Bill "the war in Sryia is because of global warming" Nye.

See Vargs videos: Thulean Perspective. White Genocide titled videos and veganism, women, will show you how the genocide->sterilization goes on.
these practices decrease ability to birth children.

Thanks for pointing that out. I'm some manner of Heathen/Esoteric Hitlerist, and I'd rather live in a christian state than under the thumb of the (((atheist))) left. I just wish people would seek truth for themselves, rather than allow it to be dictated to them.
ON TOPIC LADS! We're here to save the world from the degeneracy that the Cohen need to live. Destroy Bill Nye! We need great memes that show him as a pedophile. Get the scandal rolling and the tabloids will find the real dirt for us. We need to make this traitor the face of Pizzagate!

Newfag, STFU, drop your arrogance, learn that pride needs no name, and get to fucking work. If you can't be bothered to lurk moar, then start fucking digging and save your damned race, or kill yourself somewhere you won't be a nuisance.


Dubs confirm leftyfags project as hard as their masters, the kikes

Bump because you’re the worst paid shill in existence.


My favorite modern eugenicist

Dubs of truth confirm. The enemy thinks just like their masters who "educated" then, the kikes. The Cohen will be erradicated this age, ONCE AND FOR ALL!

To be fair, he is profiling his picture to look as not-Jewish as possible.

Most Jews do this. They instinctively try to hide their distinctive apperances if they can help it.

Note the unnatural angle of the photo. His chin is lifted up, which makes it harder to tell that the nose is humped at the top. He's presenting his face with his neck leaning to the right (his left) but his head tilted to the left (his right), which throws the perspective on his ears out of whack.

The only giveaways that are immediately obvious from this angle are his lips and his eyes. If it weren't for them, he'd just be your typical low-T numale.

This is deliberate. Either he has truly atrocious posture and a spine that looks like a pretzel (which is possible, admittedly), or he is actively contorting his profile to hide his yiddishness.

Poor dear has an epiphany at the last moment.

good to see a fellow masterrace in here

The aquatic jew killed Steve. Look at these things. They're nothing but nose.

I for one am enjoying watching these faggots throw a temper tantrum by posting here in response to loyalty day

keked and capped

Thank you grammar nazi, that was very anti-semantic

Holy fuck, Paul Zaloom is actually more degwnerate than bill nye!

Khazars, turks what's the difference?

I'm just asking what specifically this thread is about. OP did not include a webm or link. I'm sure whatever is being pushed is typical degeneracy, but the whole point of starting a thread like this is to communicate whatever it is.

I was saying he came on the reddit - tour bus, you dense motherfucker.
Reddit is certainly more your speed as well

It really isn't, but only because the people who will look at that stupid ice cream cartoon and say "yeah! this makes perfect sense!" are fuckwitted liberals who spend all their time on facebook in rapidly dwindling echo chambers where they constant pat each other on the back for virtue signalling about this post-modernist nonsense that everything is a social construct.

Remember, if you're bein told to go back to plebbit and don't know why, you're CIA!
Are you hiding under a rock or something? He's pushing full degeneracy like it's lox and schemers!
Making the world know that Bill Nye is the Pedo Guy!

don't be an idiot.

This is a sell to the children of Millennials and Gen X'ers.

We're all supposed to look at our netflix queue, see Bill Nye, remember how fun and informative the 90's show was, and put it on the TV. When we get bored because so much of it is geared to kids (even though he says, in the first episode, it's for adults), we're supposed to wander away, leaving our children to get indoctrinated. Midway through the season, the kids are traumatized into questioning their identities, and 10 years later there's an uptick in the Tranny population comprised primarily of our children, who have been fed a steady stream of sneaky sexuality through "children's" programming.

Jesus, goyim, it's even called "programming." As an aware, post-puberty person, you're not the target audience, but for children, this is indeed VERY DANGEROUS. They're throwing sexual confusion and contempt for heterosexuality at your kids, and you're so self-centered you think it won't be a problem, cuz you're too smart for that.

Well, here's your pat on the head. No one is worried about you. This is about your kids.

Thankfully I had Mr Wizard.

With Jews you lose. Race war now.

So Bill Nye made propaganda to sexualize children, even though it was obvious the show would fail and be hated like all tranny shit is. Meanwhile ESPN fires all the white men and replaces them with SJWPOC, which obviously made everybody stop watching.

Who is funding all of this shit? Are they really that out of touch and inept or are they getting CIA dollars so profit doesn't matter?

Obama did embezzle a ton of our tax dollars and send it places like the washington post, so they could be banked by king nigger.

The only good roach is a dead roach




Dawkins is one of the few atheists that actually went and talked to muslims and challenged their ideas. He also realized that the battle against christianity is not worth it, as he would rather have christians as allies when he realized how dangerous muslims are. Dunno why you fags hate him so much, except of course, if you're literally a christfag. That would explain it.

Have you watched the new show? It's not like his PBS show but with identity politics. It's a lot of really bad skits, poorly delivered lectures, and panels with non-experts discussing shit they don't understand in the least intellectual way possible.

Kids won't watch this. Most adults who even know who Bill Nye is don't want to watch this. The whole show is turning people off from the liberal interpretation of reality, even if people want to agree about climate change and the bullshit sexuality spectrum.

I take that back, apparently Dawkins thinks Trump is a bigot/anti-science guy. For fucks sake british people. I give up, you're all cucked. I don't know what they put in the water in the UK, but no matter how red-pilled one is there, they can be total cucks in something else.



and thus they'll be perfectly agreeable to accepting truth and reality once we are in power.

is that all one thing or a bunch of different options?


Quads confirm. The real Anglos all left England.

Can someone condense this into a single meme?



People who grew up watching Bill Nye on PBS or in classrooms are now old enough to have kids of their own. The show is targeted at the children, not the parents. Adults aren't often the targets of indoctrination, children almost always are.


There is nothing more disgusting than seeing a grown man who devotes his passion and free time to watching niggers play with balls. Sports used to be eugenic when they were introduced and pushed into highschool American culture to encourage competition and athleticism. But professional sports have nothing to do with that. Professional sports are wholly degenerate, and always have been.

Whatever it takes to break the spell and get people to turn away, I support. ESPN has always been an agent of the jews.

God fucking damn it. Fuck everyone.

I get the feeling that anyone that says 'gender is a spectrum' sucked a cock at some point and thought "Im not gay but I'm somewhere on the spectrum"
Is Jamie on this faggot express as well?

Of course it is. But a "spectrum" isn't its dominant form when you have 99% expected with 1% weird shit. We might as well say every birth defect is normal.

decent digits get close to the truth
superior digits hit the truth dead on
Dawkins has/had the spark, but smothers it. If he were a young man perhaps one day he'd come to his senses, but old dog, new tricks, etc.

Supposedly the first image is fake. That's what somebody said in a Holla Forums thread a few days ago anyway.

It's even less than one percent.

Exactly. It's like saying that humans aren't defined as having 23 pairs of chromosomes due to the existence of people with Down syndrome. Absolute insanity.

I don't understand how they say that gender is a spectrum. Your sexuality is on a spectrum, not something real. Sexuality as in the level of degeneration.

I'm pretty sure he swore off television and fucked off to spend time with his family. So I'm guessing not, but San Francisco so maybe.

Bill Nye

This twat needs to go back to school or stil his dick in a fleshlight.

That's a Darwin quote fuccboi.

That fucking threat at the end.

Is Nye a Bond villain now?

FYI: "2 chainz" image does not appear to be legit. No mention of biology degree on his wikipedia article.

Progressives ruin every successful thing they touch.
ESPN had a license to money. Yet they had to go push the SJW shit and instantly alienate at least 50% of their audience. Same with the NFL and NASCAR.
FOXNews is now going down. They will turn a ratings machine in to another AirAmerica-tier failure.

Adam is obviously a fag, can't say i didn't expect this from him to be honest.

Even their bones are cartilage.

That fucking cunt.
Jamie's twitter has nothing but Russian and engineering nerd comments. No politics at all that I see.

Mixed-breeds always look whiter when young. Why is that, user? It's difficult to hate white-looking children, even knowing they'll become a drain on your culture and society .



Webm this shit

She has big tits however.


dude, you are dumb.

Jew blood is matrilinear, yet he never looked so white until that pic for me.

he is tard

*Crush his credibility
But that is what a very good part off the internet has being doing since some time

*Find a way to sue him? or any other legal stuff that can be done to him

Those numbers
That is a solution to many of our problems

Webm that shit.

No, it's not. You are just simply more propagandized than my generation, and less propagandized than the current.

"Sexuality" is something they just keep expanding. Before my generation until like the 70's or 80's or whatever, you were straight, or you were mentally ill. Then you could be straight or gay but you were confused if you were bisexual or asexual. Then bisexuality and asexuality were accepted as normal. I got out of school around that point. I have no idea what a lot of the new shit is. A sexuality spectrum was never taught to us, although I remember shortly after my schooling I started seeing the term used.

It's why LGBTQBBQ+ is a meme. Before my generation, I think they were just called the Gay and Lesbian Alliance. Then they became the LGB community. Then LGBT, then LGBTQ. No idea what they are now, but I'm sure there are up to at least 8 letters. They just keep making up new shit.

The truth of the matter is that, either you are straight and your brain is correctly configured to reproduce and be a normal member of your society, or you are mentally ill. It doesn't really matter if homosexuality exists in nature, because mental illness also exists in nature. The fact that a monkey can be gay, doesn't mean it's normal, it means the monkey is mentally ill.

While it's a meme, and maybe not 100% accurate (I believe some women can be bisexual, because there probably was sexual selection in harems and under polygamy to support their mental illness, which is still carried on today) It really is more or less binary. You are either straight, or a degenerate.

I was thinking about how he has likely come back both as an attempt to maintain his and push his leftwing which he actually feels is under threat for the first time in his life. This reminded me about how all these TV personalities are practically losing their minds and pushing the most blatant propaganda the left has ever pushed. In a way, if you some leftwing cuck, never before has so much media been cater directly to your political. The problem for these celebrities and the left on the whole is, they've lost their ability to entertain. Say what you will, but especially before Obama, a lot leftwing entertainers could entertain more people than not. They rarely ever came out and directly made an affirmative political statement. They focused on being fun, funny, relaxed, care-free and not to serious or uptight. They pushed their propaganda with more subtlety. They projected an attractive image first and let the politics sit beneath the surface.

"Yea, I'm for equality, but that is because I'm so chill and cool." This was the core of the left's most successful propaganda.

But you know what I see when I catch a clip of Nye, Colbert, Myers, Kimmel, Oliver or Stewart nowadays? A complete lack of entertainment and this isn't because of some Holla Forums-tinted glasses. They're just not funny anymore. They're so desperately forcing blatant hard left talking points that they've completely lost any capacity for humor or charisma. The harder they try to force their ideology, the worse they make themselves appear which makes their ideology less appealing.

I'm a science major and this shit pisses me off. Bill Nye is a charlatan, he's a good-for-nothing snake oil salesman that uses my field as a platform to proselytize his degenerate agenda. He's a failed engineer and a washed-up has-been that desperately needs to have some laboratory glassware smashed across his face.

No, jew genetics comes from fathers AND mothers. The matrilinear thing is only a cultural assertion of jews. Jews use it to establish an in-group hierarchy of who is the most jewish, but it has no basis in science.

What a dope.

Right now 31 are officially recognized in jew york and it doesnt show any sign of slowing down.

There doesn't appear to be any data on the topic, but I reckon that there's a unique jewish mitochondrial signature due to their matrilinear cultural aspect.

Sounds like a shithole. I'll take my white normalfaggot gun toting neighbors here in flyover country any day of the week

There is also a unique jewish Y chromosome signature. If you bred this jew with this woman, the resulting children would be subhumans filled with disgusting jew genetics. Don't let the "judaism is maternal" thing fool you.

Webm of that happening pls


all you got to do now is extend the nose by a good 50%

Bill Nye agrees that sociology and other female-dominated fields aren't science. Nice.

the best part for me is dawkins just blinking in bewilderment


I don't deny that jewish Y-chromosomes cause dysgenic abominations when combined with proper white genetics, I was just thinking about a mechanism that would allow one to detect a given person's jewish heritage if they're especially crypto.

The question would be what kind of glassware to smash across Nye's face. A fractional distillation column would be good, but really expensive, beakers lack a proper hold, volumetric and Florence flasks would be too fragile. I guess that leaves Erlenmeyer flasks and graduated cylinders.

Is there a source for this quote?

2chainz also majored in psychology.
Didn't MC Ride also go to collage at some point? He's also equally as qualified as Bill Nye to talk about science.


That's the best part. She's not British. She's German. Just has the British accent down very well.

The opening is normalfaggy ADHD bait. Try starting one minute in, it's much better after that.

This isn't in Mein Kampf or Hitler's Table Talks. Is it from one of his speeches? Where does this quote come from?

It's all one thing. It's a pretty fucked up method of execution, from ancient Persia I think. It's called scaphism.

Its from a Hitler penned article published in the Sunday Express on September 28, 1930.

Christ you're a faggot.

Well, I wouldn't really say the conditioning is being fully broken if they're clamoring to just jump back to the previous cultural stranglehold.

Horsefucker GET OUT

b-but muh changing opinions after learning things t. every leftist faggot defending this cancer


Erlenmeyer not only would work greatly as a bat [if I am not mistaking it] but also sounds german enough for an extra sting

his old shows were educational and entertaining. he's probably broke now and doing this for money.


quality reply.

In this case, you deserved it.

Check my dubs you faggot.

good thing that's not the case. everyone should post over tor.

Make it happen.

Bill Nye The Jewish Guy

He is teaching postmodernism, what is the opposite that what science means.

Remove Nye.

So is this gal a lesbian or a trap?



Probably not.

Who's to the top left of Tesla in that pic? Marie Curie?

user, you can always have his toe and finger nails ripped from his fingers followed by skinning him.

Don't take it too far, both of them are total degenerates IRL. Still useful though

Yeah, the back row seems to be Curie and Galileo.
The rest: Newton, Tesla, Darwin, Einstein.

Brian May (Queen)

Greg Graffin (Bad Religion)

No user. Send him down the river with a bee's nest rather than a pond. With a pond he can be found within days. With the mississippi he will never be found.

That's a club that was in NY. in the 80's called Area.

Holy shit, user, I had completely missed your post, I'm sorry.
That's actually a great video. Hot damn.



In another video she said she was part of the lgbt community. I'm guessing "edgy college lesbian waiting for some guy to wake her the hell up."

Love her eyes, though. Hope it's not a trap.

I can never enjoy this clip, because of the 'Hitler took the guns' bit, which is patently false - Hitler only 'took the guns' from foreigners and fucking pinkos and shit.

Alex Jones remains a controlled-op stooge and it ruins that clip.
Just wanted to vent a bit.



Interesting… Her twitter says shes in Switzerland. Also claims she's an editor for a UKIP blog that's pinned tweet is a Nigel Farage quote about 'muh judeo christian values'…. Eesh… And she's constantly pouting about 'the authoritarian left', as retweeted fedorafag shit, as well as retweeting Blaire White (a tranny)… She's also got a boyfriend - no surprise there - yet regularly appears to tug loser betas along.

Smells like another attention whore jumping on the nationalist/right-wing bandwagon for shekels and beta supporters. She also sets off my Jewdar.

I'm guessing closet lesbian.

Fedora confirmed.



Yet this twat calls itself 'redpilled'… This is why we can't have nice things, because so many guys are such fuckwits that they want to hear a woman talk about politics.
Jewdar levels are off the charts.

She mentions that she's bi-sexual in the video and hinted at having sex with other girls. So probably just straight but with deep psychological issues

In other words, completely worthless and actively harmful.
Again, this is why we can't have nice things - because beta males want to listen to "sciency" Swiss Jewessi fedoras who believe in climate change talk about politics, when they aren't upboating based black guys in Trump hats.


That blonde would make a nice waifu



I can't get over how fucked this video is. Even normies thinking shit like "Trump is stupid about climate change I'm glad Bill Nye is talking about it" are getting fucking turned off liberalism because they're going further than should be possible.

Thanks user. One more meme for the ammo drawer.

I still can't figure out why these retards don't understand that illegal immigrants are not the same thing as immigrants.

She's not Italian?

This one is going on normiebook

No kidding. I'd love to see him try.

This summer, 007 meets his greatest enemy yet: Bill Nye is Owen Dajoos.

Bill Nye got married for 7 weeks, then got a restraining order against the woman. No one knows whether his 14 year old daughter actually exists.

There's a 100x100 thumbnail on their archive that shows an artist's rendition of Hitler on page 12 of their September 28, 1930 issue, so I'm inclined to believe you, but it won't expand the article for non-subscribers. Would you happen to know a place where I could view the full article?

My favorite scientist is Dr William Luther Pierce.

Remind him of his love for real science with some practical jokes and pranks involving airborne chemicals.

They know, they don't care.

more like

Not really the kind of meme you send to normalfags though.

Roulette has better odds.

The fucking ice cream orgy video was the worst

His name is beakman, how did you not expect this.


Churches pushed for the most destructive degeneracy though.
Churches helped push Rhodesia and South Africa over the edge of the abyss pushing that blacks were just like whites.

At the very least, he never pushed POZ in the kids show, but if you can find it, do so.

Tear down every false Jewish Idol.


This is why Miscegination is a crime. Because it subverts and destroys by it's very nature.

Liberals 2017


Adam Savage is a fucking psycho who killed animals for his shitty TV show and claims that one of the experiments which resulted in the animals being forced to result in cannibalism was the funniest shit he ever saw. He is Jew of soul, no white can harm an animal so purposelessly.

He probably changed his name. He talks like a kike he looks like a kike.

Let's not forget it was a christ loving maniac who convinced the king of England at the time to let jews back in to England.

On a holiday to Australia I went to the zoo he worked at, he wasn't there that fucking day.

This cunt is sounding off on things she has no business commenting on. She talks purely of symptoms, with no regard to root causes. Her heart possibly being in the right place only makes her insistence upon running her mouth all the more infuriating. Lurk more, bitch.

I wish Jamie would do chill youtube videos in the style of Bob Ross but with engineering stuff instead.

I watched one of her videos where she titled it "bill nye the jewish guy"
in it she

sounds like she's cashing in on a fad without any real standing

Decimation is when they round up a group of soldiers who fucked up, then killed every 10th guy.

Yeah, that's the one I just replied to. She's clearly just another trend-hopping broad, which is really just women in general. Fitting in is more important than the truth, or principals for females. It's why you don't argue with women, but rather shame, and order them if you want compliance.

He realized that being an engineer was soul-sucking (always working for an incompetent business major getting paid a single-digit percentage of what he himself made for the company) and that selling out, while potentially every bit as soul crushing, provided a better quality of life.



Literally who cares?

Serious question. Literally who cares about Bill Nye or what he thinks about anything? The man is a joke. There is literally no group on Earth that takes that man seriously. Even on the left wing of politics, there isn't a single group that takes that man seriously.

And why would they? He's a washed up actor who has literally no scientific training, qualifications or experience yet feels that he can present himself as a member of, and spokesman for, the entire international scientific community. How does he keep getting away with this?

Bill Nye has a very generous self-assessment of his own intelligence and influence and a completely unmerited sense of his own importance. He is a clown and a non-issue.

Millions of dumbshit millennials. You must not be an American. They pumped his TV show into children for years in public schools. Walk into any hipster bar in America and say Bill Nye, you'll be deafened by people yelling back BILL BILL BILL BILL

Anybody that goes out of their way to espouse gender spectrum nonsense is definitely trying to convince themselves that those dicks they sucked weren't "gay".

I'm not.

Honestly, I cannot understand why you yanks treat the host of a childrens television show as though he was a scientist. Do your countrymen also believe that Mel Gibson is a Scot or that Russell Crowe is Italian? Because the reasoning process is exactly the same in those cases. Just saying.

I knew that the US is cucked but I never realised that it was also that stupid. Your country is full of idiots. I'm not calling you an idiot. I'm just saying that some of your countrymen and women are really, really stupid. Just sayin'.

Because for 20+ years he's been presented as such, what's so hard to understand? From news segments asking his 'expert' opinion to educational shows using clips of him speaking, from appearances on late-night TV to his children's show years ago, he's been presented as "Bill Nye The Science Guy" to an entire generation.
That's why people care, unlike an actor there isn't a pretense of the act being false when it comes to Bill's shtick. Bill has been presented as a real scientist for years, the vast majority are not aware of his actual qualifications because a hundred TV appearances ARE his qualifications to them.

An entire generation was force-fed his videos in school every time a teacher was too hungover to give a real lesson. They'd wheel in the huge CRT television on the car and all the kids would celebrate because they knew they would get to watch Bill Nye instead of doing proper schoolwork. They did this all across the country, for years.

Shit, they probably still do it.

They do. I'm 30 and remember watching Bill. I have a youngfag friend who's 20 and watched Bill at school. His younger brothers are like 13-15 and both have watched Bill at school before.
This shit stretches a pretty wide generation.

It's because teachers don't teach (except maybe math). Hey, wanna learn social studies? Ok, lets watch some John Green in class/music videos about history. Wanna learn about science? Ok, lets watch some Bill Nye in class.

Why bother having school at all if you're just gonna sit little Johnny in front of a jewtube playlist? Not that kids were graduating with a lot of knowledge before, but doing this kids will leave school knowing literally nothing, even less than we did.

This reminds me. There's a clip in Stargate SG1 on a bill nye guest episode where SG1 gives him shit for not being a real scientist. Might be useful.

The purpose of school isn't to educate children. It's to institutionalize children. The model of compulsory education we use was invented by the Prussians to turn peasants into productive factory workers. That's why shift changes class changes are signaled by bells, why everybody sits in impersonal rows and aren't supposed to talk, why there is so much mind-numbing repetition in assignments, etc.

Yeah, they absolutely still do it. I'm 18 please don't rape me a HS senior and the state of the public education system is atrocious.

They'll do exactly what mentioned. The teachers can't be bothered to teach so they just either play a video by Crash Course or what have you, or they'll just give you a notes sheet to fill out and have a powerpoint in front of you. It's the most laziest and boring thing I've had to go through. It's amazing that they even have the audacity to blame the student for failing when this is the shit they do for 8 hours 5 days a week for 4 years, especially when said student is easily one of the brightest in the room when he has the rare opportunity to demonstrate it in classroom debates/discussions once every blue moon.

This whole mess also doesn't help when it's mixed in with dipshits who vape, smoke weed, or whatever cocktail of awful shit that will destroy you mentally and physically is popular that day, plus morons who seemingly weren't taught basic manners as children. And of course, the fact that at least half the school is filled with niggers and spics also doesn't help.

The whole public education system is both broken and outdated to the core. The sooner it's completed scraped and replaced with a tax voucher funded private education system the better. If this shit isn't fixed soon I feel incredibly bad for the next generation that'll have to go through this same bullshit. It's no surprise teen suicide rates are skyrocketing when this is the shit they need to go through every damn day.

Wew. The closest you get is curtosy a la politically correct. Also, of course it's like you said, although older, we're near the same age.

Adam Savage regularly hangs out with Rebecca Watson and worships Capital S Science the same as Bill Nye. He's a knowledgeable guy about fabrication and costume making, and I'm sure he's picked up a lot of interesting skills from working on Mythbusters, but trying to pass off this post-modernist "everything is s spectrum!" bullshit by saying "IT'S COMPLICATED!!!" is on par with Laci Green's pseudo-intellectual fuckery.

Eh, personally I've always expected manners to be a standard out of everyone. I was raised as a military kid in a military background and was always in schools filled with fellow mil kids or DoD schools. Those schools were always of much better quality in comparison to public schools since much of the child's behavior is tied to their fathers/mothers military career and could result in disciplinary action to the father/mother or even dishonorable discharge if your child was a complete fuckwad.

Considering I've only been involved with public education for the past 5 years I consider my view of the system very much an outsider's perspective on the whole thing, which is also what the public education system could especially benefit from in critique.

Going from DoD schools/mil kid schools to public schools was quite shocking and jarring and definitely aided in my inevitable redpilling from a liberal to a straight fascist.

>gibsmedats instead of "may I have ?"
I wasn't raised by crazy-strict people or anything, but I'm sickened by the lack of even basic manners that surrounds us. I have to keep telling one of my friends that he needs to shower before coming over after work because I'm sick of my entire house smelling like a fry kitchen when he comes over. This should be a one-time conversation (if it even has to be) but he doesn't seem to grasp that oils stick to skin and carry smells. The work-friend he brought over a week ago didn't even change clothes and left a fucking sheen on my chair.

Sounds like this has similarities to waifuism.
Unironic waifu anons, take this warning: You can't have MAGA and your head waifu at the same time.

This is completely false though. Futurefash is all about robot waifus with artificial wombs replacing shit-tier 3D women. Embrace the future old man.




Who can recognize a kike like Tim Wise?

Said waifus are 3D though, dummy. Your headmates, however, aren't.

Yes but it's a 2D girl as a 3D robot you dumb cuck. There is literally nothing wrong with waifus, only goons will say otherwise.

LA RWDS I also had to hone my Jewdar. Now I can sense a kike from a mile away. Only problem is here in Los Angeles I am always sensing worthless kikes.

I hope someone somewhere has some of Hitler's hair or some way to recreate Hitler based off of his DNA.

thing tht pisses me off is she doesn't even address the fucking JQ in this video.

Zaloom is a fag with a jewish daughter

"So, you guys, seriously, this next thing, I feel is very special. I feel the electricity moving up my cock as I shuck and jive to this beautiful androgynous female. And what's most amazing is that she has a vagina that can actually talk. Isn't that amazing and totally scientific? Wow! My cock is rock hard but that's just science. The next thing i'd like to do is fuck a little child for the sake of science. I know I know, but we have already busted the myth of genders, so let's go all the way. YEAAAH!!! - Bill Nye the Cuck Guy, 2018

I can usually tell fags, as well, no matter how straight they appear. Drives the wife fucking insane. I can't tell you what to look for beyond "there's something around the mouth and eyes, usually." I suspect I'm autistically picking up on subtle stretch marks or something.

For the life of me, I can't. If they're limp wristed or talk with a lisp then it's obvious, but the ones who act normal fly completely under the radar for me.

Not the user you responded to but you'd be surprised. The most camp individuals are usually just normal everyday people, those who flock around them and tend to appear more manly, have turned out to be rectum rangers themselves. Don't let the mannerisms and timidness deceive you into think they're faggots. But as you said, many fly under the radar.

Not my experience at all, but I assume you're somewhere where the rules are different. Up here in the frozen leaf pile of Alberta, a guy swanning about is almost always a fag. You tend to get them mostly in the cities, though, because in the rural areas there's less social justice cancer to protect their "look at me!" attitudes.

I gotta remember that one.

Legitimized split personality syndrome

These normie faggots are blind and stupid, this is only the tip of the ice berg of retardation and indoctrination into the idea that the left has. Normies will give into social pressure quite easily and all of this kike media that's feeding stupid people stupid ideals will cause more and more people to give into this left idea. Something needs to be done but I have no fucking clue on how to fix it besides a holocaust on a greater scale

The funny thing is that nothing has made me more skeptical of "climate change" as the hostility that liberals show when you express any skepticism of their claims on climate change.

There's nothing wrong with being gay.

As long as you're not acting on it, there isn't. Otherwise take your diseased mind and cock to the nearest battlement and get catapulted, faggot.


which one? context? gimme a date at least I am ignorant of the brits became the eternal anglo


Lel, so they admit he was an alchemist when it out of vogue. Was obsessed with Biblical prophecy in the Apocalypse of John and the book of Daniel as well.

Added the year

You mean Cromwell? The Puritan gang leader who had the Charles I of England regicided?

It was the fucking Normans who brought the kikes in the first time.

History repeats itself.


This may be true (not the quote but the meaning)… but it Christianity and Islam are not the solution. The laws of the Divine are revealed in natural law.

Rather strange story, that marriage. The lady, who happens to be the author of "Mozart in the Jungle,"apparently sprayed round-up in their garden to kill their roses under the pretense that Bill would give them to another woman. Apparently they would occasionally eat home grown veggies, hence Bill publicly suggesting she was trying to poison him. She allegedly stalked him following their break-up.

So he posts a hollywood actor whose character is a bi-fag.

(((Bill Nye))) was (((Disney's))) shitty (((imitation))) of Mr. Wizard.

No, really, go dig up some old episodes of Mr. Wizard's World and watch them. Mr. Wizard taught actual "do-the-experiment" science and the show was set in "Mr. Wizard's" house with the occasional outdoor experiment in the backyard. The show encouraged viewers to do most of the experiments themselves and avoided "don't try this at home" —- after all, Mr. Wizard was doing all of it "at home"! Contrast that with (((Bill Nye the Science Guy))) who merely did demonstrations in the impossibly (courtesy of special effects) well-equipped "Nye Labs" and where the children on the show were merely on "tours of the Lab" rather than active participants.