Holla Forums
Congratulations Holla Forums we're officially the most pure imageboard out there
Holla Forums
Congratulations Holla Forums we're officially the most pure imageboard out there
Other urls found in this thread:
That's all the unbanned shills and shitposters flocking here en-masse.
It's done wonders for quality, I know!
Same spike showed up on 4chan.
Sage because shitpost thread.
Pretty much this.
Im getting tired of them.
Remember to hit up /sudo/ for the reason why.
Is it Holla Forums?
No, it's the mods and BO themselves. Who, technically, WORK with intl, so…
I'd directly link you to the thread itself, but that sets off a silent alarm that notifies said BO and mods, who instantly ban you and delete the post.
Which is against the site rules and is supposed to result in them being banned, too, but chodemonkey lets them do it. The entire site is co-opted.
post an image of a pastebin that leads to an imgur of the relevant bits of the thread?
Here's the archive of the FIRST thread we had which catalogs this.
Let's scare 'em.
What nonsense.
Go away, goon.
Drown yourself.
Enjoy your ban :^)
Drown yourself. Global report for admitting to being a paid shill.
Yeah but, when it comes to America, the traffic should be boiled down by state, cause I assure you we're getting flooded by little fucking beaner children who think they're little memesters.
Not to mention you got beaners in Canada now ever since Trump finally became the real 44th President, and the fact that the UK and Germany and Canada aren't really 'ethnically European' in terms of what kids are flooding from where, cause we get more shitskins whom are Indian/Paki/Bengali, Beaner children of assorted feces caked beans that spread the southern states and are slowly crawling up to places like New England/New York.
Plus OP, I'm just going to lay it on you straight, you seem like one of those annoying beaner children if the only reputiable image you got posted is the MAGA Trump colored anime cat bitch, which I think is just a shitty 2hu garbage when not being used as MEGA MAGA MARA. The other two images being the gay little meme face that I've seen countless of times being spread by little mexi-memers on Holla Forums whom all claim they got it from Holla Forums where we all know that's the majority of beaners and shitskins post and spread CP like in the wild west days of infiniteworld as I call it when me and plenty of anons fucking made sure the Mods came down on those shitskins hard where they had a temporary IP range ban on third worlders for quite a while. The other and last reaction image you got going on is equally as faggy as the second one with the little Muh-MEME!!™ face.
Seriously, you seem pretty fucking new and I wouldn't be suprised if you were some autistic beaner child fresh onto Holla Forums trying to fit in by posting irrelevant shit, cause it doesn't matter the purity of who's posting from where in an age where the try and catch me nigger I'm behind 7 proxys joke became a reality for some, if not most on the wild web as I call it nowadays son, ain't as wild as it used to. Now we got everything pandering to idiotic wannabe nigger children, beaner children who want to be wannabe niggers but then come here and cry about how they HATE the nigger, but yet want to be them, and then you got the same beaners crying about how their women love 'white boiz' and hate "the nigger" yet statistics prove otherwise little mexi-memer.
I can smell you shitskins from a mile away, and this thread just kinda solidifies that we're dealing with more idiotic non-whites en masse after the hack we had, and that you little shitskins are just waiting impatiently to get your numbers back to try and 'attack'. Cause either you're /leftycuck/ or maybe even Holla Forums or /int/ whatever you idiotic third world nigger club you faggots call yourselves now, which my opinions about Holla Forums are just hilairous, its pathetic how you shitskins get together and think you're 'above' the rest of your ethnicity because you managed to figure out how to post on a website your faggot gubbermens don't want you to, but then you think that you're now some fucking genius ubermensch and think that your kind, of all people, should force yourselves amongst ethnic europeans or 'whites' as shitskins like to call us because you feel you deserve the upmost quality in life, even if it means literally forcing yourself to be around people who not only want you around them, but would and will be the ones to ring that noose around your neck as they kick that stool from beneath your feet when that lovely little day in spring cums, and it cums HARD.
I cannot wait till we either IP range ban all the shitskins, and if we have to, IP range ban by location where we can keep the barrios out of the internet for good, I mean it was bad when the first nigger tripniggers showed up, but the fact there's a beaner around every fucking corner on this website more than when fucking Chinks paid by Mao himself were trying to shit up our boards is just too much man. I feel like Im the only one who remembers the chink invasion that happened back in 07/08 where some dumb little chink from mainland china started posting and begging for attention and games and then people were banned for 'wacism' while that stupid chink started getting uppity shit talking whites before he was finally dealt with.
Shitskins/non-whites RUIN and KILL imageboards and forums, REMEMBER THIS.
Their memes are sterile and fruitless. Only if there was a compelling confluence, the likes of which that brought KEK into our hearts and minds can there be a good instance of meme magic working through it.
But nobody memes MedJed, he's like Gondola but cuter, and Japan kinda likes him
Spamming global gets you banned site-wide, kike-kun.
You've already been banned but your boss won't allow you to use more of the VPNs? You need a new job because you suck at this one :^)
Reported. Thanks for being so autistic you can't do anything BUT out yourself as exactly what I've said you are.
Germans are barely Aryan. They're less Aryan than Poland. You mad revisionshit?
It truly enchants the heart how badly kikes/goons are triggered by the smug.
Dear fuck, just kill yourself, you stupid fucking turk. You're way out of your league.
Am I imkampfy too?
Stay mad, ((( goon ))).
Yeah, this board isn't dead at all.
You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.
shut up, imkamphy
(it also causes all the local reports to be dismissed when they eventually dismiss the global report)
"Well, the imkampfy is what gives Holla Forums its power. He's an energy field created by all living things. He surrounds us and penetrates us; he binds the galaxy together."
t. ass-shattered goon to initiate newly anally annihilated goon
Nice memes.
I agree? He should drown in semen.
What actually is that spike?
I noticed it awhile ago.
It has more users than when it first started, how on Earth is it "dead"?
What a quality thread
He's imkamphy, he's imkamphy, you're imkamphy…
I'm imkamphy!?
May the REAL imkamphy please stand up?
You're obviously imkampfy trying to astroturf his popularity on the board.
Go to hell, imkampfy
Kill yourself, shill.
Just reveal yourself, imkampfy.
Fucking imkampfy using mod h4xXx to get trips
Good digits
The digits were good, and they were witnessed accordingly.
Guize what if we used the last two digits to do math. Only reply when your post number will be the sum of the previous two post digits
just stop replying and kill yourself, imkamphy
I think that deep down at the bottom of all of our hearts that all of us in our own special, little way, are all just a bit imkampfy.
And so, looking over this thread we should all kill ourselves
Dont tell anyone
I heard imkampfy has a huge cock. I believe it.
No, I am imkampfy.
This site is compromised as fuck, proof:
Oh man, this isn't bumplocked? mods haven't had their daily cucking yet. Like I said, this place is a joke now. Thank fuck for better alternatives.
switching IPs again, imkampfy?
I agree with Tumblr 100% for once. Thoth is a sketchy faggot, Melchizedek is a fraud, and 'thot' is niggerspeak.
On the other hand we're past the point of no return and the Ogdoad is coming back weather we like it or not, best to stay on their good side.
Norwegians aren't north koreans.
How about you kill yourself faggot. Polk and may other alternatives. This place is a joke and u faggots are desperate. Its pathetic.
Medjed was in Persona 5
That's full of TRS-apologism. Go kill yourself.
Huh why isn't Australia up there in 8ch
I thought we were many
Gas yourself
Wanna know how I know you're not from here?
You will not be missed.
The numbers for those countries are nearly the same, so I'm not sure how 8/pol/ is purer than half/pol/. What's key is how many users from those countries are White or not, which isn't given, and would be hard to measure since other halfchan boards are popular with apolitical teenagers and will skew the site's metrics.
That being said, I do check our Alexa rankings from time to time, and am very happy both half chan and fullchan are growing. Sure, the shilling is intense, and having a positive opinion about any public figure who advocates White identity is verboten, but the cultural and political criticism is still great, and one can always sift the posts and find camaraderie with plenty of good, sensible users, while learning to zone out from or chuckle at disinfo/d&c shills paid per post, and gullible folks dumb enough to buy the latter's arguments and spread their ideas for free.
I love this chart, though it's inaccurate since Rozen Maiden didn't exist yet in 2003.
I like this cycle; nothing wrong with dividing Holla Forums anons over many different boards to lessen the impact of hacks, regime attempts to block sites or sue their owners.
I shall now utter the ultimate heresy:
Whoever he is, I love Imkampfy
All of them presumably.
Want to know how I know you're not around here, when you have no clue what I was talking about, but then make some autistic passive aggressive statement trying to prove otherwise when you weren't here back in 2013.
So then I got you being autsitic and trying to pretend you know better, or perhaps you were going to make some dimwitted comment based on how large my post was, thinking that effort is needed to type fast, when the majority of people with in my age range have been using keyboards since the god damned late 1970s Early 1980s, and yet here I have some autistic non-white child trying to tell me how he now magically knows I've 'not from around here'.
That's a giggle in a half, a real giggle. So much so when you have such a literal shitskin trying to tell me little lies when I already know Holla Forums is getting raided by half-wit beaner children such as yourself. We've seen the email, we've seen your little indoctrination station .edu email you have to hit up when daddy slaps one of you faggots out.
All in all, It's time for you to leave nigger.
everyone left for alternate chans tbh (also proxies due to cuck government)
I thought we were many
I'm Aussie
What do you care about this board being pure, having non arians here asimilating Holla Forums's message means more non arians who want fuck all to do with arians and their countries and who want to stick with their own to make their people great again
I'm a spic and i'm pretty sure the only thing i have in common with my fellow anons is our mutual hatred for kebabs, niggers and kikes and our desire for cultural and ethnic segregation
A bit ironic that our desire to remain separate is what unites us
imkampfy is love, imkampfy is life
The fuck is NNTPchan?
Are you fucking retarded?
Also 8/pol/ has already reached cuckchan levels of SJW moderation. Just because our cancerous mods are neo-cons doesn't make them any better.