Fun allowed here?

So AntiFa decided to rain on the Trump picnic in Montavilla Park, Portland.

Low energy rich kids armed with noise makers and angst saying the Mayor was a piece of shit for not being a Communist etc.

I just noticed the Portland Police are naming and shaming the losers they picked up:

(Seriously unsure of the sex of one of them)

Lots of AntiFa whining and videos here:

Basically, whenever the cops show up and are allowed to do their job, AntiFa melts like chocolate in the sun. The few of them that try to stir shit end up looking like even bigger fools.

Other urls found in this thread:

His hair says "highschooler" but his face says "first grade English teacher"







Sorry, I write lots of emails

I've seen him before. I didn't go to this protest because homework but he was at the lake oswego one too. He's creepy. I'd stay away from him just in case he has Hep-C and wants to spit on people.

They're bitching about Trimet being used to bus people out of the melee:
It's fucking hilarious what happens when you don't have a literal Communist as the Mayor. It's so obvious now how the violent WTO riots would have turned out if Ted Wheeler had been in charge

Where do I find these rallies? I need something like a Holla Forums calendar. But thanks OP for bringing this up. Wonder if that guy making Hitler salutes and shouting nigger is genuine.

Someone needs to call in Dick Tracy to deal with that last one.

Didn't they cure Hep-C?

Dude looks like an ugly dyke. I can't sex these creatures anymore. My radar is forever fucked by 2016

You live in Portland? Basically just keep active in the conservative communities. Usually they just pop up out of no where.

Same here, on the radar part. And I'm not sure, I was just saying he might be diseased. I wouldn't put it past antifa to use something like that


Get over your bullshit reddit meme bandwagon. Image boards have had awful formatting from the start you fucking nigger. NO ONE SHOULD GIVE A FUCK

Nope. There are vaccines for A and B but you still cant do shit about C.

t. someone who has to get a hep titer (and the vaccine if it is low) every year

u mad plebbit?

Any updates? I want to see if Rockwell jr. over here lasts the whole protest.

The more vaccines they give you the less they work it seems. We should just send all the infected people to Mexico.


Dammit, Holla Forums…

Isn't the real problem that you have too big a monitor and you don't know how to set the font size or grid windows? I can't imagine it being this annoying otherwise.

Settle down, Pat Morita

"You know what capitalism is? Getting fucked!"
-Tony Montana

not an argument tbh






What about

the game

3rd guy looks like a bog

I think the first two are suppose to be females, and the 3rd is obviously a male. IDK maybe the first one is a numale its hard to say. The point is they all look abnormal, they certainly have something wrong with them.

My ID is dubs, mods pls no bully I wont triple space any more.

He came to the protest with a baseball bat screaming about niggers, cop took the baseball bat, Trump people wouldn't let him in because he was screaming racial slurs and trying to fight people, he left. That's about it


holy shit i just lost the game for the first time in years

The last time I heard that was when I was a sophomore in highschool

6 years ago.




Boston destroyed all their FN303s after they killed some woman and claimed the weapon was no longer accurate after 300 rounds

That's a load of shit, the pellets the FN303 uses has Bismuth in the casing so it has added weight. Since they shot her at basically point blank range it penetrated her skull and killed her.

There is a minimum range for them especially if you shoot exposed skin.

webms without sound

Not saying I agreed with them. I certainly have never fired one


Not subtle enough.

Leftists are so ignorant they don't know its called a Roman salute.

Tried talking to him for a bit and he knew almost nothing about Hitler. All he would do is yell things, usually contradictory, while posing for the media. For example several times he claimed to be an ashkenazi less than a minute after saying all jews need to be gassed "again." Meanwhile he kept pushing that the lolbertarians and antifa were "the real fascists." He could not even spell ashkenazi when he was making a rant, and kept checking his cell to see what to yell next. Chances of him being a plant are very high as any user, or even a skinhead, would know Mein Kamph by name and not "that one book Hitler wrote while in that prison." The reason Trump supporters didn't let him in is because he announced himself as the guy who went on kikebook and said to shoot the police. After minimal investigating this is clearly not /ourguy/

Interferon and/or Ribavirin treatment in combination can render genotypes 2 and 3 to undetectable levels and genotype 1 (the most common one) can be cured in 90% of patients with a 12-week regimen of Sofosbuvir

Treatment is expensive (why active junkies and crackheads aren't candidates to begin with and you know they'll never be able to afford it) and for a lot of people it feels like having the flu for months on end while being treated because these drugs are prodding your immune system into clocking overtime producing T cells and it's really fucking taxing on the body.

He's either a plant or a lonely schizo


Local Antifa named Benjamin Kerensa showed up with a baseball bat, same guy who got blogger Micheal Strickland arrested for defending himself, and same guy who has been pushing for "codes of conduct" in open source.



Could he be one of those "Prison Nazis"? The self-style "nazi gangs" that sell drugs and have gay sex with each other, all the while knowing jack shit about National Socialism?

Once again, ANTIFA looks like a bunch of inbred retards.
Fucking kek.

Please stop, you'll trigger the ICBM missile defense systems with my sides

(Seriously unsure of the sex of one of them)
In England we call those mush-birds Mush rhymes with kush, not with slush and it means "bloke" "fella" "chap" etc.
Bird is old slang for girl and a horrid sexist term these days.

He's a big guy, and not in a good way.

What is the ethnicity of those type? There are two ethnicities I can't label that work exclusively for either criminal liberals or for criminal orgs. The one has those dark purple lips but a light complexion and never a right looking face.

He needs to join AntiFat

You're thinking Gypsy or Albanian


He's like one of those guys who played games like Watch Dogs and told "fight the system". As a result, he sees himself as a badass and wants to look cool. It's cringe-worthy and pathetic as fuck. Words cannot describe the stupidity of this waste of human flesh.



crai evry tiem :( im so sorry enter key







A thing

Fibonacci spacing


LOL, he is complaining about the government violating his 2nd amendment rights.

[Low energy clown sex noises]

hey anonymous's lads. bored on a saturday night and making my way over here from Reddit. weird board you've all got here, no wonder it's not very popular. anywho, how do I sent up my account and follow ppl, like thing, and spread the love like jelly by up-voting comments?

also I think you meant 4th and 5th


The Alt-Right?

He lloks like a thin version of Limburger.

3-4-2017 Lake Oswego Or. while covering the Portland Or. area March 4 Trump event, among the miscreants i recognize the thug who tried to attack Journalist and Laughing at Liberals founder Mike Strickland, i greet him and he proceeds to go all victim Diva on me…

Vaccines does not equal complete cure. If you get viral shit you can still be fucked.


unbelievably obvious false flag, kill yourself for falling for it and propagating it

Why the hell would they be noisy in a liberal city in a liberal state?

unbelievably obvious joke, kill yourself for taking me so seriously

KEK, take a look at his backpack waist strap

Fuck OP, why did you start this thread after the rally was over. Some of us don't have goybook accounts you know. In the future would you kindly let us anons know beforehand?

…'cause I was also out of the loop?

PDX isn't my backyard and I only got back to OR a coupe days ago

antifa thing is escalating quite fast










what level of autism did I run into in this thread?


Marxist utopia is always one purge away.

sorry, i write lots of comments on reddit

Christ with the newfags lately. I cant tell if its a legit tidal wave of newfags or shills pretending

he's hungry for social justice

Which sucks because the first game was good outside of one faggy optional side mission where they shoehorned some "oy vey these guys are mean to illegal aliens" bullshit on top of it, while the rest of the game is a revenge story against the mafia led by a very jewish looking leader "Lucky Quinn" for killing the protagonist's niece.

You haven't played the second one have you?

Bumping with OC, here's the scene made when the speakers began talking in the park

More antifa fun

I know the second one was pozzed and faggy as fuck, that's why I only had some praise for the first one. "Nigger and diverse friends like the anime emote helmet guy and the sandnigger do a bunch of nothing to fight back against a company that should have been destroyed in the first game".


Here's another one. Too lazy to make a webm.

Boogie will never be anonymous

Since antifa are never going to listen to what Trump supporters have to say anyway, you would think eventually they would learn to get earplugs

These people are pathetic fucking train wrecks.

This is what you're up against Holla Forums


Underrated post


Thats how you treat this scum!

I find this clip absurdly funny for some reason, I have played it multiple times now and each time without fail I smile and laff. Having said that it does have a more sinister edge, these “noise makers” are adults (whom I presume to be of sound mind from at least a medical point of view) attempting to communicate a opinion on the world in which they live. Only they aren’t using their words or performing meaningful actions that will inspire debate, they are squeezing hooters, bellowing squeakers and banging clangors whilst dressed up nonsensical mishmashes. This is the behaviour of toddlers.


OK that fat cunt really triggered me with his legalistic shenanigans. Although I'm glad his attempt at citizen's arrest was just laughed at.

His smugness combined with legal threats against the imprisoned man, and him being a SJW software ruiner make me want to open his bloated belly and spill his guts on the ground

Please kill yourself paranoia fag.

Tortures of the Damned

9000 hours in gimp

Ummm. What the Fuck is going on in this thread? It's verbatim to a thread on another forum 4 hours ago…

Nice try, faggot

Lurk for 2 more years

Pretty impressive job user. Saved

He's right. Why are you denying it? What's your game, OP?

Hola forums scrapes Holla Forums for content and clickshekels, you nub


Aren't the other posts first? I'm just curious as to what's going on. A coordinated slide? A trap to get people to do more than dox? I just wanna know why

So basically guys make money from re-posting chan shit in masse.

You think that guy looks like a bog? Wait until you see the autistic alcoholic gutterpunk namdd Spike who sometimes is in portland. Raised by whores, wears a one-sleeved leather jacket, permawasted, and total submissive well, he was raised by whores, that's their fault with the crossed out swastica tattooed on his arm. Looks EXACTLY like a Bog!

Pretty sure I saw the chick on the left at a park in portland, having a freakout from a single hit of acid. Tried to get her boyfriend to attack the most reputable dealer in the entire city, because she was too weak willed to handle her shit.

Can you screencap some good faces? I know a lot of people in the Portland underground, I could find these people where they get fucked up. I know their fucking dealers, AND the security teams that patrol the city, and they both like me.


Basically a hammer to hit men in the balls with. Cucks are immune since they have no balls anyway.

The old gay junkie beaner is all over this guys youtube channel airliner world & more


Who is the shitskin drugy with a nosering?

This guy shows up at all the rallies, he's the street muscle of the group "Portland's Resistance", the leaders of which all have very kosher last names (a few of them got cached in the google search result for their facebook page). Also the guy who runs that channel is a completely impartial observer who got his phone smashed on Saturday by the short girl who got arrested.

Stop being an obsessive compulsive faggot, control that mental illness.

It seems like all he does is drugs and antifa. This is probably the antifa archetype. Also liberal use of the descriptor "muscle" but I get your point, hehe.

Apparently if three commies appear anywhere in public with a sign in portland, the magic hysterical junkie beaner will be one of them. he must eat at soup kitchens or something. how do antifa even live? Do they just squat in warehouses and eat free hobo food when they arent shooting up? Like seriously.

Soros money?

Portland has so many nonprofit agencies that it's impossible to even list them all. He probably has a do-nothing job at one or multiple agencies that direct-deposit his rent, so he won't blow it on dope the second it hits his account.

I'd actually be more worried of causing permanent injury to him in a fight. There was a kid I knew from middle school who got into a fight with a bunch of street Chinks, he gave one a permanent spinal injury and was dumb enough to stick around and "help the man" instinctual altruism?. The cops nabbed him and the judge gave him 2 years penitentiary, I wondered what happened to him.

that's crazy to imagine, but not to hard to believe. if that makes any sense

Or he's being housed and fed by some sort of protest organizing space.
A building, such as a house that hosts space for activists, organizing, training, art, and other stuff.

That's a whole lot of words to say "crack house"

pretty much a politically active soros funded crackhouse.

Here's one of the more well known ones in DC.
I went in there once years ago out of curiosity, they had panflits on all sorts of things including instructions on lock picking, instructions for stealing, and various other non-protest things.

They are paid by poverty pimps to stop anyone fixing the area via gentrifying it. The pimps get a billion bucks annually via grant money to help the poor, but give the downtrodden a pittance and pocket the rest, paying Antifa out of that rest. Same scam in every bleeding heart city.

Antifa turds are mostly Soros-losers and freemasons. Video related.

Actually, I think it's called a "Bellamy Salute" but I could be wrong.

"Gentrification" doesn't fix the fucking area, it's just as damn bad, just in the opposite fucking direction. Instead of poor nignogs, hou have trustafarians and hipsters and $14 milkshkes. You're falling for the real estate scam the kikes run. Pump in nignogs drugs and riots to collapse the property value, buy it up, make it trendy to trustafarians and hipsters and charge OUTRAGEOUS prices until the money dries up, and repeat the cycle again and again. That's how they destroy everything.


Fun is encouraged here.

underrated post

holy shit, literal partyvan following these faggots

Some days you just want a flamethrower and an unexpected case of blue flu.

Yeah, Portland PD is already at the tipping point. They know their city has been taken from them by their enemies. They CONSTANTLY have to deal with niggers spicks and tweakers with no honor. they used to only have yakuza, triads, russians and mobsters. These people never harm anyone outside of their games. You leave them alone, they leave you alone, unlike niggers and cartels. Further, the city routinely gives them cuts, and refuses to hire more police. As a result, they've outsourced patrols to private companies who ride around on bycicles and call the police if something happens.

Is this Portland? As a saffa, i'm looking to immigrate and i'd love to move to Texas because of the red-pilled bastion. I have no cash, college educated and just paid off the debt but would make debt had I have to make the leap of faith and try to legally immigrate to the US. I know some of you fuckers wouldn't want us there, but I also know many Holla Forumsacks would understand and support. I've heard portland is extremely libtarded but if there is an opportunity, should I grab it? I mean, I can still survive this side and be as red-pilled as I want with fellow and like-minded individuals… What's the point of being safer and confined when you can be free and in danger but at least speak openly about how you feel about the world and your surroundings? I may be a 3rd worlder in a white skin but at least nobody hides their power levels in a direct manner. The Americans that visit this place tend to put on a fake avatar and fuck niggers so I have no idea what to think of the USA or a potential bastion of salvation of life if that makes sense.

You know, burning a flag would be considered treason a few years ago and it would surmount to a jail sentence. How is it that the USA has become such a bunch of faggots that they allow this shit to happen? We all know the gulf war was papa bush's BS to kickstart the IMF Counter Strike Kiddy Monopoly but even then, burning flags was the propoganda used to invade them all. Why not just give a quick fist to these fucking faggots who enjoy all the first world amenities and act out in faggotry without repercussions of any anger? Are the cops that cucked in the USA?

Stay at least 400miles from Portland. The Oregon coast isn't too bad, but there is no life or money there. What's your degree in? What kind of labor do you enjoy? If Texas sounds good more mexican than you'd imagine then any state due north of it would likely be better. Wyoming has the fewest niggers though, the percentage is about 1%.

They've done this before.

This is what people don't understand about gentrification. It doesn't start when the first white person moves into a black neighborhood, it starts when the first minority moves in anywhere, even the forest. The banks know that black neighborhoods will eventually collapse into ghettos, so they have their loan strategies and maps laid out decades in advance. It's a script that's been repeated in every major western city in the world.

I wouldn't be remotely surprised if the entire rapefugee crisis started as a real estate scam.

Why are we taking these low-energy retards seriously again?


I FOUND HIS FUCKING IMDB PAGE! He's involved in some kind of comedy reality show called "Down in Bridgetown", listed as an Executive Producer, he's also in the show's facebook page cover photo.

There's got to be some truth to the idea that you can tell instantly about a person from first impressions. I looked at every person on this list and only found 2 that I'd even consider ever talking to for any reason - all the rest are an instant "NOPE". Best trust your gut, anons. If someone looks sus they probably are.

He's closely associated with producers Josh Miller
and David Miller
They worked together on a comedy show called "Last Convict Standing", although Marquez is not listed on it's IMDB page, and he has no publically accessible facebook page.
See this post for confirmation:


lol wtf, nice find

did he burn his bra?

bullshit artist

I always find the Antifa who are in their 50s the most threatening. Most of the kids are just brainwashed and will grow out of it, but if you're old as shit like that 3rd dude then it's probably the only thing you have in your life. It's like the cult leader vs the follower.

I think it's just sad. These broken kids have some life ahead of them, enough time to change and become a functioning adult.

Antifas in their 40s and older are just fucking depressing. You can tell they've lived a life unfulfilled. They've accomplished little if any personal success, probably have no children, and are probably ignored or ridiculed by their extended family. So the only thing that gives them purpose is petulant hooliganism and bitching and moaning you grow out of by your 20s, and lash out at people who achieved some modicum of success or at least know what's best for themselves and their community.


fantastic post with that vid.

Antifa are truly the genetic waste products of America

Top right looks like one of the Bogdanoff brothers

Fuck, top left.

Over/Under on how many have aids?

Always look for sunken cheekbones, lipodystrophy is a common symptom in over 1/3 of HIV cases.

Holy shit he can barely even fucking breath he's so fucking fat

This guy truly is the gift that keeps on giving.

The reason gentrifying the corner of wastings and pain would be a good thing would be scattering the homeless all over the lower mainland, and thus destroying the NDP's grant farming scheme and ruining the antifa forever.

It would destroy the local communist parties if the poor actually had a chance to move up in the world without antifa robbing and attacking them and then selling them drugs after destroying their employment (pidgin restaraunt, owner hired strictly SRO folks to give them a steady job, guess who started attacking it? The Commies! Why? Because he was hiring homeless and allowing them to make rent!)

Wastings and pain == Hastings and Main?
What is NDP?
What is SRO?
Is pidgin restaurant Le Pidgeon?
You're too advanced for me, I'm just a filthy transplant, pls spoonfeed.

What happened to them? All of those mentioned would hate commies intensely. The triads in particular for being ran out of their own country back in the day by commies.

They have a mental disease. Holy fuck this is weird

Its a fucking tumblr convention





hahahahahaha christ on a bloody cross

If you sent them back in time, they would had survived being a freak show.

it is one of the most truly bizarre clips I have ever watched (over and over cant stop watching) It's like a bad acid trip or a scene cut from Freddie Got Fingered.

lucky he has that mask on, no possible other way to ID grimace.

Bullying needs to come back

Just do it

Why does everyone in Portland look like an Oblivion character?