Targeting LA Entertainers and Comedians


We've all seen the occasional "woke" rapper or mel gibson talk about jews but the amount of people working in (((hollywood))) who are fully aware is a lot bigger than that.
Every goy with an above room temperature IQ who is forced to work for or alongside kikes on a daily basis will develop a good understanding of their scheming ways. One might rationalize it or even praise jewish tribal cohesion but a person who has actual dealings with jews will not dismiss us with the same kind of naivety a lot of jew-blind normies would.

I've spent quite a lot of time listening to podcasts by LA entertainers and I think the best place to find potential converts are the fringes of hollywood.
Comedians would be a good example of such a fringe group. They all know that the best jokes are Holla Forumslitically incorrect and as a comedian you spend a lot of time looking for inconsistencies in our society's narrative anyways.

A good example I have at hand right now of comedians talking about jews and really pointing out the blatant nepotism they engage in is this one:
If you skip to minute 30 they first go into the bell curve and then basically point out how shitty jews in LA are while totally cucking at the time.

What I'm proposing is contact these people. Talk to them about their experience with jews. Tweet at them. Challenge them. Call them out for being pussies. Many comedians especially are easily baited and drawn into arguments since they can't help themselves and will try to out-wit you.
Avoid talking to their audiences though. You'll run into a brick wall there.

Other urls found in this thread:

I still recommend listening to the podcast. It's really interesting hearing people who work in the industry talk about the heavy jewish involvement so carelessly. A little later they even make remarks about jews being porn producers.

What a surprise.

Hi Holla Forums.

You want to target Ari Fleischer who is a massive Jew himself?

All folks pictured are part of the Joe Rogan (that's OH-OH-EN-EYE-TEE) circle. Joe is such a fucking faggot, listen to the recent Thaddeus Russel appearance. He is an open borders supporter and flip flops on more things than Trump because he is a massive pothead. You could convince him of the JQ and he would change his mind during his next isolation tank with edible weed experience.

Eddie Bravo is a lost cause. If it's not jiu-jitsu, he cannot articulate anything. I don't understand the point of red-pulling people that are so far up their fucking ass. Even if it did happen, people would simply stop listening anyone I met who listens to these folks are basic-bitch normies that think Joe Rogan is smart or Joey Diaz is really funny because he is a degenrate who swears a lot.

No, I just put ari in there as an example of one of the jews these people have to deal with.
He recently tried to get out of a bet he had made with tom segura and bert kreischer by doing soin jew-jitsu lawyering for instance.

Well said. Sorry OP if you are (((entertained))) by some of these members of the Rogan cabal but these are people whose entire livelihood is built on sucking the teats of their jewish bosses and gatekeepers. They are lemmings that have built a nice cozy and stable life from the bones and bread crumbs thrown at them by said semitic benefactors. Reaching out to them is a waste of time.

Maybe turning people like rogan is not an option but there is clearly a bigger spirit of dissent among comedians than any other hollywood caste.
People like sam hyde should be step one but keeping established entities talking about jews is not bad for us either.

I mostly listen to this stuff now because it provides a good insight into hollywood. Especially smaller podcasts will often talking very freely about risky topics simply because they feel safe with their niche audience.

Maybe I'm completely wrong but it's still interesting hearing liberal entertainers talk about jews bluntly.

comedians in the past several years have been very, very careful about their material. It doesn't matter what they believe personally; they won't say anything that will piss off the mainstream media. It's career suicide unless you're someone like Sam Hyde who doesn't want mainstream success.

Almost every comedian dreams of being on a sitcom or having bigger roles in movies. Naming the jew puts a stop to those dreams.

Nah user spoke the truth. The board is essentially a lost cause where shitskin admins censor and break up a lot of things. It's a trump shilling board at best now with every other subject or concern taking a backseat or being actively censored, banned, or slid.

If you think otherwise go ahead and prove yourself wrong by trying to get this to go anywhere because it won't. Same goes for any other legitimately useful venture that goes beyond pure shit-posting.

There's some non-whites who are based/ red pilled. Patrice Oneil was one. Michael Jackson. Kanye West. Oh Eddie Bravo thinks the Holocaust is Bullshit 100%. (t. 10th planet Jiu Jitsu ) Mohamed Ali for sure.

Fuck if I know what to do with them though. Ali is sort of a normie friendly baby's first redpill on ethno-states. Maybe that's a use.

Stop hoping you are going to recruit anyone that is desperately trying to get Jew shekels to ever do anything that will ever be non-Kosher

funny how they build up someone only for them to turn against them with an army of fans

can't imagine what measures they're taking to prevent making that mistake again, then again that'll explain the weird behaviour of celebs promoting movies and feminism they don't like and suddenly being exposed for being apart of some weird tax cheat scam

Wasn't there a rumor about using clones? I remember a thread here or in 4chan regarding Miley Cyrus or one of the Kardashians.

Hey if you can simply fuck off if you have a problem with our based kike and shitskin mods.


You have a problem with based negros or something? :^)

Kikes are the enemy. There are no good kikes. Niggers etc are tools of kikes. Tools are not enemies. Tools can be taken, and used.

Woe slow down boy. What chu runnin for? Who did you steal those dubs from Jamal? Tell the truth this time and my partner might calm down and not beat your ass.

Showing someone an Ali video, for example, brings segregation and ethnostates well into the Overton window. Blue-pilled whites aren't allowed to out-group Ali and being obsessed with equality they will assume that they should also be allowed an ethnostate our of parity. But fuck me right? Why do something that actually works?

out* of parity.

A tool that does more harm than good is a defective tool.

See if you can get Bravo to talk about why Nazi's wouldn't need to gas people because they could just shoot them. He's already done it. He knows what's going on but he's slick about not saying it.

charles manson was right

dubs confirm
I always said he was right, especially about the bear rammage.

Bill Burr drops a lot of redpills and good advice, but it's all ruined by him being a niggerlover and having a mudbaby. He's completely fucking whipped by his baboon wife and all of his potential, which you can hear 2-3 years ago from his podcasts, has basically all gone by now. He's a fence-sitting son of a bitch kept on the kikes' side by his nigger wife and now his mud daughter. His daughter has a hilariously nigger name, too.

It's a shame, he had such great potential. And he's the most redpilled out of all the major comedians out there.

Face it, trying to shift LA comedians is a lost cause. LA is such a fucking corrupting and horrendous influence that only Bill Hicks was able to articulate just how much of a shithole it is. Shortly after that, he died of a mysteriously fatal cancer.

He's such a fucking cuck. Nia is a hardcore sjw and he still laughs at everything she says and does everything she tells him to. She talks like some fucking valley girl who's never had a problem in her life. She constantly micromanages his life, and when he steps out of a line even a little she calls him a racist sexist cisman and he tucks his dick back into his body, mumbles "yes'm", and crawls back into his cuckshed. The guy can talk shit to a thousand angry drunk Philadelphians with no fear, but he can't slap one uppity 3/10 sheboon in her banana-muncher?

He's a warning tale in what happens to a man when he's so desperate for someone to grow old with that he settles for a controlling baboon. He has so much wisdom and intelligence after 40some years of life, but he's repeatedly said that his single biggest fear is growing old alone. Hence, he settled for the worst possible option and now has a horrible mudbaby.


1. All comedians are degenerates. There are no exceptions.

2. Even if you could convince any of these people about the JQ, they'll never risk their careers by saying anything about it. So you'd be wasting your time.

This. I always seethe when I see Burr called "based" around here in these threads. He's a generally funny guy but he is cucked as fuck. Try to listen to his podcast and find an episode where he doesn't white bash a bit (usually within the first ten minutes) or say something like "Eh, what do I know? I'm just some white guy…" And yes, Nia seems like a cunt. I Googled her once to see if the "Lovely" nickname held true… wew lad, Bill must need glasses.

What's her name? I don't recall ever hearing it.

So he has made child with that creature? I wonder who the real father is? Absolutely worthless.

God, I hadn't seen her in a while. She's uglier than I remember.

He accidentally blurted it out sometime in the last two weeks during a podcast, but it's so niggerish that I forgot. It starts with a "De" in the same style as "Deshawn" or "Delayla" or some bullshit.

Ah, I must have missed it then. I've heard all the podcasts since I began listening about two and a half years ago and he's definitely gone downhill big time.

Brian Regan isn't a degenerate, although he's not an "alt-comic" so normalfags think he's unhip.

Dacreesha Phrahmda-Le'gune

You can tell by his latest special. All of his previous specials were grade-A gold as far as comedy specials went. His last one was unfunny garbage, the last quarter was just Joe Rogan-tier physical comedy that he simply can't pull off with his lanky aging bald frame, and the audience pulled back every single time he brought up his increasingly SJW-washed politics.

Again, he has his moments of lucidity when his wife isn't around, which is why I still listen to his podcasts every now and then, but he's done. There's no coming back for him.


I didn't even bother to check out his newest special. I was sure it would be SJW-tier. My guess is that it went something like this:

Brief moment of clarity:
Back to cuckdom:

comedians pretty much end up being the worst, a lot of the time they end up being directly supported by the state or large corporations and they're knocking themselves out to get their netflix/streaming specials or end up with movie deals or whatever.

So of course they're going to come out and say a bunch of total pozzed crap most of the time. It's strange to see sometimes too when you can clearly see they are clearly more intelligent than their 'comedy' a lot of the time. An example is this Tom Gleeson guy in Australia. He hosts a quizz show on the state broadcaster, basically shows he's not retarded but then you watch his stand up and it's just the weakest left wing suck up stuff.

Once a comedian gets big enough, they are presented with two choices: Either cuck for the kikes or get your shit pushed in. That's pretty much true for all celebrities, be they movie stars or athletes. You either cuck for the kikes or they fuck your shit up, and if you really make a stink about it they may even suicide you.

This world can have nothing truly beautiful, natural or genuine become popular as long as the parasitic rats are running the show.

Did stand-up sell its soul or did I just break the conditioning?


Both, friendo. 2014 was a bellwether year. Louis ck goes downhill, burr has his last good special, chappelle comes back on a antiwhite warpath, the other niggers are afraid to do anti black shit so just start acting uppity, women start getting pushed twice as hard as "funny"… it was probably mostly shit by 2008 but I really noticed I couldn't laugh anymore 3 or 4 years ago. When trump came along it just gave everyone a signpost to show how cucked or jewish they were, but it was already there

….I just saw Dave Attell on 4/20
there are still nice things…

Take a look at this up-and-coming comic.
Just new-boot troofing and practicing some jokes. Having a good time in general. Making fun of the out-of-touch establishment.

Hipsters fucking despise him and say he's not funny.

Now look at this stand-up. The guy who got the former comedian's show taken off the air.
Just butthurt whining. A boring retard crying that people called him a faggot online while pretending it's ironic.

Hipsters love this guy and think he's hilarious.
It's a lowkey gamergate. Hipsters have invaded the comedy scene, and they give each other gigs and laugh at unfunny jokes. There are still funny people out there, but most of the ones doing the rounds at popular clubs and getting on comedy podcasts are nepotistic cucks like Tim Heidecker.
for anyone thinking Tim isn't legitimately butthurt, this isn't the first video he's done like that recently. there was another one he posted on his twitter "calling out Holla Forums" where he walks under a bridge, says "where are all the trolls now?" and then laughs at his own joke

That is a very stronk jew face

Both, my friend

I guarantee you, after the show he snorts coke of tranny hooker tits. All comedians are degenerates.

They jumped the shark recently but if you have experienced a similar reaction to other forms of media then you more than likely outgrew them with a perception shift, that is to say; you broke the conditioning.

To elaborate on the recent nosedive in comedic standards (which I do believe has also occurred) it is my opinion that Trump played a pivotal role. Many (most) people in media appeared to make a conscious decision to go for broke during the election, they were aware of the fact that they were acting beyond established reason with their reaction but (goaded on by each other) resigned themselves to throwing a tantrum. For those in fields such as music and film this wasn’t the end of the world, the songs sound the same save for the odd adlib, the characters they played remained the same etc. but for comedians and writers who had the freedom to merge their newfound insanity into their work it was disastrous. Journalism became indistinguishable from satire and every comedian suddenly fancied himself as George Carlin only they had no substance but their own hysteria to work with.

Well satan, you show these folks the darkresearcher archive threads and tell them about the co-founder of twitter and maker of Farmville being a filthy kike childfucker with an entire site filled with radioactive filth that sends FBI catatonic and screaming if they look at it, and of tumblr castration blogs like this one showing the end result of kikes like Ben Levin putting gender shit in primary school curriculums, boys cutting their cocks off to become demigender! (because that's what it means, balls but no dick, just a slit to piss through!)


I think it was stated in one of DarkResearcher's original threads, however it wouldn't. Remember the FBI hosts CP .onion websites which require the user to produce CP to maintain access. Consequently, for the sake of the "greater good", they have more CP produced. In particular, they certainly don't do things where obvious issues exists (i.e. a .net domain tribe, the Twittergate thing which mysterously died down way too quickly, a lot of those abuse cases from the 60s and 70s, etc.)

Man that kike rat face.
How can anyone think they're white?

I enjoyed 90's and early millennium Conan and SNL. Ferrel and co. I literally cannot watch any of my old favorites anymore. The agenda is nauseating.

Talking about comedy without mentionning based Dieudonné?

Fuck embed videos, i m on my phone

Stand up comedy has always been cringe shit. You just grew up.

How did that white man have a show called the amazing racist but pedowood did nothing but contradict themselves for being so tolerant and diverse… oh wait, that's not a white man, that's a je-

This. He was a close personal friend of Patrice and he ends up with a broad like that? And marrying her on top of it? That's more than fear of being alone, I think it's because Burr meets his own definition of "racist" and so he did something preposterously silly to try to "atone" for it and have some "totally not racist" card to play if necessary. Once it all crumbles, he'll end up lying awake at night wondering why none of his friends grabbed him by the shoulders and asked him what the fuck he is thinking, and why he ever thought turning his life upside down to not be called a racist loser was worth it for one second.

He and Gavin are both textbook examples of where you can expect to end up as a know-nothing contrarian who spouts random shit and lives for the approval of others.

tables will turn as soon as there are some actual shekels to be made by bashing the kikes

Dieudonné made millions of shekels by filling stadiums with anti-kike comedy

Yeah but the kikes are trying to pry it out of him any way they can

Might be a good idea to hit jew yawk as well. If pedowood does something better, you can bet the jews and good goys there are mad jealous of it.
Because pedowood runs on subsidy, not talent.
Hell, might even attract some jew yawkers into beating up on their cousins just out of spite.
Too bad mad mel #2 is so old. Funny thing about Hollywood too (funnier than their jokes at least) that I recall from an old Access interview of his. One of the reasons he never makes sequels is no matter how successful an original film ever since the early 60s they've had what could essentially be called a set of "tried and true moneymaking methods" for sequels. And you will not get greenlit without crippling your own movie in some way.. After they tried to force him to add both a romantic plot tumour and a 'buddy cop segment' to one 'era' of History of the World 2, he started mocking the whole idea by leaving sequel hooks in his movies knowing they'd never go anywhere.

Hah, yeah, I was blown away by Picard. He got genuinely fucked up by how his mom died, so I thought his muhfeminizms antitrumpism was coming from there. Nope, turns out him and Riker just wanted to virtue signal their way into cheap houses here because of a tax thing May has coming down the pipeline. Maaan, using your momma's death like that is top heebery. His nose grew 3 sizes last year.

haha, if they wouldn't be so liable to take from you!
Even the rapiest dumbassiest nigger secretly burns with haet, the woke ones because muh jew slavers, the normies with "THEY JUS OLD WHITE MEN TOO"
see: Crown Heights riot. Enrichment coming home to roost!

Ye his netflix special was awful tbh, i had to put it off halfway through. You can feel he had to replace his usual 'offensive' stuff with shitty humor. Fuck that disgusting nigger Nia for destroying an actually funny comedian

I keked and then learned of Overton window. I considered lofty rhetoric. What a journey. 10/10 response

I've seen two of his specials. The guy is (surprisingly, to me) pretty funny.

I wonder whether the kikes arrange these interracial marriages for controversial entertainers.

I think they pick which entertainers become controversial. Arranging divorces maybe? Like what is the likelihood that every single top-tier celebrity couple gets divorced? It'd be interesting to see marriage success rate athlete vs hollywood, but idk jews might be just as prevalent in pro sports.