Oh noes, they tried to make ocean niggers more attractive by giving her white traits

Oh noes, they tried to make ocean niggers more attractive by giving her white traits.

Why the fuck would I care about some tumblr post

Kill yourself

was it yours?

It's amazing how by just hitting a pretty woman in the face you get a sheboon

no thanks

She has completely different eyes, nose, lips and general head shape. This person is blind.

except she looks the same

She looks like a soulless design by committee CGI Disney character, but there's about as much variation within that framework as you can get.
The lips are actually thinner, which is curious. Probably to avoid cries of racism if they make them just a little too big.

But if they made her actually look like a nigger you'd be complaining they stereotype black people.

Wow, it's like Disney gives all their princess characters almost the exact same face

Yep. Fat Albert's a "racist cartoon" now, even though it was created by a black man.

Also that little smirk needs a slap. So no, it's really not the same unlike what Triggered96 on Tumblr thinks unless they have serious face blindness. People like this will never be happy with anything because they know that they're just not as attractive for the most part. If they made some character look like Nicki Minaj or someone, they'd be complaining that it was some racist caricature. If they made it look like Beyonce it would be "TOO WHYTE THO", etc.

I wonder who could be behind this post…

See, in these movies the ugly person is usually the villain. You can't actually make them look too non-white because these heroine characters are meant to be pretty and full of life. This is why nobody liked that cajun "princess" Disney did a while back that nobody remembers and why nobody really gives a shit about Jasmine either. The young white girl aesthetic is pretty, it's nice, it's colorful. It's what everybody on the planet thinks is beautiful. Even in Anime the characters that are not explicitly Asian are very western looking

I'm triggered rn tbh

How does she have white features? Her nose is broader her eyebrows are thicker and her head is wider than Rapunzel. If anything she's fairly skinny for a Polynesian.

Requesting someone make a FAS comparison image for this.

yeah they look exactly the same wtf disney you just made an ugly european aka a fucking nigger

its a fucking cartoon, everyone looks the same because its fucking cg

Also Rapunzel looks like she just got caught taking a shit whilst the other one looks like she's taking a selfie in her leased SUV. Really furthers the point here don't it? When she looks beautiful despite not trying to

Are goons what happens when Dreamworks designs human beings? They do the face.

No they didn't
Her eyes are really far apart, her nose is disgustingly wide and her mouth is as well.
Shitty thread

Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna, Moana look all the same because they are created by the same people and seem lazy with designs.

What is she talking about? She's got a different shaped head, eyes, nose it's broader, and lips

Far left lass is qt tbh.

tiny weenie

Are niggers actually fucking retarded or do they not fucking realize most Pacific Islanders DO have European-like traits?

Literally only the fucking retarded monkey spawn stright from sub-sahara have the really dark skin and pushed in noses. Nobody actually wants to make a nigger character

Ever notice how people with no actual strength or value are desperate to adapt the persona of the snarky cool guy?