Kim Jong Un calls for destruction of Israel

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman hurt the "dignity of the supreme leadership" of North Korea, state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported Saturday. The comment was in reaction to Israeli remarks on how the Jewish State is affected by North Korean tension with the United States.

In an interview with Hebrew news site Walla this week, the hawkish Liberman stated that North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un is a madman and that together with the leaders of Iran and Syria was part of an “insane and radical” gang that was bent on undermining international stability.

"The reckless remarks of the Israeli defense minister are sordid and wicked behavior and grave challenge to the DPRK [North Korea]," the North Korean statement read.

The statement also claimed that Israel, while working with the US, was the Middle East's only illegal owner of nuclear weapons.

"This is the cynical ploy to escape the world denunciation and curse as disturber of peace in the Middle East, occupier of the Arab territories and culprit of crimes against humanity," the spokesman said.

The access to nuclear power is a "righteous right for self-defense to cope with the US provocative moves for aggression," the statement read.

The statement threatened Israel and anyone who "dares hurt the dignity of its supreme leadership," with "merciless, thousand-fold punishment."

The statement ended with a warning to Israel to "think twice about the consequences to be entailed by its smear campaign against the DPRK [North Korea] to cover up the crimes of occupying Arab territories and disturbing peace process in the Middle East."

Last Tuesday a senior IDF officer told reporters at a special briefing that ongoing tension between North Korea and the US could impact Israel’s security.

The officer referred to the developing diplomatic rift between the US and the peninsula following North Korea’s recent and defiant attempts to extend its nuclear activity, despite repeated warnings from the West.

He explained that Israel could bear the brunt of such an escalation in the relations between Washington and Pyongyang should it occur, because the US would have to divert security resources from the Middle East to Korea.

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This will do wonders for the cognitive dissonance among Trump supporters who still think he is anti-jew.

Just a few more need to hate Israel for something to happen

wtf i love north korea now

Me 2


Don't make the mistake of thinking the DPRK is our friend because they dislike Jews. This is still a Soviet era throw back Communist state that adheres to pretty much everything Holla Forums despises. They're entertaining, and they aren't a real threat so I think we can leave them alone. But they don't regard us with any particular fondness either, and hold the same opinion of us they do of Jews. We gain nothing by publicly supporting or endorsing this shitty regime. The extent of our "support" for them should be to advocate we just leave them the fuck alone because they're a paper tiger anyway.

wtf I love Best Korea now

fucks sake lefty pol.

Please put your autism away for a little while.

Yes they are. They may not be an existential threat to some bumfuck burger but they can seriously fuck things up for millions of nips.

Don't tell me what I do or do not despise. I see them as independent and passively beligerent, I support their freedom to conduct their social experiment. While people may have opinions on how they could be doing things better, getting some norks to listen to those opinions is not my business.

I'm sick of kikes sending whites into war.

North Korea follows the idealogy of Juche, which is basically natsoc for gooks. N Korea is demonized constantly by EVERY SINGLE MEDIA SOURCE, has no Jews or Jew bank, and yet you fucks still toe the party line about how bad they are. No war with best korea!

Sure, if natsoc meant counting years from kim il-sung's birth instead of using normal calendars, shill.

It's an incredibly small percentage of Trump voters who actually believed that. If this board is where one would be getting that impression, it would do well to remember that this board is targeted with specifically-tailored messaging to generate that impression. The overwhelming, absolute majority of Trump's voters pulled the lever because he whined like a faggot about Iran and promised more goyim blood for Israel.

Okay sure, sending more whites to die there isn't justifiable, but have you forgotten the fucktons of MOABs that we have only a year to use?

You wont find support for anything but israel on this board anymore. Almost every user is from reddit sucking trump dick. North korea could go and fucking nuke the kikes, donald could go declare all out war on the norks, and this board would still defend trump as being the savior of the white race. Dont waste your breath here, many better boards exist

At best they have a handful of nuclear devices with a local range. Lets guess high and say they have 20 nuclear missiles in total. Do you have any idea how many anti missile systems we have in that part of the world? The majority are intended to counter China's offensive capabilities, the North Koreans don't have even a fraction of the reach the Chinese do.

I support a despotic Communist hellhole with rusting infrastructure and a starving populace. Man, those Soviets sure were evil fuckers and it's a pity the Nazis didn't defeat them. But North Koreans? I mean they may be totally identical in almost every way, but that's completely fine.

Fuck off with that contrarian bullshit. You know the only reason you support them is because the Western governments criticize them. Got some bad news for you user, we aren't wrong about literally everything.

I advocated for neutrality at the end of my post user, clearly you didn't take the time to read it. Just because they are the enemies of some of our enemies, that does not make them our friends. We gain nothing by supporting their little slice of hell.

What is a "normal calendar" to you? Faggot.

Explosive ordnance has an expiry date longer than 20 years. There's no rush to deplete an insignificant stockpile of the stuff. There's especially no reason to stir up some asian hornet's nest when sand niggers are still niggering and the jews are still jewing.

The funny thing?
The Soviets didn't regard the Norks as communist. Refused to talk to them or acknowledge them.
Why? Too nationalist.
Fuckin hilarious I find.
Juche seems to essentially be "Communism in one nation", much like the Nazis "Socialism in one nation"

Wasn't aware of that, although I know the Soviets and Communist Chinese almost went to war in the 70s. That's pretty fucking funny though.


Oy vey! What a tragedy!

It's worth reading up on the Norks particular spin on commie theory, which they call "juche"

Just lifting some bits from Kikepedia reveals interesting tidbits.
And a lovely bit from a speech by Il-sung outlining the "three basic principles"

Obviously North Korea is a hole and commies are a threat.
But it's always worth looking into your opponents worldview and ideology just to see if theres anything worth stealing.
Whats the old phrase? Admire your enemy and applaud his success?

this is a recurring historical fact; the communists aka the bolsheviks aka the jews always go after their political allies (socialists) before even the right wing opposition. literally business as usual

To be fair here.
In the case of China it was ultimately down to who would be in charge of the global socialist state and whose worldview would be pushed.
In the case of North Korea it was down to profound ideological differences. Since the Norks weren't terribly keen on a global socialist state.

Which only makes it all the more hilarious.

It would have been interesting to see what could have happened if the USA hadn't laid siege to North Korea for what half a century now?
I'd lay the blame for a lot of the shit and the lunacy at the feet of that.

How about the gregorian calendar that starts from Jesus' birth or whatever calendar they previously used you dense nigger.


Fucking WEW lad, by your own terminology SOUTH Korea would the buffer state, as Norks are the threat, reddit retard.
And America is a democracy, right? Epic constructive argumemt, buzzword sprouting sperg.

Fucking WEW lad, by your own terminology SOUTH Korea would the buffer state, as Norks are the threat, reddit retard.
And America is a democracy, right? Epic constructive argumemt, buzzword sprouting sperg.

Oops, excuse the double post Holla Forums is fucked right now.

Sounds like they've been reading Nietzsche because that's pretty close to the idea of the over-man. There's nothing that will ever convince me NK is a success because it's very clearly not. But I'll look into this theory anyway as a means of helping myself understand their ideological differences with other Communists. Similarly I'm probably going to read the Communist Manifesto and some of Lenin's shit soon as a means of identifying structural flaws and weaknesses in their ideology. Obviously the whole ideology is pretty much crap, but it's worth knowing exactly how these people think.

North Korea is a buffer state for China.
It keeps the USA from having a vassal state with a land border on China.
Control of North Korea is pretty much the only way the USA could ever hope to launch a successful invasion of China.

I wouldn't say it's all crap.
Marx's critiques of capitalism are pretty accurate. Though not exceptional in themselves since others around that time were saying the same things.
His comments and theory regarding the alienation of the worker are also spot on.

One thing you'll quickly realise though is that Engels was a fantastic editorial influence on Marx.
The Commie Manifesto is so much easier to read compared to everything else Marx ever wrote.
Hell Das Kapital on its own is a nightmare of autism. Super high grade almost chris-chan tier autism.

What's worse is that style of writing seems popular among Marxist and communist writers associated with or who associate themselves with the Soviet Union.
None seem quite as bad as Marx but it is dam weird.

Lenins bullshit though can be summarised in this image.
He had this whacky idea of a "revolutionary vanguard" comprised of bourgeoisie intellectuals and "professional revolutionaries" who would instigate the revolution of the working class.
Then run things because what do the working class know of marxist theory? Most of them can barely read. Completely abandoning Marx's proposals of what would essentially be a sort of commune based pseudo anarchist society with each commune centered around a means of production.

It's weird, Korea is basically following the narrative too. Is something going on?

NK sure does have a way with words. The jews are going to be begging for gas chambers. Good luck, Kim.



ha ha no.

Holy fuck.

Does this give some indication what Point Emerging Probably Entering means?

Wtf I love fat Koreans with daddy issues now


We already now what that is, user.

There is no room for antisemitism on this Trump Train, gook lover.

Let's try interpreting this sign from Kek.

So 'Ji' is one name that can be written in different ways. Depending on how it is written, it will be imbued with a different meaning. This already suggests that Kek is a sign denoting many connected meanings. Further, that these meanings are connected through the oral invocation of 'ji' implies they are also mystically connected with each other in a significant way. This is Kek using the history and development of the Korean people to manifest his wisdom.

If as a last name:
Obvious allusion to frogs.
Implying that frogs are bearers of wisdom.

Given name only:
As in one.
That the meaning for 'branch' is duplicated by two separate signs suggests that somehow a 'branch' is dualistic. A sign may denote multiple meanings, single meanings may denote multiple signs. This might even suggest that the prophecy "three branches shall become one" is punctured by some duplicity or deceit. That the sign is duplicated means someone could use the oral invocation of 'ji' and then give you the wrong symbol - in other words, if you associate 'ji' with the meaning of branch, you could then assume one sign will be given - with the result that another is given instead. Remember that Pokemon movie that had the prophecy "The world will turn to ash?" I think this is something similar going on.
As in shut it down?
To go to a place can imply entering a place.
I don't know for this one, but it may yet be revealed.
I can't be sure for this one either. It could be an alchemical allusion.
As in Point. An obvious allusion.
Intention is essential to the practice of magic. It may imply that intention is more essential to outcome than we usually think.
To enter a place can also be to arrive. We will arrive at a destination.
Can't be sure, but as it is connected to other meanings here I think it might imply books, reading, money, or even magical documents such as the US Constitution.
Something will be put on pause? Held in place? Not sure.
An allusion to the P.E.P.E. record. Could also imply that something being recorded will be essential to what will happen.
As in, the event will come late. Later than planned?

So what, the chinese have their own calendar too. Anyway why should NK use the western calendar, when it has been subverted to the max anyway, and they even changed BC/AD to BCE/CE, even though everything is still based on same date. What hypocrisy, and it's not even subtle.

China are the ones in that region who are always expanding. Heck they even built artificial islands just so they can claim parts of the sea. They also claim territory in the SW by sending massive amounts of people to breed out the locals.
NK is not a threat to anyone, except jews.

except if they were actually NatSoc they would have a strong, self-reliant economy rather than starving peasants like a communist country. Yes they have some nationalistic elements, but lots of other communist countries moved in that direction too, especially those outside the Soviet Union. That doesn't change the fact that their economic policies are pure shit and that their people are literally brainwashed slaves required to worship their leader practically as a god.

That moment when you realise kek came out of korean starcraft memes….

Fellow White people, don´t you know the Norks have rape camps where school girls on acid eats babies alive? Unnamed sources on CNN said so! Don´t you hate communists and support Democracy, Pol?!? Anyone who disagree with me is a North Korean shill!

Israel is enemy #1 but anons with a gook fetish are fucking retarded. Norks are not NatSoc and they aren't allies to the white race. I'm tired of a certain percentage of retards constantly pretending that just because the Norks don't have Rothschild central bank that they are somehow god tier. They are rice paddy commie gooks and as soon as the kikes are gone they can get their shit pushed in too and their rare earths taken for the further betterment of white civilization. Fuck off with your dumb bullshit.

More like the final bulwark against the vampiric yiddic international banking-cartel.

Careful with that wrongthink there. You wouldn't want to get banned for such a non-kosher opinion would you?

>I know Israel must be destroyed and all, but these vile antisemites subhumans must be exterminated!
You couldn't contain your impotent hebrew rage could you?

is he pro-ethics?
because that's all it really takes.

That's because i baited him into it on this thread:


Was the USSR behind Woodrow Wilson, Churchill and Roosevelt too?

This is why western marxists never achieved what Lenin did.
Always bitching about le ebil Lenin, Stalin and Mao failing the Revolution but you know what? They got shit done, they sure achieved more than all the "real marxist" subhuman neckbeards dissing them!

Juche is a meme ideology that was purely created because everyone else was creating their own and they didn't want to be left out. The only people that take it seriously are the Americans that study it.
In practice NK is a communist ethno state but people see what ever they want to see reflected back in it.
Why do people pretend a collectives people(Asians) shouldn't have collectives government?
The reason communism doesn't work here is because we are white.
It's like nazbol only far less retarded because it's not enabling kikes and I don't have to listen to Russians defending the people who destroyed their country.

I literally stated that the fucking kikes are the #1 enemy of white people, you fucking dirty gook.

perhaps, but…
people can be subject to some form of tyranny for some reason or other.
in such a case, they should be brought back to the light some way or another.

i don't know much about NK, but…
they are clammed up good: highly defensive.
and i believe that many of their beliefs are false.
liberals make a good point about freedom of expression being important in pursuit of the good life. the truth can exist outside the scope of political correctness.
they need an Holla Forums of their own.

Anyone have anything on FWD: 7?

Ah I'm sorry wrong thread.

Yeah, the same kike bankers that supported Woodrow Wilson, literally financed and supported the USSR from the ground up. Are you a blue pilled faggot? That's common knowledge.

Oy vey muh democracy
They should be brought back to the light
By Americans? What light?
Fucking burgers. Fucking opinions on everything including shit they know nothing about. The Jews just point them in the right direction.
You need me to go through the past hundred years of US foreign policy?
Name some of their beliefs you don't like?
Is this bait?
Is that why your parroting CNN?
You need to go back to reddit.

I mean, this isn't even redpilled stuff. This is common Alex Jones/Birch society public record research that was known in the 1960's.

*You are


highly defensive.

i want the ideal for everyone.
how to get there needs to be found somehow: the objectively true ethos and its promulgation.
whoever does this leads the way. the observer can be grateful for learning right from wrong.
this is the means to the end of happiness apart from natural tragedy.

the negative externalities of egoism (unethical behaviors) exists at every level. evil needs to be neutralized for there to be happiness throughout.

i'm not some anti-NK warhawk. my approach to conflict resolution is holistic. but even i know that some people will rape in every way no matter what i say.

This is the same thing as muslims and jews. you can hate both.
Go home kim, we're not coming, north korea is most certainly not a beautiful country, it totally blows.

Why is anyone surprised?
Did you think that the constant attacks in the press, ridiculing great leader's appearance and comparing him to a baby (hint: they're doing it with Trump too in that new movie) and competence was an accurate portrayal, meant to provide the ordinary people with the "correct information"?
If the leader of the sovereign state of North Korea is being attacked on the international stage, it is for one reason only.
He is Kike-aware.
Look at Idi Amin, the Kikes did a number on him, down to "he stores the heads of his victims in a refrigerator and has long conversations with them."

tfw israel and North Korea destroy each other with nukes

I realized tonight that things aren't going to get better.

in hindsight, i really shouldn't have fucking used that image.
bad taste.

Too late now faggot, enjoy your ban.

but at least spoiler the image.

What a surprise, a weeb turning other people's culture into a commodity doesn't like a culture not based on superficial mannerisms and consumerism.
No one said anything about helping just not going to war. Also you are clearly just another anti Iran kike poster whose found a new hobby.

How am I meant to debate platitudes? Filtered.

China's military focuses massively on missiles because right now the only way for the USA to invade is an amphibious invasion.
It would have to be the largest in history
But it would also have the largest casualties of any single military action in history.

There would be no way for the USA to do it without being noticed.
The Chinese would know its coming quite probably months in advance.
They would be ready to repel it.

US shipboard anti-missile systems can be good on some of their ships but even they will struggle against the mass volleys the Chinese will employ and it will only get worse the closer they get.
The actual landing sites will be utter carnage as artillery joins the party.

There'd be no way the USA could capture an existing port city and the Chinese would probably wreck the port to make it unusable if they thought the yanks could pull it off.
So they'd need to do what was done in WW2 and build temporary ports along the coastline immediately after landing troops.

There's a chance the USA could pull it off. But they'd lose the majority of people, equipment, aircraft and ships committed to the landing.
The casualties alone would probably destroy any domestic support for the invasion.
Imagine hundreds of thousands dead in a single operation, that's what you'd be looking at.
And this is before we get started on the long slog through Chinese territory to get to Beijing.

But if the USA controlled North Korea?
Everything is easier, the amount of forces they need to commit initially is a lot smaller and they can maintain a stable supply line and reinforcements flow with minimal difficulty.
Even better it's not far from North Korea to Beijing with only one urban centre between them. Compared to an amphibious landing where you'd need to land in southern or south eastern China.
Since the USA could never hope to win a prolonged ground war in China they'd need to try and take Beijing as quickly as possible so they can dismantle the Chinese leadership, hoping then that regional tensions are enough to tear apart the remaining Chinese leadership and military.

Lenin, Stalin, etc did get shit done (Mao is debatable mind)
But they did so by ditching a lot of what they claimed to support

Rather some mad gooks living freely on the other side of the world than a single kike stealing oxygen from this world that could be put to more valuable use such as a single rat in the sewer


How to lose an argument and cuck yourself 101.

Not really, their Juche ideology seems to be just a form of Korean nationalism. They're only commies in the economical sense but I'm sure that will change someday.

