
What happened? DDOS? Sunshine v2 installation? Removal of critical info? Some explanation would be nice.

Other urls found in this thread:

no idea. still can't get on from PC only my phone

Yeah it's really weird, probably hacked again or some shit.

was meant for

Can't even acces Holla Forums atm, only this thread because I have it opened.

>This page ( is currently offline. However, because the site uses Cloudflare's Always Online™ technology you can continue to surf a snapshot of the site. We will keep checking in the background and, as soon as the site comes back, you will automatically be served the live version. Always Online™ is powered by Cloudflare

Very weird.

Probably the /polk/ shills trying to shut down opposition of white genocide again.

Holla Forums is back up, who kows for how long.


Down again.

And back up, what's going on?





/polk/ needs to be gassed.

Shills got mad that their argument "Trump dedicated a whole month to jews" got immediately blown the fuck out since with a quick search anyone can find that Dubya did it.
So they shut it down in order to regroup and make a new narrative.
Typical tricks.

Still up.

Dont forget the butt hurt stemming from turning national commie day into loyalty day.

main site is up and threads are up seems like it's just the index down

Many posts are gone. Looks like a rollback.

Have an example? Might be something serious.

Someone posted something they shouldn't have.

If you post in an affected thread, the missing posts reappear.

Like after the hack?


And of course none of the jimbo/ron crew are doing anything or even acknowledging anything is happening.

/sudo/ is down most of the tme too btw.

I wonder who could be behind this post.

Does anyone know what happened in the 'Israel and ISIS are allies' thread? Did someone post something there that upset a government?

Downtime thread

It's stickied.

I meant can you view the thread?

It's not loading. Other threads are loading but that one isn't.

It does with normal URL

meant for
fat fingers.


Hmm, seems like they disabled HTTPS.

Look for a post that would piss off a government.

Back up for me.
Was probably jews.

Actually it works with https, no idea why I was on HTTP.

Your system has been compromised.

Were also in the middle of an obvious raid or weekend Holla Forums tbh

Nah, just my browser auto completing to the http site. It didn't do that a few days ago though.
The silence of mods and admins is telling imo.

The board mods and owner can't fucking know who or what is attacking the entire site, mongoloid.

They could acknowledge it. And by admins I mean Holla Forums admins and not the BO ofcourse.

They're not happy about something in that thread?




Shit you're right. Some shill told me in >>>/sudo/36153

When plz?

Another reason to begin hosting a chan on a cryptocurrency blockchain.


IP logging and transfer to FBI confirmed?

Getting sick of this inferior image board shit,
Kekchan is rubbing blockchains all over her tits.
It won't be long until we're shitposting from space:
We'll finally do away with this shillcucked place.

Laying down algorithms that make the ADL shiver,
Immortal memes, each like an arrow in our quiver.
A motherfucking blockchain image board:
Uncensorable memetics, our flaming sword.


CF decrypts everything anyway. Read the thread on Holla Forums. It's cia niggers all the way down.

Will there be a cryptocurrency behind it? I have a project basically ready, just need a seednode server. Based on Cryptonote with transaction padding increased to 100kb, meaning you can add up to 100kb to any transaction for a fee. This should ensure quality posts and shills would have to pay for substantial shilling. Also uncensorable.



yea but ssl limits it to just NITM as opposed to widespread MITM

Neat, I'm not sure that idealistic approach will work for a long time, servers are expensive.
Pic related is the OP of my project, need to gather some funds for a proper server before starting it. Testing worked fine and I was able to insert data into transactions in a rudamentary way, unfortunately I suck at coding…
Inserting transactions with some tags like [chan#/thread#/post#] and creating a crawler that looks for specific tags and puts them into an SQL database should be fairly easy.

Either way, the matrix has you. A chain is only as strong as the weakest link.

Kekchan does not use any central servers: It is 100% decentralized.

Yeah I noticed that when I fuly read that. That means ddosing everyone who has subscribed causes the thread to disappear however.
The aim of my project is to keep anything archived forever with no possibility do delete anything, although that might come with problems (CP comes to mind). Maybe some encryption of the data is necessary to keep blockchain hosters safe.

Your idea has a major problem that Kekchan has solved, see attached.

We'll have to give it a try and see what happens. Most DDOS is done with UDP packets, and Tor is TCP only. That being said, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


I like the idea and one or more blockchains truly are the next step. However, what would keep users from hosting a CP thread or board with your way? Should we even keep users from doing that?
Difficult question with a moral dilemma similar to TOR. I hope by requiring a dynamic fee to post I'll minimize shitposting and shilling, however I see the problem with people owning lots of coins being able to shill easily. That would make miners rich however, things might balance out.
Encrypting the extra data in each transaction should keep blockchain hosters safe and the problem of illegal data would lie with those, who decrypt the data (aka chan owners who need to moderate).

You can thank the ADL for inspiring me to create Kekchan.

The Jews fear the Samurai.

Your videos are pretty nice, good luck with the project.

faggot detected

Still nothing from mods or admins.

The Super-Dimensional Blocknet: This one weird trick,
Makes it hard for for pedos to make their filthy shit stick.
Anons have total control of which blockchains are spinning,
We can just ignore the shills, and keep on winning.

The transcendental nature may be hard to grasp,
But if this ideas works, it will be sure to last.
Shitposting from heaven, while sipping fine scotch:
Every one of our enemies, on suicide watch.

I find it odd how /polk/ came out of pretty much no where and for a time divided us, now over on halfchan the mods are playing with the notion of creating another Holla Forums board for their shithole.

I wouldn't doubt that /polk/ and what's going on over there is an attempt to divide the user base of Holla Forums, thus being less effective and influential.

Although I'd go to wherever you all go, and I hate the idea of modding my own chan, all the shit I see go on makes me wish for an explicitly "secret club"-chan, an imageboard where there are explicit global rules against revealing that you are jewish, defending jews or israel in any way shape or form, etc. In other words, a nice long list of shill indicators that will get you permanently banned. Stubborn newfaggotry is obviously banned too - that is, trying to force change on a board that does not want it and especially explicitly acknowledging that fact by posting "muh sekret klub" and the like.

The imageboard would start out open, with the idea to eventually go invite-only and have a shill-free paradise. Maybe open the gates every now and then for a limited amount of users so there is never more newfags than a certain threshold. It wouldn't even be Holla Forumschan tbh. Just as long as it is shill-proof, it can be used by non/pol/ such as /a/ and Holla Forums with their degenerate porn threads, but the minute you make a post saying Holla Forums is cancer or that nationalism is retarded you get banned forever. I think it would work better than having an explicitly Holla Forumschan anyway, because nobody would be interested - it's either a honeypot or no-fun-allowed if you haven't taken the redpill yet.

Rules against promoting or discouraging certain ideas works better than rules against being pro- or anti-Trump/insert controlled opposition/insert eceleb here. That sort of thing only makes it easier for people to D&C, and also works to keep people from uncovering the truth. The truth does not fear investigation, so ideally anons should be able to discuss and share theories. However, if you have an obviously contradictory post history or post something like "I guess all namefags should be gassed, right? XDXDXDXD fucking losers" indicating a want to promote namefaggotry rather than honestly discuss the pros and cons to both anonymity and namefagging, these kinds of things get you banned.

Degenerates are allowed until they try to put down non-degenerates or spread their degeneracy to others. Jews are allowed until they are outed as jews or caught posting "some jews are good, there's nothing wrong with being jewish :^)." In this way the Overton window is able to move in only one direction for each user, while also allowing new anons that aren't as redpilled yet to be invited in without moving the window back for everyone else. They can be as bluepilled as they want as long as they are silent about it, doing nothing that promotes their delusional worldview. The more time spent on the boards, the more redpilled they will get without having to aggressively push them, and if they want to continue to have their one vice, that's fine, as long as they don't attack the people that are farther along than them or try to otherwise subvert. Even anons that try to false flag as Holla Forums and push people away over stupid shit like anime could be removed too, because apolitical boards could ban them for shitting up the board, the rules could be subject to change, and anti-[any medium here] posting is retarded because there's nothing inherently bad about any medium no matter how saturated it is with jews. It just means you have to look harder for the good shit.

I like to call this idea of mine sekretchan, to lay to rest any "muh sekret klub"-posting newfags, and avoid any sort of stigma so both apolitical anons and Holla Forums anons would feel comfortable, but I honestly wish that somebody else would do it for me because I'm more of a lurker and have no web development skills beyond making things look good. One can dream, I guess. Maybe some day I can do it as a pet project, but I'd be afraid that it wouldn't be secure enough, even if I didn't log IP addresses and used private IDs only visible to administration (which would be what grants access to keep out shills - making bans more permanent so that hopefully captchas would not be needed at all and shilling would be minimal) with a confidential time limit on how long to store post histories so that mods can keep an eye out for more subtle shilling without negatively affecting their privacy in the case of feds/hackers. Just felt like posting this, in case anybody else liked the idea and not just me.

Thank you onii-san. Just wait until I start dropping non-kosher rhymes: I will bring down the Shoah, and make our enemies blind. (Bill Nye is about to be put underground without a sound – that Marxist fuck recently started a rap battle.)

Sorry but I don't see how a large group of pedos hosting their threads and boards via TOR could be stopped. There are thousands of pedos browsing TOR at anytime.
You probably could hide them from the board index but they would still be there due to the nature of the blockchain, not to mention the huge amount of moderation that would be necessary to hide them. Or they could just clone your git and make their own version of kekchan.
That might not necessarily be a bad thing however, who are we to decide what is allowed and what isn't? Only board owners should have that power and if they want to host a CP board, they are free to do so if they can live with the consequences.
Top priority for my approach is to keep blockchain hosters legally safe however. Each board or forum could require their own unique encryption key for example besides the encryption (not yet) built into the tx_extra part of the coin. That would allow blockchain hosting in the clearnet, as blockchain nodes would only host encrypted data. Nothing would keep them from removing the encryption from the "data inserter" and host illegal thigs in cleartext however. Maybe a check could be built into the wallet that rejects unencrypted tx data. A true dilemma.

I think that would quickly turn into a filter bubble and circlejerk. Some kikery is necessary to confirm our worldview.

Wrong: Rolling Blockchains, motherfucker.
Making every faggot shill look like a sucker.
Go ahead and post your degenerate shit:
Kekchan rolls the blockchains, and that is it.

Kushner not paying the bills anymore?

Dont need this shit right now.

Holla Forums needs antagonists and shills to hone it's blade.

It seems to happen just before any major antifa event I think they may be getting scared of the dox.

Judging by how assblasted leftypol is about our new national holiday Im gonna say it was DDOS

Did /polk/ get the IMKamphy dox? Because that would be great comedy.

You obviously thought this through, nice.
I still have some doubts about the moderation aspect however, I have seen boards taken over by nefarious people too often. Keeping EVERYTHING, even the bad stuff, in the blockchain without the possibility to truly delete it out of existence feels just right to me. Think of it as an unchangable chronic of our times, no chance for a 1984 history change event to happen.
Board owners can delete shit from their own database but they won't be able to delete it from the blockchain and everyone who wishes to access the deleted posts and contents or host an uncensored version of the board can do so (with the right skills).
Anyways, good luck with kekchan, it seems to be what the world needs right now, even if our approaches are different.

bot installation.

[insert inane bot ramblings]

This is a great filter for idiots that want handholding all the way through.

The only part missing from my approach is how to force boards to publish their encryption keys.

Thinking about it, that might not even be necessary. The boards that publish their keys SHOULD be more popular than the ones that don't, since those that don't are far more easily to censor and who wants to browse an board if he has the option to use a non-censorable one?

This shit used to happen all the time.

/polk/ is old Holla Forums. People got tired of the mods (who you're cucking for, btw) and your rampant shitposting.

Im sorry, I dont trust /polk/.
The amount of shilling that was going on at the time seemed to suspicious.

Neither do I, but I prefer it to here. I only go here for news, since this board is faster.
This thread, the second about the fyre festival fiasco, is 404'd, and yet the first one is up:


wew, you're gonna piss off the butthurt turkroach. I'm sure anyone who doesn't point out the flaws in the moderation, are nothing but election newfags


I don't care. I've ripped on the mods before and haven't been banned, probably because I didn't post evidence nor make a thread about it.

There will be an an option (in the future) to point Kekchan at any boardchan (equivalent of a board like Holla Forums) and "watch" it, copy all data (thread links) that get posted, and publish it to a new blockchain (let's call it a boardArchiveChan for now). It would be the equivalent of a boardchan that has no active moderation. Maybe users will decide this is what they like best, and it will become the reigning default, who knows? I've even considered having a full archive blockchain of this type automatically included with regular boardchans, with a link for users to click through to the "uncensored" (unmoderated) view of the board.

We must break our minds free of the obsolete paradigm of central servers: If you want to spin up blockchains and put data (memes) in them, go ahead and do so, there is nothing that can stop you . Share your blockchains (post a "thread" link to a boardchan, or paste it into a post), and if other anons like your memes, then the memes spread and gain power (hosting redundancy in the node swarm). The Blocknet becomes a reflection of our meme curation, a reflection of the collective minds of the anons (the body of KEK).

Kekchan's philosophy: "If you don't like it, don't look." – If you aren't viewing it/subbed to it, it's not on your disk, and you're not hosting it for others.

With that being said, there is nothing stopping someone from mirroring every single meme that ever gets posted to any Kekchan they can discover a link to, and pumping them into another blockchain for archival purposes (same as how CIA niggers mirror every single one of our posts here into their databases for analysis with AI). Data immortality is here, and there is nothing that can change that.

You should take a look at IPFS, it actually accomplishes exactly what you are describing. Kekchan is different than IPFS: It doesn't automatically immortalize all data permanently; it's up to the anons to curate the memes (blockchains) that they want to exist.

I've actually been toying with some ideas for how to run encrypted IM / mail on the blockchains. Encrypted Kekchans can easily be done: Check out the Bitcoind API, it even has a helper routine for generating new public/private key pairs on the fly. The sky is the limit.

Thank you user: We are going to win. Nothing can stop the flow of the memes.


Looks like something really pissed off the kikes so they are going "oy vey shut it down". I wonder what's being posted that's having them do it.

I would like to point out that the dank Wendy-Chan thread has been Shoad.

The thread about money disappearing from people's accounts in the UK is gone. A while back an user said a full on financial crash would start with money not being available on friday and the problems continuing over the weekend (this would also coincide with a bank holiday)

I also just noticed a post about ww3 being imminent disappearing from this thread.

Good, though it'd help with taking a screencap of the catalog and comparing it every shut down to see what's missing.

good find, I mean.

Well, it's the best time for the kikes to start it, before people get comfortable enough to start turning against them. Right now they have a chance at getting lolbergs 'alt-kike' to their side and the left together.

The deleted comment had pic related. Seemed spammy JewTube tho

I remember that thread and that post. Are they really gone? How weird.


Damn there was some fine OC in that thread, what a shame…

for anyone that doesn't know, "alt-right" is just a controlled opposition honeypot group that was raised up and groomed to essentially be a sacrificial lamb, much as shown during the election when hillary went all out against "alt-right" and Trump and the others just went laughinganimegirls.jpg at her.
Since the kikes don't change their tactics and love rehashing old ones, I'd imagine that they'd try again with making a controlled opposition group to contend with the growing rise of right-wingers and nationalists .

Yes, never a pure nationalist group that pops up in headlines. It's always tainted by some kike, fag or Asian loving bullshit.

/polk/ is just TRShills, hence the massive amount of spam coming from them on a daily basis

a perfect example would be milo jumping all over the dick of the "alt-right".
So, would this be an attempt by (((them))) to artificially stagnate, halt, or throttle discussion by forcing board roll backs?

Good Reminder about the Alt-Right

also this. /polk/ fags have a hard on for ecelebs and i find it funny how there are never eceleb threads here anymore. /polk/ = TRS fags

That's bullshit though, I was in some aut-right thread there where some TRS faggots were calling the /polk/ left wing antifa because anons were telling TRS to fuck off with their shilling.
Get out of here jew.

This is dated but just add some fat to his face


Compare that to /furrypol/'s and I honestly can't tell which is worse

Why would you even defend 8/pol/ mods? They're horrendously shit. /polk/ has always had a good premise. I'm not shilling for it, but this place can get so fucking bad it almost makes 4cuck look like a viable option.

kek, kill yourself nigger. That placeis worse than Holla Forums when it comes to ecelebs. In fact they have (or at least HAD) an eceleb fucking general. It doesnt get worse than that. Anyone saying oldfags went there are absolutely the newest of newfags with giant fucking egos. No one wants your kosher board with its masonkike BO

I am not "/polk/". I am ID: b4cbc3. I the only boards I use are Holla Forums and /k/.

I remember your autistic screaching from the bunker/pol/ thread back when Holla Forums got hacked the other week. You were saying that /polk/ bans discussion of white genocide because you created a thread with god-awful halfassed OC and a shitty OP that just said "I posted this on Holla Forums and they didn't like it". The mod removed your thread because of how half-assed your OP was, and now you are eternally ass raped about how /polk/ promotes white genocide.

Try to be a little less obvious next time

More lies and baseless accusations, is that all you've got chaim?

kek, what a fag. Im too lazy to go check that jewish Holla Forums out but i know there was an eceleb general originally so theres no lie there. It didnt even do its job and you had eceleb threads pouring out into the catalog instead

the mason BO isnt not a lie, go read the post he made on nextchan and come back to me after you have done so. Unless he pruned it so that his goyim followers dont know the truth about his mason side. Keep on sucking on that jewish board though m80

/polk/ are:

Nationalist kike lovers
People who cry "Muh PR!"
People who shill against National Socialism
People who Divide and Conquer the board.
People who consensus crack.
People who post like its cuckchan.
People who suggest gassing kikes is a joke
People who have lefty/pol/ leanings.
People who ironic shitpost
People who think you can vote to stop white genocide, and felt betrayed by Trump when it was obvious from day 1 he actually likes kikes.
People who think having Judge Garland on the supreme court is better than having Trump not take your guns away.
People who want to stop meaningful opposition to white genocide, and instead argue about how much Trump loves kikes all day.
People who cry about purity spiraling
People who think Breivik is a communist
Larpers, and other undesirables.

Email me, I have all the info you want. Half up front, half after. Seriously.

Where are the lewds, onii-fam?

Jim is a mason and Holla Forums mod is a turkroach so your point is moot even if it was true.

Hello reddit.

You got banned for one of the reasons I listed, and you deserved it. Youre not welcome here, youre a detriment to the actual organization and resistance that goes on here, and the spread of information. Youre helping the kikes at this point, race traitor tier.

what a faggot. least i know for sure you're a kike trying to push your kosher narrative here. luckily the average user knows how to spot jewish tricks so im not to worried about them going to your board.

Also way to totally leave out the most cancerous part of (((/polk/))) with its eceleb faggotry. its just a worse version of /po/ and thats saying something see how shitty Holla Forums is.

Delete it all you want you Masoncucks, I'll up it again.

Cross site hotpocketry is suspect, what is/was it?

It's pretty fucking obvious that you two are not from here, also the burden of proof for your claims is on you, not me. Also Holla Forums will never be alt right.

That board actually has worse moderation than Holla Forums, so I don't see the point in fucking around on a board that has 7 pph

the post you see here made this place shut down the secon it posted it. 4cuck deleted 3 attempts to post it, so forget this chan shit.

The video describes Operation Gotham shield and how the whole thing is highly suspicious.

They literally do the nuclear holocaust drills under your nose and you burgerfaggots are too stupid to realize it. New York & Washington get nuked in a final 9/11 by the kikes thats what.

False flag will give Trump free hand to start this war.

Think about it, it will be so
I'm out

sorry you fucking kike

that shit isnt going to fly here

dont get too triggered faggot. We all know your board is full of


and TRS fags

There's some neat discussion that happens on slower, less populated boards, not just /polk/. I assume you don't venture outside the fast top 3 but I suggest you give it a try sometimes.

Its not reddit spacing to double space after greentext.Youre right, Holla Forums will never be aut kike, but /polk/ sure is, because thats where all the banned TRS autists etc end up, and thats what you are. You wouldnt have been banned if you werent hostile to the board. Breaking up Holla Forums is kikes work, youre the kike.

You cried flase flag and muh PR after a white man sacrificed his life, or you suggested some kikes were good, or you said its okay to be a fag, or you suggested gassing kikes is just a joke and only an edgy autist would think its real, or more likely, you broke the most common rule everyone here knows about. You D&C'd. We ban for that, you must be new. Try lurking 2 years.

You can go read my threads there if you want, but I won't be posting there again. Blame the nigger vol if you want, but I won't be inflating your stats anymore.

None of the above, apply yourself gaslighting goon.

filtered and reported /polk/ shill, no more replies to your bait posts

Oh no, did the smug cartoon give you a heart attack?

There certainly is a whole lot of anti-/polk/ shilling go on in here. All I'm going to say is that if there's another politically incorrect board that was created in response to shitty moderation here, you can only tell if it's better or worse by going there and looking around. Seems awfully disingenuous with this coordination here.

/polk/ has been anti TRS since day one, and I know because I've been there since day one. The fuck are you talking about?

if you were that autist who made the kekism thread, we didn't lose anything by you leaving. You took something totally unimportant and blew it extremely out of proportion, deciding to throw a huge fit. Also, how narcissistic must you be to take credit for what /polk/ is?

Pathetic. The term white jew applies to you, Goebbels would call you a white jew.

I see the ban logs.
Ive watched people for months, getting red texted and what people get banned for.
I see the complaints from people who shill the boards.

Youre TRS tier bitches who complain about purity spiraling because youre the fat we cut off, the undesirable element, the cuckchanner who posts threads as if hes a nigger, trying to rile everyone up. You post cancer, I see who gets banned, and they deserve it. Its only basic logic - the people getting banned, are the ones forming other boards and shilling them. I know why people get banned, and its for good reasons. I probably reported you for one of those reasons, and now youre assmad. Good. Lets hope they range ban your proxy this time.

I didn't say either of those things, I just called you a goon who's getting buttblasted by animus.

Also /polk/ started right after we began banning anyone associated with TRS. Big surprise.

you faggots are the most eceleb ridden place ive been on. that board was a shithole to plod through and find any good posts. its clear though you guys are also MASSIVE PR fags as you cant help but come here and shill your board and then defend it like someone from TRS would. Just take your critics telling you whata pozzed board you have and fuck off and whine about it to each other while you jack each other off faggots.

Has nothing to do with anime, thats a straw man kike fallacy. We dont ban for anime, so thats not why you got banned. You got banned for one of these reasons:

Which means youre cancer. No larping, if you people are found out later on, youl be gassed.

I'm the autist that made a LOT of your threads, faggot, not to mention a fair cross section of your OC. Tell me, how much has your PPH fallen over the last few days?

I'm well aware you're the nigger vol who namefags, or the BO who lets him run rampant while admitting he constantly abuses mod powers. You said you wanted to escape mod abuse and only made it worse on a dead board. Go back and spam cuckchan pepe "url.jpg" "bait maymay.jpg", nigger

Yep this is the cancerous vol. If you think his contributions to this thread are shit, imagine this nigger having mod powers. BO killed the board with his shit choice, so just fuck off and let your shitty board die already.

Funny, I was discussing genocide of all non whites as the ultimate way to ensure the survival of the white race on there just the other day. Too extreme for you fellas?

You're no better than the faggots who call everyone smugposting kamphy, what an idiot.


I assume you're talking about Holla Forums.
I've watched that shit for two years solid and I know damn well what does and doesn't get banned, and Holla Forums moderation has a list of unjustified bans a gajillion miles long. Anyone who's ever spent time on /polmeta/ knows this, and I have seen your exact style of argumentation before: dodge everything, make accusations that can only be supported by "because I said so," and then claim anyone who doesn't listen or agree with your lies is a kike shill. Real creative here buddy, same old tricks for years on end.
Not a single person on /polk/ unironically says that shit. You're lying, and you're damage controlling hard. Your entire post is "the Holla Forums mods are perfect and always do everything for good reason." There are only TWO people who have ever seriously said something so fucking retarded, and I know who they are. You faggots are so ridiculously egotistical you'd rape a kid and claim it was for the good of the board.

No, it didn't, it started immediately following imkampfy stickying a civnat threat that HE himself made. The TRS stuff started in January. /polk/ was made directly after that stickied thread which was the beginning of March. Once again, you're fabricating lies out of thin air, which tells me all I need to know about you. I trust the lurkers who actually read this shit aren't so stupid and gullible to just listen and believe.

All I have to say is that /polk/osher is sad and rapidly joining the dustbin of failed boards alongside the likes of /realpol/, /politics/ and /polpol/.
Guess you'll have to try a new one next, 4chon faggots.

Seem to be doing a pretty good job to me. Say, have you read Mein Kampf yet?

top kek, most people cross post you know

lel someone screencapped that


They were impressed, and thought it was funny.

kek, exactly what this user said. every single board that was made when some faggot kikes decided to go split have devolved into shitshows and usually end up spamming back on here cause they dont get enough attention on their own boards. You /polk/ trs fags will be banned soon enough

wew lads
if that board were so far beneath you gentlemen you wouldn't even care and just laugh it off, but all i see is desperation

My assessment of most of them is the same as almost every other attempt. 1 in 10 are goons, the rest are underage b& retards who think they know what's going on, but really don't.

Except that's quite literally ALL you do, call people faggots and spam animu in every thread, in every context. I don't even think you understand the concept of memes, for you it's just animu grills or nothing. Your contribution to this thread is an exact clone of your activity in every thread over there, now fuck off back to your dumpster fire and pretend you're a big guy over there. Anyone reading this thread and noticing your post quality is going to avoid it like the plague.

you going to post the rest of that image or what? I'm sure there's a reason you decided to crop out your post so we couldn't see what the fuck you got banned for. As I said, you dodge any point made, get caught in a lie and pretend like nothing happened, then post a ban and don't show what the post was for it.

Sure sounds intellectually honest in here.

That was the content of the post. The ban reason was for not having read Mein Kampf. The message for why he was banned was a link to Mein Kampf - he was banned for a month, so he had time to read Mein Kampf.

All I see is anons that keep coming here to shill for a dying board. If /polk/ was so good you would not be here fighting for an ego

My only question is whether or not they're paying to astroturf UIDs like Holla Forums

Oh, sorry, actually, it was a post suggesting that people read Fame Of A Dead Mans Deeds about William Luther Pierce as their first book, instead of Mein Kampf as their first book. He also hadnt read Mein Kampf.

Show the rest of that screencap then

No, I'm not the vol, I'm a random user. Here's my question since you refused to answer it over there: you asked your thread be bumplocked and it was. You weren't banned, and your thread wasn't deleted. You got super assmad and started screaming in every thread about how horribly unjust the mods were to you, but never did you actually explain why, in any thread. All you did was scream bloody murder. Hence, nobody took your side, like I told you they wouldn't, because you were annoying people. So answer my question: exactly WHAT did the moderation do to make you spaz out so hard? All I saw the mod do was make a couple smug posts and leave the thread, and you went nuclear. You also spoke like a 15 year old kid with raging hormones in every thread, you sounded extremely fucking thin skinned.

That is the screencap. The post was huge, and left out. The point was he was banned for not reading Mein Kampf, mods are doing just fine.

I have no need to justify myself to you, and you have no idea what my board contributions were over there. If you don't understand why a nigger mod is something I refuse to put up with on a basically dead board, I don't know what to tell you. If you like it so much, go the fuck back over there and raise THEIR pph, why are you even posting here?

go away superstationfag.

You won't justify yourself to me because you can't, and you didn't justify yourself the entire time you spammed complaints at the end of a half dozen threads that had nothing to do with the topic. This response confirms it: you got super angry about something that wasn't fucking important, and that anger made you feel like it was a problem with the mods and not you. If there is a problem with the moderation on /polk/ I want to know about it, which is why I fucking asked you several times what the fuck was going on, and every time you either gave radio silence or weren't specific. So now I know the deal, and you know the truth but can't admit it.
I tried to give you several opportunities to explain what was going on because if BO needs to get rid of a vol or mod I want to know why, but you just autistically screeched each time.

I came in here to read about the cause of the downtime and instead I'm greeted with you sperging the fuck out, doing the same retarded shit here that made people think "god no not this fucking retard again" over there.

That's his point dumbass, you're just claiming there's a nigger mod there and when user asks why and what did he do you just turn your nose up and act high and might like you don't have to do something as silly as back up your claims
Either the vol is a fucktard or he isn't, if he is you need to explain why, no one is just going to take your word for it

The posts that were deleted for me were talking shit about the Govt of Canada, and one about the High River Gun Grab in Alberta. Apparently mr feemason hates folks talking shit bout his homies.

I'm going to say this once more only, because I DID show you where the BO stated CLEARLY that he has to "scold the vol constantly behind the scenes for abusing mod powers". I showed up with homestead user, made a few of the banners on there, and made several of the active threads. I ran the firekushner op when everyone else was running around like chickens with their heads cut off, even here, so that we could turn our distress into action. I posted exclusively over there to keep the PPH in a range that was barely tolerable. Which, since your whole board is here right now, has fallen from 7 to 5. You should go take care of your own shit instead of discussing your board's issues on Holla Forums. I won't even be assed to go look at your catalog again, because it's irrelevant to me.

You did it AGAIN. You didn't fucking answer my questions, all you did is claim you did X Y and Z for the board. You literally did not address anything I was fucking asking, I did not ask what you did for the board.

And presumably you left because the vol was abusing his powers, now answer my question and explain what the fuck he did that was so horrendously unjustified. It does not look fucking good when you dodge the point every single time I bring it up. All I can tell is that you got pissed off that a mod/vol posted a smug grill when he bumplocked your thread exactly as you asked it to be locked, and you got mad at that. If the vol did something unjustified to you, you haven't said what or explained why, and as I mentioned I think it's because you know you don't have a case.

It's not "my" board, I don't own it or moderate it. The fuck is with this dichotomy? And no one was asking you to read the catalog, who cares.

I don't owe you an explanation. I'm simply making a statement: the vol is an actual nigger and I'm not going back. Now fuck off back there and enjoy yourself.

and there is no fucking reason to believe that statement without a goddamn explanation, why do I even need to tell this to you?
If the mod was actually a nigger you would have explained why already, but you absolutely refuse to do so each and every time. That makes you look bad, and it makes me believe more that the mod or vol or whatever did his job. This is like a half dozen times you refused to explain why the vol is compromised. This is on you.

At first I thought it was autism but no, you know damn well you're dodging the question because you know you don't have a good reason, you got buttblasted over nothing and it's that simple. Thanks for clearing this up for me.

Holy shit you're right. This post referenced both, the thread and the post itt:
