Get in here! Didn't see another thread but I've been having trouble with the site. Looking tense so far.
Get in here! Didn't see another thread but I've been having trouble with the site. Looking tense so far
Other urls found in this thread:
Looks like Heimbach and the Trad Workers Party is there, they're always ready for a fight
This one kinda shits out but its closer to ourguys.
First one is Hunter Wallace. Chris Cantwell and Mike Enoch are there as well.
Fucking feminists need to get bashed
Is anything cool happening yet?
more like kikeville tbh. How many of /ourguys/ are there? Any pictures of the pro-white crowd?
Feminist and Antifa autistic screeching, Mike Enoch naming the Jew, neat stuff
Nah. Both groups are separated from one another by a large police presence. I doubt any happenings will occur.
it's "jew", not "Jew", user
Based Enoch just spoke.
I suggest that you do not associate with the NSM in anyway. They seem like a honeypot. If not they're probably filled with so many feds and agent provocateurs that they might as well be. This goes for any "nazi" movement in the USA.
What's this for exactly?
The protest that is.
to save america
Heimbach is unifying some of the natsoc/nationalist parties. Reds are scared shitless
Is there an antifa version of pic related? All they do is endlessly scream chants over and over again.
I like the look of this thread so far
Sounds like it would be fun there. Shame I'm not a burger.
Fucking neato
International solidarity is always appreciated.
What are the numbers? I thought it would be on private property
Well, I've got this webm.
Seems like /ourguys/ are between 40-50, can't see the counter-protest numbers.
Neon-green hat Soros goons spotted on the far side of the Antifa crowd
"we cant hear you"
"shut the fuck up"
antifa needs to make up whatever is left of their minds.
I believe they did something on the 28th that was on private property to discuss internal politics. Today is the public march.
roughly 60. Antifa is around 100 due to being shipped in by bus loads
And 90% of the Antifa group are beta cucks and shrill feminists. Who would win in a fight, I wonder… :^)
Sounds like a risk at that low numbers. But I have faith they will make a good show of it. I have no doubt that they are stronger and more able, but antifa is tricksy and more willing to be underhanded. Good luck to our boys
anyone have a working link?
Honestly with how pussy antifa are I'm pretty sure 1 of /ourguys/ could knock out at least 2-3 of their goys.
thank you
/ourguys/ are armed and armored. The police line is keeping antifa in check as well.
There's too many police between the two groups, so I doubt there will be any fights
That Unicorn streamer is a cuck lefty, try this one
This guy is a total faggot.
Fuck, you're right, wasn't saying that shit before.
Not sure if these are still up
Nah, both over. It's alright though. Muting is always an option and you can pop the sound back on now and again. Do you know how long it will last? Not until dark I imagine
Looks like it's wrapping up now
Some guy had a "pepe uber alles" shield. What a guy
Is the event already over?
Why does no one ever smash their shitty handheld megaphone sirens?
Would a hand-held EMP device affect it?
Fuck y internet just came back on since making this thread what did I miss another antifa cuck out?
No fights, the event is over. Police presence made sure that none of the antifa got close. Antifa were fat and ugly like normal.
Riot bolice coming in we gonna see some arrests?
Yes, but too expensive to make (and I'd think illegal to own even in burgerland).
Place on ground and smash foot on horn would quieten it heaps.
It actually blows me out that a device that loud is allowed to be used legally in a non-emergency situation. There has got to be a decibel limit before you're breaking the law in respect to noise pollution – danger to people's hearing, etc.
So is it just me noticing a pattern or is neon yellow some sort of undercover antifa thing? Not just on NLG everyone who sports it seems complicit.
I hope this guy gets gassed.
Former Kentuckyfag here. This shit is taking place in Pikeville, which is nothing but a little village of 5,000-ish out in rural ass east Kentucky.
I'm honestly surprised anything is even going on out there at all, and I guarantee you literally all of these antifags are being bused in from outside. I highly doubt more than a handful, if any, are indigenous. I only went there once, and the people there are nice, but it's basically Hills Have Eyes country out there. Point being, this isn't nearly as significant as some major event in the Berkeley metro area, it's just in some little podunk redneck town. Don't expect too much, but it's still some cheap entertainment if you're having a slow day I guess.
Blue fatass got arrested.
"No mask" ordinance is basically a "no antifa" ordinance.
Looks like the last stream is dead. Anyone got anything?
Everything we saw today is playing in to the theory that police are honeypotting antifa with these protests. Never thought I'd say this but ourguys just need to keep triggering them without getting arrested themselves and we could snatch up the whole organization. I'm on some "snitches get stitches" type D&C right now and my lord these lefties are scared.
Kind of doubt even Antifa is stupid enough to mess with TWP after their failure in Sacramento. Though it would be entertaining seeing commies weapons being liberated and used against them again.
I agree with jews not Jews sentiment but "the Jew" is about the JQ, it deserves being a proper noun for the magnitude of semitic impact.
Kentucky Law
525.060 Disorderly conduct in the second degree.
(1) A person is guilty of disorderly conduct in the second degree when in a public place
and with intent to cause public inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm, or wantonly
creating a risk thereof, he:
(a) Engages in fighting or in violent, tumultuous, or threatening behavior;
(b) Makes unreasonable noise;
(c) Refuses to obey an official order to disperse issued to maintain public safety
in dangerous proximity to a fire, hazard, or other emergency; or
(d) Creates a hazardous or physically offensive condition by any act that serves no
legitimate purpose.
(2) Disorderly conduct in the second degree is a Class B misdemeanor.
Effective: March 27, 2006
Who the hell designed that flag? It's way too fucking busy.
It really is. It's just so ugly.
It stands out in a crowd at least.
Any active streams? Can I get an update on what this is? I just got here and am too drunk to get caught up.
user, it's not that late.
It's over m8.
It's over my dude, I can't find any streams either. Last I saw antifa was throwing bitch fit and the natsocs were heading back to their cars.
don't judge nigger
some of us are alcoholics for a reason
damn, i need a good happening to watch this evening.
May Day isn't that far off friend. Since this is a loss for the reds you can expect them to make a spectacle of their riots. Nothing else today I'm afraid.
get better soon, user. o kay?
Can someone explain why these rallies/events keep happening? Is it just as an excuse to scream and punch at each other or is there an actual reason?
It's not that degenerate. I only drink on the weekends and when I have no other obligations. If my gf or work are calling I always answer both first.
I appreciate the concern though user
I know i shouldn't drink as much as I do. I have been talking to a therapist and all that about some stuff from back in my glory days in the Corps. I feel like such afaggot for even being this specific as I have been, but I am anonymous so it is not like I am attention seeking or anything
Rehearsal for CW2. ETA for the real deal is around 2033.
The political climate wasn't always this volatile. Trump's election galvanized all sides of the political spectrum into action. Now each rally no matter what side demands to be challenged and for the most part these challenges are accepted. antifa got a boost from a right-wing election victory, the nationalists finally sobering up from losing Pierce, even libertarians are joining after a losing for years. Not only that but you and I and johnny average are all much more aware of these rallies then before. Maybe a few guys in black would shout at other guys dressed in black then go home with no media attention. Now Holla Forums and other sites document these rumbles make sure to know when the next are happening. And buddy, it only gets bigger from here.
If you're looking for a happening, remember Trump's rally in PA. Antitrashists said they would show.
Thanks fam.
Any idea on the start time of that event>?
Corps user here. My degeneracy is 420 to cope with my service shit. I recommend it over alcohol, which is far more damaging to the mind and body. You can even still work out and be /fit/ with MJ, but you can't lift or jog effectively on alcohol, as it breaks your body down.
I'll be the first to admit I engage in a little degeneracy like everyone else, but we still have to have high standards of physical and mental readiness and capability.
For me, toking and working out provides a good outlet, try to find something healthier, user.
7:30 eastern time, I believe.
the problem with weed is that it makes you complacent and content with mediocrity.
mushrooms are masterrace tbh
There's nothing wrong with alchohol in moderation
I would fam, but I want to get a job as a fed at some point and I can't be smoking weed. They will get me on that polygraph for the Top Secret SCI
Faggot x 2.
Can someone explain the autist flag design?
Yep. Eventually normies will feel compelled to join a side. Today they likely see themselves as being above it, but that won't be an option.
The funny thing will be seeing the 25% of non-whites that vote R backing the white nationalist side.
This one was done to raise money for the rural white poor in the area. They don't get government help because their skin is the wrong color.
Depends entirely on the individual. It is true substances can corrupt people, but it's all about willpower and discipline. My uncle used to make 300-400k per year before the 2008 crash, and he smoked weed. He was lucky that no one in the tech sector gave a shit about it though, wouldn't be possible in some fields.
Ah, I understand, can't blow your OpSec. Not like you can just dump some fake piss in a cup. Still, substance abuse questions and shit will come up regardless, and they may begin to pigeonhole you as an alcoholic if you're not careful.
Fuck off, nigger. This is milfags talking about how we deal with our shit while still being productive and useful. Once you've actually done or witnessed some real shit in your life you will understand you can't just ride a white horse and look down on those who indulge in a little tranquilizing. Milfags are just ahead of the general population because we've already gotten our first experiences overseas. Weed and alcohol are both natural shit that are fine when used in moderation and good judgment.
Shit, I did not think of that.
I am really hoping my Holla Forums history does not fuck me for the TS SCI. I am nothing but loyal to America but being here may fuck me.
If i fail that I may just go back into the cock and balls. Although I am about to be too old for it all together sadly.
They will also ask you questions like if you've ever paid for sex and shit like that. Not necessarily to disqualify you, but just to test your honesty and see what kind of person you are. Rumor is they're not necessarily opposed to sexual degenerates being recruited because they're actually looking for flawed people who can be exploited or corrupted. Tread carefully in the federal world, user.
I am pretty straight laced tbh.
The only sexual anything I ever payed for was a lap dance in Sicily on a MEU.
what a shit show that night was
All i want to do is be useful again.
and shoot at some shitskins again
Alcohol isn't natural, but the rest of your point is valid. Just don't let your vices control you.
They're unconcerned with aesthetics.
Alcohol is natural, you just toss some fruit or veggies in water and let it rot. Boom, crude alcohol. Just like sugarcane is actually natural. Just be careful what you put in your body and in what amounts. And ya, I agree, definitely don't let your vices control you.
Which is really a shame. Give the people something nice to look at, something that stirs their hearts and demands to be noticed. Look at these, all formed during of near-after Rockwell was in charge.
what the fuck is happening? can somebody give me a quick rundown why all these people are angry?
Also, the ideas in "Adios America" are getting through to more and more normies to the point that a lot of them are finally realizing that if we don't fix this immigration problem NOW, it will never be possible to fix it politically.
Political action NOW is the only thing that can prevent huge bloodshed in the future.
Antifa are paid by Georgo Soros to do shit like this. Mind you, he jews them out of their wages according to another thread I read recently, but that's irrelevant.
The right-wingers are complaining about rural whites not getting gibs while niggers who don't deserve them are.
Also, as explains, Trump's election threw everyone for a loop and spurred them into action. The rights are looking to capitalise on their advantage before it's too late, the lefts are trying to virtue signal about muh noriteez and the normies are noticing it.
so not /ourflags/ then.
nice dubs, anyway
thanks for the summening up, it's just berkeley 2.0 at a different location?
Far as I know, yeah.
Not really, it was just a demonstration in some little rural town that resulted in some shit talking and then fizzled out. Berkeley was an actual sustained melee battle with a decisive outcome.
Plus most of these mountain town nazifags are themselves hypocritical degenerate, as opioid and raw heroin abuse is rampant in these parts. Maybe these guys are all straight-edge types but chances are most of them are just useless, pissed off tweakers. Look at their lame flags and complete lack of decorum, they aren't even meme worthy. The Berkeley crowd of right-wingers was much higher-tier.
so it's the battle for who can get the most gibzmedat?
Yeah trad workers is nazi. In berkeley it was labeled as "free speech" and "patriots" rallies.
Berkeley was effective because it brought a large number of right wingers together against antifa. Oath keepers, 3 percenters, bikers for trump, older conservatives from facebook, random liberals who supported us, and Holla Forums together. It was both a trump rally and bait for antifa guaranteed to go viral.
Sarin and botulinum toxin are made in a similar fashion.
Need higher res
NSM are complete amateurs. Completely unorganized, stale messaging, and relying on desperate young men. They are so jumpy, I highly suspect everyone saying "Antifa are so scared" is projecting. They are led by old men, and all their ideas and rhetoric are pulled straight out of Mein Kampf. It's similar to ISIS recruiting. Very cultish.
The ideal flag should be something our people can identify with. It's completely ineffective to talk about "our people" if we don't look American.
Thank you for you concern.
That's gay.
Reminder that the arrows are basically a fasces.
I was actually disappointed at the showing of pro-White groups. It looked like only 100 guys or so.