Leftists and >immigrants BTFO. Hopefully this is a first step toward Loyalty tests.
Leftists and >immigrants BTFO. Hopefully this is a first step toward Loyalty tests.
Other urls found in this thread:
Is this for real? As an American, I don't know what to feel about this one.
same day as may day
That's the point. Imagine all those "disloyal" commies rioting that day. Ooooh boy.
So do we have this guy's ass yet?
End part of a comment from user named "Youdontfoolme":
Isn't Bannon off of Trump's team now?
Wait, so to counteract the Communist "patriot day", we decide to act just like them? What's next … will Trump have us all praying like Muslims toward the White House?
Fuck this guy. Gettin' real sick of his shit. The greatest freedom we hold as being American is the freedom to not love America.
Flip a coin, you'll know the narrative today.
Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!
You're clearly not an American.
We need more info. Is this some forced pledge nonsense, a second 4th of july, the start of a new empire? Wtf is loyalty day? It sounds like freedom fries all over again. I'm a patriot, I voted for trump, I served in the navy, but wtf is this? Do not understand.
loyalty to the US obviously, Kikes fall in line.
I wish J Edgar Hoover were still alive. He could explain this.
have you paid attention at all to how they've acted historically?
So is Trump going to reaffirm his loyalty to voters and actually execute the platform he ran on? Good thing he drained the swamp into his cabinet, right guys?
We don't do that here. We have the right to dissent.
Every step toward the purge is coupled with a pandering to diffuse. If you haven't noticed this yet, you haven't been paying attention.
Even their fliers suck ass.
I don't see anything about "forced". It says that "Trump called on Americans to observe this day with ceremonies in schools and other public places, including reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He also called upon all government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings and grounds on May 1." I doubt it'll be enforced; merely just a PR campaign. Like standing for the national anthem(s) at a baseball game, it's encouraged, not mandatory.
>The United States stands as the world's leader in upholding the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice
a country can't have loyalty and there is no inherent dignity
[Service members] unwavering loyalty and fidelity has made the world a safer, more free, and more just place.
but they haven't, or washington would have been burned to the ground
Hello, I'm trapped in this thread
I still don't get it. Why wouldn't all government buildings be required to display the flag EVERY day?
In my state almost all of them do.
Not mandatory, merely suggested, but most do anyway.
All the government buildings in DC have the flag flying every day out front.
Addendum: The President has the authority to change the rules by which the flag is displayed.
Bannon is in charge
Kushner is in charge
Ivanka is in charge
McMasters is in charge
jews are in charge
Bannon has been sacked
Kushner has been sacked
Ivanka has been grounded
McMasters has been sacked
That's about 90% of the shill narratives atm.
The problem is cultural marxism. This is a feeble, yet decent first step towards normalizing loyalty to this country and culture. Who knows if Trump is a cuck or not, but this is at least eye opening.
is the site fucked for anyone else?
sage for offtopic
Yes, but any threads you have open are still usable it seems.
That's a Holla Forums term. People who aren't anarchists and who respect authority are "boot lickers" because "I might own those boots one day".
Pfft, the shills should know that the one in charge is Barron.
Wow, isn't that quite the coincidence?
Good choice by Trump. May 1st is a holiday in Germany and was introduced by Hitler, called "Tag der Arbeit" (The day of work).
Every face looks like they're taking the circumcised cocks of their jewish masters right up their unlubricated assholes.
There's no way I can see this but through the lens of many laughing Jews.
Loyalty to whom or what? Values? Ideas? Principles? People?
Of course, loyalty to the government. How predictable.
Will the blind state worship ever end?
How can I be loyal to the American government when it's still occupied by Zionists?
Isn't that also May day?
The international communist holiday that they stole from Europeans?
Lolberg detected.
Wew lad.
Individualism is masturbation, libertarianism is at least as 'utopianist' as Gommunism, and duty must take priority over liberties or the nation dies.
No such nation can endure.
Gommunists the world over celebrate their Jewish ideology by trashing things they didn't pay for.
Meanwhile, the goodest of goyim, the puppet held forth as the Leader of the Free World, proclaims it loyalty day - because you have to loyal to your allies user, especially your Greatest Ally.
Its not just 'still' occupied, its MORE occupied.
Don't forget Trump also recently claimed the entirety of May to be Jewish heritage month!
Apart from changing the subject and not addressing anything i said, you're also barking up the wrong tree, lassie. Here's your (you)
Every president has done this since Eisenhower. I don't know why any of you are getting your dicks wet.
Your loyalty only belongs to your race and your people! Nothing else!
Of course it is.
But lolbergs are the kind that think chopping off your dick, limbs, and putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger is fine so long as "it doesn't affect me".
Lolbergs are people who follow some abstract notion of what they learned about America's founding principles blindly, without reflecting on it.
Reminds me of the good old days where he was still a Clinton plant and didn't even want to become president.
What is a nation if not your people?
A kingdom, a hold, a state is a government.
A nation however may fly many flags within it's boarders but it will always be defined as a common people.
I also noticed the huge artist's alias/signature. Pretty ironic that all these commies want is personal recognition for pushing collectivization. Shows their lack of introspection and also how Marxism is pushed as the fad for high social status. Also that they can't tell how shitty their own artwork is.
refer to this
Could you also see that in the complete reverse and see that Trump is calling Jews disloyal cunts?
Why would you refer to a post that says nothing of value? Every President since Eisenhower has been a Ziodrone piece of shit - so you're now saying we shouldn't mind Trump being a Ziodrone piece of shit, because hey, other guys did it too!
Fuck, we might as well have elected Jeb.
I didn't change the subject, and your rhetoric is baseline lolberg newfag-tier.
Collectivism defeats Individualism. There is always a state. Liberty must be second to duty. Deal with it.
I bet you're all shills and bots in this thread, but in case you're not
His daughter is a Jew (by choice, no less), his grandchildren are mischlings, I rather doubt that's what he's doing.
refer to this
Coincidence or cohencidence?
I wonder what you would have written if Obama had proclaimed May 1st (Communist Holy day) loyalty day?
Why does every season have to be worhipping our hook-nosed overlords? It makes no sense whatsoever, unless you're a godless communist. Are you going to celebrate loyalty day when the next Obama is in Office? Let me know, comrade.
- Donald Trump
Feels good man, I'm gonna grill up a nice steak to celebrate.
I'm dying to deface this in person.
What fucking difference does Trump have over other presidents? What propaganda and jew signaling was utilized with other presidents?
Nevermind the actual quote is from his meeting with (((Sheldon Adelson))) "Sheldon knows that nobody will be more loyal to Israel than Donald Trump."
What kind of retard refers to himself in the third person?
First off, take your dick outta your hand, I'm not going to talk someone mid-masturbation.
Exactly the same thing I wrote.
I'll celebrate it exactly the same way I will this time - by calling the guy shilling it a Jew puppet.
Individualism as you seem to espouse serves the interests of the Jew, its been scientifically proven - an in-group loyalty strategy laid against an individualist strategy results in the individualist strategy being defeated. Its how Jews win. Deal with it.
Very little, it would seem. That's kind of the point.
Making May American Jew month would be a good example.
Trump loyalty test: Do you pledge allegiance to the State of Israel?
You kikes need to try harder with your pro-Trump propaganda.
Someone's upset that national workers butt fucking day is ruined.
Wrong. Yeah he spouted that shit but it's not his proclamation, that's good ol dubya
I guess its you then, because the notion that International Jewish Ideology Day would be ruined by the US puppet-ruler declaring the same day to be Loyalty Day, which is also the start of American Jew Appreciation Month, well, hah, it says a lot about where your head is at.Up your own Gommie Jew ass.
Yer doing gods work user
Gettin real tired of you niggers posting about the Jew connections and claiming ivanka is one. You're on Holla Forums you faggots, converting to a religion =\= changing race. To the kikes shes still a dumb goy shiksa and her kids, while dirty little kike halfbreeds, are still viewed as cattle to talmudists.
Shill vsv shill thread?
Real believable.
Sure thing, comrade.
National Socialism, and Fascism are collectivist ideologies. Also, worker was in the name of the party. You must be larping.
What a hamfisted turnaround Mr non national socialist.
Who said that? Not me. I am defending Collectivism, and opposing Individualism.
Who said that, other than you? Nice focus on class you have there lad.
Top Cuck.
What a complete absence of argumentation or comeback, Mr. Posts Ziodrone Faux-Nationalist Pepes.
You know what NSDAP stands for right?
Individualism is a myth. A lie. A spook. It doesn't exist. You didn't come into this world alone, but through the union of your mother and father. You were not raised alone, but by your parents, friends, and family. You will not live alone, but surrounded by your neighbors, co-workers, folk, and in-group, and if you married a spouse and had children, you will not die alone either.
Individualism as an ideal is a myth. It's nonsense. It is snake oil created and peddled by those who have a vested interest in destroying the family as an institution and the values and ideals it preserves by existing.
Crying about "Collectivism" while clinging to your cummies doesn't make you 'enlightened.' You are nothing more than the brainwashed final product of centuries of Gnostic heresies promoting the worship of your own asshole over any sort of coherent Telos.
Go be a spiritually Jewish intellectual Lucifarian somewhere else, you sniveling faggot.
At last I truly see. Where can I sign up to be apart of antifa?
Gotta love the dumb commies who try to turn the NSDAP into a socialist worker party.
The ideal in the third reich was not a dumb worker drone, but a "held", the hero who saves the day, by overcoming huge obstacles. The nazis called themselves national socialists to get votes, because the communists had shifted the overton window. Adolf Hitler distanced himself from communism at every opportunity and distinguish national socialism from marxist socialism in every speech he gave. the NSDAP was not a socialist workers party and had nothing but disdain for marxism.
Shut up and get in line you anti-worker individualist sumbag dipshit nigger shill shill shill shill shill.
Don't forget who died on the night of the long knives.
Commies HAVE TO DIE.
>luciferianism >gnosticism >bad. And you're talking about spooks Jesus Christ go back to the gulag and read some 200 years, some guenon, and done rosenberg you fag
Youve already said youre anti-collectivist, youre just a shill.
We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state.
Socialism is the doctrine of liberation for the working class. It promotes the rise of the fourth class and its incorporation in the political organism of our Fatherland, and is inextricably bound to breaking the present slavery and regaining German freedom. Socialism, therefore, is not merely a matter of the oppressed class, but a matter for everyone, for freeing the German people from slavery is the goal of contemporary policy. Socialism gains its true form only through a total fighting brotherhood with the forward-striving energies of a newly awakened nationalism. Without nationalism it is nothing, a phantom, a mere theory, a castle in the sky, a book. With it it is everything, the future, freedom, the fatherland!
The sin of liberal thinking was to overlook socialism’s nation-building strengths, thereby allowing its energies to go in anti-national directions. The sin of Marxism was to degrade socialism into a question of wages and the stomach, putting it in conflict with the state and its national existence. An understanding of both these facts leads us to a new sense of socialism, which sees its nature as nationalistic, state-building, liberating and constructive.
The bourgeois is about to leave the historical stage. In its place will come the class of productive workers, the working class, that has been up until today oppressed. It is beginning to fulfill its political mission. It is involved in a hard and bitter struggle for political power as it seeks to become part of the national organism. The battle began in the economic realm; it will finish in the political. It is not merely a matter of wages, not only a matter of the number of hours worked in a day — though we may never forget that these are an essential, perhaps even the most significant part of the socialist platform — but it is much more a matter of incorporating a powerful and responsible class in the state, perhaps even to make it the dominant force in the future politics of the fatherland. The bourgeoisie does not want to recognize the strength of the working class. Marxism has forced it into a straitjacket that will ruin it. While the working class gradually disintegrates in the Marxist front, bleeding itself dry, the bourgeoisie and Marxism have agreed on the general lines of capitalism, and see their task now to protect and defend it in various ways, often concealed.
We are socialists because we see the social question as a matter of necessity and justice for the very existence of a state for our people, not a question of cheap pity or insulting sentimentality. The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces. We have no intention of begging for that right. Incorporating him in the state organism is not only a critical matter for him, but for the whole nation. The question is larger than the eight-hour day. It is a matter of forming a new state consciousness that includes every productive citizen. Since the political powers of the day are neither willing nor able to create such a situation, socialism must be fought for. It is a fighting slogan both inwardly and outwardly. It is aimed domestically at the bourgeois parties and Marxism at the same time, because both are sworn enemies of the coming workers’ state. It is directed abroad at all powers that threaten our national existence and thereby the possibility of the coming socialist national state.
Socialism is possible only in a state that is united domestically and free internationally. The bourgeoisie and Marxism are responsible for failing to reach both goals, domestic unity and international freedom. No matter how national and social these two forces present themselves, they are the sworn enemies of a socialist national state.
We must therefore break both groups politically. The lines of German socialism are sharp, and our path is clear.
We are against the political bourgeoisie, and for genuine nationalism!
We are against Marxism, but for true socialism!
We are for the first German national state of a socialist nature!
We are for the National Socialist German Workers’ Party!
Work is not mankind’s curse, but his blessing. A man becomes a man through labor. It elevates him, makes him great and aware, raises him above all other creatures. It is in the deepest sense creative, productive, and culture-producing. Without labor, no food. Without food, no life.
The idea that the dirtier one’s hands get, the more degrading the work, is a Jewish, not a German, idea. As in every other area, the German first asks how, then what. It is less a question of the position I fill, and more a question of how well I do the duty that God has given me.
We call ourselves a workers’ party because we want to rescue the word work from its current definition and give it back its original meaning. Anyone who creates value is a creator, that is, a worker. We refuse to distinguish kinds of work. Our only standard is whether the work serves the whole, or at least does not harm it, or if it is harmful. Work is service. If it works against the general welfare, then it is treason against the fatherland.
Marxist nonsense claimed to free labor, yet it degraded the work of its members and saw it as a curse and disgrace. It can hardly be our goal to abolish labor, but rather to give new meaning and content. The worker in a capitalist state — and that is his deepest misfortune — is no longer a living human being, a creator, a maker.
He has become a machine. A number, a cog in the machine without sense or understanding. He is alienated from what he produces. Labor is for him only a way to survive, not a path to higher blessings, not a joy, not something in which to take pride, or satisfaction, or encouragement, or a way to build character.
We are a workers’ party because we see in the coming battle between finance and labor the beginning and the end of the structure of the twentieth century. We are on the side of labor and against finance. Money is the measuring rod of liberalism, work and accomplishment that of the socialist state. The liberal asks: What are you? The socialist asks: Who are you? Worlds lie between.
We do not want to make everyone the same. Nor do we want levels in the population, high and low, above and below. The aristocracy of the coming state will be determined not by possessions or money, but only on the quality of one’s accomplishments. One earns merit through service. Men are distinguished by the results of their labor. That is the sure sign of the character and value of a person. The value of labor under socialism will be determined by its value to the state, to the whole community. Labor means creating value, not haggling over things. The soldier is a worker when he bears the sword to protect the national economy. The statesman also is a worker when he gives the nation a form and a will that help it to produce what it needs for life and freedom.
who gives a shit?
Collectivism isn't the same as Marxism you retard. There's a world of difference between the institutionalized Judaism of Marxism and everyone working towards the common goal of uplifting their race and their brothers. The German worker was expected to work hard in his role and in return he knew the party and his people had his back so he could do his task unmolested by jewish influence and deracination. The difference is National Socialist trusts everyone to do their part because they know how important their tasks are, whereas gommunism can't even get a tractor built unless it's at gunpoint.
The fuck kinda formatting is that.
Did you get hit in the head with a shovel?
you need to stop.
A furrowed brow is as much a sign of labor as a powerful fist. A white collar worker should not be ashamed to claim with pride that of which the manual laborer boasts: labor. The relations between these two groups determine their mutual fate. Neither can survive without the other, for both are members of an organism that they must together maintain if they are to defend and expand their right to exist.
We call ourselves a workers’ party because we want to free labor from the chains of capitalism and Marxism. In battling for Germany’s future, we freely admit to it, and accept the odium from the liberal bourgeoisie that results. We know that we will succeed in bringing new blessings out of their curses.
God gave the nations territory to grow grain. The seed becomes grain and the grain becomes bread. The middleman of it all is labor.
He who despises labor but accepts its benefits is a hypocrite.
That is the deepest meaning of our movement: it gives things back their original significance, unconcerned that today they may be in danger of sinking into the swamp of a collapsing worldview.
He who creates value works, and is a worker. A movement that wants to free labor is a workers’ party.
Therefore we National Socialists call ourselves a worker’s party.
When our victorious flags fly before us, we sing:
“We are the army of the swastika,
Raise high the red flags!
We want to clear the way to freedom
For German Labor!”
Thread successfully derailed.
Yeah you "derailed" it into an informative info dump about National Socialism. Congrats, now the newfags lurking will become Nazis instead of civic nationalist cucks.
Its all the shills know how to do.
It obviously is. Collectivism puts the lowest, least valuable human beings at the very top of society and at the center of the ideology. It promotes an upside-down society that is anti-god, anti-beauty and anti-life. inb4 collectivism has never been tried.
Also this one looks interesting.
>mail. google . com/mail/u/0/#inbox/15ba16a5c5a4d9d3?projector=1
MSM will spin this as "Trump fealty day"
Enjoy your ban bud, were collectivists here.
Not said Enough. Good shit anons.
>>>Holla Forums
Mods, wake up.
Holy shit, are you actually trying to sell the idea that the National Socialists were Individualists rather than Collectivists?
Top Cuck, these fucking lolbergs man…
No, they were neither. It was some dumb commie ITT who started the whole individualism vs collectivism debate in here to derail the thread.
i need 1 more to roll a d12
Muh books?
If you havent read Mein Kampf, youre not allowed to post here. We are all National Socialists, and we are all collectivists, because thats what National Socialism, and Fascism are. The actual symbol of a fasci reprsents collectivism. Youl be banned, its only a matter of time. I suspect this is more /polk/ board disruption tbh.
I thought July 4th was more or less the same thing though?
Then again, we have Memorial Day and Veterans Day which are more or less the same thing so fucking whatever bureaucracy gonna bureaucracy
Collectivism, like racism, sexism and most other isms is a marxist term. You gotta be a bloody leftist moron to put workers at the helm of society.
Take it up with Goebbels and Hitler.
National Socialism is about the worker, and we ban people who post anti-natsoc stuff. Webm related, your future crying about workers.
When the Hitler trips smite shills so hard their formatting becomes bbcode.
Get the fuck out of here, you lolberturdian faggot. Screeching autistically about words is not an argument. If you don't understand concepts like Telos or Gnostic intellectualism, then go shitpost on TRS or something, with the rest of the purple pilled civnats.
What the fuck are you talking about? Collectivism means pooling labor not making the retards manage the factory. Goebbels even said it himself, "he's not your equal, but he is your brother". People did what they could. You were expected to do what you could, but the standards were also very high. And because it was an Aryan society the "lowest common denominator" was still an honorable, hard working man. I think >>>/freedom/ might be more your speed since you seem so worried you might one day be accountable for your (lack) of contribution to your race.
I don't have to. Hitler made it very clear that every man plays his role in society and for the worker - as long as he's just a worker, that means working.
Hitler dubs for you accidentally stumbling upon the truth without realizing it. Workers weren't at the helm of society in the 3rd Reich. They were recognized as it's backbone while the truly enlightened men were at the helm. Hitler was an artist, yet he was the one steering the ship. And under his direction the workers saw an improvement in their standard of living, both materially and spiritually that is unmatched in human history. You don't let the workers run society, you run it for them and give them what they are rightfully owed, which is respect and fair governance, protection for their families, public works to improve their lives, etc.
I wonder.
basically Plato's Republic
No, it wasn't, it was some dumb lolberg who started bemoaning collectivism, while denying he espoused defense of individualism.
God damn your morally stunted lolberg faggots are fucking garbage.
Even the blowhards at SJWpedia know that Nazism had nothing to do with collectivism
Marxists BTFO
Sure thing bud, and I bet you have a bunch of quotes of Hitler talking about how National Socialism is a part of individualism, and the individual and personal freedom being the most important things for any society. Youre just a lolberg cancer D&C shill, and youre going to get tossed out soon enough.
maximum heh
nice dubs but no one's saying to put workers at the helm, but to keep workers at the forefront of policy making decisions, at least for the well being of the state. Putting one's race at the forefront is a different matter, albeit more important.
This too
National Socialism
I bet you havent even read for my legionaries you fucking faggot. You're the same retard shilling collectivism too.
Fucking lolbergs man, top fucking cuck.
Yea, the same website that says cultural marxism is a conspiracy. Dont forget to report as a raid, probably related to the DDOS going on right now.
lel. It was literally you who started this shit here:
You got all butthurt because i posted a picture of a people's army soldier killing a little girl.
Its 'lol', redditfag. We speak English here - I know its not the Hebrew you prefer, but at least make an effort.
And in truth, you started it, here
When you posted a lolberg image bitching about 'collectivism', and crying about 'muh state'.
Then you got all rectum rustled because it was made obvious that lolbergs are shit and your utopian lolberg dreams are as much garbage as the utopian dreams of the Gommies.
Gommunism is bad, therefore all Collectivism is bad? Hah, no - scientifically proven, in fact, to be no.
Individualism is masturbation, and is defeated when laid against Collectivist survival strategies. The Jew wants you to be an individual goy, because as long as you're just a bunch of individuals, you don't stand a chance against a tribe.
Actually, you told me to go to /pdfs/ if I said everyone has to read Mein Kampf if they are going to post here. In the picture is a 1 month ban, with a link to a website with Mein Kampf on it, in response to a poster saying he never read Mein Kampf. So, youre effectively saying "Go to /pdfs/ if you want books, we dont care about reading Mein Kampf here" - in response to a picture of a 1 month ban for having not read Mein Kampf.
A. Youre wrong. Objectively.
B. Youre discouraging the reading of a mandatory book
Boards taking a shit.
No shit, really?
collectivism doesn't really mesh well with much of natsoc practice considering it placed individual abilities quite highly and regularly acknowledged people are not born equal. Natsoc is more about letting those who want to work hard and well do so, collectivism quashes individual abilities because you can't justify a true collective if people aren't the same
We also ban for D&C, which is ironic, when youre D&Cing over the very idea that we are collectivists. Why do we ban D&C? Because we are collectivists, and dont tolerate individualism, its why we ban TRS, its why we ban anyone who thinks there might be a good jew.Its why we ban people who aren't National Socialists, or who try to say things that are negative about National Socialism, or any of its aspects - like how its for workers, or how its collectivist in its nature. Fasci, a large bundle of sticks tied together. Single sticks are weak, but united, in collectivism, racial collectivism, it is strong.
Simple stuff. FALL IN LINE.
Trump always makes people ask that question, and it's fucking hilarious every time. Never gets old, no seriously…it doesn't.
Basically spray and pray rabbit sex and hoping some offspring survives.
Collectivists have no survival strategies, they have only urges and instincts. They are r-type selected like all leftists, which is why they hate anyone who is a strong leader and has qualities that set him apart from the "collective", the dumb masses that want to drag us down into the stone age.
Oh shit someone actually talking about the thread? Thats a first.
The thread is about loyalty day, discussion of collectivism is relevant, even if its just a shitbrained lolberg saying National Socialism is anti-worker and pro-individualism.
In other words, he thinks being a fat drug using NEET is an acceptable part of National Socialist society.
Now you're back to lying again.
I said national socialism did not put workers at the helm of society and did not idolize them the way marxists did. At no point did i say that the nazis were lolberg individualist. Fuck off you lying D&C shill.
Yeah, you're not fooling anyone, comrade.
A falsehood right off the bat, this should be good.
That you think that's what 'collectivism' means is demonstrable of why you think the way you do.
Under a collectivist regime, individual abilities/liberties are not necessarily reduced - but the priority is placed upon the well-being of the people, not the individual; for example, that being a Gommunist or a homosexual made YOU individually happy, it was detrimental to the people, the nation, thus it was not permitted.
The notion that equality is, in any way, requisite for a collectivist paradigm is further hilarity. Gommunists preach a broken sort of collectivism, the sort you seem to have internalized in your views, but National Socialists propose a functional collectivism - it is, under NS principles, the very fact that we are not equal that justifies a collectivist mentality: you have a duty to your people, and all are not equal.
If that isn't collectivist sentiment, then nothing is.
No, Natsoc is more about letting those who want to work hard and well do so, specifically in the context of their duty to their people, and toward maintaining the well-being thereof.
You're portraying Natsoc as basic-bitch Capitalism, and no lad, it was not that way - individuals work hard and well, and they do so for the sake of themselves and their people… And what they're doing harms their people, their nation, then no matter how well they do it, no matter how good it is for them individually, they will not be permitted to pursue it.
A blatant falsehood already addressed above - if a 'true collective' requires people to be the same, what you're claiming is that the nuclear family is not a true collective when applied appropriately, and that's just silly bullshit lad.
Checked for appropriate image, given you are very confused.
Oh, that's what a wolf pack does? That's what a lion pride does? That's what a whale herd does?
Hah, god, you're SO FUCKING BAD AT THIS, but I'll grant that I can't tell if you're stupid or just a really bad lolberg shill.
Given your entire bitchfest there derived from an objective falsehood, I'll just leave it at that - but know that my sides? They ache from the laughter. At you.
Volk, Land, und Führer
Unfortunately the US is not worthy of loyalty nor a continued existence. Trump certainly doesn't deserve loyalty either.
Seriously low effort Holla Forums
Yeah, you're not fooling anyone, morally-stunted Jew.
And then they scream the mods aren't allowing it when you know they are.
So.. What do we do on loyalty day? Maybe we can use it to show how much hired gun loyalty isis has for israel?
The mods being coopted isnt even up for debate
Lions are K-type predators. They literally kill the weak among their pride, as did the Nazis. Read a book, (inb4 don't read Mein Kampf)
You know, the funny thing is that i recognize you from Holla Forums and yet you still try to pretend that you're a national socialist. It's just pathetic.
Blatant falsehood.
Pffttahahahahaha. Good to see you've given up. For more laughs though: Why don't you go ahead and explain how you oppose collectivism but don't support individualism (which is masturbation).
No, the funny thing is, you just admitted you browse Holla Forums, AND that you're delusional because I don't. Sad, so sad.
Pic related.
Didn't mean for that to be a reply
How retarded can you get?
This new shill tactic of trying to force fitting in by being as retarded as possible is by far my favorite. Its fucking hysterical that someone is paying for this.
We all know who's REALLY in charge.
What you are describing is ingroup preference not collectivism. There is in NSDAP practice a stress on not just external but internal competition(showcased clearly through their massive privatization of industry), you could argue it makes the whole stronger over time (but you could make the same argument about capitalism too) but its a marked departure from collectivist thought. You understand correctly the value placed on family, but what you miss is that you wouldn't be expected to not work to benefit your family over another's. Natsoc is about finding the balance between individual and people.
IF individualism must be abandoned how can we create the new without challenging what we know as truth?
Faster then light drive is impossible.
Em drive is impossible.
The universe cannot randomly create life and must have only existed here created by a sky god is the only reasonable conclusion.
All assertions of society/people/intellectuals of there time. You have to challenge what you think of as truth to find truth instead of believing someone or anyone as a ultimate provider as such.
There is nothing wrong with being a individual and thinking for yourself instead of relying on others its what creates new things. Reliving what you are told is the truth without actually looking beyond what you are told is a farce. The only way to know truth is to have individual will not to follow blindly or irrationally someone else based upon belief or faith.
Without reason knowledge or individual will there is no to challenge what is known as truth and therefore create something new and different. There is no means to discover lies or find out you are being lied to. Because your individual will must be subverted to another authority.
Its another form of slavery. A prison for your mind.
Sure is coincidental in here.
Loyalty to what? Israel?
I appreciate the sentiment of pissing on May Day with a counter holiday. However, this stinks of surface level patriotism and virtue signaling to the right. It's a token that cost him virtually nothing to implement and gives us nothing of note. So again, while I appreciate the sentiment I'll hold my applause for when Trump actually delivers on the wall among other things.
every time someone mentions wikipedia in this context, I go and reread this article.
> encyclopedia The_Wikipedia_Jews
I ain't loyal to your fucking Union, yank.
Dissent will land you in a camp. You dont "challenge" a National Socialist government.Its an authoritarian ideology, you must be retarded. Thats how you end up in a camp.
You see pic related? He gives you the truth.
Report this complete idiot shill, he just admitted hes from lefty/pol/.
Right. You're loyal to those Jewish slave-owners and Rothschild bankers who you so willingly fought for.
I'd suggest learning the importance of loyalty. If you can work together with others who have similar goals without trying to stab them in the back, then you will be far more successful with what you do. A person with few loyalties will end up working for people who do not have their best interests at heart.
We're not going to win the second Civil War if you're still butthurt about the first one.
wtf I hate drumpf now :^)
Pretty sure you're a shill. Spics aren't part of our nation. They can't be since they obviously don't share our blood.
What do you think a nation is? You probably think a nation is a government and a state, because you are so entrenched in your postmodern theory.
Take Britain for example:
Nation of the Saxon people
separate villages,
each belonging to a hold ruled by a lord,
each lord subservient to a king who ruled over a kingdom,
each kingdom part of the greater nation of Britain
but no kingdom ruled the entire nation
When you get Monarchy, a ruler would arise and he would rule over every kingdom. The monarch would rise up to serve his entire bloodline who is his family and all people in the nation would be his blood relatives.
The nation the tribe, the bloodline of a people; nothing more and nothing less.
Fuck off Cory Maloney burning the flag and proclaiming oneself to be a member of blac bloc is not the behavior of a patriot.
You could also call it on the Fact that all those shill threads were taking articles from kike rags.
That's what i said. I have nothing in common with spics, so why should i pledge loyalty to them? It would like maiming myself.
A people with a shared ethnicity, history and culture.
I always wonder who Trump is talking about when he says "our people" in his speeches. Previous president would always say "the american people", but Trump likes to say "our people".
Give the goyim a day, give the masters a month
Why do they insist on calling themselves workers when actively insult and marginalize the true working class? Why do they call the working class inbred retards when they try vote in their best interests? Why do these upper middle-class champagne socialists who write snarky listicles view themselves as the workers?
It triggers the shit out of me too. They're virtue signalling so hard they spout buzzwords without knowing/taking the time to consider what they mean. pic related, they're the equivalent of religious nutters.
kewl meme faggot
Does anyone else see this as a veiled threat to the kikes?
"Sure, you get a month. Guess what the first day of the month is? Stay loyal or die, kikes."
Where have I seen this narrative being discussed again? Oh yeah, on a shill discord :^)
It's retarded. Almost no working person wants to pay their hard earned money in taxes to house refugees and migrants that refuse that leech off the system. Leftists never fucking think.
National Socialism isn't collectivism. National Socialism is the individual dedicating himself to his volk because he realizes he is the product of his volk and strengthening his volk is how he strengthens himself and his descendants. It's an individual choice brought about by philosophical considerations when you realize that post-modern nihilism actually frees you to decide on what is actually meaningful in life, which is your own will and wellbeing, which is dependent upon the health of the society you live in.
National Socialism is a philosophy, and no matter how many times I point it out, the mods point it out, or other anons point it out, newfags continue to not grasp this basic, basic fact.
user asked for a 12th shill narrative for his D12 roll, I provided it.
Oh, I forgot to mention that a lot of the decision is based upon once you pass post-modernism, and you decide on whatever is actually important, the logical choice is to decide upon truth and beauty because they are pursuits that are rewarding in and of themselves. A healthy, functioning volk is a thing of beauty just like any other type of art. Aesthetic experience is a major part of National Socialism, it's a total life philosophy so you apply it to every facet of your life, society and culture. Everything then has an interplay as you leverage all the parts of life for the good of the others and ultimately the good of the whole in order to create a beautiful, perfect life. It's always a process, so life is struggle, hence Mein Kampf.
Hitler disagrees with you.
Paraphrased mostly, except the last 2. If youre not a traitor, youl subordinate yourself to the National Socialist leadership. Thats pretty collectivist bud.
The confusion comes over the dual meaning of collectivism. 1 definition means communistic control of the economy, government owning land and all the businesses, means to production and distribution.
Thats not the way its being used however, it also means:
It doesnt take a genius to make the parallel between that and a Fascist, or National Socialist government. Obviously the individual is something democracy raises up, not National Socialism. The individual doesnt matter, the people as a whole are what matters. We really couldnt care less if you, as an individual, are say - offended by something… or you dont want to take part in X part of society. Tough shit bucko, fall in line.
This would be a good day for a white spermatozoa to fertilize a white egg.
No they don't. This is the Antifa raids they were saying they were going to do to try and turn the chans to their side. "Libertarians" are really just leftists.
but you must understand that loyalty is earned.
traitors exist at all levels.
Its arguing that water is not wet. Fascism and National Socialism are not libertarianism and anarchism, and democracy. Its an authoritarian ideology, its plain stupid to argue that National Socialism is an individualist ideology. Its troll tier garbage. Youl get a job, you will not laze about, you will not do drugs, you will not be a faggot. You will not have sex with niggers, if niggers are permitted at all. You will show up to the rallies, you will heil the fuhrer. If not, youre a traitor, or there must be something seriously wrong with you. We will take pride and joy in doing these things. If you dont, youre not part of the collective.
Coercion has no part of it, faggot. Your faggy little dreams of power and tyranny are best taken over to Holla Forums, you'll fit right in.
You have a right to deez dubs.
The one on the left, very compelling kind of a figure, odd looking duck, but there is something about his eyes, hypnotic…
It's just updated muh Cheney user.
That, uh, that sounds kinda, y'know, Orwellian. A little.
No, back to cuckchan, youl fit right in. Nothing I said in that post you replied to was wrong, clearly you have a problem with things like not doing drugs, having a job, and heiling the fuhrer.
Shills can't shotty the Hotty
Niggers in jail contribute to society more than half the "loyal" NEETs here
Gee, and the left still wonders how it lost the last election…
wew lads
Its also national Asian American history month. And also Jewish american history month.
The jews did that. The first time they fucked with NEETs they got the NSDAP. The second time they fucked with NEETs we memed a president and destroyed their narrative.
Don't fuck with NEETs. Ever.
My grandfather, whom i've never met since he died long before i came to be would have shot these fuckers with a rifle.
This country gives you the opportunity to succeed and do whatever you want
Trump has worked on repealing bullshit thats litterally killing small biz and startups, not the bullshit 9349345843 million dollar ipo ones, the you got 2 friends and 50 grand and you wanna do something startups that were choked out or forced to run off the books type accounting thanks to the socialism thats creeping into the republic.
i'm proud to be a 3rd gen immigrant. i think anyone who's here, who's family put in work to come here legally and works and strives for dreams and goals should be proud too.
people need to understand how old school trump really is. trump aint a politician, he already had the most power you can get, a billionaire who can buy politicians. he didn't have to sacrafice his life to become president. he could be doing anything in the world right now.
could you imagine, having the ability to be or do anything you ever wanted right now? instead he's gonna put up with bullshit for the rest of his life. because he like many of you, is completely disgusted with the degeneracy and crap that has happend to the country the last 30 years.
i have a buddy who was worried his life was over with work because of the coal industry going down the toilet, he had left the military instead of being a lifer and got an engineering degree and went to work for a company that consol energy bought out. thanks to the north korea deal alone, the dudes fine and dandy. he makes 300k running a crew for the mine. yes he's several miles underground at times, but you know what. liberals think these are low paying jobs that don't matter, "that are never coming back".
liberals don't want people making money or being independent. they don't like the american dream.
you know why liberals and commies hate the american dream? because it makes responsible goal oriented adults successful, that doesn't work with their slave agenda.
those of you calling trump stupid, need to watch old interviews and discussions with trump. TRUMP IS 70. GO TALK TO SOMEONE 70. they aint as quick and sharp. but i bet trump could 3d chess any you fags in a business deal. so drop that shit. bunch of dickheads harping on your elders. conservatives used to respect their elders and convey a sense of moral principal. yall need to go back to church, if not for religion, just to shape up and quit being slackers.
The pledge of allegiance isn't to the homeland. It's to the flag and the (((republic))).
Nowadays whenever I have to recite it and it's in a big enough group not to be notice i replace it with, "I pledge allegiance to the white people, of the United States of America, and against the ZOG that holds them in chains, one NATION, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I know, spergey and cringey.
But I just can't pledge loyalty to a republic where EVERY FUCKING SENATOR IS A ZIONIST SHILL REEEEEEEEREEEEEEEEEEEE.
yes we know, but it's nice to say it loud sometimes
fuck off fag, you don't even know what you're talking about. natsoc/fascism isn't collectivist, nor is it individualist, it's a healthy balance of the two based on the Natural Order. That's why the symbol of fascism is a bundle of sticks tied together; each individual stick can still be made out, but they work together in cohesion. Whereas Communist style collectivism is like a bundle of metal rods melted together into one big rod, where all individualism is erased like the Borg.
No, we fought for our people. I know that mystery meat yanks can't understand that.
Sure we will. As ethnonationalists, we only want one thing, though. Independence for our own unique people. We'll find out if "no more brother wars" actually means something to you. I fully expect the eternal yank to shoot us in the back the second we're winning.
Bro, he just confused the revolutionary war with the civil war. The first civil war was between America and America - thus it being a civil war. The revolutionary war was when America fought Britain.
Being he is fully controlled by neocons and other kike like figures at this point, this is nothing more than set up for some sort of subversive propaganda.
you put a lot of effort into breaking that link 3 different times
I'm more concerned about what they actually mean by "loyalty", though. If it's to the principles America was actually founded on, great. If it's to the Multikulti bullshit we've been getting shilled with for generations, that (((they))) keep telling us our nation was founded on, significantly less great.
I'm sure for Trump it's the former, but it's an easy enough concept for (((MSM))) to put their own spin on
please god use it as an excuse to execute media giants for treason when they try it
tell it George
sounds good. People have to think about their loyalties where ever they lay.
I really wish he would've been made our proper liege.
Both times we Southerners were on the correct side. The first proving sovereignty of the colonies, and then attempting to prove the sovereignty of the States those colonies became. The only reason we care about the federal government now is because after Lincoln's War it grew far too large.
Stop pretending to be outraged and read a book.
This is all extremely simple: a coalition of subhumans, freaks and degenerates is vying for a larger share of the West's resources by using Universalist rhetoric. That is all this is. They will say and do anything to get more free shit, and they will get it because most people are too stupid to operate on anything other than generalities, i.e. "the same rules for everyone".
"Workers rising" stopped meaning "workers" when it was discovered that "workers" meant "White blue collars" and that those White blue collars wanted nothing to do with Communism back in the 60s, and in fact have fascist tendencies. Since then the Left has been hard at work creating another column in society of the aforementioned subhumans, freaks and degenerates to use as a political and paramilitary force against civilization. They not only do not care about actual workers, they despise them for the perceived "betrayal" of their NEET LARPing ideologies and want to punish/destroy them for it. This is the game being played.
It's gonna be really entertaining this year
Let ANTIFA chimp out on their kike masters. It's all a farce.
whoa im really spooped
Well, have you read Mein Kampf?
Every page of it? Because it's Hell to slog through. The Gulag Archipelago is babbie's first book in comparison.
Hitler trips are 555, not 888.
A common mistake, since not that many people know that 555 was his party-membership number.
Also, individualism is cancer. Humans are social beings by nature, we are never truly alone, not even in death (or maybe in death alone?). We are not insects.
1st May is a day already used by commies to celebrate communism, though. Back when they were in power, attendance on these things was compulsory and you had to show proper enthusiasm as you shouted praises to the worker.
The bad news many will come to the conclusion that their loyalty lies with "progressivism" and "change" and "PC"
Except they actually are.
You are retaded neck thyself.
Might be the faggiest flyer I've ever seen.
Really earning your keep today hu Goldstein
What are you talking about? Its a good book, especially the autobiographical parts are easily read and very enjoyable.
kek; this thread
I've told you six million times Simon… you can't make it too obvious!!
Why are people on Holla Forums angry about National Socialism? Isn't that supposed to be the thing we all like?
It's just the human centipedes and their "based" jews.
They and their CivNat cancer need to die.
t. r/the_donald
Looks like the shills from halfchan have found fullchan.
He is who my raifu is for.
kek, you're either from 4cuck or leddit, stop trying to fit in, faggot
I'm laughing at all you faggots getting triggered by spacing it's a mobile post, attack the content of the post anything else is not an argument/grammar policing tier.
Does this mean you have to celebrate USA as prioritized over Israel on may 1?
Ask a jew in usa if his allegience is to USA ahead of Israel on May 1 and see what happens.
Is Trump in on the antifa psyop? Is the antifa psyop being led by him so that he has the leverage to accrete the power to himself necessary to BTFO the intelligence agencies?
We shall see.
holy fuck, thank god I left this thread when I did. lolbergs shilling against trump makes sense.
completely cancer
Being anti-collectivist is not the same thing as being an extreme individualist. Fascism and National Socialism was not pure collectivism or pure individualism, it was a centrist position between the two, balancing the needs of the individual with the needs of the community.
Why would that image include a burka? Doesn't the burka offend liberals as a device to suppress womyn?
loyalty to what? israel?
You seem to be a little out of the loop. SJWs basically fancy it a proud expression of femininity and piousness nowadays.
I guess I am. But doesn't the burka tie directly into Purdah? It just doesn't seem like a thing that would fly with liberals no matter how you look at it.
The thing is, if it's worn "voluntarily" it's technically a personal expression thing which they love to applaud. But I was thinking more hijab and other veils, rather than literal burkas, haven't seen them glamorize those yet.
why would the original civic nationalist want to be the authoritarian leader of an ethnostate
this is the guy who invented the two term precedent, believed in equality, and completely failed to address the negro problem
Goyim, I'm from the JIDF Professional Shills Organization. What you are seeing is the latest effort from Heritage Israel to save money with discount unemployed "Correct the Record" contractors.
What type of animal is that? It couldn't be a leech, leeches don't have fins like that.
AT&T's employees are set to go on strike on May 1st, unless the company makes a last-minute agreement. I wouldn't know, work for an Asian contractor company that only hires people in the US to keep from being burned to the ground, so whatever they get has nothing to do with me. I do get the honor of fixing their constant fuckups, while I get the negative surveys for the sin of revealing to people that they were lied to by salestards, but still fixing everything so they don't end up getting fucked out of a shitton of money. Well, time to go to bed so I'm not ten seconds late clocking in and get fired for it.
What is that activity (in the picture) called?
Probably an eel or lamprey
These shills need to lurk more before they post
Man, Sütterlin cursive is hard. I'd ask if that is how niggers feel about regular cursive, but I can actually read this, slowly.
This is American democracy we're talking about here.
Why are we not holding a loyalty rally ?
Not as loyalty to Trump, but loyalty to our people.
Also this is an excellent opportunity to go disrupt the communist may day protests. I almost feel like this whole thing is a dog whistle Trump is trying to send us to go beat up some communists. Which, I'm happy with.
There are already rallies to counter the may day riots in Seattle, and possibly NY as well
God bless P.N.W.
P.N.W. bless God. In Jesus' name!
Loyalty Day has been a thing since the Cold War.
(Checked. You're pretty good)
Then we know exactly who to purge.
I'm tempted to go
This was actually stopped by Reagan only cuz he thought "teh wah wuz obaaar" but it was common since the end of the Korean War, and yes that's exactly why that day was picked. Basically, your average collegiate commie cuck, being an autistic atheist, would find rallying against "loyalty" irresistible.
as we all know now it was likely Bush I pressured him into it so the naive cuck would begin the amnesties for illegals and imports from former commie countries wouldn't be looked at so suspiciously anymore.
Meanwhile Bush and his CIA cronies let the commies take over the unis.
Trump seems like he's basically focusing on "restoring classic 50s America" first.
Hey, if that means a steak&shake on every corner I might have to move back over there and get my spurdo on.
It was originally a White holiday. I forget which one because I can't keep them all straight. May Day, like most of the holidays in christ insanity, was specifically designed to replace real European holidays. Also, Trump made the holiday about Jews.
That's it! That's the real holiday!
sage for doublepost
I read that as "Loli Day" and thought wtf?
Everyone here criticizing Trump's declaration of a Loyalty Day is missing the point, I think. He asked every state to wave the American flag high, and every government worker to give respect to the hand which feeds them. Anyone that refuses to fly an American flag over muh politics or bites the hand that feeds them will do so in front of all of America, and it will only make it more clear to the general public that some people in positions of power have nothing but contempt for them, their people, their nation, and their future. He is making a move with no negatives and many possible benefits, and furthermore placing it within "Jewish American History Month" puts THEM up to the plate to either pledge their loyalty to the country that gave them more than anyone or admit that they are backstabbing rats.