Playing Violent Video Games Might Actually Make Us LESS Violent

Just found this study, which interestingly, contradicts what some people STILL to this day believe as true.

Is it old news or are you discovering it now too? It's from 2014.

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I think it's been proven when that lawyer got disbarred and shit.

SJWs only bring it back because of their agenda pushing bullshit

It really makes you think.

I've always thought that violent people like violent games and not vice versa. Nowadays I think violence is a part of human nature, and violent games are cathartic for us. Much like how the Colosseum was back in the day.
I would also compare it to our consumption of porn. We're just satisfying our base impulses.

That's right. And I will kill anyone that says otherwise just like in my violent video games.

Blaming videogames is a LOT easier than fixing society.

Humans ALWAYS look for scapegoats. And the media loves a good story.

Consider what happened with those Columbine highschool kids. That was the complete failure of an entire community.

It BTFO Jack Thompson but thats not going to stop Marxists and morons from believing that 'Violent video games Normalize violence' which if you think about it, is not a bad thing. (I used to get nervous watching doctors perform surgery on people but after playing some bloody messy games, I'm not bothered anymore)

This too. They don't want to admit that the US healthcare system is an abysmal failure at the moment because then they would have to admit that they're responsible for letting out the crazy psychos that belonged to an asylum

Violent video games don't make people violent and I will kill anyone who disagrees

Reminder that they use one of the largest violent video game-playing demographics as a control group for the effects of playing violent video games.
Doesn't matter which way the findings go, they're both effectively worthless in linking violent media and actual violence.

Jack Thompson wanted to keep violent video games away from children.

The difference between him and Marxists/women in general is that he didn't think that everyone on this planet is a child.

The problem with Jack Thompson was that he was trying to get the government involved with it, which is always a recipe for disaster in any sort of media; look up Comics Code Authority to get an idea.
Actual legal consequences for ratings may have been nice for keeping underage b& and their variety of autism out of most games, but the US government is nowhere near competent enough to not fuck it up somehow.

The media blames the games because they want a regulatory body to sanitize and clean up the industry. What is all this SJW nonsense about? Just that, "cleaning up" gaming's image. Prying it away from the males who don't shy away from expletives online and into the hands of out of touch, nanny state supporting educators.


anyone got that Malcolm in the middle webm that relates to this?

The Comics Code was not a government program. It was a self regulating body very much like the ESRB or the MPAA. The biggest difference is just that there were no categories. Something was either approved or it wasn't. And their rules used to be a lot more conservative than even the ESRB or MPAA. But otherwise it was pretty much the same thing.

What are you talking about? Everyone, especially the "liberals" who are doing the current push for censorship, complains about the US health care system. it's usually the conservative parts of society, the type of people who support the guy in your image there, who oppose health care reform, and neutered the health care reform that happened in the last few years, then complained about how it ended up shitty.

It was still a good exhibit of the incompetence that always surrounds such things.
If we're going to have to put up with an incompetent ratings board, it's better to have the moderation be soft instead of backed by full legal force.

Serves me right for thinking that there might still be an honest journalist out there. If the fag shooting reassured me of anything gaming-related, it's that SJWs really are just like the soccer moms from the 90s simply taking a different approach. They really exposed themselves that time though, countless faggots whining about E3 having the audacity to still present shooting games, some even getting butthurt about the few presenters not wearing their stupid ribbon.

I played Zelda and now I hate women. That bitch Zelda needs to stop getting kidnapped.

Oh surprise.



Wow you mean that wanting to get my stress out by punching virtual people will make me less likely to punch real people?!? Didn't see that coming!

Seriously why do they waste time researching this? What a waste of money.

I don't know how that is supposed to be evidence of anything.

If you have an abundance of free time, you could go earn money instead of being a lazy shit whining about how bored you are and how everything sucks.

Gee, I wonder what genius thought this one up?


Without spare time, we would be as the lesser beasts, living hand-to-mouth.
Fuck that shit.

Why do these types of people who petition against video game violence and stuff like that always ignore the CONTEXT of the violence taking place?

Its genuinely an important thing in how the person perceives and reacts to it.

Context will always be more important than content in these cases.

most jewish shit i've ever heard, get outta here with that

Nobody believes that shit is true, otherwise shit eating sjw psuedocompanies wouldn't funnel millions of dollars constantly spamming people with it.

It's like the whole "there's a problem with geek girls thing" manufactured outrage that didn't exist until they memed it into existence.


You actually believe that? There was not a single republican submitted amendment that was accepted. The healthcare "reform" is ENTIRELY a product of the democrat institution. Go look it up yourself.

Actually wait, if I leave it at that, you will go "HURR DURR PRUF IT"

If you think republicans (let alone people who were more conservative at the time) had anything to do with the disaster that was obamacare, you've been mind fucked by the propaganda machine.

Both, maybe. The former potentially reinforces outbursts of protracted physical violence (albeit against objects) as an end point for anger, while the latter at worst abstracts anger into further anger and violent button pressing followed by a mental burn-out into mild irritation. And it could just be neither.

You can blame anyone and anything, except people themselves. The faceless mob is the real sacred cow, never accountable for anything, always deferring its faults to someone else.

You imply that people can think for themselves?

The only connection between violence and video games is that people with violent tendencies seek out violent media, whether it's music, movies or games.

No, they just filibustered and threatened to filibuster until they removed most of the good shit, hence, neutered it.

Who is this semen demon?