Finish PEPE, troll leftypol

Almost finished, also do some other random shit around.
[email protected]/* */,-546

Other urls found in this thread:

Waste of time but I've got a PC that's usually running, where's the script?

We are doing it by hand. If you want to write an autohotkey, by all means, do it.


What's the point?

Hence pepe

commies keep targetting pepe

Hope this one doesn't get bumplocked.

you put too much shine on pepe's eyes, remove the bottom 2 white pixels.

I didn't design it, but it looks fine to me.

Even if the developer won't censor Pepe, we know the platform itself is pozzed. The only thing you're doing is making it more fun for the left by giving them an adversary. DDoS this shit or hack it, don't participate, you fucking faggot.

Keep it to one thread, cunt.
They are talking about recruiting on other sites.

Can we get bots that hive-mind swastikas and hitler portraits on it?

There is another good pepe on there


Can someone help turn the text at 448,-585 into " cuck"?

Target the bottom, I think they are trying to type "Kill the right" force it to say Kill the jews

Help me make Germany great again @-303,-70

That's what I've been focusing on

Yes, let's split our efforts between half a dozen targets.

well its not going to help us if we have pepe and then Kill the Right below it.

I'll be helping with this one then.

Now they're targeting Pepe's eyes it seems.

they are on pepe idiots!

Probably supposed to be Kill the Rich

It already says "kill the jew" now.

This is the slowest fight between Holla Forums and Holla Forums ever oh my god, where can I contact the guy who made this so I can complain about the timer?

Even if they finish the rich, all it will say is kill the rich jews.

yeah im ok with that now

im trying to get rid of their stupid reddit tag now

complete, go for kill all rich jews?

Remember to get their shitty mustache off pepe

We did it reddit !

You can try:

We secured "Jews." for now.

going for all rich jews

shit they refocused on pepe

I just saw a mass cover up of Swastikas, it instantly got covered with a huge blot of different color.

Fuck waiting a god damn minute of my life to use this shit when someone can just instantly cover up everything.


some intel from the leftards, don't go there yet, keep an eye if possible

New poll from Holla Forums

▶Anonymous 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:32:58 No.1623273

▶Anonymous Islamig Gommunism 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:37:01 No.1623284>>1623291 >>1623303
Alright, forget the Pepe and that whole area. It's a lost cause, and there's nothing lefty there anyway. Head to (-70, -554). I'm starting a hammer and sickle.

▶Anonymous Stalin 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:38:20 No.1623289
What is this?

▶Anonymous 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:38:39 No.1623291>>1623296 >>1623301
Stop being a concern troll. What we need to do is a pick a specific moment and then have everyone attack the same time. That's how we win.

▶Anonymous Islamig Gommunism 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:39:42 No.1623296
Or we can just create…it's a waste of time, and there's literally nothing lefty there anymore.

▶Anonymous 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:41:02 No.1623301
We need to decide between meming the polyps and starting our own thing.

▶Anonymous Anarcho-Transhumanism 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:41:17 No.1623303

What do WE vote for ?

I was thinking for them to start a new one, they might leave Pepe alone.

▶Anonymous Anarcho-Transhumanism 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:41:17 No.1623303
I've been dropping green squares on the pepe in areas where it wouldn't look suspicious and nobody's caught on, it's not a total lost cause

▶Anonymous 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:42:11 No.1623308
Tbh which poll are we even fighting?

▶Anonymous 04/29/17 (Sat) 19:43:23 No.1623312
I just realised how we destroy the pepe: we draw a massive swastika on it. (Not countinter/pol/)

go for move, let them waste time while pepe is finished, then we move to their shit

The guy who runs the site is a lefty. You can use this by turning commie text and images into swastikas, forcing him to destroy their stuff.

They're doing this to the hand, by the way.

The area around pepe and between his fingers should be light blue.

I've been leaving screen shots with web address and coordinates on shillchan. You think they'll get the idea

Swastika at 0,0 will be maintained.

I was thinking of proposing to ask cuckchan for help but they have a lot of leftists who lurk their Holla Forums and might just fuck everything up.

this is kinda fun in a stupid waste of time sort of way

i feel so damn autistic for doing this but every minute or so it doesnt hurt me to check back in and add a square




Can someone help me with this again? They keep changing it back whenever I do something.

what's with the white pixel to the top left of 'shadliay'? I can't change it

Yeah some fags keep adding red pixels. What's with the purple one on he left cheek you can't change?

Refresh the page. Whenever you can't change a pixel, it's ether your internet connection took a crap or your browser failed to receive the update.

maybe its a glitch, i don't see any purple pixel in his left cheek

this pepe is somehow ultra cute

Get out

This is fucking beautiful, shame those kikes will destroy it when we're gone

Screenshots+Daily dose of autism.

Drawing a pixel every minute or so actually fits very well with my bi-daily duolingo practice. Funny thing is while I was defacing their flag I was learning Russian. Changed "Ленин" (Lenin) to "Пенин" (Old man).

I'm thinking about turning the anarchist flag into the Tsar flag

If the faggots are going to cheat just cheat right back.

metroid thing is also cool

On the aura, after pink, yellow-orange-brown.

Fuck, that pepe is scrumptious.

metroids did nothing wrong

Look at this cancer

What is cuckchan to, if not useful cancer?

*to us

You can see faggots and Holla Forums battling at 0,0. Fun.

Doesnt really work like that, only people make information digestable , grabable and real.
It is nothing without the transmission.
It is more like a sklipnot song: "why do i live with so much fate."

They made her a nigger, or is it a poo? This aggravates me much more than it should.



Good Work, user.




Overall, there seems to be a lot of cancer.

Imagine being so butthurt over a cartoon frog.

R8 my Ancap ball Holla Forums

So, after the grey? More grey to the corners, light green… ?

breddy gud/10

I would go with lighter grey, white, then back to light blue->blue etc.

I made these pepe and no one liked them. Then I cut myself just to see if I was still real.


The only real thing that remains is pure talent.
That is why always hated you hindsight bias cunts, because you never had any talent to begin with, just little slaves that do what their masters say.
And that is why i enjoy showing you the monkey mirror.

I'm trying to do a flag there. Could change to Third Reich aesthetics, if you could help.

show us what you want it to look like

Altered this a bit to look more like a Hero

http:[email protected]/* */,-579
Turn their anarchy A symbol into a dick and balls


no, just download loic

WTF! I love Venezuela now!

A flag that looks like 8 lightning bolts that goes to center.
It would resemble the nazi symbol in a way.

Like the 8 planes of intelligence that makes a new one.

This. Fucking this. How hard is it to write a bot? I'll try if it isn't too hard.