Our favourite subreddit want to dox the guy on the right, becaues Based Stickman (a racemixing faggot) convinced them he is a shill and gives bad optics to the (((movement))).
How long will it take until the right starts to fight among itself?
Our favourite subreddit want to dox the guy on the right, becaues Based Stickman (a racemixing faggot) convinced them he is a shill and gives bad optics to the (((movement))).
How long will it take until the right starts to fight among itself?
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Watchu slidin' schlomo?
It's not uncommon for either side to embed agent provocateurs among each other's ranks. It's not like any vetting is done.
It looks like he's pretty clearly some false-flag faggot, who wants to create some propaganda material which can be used against the right.
talking point straight out of r/the_donald
Yeah, you're right. We should defend Antifa faggots posing for the media as an evil boogeyman.
Talking points straight out of the last BAMN meeting.
I know it will be hard for those faggots to use their brains to understand this, but the guy with the sunwheel shield was later ambushed by antifa and they took his shield and covered it up. the footage of the scuffle is out there.
That pic looks pretty credible honestly… lilke the literal Jews who did hitler salutes at Spencer's meething. This sounds entirely plausible.
I support htis dox effort, godspeed everyone
the joke is the cucked right will dox this guy because stickman and the rest of the alt-light are afraid LITERAL NATSEES give them bad optics
kys shill
He was being sarcastic.
Mmmm. Nothing suspicious here, no d&c. Maybe they were false-flagging, but still, keep that shit back on your gay dating app.
Well we see how they try to disrupt us, let's flip it on them. We've been Jewed and shilled for so long that we know all of their tactics. Shilling alt-light cucks should be like shooting fish in a barrel.
If antifa wants to "false flag" by promoting white nationalism I don't see a problem. Am I missing something here?
No Holla Forumsacks even go to these things, only plebbit lolberg fags.
IF you see someone with nazi iconography, its likely an antifa faggot
This thread isn't definitley full of shills pretending anyone gives a shit one way or the other.
I would say I care about the defacing of synagogues or that it looks bad for me, I would say that it looks really bad for a jew if you exposed him doing it. "watcha doing there schlomo" seems applicable logic here.
Welcome to a year ago.
I told you the lolbergs would backstab us at the first opportunity.
They only fight antifa because they want to be the only "ant racist" left wingers.
https ://twitter.com/awyattman88/status/858286765290946560
I don't know whats worse. Antifa or t_d faggotry. At least they fight each other for our amusement.
looks like next time shit hits the fan the right will fight itself before they engage antifa
I'm afraid the based faggotstick man and proud goys will win
This and also this. They're communists, you don't expect them to steal shields and weapons if they get the chance? We should put dye packs into purposefully inflammatory shields and signs in order to tag these cunts.
The guy has a red Trump hat on in the picture where you suggest he is antifa. Are you retarded?
Well he should be doxed though.
Yeah shills never learn.
trips of truth, I thought the guy on the left was holding the shield, while the guy in the red hat holds it in his left hand
You da MVP.
That's the issue, the_donald and stickfag are trying to get him doxed for being a "nazi".
It would be easy too, because cucked stickman has a criminal history. "We shouldn't allow such degenerates to pollute the movement." One thing is for sure though, these civnats and "proud boys" might be on our side smashing marxists, but they all need to be gassed eventually. Kyle Chapman is just a useful idiot on our side. Treat him as such, and certainly do not give him monetary support.
The problem is they are going to try to "purge" us before we can do the same.
That shield got taken away from the dude during a scuffle earlier. Antifa probably liked it and in true antifa fashion just covered the symbol up with a trash bag lmao.
Fuck chopstick man of cucking.
They will fall apart on their own, because their ideology as a group, is full of inherent inconsistencies. It's one thing for Donald Trump, who is the unifying force binding them together, to be recurrently inconsistent, but it's much more severe for a political movement.
And they bleed people to us, not the other way around.
This is pretty out there, but I wonder if "Based Stickman" is being propped up. Look at this video, it's taken a few days before the April 15th Berkeley event. Who walks through a park with an American flag by themselves, and has someone film them? In the video he is attacked by some young guys and he punches one of them down. Notice you actually do not see the punch land (it's covered by his flag), and the guy with the skateboard misses. How do you miss striking someone with a skateboard. Also pay attention to the dialogue, does that seem like a natural way for people to speak? Now look at the physiques of the attackers, they're all weak betas. Would betas go and randomly attack a guy, on film?
Stickman claimed he was "filming a promo", yeah for his handlers.
Its just a cheap ripoff of communism anyway.
The only difference is lolbergism turns into feudalism while communism turns into a bureaucratic dictatorship centralized around the "party".
Slightly better quality video.
Wasnt this shield involved in that situation when on guy was pulled on antifas side and they were all kicking him until freedom speech fighters didnt rescue him?
that guy had also some sort of shield in the trash bag
maybe his shield was stolen
I heard in one video (dont have a link) people saying that antifas stole helmet from some medic guy and wore it to mock freedom speech side, i think this was during same fight
Yep, and they are refusing the tools of the left as a means of control. Hillary supporters / Antifa are the REAL racists. We hate racists, so if you do too, you belong on our side. We're a diverse group bound together by love of "magic soil", and ideas of nationhood we can't even articulate.
Somebody needs to tell those stupid Redditors this before they go on another wild goose chase
I meant to reply to OPs post
also pic is unrelated, arrows juts show escape path of guy who used bear mace on captain America guy