Anti-Trump kike-shills BTFO, we have the motherload of basedness going on now

BTFO kike-shills, Donald Trump has spoken
While Holla Forums has seen an unfortunate amount of antisemitic posts slip through undetected recently this is one sure fire way to end all these shills shilling against jews and their controlled puppets (who we each all adore dearly) once and for all.

Our G_d Emperor trump has agreed to proclaim May as the official Jewish American Heritage Month

" I call upon all Americans to celebrate the heritage and contributions of American Jews and to observe this month with appropriate programs, activities, and ceremonies. "

Did somebody say based motherfucker.
Well that's one G_d Damned based motherfucker right there.

MAGA and also don't forget to non-stop post your support for our other favoured candidate Le pen, she'll together with Trump make The Greater Israel project a reality.

PS - Stay based and so Red Pilled that you only vote for jews, every time!


Other urls found in this thread:

I told him hes only getting 1 term yesterday, but if youre going to D&C this board, you should at least propose an alternative. I know you little kiddies making these stupid posts are never going to break a fingernail in opposition of white genocide, which makes you pretty contemptible. You thought you could vote white genocide away? Youre fucking retarded.

Wanna know how I can tell you're a kike?

This is like, what, the 5th thread made about this subject?

Don't you understand consensus cracking through brute force doesn't fly so good on Holla Forums?
Ask all the faggots shilling for Evalion how their thread spamming worked out.

gr8 b8 m8, i masturb8 2 your 8/8


Not possible. The only thing unfortunate is that there aren't MORE antisemitic posts, kike.

How anbout not throwing all your energy and support behind obvious jewish trojan horses and freemasonic kike frauds.

That would be a good start.

PS - Did you know, if a lying jew, gives you two bad choices, you don;t have to accept his offered options and sometimes you can create another altogether different movement yourself.

However ione fact is clear, any cunt that backed Trump, isn;t really of the calibre we need to take our movement forward, easily brainwashed drones that fell for zionist fraud Trump need gassing as much as Democrat Marxist

Holy shit, I remember seeing this exact phrasing in one of the other threads about this shit.
Are you on the same payroll as the other posters, or are you a solo effort?

Care to share the link for the other 4 threads, I can't see any in the catalogue?

Fuck off Sinead you racemixing schizo. The earth is fucking round.

You don't see them because the mods have deleted them, silly shill :^)

Wanna know how I can tell you're a fucking retard from reddit?

Oy vey, we created a graph chart to help identify dissenting goyims, if any posts contains any of these words, please report to your nearest Rabbi

Please copy and spread this to all jewish brothers and sisters fighting against antisemitism on Holla Forums


Oh look it is this kike again

So youre saying vote Gary Johnson. You have no alternative, youre a pussified 17 year old with zero plan except to accuse others of not knowing what they are doing, and being kike puppets. I guess Hillary was the good choice, hmm? Or how about amnesty and common core Jeb. Trump was the best choice, and will make agitation easier for the next 4 years. What do you do all day? Post on /polk/ and try to break people up into tiny, ineffective cells. Youre cancer, cancer on the white race. You provide nothing, meanwhile, the rest of us here are slowly but surely learning about guerilla tactics etc.

But youd love to break this community up and destroy the spread of such information, because, you are a kike puppet, a useful idiot, attacking his own side because he thought voting was the answer. Voting is a game we participated in with results that ended up in our favor. We won that game, even if its not the main thing were concerned with.

Oy vey, why would the mods from Holla Forums delete any criticism of Donald trump, especially when it's such good news that he is honouring Americas masters for a whole month of May

Only jews would ever criticise jews and zionist puppet politicians on Holla Forums, we must ensure the futures of our children are totally in the hands of freemasons and jewish selected zog puppet politicians

Hail Gert Wilders
Hail Le Pen
Hail Orban
And Hail Donald Trump

I might've given you the benefit of the doubt if you had used a different phrasing, like maybe "Jewish sheep in wolf's clothing".
But it's the fact you used that exact phrase about trojan horses that set off the alarms.
You could've gotten away with it, if you had actually tried to break free from the mold your master created for you.

Do you get your pay docked if you don't repeat the same cookie-cutter phrases over and over?
Is it pertinent to your master's consensus cracking scheme?

first off, pretending to be Holla Forums while trying to defend kikes and at the sametime trying to taint trump to be involved in your shitty psyops is really fucking sad.

go back to ED and learn how to psyops properly you fucking newfag.

saging not because you're a kike shill, but because your psyops skill is so cancerous it makes me angry.

Oy vey, here we go again




Thats you. Youre fucking cancer. We are doing that something, and youre in our way. Get gassed.

How do you explain him giving an entire month to Irish whites? Even mentioning their role in being slaves in the slave trade?
How do you explain his anti-IRS dogwhistle about being "Christian"?
How do you explain his passive comments about the holocaust not even mentioning the Jews?
How do you explain his copy-pasted response from a Holohoax website?
How do you explain his speech about the "small clique of global financiers" controlling politics?

Are these all examples of underwater backgammon that he used to trick us dirty goyim into thinking he's /ourguy/?

Kill yourself.

Dimensional chess is the worst term we could have filled our minds with.
Thanks to that we now have shills shilling shills shilling shills.

Oy vey, did you know that if you don;t choos eone of our jewish selected chosen jewish puppets, that means you must only go for the other carefully groomed and selected jewish puppet we jews offer you.

Sounds like somebody needs to get laid.

We knew he had kike connections. We knew he wasn't Hitler 2.0. We knew this from the beginning. We have always said he was a stepping stone. However history does have a tendency to repeat itself and Trump is closer to Paul von Hindenburg, the man who came BEFORE Hitler.

We've come full circle to arguing with the shills about
haven't we?


Then what do you suggest? Full scale revolution?
Before you answer, tell the thread what lovely country you hail from so we can all have a role-model to look up to.

Just kill yourself it'll be easier for you.

You've unlocked the mental gymnastics award for convincing yourself a blatant freemasonic fraud and jewish hoax, Donald Trump, is really some expert 1488D Backgammon champion.

Oy vey, hail Le ZOG Emperor, but not before sending your sons and daughjters to fight israels fight on their behalf.

Good goy

How about gassing yourself you intellectual midget
