Still think he's controlled op but this is glorious regardless. Who knows maybe now that his kike wife revealed her true nature he'll finally flip and start naming the jew.
Still think he's controlled op but this is glorious regardless...
I noticed David Duke put out a msg saying something like "Say what you want about Alex Jones, but the media's coverage of his custody case was disgusting". Seems like hes extending him an olive branch, making a friendly gesture in hopes of turning him to the good side.
Honestly, I wouldn't want my kids to be on a strict diet of ultra-purified water and super male virility either…
Sounds like hes desperately backtracking on the whole "Its just an act" thing, which obviously was about his on-air personality.. not his "movie" roles.
Now give em some super male Vrilty and that's a different story.
Say what you will about Alex Jones, but he's one hell of a showman.
If anyone should be extending an olive branch it's jonestein after sandbagging duke then getting btfo and deleting the vid. If I was him would have tweeted "lol with jews you lose #rekt".
Then you must be a cuck
That wouldnt be an olive branch, that would be dropping a turd in his mouth lol. The goal is exploit his time of sadness and inward reflection, and to make a friendly gesture, in hopes he might change his pro-kike ways.
how embrassing
This was a blatant attempt by the kikes to destroy Alex Jones for not playing by their rules. We should redpill the madman, make it clear to everyone that this is the work of the kikes, and give his infowarriors the final redpill they need. They're all only one step away from 88, let's push thm over the fucking edge!
Shocking Differences by WLP is a great broadcast that really sets the differences in race in stone. I also heard of some study that is apparently out there which shows racial differences in behavior in newborn babies, which could not have been influenced by cultural environment. An example given was how Asian babies are less excitable than European counterparts, they are more passive and relaxed.
He's not, he just has a malfunctioning of the rational part of his brain, then is puppeted by money interests. Alex Jones: " the dollar is doomed, oh… I have some gold to sell you"
Arab money interest.
Nothing but the best from a super e-celebrity
He has the quality of a good cult leader. Which is a sure sign that I've offended some of his followers.
David Duke has given monumental contributions to white people, and has dedicated his entire life to exposing kikes. His videos are full of facts the kikes would never want you to know, and many people, or even most people dont. Until I see definitive proof of him being a serious fuckup, I will have a huge amount of respect for him, and so should you. He might not be on the same level as Pierce, he might be more passive and pacifist, but he does a lot of work for white people, and he is a huge thorn in the side of jews.
I read he is one of the worlds 100 most quoted people. Im not sure how you could determine that, but it says a lot.
Two snakes are going to bite you; both are poisonous, but he's only paid to tell you about one of them, and he says it's a dragon bigger than a house! It affirms our bias, and we believe him. He gives us candy, but we never asked why it tastes so sweet… It's sweet, because we love his BS.
Drugs are bad. He calls out kikes, kikes are the enemy. I dont even know what youre on about.
that was great
Sounds like it's time to face bloodshed Alex.
Honestly it's shockingly good, but people need to understand none of it's real and we are being led, like a zeppelin.
I never understood how ANYONE can take this idiot seriously. Burgers are the dumbest people on the earth.
anime posters never make any goddamn sense
David "Jews don't have blue eyes, TRS are ok you guys leave them alone" Duke
So we should throw out all his other stuff exposing kikes. Youre a tumor. 1000 of you wouldnt damage the kikes as much as 1 of him.
Also kind of suspicious how none of those reporters asked about him being a "performer". You'd think at least one of them would after being called fake news that many times.
Sorry guys, I thought by mentioning in an earlier post Duke's:
The rest can be pieced together. In fact, if you put those two together, it will all make sense.
Then shhhhhh, let others figure it out on their own.
No denying that filterman is entertaining as fuck
Srsly kid, go back to cuckchan.
Just be quiet quack and take the redpill on the courts.
She is jewish and got the kids becouse of it.
That doesnt mean theyre literal cousins you retard. It just means theyre also sand people.
Theres another one showing they are the same blood. The Saudi royal family are kikes. You dont have some super secret knowledge, and suggesting DD is somehow bad because he only calls out kikes is just plain stupid, cancer. You call out kikes, kikes are the enemy, get rid of kikes, the whole thing falls apart. Who controls the system? Kikes. Who is behind white genocide? Kikes. Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Stop muddying the waters you fucking cunt.
The saudi royal family stems from a kike who tried to become the leader, but was almost caught, had to flee, killed a farmer in his house, and then used it to start the house of saud. Saudi royals are kikes, actual kikes.
Citation needed.
As far as I've seen his only vice is he has a gambling problem. He was the closest thing to /ourguy/ in the house of representatives in 100 years.
Oh so (((TRS))) got don't punch right from Duke.
Yeah he's such a thorn in their sides Mossad have assassinated him 666 times now. He's a politician. They are all fucking bent.