
2 days ago Ron Paul interviewed Julian Assange and there is basically zero media attention. Assange talks how the intelligence service use the media to push their narrative and manipulate the public opinion.

https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=QwkrtpXp-wg

(I'm aware we have a Ron Paul thread but I think this deserves it's own)

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C'mon user
Also greentext the more important bits; this is a shit OP

Go ahead make a 30 min webm. Show me, user-sama.

i like the video, but i do think its interesting that the (((CIA is behind everything in the Middle East))), ignore MOSSAD and Isaeali interests, explanation is being pushed

bump for based doompaul and based wizard hackerman


has anyone else made the connection between the autistic cadences and speach infelctions of Ron Paul with CWC?

That dripping in the background is supposed to represent Chinese water torture?

4chan has their balls in a basket over 21:10-21:14. You could hear almost a director saying normally over Assange before he corrects himself. Very interesting. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Balcony or Blockchain as I believe he's dead. i.4cdn.org/wsg/1493434994221.webm

You're still claiming that Assange is dead?

Until I see balcony or Blockchain yes. He's given me no evidence that points to the contrary. All interviews seem screwy. Latest vid has me raising more questions.

Your time is coming, Assange

Ron Paul is becoming one of us any day now. Too bad he's old, should teach his son though.

You gotta try harder if you want to make the first post, mein shill.

I'm just shitposting m8. Making fun of the fake news narrative that was shilled here a couple days ago.

This interests me greatly. It not as if we would be told that the point has been reached where people can be digitally impersonated via a controlled interview. That famous RT interview was weird as hell with Assange glitching out like he was CGI. I honestly don't know, but surely we must be at or at least near the point where you could create literal fake news. Meaning you could have enough audience and visual data to release a convincing digital doppelgänger of any person in a controlled environment. Interesting times..

Well, the technology exists for quite a while now and some of the glitches can always be explained with bad Skype video quality. It sometimes looks like his jaw is moving awkwardly but that could be because of the low frame rate.

Thats the alber pike pill, Israel is being setup to be destroyed, kikes want other kikes dead so international kikes can rule unchallenged. Still bad, but consider it a consolation prize

That video had the characteristics of video interpolation artifacts.

Is that about right? Sometimes I just can't keep up with this shit.

Yeah it doesn't ring true at all if you have been Holla Forums for any length of time. It's always them.

The international kikes are the ones who got Israel in the first place. This doesn't make sense. The plan is for the goyim to have multicultural, open border nations while the Jews remain pure and nationalist. The Antichrist will reign from Israel.

If Assange were dead, then why would a director be talking over their CGI footage? That makes no fucking sense, your paranoid theories are not internally consistent.

Real CGI doesn't "glitch out". Max Headroom isn't real.

That's because he's dead.
I don't know why it's so fucking difficult to make a balcony appearance but every single video of him after the shitshow smells like shit and always has that one little thing that discredits genuinity.

If he went out on his balcony, you "nothing is real" faggots would say it was an actor in a rubber mask. You've already reached your conclusion and look for any trivial little thing to claim as evidence that you're right. Compression artifact? Must be evidence of CGI, even though that makes no fucking sense! Crease line on his neck from hunching over his computer too long? Rubber mask!


Maybe you don't realize that nobody outside his "inner circle crew" and several very high profile media heads (who are controlled by their masters) can hold claim to have seen him in-person since the raid. It's not difficult to prove he's real but for some reason he refuses to, faggot.

Starting to think that people who insist he's dead are trying to pressure him into a position where he just isn't safe.

The CIA and Mossad work together but are never on the same page. CIA works in small groups, each with their own plans and interests, with their overlords and mossad trying to take advantage of their work. Look at the wheat rust created by monsanto and spread through africa in 2006-2008 that started the famine right before assaults on Libya, that started the rapefugee crisis. Guess where the people working on "fixing and studying" the wheat rust were, JUST FUCKING GUESS! Hint, it's in motherfucking SYRIA!

Daily injections of GHK-cu and Epitalon nasal sprays, keep death away.

Starting to think that people who insist he's alive are trying to hide their fuck-ups with the shoddy videos and keep the illusion that he's just fine in order to maintain controlled opposition.

The only people who still think he's dead are the chronically paranoid. Nothing he could do would satisfy them, so why would he waste his time trying?

Hello CIA, was getting caught apart of your plan?

Not an argument.

Are you the crazy ladies who's been at the embassy screaming? Assange does not have your printer, seriously.
It's funny how they always find women to use to target people who are doing something good.
Normally they pick a woman who is a supporter of wikileaks, for example, and have a trained spy feed her some batshit crazy story, fucking up her head, saying her kids are going to die or some shit like that, and the assange, for example, is the one responsible for that. If she does not believe it, they start to target her too, directly.

micro-projectile shot at him from a drone that poisons him to death or worse makes him lose his mind

The inability to distinguish when someone making fun of you is a very clear indicator of autism.

This is fucking awesome. I want Ron Paul as Secretary of Treasury.

I hate reddit

This kind of thinking is either low-effort shitposting or the product of mental illness. Take your pick.

It's a chess game, user. Sometimes you sacrifice your pieces.

(((Ron Paul)))

I'm not falling for it. I'm not as stupid as the rest of you are.

waitttT, his inner circle is dead. the lawyer was the main handler.
