Judge, Jury, and Executioner

This community is a fortress designed to stand against the angels. This is animus, this is our city and it’s the city that you saved.

Other urls found in this thread:


You're also OP.

Everybody knows what that means.

Because fortress.

Here's a picture of me with Wish's girlfriend.

You are obviously on another level of folder building that I am. Dealing with 1k+ on average, right?

Of course. It's common sense. at 35mins, an elder dragon will spawn, and it will give the Dragon5 buff that adds a true damage burn to your attacks and double every other stat bonus you get. The buff is stronger than baron's.

You're so stupid, you think non-stupid people are stupider than you.


The largest folder I've dealt with is like, 5k.
I'd consider that pretty big but 2k should be the standard size of your favorite folder, or your waifu's.

I have returned.

pro tip if you can accumulate 2k images of your waifu she's probably trash

That's crazy..


I'm in the clear then LOL


Not to mention that pros even called the old dragon 5 a win condition in solo queue

Want to chill in call while I Dank Souls?

Im a robot

He is controlling me!
I did nothing!

After I update, do you want to play?


make sure to inv lexi or she'll cry


Oh shh, already done
I am updating though, so yeah

Show me



You have a book for it all?!! Seems like I'm gonna have to try a bit harder.

I dont think ive ever had someone ask me for a selfie this much

Not the only one

It was more like if you were behind and wanted to come back, the drag 5 would be your win condition

You caught me, I'm actually inspecting to see if you're a jew.
If you continue to resist you will be gassed.

I don't believe you....


I thought that was just an euphemism, I feel like I shouldn't try doing this whole sayings/euphemism thing that often.
Try harder at what?

Its eyes. They haunt my dreams.
At all times of the day and night, it lingers in the back of my mind.


I'm just kidding.
I mean try harder at impressing you if you intend to take notes!



Ohh, that clears it up.

Are you renge

What are you doing now?

You're so stupid tsunderes mean it when they say baka.

Finally the new Terra Formars is on Crunchyroll
later nerds


Just listening to music, but about to play some CSGO with buddies.




Oh, well be safe.



How do I become autistic

Hey MFF.


you are already

say whatever pops into your head


Will be, you take care of yourself.

banana xD


Wiw tiy;r so ayrtistuc

*Wow you're so autistic.

Shots fired

The ferret wishes to see your body.

Lexi gets to kiss hitler now. French Kiss even.



No, not maybe, but definitely.

I'm not really good at it.



sorry for delay, my mom came in with the sentence: EVERYTHING WENT WRONG, HERES CHINESE

with those teeth?!
I would still do it

..noone has seen it..



w-what was that for??!



*girlish screams*



I thought this place was dead.

This place is dead.

I am far too nice to be an invader.

Ur ded

Why did I come back here


you love it here

I left here vowing to never return like 3 years ago. Why do I do this to myself.

You tend to come back eventually to check it out.
I had that with a number of sites as well.

Dead and buried

You secretly long for Soto's bullying

don't we all

I just don't understand why LoL can't have this kind of community.

Maybe. It might have been because someone reminded me here existed.

I long for a lot of things. Not limited to but including a boyfriend and shitposting.

I'm gonna guess pre teens.

See but you got curious, once you have a connection it won't just fade away

It's so hot outside

Souls has more fun mechanics to apply to PvP

LoL is focused on ranking and is therefore more competitive and no fun allowed

Souls has an overall older demographic


I am leaving and never coming back.

I guess once you get out of the starting area the kids have been culled out and only the strong make it to the late game.

They tend to be more honorable.

That's why you're here then, we can provide both

Yeah, I feel like it's more mature in general.
Kind of nice to have fun with people you're suppose to kill.

Ops. Wrong image I guess.


that must be true, I quit in bronze stuff.
But my friends have way more fun in it in later levels.

It's probably because of you tbh, fam.

Souls has a much higher barrier to entry, it's unapologetically brutal. Gives more of a sense of camaraderie if the people you're playing against have been through the same shit as you and love it as much as you do

I suppose.

But I'm not even cute Colbs.


Eh. Even around plat it feels like salt incarnated.
Call me a casual, but damn.

Yeah, Souls always felt more desolate. Makes it nice to have people around in general.



she tucks pretty well.

that's a girl mff

What the fuck is minami doing the madman

There ya go, we've cracked the case

The amount of grinding that shit takes is ridic

thought he was dead imo

You should get into Dank Souls.
Me, George, and Chii have been having a blast.
We could use a 4th.


it sure must suck being a feminist or furry in 2k16

you could have at least saved the filename

I am into it

I just lack the capacity to play it


if there isn't one that means it was saved elsewhere bucko

so welcome!

whats the most salt you got?



I'm very much alive.

I suppose

Tempted to buy dank souls




Didn't you accidentally alcohol?

I don't know.
Last night our Vi did not gank mid at level 2 so Fizz afk at base until the surrender vote, but me and my duo just voted no to make them wait longer.

How dare you.


I swear when we meet up I will spank you.


No. I quit because of life issues.
When you find out that you aren't a boy or a girl its troubling.


Be poor.

Fucking hell are you still on about that? Just live life.

It will all be daijobu.

At least I got a $350 paycheck today :(

lol for what part time?

I got 450.
We should go drinking to celebrate.

Yeah I am. It's sorta a big deal. But overall I've been living life as best I can. Who is this even?

I can't even

sounds stressful.
mine was this guy shouting cancer for 40 minutes because he was not careful

Seasonal, so kinda? I usually get scheduled for around 30 hours a week. Pay is just shit

Think i might rifk drink tomorrow :S

Lotte, Lenko, your savior. iunno

can you even this dick

I have never been this salty before nin

Howdy everyone. What's up with you all?

In spirit, maybe

Oh alright. How are you my savior?


Get yourself a car and work for uber or something.

Just getting jiggy with it, wbu?

Because I'm here to tell you that you're a boy.

Yeah, that's how it goes.
I find myself playing the game less and less because of this stuff.
Mostly just shit around on normals if at all.

Getting ready to move in a few days.
Sup with you?

I don't have any drinks.


I have to get up in 10 minutes.


Hi Ninners

But I'm not


I have a car. I could look into it I guess, but I'm a while from major cities so iunno

I killed a man earlier today.

I flipped a coin, heads was boy, tails was girl. You got lucky man.

Neither do I lol

For what


Well shit.

sorry if Im slow
Im taking a shot everyime I die in duck game


well goodie

Maybe just play with friends, friendly games might add your game up

But I'm not a boy. Hell I'm not even a girl. So I'm choosing a side.

Go live with soto then. You can earn at least like 3k a month.

Gym and errands.

wow slut

You can't be choosing a side if you don't actually choose one!

How's things?

I only really play with an old school friend.
It is enough to keep me somewhat interested.

I play more relaxing games nowadays. Might get a PSP emulator or something. I remember loving that shit.

We're fucked lol

He moved back in with his family, so that's not really an option

I blame broken fucking rammus

But I chose one. I have ovaries so I might as well be a girl. I look better as one anyway.


Dude growing a beard is hell. You end up playing with the hair on your chin and pulling out the weird hairs that are just hooked or something idk.


whore yourself out on craigslist


Going to need to see those one way or another, Mini.

Its fun huh?

Lazy bones

Hows he broken?
srs, you know I dont know these things

Theyre alright

I'm relaxing. Listening to some music.
Johnny Cash did such a good over of Hurt.

Oh, how far are you doing to move?
Moving for work?

Did you take time to enjoy their pain?

What's up?

just ask alexis

I'm 2pist


Half way across the country.
I'm moving just because I guess.


Ok. Super busy lately.


That rammus

And with that I must go. BYEEEEEEEEEEE

Hey at least I do things in the DAY.


Mini, you're silly. You can't have ovaries on your face. Silly Mini.

who's this

Why would anyone else have any issues with it?

enjoy fapping to minami :^­)

Some one once tried to teach me to play dota
Some one from the irl
Fucking memers

I don't know if they like or hate you.
So it's up to them.


How so?

I did enough after work to justify enjoying being really tired atm

I don't there but they're where they're supposed to be. I'm not posting that shit here.


it's 2much


oh thats good, I did that with gamecube stuff.
It does crash a lot so be warned

but also stress!!

playing a shot game so really noice but stressfull

MOBAs are

that sandwich pic tho

GC was an amazing console.
Shame that the Wii was more of a gimmick.

will chopping up a chicken relieve stress

I loved converting my friends with the book

Why would they hate me? I haven't given anyone here a reason to hate me.

Wow you're a wuss

And fuck no

the metroid prime titles on wii were fucking amazing


best game ever

Best game was crash bandicoot

We were mostly AD and he counters AD pretty hard

Probably, in the same way that any physical activity will relieve it

I don't know.

Prime was a fucking master piece. Like, I don't really like Metroid, but holy shit. I could just live on those games.

I never got to play SS because it needed a special addon to the controller :'(

Ohhh. I still have a lot to learn

New job and shit. It stressful.

I'll give the fags here something to fap to

Pretty good pic, yeah?

You missed nothing.

He's literally designed to counter AD

This is why you go with AP cheese builds against him

true, I miss sunshine and wind waker very much.
it was such a nice classic.
no extra bullshit

same but I love these shots moorae

Youre great

What do you do?

I feel like Sunshine hit all the right points in a Mario game, or at least when it came to the newer style. The setting was also really nice. Very relaxing levels, and the secret areas were fun as hell.

Wind Waker could have put the islands a bit closer, but I still think they did ok.


Produce department at a store

Green tea.
Or this at wal-mart. Good, good shit. $6. Take two at a time.


W did fine in lane.
Want to give it another go in a bit?

Good choice.

The context was fucking hilarious

what did it go on about exactly again?
You were eating and they wanted a pic of your food
Then you sent them

I lost my fucking shit breh

"Anxiety. Early research suggests that taking theanine might make unstressed people feel more tranquil. However, theanine does not seem to have this effect when used by people who are anxious."

No dice



Hell of a move for no particular reason; I understand the want to do so at least.
As long as you're happy with it, love.

Super nice. I love The Man in Black.

What game?

I'll show you what a real Rammus main looks like.

It's complicated, but I'm sure I'll be happy.

How are you, darling?

tp and smite

maximum fast boots

can't deal

Ive got all the stamina.
Yessu, if im still awake

Pretty much. Someone wanted a pic of what I was eating so I sent them that. I have no shame. Have another tit pic


this so much, I can't believe the complaints it had.
it had everything you wanted plus more, it was beautiful and fun to play.
Same for wind waker, its just some gamecube plot to bash on it.

duck game, its free on steam now

that's what you get for playing without me

*Is a bully


you were at work :l

Wow are you supporting other people?

I break up


I take it every day and it makes me feel better. I'm a post-benzos sort of mess still too.

I have loads more tbh. If you ever message me on steam I'll hook you up.

lemme drive home real fast


I feel like games should have a childish game now and then.
We grew up with the older games so it's just second hand for us.
Kids need a point they can jump into a franchise and learn about it and develop an interest. Not many 12 year olds will get through Twilight Princess, but a ton would play WW and have a good chance at it.



I'm a total stranger

well if it works it works I guess

don't crash now


Doesn't matter. And we've talked before.


was it under good terms though?
I don't remember


You work tonight?

Nin was supporting me .


It's worth trying. The price is really cheap too. Granted you can order 200 mg for $10 but still.

imma go buy some chicken



I'm trying to keep my head up.
about to change computer desks, and cleaning up.
I might just move around my room, so my next reply will be a bit slow until I can get my set up reconnected.

Is it really good or just meh?


Oh? What has you down?

Hi smiles

You are a solid 6/10 in my eyes.

post selfies


Mmhm. I really wanted to get it off for reasons, but I think its better to earn monies

To be fair I don't like most of you guys. So that's actually a decent score.

Why did o merit a higher score?

Well I don't want you skipping your sleep time because of me.

What about me?

yeah that makes sense.
would be a nice thing for the reviewers to learn.
I had twilight princess for the wii but the controles just bummed me out too much.
might need to emulate it one time.

*kiss* ^ ^

its really fun with friendos, but without really boring. its a game to be drunk at so to say

I've known you for some time. Also you aren't actually hostile to me.

I don't know you.
Can't say.

People are mad that it didn't have accurate sword motions like they wanted. It is still a well crafted game. Wii or otherwise.

I'm just so Damn cultured

Youre worth it.

Someones getting a tiny bit tipsy :3


Am I popular ?



sounds like star wars kinect but actually good.
hype ruins a big ton tbh

hehe like me..


Shut up, Mustache.

Narcissism alone should dictate I rate myself that highly but even I'm not that arrogant.

How've you been tsunchi?

How've you been tsunchi?


being popular does not matter.
having fun and talking to people at a rate that you like does.

my salt is temporary though
ty for telling me about it


in a bad way


Hey Desu me and Subtle flirt everyday

What. I've never been overly hostile.

Shut up Soto

Just sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everyday.

Don't soto and subtle cyber?


it's true


Why the fuck you lyin'?

Going through the motions of life. Pretty boring and stressful usually.


I try to be nice I guess

Listen to this on repeat.

Pls no bully


Yes hello

Listen to what on repeat

I'm allowed to bully you

I never asked about how things have been going. What's up?


don't we all


The YouTube video.

^ ^ so sweeet..

Not all that much, I'm working at a hardware store as a cashier and making shit and slowly losing my soul while looking for better jobs which is also depressing


[Mr. Freeze "YOU LIE!!" video goes here]

Oh here it is


I woke up drenched in sweat and now I have to take a shower again

True suffering

Not everyone.


Finding work myself and dealing with my usual issues

I just take showers every morning

Fun for the whole family!


I guess if fun is tit pain and period cramps

Yes, that was sarcasm because neither of us is having fun


I took one before bed
A morning shower/fap does soiund nice though

bully my dick instead

I dreamt about you
So yeah

Yeah. Didn't you finish school?


how can I be salty 24/7

well the ones that do are good people at the very least
what brings you to post here anyway?

why were you sweating

He was having dreams of a world without traps.

Come to Ohio and I probably would

Terrifying. I sense that you have some understanding of the terror he would've felt.

Okay I take back what I said then.

Exactly, it's a great way to start the day

I did. My degree got me a whole 33 cents over minimum wage!

The salt is always there boiling beneath the surface

Someone reminded me of here so I thought I'd drop by

That's so fucking shit

Reminder to gett a job you lazy faggots


I was actually sweating cause I dreamt of us doing lewd things together
I was taking you to poundtown and working up a sweat



Kinda sad a college dropout is making more than you atm
Can't wait till you actually get a job with good pay so you can move out and I can go crash at your pad all the time

Jesus thats so far


what do you do these days?

You drinking tomorrow tokai?

Oh? Where is that? Why are we going there?

is that mordin in the skirt?

I have one.

That would be a world I'm pretty okay with.

I have one Bardy

W-wait you don't have a job tokai?

how will you ever provide for our family
I haven't told you this yet but....I'm pregnant....

Hiiiii Minami

Welcome to the world of jobs

You need experience to get the good jobs but you can't get that experience without experience

Yeah, employers value experience over degrees and you have way more than me. This job is shit but at least it adds more work experience to my resume


See? There it is

Always there...

I'm sure.

Hi hi! How've you been?

Yeah. It's retarded.

if you ask nicely



So basically I'm just throwing my resume at people and hoping I get lucky

Why settle for a poor imitation when you can just have the real thing?

Don't ask questions just enjoy the ride

Yes Mordin is the anime girl in the skirt irl

Go sit on a dildo or something, Idunno

Kinda wish i could go back to college again

- _ -


I call it the smug meme cat face meme



Lol don't even bother

do eeeet

I wish you the best of luck.

I want the real thing m8.

I'm all about that minimum effort maximum output.

Thanks, I need all I can get

brb shower and a fap

Ah yes. If you can have the real thing.

You speak like my uncle.


I need to stop that.
That really does sound like one of Gil's lines.

I'm pretty sure that's why you became a homosexual.

I am not Loco.

I did plenty of things with girls before I started going after guys though.


ah thats true
yes I am drinking tomorrow

Very sleepy
waiting for my friend to get not busy so we can go hang out today
I bought a piano! and a super pretty guitar
It's beenn a long tiem since I've seen you

how have you been?

tbh am jealous

"That's right. I'm not a girl. I only look like a girl. This is the only magic allowed for me. There's no need to be surprised. These are all imitations. As you say, these are all trifling skirts. But there is no rule that says an imitation cannot defeat the original. If you say they are the original, I will surpass every one of your females and destroy your existence. Here I come, King of Homos! Do you have enough skirts in stock?"


All that sounds very exciting~
I've been ok. Just dealing with life stuff

I'm sure you did.

I may partake

Oh god what the fuck.

The sun is gay though.

well that sure doesnt soun x very exciting lol



So are you but that doesn't stop anything

It's not. I'm very boring.

I hate NC

*pets the watermelon*

hell yeah!!
fun times


Me too sadly
so what brings ya back this away?
Any fun plans for the week?

Who said I was gay?

The best


It...kind of makes sense.
Enkidu was his "wife" and the OG trap.
Disturbing nonetheless.

y-you told me that yesterday

I want to fuck karen

Will you volunteer?

I came back because someone reminded me of here. My plans are just working I guess.

I wanna put muh weiner in karen poster's pooper.

Prove it.

Does your uncle pump you full of thick hot baby batter?

Constantly. I don't even have an uncle


I've never openly said what all I have. Hell I could've had surgery in the last year.


by doing something gay?

If you had the chance to ruin a relationship would you do it?

*dicks you*


Ohhh yeahhh nigga