All 100 U.S. Senators Demand UN Take Action Against 'anti-Israel Agenda'

All 100 U.S. Senators Demand UN Take Action Against 'anti-Israel Agenda'

WASHINGTON - All 100 U.S. Senators signed a letter on Thursday calling on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to take action against the organization's "anti-Israel agenda."

The letter stated that "although as Republicans and Democrats we disagree on many things, we are united in our desire to see the United Nations improve its treatment of Israel."

The letter, which was first published by The Washington Post, also included praise for Guterres, who recently denounced an anti-Israeli report prepared by a UN agency called the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) that is used primarily as a platform for attacking Israel. Guterres has also stated that denying Israel's right to exist is a "modern form of anti-Semitism."

The Senators, however, also asked the UN chief to take concrete steps to improve the organization's treatment of Israel. Among those steps: reforming or eliminating committees that "serve no purpose than to attack Israel"; changing the way in which UNESCO, the UN's agency for education, culture and science, addresses Israel and the Jewish connection to Jerusalem; reforming UNRWA, the UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugees across the Middle East, which the Senators say "downplays its role in perpetuating troubling anti-Israel bias and activities"; and ending the UN Human Rights Council's "unfair and unbalanced" focus on Israel.

The Senators note that "as both the UN's principal founding member, and its largest contributor, the United States should insist on reform. As duly elected representatives of the American people, we take seriously our responsibility to conduct rigorous oversight of U.S. engagement in the United Nations."

Last week, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley told the 15-member Security Council that its monthly meetings on the Middle East - traditionally focused on Israel and the Palestinians, Syria and Lebanon - regularly turned into "Israel-bashing sessions."

"Iran is using Hezbollah to advance its regional aspirations. They are working together to expand extremist ideologies in the Middle East," she said. "That is a threat that should be dominating our discussion at the Security Council."


Just a reminder for the people who got wrapped up in the jew-party system during the election: both parties are owned and controlled by the jews.

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Wow, I'm shocked.

Thanks OP, even for the redpilled numbers like that can be a much-needed shock to the system.

Okay, seriously, when has the UN ever been "anti-israel"? Is there any action they have pushed for that was actually anti-israel instead of, at the most, not shoving their agenda down our throats or letting them get away with war crimes and illegal actions?

I'm not surprised just disappointed, today has been a shit day.


You were funny once
now you're just a tedious ass, this is why mods ban any anti trump opposition.

Fellate a shotgun, nigger

We must secure the existence of Israel and a future for the Jewish race.

Can't say you didn't see it coming. He made that clear from the beginning during the campaign. It was one of the first things that had us all puking in his mouth.

As far as all 100 senators bending over getting fucked in the ass while they watch their wives get DP'ed by Jamal and Tyrone with Mossad filming the production? Well, that's expected.

Yes user, we get it. You think Trump is a big orange kike. Now stop shitting everything up. I don't think there is any actual user on this board who would agree with this. Instead, why don't we actually try and discuss things out like rational people? Nothing would get under the mods skin like anons being civil with one another after all.

The left and right are the golden scapegoat of the jewish golem that is the united states. When the golem takes a global action it can say it was the will of the left or right and at the end of the day its the will of the "people"

I'm not painting anyone like anything. I would rather have a civil discussion over all facets of the 321d upside out reversed paradox scrabble roulette of mystery, but the obnoxious shit you're posting, whether you're a troll or not, is just making the place more and more like cuck chan.

I don't think many people are born knowing that once they grow up (if) they are going to die either fighting for or against the evil JEW in one of their many thousands of economic gambits.

So thats why all the senators were called to the white house

Please just end it. If Israel goes first I don't care what happens to the rest of the world. >GLASS THE KIKES

Hahahahahahahahaha. If America withdraws from the Jewnited Nations on the basis that it bullies israel I will fucking die of smug.

This means that Ted Cruz is one of them.

What a shocker

A perversion of the 14 words. Yet there are people here who still worship the orange kike lover as god, refusing to criticize him.

hmm I wonder why ?

Don't you like oranges ? Israel has good oranges. I met many of them, We're gonna have orange so much you'll get tired of eating oranges

Know what would be cool? If all 100 US Senators could get together and demand a better life for American citizens.

We need recalls, nationwide.

100% of the Senate approves $30 billion in free money to Israel - but Trump can't get funding for his $15b border wall.

Yes Goyim, your Senator has your best interests in mind. The Goyim totally control Washington DC.


Now I've seen everything

Remember they murdered Bobby Kennedy and JFK and committed 9/11 – and now everyone is serves them. All of our elected officials and top military/CIA/FBIA brass have committed TREASON as acting spies, or what RFK called "agents of a foreign government"

Jews ran the slave trade. So they were kind of pirates

Fuck off JIDF, not all of us have forgotten about you.

This actually has pretty good redpill potential. Even the most stupid of Cuckservatives will feel something fishy about ALL senators united on something whereas they would usually be very divided.

this is why

We need to start demanding more of our senators. If they are willing to Shell out billons for Israel but not give a fuck about starving Americans, something needs to be done and it needs to be soon.

Kick them out of their positions, inquire that only those who want the best for their own country are allowed to be on the Senate.

Why is this currynigger bitch so fucking retarded? She probably thinks Apartheid was bad, but would defend Israel even if Netanyahu were to nuke all major European cities.

This is what I've been saying, all of these senators are kosher internationalist traitors. Every single one. It's the exact same in the house as well.

Is this picture supposed to make me hate Israel? Anything that leads to more Jews and Muslims killed is a good thing.

UN is run by Freemasons wearing a Zionist leash. They never have and never will do anything to Israel, if they did people like Soros, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers would economically demolish all members the same week.

The UN is a fucking circus. The only reason the kikes still give a shit about it is because they haven't replaced it with a national level Sanhedrin.

Makes you want to just snap.

All traitors to the principles that made the U.S. the greatest civilization on Earth.

Does Rope Day really have to start with WWIII? I'm getting pretty sick of what's happening, right now.


Pretty much this. All kikelovers must go.


I saved it only because it showcases what REAL gas attacks would do to a person, as opposed to the fake gas attacks we saw in syria, where "victim's" flesh was unscathed

Its supposed to counter out any arguments about muh children, because Israel is much worse.

link to report? Jewgel informs me that it characterized the isreali-palestinian relationship as "apartheid" and that the UN pulled it.
that assessment doesn't seem too far off, but I'd like to read the specifics.

FWIW, I don't give a shit if they spend all day shooting pali's in the nuts with their .22's, but they shouldn't be exempt from criticism while they level it at everyone else for far less

I'm pretty sure our government has been taken over by a foreign country.

What can we do about it?


Its not just criticism, it shows who is in control of the whole show.


maybe. I would think a culture that proclaims to hold morality in such high regard would be open to critiques (or at least not stifle them), if for no other reason than to better itself.

the official responses I read through while searching for the report were just rife with holocaust references; like that has something to do with their supposed mistreatment of the palestinians. I didn't see them address the claims directly, or at all really.


What a surprise. It's not like they have the same financers. Also, very shocking are those healthcare delays, it's like republicans are willing to implode themselves instead of doing anything to help the american people if it gives any credit to Trump. I wonder why that is…

It shouldn't be like it is, but it do.

Thieves on a boat or thieves that will steal your goat. If they can fleece the goy doing it, they will.

But Trump is a Zionist.

Jews are utter faggots. Tel Aviv is gay capital of the world.

If you didn't know where we stand yet, by now you should. 100%. Rome is now 100% corrupt. Who will fight for Rome? Who will be left to defend Rome?

So what you're saying is… we have a list of undesirables.

Sodom and Gommorah

So basically now is the perfect time to execute them all for high treason against the United States. Too bad it won't happen.

>All 100 U.S. Senators Demand UN Take Action Against 'anti-Israel Agenda'
This is so ridiculously fucking ZOG that I created a rare merchant.
Yet denying the right of Whites to exist is totally kosher.

This is meme underpinnings

Will Jewish greed ever be stopped?

Zyklon Ben hit the nail on the fucking head with this comic. For maybe a month I was under the impression that Trump and a GOP congress would change shit for the better. I needed a nice slap in the face. No matter what we do, the kikes win.

Pretty good redpill potential if you ask me.

Like so


OP, even during the election it was obvious that Congress was pozzed. The only non-pozzed candidate from the Republicans was Trump, but even (((Kushner))) and Trump's (((Cabinet))) has fucked that up.

Our loyalty was never to Trump or the Republican Party. It was always to our race and civilization.

Jean LaFitte and a host of the old pirates of the caribbean were all jews left over from the slave trade.


Trump's walking a tightrope while kicking ass. You are an asshurt shill or idiot.


Trump was never the end, he was merely the means. What needs to be done now is keep pushing right. Criticizing Trump is part of what we should be doing, but going full "fuck drumpf" is not going to help us.

We need to keep pushing the Overton Window to the right until we can get White Nationalism into the government.

has anyone realized that this might be a move to, well, help towards the dissolution of the UN?

Fuck off D&C shills, leftypol/etcetc

Not happening. No one would ever allow that. I agree that

but that isn't for the purpose of allowing a WN/Fascist to be elected. It's to get THE PEOPLE–WHITE AMERICANS, on our side, or at least woken up enough to understand what's going on and (((who))) is responsible. After that, whites need to be pushed hard enough so that they're forced to take action. Take away their comfort, their jobs, their sports, their families, and your average white person will have nothing to lose. And the combination of someone who is redpilled AND has nothing left to lose is FUCKING DEADLY. The "more extreme than Hitler" type of deadly. If you spark a civil war, the right wing full of whites is guaranteed to win.

There is no peaceful, political solution. No truly right wing and pro-white candidate will ever be allowed into a high office. Either the white race slowly fades away while they are kept docile with relatively stable living conditions (the worst possible thing that could happen), or whites are pushed hard enough that they turn into legitimately genocidal and bloodthirsty this time National Socialists/Fascists. This can be achieved by accelerationism, where you push whites so hard that they strike back with extreme vengeance. Hate to say it, but with Trump appearing to be more and more kiked, this may be the only way forward.

Poor Anglos, latest victims of the (((locusts))).

Then it becomes a matter of keeping up our ideological efforts to get more and more whites woken up and on our side so that we can achieve the DOTR.

Getting Trump in bloodied the kike's nose, as it showed that their ability to completely manipulate things is not complete.

Now it is a matter of waking up other whites and preparing for when we can overthrow the kikes.

This is an opportunity to bring to light some of the fucked up things Isreal does. It's a funny ((coincidence)) this happens as soon as Russia starts to talk about how Isreal and ISIS are the same.

This is indeed a great confluence, since this is coming right off of (((ISIS))) attacking Israel and then apologizing to the kikes.