Explain something to me dear burgerniggers from burgerland.
Can americans increase the debt ceiling for ever?
Or will american economy crash at some point?
Explain something to me dear burgerniggers from burgerland.
Can americans increase the debt ceiling for ever?
Or will american economy crash at some point?
Yeah it's fiat. Don't listen to Ron Paul. They can inflate it all they want because it's the world's standard currency
The only people who can pull the plug are the Jews because you know…. But we have Trump to protect us while we rebuild Nationalism in America and Europe. Putin better not fuck around while we deal with China's infection, trying to passively take over the world.
Subhuman chinks aren't fit to rule or they wouldn't have to murder and enslave their own people.
What will happen if americans keep increasing the debt ceiling for ever?
It depends on what the banks want.
If America
then the banks will be happy that US is increasing its debt, as this will result in more qualitative easing, more inflation, and more wealth generation for the banks themselves.
If America fails to blow up the world, then austerity will hit, and the US markets will collapse worse than anything ever seen before. Seeing as how violent America is, with deep racial divisions, and all of its military abroad, you're pretty much guaranteed to see 300 million people go RaHoWa. Tens of millions of people will die from disease, starvation, local genocides…basically a zombie movie.
This is why Trump said about Syria "we have no choice". Because power is no longer in the hands of elected officials. Power is a system controlled by the Fed, banks, hedge funds, private equity firms, insurance companies, mortgage lenders, and capitalists.
Basically think the Yen but with Dollars.
It doesn't matter. Money is fake, right? So the numbers are fake, right?
It's simple logic. It's a Republican meme because they knew that spending = more Marxism. And Marxism wants money from rich people.
Republicans are rich people and Christians/Zionists.
If America's money failed, then 80% of the world's currency would fail. How would it fail? By people not accepting their own currency.
Every (((Crises))) is just a way to steal. It's all a fucking scam. Money = war.
What do you think about the hoarding of gold and silver by the BRICS?
do you think china will plug the plug and stop accepting dollars?
Gold is in principle a poor currency. It's too rare, to difficult for the average person to authenticate. The best currency system actually is fiat, but controlled by a republic/state (see William Still for this explanation).
But I think BRICS are using gold because it will legitimize them to international bankers, and undermine the US dollar system.
But the best thing about the US dollar system is that it's not really an American dollar. The dollars are property of the Federal Reserve… it's the banks' own money, not America's.
I think China gets a lot of benefit out of accepting dollars. If they stop using it, they have to be able to sell their goods to other nations. I don't think anyone does a better job of buying cheap, poisonous Chinese goods than USA.
how bout bitcoin?
Ivanka= married a kike
Don Jr= married a kike
Eric= married a kike
Tiffany= married a kike
Interpret that how you like user. It can work both ways but there are no good kikes in my dozen or so years on image boards
Purchasing power of everyone using currency backed by the dollar falls.
This partially caused the Arab Spring, when QE caused food prices to jump 40% in Egypt.
It's a scam. Jews have all the gold, so they sell you gold. They buy gold at malls booths in America and pay like 3% on the dollar for people's old rings and shit. Then they melt it down and sell it to goldbugs.
Gold is a currency that made a lot of sense when there was no internet or Platinum or technology that allowed people to live in space. Because everyone accepted it. Now, if the world fell apart and America's FED crashed, and Jews had NO MONEY LEFT (because all of their money is in Fiat and gold) how many people in your neighborhood would trade gold for bullets or medicine or food stocks? I bet NOBODY.
Jews want a ONE WORLD CURRENCY, and while they're trying to force that into being, they want to REMIND goys that GOLD is "real money".
Money is war.
Just like Might makes Rights.
America's world currency is subject to the voters apparently… I don't think they prefer Trump over Hillary so democracy can work (if you're a well connected Billionaire with Zionist ties) and therefor is dangerous.
If you can set up a country like NatSoc Germany and create a non-usury money (non-compound interest) then you can have money not based on war. But then you have to fight for it…
Ron Paul is a Jewish agent. So is Alex Jones. If they weren't they would die like JFK or his brother.
Holla Forums was wrong about this one. Too many voices screaming "buy gold!" on chans. I know rednecks who have tons of it stored because they think the AntiChrist is coming, haha. Make sense of that if you can
Tiffany =not marries
Eric = Not a kike
You = Shareblue
The world needs to be on bitcoin, or dogecoin.
You dumb nigger. When things go tits up in your country gold will always be accepted on the black market. What a waste of dubs.
I agree with your analysis of the uselessness of gold as a currency for the average person in a collapse situation, but I'd also like to hear your thoughts on the other posters question. Why do you think BRICS is buying up gold and silver?
Bitcoin is a casino game that /business/ plays on 4chan. It's not safe or smart.
Although I'm going with my gut here so… just consider that as a strangers advice
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It's like you don't even shill esoteric cryptocurrencies on Holla Forums while accusing others of not even shilling esoteric cryptocurrencies on Holla Forums.
It's hard to start a NEW fiat like Putin wants to do based on nothing but Iran/India/China/Russia's ability to enforce said currency (through violence {both subterfuge and open violence}).
American can do this because America is fucking nuts and has superior weaponry – and Marxism was a pyramid scheme so countries like Russia/China are way behind post-Soviet degeneracy.
You've never lived around poor people, user. It will be bullets that are worth the most.
What do you think will happen if american keeps printing money?
Do you think BRICS hoarding gold doesn't imply they have a second plan behind scenes?
Also america can't do shit to Russia and China unless they want to start a nuclear war.
And when the initial stock runs out where do the fresh ones come from? You think nogs and beans know how to make their own? Where do you think they got them in the first place? Are you actually this retarded?
Cryptocurrencies aren't desirable because they have absolutely no inherent value. They are called buttcoins because they have the same value as your own shit.
They are rare and have inherent anti-counterfeit measures, much like your own shit is rare, and has genetic markers that theoretically could stop someone else from pawning their shit off as your shit. But much like shit, buttcoins have no use and are backed by nothing.
They currently have value, because some autists want them to have value. Very much like WoW gold. Buttcoins are best viewed as an investment strategy to scam autists who like the idea of internet coins out of money.
That, or to buy illicit goods over the internet, or to purchase coffee from hipster coffee shops in Silicon Vally and Keene, New Hampshire.
Just watch all of these.
Are you fucking retarded?
Yeah, that's competition. But I doubt Trump and his "ebil Goldman/Exxon" appointees will bend over and take it in the ass like Obama was doing.
Why don't you try to construct a full thought in your sentences before calling other people "retarded" like some chan edgelord so I can answer you?
This is the ONLY protected world currency you fucking hick. Get use to it
I'm out… Have fun trying to sell each other bitcoin
You have no idea what you're saying.
Literally the opposite of anything we're desiring or discussing.
Gold has been used throughout human history as a standard for currency. Look at Venezuela, do you think someone that bought up Gold couldn't use that Gold to escape that situation?
Stockpiling guns, ammo and food is all fine and dandy for a fantasy style collapse, but for a realistic approach, I'd put my money (lol) on Gold/Silver.
Probably to try and shift the balance of power.
The Chinks/Ruskies etc. know that the USA operates on debt and firepower. If they can start up a rival market/currency that runs on tangible assets they can displace the position of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. They do this by making people lose faith in the US Dollar. Once people stop buying US bonds, the Dollar tanks and it's either off to the next fiat bill (Euros seem to be a fat chance) or onto what mankind has always used for trade - GOLD.
Wasn't Texas trying to establish it's own bullion production which got it in trouble with the feds? what ever happened to that?
Gold and silver would be more valuable in a post-collapse rebuilding scenario than in a collapse itself. All hoarding it would do is paint a target on you for the people that had practical SHTF plans.
Yes, in theory.
You're the reason I can't get .22 anywhere :c
What if you had a practical SHTF plan that involved a non-zero amount of gold and silver?
You can only stockpile so many bullets and cans of beans before its not worth getting more
Well it's good to have, but don't advertise it.
The logic is America can't owe debt if other countries can't afford to see the USD default. This is the exact reason in fact that America hasn't been pressured into paying its debt back to begin with. This is why the American allegiance to Israel is as manipulative for the Jews as it is necessary to America itself. As long as America continues to assert itself as the world police then they will never have to pay back their debt. In fact at this point it would be looked down upon to let America default because so much of the world now relies on the Petro-Dollar
Of course, you should never advertise any of your preps
even at these terrible rates everyone and their grandma wants US debt. for every debt auction 2 out of 3 potential buyers go empty handed. 70% of international transactions are denominated in US dollars. Until this changes America will be the world superpower and not a moment sooner. Hard to keep a ceiling on debt when everyone wants to loan you money.
Gold is shit money and will never be money again. "perfect store of value" my ass. As if ancient cultures didn't water that down too? It's not better than fiat, get over it.
NO ONE, is going to bust out scales and start using weights and measurements to start transacting in gold again. Their going to take that filthy fiat just like they always have, pre and post collapse.
Gold is a manipulated commodity and you are a fucking sucker if you buy it.
because they are governments, and governments do not make good decisions.
Are you retarded user?
Here's my understanding as an average American: To the banks and our government, money has been imaginary for my entire life. It supposedly represents trust in our government(?) but we've witnessed any country that doesn't play ball getting regime changed. The value of our money is not trust, it is the threat of force. Luckily all nations are thoroughly entangled, to the point where if one big economy crashes we're all fucked, so we keep pretending the numbers make sense.
I hope it crashes, it deserves to crash, it should've already crashed. The world will crash.
Well thanks to how IRAs work and the average baby boomer age approaching 70.5 it is probably close.
Also pension funds going down the toilet (which has already started) will help push it over the edge.
Our dollar IS debt. The fed charges us for every dollar they make us print, meaning they are owed every dollar in existence, plus interest. There is no value in the dollar. Only bowing before the Jew until such a time as they decide the dollar is no longer worth being the world currency.
A crash, or simply going bankrupt is the only way to save us. That's why it was infuriating when King Nigger pumped money into the big banks when they crashed.
You fucking newfags
listen up
bet most of you have:
Fucking halfchan tier questions.
This user gets it
Value of dollar is tied to oil + accepted value/use/exchange.
If nothing else I'm pretty happy the selfish, entitled boomers will never, ever get their comfy 25 years of lazing about and vacationing that they wanted. They will be forced to work to the day they die like they're damn well supposed to, lazy shits.
3 Different IPs in a few minutes. Must be a mod.
SAVE Holla Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You mean like "precious" metals? Unless your theory is that gold and silver are valuable because of their practical uses (electronics, silverware, etc.). No substance has what you're calling "inherent value", unless that's part of your ethics/aesthetics, i.e., you're a platonist, gnostic, or otherwise religious.
When enough Jews realize they are getting scammed instead of them scamming goys they crash the market. When enough rich Jews are tired of throwing good money after bad money they will be done with the Petro Dollar and have something to replace it with.
I like the image of a lolberg post apocalypse dropping a gold bar on a table in some small survivor encampment and puffing his chest out like he bought the place, and the people just saying, "do you have any water or gas you fucking lolberg?"
Tell that to the historical record, which indeed does place an inherent value in such metals in all areas not isolated and controlled by savages who don't know what the fuck gold is.
No, I'm a realist. Who deals in reality. The reality that objectively exists and where precious metals have value, and unhackable internet "coins" made up of 0's and 1's are completely useless.
Now could that change? Sure. Maybe we mine an asteroid made of precious metals and the price drops dramatically. But there will always be a physical substance that is rare relative to other substances, and has a demand that gives it inherit value.
Until, and I hate to use the word because I don't agree with the tenants that many people associate with it, we reach a post scarcity economy where we all have molecular converters that can by pure energy alone convert any matter into any other form of matter, and said energy is almost free, precious physical matter will rule the day.
Well that or SHTF, in which case bullets, food, gas, grass, and ass do. But that overrules any currency, buttcoins included.