Gamergate was a communist movement. idpol on both sides and corrupt gaming journalism are ruining gaming

Gamergate was a communist movement. idpol on both sides and corrupt gaming journalism are ruining gaming.

Trumpfags have hijacked the alt-right movement and we need to take gaming back!

Also Vivian James is a communist.

Gamergate is IDpol, reactionary, and irrelevant
The fact that the straw that broke the camels - back, after years of obvious collusion between big publishers and sites like IGN - was a small indie game no one would have known about if it had not been for a sex scandal is extremely telling

Zoe Quinn is a slut who should be hanged.

Even in communism, adultery should be a crime. Especially if done by a woman

Lol this

Ya blew it, m8.
I mean, your bait was shit to start with, but this post just confirms it.

Spooked much?
Under communism the family unit will be extinguished and people will be free to fuck whoever they want as much as they agree.
Free love and STDs will spread like fire.

1920s USSR called, they said it doesn't work

GG COULD be a socialist movement.

But Holla Forums cannot accept that the "free market" isn't free and can never be free, nor that you cannot "Vote with your wallet".


Read a dictionary and fuck off

Both of those things came after (and were probably agitated by) Gamergate and Gamergate was just a thinly veiled feminist reactionary movement.


vivian is cute most game journalism is shit (but so is most of the media)

also wasn't vivian made for a charity or something like that ?

This gif makes me angry and want to hatefuck Vivian

Gamergate wasn't a communist movement, but it could have been used by the left. The majority sided with mainstream news outlets, though, in labeling Gamergate "sexist" and basically evil (to liberals) which in turn drew the right wing and alt-right to it, creating a feedback loop.

hello reddit

Is… is GamerGate even still a thing?

Not really, but, unbelievably, many liberals on Twitter still feel traumatized about it.

Should'a posted with the nazbol flag. That way, we'd have believed he held socialist economic views, but all the right wing traditionalism. He mistakenly thought the "downloading communism" flag was "vidya gam gommunism". Oh well, food for thought I guess.

Gameragte was co-opted by the alt right. It was an apolitical movement to start. It was not created by the alt-right nor did it start the alt-right. It was B████ Bros 1.0. If the left didn't rush to defend a bunch of corrupt games journalists, the right wouldn't have had a chance to brainwash a bunch of apolitical kids. Fuck off back to gamerghazi dweeb.

this is true
gamergate had nothing to do with politics but journalism
only retarded feminists tried to tie it to politics to make GG look bad

I disagree. It was started by MundaneMatt and InternetAristocrat/MrMetokur, both of whom are explicitly reactionary. The alt-right saw an SJW in the gaming industry who had done some fucked up shit and used it to attack SJWs from a rightist perspective. While combatting idpol is good when done in the name of class unity, the purpose of Gametgate from the very beginning was to attack left idpol to make way for right idpol.

… what? It had already began on Holla Forums and spread to other boards and forums long before MundaneMatt or InternetAristocrat even touched it.

How are MundaneMatt and InternetAristocrat reactionary? For disagreeing with feminists? What?

We've known games journalism has been corrupt for years. The rise in popularity of personalities like Totalbiscuit and Jim Sterling can demonstrate this when we all sort of realised video games were becoming a soulless, mechanised industry and might have always been that way.

But the straw that broke the camels back for these "non-reactionaries" was a guy accusing his girlfriend of being a slut (which didn't actually happen). This led to conspiracy theories and a subsequent reaction to a supposed "cultural war" against an "overwhelming tide of SJW content". It was always like this. Predatory journalists like Milo were there from the beginning stoking the fires because had an audience and fulfilled a need for something different.

Did Gamergate discuss the inherent problems with games journalism?
Did they understand stuff like "she knew a guy who knows a guy who wrote an article about some shit" is inherent in all journalism?
Did they realise a lot of these problems have to do capitalism and its impossible to separate the publisher form the journalist, the pork from the newspaper?

Nope, instead they dug up (or falsified) Patricia Hernadez articles and came up with pol tier conspiracies about Gawker trying to destroy ==MUH GAMER IDENTITY==. its three years alter and no continues to give a fuck about Brianna Wu even though she was literally satan for a good while there.

The only non-retarded thing they achieved was preventing paid mods. The most retarded thing achieved was validate the man-child nature of video games and sky rocket the popularity of key members of the alt right

But please, just accuse everyone of pointing out the truth of coming from "reddit"

If that's the case, then how come Holla Forums made their own torture chamber gamergate board because "the other one wasn't attacking SJWs enough" and conspiracy theories were laughed off of Reddit boards and the many Holla Forums GG boards alike. Unless you want to insinuate that shit like GameJournoPro and exposure of people with financial investment within games are conspiracy theories, I am not sure I understand what you're on about.

Gamergate ruined everything.

You're being intellectually dishonest. It was the appearance of collusion, not whether she was a slut or not. If it was merely the fact she was a slut, the attacks would have been focused on her more or less completely. Instead, they were against not only her but gaming journalists, gaming sites, and other "journalism" sites.

Most of Holla Forums hates idpol shit as well. Just because they disliked "SJW content" doesn't imply they're reactionaries unless you're going to condemn nearly everyone on this board as reactionary as well.

brb pre-ordering games on steam

never cared, never will

I still can't understand why people got so triggered about game journalism
if you want to know about particular game, ask Holla Forums for fucks sake

seriously, it is kinda sad that chans ceased to be thing-in-itself

It started out that way. Then built on the anti-SJW sentiment that was swirling around on the internet caused the massive influx of disgruntled gamers. All the people who had a problem with "fake gamer girls" or models at conventions now had a movement to get behind. A lot of the sites I saw (which I can't find now) that were meant to fill the need for alternative media dealt primarily with anti-SJW content and pretty much nothing else. I mean, when Brianna Wu turns into a literal boogie man you can't say their issue doesn't primarily rest with SJW's and not journalism itself.

Because its pol? Remember, "Hitler wasn't violent enough" when one's ideology doesn't match reality its clearly the shills fault or the fault of failures in the movement.

Because its dumb, of course it got laughed. But doesn't that sort of answer your own question as to why pol developed a GG safe space?

You know as well I do that it got way nuttier than that.

Which again people never cared about a feminist did(n't) do it. It very quickly became more about idpol than anything else.

You know i'm not doing that, unless you have a different definition of reactionary than I do. Gamergate allowed people like Sargon, MundaneMatt, Aristocrat, Milo and older anti-sjws like Thunder00t to get their message to a new audience.

Although I wouldn't necessarily call these people reactionaries, the aftermath was all these Gamergaters developed an identity that was built as an opposition to what they see as a growing conspiracy in gaming, journalism, education etc.

Essentially, Gamergate became the gamer version of "meninists" movements and many of them cross pollinated with the alt right. So it depends on how you interpret these people.

Trumpfags didn't hijack the alt-right, if anything the alt-right hijacked Trump's campaign.
In reality though they are working together.

Yes, they did. Doritos-paid "journalists," Eurogamer firing its writer for criticizing game journalism, and the buy-off from that Kane and Lynch game were also major controversies. Not only that, but gaming journalism was already regarded as irredeemably awful prior to Gamergate, not only because of identity politics but because the journalists were regarded largely as corporate cretins. You either aren't remembering these things or you just don't care.

Gamergate developed how it did specifically because of the bizarre amount of censorship it underwent very early, similar to other situations like that photo of Streisand's mansion and the Tom Cruise speech that started Chanology. Twitter also played a role in Gamergate becoming larger than the other controversies.

And it wasn't necessarily the case that they had to. They were basically driven into the hands of charlatans and idiots like Milo and Thunderf00t because they were condemned by nearly everyone else and, early on, banned from almost every other gaming site and board on 4chan except Holla Forums.


Actually GamerGate started because on the exact same day numerous gaming media outlets broadcasted "Gamers Are Dead".
What you are referring to is the Quinnspiracy.
The fact that you didn't know this is extremely telling.

yeah what the hell was all that about? Hindsight, it reeks of psyop.

Enjoy this delicious Holla Forums redpill on GG and ww3.

The autism keepS going on Holla Forums, which is enough to trigger liberals.

I can't believe everyone forgot about that, but what really made it blow out of proportion was not the adultery itself, but the amount of censorship then the media reaction. If they just kept a low profile, the scandal would have been over in less than a week.

You must go back.

I thought this meme died in 2015

Ironically for a group called the fine young capitalists. Classical liberal ideologues basically

From what we know she did probably emotionally abuse her boyfriend

I want to FUCK vivian james!

Makes sense, it completely collapsed due to infighting



It wasn't just in-fighting, though. Censorship, infiltration, harassment, the shaming of its supporters, and condemnation by almost the entirety of the media. Then again, that's still very similar to what happened to communism in the west.


Gaming wouldn't exist without capitalism

I know right, only a true Randian entrepreneur could imagine something like Tetris.

Classcucks pls leave.

Neither would socialism for that matter.



As leftists, at least we all agree we have to kill all the white people


Literal wastes of time that give nothing in return but false accomplishment. Anything around them doesn't matter and the people that play them are absolute losers who should be gulaged.