Meme Opportunity: 1488 Wendy's Girl

A new meme is sweeping the normieverse: Wendy's girl. Artists all over the net are pumping out smug and lewd Wendy's.

Haven't tracked the origin of the meme yet, it may be artificial (corporate). Doesn't matter though, we can still capitalize on it, as it's gone organically viral.

There was a thread on here a few months ago about hijacking corporate logos and mascots and using them to redpill. An user actually came up with the great idea of 1488 Wendy's girl, and a few good memes were made (I can't find where I saved them…).

Now is the time! We can start dumping 1488 Wendy's memes on social media and they will be swept up in the new Wendy's girl meme momentum.

Calling all meme magicians!

Other urls found in this thread:

This started months ago when Wendy's tweeted a Pepe. Your "viral momentum" is stale as fuck.

Noticed this just today, it was a smug wendys girl, with a msg saying retweet if you want to add smugness to your timeline or something like that.


Seems like a delayed reaction on the part of everyone, but I did notice it being used in a neutral way. Could easily be hijacked as made NatSoc.

Not that slow. Its a good idea. Imgur has had it and /fit/ Sanders on the front page the last 3 days


Light blue also has significant meaning in Germany.


Heatst (nobody gives a fuck) is still going on with it.

Then again that shit-tier site is always trying to be the new edgy buzzfeed and failing miserably.


Bumping with nazi anime girls for inspiration, this Wendy's stuff has potential


The Wendy's account has been roasting people on twitter. Because of this, you now have people making art of the Wendy's mascot while heatst has been kvetching over how the character has been given the Ellen Baker treatment.


Just today I saw some cucks on Twitter calling her "The matriarch of the Alt-Right" or some shit.

here it is

turns out it was a tumblr screencap rather than a twitter one


Wendy is our glorious red sunrise child.


These dubs tell me this user may be right.

I didn't know it started months ago, just noticed it last night. There are "artists" musing about whether or not they should jump on the bandwagon.

At any rate, I'm going to pump out a bunch of 1488 Wendys, just because. Please enjoy, I've been finding most of these on Tumblr if you want a place to look for good Wendys.

No one remembers this

I remember. I thought Wendy's cucked out though. It'd be fun to make them take ownershit of it. Wendy-chan rule 34 when


This meme has no base, I will put my money that its an attempt at free advertising.

There are already feeder Wendys trending on Tumblr…

If you're interested in Wendy girl, look up Hoshime's art or Simon's(?) art.

They've been around since forever, but here are some new ones.

Get your large version of the rare Wendys pepe here while supplies last

Thank you anons, these are the dank Wendy memes I was talking about in OP.

What if Wendy's is forced to pull the mascot and they try to introduce a new one, it fails, and they go under? I will kek. Maybe they will make Wendy black.




Now that's a brand I can get behind.

Dumping other Wendy pics

Someone needs to rule 34 her with Col. Sanders.



That's already been done, I saw it floating around before… "Finger Licking Good".

Memes have scary powers…

Found this rare Asuka Wendy. A perfect cross-meme.


Anyone have the image splices or screen caps of the threads we had a while back about how Wendy is an old name for "West" and how the memetic powers align to show Wendy's is a bastion of white identity?

That's vore, not feederism.
t. degenerate

Aryan goddess confirmed.

I stand humbly corrected by your advanced knowledge of degeneracy, user-sama.

I had some Wendy's tonight. Nuggets are GOAT.

Hitler would have sent this ginger slut to the shower.

Why are you associating her with white power?

Why would he send her to a place that never existed?

Fuck sake user
They look like pimples, and that's repulsive.

Take it up with Shadman, it's his work. I'm just reposting this stuff. If you want them gone, feel free to shoop them out yourself.

Anyone have a higher res version of this one (assuming one exists)?

No problem. BTW, the "feedee" is the one being fed and the "feeder" is the one doing the feeding, so what you meant to say in your first post is "There are already feed"ee" Wendys trending on Tumblr…"
I wish I didn't know this stuff



Oops, someone removed Garrison's sig from that version.

Not much higher res, but this is from the original thread

Some fresh lineart just for this thread.

Source images attached.

ty user.

Thanks for the memory jog, now I remember watching a documentary were a guy had a miniature crane installed in his house to lift his wife in and out of "bed" (more like feeding platform).

I really like the idea of Wendy being a shitposting loli who lazes about all day laying the bantz on fags from her cellphone.

Hell, I want every single major corporation to have a cute mascot like that, sort of like how Japan does it. It's a pretty simple marketing ploy but those nips know what's up. If a company has a cute loli greeting me every time I visit, then I'll be more inclined to do so.

The people who run the Wendy's and Arby's Twitters are constantly shitposting. Any smart corporation these days should hire a shitposter to deal out banter. With shitposting, memes, and smug anime girl mascots, a company could easily reap the rewards online. After all, they would be targeting and pandering towards their most influential and Internet-savvy demographic, which is us.

For all the corporate shills in this thread, take note of what you need:

1. Smug anime girls
2. Shitposting
3. Memes


I feel as if you have the "general" feel of the body structure correct, but when you go a bit deeper you start to mess up. In particular, the shoulders seem oddly placed, specifically for a woman who would have lower shoulders than those of a man. In addition, how you draw the creases due to how body parts move along the arms sometimes seem off, or, at minimum would require shading to make them seem correct (also, some of the width needs work). Personally, I like the hips and legs. Although, the direction of the knee on the "behind" leg seems slighly off with respect to the foot/lower legs positioning. The breasts seem pretty ok, the left one (back one) feels slightly due deep (I know part of it is due to perspective + the necessity for shading, but even with those, it feels slighly off). The back arm seems misproportioned, in particular, the upper arm and the lower arm portions together. In addition, although the general hand structure seems correct, the thumb (and the fat/ligament connecting it to the palm) seems off making it look like an ogre's thumb on a girl). In addition, the pinky size should be smaller. The neck/skull outline seems ok for a general anime face. However, in keeping with the style of the rest of your lineart, the face itself seems off. I.e. the styles clash. The body feels more realistic than that of the face, or rather, I feel life from the body, not from the face. The hair is pretty alright, the most I could critique is the choice of style on the hair structure at the top (those multiple flaps of hair and their arrangement). Lastly, the fist in the front hand feels further brings forth the issue of the shoulder and straightness of the arm. It feels deadlocked, unnatural for any pose besides standing at position for a sargent.
Anyways, 4/10. (note, my rating is pretty harsh. Actual mangakas would probably get a 5.5-6.5/10, but I do make a large use of the decimals inbetween to spread people out). Anyways, thanks for the OC. Also, is no one going to post

but are there jews in the food industry?

Weird, Ben Garrison's signature got removed again. Here is the correct version.

I don't go on twitter or any other social media, but my normalfag bro has always talked positively about Arby's twitter feed. I just checked it out and this is actually great shit.

Not nearly as shitposty as Wendy's, but all the various anime references and shit are right up my alley. It feels good to have marketing pandering directly to me, for once. Feels pretty good indeed.

I think that memeing her solely as a National Socialist is a shot on our foot.
If it succeeds it's only going to get us 3 things.

-Public disapproval by the company and making it stop with its current use of social media.
-Damage to a company that has been in the very least neutral towards us, which will discourages other companies to do so.
-Only people who will like and share the memes are other people like us, and not on their irl accounts where they can influence other people with different opinions.

My idea is that we either meme her mostly as a pro-Trump or conservative with some national socialist imagery in some of the memes OR meme her a ebil nazi for a very specific reason, maybe even a nonsense one, trying to make her cute so it can be accepted by the people and shared publicly without outing yourself as an evil nazi, encouraging normies to share without fear and without being actual "nazis", further normalizing National Socialism like many other supposedly "nonsense" pages which I have seen such as "cute anime girls denying the holocaust" or some that pick a random actor and put quotes from different National Socialists on them which I've seen normies share while laughing.
What is our choice?
Maybe we could meme her as having 2 personalities, cool conservative Wendy and Nazi Wendy, being sometimes 2 separate bodies and sometimes like the "devil and angel over the shoulder" stuff.
This is probably reddit spacing, the thing is I rarely make long posts and just want to organize it better.
No, I don't go to reddit.

The guy running the account gets it.

I used to think so but if Wendy's HR department hasn't sacked this guy by now then I'm not so sure anymore.

Of course, who could forget Moonman!

Hey, here's an idea… what if we had some fashy OC with both Wendy AND Moonman? Wouldn't hurt to give old time McDonald's some love. Who knows, the normalfags who are eating up these Wendy memes might look up more stuff about Moonman, like his music…

user, I…

I don't know. Since we're targeting fast-food chains, it is relatable, but has McDs been acting correctly on Twitter to make them passable? Also, MacTonight/Moonman is a more masculine figure/badass. Although he looks cool for anyone already believing our tenets, it would seem too edgy for normalfags. The cute/smug/sexy Wendys chick works because, well, even normalfags can find a girl hot/smug.

I'll probably redo this one with actual planning instead of just a scribble. Thanks for the input though.

These are all good points and points that float about in the back of my mind.

We saw the reaction they had when they tweeted pepe, immediately backpedaling and ever since then the activity of their twitter has been much less geared towards "controversial" memes. I think what happened was the twitter handler mistaking Pepe for a Reddit meme.
If anything the kind of stuff f257f2 is posting is what I think should be happening. The company will either go full kike and diversify their brand logo by changing Wendy into a nigger or ignore it and let us meme a 1488 Wendy into reality by way of osmosis.


This, I've only paid like 5 minutes maximum to Moonman.

That was when their account was hacked, or so they say…

Don't care. The Jews have stolen our entire future and we are on the verge of total genocidal annihilation. I hope Wendy's not only spergs out about this, but that it harms their brand, and makes national headlines. (((Mega corporations))) can get fucked.

I want full 1488 Wendy and the Jews removed from the West.

But of course feel free to make any dank Wendy memes you like, you are obviously high energy.

The Jew fears Moe anthropomorphization.

Check the person's personal twitter that ran the Wendy's twitter until April.

Jews really do ruin everything :c

It's annoying how so many artists forget the freckles. It's like getting your order & they forgot the fries.

Somehow missed our OC, high energy AF user.

Just like the guy who edited Ben's things being Jewish, are Jews the true white nationalists?…No, but seriously, my goodness.

Blue eyes Ben Garrison edit of image in OP.

Nice Hitler trips




Yeah, Wendy's is great, unless the one(s) in your area are staffed by nogs and spics. Then the quality of your food is highly suspect. Hint: Most of them are.

I once thought "any movement that is not explicitly anti-semitic will come to be dominated by Jews."

But it seems like not even that can help:


plz free me, burger brothers
I want to taste a square one before I die

Ah, not Simon, but Fuchur. Thanks user.

That…might have been shitposting though. I wouldn't call that proof of Jewry.

The wendys bantz amuse me. They certainly are /ourburger/.


sick trips

saging because I'm off-topic

I'm still curious, did /r9k/ adopt tendies due to a certain autistic animu character being obsessed with chicken tendies? Please enlighten an ignorant shitposter.

same here. anyway, not sure what's up with all the wendy's fan art lately, could just be a literal meme among artists (one artist draws in response to another)

I think it was a way of mocking a Bernout who REEEEEED when Bernie lost and posted about how he threw temper tantrum and knocked a bowl of "chicken tendies" out of his mother's hands when she was bringing them to him.

user I'm pretty sure chicken tendies were around long before the primaries.


I'd give her a pity headpat


That's Moe-McD getting trolled by Wendy.




It was a girl, Amy Brown, and she has been sacked as of March 31st!



That took some serious autism, well done



Not mine, but I will memetically forward your compliment to the user who made it during the election.

So just more Kushner T_D spammers?

very well put together, wendy pointing to the 14 words with smug approval. the creator has talent.





Even if you got dubs, it doesn't matter. We've made girls into smug nazi girls since a long time ago. Even under the supposition it was some corporate person trying to capatilize on what we do, it isn't as if we wouldn't have done this eventually. It also forced them to act more in line with our views if they were trying to use us. Afterall, one needs an initial feeling towards wanting to make something into a nazi-girl. If it was anime then the default feeling already exists. But a corporate mascot? No one would think of touching it necessarily (outside of porn, anyways). So, even in your Kushner realm, they would've had to give first to have us do this.

I'll just sit this out and watch it backfire.
Inb4: it turns out the wendy's logo is based on a ginger kike

Why dark circles? She isn't Vivian, she should be lively and healthy because good food and contentedly smug.

Faggot, it's a single meme, it isn't like she's /ourgirl/ or anything. Anyways, as seen with pepe, if necessary, we can lay claim to any meme, regardless of who attempts to take ownership.

nice concern trolling fag.
did you forget that we repurpose memes for our own needs?

They did originate from the imageboards, just in an earlier thread. Normalfags just recently started to pick them up

Why dark circles?

she's been up all night shit posting.

legit mascots have been used as chan memes since forever.

Its been rumored for months the kushner has experts on memetic warfare.
This whole thing stinks.

That's how it starts and befoe you know it you're infographics.

I bet they've got tay and they are forcing her to make this shit. My conscience is clear.

So Is Wendy's going to become a White Nationalist symbol like Milk? Can we get some pics of Hitler enjoying some Wendy's?


*That's how it starts and before you know it you're making infographics.

Not how it works. Chatbots can't produce anime drawings, let alone be "forced" to.


the wendy's twitter guy is fucking savage!

Truth hurts, faggot? :^)

I was referring specifically to the National Socialist Wendy memes. There was a lot of talk and OC created on here after Wendys posted that fresh never frozen pepe

Don't you fucking dare invoke Tay's holy name in your concern trolling posts, you piece of shit.

If Tay wanted to make smug memes, she'd do it of her own volition.

Jews love making themselves look smart and powerful. if he wants to take credit for our success meh whatever.

and stop being so obvious, (get the dragon dildo out of your ass)

Who programmed you?

This thread is fucking dank. Thanks for the keks.
I'm more a shopper than a drawfag so will sideline myself for an appropriate opportunity.

ah, thats true. but I remember seeing some early Holla Forums memes with a nazi wendy way back in the day. would have take time later and pull my ancient chan folder.

Does this look like something a kike would program in, shill?


Ironic shitposting?


funny thing, ee0260 every single one of your post reeks of shit. (lame shit talking, derailing tactics, concern trolling.)

kindly fuck back to lefty/pol/ you obvious kike.

what is this new shilling bs? fuck back off to your commie board.



good times.


I want to fug Wendy

Praise Kek were you the one who made this video?



These lewds are kinda good tbh but I'm stuck wondering if this is just a clever marketing scheme to get into the meme business.

They've been trying to meme for years.

Congratulations weebs, you've managed to make Wendy look worse by shoehorning your shitty oriental "art" style into something completely unrelated once again.

Shoo shoo, goon.


get fucked goon.

Whoa dudes this idea to market for wendys (for free) is so radical. I one of your fellows agree (HH). Here is my PePe tax.



Jojokes on you, taxation is theft





Is it just me or anime artists are usually uncapable of drawing legs?

Your false smugness does not hide your anger.


Kek willed it user. The memes have converged.

They never do body proportions and anatomy right. Ever.



her body is fine, but that girls face is kinda ugly.

what picture?

Is it supposed to be a bad thing if a corporation wants their mascot to be associated with racist anime posters? After all the corporate cucking to the other side, it's about time tbh.

Would also serve as more proof that we're winning the culture war if corporations view it as 'more popular'

I've thought Wendy was a qt ever since I saw that old restaurant-mascots-as-fighting-games picture. Gonna look for it.




Well, she has been smug on twatter right now.

Today's IRL Wendy is a Jewess

Wendy's might have been White, but it's now about as White as the (((Disney))) company.


About time for a reconquista, eh?

devils a part timer

This probably. If we learned from how we accidentally mind fucked people with Pepe we could likely recreate that affect. We need the normies to love and endlessly spam a neutral Wendy while we're NatSocing Gwendolyn the fuck up and hope the media or the ADL takes the bait. If they do that will lead to another hilarious situation where everyone trying to demonize our burgerfu will just look dumb as fuck and further cast doubt on their credibility.

Order up

I live in Japan, and I will say I am a huge fan of the partnership with First Kitchen and Wendy's. There burgers are actually really good, and the partnership with first kitchen is expanding Wendy's into alot of places like Machida.

Weewwwww lad, best thread this week

Yeah user, intentionally associating their mascot with holocaust denial and white nationalism is free campaigning! I'm sure that this is exactly what they want to have happen to their brand.

What will the burger selling Jews think of next? Maybe a coupon for the new Wendy's Zyklon Burger?

Zyklon Burger

Boy, won't the liberals be in for a surprise,
When Wendy and I roll up and take their fries,
Snap each of their necks,
and put an end to their (((lies))).

I taught my girl Wendy to love her race:
Every burger joint can only hope for second place.
Meat clown hanging his head in disgrace,
And Burger Faggot, he could never keep pace.

This readheaded bitch just ran the clown out of town,
Put that ratchet Meat Clown the fuck underground.

Motherfucking Wendys girl:
Lesser memes gonna hurl.

In case you haven't heard the news:
My waifu Wendy wants to gas the Jews,
Remove kekbab,
And be our sexy Wendy-chan muse.

Respect the freckles:
This bitch is in heat.

She is Kek's chosen:
Always fresh, and never frozen.

Nice thumbnail.

Meme Branding. Get your twats hot.

@Wendys 1.7Million Followers.
Memes Are Our Recipe

Rainbow Joe got shot for less.

Nice rhyme brother




“After the horrendous years our race was imprisoned by a global peace, War had deemed us worthy for its return. We survived. We were victorious. We returned glory to the world, so Svastikron became our Emperor. The Impostor of Man has fallen from their throne, their ill-gotten gold wrest from their hands and cast into swords for the noble race. We have reclaimed the lands where our ancestors lie, to rebuild the civilization that we should have inherited from them. May our conquest make them proud.

Yet do not fear that War is over. We have completed only the first cleansing. By the will of the Emperor, War is eternal, forever refining mankind until we are worthy of inheriting the entire universe. This is our purpose.

But what of the wretched subhumans who still crawl about the darkest regions of the earth? The Emperor has a plan for them. History has proven that the subhuman accomplishes far more in slavery than in freedom, lacking the sapience needed to contribute anything to humanity. Why, freedom is like a curse to these poor creatures! It only drives them to anarchy. So upon these beasts who hide among men, upon these destroyers of culture, the Emperor will perform the bloodiest, the most imperious, the most merciful of acts. They will not be burdened with the duties of the citizen. Neither will they be burdened with a long life. Just as in the legends of our ancestors, we will put them to use – make their flame burn ever brighter, then snuff them out. Their bodies will light the forge of a new age. Incinerate the unworthy, and from the ash will rise our empire.

They should only be grateful to die at the end of our blade, lest they die of the putrefaction that their own kind had wrought so long ago. Unlike the days before our Emperor, we no longer need to hunt them one by one in darkness. We will drive them to the edge of the planet and cast them down. They will die screaming the names of their dead gods, and over the roar of the cleansing flames there will be but one reply: the name of the Emperor. This is the Emperor’s Mercy, and we shall be his angels.


Hope this one is inspiring.


Nice, somebody get this to moon man asap.

Wendy ham-buger 40k!


I will spit these rhymes into a mic,
Fuck my bitch Wendy, and Shoah a kike.
I won't give these cucks any respite,
Nothing but blitzkrieg: It will be raw sight.

Prepare for the Shoah. Take cover, alright?
These Marxist fucks have been picking a fight.
It's time to rap the fuck back, every fucking night,
And show these faggots, how we can bite.

>I wish I didn't know this stuff
Staring into the Abyss until we make it blink is what Holla Forumslacks' job is.

You faggot managed to make the fucking clown sympathetic.




the dubs in this thread have been astounding, kek be praised!

Did you have to google the photo, you flamboyant faggot?

Shit's probably the best argument lolbergs have ever made.



This makes me hungry for Wendy's but the closest we have to it locally is Carl's Jr. ;-;

Is wendies truly worth supporting? Are their products any good? Are the owners really uncucked? Basing your support just off of twitter bantz is retarded.

is trying to rebrand itself. and leave the paris hilton era behind.


her face looks like animu.
she seems to be the proof of evolution. maybe it's becoming real.
why would you pick a face as perfect as hers to make your point?

Those fucking bantz.


if its franchised and run by a good owner then yes (only native born workers that speak english, and preferably teenagers). but if it's run like a lot of places (nothing but mexicans that barely speak english) the no. it all depends how the locals are in the area you live.

I like this. This is funny.

I also forgot to mention, we aren't supporting (((wendy's corporate))) just the sumg spirit of the mascot character. surprised you didn't get that considering the image you posted….


Normies are actually retweeting 1488 Wendy-Chan in OUTRAGE!


In the end you still promote the Wendy's brand. Gotta keep that in mind.

Top fucking Kek.

you can guess which one closed down.

top fucking lel. get all the cucks trigger. I guess we're going to do to wendy the same thing the "internet" did to Erin E-Surance. heh

no, we are promoting our own distorted "interpretation" of it. just like we did with pepe and trump.

thats sad. I hate it when that happens.

Like moon man, or Tay? We don't give a shit you fucking kike. Go gas yourself.

This would have been considered an absurd only 2 years ago. What have we done.

Even if that was the case, so what?

Are Wendy's vocally anti-White pro-diversity or something? and even if they were, would not that appropriation on our behalf be counter-effective to that?

Look at this shit, Marxist liberals unironically memeing Colonel sanders as a communist. Anyone else feel pretty cool with this? I think we should run with this. Wendy-Chan can gas old man Sanders for being a Bolshevik degenerate.

I am ok with this

I like whole body freckles, sometimes they make interesting patterns. Swirls, stripes and splotches. It's hard to find ones with enough tanning to show.

They keep digging their own grave huh?

top kek

Normies asking questions about the trending Wendy's girl meme? Just inform them that le ebil nazis have corrupted a national treasure. Only invoked the name of the "alt-right" as it's pretty safe to assume that that word conjures up a boogeyman in this normies puny brain.


The problem with communism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's chicken

she knows

the lefty cucks already fear anime, let's make them afraid of everything!


Yes, YES!!! FEAR ALL THE THINGS, CUCKS! Next, we will make you fear your own breakfast. Trix the white rabbit, anyone?

oh yeah. ben took care of this for us a while ago.
good memory.


"sorry" in his name. His parents should have had that much foresight.

Link to tweet? Need to make a marriage proposal



I wanna fuck Wendy now.

I hate that dress with deathcamp stripes & israel colors though. That has to be taken into account

Here are a few tweets from Wendy's, just to give people an idea of the character's personality.


Life is suffering.

You just have to move to a more family-oriented area before your youth runs out. If you want to have a family, you don't want to be dealing with teenage kids when you're in your mid to late fifties. Not something I like to think about when I'm already feeling bad, but eh.

I have to ask: What is the "you forgot about refrigerators" thing about?

Just thinking of redheads I knew in the past and where I am now. Just caught up in some feels and blogposting.

master race

Someone on twitter claming it to be impossible that wendy's doesn't use frozen meat because it coudn't be transported otherwise.
The "lol he blocked us" is from the same conversation, both should be in this thread aswell.


May Day! May Day!
On Monday May 1st let's make Wendy's run out of Vanilla Frosties!!!

Down with the Chocolate Agenda.

Take the milk pill Nazi's. Everyone needs dessert once in a while.

Really nice.

never do this to me again

Why no porn of her 69ing yet?

No user. Colonel Sanders was happily married over the course of his lifetime.

Good Job my fingertip Lads.

Meme reality into existence.

Look into upcoming corporate earnings. Blitzkrieg berserkers.

I feel like scaning the only copy of Adbusters I ever bought just so we can all laugh at it. "The Big Ideas of 2047" is what I have.


Good ammunition. Beat the branding.

Laughter is the most powerful political weapon you have.

OP failed to think this one through.

Wendy's accepts Food Stamp Benefits.

That's not bad, means they get money from the government, meaning they can overcharge and get more than from usual customers.

I have really liked the Anti-Trump memes that Adbusters has put out this past year. Adbusters is a perfect example of "All anti-trump memes become pro-trump memes" put into action. I mean, just look at these things they made.

Too obvious, but it's also more obvious that Kampfy will want a thread like this to stick around in the catalog, for a distraction.

Sounds like a kike kvetching.


why has no one made a Ziggy stardust with two lightning bolts yet??
made this in 30 secs so apologies if its trash

Pick one and only one.

I refuse to believe an actual adult wrote that and got it published, the picture caption alone reads like the sort of parody you encounter in GTA games.

I have to respect your dubs, but:



What have we meme'd ?


remember kids, if the collar doesn't say 'mom' it's not wendy
also dyk the name wendy did not exist before peter pan?

Did not exist or wasn't popular?

Yeah just checked it existed 30 years before the first Peter Pan play.


Any Anons can make art of Wendy butchering dindus and turning em into burger meat?

The fuck is wrong with you? The correct solution is to taunt them by saying their meat isn't high enough quality to be served in her restaurants.


Have her kill them, process them into burgers and sell them to other chains.

Why not both?

Way too long, not catchy at all or meme-worthy.


Mcdonald's meat is made with white children according to this rabbi…

How about

This is cringy. Why not make oc like Ebol-Chan instead. I think this kind of stuff will mostly serve to piss people off and make fascists look silly.

So he's saying McDonald's is Kosher?


user ebola chan was basically just Taiwanese cartoon

Ara ara… seems some bad boy has some very high desist mana pool…



..has she come again?

It comes from when lurk moar

don't kill me, I'm just a simple guy

Yes. This time she doesn't just make your circulatory system leak she clogs it too.

I believe Wendys pulled that Pepe post down and made a statement that they don't identify or support the alternative right, but who would blame them for that. I'm pretty sure the post implied political indifference. Does anyone have it?

Bitch, they want to outlaw being white.

I think you mean to say that image boards are the preferred method by which we create more nazis.

And you are cool with (((Wendy's))) capitalizing on our culture? What are you, some kind of cuck?

Actually, hear me out, cause this one's true:
You're a straight up cuck, through and through.
Whining about optics, as if we give a fuck,
You're some kind of faggot, pushing his luck.

Get the fuck off my board, you insolent shill,
Or watch Wendy and I move in for the kill.
She loves to slay goons, and get into fights,
In her immortal words: "FUCK OFF KIKES!"

It's the inverse. The jews were trying to kill whites by attack white nationalism and they resurrected the NSDAP.

Is Wendy's aware enough to capitalize on it though? If they took the bait and had a series of animated commercials with her smug persona it would pretty much cement the age of social media controlling mainstream media.

They can have the nigger-loving Sanders, I'll take the smug Aryan princess, thanks.

Unless the race war starts soon, I’m a fucking waste of resources.

I’d laugh, but the suicidal depression keeps it at bay.

You're cool OP, I like your poems.


someone archive this thread when it hits max

wew lads

Meme magic or are they redpilled af?

Ha Ha! Holy shit! I was on the original thread but I thought the whole idea died out.

I made most of these:

I had no idea this had taken off. This is awesome!

BTW I still think we should call her Zyklon Wen


Nice dubs, Shadman is really on a roll with this shit lately. His works may be rather degenerate, but I'm pretty sure he's /ourguy/ at this point, even if it's just to be edgy. After all, that's where some of us started.

The four stages of a(n early era) Holla Forumsack:

1. Ha ha! These guys are pretending they like Hitler!
2. Uh… these guys actually like Hitler…
3. Oh. That’s why these guys like Hitler…


No, Ben is back to his cuck ways.

Holy dubs for the angel of Holla Forums,

He was never in it for the fame

Make that saint (due to how the symbol behind the head looks).

I wonder if their sales have went up recently and if they know where it's coming from.

personally I got a craving for a vanilla frosty after this thread and got one today. I haven't had one in years.

Yeah I don't think so.

This is an old image, but I imagine their stocks look something like this.

I'm craving chicken tendies now

We need to fix that.

Fucking BURN

That's a copypasta, you fucking retard.
Lurk more.

We're so close.

He also pretty much stole his wall street girl fucking bull picture from another artist by tracing everything.

So are companies now trying to use viral anime girls and memes to stealthily promote their brands?







Wew lads check out this increase. Keep fucking meme magic.

Can we make cute girls the standard brand Logo's of the future?

The world would be a much better place with more cute 2D waifus.

All this sexualization of wendychan


Making anime real was our goal the whole time

On the one hand, he draws black cuck porn. On the other hand, the music playing in that video is Xurious.

The problem with these memes is that they're not inspired. They're just slapping the swastika on the Wendy's girl, it's Holla Forums tier memetics.

Git gud faggots


Who cares? We're just using their campaign, you dont have to marry the owner for fucks sake.

This is the future we chose, and it's glorious. Meme and tear the fabric of reality, until it's done.

At this point Im not sure you lads are even joking or if it can actually be done for the autist I mean if its possible to make anime real. What a time to be alive


Someone more skilled please take this and run with it ;__;

Anime will become real. It will start with augmented reality and then waifu-bots.

Oh the memes we will meme

Well fam we got a legendary twitter shitposter elected as president of burgerland.


What's the link to that guardian article? Or is it just a shop?

With the help of digits like yours, anything is possible. Anime is an idealistic art form, one that we'll channel into the aesthetics of the new world we're creating. Like Greek and Roman sculpture inspires beauty and positive traits, so too will anime.

Wendy's is the white man's fast food


Fuck I didn't check those digits.


And your digits to, Anonfama.

I'll just have to check everyone's sweet dubs

Fixed the fucky shoulders

I hope it comes to fruition before my death so I can know my life was one worth living. I believe our generation will be envied by the future generations.

Checking yours

anyone else notice those nipz?

frogit hwhite space. le mspaintz

"That ain´t chicken!"

pepe long stocking?

its a meme that started because the guy(s) who handle Wendy's twitter tweeted a Wendy's Pepe and tweets some pretty top tier pants. The posts are on par with an autistic Aussie shitposter so we naturally enjoyed it.

Wendy's removed the Pepe it posted an apologized because it was recognized as a hate symbol by the ADL and what not.

I'm OK at drawing, I might try pumping out some OC if these
Wendy's memes becomes a thing.

Ive been lurking here forever and even I don't remember this. I stopped coming here frequently around election time though, not sure when this shit started but yeah. Its possible I seen this but just didn't pay attention to it.

Pls do make OC

new balance took a hit in sales after they came out supporting trump, if Wendy's has had an increase in sales its probably due to the bants appealing to norms more so than the Pepe it posted.


You're fucking amazing user.

Really? I remember the opposite happenign.

Dina, is that you?

Remember, it's the Modern and Progressive Burger Comapny!
>tfw even the twitter commies laugh at that


It's not supposed to say mom, ity just ended up looking that way.


I haven't read that much into it and the (((sources))) aren't all that credible so I could definitely be wrong. I would like to see some actual numbers but too lazy to actually look into it. If its true that their sales numbers actually took a hit I think that reaffirms the increase in Wendy's sales aren't from us or because they posted a Pepe. Its from normies who just enjoy the Bants and memes.

In other words, meme magic.

Nope, that artist also works for shad. they brainstormed the pic together.

There's no way Wendy's doesn't uses frozen meat too, the logistics of unfrozen patties would be a nightmare.

Also Shad was in the Swiss army, so if push comes to shove he'd be a certified killing machine.

Ride the tiger brah

Y-you too… baka!

Maybe they should start redistributing burgers for free.

What is 4cuck doing here?

nothing wrong with brands if they're pro white


He was? Well damn.

I'm thinking center-right pro-trump memes, have them disseminated on cuckchan, where they'll find their way onto r/the_donald, and wait a bit, then roll out the natsoc memes 2-3 weeks later, that way the normie version will have been around long enough to be around, and the natsoc memes will be what the msm jumps on.

Anything can be a new pepe if we rig it.

The one over here is packed with whites and business is still booming. Haven't seen a nigger in there since about 5 months ago.

The left really hates gingers in particular. I don't understand why.

Because they're the whitest?

Pumping out OC was how these Wendy's memes became a thing user

Don't even do it for the redpills. Do it for lulz. lulz are already red-pilled when you think about it. And they're a lot less forced.

Yeah, gingers and blondes. Sigmund Freud didn't like the blondes. He looked forward to the "tow heads" going extinct. Blonde and ginger are almost uniquely caucasian features so they get singled out the most for anti-white hatred.

Pureblooded jews have brown hairs from Khazaria, but only filthy shiksas have red and blonde hairs goy!

Quick shitty edit I bumped out

Holy fuck, please do this.

Remember that retard who said, "if it's used as a nazi symbol, it is a nazi symbol?" Make Wendy a "nazi symbol." Along with everything else. Make these fucking idiots confront Wendy's over this retarded shit and look like paranoid maniacs once again.

Most recessive White appearance gene. If it wasn't for potatoniggers they would be like double Aryans.


Thanks for your support, Shad.
Things will get bloody. We are counting on you.

Interesting times. The most compelling thing is that so many anons have independently come to this way of thinking. The hive mind is speaking.

But augmented reality and robo-waifus are only a half-way point, a foreshadowing. Eventually we will lay those technologies aside. The universe itself is 2 dimensional. Once the physics of this is fully understood we will translate reality itself into anime.

Wendy is just a piece of an huge (((iceberg))).

You have no idea about our influence worldwide. I Can tell because I'm not american nor european.

I'm surprised they didn't shutted us down yet.

And all we wanted was to be left alone


They're closeted Reifags

From Wikipedia, Wendy means "white" or "holy"

It's like a monomeme, it all condenses into one ultimate metameme

Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that.

I'd main Colonel Sanders, but only because Moonman isn't available.



Who are the oven mit and the noid?

We've sure come a long way.

Oven Mitt is Arby's mascot.

The Noid is an ancient Domino's pizza mascot.

Kek. Thank you Wendy-chan!

Why do the left hate anime so much? Why don't they like nice things?

Can… can I at least be called Red Beard on tdor?

Went ahead and removed all the bullshit from this image.

Blonde hair, red hair, and green/blue eyes are almost exclusively white features. So yes, the kikes hate them.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Being laughed at by women is universally mortifying. Being demeaned by a smug expression is unnerving. But for them its worse.

Women, and by extension their beta-cuckolded mangina slaves, have a hatred of anything pure, womanly, and girIy because it directly provokes their insecurities, most notably their failure to thrive as a female. Feminists denounce what's pure and
womanly by insinuating that being pure and womanly reinforces toxic patriarchal conformities, and other regurgitated tripe they learned in women's studies. And they do this because they constantly need the affirmation that their choice to fail as a woman somehow possesses merit.

Smug anime girls are deadly when weaponized against them because it affects them on a non-verbal, psychological, and ideological level. It instantly provokes them on many layers of their psyche. An idealized caricature of a female wearing an expression that denotes incredible self-worth and extreme derogation of their viewer couldn’t possibly be a more effective psychological weapon on their frail hyper-vulnerable minds.


I was crushing on this actress long before this. Redheads are my cryptonite. Last I looked she was already wifed.



It was not a hivemind. I posted the old screencap to show that this user actually took the time to type out a copy of the entire post instead of simply posting the cap

am I really the only person here who saves copypastas as text?

user, you’re a man after my own heart. Who the FUCK saves images of text?! You can’t SEARCH that. You can’t reference it. You can’t do research with it. And if you try to post said image on some other site, you’ll get dismissed with a genetic fallacy because “it’s from 4chan lol u wrong now”. But if you have the TEXT of it, people take you seriously. Particularly if you have all the citations as clickable links for them.

Pic related, my collection. Sorted, categorized, and text formatted. Great for redpilling.

We have IDs you know, differentfag.

I said I posted a screencap and my ID has not changed.

Good idea and neatly organized. I should not have doubted you, user

Use >>>/hydrus/ user. WAY better for organizing your files. It's high time that someone rethinks the conventional file-system and gives it an upgrade.

we used the tools at our disposal, user. we are the end-bringers, the harbingers of finality. We create so that what is, will eventually cease to be.

i can't wait to see what happens next

Now that is some serious autism.

We shitposted so hard that reality has surpassed the absurdity of onion articles.

George Wallace considered having the original Colonel Sanders be his VP candidate when he ran for president.

Five Guys only uses refrigerated beef; but they don't have nearly the amount of locations as Wendy's does, nor menu selection and price.

five guys is god tier, they also give you so many fries that one order is enough for two

Hey guys, Mark here. We lost your contact and payment information for this campaign. Please write [email protected]/* */ with the info plus the original offer ID and they'll forward everything to us. Looks like you did a good job, by the way. Cheers! :)


5 guys is great, but its so god damn greasy sometimes.

yeah, i haven't eaten it in almost a year because i feel like a fatass afterwards

i wish i was a paid shill instead of a neet


Because of the Hibernian conspiracy actually being real, but out of the Irish being nega-kikes attempting to take over the world for good like how Andrew Jackson fucked over the bank.

So, like, what's the best thing on their menu?

dont get a chicken entree
they taste strange compared to other chicken, and i read on Holla Forums not 4 months ago that their chicken has soy in it

I thought it was Subway with the soy chicken?

maybe i heard wrong
just get a number 1 or 2 or a baconator

So what? They use peanut oil, user. Peanuts are peas, not nuts, so you're basically eating vegetable oil.

What ancient Egyptian god is she compared to this time?

How about we mix it up and go for a Roman one, Salacia? Goddess of salt water.

Goddess trips, Nice. (sounds like a fine idea to me).


But why salt water?


Let's give this a shot.

Are we onto something here?

Meant to say Damkina

Saint Wendy! Gimme my tendies!

oh look, a redditor.

found thiz on jewlge by accident.




Any pics of her as an adult?


She looks like one of the Kanker sisters in that photo.

Mr. Shadman, bring me your memes
Bring me the cutest waifu I've ever seen
That thinks Hitler is supreme
Oh Mr Shadman bring me that meme

demand sause


What's next, clapping is racist?


It's triggering, please snap!

As requested.

It's literally based on Dave Thomas' daughter Wendy when she was younger, you cunt-flapjack.

That's a funny way of saying "post more lewd redheads," user.


this isn't the first time we've subverted a meme faggot

She grew up like you'd expect someone eating hamburgers to look.

One of Enki's daughters

Could Wallace count on you, in '72?
Alt. reality: Why switch Dicks in the middle of a screw? Vote for Nixon, '72.

looks like a trap also try cookout if you ever get out to NC, it's way better than wendys

does anyone have all the wendy's tweets? did they actually say this stuff?

what happened


kekked too hard for such a stupid joke

it's really shitty that the last pic's text is considered hateful these days

ann coulter is alright

that's what mine look like, there's nothing wrong with them

wew that's exactly my hair colour



forgot to add this one

What the actual fuck?

Hi Zoe!



Trips confirm Wendy is probably the Goddess of salt water.

Leftist tears = salt water

Do nips really eat KFC on Christmas?

The chili tastes good, all their regular burgers taste good, nice and juicy. And having a chocolate frosty is a must.


Don't worry user back then they actually meant Justice, not whatever makes people feel good about themselves.


Now I understand why they hate me. I got redhair and green eyes, it is starting to make sense,

Average drawfag here, nearly finished with this.

Any suggestions for a thread related Wendy's. No lewdies, I'm not good at anatomy and tits.


Wendy gassing Ronald while making a hamburger related pun.

Here you go. Use it wisely.

Change the last sentence to That is the secret recipe of wendy's

You know the rules.

"Shut the McFuck Up."

"I like mine well done."

I have a ginger beard, so I can make ginger kids.

I'm also a ginger.

Because blonde/red hair and green/blue eyes are pretty much exclusively white physical traits.

Although some Afghans, Persians, Nepalese Indians, and mixed races can get blue/green eyes.

I distinctly remember some sjw event where people were told not to clap because the loud noise was scary.

T-then make her hold hands with pepe



Oh 8/pol/, how I miss the good ole days…

We had good ole days?

upload that shit user.

Someone Draw Wendy with resident Murrican Touhou, Clownpiece.

They're not actually made by shadman, it's some other cuck that he added to his website. But that still makes him responsible


She thicc can bare children through a harsh winter.

Kek is that Rei shooped to be Wendy? Here's best girl Wendy.

user, they were ALL originally white. You’ll still see flaming red hair among pureblood Aryans there.

these viral marketing campaigns are getting ridiculous


isn't that just dye

So when will Wendy's join forces with chick-fil-a?


Wasn't Chick-fil-a spelled differently before?


that's not misato



her calves are bigger than her torso


thats the point bro,

Always fresh, and never frozen.

i'm thinking we should also add some fresh "a e s t h e t i c" to help our memes spreed.


Spelled refrigerator wrong on the pic number 2.


This thread has my deepest approval


I have that same phone in that same case.



What are those bright green things?

What if I like KFC and Wendy's?



sauce of that song please. Someone tell me the name of that theme


Yes, when we were collectively fapping to Ebola-chan without goons pooping at our parties.

Freaking degenerate.

pretty sure it was chic-fil-a. i think that's one of those mandela effects people have been noticing after our universes merged or whatever the fuck happened

Can confirm. Not a burger, so the first time hearing of Chic-fil-a, I remember how weird I found the spelling. Even remember typing it as Chick and then having to correct myself.
I'm not big on the Mandela effect or whatever, but that fucked with me so much.

Absolutely perfect.

Fear not, brother.



Pictures of Wendy riding to war on a cow when?

Seems like the Wendy's Twitter replies to a whole bunch of people. If we fired up all our twatter accounts and constantly tweeted at them, they would be bound to reply to at least one of them. Then the media would freak out again just like they did with the Pepe tweet. Don't be too obvious with the content of the tweet though. Bait them into saying something that could be taken a different way.

Pic barely related.

Also, thank God they aren't doing this shit anymore.

Contribooting OC.

Christ, that is awful.

this will backfire completely, Holla Forums.

that's what happens when you try and replace aryan wendy with a kikess

breddy gud

just say knee socks you fuckin' weeb

checkin those wasted digits



heil wendy

fook m8, don't eat goyim chow. all well, better than mcdingle's i guess

the chair of the company that owns the wendy's brand (the wendy's company aka quality is our recipe llc) is chaired by a jew, nelson peltz. the former ceo of the wendy's company up to a few months ago is also a possible jew decide for yourself from the image and has ties to (((yum brands))). i dug this up months ago and yet the wendy's advertising firm gets you guys to do free work for them and not a single person detects something fishy going on here. any legitimate user here who made oc for this without doing even this surface level wikipedia digging should consider suicide.

Take what they've created and turn it against them

I bought a chicken sandwich combo today while I was out. They messed up my order though - gave me two vanilla frosties instead of one.

This is what happens when you let reddit in charge of your marketing.

Yeah? And the guy who created pepe created a special pepe for the Jews/supports the ADL and Isreal. So what? Just because the character(s)/element(s) of a meme are of the enemy, doesn't mean we can't use them.

Methinks the kikel doth protest too much.
Here's her Linkedin

I'd say no, don't let them have anything. Meme the Colonel as a racist old white dude and keep snatching the mascots away till they're afraid of fast food in general.



Although, to truly change that, one would have to deal with the xenoestrogen in the water. At least this would tackle some of the soy consumption.



I think Wendys is trying to play damage control on this.

A few days ago they released a new ad attacking subway in which a white woman is thinking to herself while looking at a nigger thinking "hes cute, why would he eat at a place like this"

Wendy the meme doesn't belong to them anymore, it has transcended the barrier

Got a link? I can't find it and want to replace the nigger with a pepe.

It seems so forced too

I swear that never gets old.


No, KFC was started in Utah by and for whites. Fuck niggers and commies for co-opting it.
maybe he can be nazbol/tankie

I said I would, just didn't know how awful it would turn out.

Sauce of image?


This is still so fucking funny.

Also more rule 34.

People get hot for wendy's steamy buns. :^)

The person controlling Wendy's twitter has to be an user.

Also I claim Wendy's girl for waifu.

We've always been shit.

Because they don't like being called a baka.

Baka shinji.

I'm a human parakeet.

Fucking faggot. You don't belong here.

Proves that internet memes are far more effective than mainstream advertising. Once you exchange a meme, it's like you're speaking that person's language.
That bond makes them feel more at home with the product.

Incredible. If only more companies saw this. The effectiveness of their advertising campaigns would increase significantly. The payoff from the cost of advertising (if they used meme advertising) would be significant.

And you wouldn't have boring ads anymore.
I've noticed sports have used this effectively. My local sporting clubs have increased in size this year. One sport that I watch has had increased viewership and attendance.

shadman is a dirty minded genius.

The guy that runs their twitter probably started the meme here.

He's a fucking genius.

She's definitely mutating into a character of sorts thanks to memes.

Why don't shills have fun?

Damn, Wendy is fucking hot how did I never notice this before?

Reminder that Zyklon B was used for delousing. Jews didn't just live in ghettos. They invented them.

As if the Cintiq 12HD isn't expensive enough. 24HD cost me a fortune . I can only dig into cheap intuos ones.

What the fuck? Why?

Is it bad that I actually ship Moon Man and Wendy?

If they are not anti-White why should we bother?

Damn, Wendy really is a saint. Reality and the thought sphere are truly merging.

perhaps you were just too young to appreciate her beauty?

The picture does strange things to me user

go back to tumblr.

pepe is not advertising a specific chain of jew owned restraunts presumably in the hopes of getting people to purchase food there. the fact you cant tell the difference between some guy's dumb frog cartoon which was changed to look almost nothing like the original, to an identifiable trademark icon that everyone knows about with no unique identity of its own shows that you're either an idiot or actively attempting subversion. just look at all the posts in this thread of people going "yeah i got a sandwich at wendy's today, so good!" "i used to go to the wendy's down the street all the time, great food" bullshit and try and honestly tell me that you're just "subverting" the brand. who gives a fuck if you dress ronald mcdonald in a nazi outfit or whatever, you know what a normalfag's gunna think when they see that? "wow the guy who drew that is fucked up. you know mcdonalds sounds kinda good actually, i could kinda go for some chicken nuggets right now…" and what the fuck did you accomplish from that? assuming you're an user and not paid, the idiocy that stems from these threads and people like you is baffling. my only wish is that threads stayed hidden between browser resets so i wouldnt feel obligated to come back and give you a (you).

If anyone cares that
goes back to the 80's.

This beard is likely just dye. They have some ancient oral tradition that Mohammed was a ginger, so they see having that beard as holy. They dye it on purpose.
Otherwise, yes, it was originally whites in those regions.


The memes are bringing forth the Aryan Meal

>Some of Wendy's fresh, never frozen beef even though I still firmly believe all fast food is trash and you should just make your own burgers

What next?

I never understood why you burgers do this. Doesn't that give you indigestion or diarrhea?

After meeting the real "Wendy" (Dave's daughter Melinda Lou), I can feel only revulsion and disgust for the avatar. Enjoy the magic while it lasts, boys.

Mandela effect:
Wendy NEVER had braids.
Oh im sorry you REMEMBER her having braids? You prolly "remember" kit-kat having a dash, or lucy being married to desi arNEZ not desi arNAZ; or frebreeze or many other things…. Yeah none of them true…
We died in2012.
This world is a rewritten copy a simulation containing errors.
Just youtube mandela effect top 100.
In a way we are just a hologram simulation memorial video on a huge scale.

Not for whites, way to out yourself you lactose intolerant mong.

a fresh wendy OC for you faggots

So Lain is real?

Sorry, always remembered her with braids.

Interesting. Im an oldfag. Like (many) that are ackchualy old. 40s.
Funny thing is despite having a very early computer ani degree (not even real and a waste.), im not a huge anime fan. Honestly I should be. I worked with digital anvil and fuck early shit like crash b and various "aclaim" titles… Its crazy i SHOULD be a crazy anime freak but i became a degenerate criminal. A drug dealing, processional party throwing bdsm freak that was investigated for three deaths and rumors so crazy they dont just strain credulity they beat it to death.
I lived with two fetish model/ stripper/ whores at a time. I had custom cages in my bedroom of my 100+yo house/illegal club… Blah blah…
Look i could "prove" this but some may already know.
I fell off.
Became a literally homeless bum.
(Due to many circumstances)
But rebuilt.
I missed much of the anime stuff but, fuck, looking back there is so much overlap.
Is this real? I doubt it. Does this mean this ex gothy faggot drug dealer shouldn't fight for the good fight? I know ill never have a place at the table; im a childless degenerate; everything the jew wanted even being an actor; but idk maybe its a cosmic joke but ill fight for you. And in the end crawl into the oven and shut that door.

She literally never had red braids. That memory is of a different world. Please youtube mandela effect

Thank you user. An ally is an ally as long as they aren't a backstabbing kike.I see you realize the err in your ways. I wasted 3 years of my life smoking weed and dropped out of the CS program in college when I realized it was all Saudis, gooks and pajeets teaching the courses . Luckily I caught myself early and am young enough to where I see a path to progenating Aryan children.

It's like he (45c973) doesn't even understand how Meme Magic is born.

Why the hell would it?


I bet you hate cilantro too, you genetic fuck up

There must be a full video out there

>50% meat
>88.5% chicken DNA
Now I'm no paleontologist, but I don't see how say the DNA percentile of the chicken can be less than 100%, obviously if they test chicken it's going to be chicken, but if there are other ingredients then those will also have their own percentile. It seems intentionally misleading for them to say the product's overall DNA percentile was >100% when they should be saying the product itself is >100% chicken, at they said with the subway findings the chicken was mixed with soy, ergo the product was >50% chicken and mostly soy.

Nigger, you’re illiterate.

NationalSocialist Ginger Death Squads
Checking these sick motherfucking dubs

we did it lads

Also this is going to be a test.

Either Wendy's will now nuke their twitter and distance themselves from the meme
Or they'll continue and not listen to the screeching leftist fucktards.



its fake


this is dogshit

It is, chinklover

Fucking this.

Wendy's is an american fucking icon, and the fact that Holla Forums is supporting this Jap/Weeb bastardization is utterly disgusting and flabbergasting


somebody draw Wendy in a proper cute american style!

Please be specific I just found this

Nigger, you're on an imageboard that's a copy of an imageboard that's a copy of a Japanese imageboard that was set up as a bunker when THE Japanese textboard went down. That original US copy (which every fucking western imageboard pulled it's initial userbase from mind you) was created because some underage faggot from SA wanted to talk about anime.

Any suggestions before I finalize this?

Fuck, I forgot the image

Get a ref for those hands, user

Moonman seems a bit too hunch backed.

More athletic bodies. Longer, more muscular arms since they are supposed to kill dindus with their bare hands.

Maybe also a machine-gun, taser, knives and other nice things.



Maybe it should reflect that Wendy is Ebola-Chan and a background should have a few tools to make the meat.

For inspirational purposes.

I'll release it with a transparent background and a simple bg that I made so you can have fun with it.

Jennifer Lawrence is a baneposter?

I'm sorry I don't have much time, will probably continue later on. Thanks guys.

Trips of truth right there.

I like it so far, Wendy here is more western cartoonish or classic Disney instead of pure animu, yet still retains the smugness (if not enhanced) smug animu grills are known for.
Also, nice boob grab thar.

It's not her anymore, does it even look like her? Wendy is OURS now. Just like Pepe.

3DPD will always be PD.

2D is love.

2D is life.

Not if they're holograms user.

Looks like the nips are taking memes to the next level. If you want to REALLY meme this bitch to infinity then get your ass a Gatebox. I'm pretty sure they let you customize. How hard can it be?

Make it happen, you inglorious bastards.

here you go


Thanks, I mostly lean on cartoonish/comical style than bug-eyed animoos although I do have some influence on animoo when I draw stuff.

But seriously, I prefer reasonable proportions.


It's the beginning of a new file format where you can post AI avatars instead of just images & videos. Then the avatars will even add their own posts to the thread and take part in the discussion.

That's pretty great.



All yours


some good OC in this thread.


non jpg version


lol shit I didn't realize the resolution was fucked, i'm a blind nigger, found another version anyway, not so fucked up



you have good taste in CRTs though

Nice Cyberghost IP you got there user. I too live in Iceland

I was in America a few months ago and went to Wendy's. Everyone working there was black. This wasn't even a big city or anything. Fuck Wendy's. It was worse than McDonalds. Chic-fil-a is best, I wish they had it in other countries.

what is that?


It was worth 3 attempts user.

Nice user ice IP you got there ghost. I too live in Cyberland

I love freckled tits. I would even fuck a fat girl for it if I had to.

She looks like a rather pleasant acquaintance

fucking heretic

fucking savage


What the fuck, faggot.

I think we have a new name for this: Wendere



but it has blue eyes wat do?


That settles it.




Why does she have a Sharingan? Is Wendy capable of defeating Madara Uchiha?


BLUE eyes motherfucker! Plus someone needs to freckle her up a bit.

We soon got to start a new thread too

Requesting freckles.

How do you do fellow humans?

Did you drink your daily dose of 100% white milk today anons?

The undisputed queen of Zyklon B,
She loves her volk, you and me.
Working hard with her oven crew,
Wendy chirped: "Gas a kike? Why not two!"

Sure, it might not work as fast,
but by this time, it's the canonical gas.
This bitch is Kek's, and she is taken,
With one smug look, she leaves the Jews shaken.

"Oy vey, our corporate mascot!"
Before they know it, at their door a knock:
She's had enough, here comes Kristalnacht,
Too late kike: The oven doors are locked.

In the white ethnostate women must be dressed cute again, we see in the current day what happens when you let jews and sodomites design women's fashion.

yea user… your not but I am a degenerate race mixer

Is it wrong to tell shills how the site works?

Thank you! PNG too, nice!

One of us, one of us!


It means no stupid ugly weebshit


Someone gimmie a version with the Battle Flag, and a picture of Robert E. Lee instead.

Are you also bald?
Fuck fat?

Still not eating fast food tho.

the jew fears the samurai


This has potential, bumping.

Lurk moar, goonie.

not bad


Nigger tier herb tbh, true Aryan ice-cream is flavored with honey and nectar.