Curious about nazbols

so with all the talk of nazbols here i actually have to wonder

what the fuck is national bolshevism ?

is it nazism mixed with stalinism ?

strassserism mixed with stalinism ?

why do so many people hate this ideology ?

whats the difference between national bolsheviks and just plain old stalinists ?

do nazbols take more from nazism or communism ?

what's their stance on jews ?

what's their stance anarchists ?

can they see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch ?

i'm just curious since usually when i ask "what the fuck is a nazbol ?" i just get memes in response

Other urls found in this thread: Limonov Preparata/Conjuring Hitler - How Britain and America made the Third Reich.pdf

Pretty sure most of those who use that flag are Asserists/turdpositionist but nazbols are the closest to that

Btw, where can one read about nazbol theory?

ex nazbol here.
its all memes. nazbols are just really really edgy tankies who like nazi and fascist aesthetic. tankies hate the rich, nazis hate the jews, nazbols consider the rich jews to be the root of all problems, there are nazbols who want to eliminate the rich non-jews along with the rich jews, and there are ones who wish to eliminate all jews but leave the rich aryan, basically theres no solid ideology because its all edgy memes of kids who are smart enough to not be classcucks but dumb enough to fall for the redpill meme.

i dont even get the recent surge in nazbols on Holla Forums but i'd imagine its because most of them are no different from nazis aside from being slightly class conscious, they spout their bullshit racial theory rhetoric that has no relevance whatsoever.

theyre basically the polar opposite of anarchists.

you just got to watch a few thulean perspective/vargs vilkenes videos and browse fringe turd position forums, and maybe some 20 people google + page at least thats how i got my """"""""""theory""""""""""

this is the one redeeming this about them, they do because most are children

A meme ideology made aby a butthurt russion nazi

In practice yes, in theory its more complicated


Western nazolbols are racist first and leftist second and they will never reconciliate with us because we're too brown for their taste

Racism, at least in the west, dunno about the russian ones



This is also truth, the nazbol thread that was here last night was shilling for Hitler and Mosley while a real nazbol will be shilling for some one else.

I'm planning on reading the 4th politcal theory soon.

literally just stalanism

don't know why they don't just call themselves national stalanists tho
foutrth politcal theoryu


Most Nazbols I met online were 14 year old slavic Russiboos. Their reasoning was basically always this:

There's absolutely nothing of value about them. They have no theory at all, all they claim is theirs is taken from completely unrelated ideologies, from everything from Arab dictators, to weirdo ramblings from blogs.

Funny thing, I knew a Polish nazbol. When he read Mein Kampf and started to realize that Hitler really did not like slavs, he started to say that he must be German, because if he had 'inferior blood' he would not be able to relate to Mein Kampf. This is the mindset of these faggots.

You should see that latino nazis who insist genetic have nothing to do with physical apparence.

C'mon man. Any leftist worth his salt knows why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast cruch. It's because by simply saying "Do X know why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?" in their commercials, they reinforce in the minds of easily manipulable children, that CTC for those of us in the know is fucking based, regardless of how it actually tastes. Only normies, retards and nazbols think it's because of the cinnamon.

Reason why they associate themselves with Nazi images is because in their minds Nazis are anti-liberal, like they are. NazBols are authotarian leftists. They don't believe in liberal democracy.

Same reason Stalinists call themselves "Marxist-Leninists"; the word 'Bolshevik' gives them an air of legitimacy.

They don't believe in communism, either.

Most of them think socialism = capitalism when the gubbermint does things, too.

Limonov's party was mainly about mocking retards both on the left and on the right. They would take part in the neonazi parades. now, the nazis got so strong because the fall of the ussr opened the floodgates for the ethnic russian bydlos from the countriside surrounding moscow. now: the NBP would go there and, rather than shouting about killing the darkies and the jews they would demand providing a free russian citizenship to everyone in the former ussr (because it all belongs to mother russia). They also join stalinist parades praising both stalin and hitler. so, yeah: it were mostly 1990s students making fun of retards.

The Asserism bullshit surrounding the NBP developed out of a kremlin project to mar it.

like NSK it developed out of late 1980s memes footing on the arch-deep insight on how le_totalitarianism and, therefore, communism=fascism. originally it was meant to troll the Yugoslav and the Soviet establishment.
it's not an ism, you nilly-willy suck-a-thumb.
ideas? it is a lelelology. i guess the pics were picked up by poltard trolls with no idea what it has been originally about.
originally the NBP was meant to mock the plain old stalinists who, in their working class senility, came to include even very outspoken open antisemites such as Makashov.
suck your thumb.
look at pic related. look at it. this is vladimir linderman. he is a meme because he gives the baltic nato-loving neo-nazis aneurisms. and he managed to get delivered by the nato into a putinist prison because he pissed everybody off. pissing everyone off is what the party is about.
same as on all the other ists: they should never quit sucking their thumbs.

so the NBP was a parody party that became serious ?

An ideology for people who didn't think Nazism was edgy enough, but still have too many daddy issues to let go of those types of regimes.

sounds good tbh
i'd join them just for that

So they're not a memem party anymore?
what relationship do they have with Dungin?

Honestly it is meme ideology… as are all things in the Euro-centric voice of "socialism".

I mean hell, what are you going to do? Run away from reason and call yourself one of the 150 pokemon variants of anarchism?

Or maybe you'll just vote social democrat and throw what little money you make to B████ ██████.

Leftism is a joke in the developed areas of the world. I know a lot of Nazbols don't think this far ahead, but Stalin himself, and a lot of the left-leaning fascists like say Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, and Duterte all have a common algorithm in that:

Why do you think we spit on the images of Trotsky? It's not JUST to be an edgelord, it's Trotsky's model was very Euro-bias and apologized for the destructive history of America and all the other bourgeois states that exploit less developed countries.

Duterte as we speak is breaking relations with America and trying to rekindle a Filipino/Chinese alliance. For many years Filipinos and Chinese hated eachother, but Duterte realizes Filipinos would be so much better off as China's puppet over America's. This could be the start of a new USSR with The Philipines being the Cuban sugar factories of China so to speak. And you know Russia will side with China cause America's lost it's fucking mind and is actually considering nuclear warfare.

So a smart Nazbol is very much keeping up with the international politics going on, I even read CNBC stock markets daily to get some grasp of where political sympathies might be headed and what porky will do next.

Or… or I guess you could just claim socialism is free tranny surgeries and safe-spaces on Reddit where you ban 95% of the userbase because they said only two million Jews died in the holocaust. How brave and enlightened of you. You're TOTALLY not gulag-bait for that bullshit…

Stop posting anime characters to emphasis your points you fag

Limonov is just awesome. Limonov

Does anybody know any good modern Russian writers to recommend btw? All I got are Sorokin and Yarkevich, and they're both kinda shit to be honest.

Dugin broke with the nazbols in the late 90's, accused them of "revisionism"

Early Dugin can inform you on the more esoteric views of the nazbols though, here is an old website of his:

National capital does not exist. The nature of capital is
international. It ignores all obstacles to economic profit. Any
restrictions to freedom of markets are an obstacle to this profit. This
includes state, national, confessional, and other divisions. Fascism, which
misunderstood its own essence as far as the necessity to combine nationalism
specifically with socialism, fell victim to this monstrous, unforgivable
delusion. Nationalism cannot be market-based or liberal. This ideology
appeals to immaterial, collective, supereconomic life. Communal life is both
at the center of nationalism and at the center of socialism. Capitalism is
based on a radically different, irreconcilable position, the concept of
material profit, effectiveness, rationalization of the present, momentary,
objective world. Let us remember that early national-socialism was based on
a radically socialist, rigidly anti-bourgeois concept of Ernst Junger, the
Laborer, Der Arbeiter.
But it is completely unnecessary to constantly turn to German and
Italian experience. Contemporary Russian nationalism must rethink its own
historical experience. And, given a proper approach, it will become obvious
to us that the Soviet order, bolshevism, was indeed a consistent, finalized,
perfected expression of radical Russian national tendencies in the conditions
of a terrible and paradoxical twentieth century. Bolshevism in its very
essence, its deepest logic, its spirit was none other than
national-bolshevism. If we take a close look at the history of the Communist
Party, we will instantly see that no abstract internationalism ever existed
in its ranks. Ever since the times of the populists, "internationalism" was
understood to be an all-Eurasian, imperial, socialist nationalism, which
completely coincides with the universal, world-historical mission of the
Russian people, as a people carrying not so much the principle of blood,
ethnicity, but the principle of special spiritual and cultural ideal.
Russian nationalism has always been integrationist, superethnical, ethical,
and messianic. Not racial, not regionalistic, not local. Just like

Sounds good tbh. He has a point there, national capital can't be international.

The problem is this is ahistorical, it brushes aside how the CPSU created and controlled the comintern and, at least for a while, was seen as the vanguard of world revolution, how could it do that when "no abstract internationalism ever existed in its ranks"

So Dungin is the political equivalent of people who uses memes on their day to day conversations?

I think Dugin is kinda like the political equivalent of a mashup artist, he selectively borrows from left and right authors and mashes them in weird esoteric ways.

He's like /x/ meets Holla Forums meets /leftypl/ meets /fringe/ with just enough /christian/ as to not scare the normies.


Yeah, I had kinda forgotten about him ever since converting to full marxist, now I am actually having a blast rereading all of his old stuff.

But is he serious or is he memeing?

Oh he's serious, I mean he remains consistent, for instance even though he supports Putin out of pragmatism he also criticizes him calling him a liberal and so on, if he was a more disingenous thinker he would suck up to him but he doesn't.

I'm concerned in so many way now.
Can you imagine the kiddies that today are growing in Holla Forums memes taking them straight and moving forward as ideologues and critics?

Isn't the same here with all the spookposters and the bunker memes? The dialectic is in motion as they say.

lol meant to reply to

We're alright as long our memes don't remplace real arguments

Remember Socialism in One Country?
I'll take that as a yes.

Well, Nazbols are Natìonal Socialism in One Country.

My little brother has a friend at school whose Steam name is Le Meme King.

We are beyond fucked

memes are more powerful than theory

French National-Syndicalists were bro-tier.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't

The "4th" political spectrum.
They are both nationalistic, but more of stalinism imo
They shitpost a lot on Holla Forums
They like the look of Nazis and killing people they don't like
They hate them, but less then Nazis

You forgot him

Im not even gonna start, but let me just say the few respected people one might possibly consider "nazbol" have first and foremost a very different understanding of eurasian history from say…1890 to 1945

interestingly this revision of history has nothing to do with german camps, or any kind of "dey dindu nuffin" whatsoever, in fact it accuses everyone pretty equally. It also has very little to do with jews

the best most recent work on the topic is preparatas "conjuring hitler", a thick, well-sourced book that is beyond seminal.

someone here mentioned he is looking to read 4PT, skip that nonce for now and read preparata if you want some real a-ha moments.

The more someone already knows about ww1-2 the more they will get out of this book, but its a required read regardless if you want to understand what in the fuck is going on right now geopolitically, and its the first step Preparata/Conjuring Hitler - How Britain and America made the Third Reich.pdf

Sounds like a perfect ideology for a microscopic group of marginal people with below average intelligence and delusions of grandeur.

into the trash it goes

so what youre saying is youre a fucking retard that has never read a book on finance and the third reich, or even paid the slightest attention to the topic?

seriously this shit is common knowledge even without coming to the inevitable conclusions that preparata comes to, there is absolutely no denying that elements of US capital, the banking class, and more importantly the british oligarchy had a severe hard-on for hitler

the title of preparatas work is a little bit too clickbaitey for my taste, the actual book is a lot more nuanced with the underlying claim being that mainly the british did their damndest to foster a neo-reactionary movement in germany with the intent of pitting them against russia and drawing them into their own demise. When you analyze 1900-1945 through this lense, especially once he has basically proven that hitler was an unwitting agent of sorts, complete with his very own handler, things begin to make a little bit more sense

It in no way takes the blame away from germans or anything like that, this isnt about fucking identtity bullshit, its about understanding how realpolitik actually works and how insidious it is.

anyhow youre a fucking idiot, amazing how obvious that is from one sentence, I hope you know something about other topics you mong, in regards to this you need to shut the fuck up

who is this semen demon

eat shit and die already

The kremlin NBP could be recognized by them using foreign neonazi symbols (such as ss insignia, swastikas, sun wheels) and nazi quotations along with the Limonov party signs and by them trying very hard to prove they're legit nazis on all English speak fora. However: It was mostly a thing while Limonov was one of the leaders of antiputinist opposition during the electoral protests. I haven't seen them since.
At that time the actual NBP redubbed itself "Another Russia". Today there still are projects held by the old NBP under the old banners, such as a recent march for the annexation of the ENTIRE Ukraine.
It was an answer to the state media sentiment on how Sevastopol, Donetsk and Lugansk were "Russian cities": They would go on dubbing all the OTHER cities in the Ukraine, even those where they speak Ukrainian, "Russian".
It was a success in that they incurred the wrath of both the Moscow authorities and the Ukrainian media.

They have always been "serious". A lot of their protests got them prison terms. For instance: they stormed the ministry for healthcare while Putin was abolishing the benefits for elderly Russians. What's the point of it? Lulz. Also, prison terms. They tried to ship grenades and kalashnikovs for an "armed insurrection" in the Russian speaking regions of Kazakhstan! You see, to Russia Kazakhstan already IS what Puerto Rico is to the United States and it is completely unthinkable for the Kremlin to ever utter a word about the rights of Russians in Kazakhstan. But the NBP mounts on a project which pretends to do the exact thing as Putin, but which, of course, will just result in lulz and in prison terms. Imagine a bunch of Americans going to Kuwait or the Arab Emirates to "deal with the Al Qaeda and ISIS"! Imagine them building a drone to take out some American businessmen for having deals with the Bin Laden family. It's what the NBP is doing in Russia.

Dugin started out exactly the same as Limonov, basically mocking the Soviet state ideology with ad Hitlerums and ad Absurdums but he later realized there was a demand for smart people like him in the New Russian establishment and he went on first to found a different project, the "Eurasianist party" (basically the same as NBP but pro- instead of anti-government), which naturally failed because nobody wants to do an outrageous protest for the government or, say, against it's foreign enemies. So he would go on doing patriot journalism and after Yeltsin was gone and Putin needed some support against a cultural establishment consisting entirely of former communists and former liberal dissidents. So he promoted that son-of-a-bitch into a professor and a kremlin advisor with the excuse that the united states do have their Samuel P. Huntingtons as well, who are just as bananas as Dugin.
Dugin's lectures are hilarious in that he lifts the old memes onto an academic level. So instead of funny posters and outrageous actions you get mixtures of Stalin, Thucydides, Carl Schmitt, Karl Marx and Helena Blavatsky dumped onto a hundred of students each year.
Educated Russians consider Dugin a tool and a jerk whereas Limonov is seen as an amusing diversion. The following for Dugin outside of Russia (like Turkey, Serbia, Brazil) is a mystery to me. I guess he gets some kicks from getting blowjobs out of foreign rightwing jerks for his credentials in the Muscow court and academia.

This just gets weirder and weirder, I don't know what is serious and what is shitposting anymore

I can confirm this guy knows what he's talking about, or at least knows someone who does.

I am friends with an ex- NazBol, and according to him:

They were never neo-nazi. The party was started by artists and all the imagery is designed to provoke. The governent started refering to all neo-nazi crimes as "NazBol" crimes and this is where that confusion came from.

The guy I know had to flee Russia to avoid a lengthy prison sentence, and has some crazy stories. He's very eccentric, not at all facist(painted nails, pink hair, gay, always saying provocative stuff to piss off americans) and would get stomped to death if NazBols were at all Fascist.


lul this is probably the best write-up of the whole dugin angle I think ive ever seen, and I say that as a collaborator of sorts.

I love the whole "putin betrayed the donbass we need to roll into ukraine" angle its so gloriously hueworthy on a variety of levels

as to why serbians are drawn to this well that should be kind of obvious

wew lad, someone is filled with impotent rage, why dont you go have a wank to calm down faggot

it's quite potent. be glad you're not near me

True. Dugin called the Party a "political art project".

oh thanks.

dat short hair qt tho


Yes. His name is Eduard Limonov

Depends entirely on what you like. If you wanna get a taste of contemporary day-to-day life in Russia there are the stories by Lyudmila Petrushevskaya and Lyudmila Ulitskaya. Zahar Prilepin is also a realist who writes about masculinity issues and other such triffles ( + he's a member of the NBP).
Viktor Pelevin is the Russian counterpart to Pynchon and Delillo. I guess he won't lose as much in translation as I guess does Sorokin. These are the short story writers. I'm not into novels. I'm yet to find one you don't have to force yourself to finish. BUT Alexander Terekhov I heard was all the rage amongst the literati a few years ago.
Do you have a goodreads account? Post it here. And if not, get one. That site would profit from a more vigorous left-leaning circlejerk. Besides, it's recommendations are pretty nice. It's based on the taste of the people who enjoyed and who hated the same books as yourself.

It's truly impressive that you managed to switch to an ideology even worth than NazBolism.

I undertood perfectly what user said its just that putting money on a meme ideology to make it a controlled opposition/support group is so outlandish.

Is like if shillary got elected and financed meme magic to make the conservatives seem bad but her own conservative policies be sound to the mass public

what are you even doing on leftypol?

How is the scenario I described entryist?

i am of komfuse


my gott, pure uncut ideology

Reminder that he literally wrote a book about him being a gay whore in New York and sleeping with niggers.

Who wants to join?

Holla Forums is the other way. as to his book: it's fine. It's better than dovlatov's. he sleeps with black prostitutes, black hoodlums and an affluent homosexual who happens to be into russian culture. all the while he is poet enough to describe every character in a lovable way. to me this book has solved many riddles about the post-colonial caste society of the americas. particularly entertaining was that the white leftist girl who did respect him a great lot still would absolutely refuse to have sex with him because welfare kings are something for old faggots and lower caste prostitutes. your political stance absolutely doesn't override your caste and class in the americas.
what's more limonov's own white lady, his former wife, has found a better lot than him because the americans value "white ladies". in the soviet union she was a skank who slept with poets. now she found she's a white lady.
This helps a lot to understand the discourse about priviledge which normally sounds bizarre to people from old europe.
the way he used the russian language is great, too. a literal translation of "make love" sounds a lot like "make a sandwitch". this expression has lost all connotations of this sort to the american ear but when you hear it afresh, in a different language, you realize how this expression came into existance: in the american society you had no time for poetry and romance. you quickly had to make some love, then get some sleep and shamble back into your job.
it's a decent condemnation of their world from a soviet perspective, ranking with "one-storied america" and the travel memoirs of mayakovsky; the best part with limonov is: it's all in his lens. he never has to get explicit if he wants to get his point across.
as I said: he does some poetry to people he involves in sexual encounters. what he liked about the blacks is that they were extremely similar to russians. what sets "americans" apart from other nations is all in the haughtiness of their white upper caste with it's awkward attempts to cling to bits and pieces of european culture (shown as well in Tarantino's Candy as in Limonov's ballet enthusiast New Yorker homosexual)
I wish woody allen would have the guts to make Limonov's book into a film. It is set in New York and provides a much more biting satire of the american society than anything I've read written by americans themselves. they're like a fish which cannot possibly receive a glimpse of their own bowl.