Macron calls for sanctions against Poland and Hungary


French centrist Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday France would push for European Union sanctions against Poland and Hungary if he is elected president, signalling he wanted to take the lead in defending the bloc’s democratic values.

Macron, a pro-EU candidate who topped the first round of voting in France’s two-part presidential election, is tipped to win a run-off against eurosceptic far-right leader Marine Le Pen on May 7.

He told several regional newspapers in an interview that he would pursue a tougher line with Poland and other countries which he believed were infringing EU principles.

“When the rights and values of the European Union are not respected, I want sanctions to be taken and possibly further actions if necessary including force,” he said.

Poland’s nationalist-minded government has been embroiled in a dispute with the EU for over a year after a series of reforms which according to Brussels weaken the independence of the judiciary and risk undermining democratic checks and balances.

The European Commission has so far stopped short of any further action, and is seeking the views of member states.

“In the three months after I’m elected, there will be a decision on Poland,” Macron was quoted as saying in an interview with several regional newspapers, including Ouest-France and the Voix du Nord.

“You cannot have a European Union which argues over every single decimal place on the issue of budgets with each country, and which, when you have an EU member which acts like Poland or Hungary on issues linked to universities and learning, or refugees, or fundamental values, decides to do nothing. In the new Europe I will build there is no room for the nationalism.”

Poland has come under fire for instance for refusing to host refugees under an EU-wide plan to alleviate the pressure on countries like Greece and Italy who have borne the brunt of arrivals.

Hungary has been strongly criticised over bills drafted by the right-wing government to tighten rules on non-governmental organisations and foreign universities.

Macron’s criticism of Warsaw comes a day after a row over plans to close a Whirlpool tumble-dryer factory in France as production shifts to Poland took centre-stage in the presidential campaign, with both candidates visiting the factory.

Macron alluded to the problem of social dumping - a hot-button issue in France, which refers to companies employing cheaper labour from other EU countries or moving production to lower-wage countries - though he added that he could not bring sanctions in that area.

“You cannot have a country that plays on the fiscal and social gaps in the European Union and which is infringing European principles,” Macron said. "The fascistic regime in Poland, which relies on nationalism, and authoritarianism and seeks to undermine the independence of the central bank, the army and the state institutions must be brought under control."

France’s place in Europe has turned into one of the central themes of the presidential campaign.

Le Pen, who is far behind Macron in opinion polls, says she would try to negotiate a radical overhaul of France’s EU membership during the first six months of her presidency and then hold a referendum on whether to quit the EU.

Macron, meanwhile, has sought to reinforce his credentials as a leader who would have a strong voice within Europe, as a defender of human rights for instance.

“It’s an issue that’s close to his heart,” Clement Beaune, Macron’s adviser on European affairs, told Reuters. “He’s saying: you cannot ask for there to be budget rules and very precise sanctions on that and then not do anything on more important issues like values.”

Beaune added that Macron was seeking to send a message of “strength and credibility” on European values to Russia, the United States and the rest of Europe.

Okie dokie, he’ll put the boot down on Poland and Hungary for not wanting to be subverted by meddling globalists nor wanting to be flooded by savages, he’ll kill their men if necessary. But what will he do for France?

Oh, nothing. He can kill another nations men because they don’t want their children raped by Saracens but he can’t stop a fridge factory moving.



KMS now

The idea that any white person would vote for this is completely batshit insane. Self-destructive. Unimaginably suicidal.

JEW polls

>… authoritarianism and seeks to undermine the independence of the central bank
Oy fucking VEY
Yes, shutting down a foreign George Soros University, oh the humanity

Le Pen MUST win for globalism to be defeated, don't let us down frogfriends.

we let niggers and muslims fuck us in the ass and ask for more, don't fuck with us!

It's like he gets $10 from Qatar every time someone puts on the hijab.

Quit pushing this bullshit.

It is from the article.

Is that the new word for far left?

He’s not even far left; he is a full-blown Rothschild’s plant and there is no debating it. One could debate whether is he even a plant when it’s as much as declared? This man has offered absolutely nothing to the French people, at least most candidates run on campaigns of false promises, not old Macron, he lets you know up front he is going to do his absolute upmost to have you either jobless or atomized by a Saracen.

>inb4 an actual polack assassinates macron


This is why Le Pen must win. Frogs, you have a duty to fulfill, as do all the meme magicians of Holla Forums. Victory must be ours, for we are all frogs.

He made his campaign on the 'no-left, no-right' bullshit look at this vid

Since the 1st round Macron keep ridiculing himself, Marine is winning his voters everyday. Everytime he shows up somewhere Marine does better than him. It really looks like the US elections with Hillary fucking everything. Marine recently did rallies and it was full of people in contrast to Macron who had to put black sheets to cover the emptyness, thats the same feeling as the anti-noise thingy they had at the convention for berniefags, do you remember ? I shit you not, it's like a déja-vu. look at the vid posted.

An important thing happened today she had a talk with Dupont-Aignan, a candidate that won 5% at the first round, and he told at the press and his voters to support Marine

Also important note is you have the two largest french internet presence, the commie candidate Mélenchon who has the largest and the Marine side (us and many others) the second largest. She called for the commie voters today in a video, we both have common goals and they already did helped Marine online with memes and shit.

now look at this vid

how can you be president with so much (fake) rage. People are fed up with his policies too, the 49-3, the economy…many things. He also shows no respect to the working class and they really don't want to see this faggot president. My feels says he's done unless ofc they give fake results or some shit, idk but anyways



& good luck Orban

I did not understand a single word of frogspeak, user.

I was reading an article about the French election on The Guardian earlier today; even THE GUARDIAN commenters were calling out Macron as a globalist bankster shill. They actually used the word shill.

Top fucking kek.

Nothing wrong with Realpolitik so long as it benefits your people first and foremost.

Fucking this.

I pray some brave Poles kill this fucker if he wins.

Where were you when the Nazis and commies fight side by side to kill the banking Jews before fighting each other for the future of the white race in France?


https: /


This is good, this is good, this is exactly the evidence we needed to bag the election.







SAVE Holla Forums!


France try to pull another Trianon on us…
Lesz még Párizs magyar falu köcsögök!


Can you believe that at one time us jews were really quite worried about what effect chan culture; Holla Forums especially, had on our move to total control of the West, but a few millions spent on astroturfing every thread with our wonderful jewish operatives and voila, almost every thread, every day shilling for every neo-con zionist jew puppet in politics


I'm just like you. I am saying we must exhaust ourselves campaigning for jewish controlled false nationalists like Le Pen, just you you are.
Amirite fellow goyims.

Remember stay away from real nationalism and stick to kosher frauds we jews and freemasons tell you to vote for, capiche goy?
Good, then we can work together jew and goy hand in hand to bring about the JWO with absolutely zero resistance to ZOG


Don't you have shops setup there frogs? Do you like hurting yourself? Sanctions will harm major EU countries. Maybe even more than Poland and Hungary that may turn to east.


This. Brits and burgers have done their part in striking a blow against globalism, now its the crappos turn.


Polfag voice:

(((They're))) scared.


They keep reiterating that fucking 'centrist' description. He's not fucking centrist. Its so forced

let them do it.fuck who cares. we can take it, maybe it would be even better for us since our truckers wouldnt need to drive throught blacklands

Every other word. They also force 'outsider' into every single description of the EU worshiping former investment banker.

I've noticed the French media talks about him the same way the "American" kikes talked about Mr. Glassberg.

Between immigrants, self loathing French people, and people who are scared to throw their vote behind a """""far""""-right candidate he has no reason to not be unabashed about what he is saying.

Macron and anyone associated with him are hereby declared the enemy of all whites.

Le Pen must win or Macron must die. Don't fuck up here. If you guys fuck up it'll be curtains for everyone.

Like flooding the continent with millions of "refugees"? I must've missed the part where this was put to a vote.


Every other party in France will vote for Macron before Le Pen. That's because they're all further to the left than Macron, and thus EVEN FURTHER to the left of Le Pen.

Do you think a west-slav block between Poland, Bohemia, and Slovakia would be possible?

If things get bad enough, yes. A fox is most dangerous when its backed into a corner. I think any nations willing to actually save their skin will start teaming up against the ones committing national suicide.

True, but if you think about it, it'd be better for the left if Le Pen won. With Macron it'll be more of the same and next election it will be the same, a bunch of people voting on the right because everything is shit, leftists having to settle for the situation again. With a Le Pen victory she'd damage the country according to leftist dogma (fewer criminals = apocalypse), and next elections far fewer people would rally behind the right, allowing a party further to the left to grab it. But instead they opt for the guaranteed defeat out of fear.

Your typical voter doesn't vote strategically like that. Remember that only a small minority of any population is high IQ. The majority of every population has average IQ or lower.

It's not about left and right, it's about globalists vs. peoples. Selling our countries to the highest buyer or protecting our peoples, our children and our heritage.
This is a discourse that works on the less brainwashed leftists, who definitely hate banks and EU more than slight racism (we won't build too many mosques and we wont bring in too many migrants, fair game, we can live with that for 5 years and suck 10000 more kms of Jamal dicks afterwardswhich won't happen since when you go natio, you don't go negro anymore).

Hey maltard.



I'm talking about the french masses you dunce, not the political elite. Regular people think and vote in terms of left and right. The fact that the elite are all on the same team is irrelevant in this context.

Get out of Paris you subhuman garbage. We in the countryside are lightyears ahead of you ideologically and politically, if we don't mow you to the last cuck it's because we actually care for our people. Eat shit you suprarectal farter bastard.

So if macron wins wull poland and hungary leave the eu?

What I am saying is true of people no matter where they live.

Parle Français juste pour voir à quel point tu maitrises la pensée politique du peuple Français ? Allez, fais pas ton timide mon chou, à moins que tu sois un putain de gros mytho jean-valjean ?!
De toute façon ce que tu dis est bidon, il n'y a que dans tes grandes villes tuméfiées par la gangrène cosmopolite qu'on trouve des bobos à la con comme toi pour parler des "masses populaires" et d'échiquier politique monodimensionnel gauche-droite. Le Français de souche parle de compatriote, de frère, de communauté. Il est parfaitement conscient que gauche ou droite, ils sont tous pourris. Le combat idéologique a repris en vigueur avec Mélenchon, et c'est uniquement entre lui et Marine qu'il y aurait eu débat d'idées. Avec Macron, il n'y a pas de débat. L'électeur de gauche convaincu, celui qui croit en la lutte des classes, préférera voter pour une pseudo-protectionniste à l'eau tiède plutot que pour un putain de banquier pourri jusqu'à l'os.
Alors ferme ton cul espèce de tete de noeud, et va te noyer dans du sperme de migrant avant de m'adresser la parole. Putain de pseudo-intellectuel de jean-foutre salopard, tu serais un de ces mongoliens de royalistes que ça ne m'étonnerait pas.

There is a problem though…
It didn't work in the 1920s…

Whole different climate today.

Yet they still don't see that the foremost problem is the International Jew.

We need another pisludski

Not an argument.

Good. Watch the world burn. Bring marshmallows.

You're right, unfortunately. No real nationalist will ever be elected in the current european system, and kosher nationalists will never be a "stepping stone" to anything, because they're meant to be pressure valves. And that's exactly how they function, every single time.

I have a simpler, better, more elegant plan: Make Hungary great again!

So you're not French, yet you still react like those degenerate hipsters that only crawl in cosmopolitan cities.
The political spectrum isn't mono-dimensional you dense fuck, and we in France perfectly understood that 15 years ago. What kind of dysgenic halfbreed are you to not even grasp this god damned simple as fuck information ?

Time to pay up, plumbers and whores😃

We'll have to nuke Western Europe, sparing Britbongistan, if these niggers get into power. Then again, mudslimes will have destroyed it in a few years anyway.

He's from reddit.

I for one am looking forward our bank employee overlord

Still not an argument. 95% of people are morons with brains too insignificant to grasp anything more complex than fake one dimensional politics.


Oh. I thought it was just a newfag. Not used to debate with subhuman retarded dickshits. Sorry.
Here, have a hysterical Macron to make up for it.

Yeah, yeah, you discovered the 3rd position yesterday so everyone must be dumber than your former self.

I'd love to visit the French countryside sometime. I guess there's a good reason Varg decided to move there.

Notice how his eyes don't move

Social climbing is a hell off a drug.

I love how he pretends he's the president already.

Please tell me there's hope.


Did you forget the part where all the gibs they get goes directly to Jewish media and Marxist institutions? Way to fall for another Jewish trick.

Since you seem to like it, here. Have a nonsensical speech by Macron.

I don't know where this treehugger larpagan faggot guy lives, but the French rural countryside pretty much looks like what you'd expect.
Small villages surrounded by fields, forests and hedgerows, watched over by a small church and its weathercock-topped steeple.

Even the worst blackpill isn't deprived of hope. If we have to go dirty, we will. But as pure europeans, we will always try to find peaceful solutions before freaking out.

Sounds wonderful. But that's a gross mischaracterization of Varg, he's certainly no faggot given that he has five aryan children.

is beautiful but it will be ruined if fagboy gets in

Thanks for the webm

Come on, that was just half sarcastic. He's a good model, but he's not my type, that's all.

Nigger, I've been on Holla Forums since Holla Forums was /new/. Stick around long enough and you too will start to figure out that most people are idiots.

Get out of your mom's boyfriend's basement and talk to people outside, you'll start to figure out that you're a gigantic faggot.

Pic: Shock antiracist campaign French token negro.

If he actually wins, this is what we should push for. Hell, sanctions against the whole V4 for not wanting (((their))) dear globalism and rapefugees. Then, as soon as EU becomes detrimental to them, the whole V4 should break off and create a separate economic union.

Ethnic nationalism, nigger. Do you know what it is?

When the fuck did this meme start anyway? Let fucking Jews have a private, independent monopoly on printing your country's money? There's zero fucking point to having a goddamn government or goddamn elections or a joke of a democracy if you can't vote to do anything to the goddamn banks. And how the fuck is the fucking army independent? What the fuck is the government supposed to do?

I understand, I wasn't trying to get on your case or anything.

Jesus Mary and Joseph, they don't even HAVE the Klan in overseas. Do european liberals believe they're American or something? Do they want to be American? Because they often seem to confuse our history with theirs.

Sorry I omitted to show you the "person" responsible for this antiracist campaign.
Bonus: another shot at the token negro. And another one because "BAMBOULA" is my go-to word for niggers.

How is any of that centrist? Stalin himself could've said those words.

Sometimes I wonder if they're that retarded or if they really want the EU to fall apart. Anyone who's not a total fucking moron and is not completely ignorant about Poland knows that using force would only drive them away with crowds cheering on their nationalist leaders, and I can guarantee that the other V4 members would rather secede than participate in the merry European tradition of invading Poland.

Give me more examples than a generalization you don't even bother to back up with anecdote let alone facts or statistics, but wait you won't because you're a faggot shill.

So macaroon wants Poland and Hungary to leave the union too.

I say do it faggot!

Ronald Reagan was meant to be the Big White Hope in America, coming off a decade of stagflation and nigger chimpouts. He made a major speech in some tiny rural town called Philadelphia Mississippi, famous only for lynching a couple of uppity niggers. He dogwhistled for white racial awareness far more than Trump ever did, and in the end he carried out one of the biggest mass amnesty's of spics that our country has ever known. George W. Bush did much the same, allowing unrelenting spic migration as well as the nation's first large-scale refugee relocation (which started BEFORE the Iraq War). Cuckservatives and do-nothings constantly co-opt the racial grievances of white people in the Anglosphere and Europe, but you can delude yourself into thinking otherwise if you sincerely believe that voting will solve anything.


Top kek.




I thought this Soros servant was supposed to be 'centrist'.

You mean niggers from Africa are being recruited and transported into Europe by the EU's own fucking 'border security'. Even the UN admitted that less than 3% of these parasites are refugees fleeing from a war.

Whoever made that pic deserves the brausebad.

He's being lifted into the seat of power by Soros.

Even our local news (Dutch) report on how peculiar it is that this nobody can launch a massive campaign out of nowhere (lol Soros money) and how Le Pen is being blocked/censored on Google, Twitter, Youtube etc.


At this point that might actually be for the best of Europe. The entire West has been cancerfied by jewry and their Leftism. Gotta stop it somewhere.

muslim cancer

They can apply in Western countries as 'refugees'.

We'll just have to fix them up the old way

or this, they can be turned into shit dump reservations for mudniggers


A JEW RAT !! you vote for that shit stain you deserve all coming to you

soros and anyone that associates with him needs to die.

inb4 "t. fbi" I'm not fbi, but the fbi should know that if they don't oppose that fuckstain they're gonna have a date with the guns behind the blades of grass soon.

macron absolutely cannot win. fucking grandmas was enough of a red flag on his ability to make decisions, now he talks of using force on other countries that don't do what he wants? nah, pull out the guillotines again frogs. drop his head in front of the arc de triumph.

He knows right that doing that is just going to make the V4 leave the EU

Boys, spread the news about the poll rigging in favor of Macron

Chances are the fucktard doesn't even know the V4 exists.

Here's to hoping

It'd be very nice if he had a heart attack but I don't think we on Holla Forums have plans to kill him

Even more, they existed before WW2.


Yugoslavia had Tito, a dictator who unified the different peoples.
The EU only has threats of sanctions by alcoholics and pedophiles.

dubs confirm.

Why the fuck do you guys always have to remind me? Fuck.

muh po po fugees man :(

Check the article AND the archive for the words "nationalist", "fascist" and "nationalist". They're not there and were inserted by OP to create a false narrative, to rile us up.

After that OP posts an anti-Polish propaganda which gets BTFO, then dissappears without a trace.
My theory is that this post and thread was aimed at the few Pole haters here and make them think Macron is the good guy. But who knows, perhaps it is just random disinfo for the sake of disinfo.

ment to write "central bank" in the second instance of "nationalist".

I don't think there are too many pole haters here other than Holla Forums

Perhaps it is Holla Forums. There are times when Poland is discussed and some Prussia fag starts posting the same image and d&c non arguments. Pretty easy to spot when he does pop up.

Europe killing fun time again.

You sound like a 4-6-0-8.

Son of a fucking bitch. How many fucking avenues to WW3 are there now?

That obviously needs to change. Rev up the memes, anons.

We're supposed to call them /leftypone/ since the hackenning.

Worse than that, your average normie thinks if you don't vote for a major kike run party it's a wasted vote how the fuck is a vote wasted? You vote your conscience not as a sports team.

Eh, the image was pretty funny. Sounds Holla Forums as fuck now that you mention it as it speaks about invaders in a good light but pretty humorous noneof the less. Can't really be butthurt when reality couldn't be further away from all the shilling.

This faggot doesn't understand only thing stopping polxit is polish politicians not organizing it.
Yeah shit on all Poles by comparing nationalism to fascism. Like we haven't this discussion before here.

You shouldn't be for this guy even when you are pro-EU. He is reason EU will far apart.

Well we fucked over communism. We will most likely fuck over EU.
Also why the hell does Polish stereotype like Italian Jew?

Help Poland restore the commonwealth and Poland will help you correct the injustices of the treaty of Versailles.

That's a euphemism for invasion licence.
"Fuck off back to Mexico and stay there and we won't throw you in jail" could properly be called amnesty.

Who said there would be Muslims there?

He is going to win. Nothing can stop this.

Are you dumb nigger, I live there.

I will die before I let polish swine annex my fathers homeland

Dobra noc.

strewth, i forget how worked up eastern europoors get about their petty village squables

damy pusu kurwa :3

Topkek, what else is there to life? Your village-state is of mine.

your fathers homeland

not yours.

face it, you'll forever be of inferior stock

i live 1 km from the holy see.


Is there a language gayer than French, besides leaf French? Just hearing it, the saying "like penis fucking my ears", comes to mind.

This picture is so fucking stupid. "It's legal and they benefit from it in some ways, which means they should totally agree to having their ethnic population displaced and be ruled under another deadly Totalitarian regime. Checkmate Euroskeptards!"


Voting will never fix anything important. We need a total system crash, or more realistically, armed takeover and systematic killing of every non-far-right politician, every banker, and all of their friends.



Pray tell who will do this? You? The emasculated frenchfags?

Macron is a dead bitch.

The Jews did 120 million deaths during Communism and want to start a WWIII, time to put LePen in power and I hope Holla Forums participates in this RAID for the lulz.

Eh, no. The Poles are still cucked as fuck by the ubiquitous success propaganda in the media. Support for staying in EU is still well north of 80%.
We might be able to meme a polexit, but that will take years of hard memeing to wake up the populace to what is happening. Made easier by the fact that the jews are jewing in plain sight.
I suspect quite a few politicians do want to leave that marxist hellhole, but know that going public about it would be political suicide at this point. When the public opinion tide turns though… Let's make sure it does.


You're not building anything you kike puppet. You'll do what Merkel tells you like a good little cuck and that's the end of that.

Save yourselves French anons.

*and poland will proceed to hang onto all the german land and not give a thing in return

I wish Poland well and there are individual Poles who are great people (most are good as individuals, really), but only a fool trusts the Polish as a nation; their national character is arrogant and prone to backstabbing… something essentially jewish to it, probably rubbed off in the Commonwealth days where they had jews all over the place.

Talk to the average Pole and he's a decent fellow. Talk to the Polish as a whole, or to a Pole in the context of national relations, and they're gigantic cunts who hate their fellow whites.


So cuckchan's is /mlpol/ and Holla Forums is /leftypone/
Got it

I really want to believe.

Well if I had to be here because it was my job I'd be exhausted too. Lucky me that I come here for fun. Now post some more slave.


In France, there is no such thing as a wasted vote in the second round, since it's a run-off between two candidates.

But you're correct when it comes to America. Genuine leftists who voted third party or for Trump against Clinton had a good strategy. Just like we used to say "it's great that Romney lost, because we got Trump," they'll say "it's great Clinton lost, because now we have an antifa candidate."

The V4 countries all pull significantly more out of the EU piggy bank than they put in. I live in V4 and I love it here, but I'm not going to fool myself, Macron knows that he's got an easy prey by picking on Poland, which he's why he's doing it. Poland can't leave the EU because their greedy politicians need them Eurosheckels, and any threats of violence will be backed down to, the V4 armies are in a sorry state.
Macron is going to push PL into a corner and blackmail them into doing what he wants. The same goes for the other countries.
You might read these hilarious stories of Poland burning down gay pride statues, Czech Republic's president publicly joking that the Euro-cocksucking traitor prime minister should be mown down with a Kalashnikov or Slovakia's government allotting $1488 dollars in special aid to white families, but don't kid yourself, all four nations will back down eventually.

It depens on some factors, user. Random protests in '89 led to unexpected partial and then full collapse of the Soviet Union. I don't think people from V4 countries want rapefugees. Nobody I talk to in real life likes them or wants them. They are racially aware of shitskins being inferior faggots who kill and maim and we are talking about inhabitants of one of the major cities in the V4. Free money is great, but these countries are nearing the time limit where they will be expected to pay more into the fund than receive from it. Combine it with the shitskin cancer EU tries to impose on V4. Are people going to stand for this? Like I said, money is great, but do you want to see people exploded and beheaded for money you never see? All the roots of resistance and nationalism are already here. All you need is a proper awareness campaign for normalfags to connect the dots and at that point who knows? Maybe it V4 will really leave the EU.

I wish people would finally understand that Paris is just an African country at this point and stopped going there.

Why the fuck should we you idiot?


I really thought it was an anti-Macron thread until I saw your post. Anyway, I don't think any self-respecting Holla Forumsack got shilled by this. I didn't read tho I just shitposted along, sorry

ahahahaha, oh wow.jpg
i bet you believe 6 gazillion jews were gassed right off the train too