Millennial women are 'worried,' 'ashamed' of out-earning boyfriends and husbands

Millennial women are 'worried,' 'ashamed' of out-earning boyfriends and husbands

Is this the final 8D chess regarding wimmin? Throwing gibs at them so men feel cucked and 10/10 women catering around the 0.1% of rich chads? How to earn enough shekels to get a good women?

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They wanted to be strong, independent womyn. This is what they get. They know, they fucking KNOW at an instinctual level that they prefer men to have more resources than them, now what?

Now they'll play mental gymnastics 24/7 to justify that if they make more it's okay because that's being progressive, that's what a woman does in the 21st century!

Such fucking horseshit. They made their bed, now they can lie in it.

Good one.

A married woman should not be employed, she should be at home raising the children.

Chink women are a special kind of soulless husk.

Gook women really don't have any concept of shame. Everything is transactional with them.

See how they frame it in terms of muh poor womyn feeling guilty? like so-called "imposter syndrome" which is nothing but legitimate guilt over being given programming, scientific, technical positions on the back of affirmative action and which they are, compared to their male workmates, abysmally under-skilled
Yes, they do feel "guilty" and "ashamed" but not in the way they want you to believe, the "shame" comes from worrying what their friends, family and other potential mates will think of them when they SETTLED for a man of lower status than them.
Very bad for the sexual marketplace value and stifles hypergamy (the need to constantly switch partners to men of higher social and financial status.)

White women are NO different.
They just hide it better because being so functionally cold-hearted doesn't fit in with the narrative pushed on Western men, the fairy tale image of the divine feminine.

This is why women in the workplace is so damaging.

1) doubling the labor force by putting women into the mix results in lower wages. Simple supply and demand and labor.
2) women working instead of being at home means they're having and raising less children.
3) more women in the workplace means that less jobs for men, since they're going to women instead. However, it's much more socially acceptable for a woman to not have a job than it is for a man to not have a job.
3) Women are naturally predisposed toward wanting a man that's a "provider". This is all well and good in a society where most women stay home or only work part time secretarial jobs. But when women are competing for the same jobs as men, this causes a massive problem. You're a woman with a college education and you make good money. But you still have that natural instinct to want a man who provides (reads: brings home at least more than yourself). But if you already make good money yourself, this severely limits the pool of men that you want anything to do with.

Obv women have no shame. It's that they feel ashamed of their low-status boyfriends/husbands… hence the high divorce rates. They're hypergamous nature won't allow dating "down".

I fear there is no turning back, though. Women will just fight for the richest chads while actual good men stay behind, having to cope with a 4/10 gene pool and watch the spectacle from afar.

I made this experience myself. I always liked to live a frugal life, just earn enough to sustain myself and just buy things which I really need (4,000$ high tech shitpost machine), although I could score great jobs. No gf could understand this latent "underachieving" and my absent desire to consume, travel and buy expensive shit like shekel satan. Some women I dated blatantly told me that they want men to be the earners. Not just earners. They were hinting cautiously at lifestyles which would require me to be king of shekels (banking, high management - basically work for shekel lords).

It makes me sad, but I've come to terms with it

And people wonder why I hate women.

The problem women just don't get is that women need to understand is that you can either "marry up" or "work up" but not both. Just because you earn enough to move up in class doesn't mean you also get to marry into or up from there as well. They also don't seem to understand that the more money a man, the less important how much his partner earns matters. They're literally making themselves less appealing to the exact men they want.

Now? No. I've given up after trying online dating and seeing what my options were. No thanks to any of that.

That said I wish every single day for the people on this board, well, the ones who want to find a traditional, loyal housewife and start a family. I sincerely hope they find one who's not infected by the cultural BS that's infecting most women.


It's because they don't actually want to work, at least not "my whole life". Surprisingly women want men to take care of them and be "the man of the house". But if she's making more money than him, then she sees him as less of a man. She thinks to herself "I could do better" "I deserve better". And then sometime in her 40s she writes a blog about being a bitter, single, childless hag that nobody loves and how she should've never left him.

Mmmm. It's not about the statistics, it's about the agenda you try to promote with it. Careful with that and don't fall for that (((MGTOW))), anti-family, made-up bullshit cult, goyim.

I'm gunning for all you guys as well. Coming from the opposite end I'm just getting out of a bullshit relationship.

Back to reddit, and don't bother responding because you're already filtered.


The Frog God wants us to live happy productive lives for the lulz.

I find that beautiful and dark at the same time. Culture has devolved into such mindless hedonistic shit that it's actually funny as fuck to do the opposite and become hard-working, healthy men.

Oh how awful, having the systems of education and employment handed to you. Now your earning too much money! Boo hoo. Boo fucking hoo.

Aye, that's something I didn't really touch on, only implied.

Women, when sizing up men, judge based on things like wealth (and looks/personality/etc but I'm focusing on wealth here).
Men, however, don't give a single fuck about a woman's wealth or how much she makes or what her job is. But women don't understand this. They think that since THEY like a man with a good high-paying job, that men must view women the same way. But that's wrong. But in their minds, it HAS to be right. So when they're making 100k, they think that they are magically more attractive to men, even though men don't care about that. The woman now thinks she's a 9/10, even though she's really just a 5/10 with a good paycheck that the man really doesn't care about. She thinks she now "deserves" a handsome successful alpha male who also makes 6 figures. But this isn't so.

It's part of the reason you see so many of these "successful career women" as single, alone, childless cat ladies. They try to play it off by saying things like "hurr durr I'm soo about my job that I just don't have time for love. There are no good men anyway!" when in reality, their standards are just artificially high and their refusing to accept their true value in the sexual marketplace. They rather die alone than swallow their pride and face the fact that they're not as valuable to men as they think they are.

My profession is in healthcare, and I know a ton of "successful career women" who are just like this.

abechecked. Everything bad that is happening is because of hurt feelings and the pathological altruism of the higher evolved humans and their wish to not cause harm, even to our own women's feelings. I say higher evolved because this problem only exists in white countries. We are exploited by a pathological elite cult of speculators that are so entrenched in power that they can never be removed peacefully.

To be fair men don't want a woman that makes more than them either. Although our upper limit is probably higher than 5 grand in this day and age.

It's a matter of dignity and self-respect, biological even. Women who don't understand that don't understand not just themselves, but the men they're fucking. This has been the historical problem since feminism. Women make literally "ZERO' effort to understand the male behavior on a biological, physical, or emotional level.

The saying that they have a mind of a child is pretty damn accurate.

Needle meet haystack, I know.

Still, I can tell most users here want that traditional way of life, and I hope they have it. I hope they find that fucking needle in the haystack. Sometimes I regret that I stopped going to church but what's done is done.

Threads like these serve as a constant reminder of why I want to kill myself.

There's nothing wrong with being redpilled on women and understanding how their minds work.

The problem is that MGTOW, as in foregoing marriage and child-rearing, is antithetical to the 14 words, and you're just another flavor of bluepilled faggot if you think the solution to today's problems are to just build a shell around yourself and live as a hermit, wrapping in materialistic hedonism. It's no better than being the sluts on the cock carousel. It's two sides of the same problem.

Do you do therapy? Because I know that feel too well (I'm a guy though). Doing well in my job, but fuck, it's taxing

You need to change the laws first, you're not going to get the common young dude to walk into marriage anymore when they know what happens.

MGTOW is a symptom. Not a good symptom for the collective, but a symptom nonetheless.

pharmacist actually. don't want to say much more than that though

Fair enough.

Don't ever post it again.

absolutely. When I was young I was the cliche white knight. After a few reality checks I turned anti-women and after growing up, I stopped being sour at women. It is what it is. I have made my choice by rather living the life I want instead of painstakingly trying to shape myself into something I'm not, even if it shrinks my chances of finding a suitable women to almost 0%.

I just can't see myself spending my life chasing the shekel or larping muh own company just so I will end up having a golden tomb stone - we all die eventually. And leaving a small fortune to my kids, over which I won't have control beyond my death while the risk being high of them still turning into kike worshipping cunts isn't worth it.

with respect to "equal outcomes", yes they're the same. But, by other metrics, I would rank enclosing one's self to be better than indulging in lustful pleasures (especially with multiple people). I wonder if Hikaru-Genji syndrome will become a common thing or not. (At minimum you'd have to cuck the next or next-next generation out of their women).

Daily reminder Gen Z is the most redpilled generation since WW2.

the 14 words don't mean jack fucking shit with the women we have in today's society. I want whites to survive just as badly as the rest of us, but that doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to have one of these idiots give birth to MY children.

You're probably familiar with Varg right?

Every single time the idea of raising a family comes to mind, my immediate thought is "I'd have to be as far away from this culture as possible to raise them right," and am tempted to just go somewhere as rural as possible.

To me that's the only "safe" means of doing so.

Yeah its sad that these millennial whores are so degenerate, but Gen Z is rebelling against the POZ.

Kek, why don't you just have a wife's son while your at it?

I absolutely agree that MGTOW is a symptom of the problem. Another facet, if you will. But embracing nihilism is not the answer. If you're cognizant enough to see all of this and why it's happening, you should also have the fortitude to try to do your best in finding a decent wife and have children.

I am completed opposed to the idea of "dude just wait for the laws to change and then we can fix it".
Because that's simply not going to fucking happen. It's all part of the jew's plan to break down our traditions, stifle our fertility rates, and stamp us out from existence through mass immigration. I GUARANTEE that there will never be a point where all these shitty on workplace equality, no fault divorce, birth control, etc get reversed. These things will happen ONLY after there's a revolution, a civil war, and we take our country back by force.

In the mean time, you should still be trying to find a wife and have children. I don't care if it's an uphill battle. You have to try. If someone doesn't have the fortitude to try to find a good woman, they're sure as shit not going to contribute in the coming race war.

Falsehood in a sense. The probably are the "most", but although -1 > -2 > -3 >…, it is still < 0. tl;dr they are the "least worst". In particular, the present generation lives their life on the internet. FB, snapchat, Twitter, Youtube, etc. The indulge in the exchange of nudes with one another as well as relationship drama over FB (i.e. relationships hold little meaning still, they start and stop at the drop of a hat. "breaks" in a relationship and all that). Their world view, although no longer completely shaped by old media, is still not one that seeks truth and is easily influenced by the internet communities they join, be this the weebs, the tumblr users, the cuckchanners, the redditors, or the users.

Women making shit tons of money not always are ugly and often than not around 9/10 on the scale depending on the field they work in. The hottest ones in my experience are in banking, marketing and design - basically the jewish triangle. Those who don't earn much are still looking for a guy with all the cliche atributes + a huge income.

Out of personal experience, I've found, that the uglier they look the less they expect the men to be the shekel lord. Often because they know their own value but sometimes because they are geninely based but still buttfuck ugly

Mgtow are faggot betas playing pretend to be an alpha.
Hating women and treating them like objects isnt the goal here, its understanding their nature and acting accordingly

Side note:
I make more money than my gf and she said right to my face that she thinks its hot that I make more money than her.

Unfortunately this. I still see plenty of underage girls 16-17 on fucking birth control. I see fucktons of girls with those whoreish nostril piercings. "Generation Zyklon" is mostly just a meme. I mean, it might be true in certain ways, but I'm cynical.

I never said successful women aren't attractive. I was just using an average 5/10 woman as an example, to point out how in her mind, she's "worth" much more just because she has a good career.

But even then, the problem scales up. So if you have an attractive woman who's also making a ton of money. She doesn't just think herself a 9/10. She thinks herself a 9.99999999/10. See what I mean?

This is complete nonsense. If they didn't want to outearn, then they simply wouldn't. It's a smokescreen to prevent anyone asking about the White Woman Sex Strike Against White Genocide, which as they tell me is all they can do to keep going and why they have someone like me tell you so that they can continue their sex strike without having anyone try to persuade them to stop without actually putting an end to White Genocide–their actual purpose.

No, white women outearn because if they didn't earn a lot to be independent, then they might have to rely on white men while White Genocide continues unabated. Instead white women want White Genocide to be stopped, and they'll go on a sex strike, staying unattached while white fertility and white birthrates suffer, in order to make a point about how important it is for people to stop pushing White Genocide. Why do you think when Daddy tells them to go to college and then get a job, these white daughters listen, but when Daddy tells them to find a nice white man to make white babies with they disobey?

It's the White Women Sex Strike Against White Genocide #WWSSAWhiteGenocide.

Like the women who went on strike against alcohol in the 20th Century until they finally passed a law for Prohibition, "Lips That Touch Liquor Shall not Touch Mine" so they protest today against the laws of White Genocide. It might well be updated–: "Lips that Push White Genocide Shall Not Touch Mine."

Meanwhile in white societies, prestige and high status are given to people who push White Genocide by saying things like:

"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor


"There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states." - General Wesley Clark

Shit ain't real.

Having children with shitty, unfaithful, materialistic women just because they're white so they can raise your child with the same shitty values while you provide for them, and inevitably end up with a shitty child that will contribute to society's degeneracy and probably divorced, is not preferable because you're contributing to the same shitty broken families that are ruining society. We're not looking for quantity we're looking for quality.

Not at all. But that's not stopping most.
Where though? Where does one look for a wife?

Thanks for the defeatism, Dr.Blackpill.

He wouldn't be able to even if he tried, because white women are on a sex strike. See →


Speaking of statistics, it pisses me off how defeatist MGTOWs throw around the >50% number, or whatever it is now, for divorce rate.
I mean, divorces rates are too high, but they're not ACTUALLY that high. That number is just a very broad average rate. It's like when women cite the 77% wage gap shit. It's technically correct, but doesn't take into account all the variables.

The 50% divorce rate doesn't take into account time until divorce. You could have a marriage that lasts 40 years, but if it eventually ends in a divorce, its counted no differently than a marriage that ended 3 years in with an ugly battle fighting over custody of the baby. You also have to understand it includes repeat offenders. And there are fucktons of repeat offenders. People that get married and divorced like 3+ times, which totally skews the figures. Lastly, break it down by demographics. What age you're getting married at makes a huge difference as well. Early shotgun marriages and old-people-sham-marriages will throw things off too. And then just take into account all the retards who don't know what the fuck they're getting into, who pick a blatantly shit woman, etc etc etc

I actually don't know what the "real" divorce rate is for people that aren't complete screw-ups. But it's going to be a lot lower than the 50% figure touted around. I think people just cling onto the 50% number because they're defeatists and just want to have validation to give up. That's why they don't bother looking more into it.

Try finding one that isn't a shitty, unfaithful, materialistic whore you dummy.

I agree that the majority of women are degenerate sluts but there are plenty who aren't. I guarantee there is at least one decent women for each decent man.

I mean, that completely depends on your circumstances. There ARE good women in college. You're just not going to encounter them if the only place you look is at frat parties and bars. People tell me churches are good places (although my church doesn't have very many young people). It could just be wherever, just so long as the location isn't all about degeneracy.

But to really answer the question, you meet women in your friend circle. Finding the woman of your dreams by cold approaching some bar slut (or the library meme) is mostly bullshit, and it'll take a lot of failed attempts for that to ever work. Most people end up meeting women through friends and friend circles. If you don't have any friends, you're fucked.

I'll give you the dubs, but you imply that I was trying to blackpill. I was trying to tell you the truth. A fact is merely a fact. I leave it to your mind to process it as black, red, or blue (or brown).

I also hate how people throw the "white women mainly voted for Trump" thing when it was only 52% as if it was some grand majority (and those of the 52% weren't already married or just joined the bandwagon. For examples of the latter, look at the girls who dress likes sluts, i.e. do not reflect anything nationalistic/natsoc yet are "pro-Trump" etc.


I hate the average MGTOW fag as much as everyone else around here. Problem with MGTOW is that 99% is male feminism and basically 'I do what I want now xD #YOLO' instead REALLY put their free energy into something useful which benefits our cause or humanity as a whole. Watching anime, playing games and fapping 24/7 is not an efficient use of that freed energy of bypassing the female jew.

Fully. We also have this problem. I often than not found myself looking for a perfect fuckable specimen. I sometimes am ashamed of myself of skipping 5/10 girls, even though they are perfectly fine in their head. That's my personal curse. I can't bring myself to settle with an unattractive women, because I've tasted the forbidden fruit. It's not even porn or jewish propaganda which makes me do this. It's my natural taste. My only grudge is that in a past time I would have had better chances of raking in an good looking girl compared to our time.


not even close.

I agree with that. It's stupid to have a "winner take all mentality" towards this sort of thing, as if just because >50% of women voted for the right man, that this suddenly means it rounds up to 100% and white women are all based as fuck in their political views. Obviously that's not so.

But that's not really a problem, per se. Women are social creatures, more so then men. Women will ALWAYS toe the line of whatever the zeitgeist happens to be, and right now, the zeitgeist is liberalism. In a traditionalist society, women are strongly for traditionalism. In a degenerate society, women are strongly for degeneracy. They have a herd mentality because social ostracism is a figurative death sentence for a woman, and so she will generally side with whatever is deemed the most socially acceptable. And also, their natural affinity to want to follow the herd is taken advantage of by ZOG media, which puts out a false consensus and makes women think that the ZOG's agenda is the socially accepted norm, even when it actually isn't, and only appears that way due to monopoly over the media.

This is also why women tend to not be heavily political or radical in their ideology, regardless of left vs right.

You want to know why women are so fucking materialistic?

Because their personalities are so fuckings shit. If they weren't women, nobody would hang around these losers. They have no interests, they throw temper-tantrums whenever something goes wrong, they overreact to anything and they will blame you for all of it while they take a hypocritical standpoint.

If they were dudes, they would have been beaten every day of their lives.

Shit, i'm so fucking tired of seeing these materialistic whores. Where are the good women at?

Dated a girl who asked me why I had a large collection of math books. "Didn't you do computers?". I explained that it was my hobby, something I enjoy learning about. The response: "Does that training let you earn more money?"

Arghhhhhhhhh. Fuck you bitch. Technically the modern stuff does help me, but some studies, like synthetic-geometry (Euclid's books), are just done for the sheer appreciation of the content.


You're projecting pretty hard there user.

Bruh, that's just the way women are. It's biology and evolution. You're hung up on the notion that you should strive for equality. Women are not equal. They are not the same. Their brains work differently. You shouldn't be dating a woman with the intent of finding someone you can fucking discuss the nuances of Plato's Republic with.

No one in this world has any interest in benefiting the white man, including most white men, who right now are suicidal in their outlook either accept or give in. The real question is to ask why even now are we unable to form large groups of white males as every other group can and does do?

Any time you get a white group large enough you have to deal with the mixed or non-white question. If this is a public normie group then you must allow this enemy in or face ramifications.

When you have no friends even those who look like you cannot be trusted you'll find yourself alone. I havn't even dealt with the woman question as women are lemmings who'll follow whoever they feel is in power, you can view it as all white countries having been defeated in war and now this new ethnicity with special rights lords over us.

Because it is tough though, because all our enemies say don't, because we all know that it is the only way to survive is why We Must Secure The Existence Of Our PEOPLE And A Future For White Children.

Yeah, women being what they are totally makes it okay.

Third screencap probably has a fake guy and a fake girl as accounts. Two fags talking to each other.


Well, at least they feel shame for being out of their place…..

It's really a man's place to make more money than his wife, IF he's stupid enough to marry a working class, college grad woman.

The women are doing something important with their sex strike against White Genocide, user. If you want to turn away from them, that's fine, but they'll continue the sex strike until they get what they want… Why would they stop it at this point?

Not what I said. I said I'd rather not reproduce at all than reproduce with someone that will be a failure of a mother. Learn some fucking reading comprehension.

Oh I get it, you're just an idiot.

>Here lies user. He let his bloodline die out, despite thousands of his ancestors being able to procreate, because he just wasn't able to have an intelligent conversation with a woman

You're. Doing. It. Wrong.

If she's a failure of a mother because of environment but she has good genetics, raise the kids yourself.

I wasn't aware Holla Forums had legitimate betas lurking.

Women are not as smart, nor as ambitious as men. Why does this matter, and why is it necessary to marry one and have children? This is just a complete nonsequitur. You're still buying into the egalitarian meme. Not that you think women are equals, but that you think they should be equals. They're not. That's life. Get over it.

I should have figured you were a boomer. Back to reddit.


That's a phrase I've also heard, when telling my dates what Iike or do. I'm on the Holla Forums side of things and once a dates caught me fiddling with my custom board and a discussion errupted where she asked me: "why do you do it for? You learn it to get more money?"

Still, nice hobby you got there. Since a few weeks I'm dragging my balls through quantum cryptoanalysis.

no one really tries that. It's just that women have become infinitely more retarded on average over the last few decades.

Not same user. I'm a PTA right now, going to an OT bridge program next year in order to start making 85,000-100,000 a year. To think three years ago I was still bartending. Feels good

As much as I hate muds, them taking girls and grooming them into wives works. Letting (((society))) have its way with our womenfolk before we do, only serves to undermine us. I think it's unpleasant, myself, but if you don't play to win, you're playing to lose.

This TORpost is eb3a00. Sadly TOR swapped the IPs to one which says "must post over TOR".

user, you honestly can't expect a woman to understand you do something just because you enjoy it. Caring for abstract, possibly irrelevant things like learning something new, caring about being virtuous and honorable are man's trait (it's funny how schools always talk about "have we instilled in you a desire to learn", when it's really only white men who would feel that. Even then, they usually have it at birth [curious kids], but have it erases/put back due to the rigidness of primary and secondary school being taught in a fashion for girls [sit prim and proper in a seat all day]).

You're good with dubs. True, they're societal creatures who adapt to their society to "survive" (w.r.t. "death" for a woman). However, this does not pardon them for their crime, i.e. traitors must hang. That's one, two, then this is an admittance that the current sphere does not provide an adequate environment to (on any large scale) find a good woman (without making it your rise in other sections of your life). In terms of order, it would be better to fix society before searching for a woman because if you focus on the woman first you may use up too much energy there (and even if you do get one the JJ-Judicial-Jew and her friends might fuck you up. Of course, maybe if you have sufficient control you can avoid it, but it's a risky gamble and, again, takes up your time). Since the woman takes up so much time, even if you do get one, it takes time away from fixing the source of the issue for the majority of men (those whose stories don't necessarily have happy endings). Focusing on fixing the legal system (which can't be done), as well as the economic system (can't be done), and removing the parasite (can be done–hopefully eventually) is the first thing that is important. Sadly, this would use up the youthful years of a man and he would have to marry younger than him (after all, even if the societal tone changes and women become conservative/nationalist to survive, that doesn't change the fact that they sullied themselves and were traitors for half of their lifes. What to do with these dregs would be a pretty big question). Consequently one would cuck the next generation, which may or may not be bad depending on how young one would have to go. Hopefully no younger than 17 so that each subsequent generation can enjoy being raised around enough women there is one he likes and can marry her at 18 or so.

meme. However, the second statement is true. You'd want to find a girl in a friend circle, that way you'd know her entire past and could actually be sure of this. If there is one thing I believe (which I guess that one guy's manifesto wrote about) is that technology has screwed us. There is no defined home, man can move across the nation and never truly form eternal bonds with anyone besides his immediate family (not even his extended). One's ability to move permanently/more than a couple years (as authoritarian as it may seem) must be restricted so that people feel the need to form long-lasting bonds with those of there community and invest into the community as well. This will also help when alien threats come in an attempt to destroy said community.

I assure you that's not true. Talk to any boomer woman. They're just as fucking retarded as any from our generation. It's just that most people back then still hadn't been fully indoctrinated with the feminism meme and didn't go into relationships expecting an equal

G L O R I O U S 2 D M A S T E R R A C E

This honestly.

Nobody is saying all or most women are good people you MGTOW dummies.

Yet white betas rush to them
Cultures that are arrange marriaged based or recently lost it like asians are very materialistic gold diggers.
Russian women arent as bad in comparison.
Hence why we see turks in ukraine or chinese millionaires in russia for girls.

Western women are more status obsess then money obsess.
Latinas seem to lowest on both

Old world vs new world

You've also proven you don't know what you're talking about, but I'll forgive you because of the Asuka.

Did you read my post? I'm vehemently anti-MGTOW

My wife can come work with me in my store. Then she can stay home to raise the kids and cover the occasional shift.

Remember men: they mature at 15 and that is the peak. They are made to raise babby and be cute.

IDK famalam you seem to be projecting your degeneracy onto me.

user I… No, but seriously, they suffer the same flaw we do at present. They endlessly post nudes on the internet (Peter's westernization of Russia was a mistake in some senses. Or at minimum, instilling the notion that the west will always be superior in every way).

Don't derail. There is at least some discussion going on.
Look, drawings will always be superior to reality because they lack the notable flaws a human would care about (because humans would care about flaws in actual humans, thus they'd remove them from their archetypes, i.e. drawings).

I bet you didn't even check the ID you retard.

I've found a girl for you, Holla Forums tier too, but she's eceleb cancer. You can't have it all.

Sorry there fam I don't like reading giant walls of text on a Taiwan knitting forum. I merely glimpsed at your post.

Oddly, the girl who gave me shit for looking at her bookshelf was constantly asking about my pay.

Tha vaginal jew. Never forget.

Don't fool yourselves guys. Women hate working. They all pretend to really love their work, what they do, they smile and all that crap, but they wish they stayed fucking home and had money for shopping, watching TV, and vacations. Let them have all the work, they'll get sick of it eventually.

Fuck off Torfag goon.

This post is absolutely spot on imho. There is no point in trying to fix women or bring new white children in the world unless you go after the cancer directly and stop it before it consumes everything, which would involve mass commitment and even death from those who commit to such a cause. Its something anons who constantly say "get a wife and kids" don't understand. You can't participate in DOTR if you have kids to worry about. The war for the white race's survival will depend on single, childless white men, as have all wars throughout European history.

The thing that did it for me was when I finally understood all those "if you want loyalty, get a dog" jokes.


This is a lesson to just marry for breeding purposes if you're a millennial. If she's a stupid brainwashed "career driven" cunt but she makes your dick hard, ditch her. Just find a woman that would be happy having your babies and won't be annoying and cunty when she's lost her good looks. In other words, marry a non college educated, average looking woman with child bearing hips and just have the kids be the center of your relationship. The whole concept of having having to be madly in love and having to have an intense sexual attraction to get married is boomer-Jewish hollywood poison and propagated by Oprah and hook nosed kike feminists.

I see a tastefully dressed attractive woman dispensing redpills.

Unfortunately women forgot how to be cute, so men turned to fictional women.

Those snobby faces


I know lots of women that run stores. They are all money laundering fronts for various criminal enterprises headed by men.

I think they look alright. They don't have the marks of impurity defiling their body so at least the pass the visual filter.

So I actually don't get it, everything I've heard out of this and previous threads regarding finding women has been akin to "There are bad ways to find women but no good ways."
If the church meme is out, if you can't find one in college, if there is actually no social gathering whatsoever that is typical for a younger male to participate in that is good for finding women, that exclusively leaves girls that are connected by existing friend groups. So what the fuck do you do when you have no girls among your groups of friends or just no friends period?
What the fuck is this uncertainty, the only way I've seen that you can objectively measure whether or not a woman is worth your time is how many men they've been with. That's it. Everything else is just a fucking guessing game, and considering how much our society's values have degenerated this is making it sound like finding a good woman is like finding a fucking unicorn.

It has to be biologically motivated. Women are designed to nurture their children, so their minds must give little thought to things over the horizon.

A field of study which is underpinned by a branch of mathematics (modern number theory) that was practically useless until about 300 years later when men found a use for it. Just imagine the suffering they went through explaining it to their wives… yes, yes dear, it's just wizardry, don't worry your pretty head with it.

Money laundering is illegal.
Illegal activities should be kept as secret as possible.

You know the truth of their operations, so obviously they can't keep their fucking mouths shut, so this proves they still can't do a good job.

Love and romanticism is not invented by kikes, but it has been perverted by them in modern times.

They're cunts, user. Take it from an oldfag that knows and isn't a neet with a 2D sex pillow. It's in their faces.

The fact that she has one is at least a small plus.

Some eceleb cancer is better than others. Those two are a rare kind.

What are you do with these cartoons? Do they do something for you? Can you even masterbate to this? I'm just curios. I mean I loved Jessica Rabbit growing up too, but you know, then I had sex.

Okay Mr.oldfag, put your self in the situation of someone who grew up with millennials.

They don't have tattoos plastered all over their skin, and bull rings in their noses like pretty much every woman around you. By comparison they are a whole lot better than what I'm used to seeing.

This cancer patient is terminal. Just go Galt.

Kek you don't seem to be from around here...

Trips of truth

My girlfriend makes more money than I do, but I don't really give much of a shit. I spend most of my time learning and training. If I wanted to work harder for the Jew I would. The world is about to fall apart and I'd rather be able to live post collapse rather than wasting my time.

Still eb3a00

Yeah, there are: knowing one through someone is the good way, all others suck/have no gaurentees. However, by this reasoning, I'll state what they said in all those threads is false, because there is a feeling imbued in such a statement, i.e. "user, you're just not trying the right methods, try x, y, z etc.". Which is false, there is only one way to truly be assured a good relationship with someone, and that is knowing them deeply. This involves knowing them for a long time (at least by proxy of a family/close-friend circle that would never lie to you).
You can try the ideas others tell you, all I'm saying is that, at that point, there is no assurance. Obviously some places can seem better than others, i.e. church is probably better than a rave, but, as we've seen by a lot of posts/images, church doesn't yield an assurance to them being good women.
To talk about a broader topic w.r.t. church, note the following which I believe to be true: people do not join a religion because they believe in a god. There is no depth. They join it (usually) due to initially going into it via parents/family or due to wanting a way (subconciously) to remove that "societal" shame from having done something sinful. Consequently, these people who follow these religions and tout about god don't believe in a god at all, but rather are like outcasts who join an outcast group in order to rise in at least some societal sphere. Therefore, what is the perogative is their social sphere's brownie points and acting/keeping up a facade accordingly, not keeping true to a god who is supposedly omnipresent and can see all your wrong deeds (under whose eyes you'd feel ashamed to commit such acts as well as gain some internal sense of morality to not do wickedness). There are very few who keep true to not doing wrong because they believe it is wicked (w.r.t. a god. Note, believing it is wicked is different from not doing it due to shame). I would bet the people capable of this are the select few who could live virtuous lives even in the present without a god, for they are capable of forming their own sense of justice, right and wrong, good and evil.
I would wager that, although that is an objective metric, a) it doesn't completely characterize the worth of a woman b) there is no way you can confirm how many people a woman has slept with until you've done it and broken her hymen (or not, at which point, if you break up, you might've "raped her").

I'm the one who responded to you. Anyways, kys. I agreed with the "opinion" which is actually a fact. And, based off of the subsequent posts which continued the act of waifu/smug posting, it was possible the thread was about to be derailed (which shouldn't be done as long as some discussion is to be had). tl;dr you're the cancer that destroys boards, in particular, places which seek intellectual discussion.

Theyre just thrown into a situation where their basic instinct is negated.


The Jews will never make me hate their victims.

Affirmative Action also applies to women. Companies get BIG tax breaks when they hire women. This is the dirty secret. Pretty much if a Job doesn't need strength or skill, they give it to a woman.

Opinion discarded.

Yeah, love and romanticism can exist. However, if we are talking about preventing middle class whites from going extinct, we have to ditch the idea that everyone is a special snowflake and we all are going to marry our perfect match. This leads to instant breakups/divorces and endless childless cock and pussy carousell riding ..and maybe one kid being born growing up with a single mother and seeing thier fathers on the weekend. Then that kid is forever jaded about marriage because his parents got divorced or never got married because they were 'dating' for 5 years.

Nigger. They're good words. Your loss.

I'm actually thankful for those septum piercings. Always nice when the livestock identifies itself.

Do you happen to have a source for that which isn’t from someone who believes the same things that we do? I can’t find it ~anywhere~ that a normalfag would consider ‘reputable’.

You seem to forget that we're in bed with them. Like as not, we're two halves to the whole. If they go down, we go down with them, and there goes White, Western Civilization. This MGTOW shit isn't going to cut it.

Could you get any more obvious

Then the laws need to change. Bitching about the declining marriage rates and 'muh bootstraps' rhetoric doesn't cut it any longer.

Either stop JUSTing men, or say goodbye to marriage being viewed as a desirable thing.

Holy hell you are fresh off the boat and you stink to high heaven. Fucking lurk 2 years before posting again you insufferable and disgustingly obvious newfag.

She's non college educated and just wants to have the Don's babies/baby. When you're a multi-billionaire you have the pick of the litter...Notice he didn't marry an ambitious "career driven" businesswomen. He tried that, didn't work out. Had a couple of beautiful babies from that marriage though.

Daily reminder that if women weren't in the workforce the worth of your labor would be doubled. You would be able to provide for an entire family while your wife is actually around to take care of your children. This is how it was before feminism was shilled by the elites to double their laborer pool.

Mass immigration is also a shill to increase the supply of laborers, thus lowering demand/wages.

We'll, safe made millionaire for being pretty...let's not get carried away.


A lot of people simply don't have anything but the most basic reward centers.



ayy lmao nigger reeeee cuck cuck cuck praise kek
am I cool yet, fellow nazi?

100% agreed. But how do we put this cat back in its box? Our economies are based entirely around women working in them.

What 5 languages does she speak? I mean fluently. Not being able to say hello to the German cameraman that's taking pictures of her in a bikini. Let's be real here. I'm sure she has a high IQ and isn't a dummy but Trump didn't marry her for her 2 degrees(sources needed for that claim.

English, French, Italian, Slovenian, German, Serbo-Croatian.

Yeah, I'm not buying that she's fluent in all of those languages. Seems like a resume stuffer because she took a course for a semester in a few of those languages. Could see her being semi-fluent in french because of the fashion industry.

I'd be all for that, honestly. Please understand too that my post wasn't an attack on you personally. It's just that I've seen too many anons hopping on this train of nihilism and resignation to becoming a hermit, I feel it necessary to state this isn't the way.

I'm aware that current laws are set against us, so yes I would like these rules to be done away with. However, rhetoric such as "their bed, their problem" doesn't cut it either.

Hope you understand, user.

t. depressed hermit

for any newfags thinking about shitting Holla Forums up further with their degeneracy, I issue this statement:

If Hitler heard of any of this muhgtow bullshit, he'd immediately gas the retard who came up with it. We need white babies right now. I don't care if its a whore, make that woman useful.

and for fucks sake quit talking about making marriage a 'good' deal for men or even changing the marriage laws because 1. it makes you sound like a whiny little beta, 2. that isn't happening in this thoroughly kiked time we live in and 3. it doesn't matter, just continue the white race, remember the 14 words.

yes we are going to worry about our women first because we aren't suicidal. Quit acting like a bitch about it and WAKE UP!

no, we will not institute any sort of force with our women because we aren't shit skins, chilvalry is a uniquely western idea, we aren't throwing the baby out with the bath water on this just because of jewish subversion.

if you aren't with us, then you are a traitor, and traitors hang first on the day of rope.

Newfags these days think because they lurked on 4/pol/ they know all about 8/pol/ and think they dont have to lurk. I think this is why breaking links is fucking dead

Chivalry depends on strong men who can control the environment, since that's what gives women their "free reign"

All links are broken now, they don't have a choice. Try posting one.

Well, fuck. Finally I don't have to deal with faggots putting spaces in links.

Actually, he wouldn't. Hitler only had one flaw, he was too kind to those unworthy of it. The greatest flaw of the Western world.
Sadly, it seems the talking in this thread has slightly died down, it was just getting interesting. Also, again

I get spaces between paragraphs, but not each sentence.

Yall hit the nail on the head hard as fuck here.

An linked issue to this is when they do manage to find a man of 'equal' standing. It is almost invariably one whom is less than a man. And they know it. Women still instinctively value inherent power in a male. Some soft cuck salesman that talkes more than she does and hasn't been in a fight in his life may be making six digits like she is, but he is not keeping her maternal side satisfied. That tends to screw their minds into pretzels when they know on a fundamental level their male cannot lay claim to them. Another actual alpha male makes challenge and she knows he naturally will cuck out hard.

Money doesn't buy you everything. And women often forget they cannot have it all so they chase the illusion of it. Then after a short time when the honeymoon period of showing off her catch passes and day to day life comes. She starts spiraling down into an emotional depression. Guaranteed she will cheat in short order looking for a way to trade up, but there is no up when she fucked her starting position up in the first place. Pretty funny they couldn't figure out you are either a whore or someones woman. A whore in a job or whore in the sheets riding the cock carousel is the same at the end of the day. And a man in todays society that 'makes it' has sucked so much proverbial dick and ass he makes faggots look butch, that bitch can never lay claim to a female for any strong man whom comes can simply take her in front of his face and he as to beg other strong men to come and save him from his cucking. Any woman attached to that kind of man knows she isn't a claimed woman. Thus is not secure.

Alternate formatting will still let us know who's who but it keeps the shills from being so fucking annoying.

Sorry for bringing you cures for curable diseases, massive amounts of food and the ability to sustain yourselves regardless of nature, and civilization in general. My bad.

>this is what you get
>You made enemies
But Holla Forums-kun, I've spent the last two decades masturbating in my room and playing video games. I ain't done shit to no one. If I'm not allowed to take credit for the accomplishments of my forerunners, I sure as hell ain't shouldering the blame for their perceived misdeeds, gooklover.

Women are the flaw in our species and must be annihilated for mankind to take the next step.

Gas yourself spermchugger

I feel bad for you gents, be rubbing it in because that is not my intention but I have been in a relationship with my fiance for 10 years now she's the love of my life and we are both pretty successful for our age (mid 20's) she's a veterinary technician and I work in a union we have traditional values and a traditional relationship, the key is to not worry so much about finding the "one" focus on you and what you love, work on improving yourself every day not for some one else but simply for you because you want to be the best you can be for yourself, if you do that some one will notice and normally it's the person that matters and not some slut

You wanted equality, cunt. That means my wages got split by half. You got equality. Get raped by a pack of niggers.


Yeah, no. As I had said:

You have to know them since young so that you truly know them. That better yourself be yourself shit does not work. Obviously one shouldn't waste their time and focus on improving themselves, but acting as if that will grant them the type of woman who is wholesome (not women, but wholesome women) is fallacious.

We are busy getting our lives squared away, even cheap wedding s are expensive and in our eyes there more symbolic than anything else

It disgusts me on a visceral level but it's also so obvious it doesn't bother me too much, especially since the mods have been pretty expedient in doling out justice.

Well shit, this evening is turning out to be positively wonderful.

That's not what I said at all go back and read my post

You're either a kike or don't understand how the real world works when you have illegitimate children. Either way, gas yourself.

Although this is hardly the only reason they push this stuff. They alway want whitey to go extinct through the same means.

She’s getting herself squared away with someone else, user.
Ah, so she’s DEFINITELY cheating on you. If not now, SHE WILL, because you’ve admitted she doesn’t think they mean anything. Holy shit, cuck.

I referenced the wrong post, sorry

I did read it (and that's why I quoted). I'll admit to slightly misinterpreting the second half. You do say improve yourself for your own sake. However, my other statements still stand. Those will not help in getting a wholesome woman, and your situation is special due to having known her since youth (like many did way back when when relationships had a "not" a snowballs chance in hell of working out). If you still claim I'm misinterpreting, I ask for how I am doing so. However, let it be known the above statements still stand with regards to bettering one's self (up to some threshold) will not help in getting a (key) wholesome woman and that your situation works due to you two truly knowing one another.

We're now staring the collapse of western civilization anyhow. I know I'm dealing with a man who has the heart of a coward and expects other men to act in his best interests when they start begging the question as if western civilization is worth saving.

Faggot, why don't you be a little more honest and tell everyone that you're not happy losing whatever comforts you presently have and that's why you have this opinion. Other men may not share yours and your personal enrichment isn't a universal set of values that other people should care about.

If it isn't feminism, it's radical islam. The whole thing now can only be fixed with a violent collapse and if you're too lazy or cowardly to face to that nobody gives a shit. Pound sand, cry some more and see if anyone comes to your rescue.

Your totally right my dude I even have a cuck shed, no why would we both try and be successful so we can some day buy land and house to raise a family in when I can just cuck out

We use your car, actually.

Gen Z already says it wants to stay at home and raise their future children, such unnatural things tend to reverse them selves naturally.

Your right it doesn't garuntee a "wholesome woman" or any type of woman at all that's 100% correct but at the same time it shouldn't take away from some one trying to better themselves for the sake of self improvement, not that you were saying that

I've been trying to explain with words what this image explains so perfectly. It usually goes something like

This image actually expresses the multiplicity much better, and just generally is better than my autistic explanations. I always feel compelled to explain this concept to younger guys, myself being a bit older and having been a moderately successful mid-top tier beta male. It's part of my explication against modernism.

Anyways, thanks for the image.

Good dubs, but reference

I see meme/internet views arising, but that doesn't imply nationalistic nor wholesome. It implies a 9fag reality, not a Holla Forums (Holla Forums exclusive or otherwise) philosophy. It does serve as a fracture point to further move the overtone window right, but it doesn't mean they want to "stay home and take care of there kids". (I do remember however an article referring to people not wanting to work due to the shittiness of the economy).

Not at all. And yes I agree nihilism/becoming a hermit isn't the way. The main reason people are opting out is because the modern age is too fucking stressful. That's it. There's too much and it's no surprise people are saying "fuck it" en masse. Mark my words, in 5 - 10 years, you'll start seeing documentaries on "The American Hikikomori."

We need a return to simpler living. There's too much garbage people take in and it's going to fuck us all up.

Holy shit is Holla Forums finally getting not just redpilled on women, but starting to provide better critical analysis in regards to female bullshit? What timeline is this? I would get shot down in simply threads on how to fix the solution for males (such as marrying women that are just hitting 18 and bypassing the damaged goods of the current crop)

How does your retarded blog post have any relevance to the main article? The entire reason that issue is even being addressed is because it is becoming increasingly more difficult for men to compete academically and professionally because of intentional concessions made to women in both fields.

If you acknowledge that fine, but the whole reason men are fucking off is because the entire deal is getting worse by the year, and secondly they know if enough men disengage it will foment a collapse and then things WILL be much better for them.

So I mean you could make the delusional narcissist argument and claim you don't see or acknowledge the blatant social engineering behind women making more than men. You could also take that a step further and chastize men for not playing along with a game they eventually will not be able to win but that would only prove you care only about the state of your fragile ego and not about the fact that men are being deliberately screwed over even though perhaps you got by unscathed.

That's a very very antisocial position to argue from, so you'd only come across as being a massive hypocrite if you concern trolled about the state of society while telling men to simply deal with the blatant stacking of the deck against them.

You act like whites never kept their women in line before this century.

If youre with someone then there are no other potential mates
Fucking whores

I would say we were the loosist/kindest, i.e. the most easily subverted. Only a man who even considers abstract concepts is capable of being subversed. The mindless negro can merely be controlled, as can the religious nut of a semite. The asians are more along the lines of robotic, so more difficult to subvert, thus, that leaves us.

"A consequence of the over-privileged woman is that in America no man any more dares to look at a girl, since otherwise he will be brought before the marriage court and made to pay for it. In America homosexuality is absolutely a defensive measure for the men because they have fallen into such slavery to the women. The woman can behave like an ax there: she just starts hacking away on something. She is never rebuked: the best example of a tyranny by women!" - Himmler

NatSocs were MGTOW as fuck.

Modern society is far too inundated with materialism to revert back into a more humble way of life. Throw on top of that the rapid age of technological advancement and we start to see more and more husks as time continues onward.

The only way that we are going to return to what you suggested is a hard reset to westernization and what we called modern society. That's it.

Women don't work in wealth creating professions, most are in wealth draining lines of work. Things that can only exist because men have built up around them such wealth for them to suck dry with their Jewified delusions and wants.

Next you're going to cite some shitty manosphere video on "how to game your wife".

Robotic people end up creating violent, sociopathic societies with no value for human life.

This is why taking the approach of mindless robotic reproduction is a terrible idea, a lot of idiots here think Elliot Rodger was the way he was because he was mixed race, but if they actually did research it was largely because his father had that exact same mentality.

He just had a kid as if it were an item on a list and what happens is well documented, his father's lackadaisical parenting led to Elliot Developing reactive attachment disorder as do most children who are psychologically neglected.

It has far less to do with race and far more to do with culture, in china especially, the value for human life is so low that people will just run over people who have been hit on the freeway. Anyone who thinks preserving demographics is worth creating a society like that is worth putting a bullet into.

Only a collapse will fix that.

I live humbly, despite the existence of materialism. You’re misrepresenting the situation.

That's why I have sex with pretend cartoon girls online

oh god kill me!

You motherfuckers need to stop using the word materialism to describe consumerism.

Meme it.

you will not be so lucky brother

Something that big doesn't work that way, that is tapped into the collective consciousness of all human beings, and ironically enough what everyone wants will require a violent collapse and a reckoning in order to see whose values win out.

Shut up you fucking literal faggot.

More like NEETS. I remember reading a post about Hitler getting rejected by a Stacy.

I wonder if Hitler had a 2D waifu.

Ha! Good point. Fucking kike dialectic.

Go to an Independent Baptist church. Those women live with their parents until they marry. Many are virgins as well, and most of them marry down in looks.

You want traditional values? Go to a traditional church. Don't believe in God? Fake it. Community is important.

Is there a difference, really? The materialist rejects all that is spiritual. And the materialist is obsessed with greet.

dd920e is a Holla Forums homosexual

Yes because consumerism is a subset of materialism. Materialism covers a great many other things, in fact everything that pertains to the functioning and nature of physical reality.

Baptists are one of the most thoroughly cucked by the kike varieties of Christianity. They suck the dick of Israel and "God's Chosen People" so fucking hard it's revolting.

I like these threads, I always pop in for the wisdom nuggets.

Staight up. Former Pentecostal here. If I ever went hardcore for God I'd stay the hell away from the major denominations for sure.

user it needs to be memed. Memes will overthrow the kike advertising since they won't oppress but liberate people to actually be themselves. Those who follow the truth will actually be happy while those the follow the (((consumerist))) falsehoods will die miserable.


Reported for being a legitimate faggot.

Faggots are your useful idiots and you've forgotten that.
That's why you'll never achieve anything.

Reported for being a legitimate faggot.

I'm just saying this is bigger than mere memes, it will happen out of necessity of consequence. There are too many opposing interests pulling in different directions for them all to not create an explosive cultural/political decompression event.

they why are they hooking up with poor men? men earn more than women on average, so it's not hard to find wealthier husbando, women are so fucking dumb

Memes will never cause the changes themselves. They can only convince people to see the truth. Those people must then take action to institute that change. Meming just helps ensure that as many are on the right side as possible when the day comes.

reported :^)

Probably because they'd rather get railed by some chad whose football career leads straight to McDonalds than have a stable relationship with a nerdy guy with a computer engineering degree.

Well, there is power to memetics but only if that power finds some correspondence, not if it's opposed in some fundamental way.

I say this in the context of collapse because nobody is going to just run with that, it WILL happen because you have so many different ideological factions creating cultural tension which most of them unconsciously create.

That's literally the only way it will happen.

The whole point is that the annual earnings of men are artificially declining while the annual earnings of women are artificially increasing.

Eh, they are the weaker sex. They can feel or think whatever they want. No one cares in the end.


You best start learning how women's feelings can destroy whole civilizations or prevent them from starting as what happens very often in the shitskin world.

Independent baptists openly talk about jews going to hell. You clearly dont know what the fuck youre talking about you degenerate kike shill.

Try actually going to the services and getting to know them. They are half a step away from 1488 as-is.

Same here, i've gotten some legitimate new views on women from them

Unlike China, Britain’s industrial revolution and overseas expansion was driven by a military policy. According to Hobson, during the period from 1688-1815 Great Britain was engaged in wars 52% of the time[3]. Whereas the Chinese relied on their open markets and their superior production and sophisticated commercial and banking skills, the British relied on tariff protection, military conquest, the systematic destruction of competitive overseas enterprises as well as the appropriation and plunder of local resources. China’s global predominance was based on ‘reciprocal benefits’ with its trading partners, while Britain relied on mercenary armies of occupation, savage repression and a ‘divide and conquer’ policy to foment local rivalries. In the face of native resistance, the British (as well as other Western imperial powers) did not hesitate to exterminate entire communities[4]. Unable to take over the Chinese market through greater economic competitiveness, Britain relied on brute military power. It mobilized, armed and led mercenaries, drawn from its colonies in India and elsewhere to force its exports on China and impose unequal treaties to lower tariffs. As a result China was flooded with British opium produced on its plantations in India – despite Chinese laws forbidding or regulating the importation and sale of the narcotic. China’s rulers, long accustomed to its trade and manufacturing superiority, were unprepared for the ‘new imperial rules’ for global power. The West’s willingness to use military power to win colonies, pillage resources and recruit huge mercenary armies commanded by European officers spelt the end for China as a world power. China had based its economic predominance on ‘non-interference in the internal affairs of its trading partners’. In contrast, British imperialists intervened violently in Asia, reorganizing local economies to suit the needs of the empire (eliminating economic competitors including more efficient Indian cotton manufacturers) and seized control of local political, economic and administrative apparatus to establish the colonial state.

I wonder what the survey results to a sizable sample of men would result if they had to choose between one of two options.

You can only marry one, and you are trapped with one or the other till the day you die. I'd hope that men with a good head on their shoulders would have their priorities straight with the first.

Well the kid will get half the mother's genes, so if you want a ditzy retard male heir, that sounds like a good plan.

Regression to the mean though. Besides, I would argue it is more important for your kid to have a good mother than resources with no parental oversight.

This, the alternative is basically running the risk of creating a criminal failure with no ability to connect with human beings and start a family themselves.

Anything other than
a total moral and purist approach from Hitler wouldn't have worked/connected with the "folks". If Hitler took your advice and tried to be more "hardcore and edgelord", he would have been an angry autist pounding away and blackpilling everyone on his type writer in 1952…in Exile away from the complete communist Germany that he fled in the late 20's. "The Germans are mindless retards, I've had it with them"

And those bell curves are fucked. Asians have a lower standard deviation in intelligence. They cluster around a higher mean than whites, but there are far more Whites of genius intelligence than there are Asians.

Thank's friendo to you as well.

This is a good list but I would add:

4. Almost all women suck at the most vital jobs that don't revolve around talking to other people or enforcing arbitrary policies so workplaces still rely on men to do the majority of the work.
5. Women in the workplace has turned all of society into a high school like dating environment leading to disgusting bullshit like 60 year olds flirting instead of working.

Joseph Renzulli's (1978) "three ring" definition of giftedness is one frequently mentioned conceptualization of giftedness. Renzulli's definition, which defines gifted behaviors rather than gifted individuals, is composed of three components as follows: Gifted behavior consists of behaviors that reflect an interaction among three basic clusters of human traits—above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity.[10] Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. Persons who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.

While White students represent the majority of students enrolled in gifted programs, Black and Hispanic students constitute a percentage less than their enrollment in school.[30] For example, statistics from 1993 indicate that in the U.S., Black students represented 16.2% of public school students, but only constituted 8.4% of students enrolled in gifted education programs. Similarly, while Hispanic students represented 9% of public school students, these students only represented 4.7% of those identified as gifted.[31] However, Asian students make up only 3.6% of the student body, yet constitute 14% in the gifted programs.

In a plenary address at the annual Congress of the American National Association for Gifted Children in November 1985, Sternberg reported that the number of students of Asian background in American programmes for gifted children exceeded the normative expectations from population figures by a factor of five. Entrance to programmes for gifted children in the U.S. is usually set at a level to accommodate moderately gifted children rather than the highly or exceptionally gifted; thus an interesting pattern seems to be developing an over-representation of Asian children by a factor of five in the population of moderately gifted students and by a considerably greater factor-15 or over among the exceptionally gifted. A student has to be extremely gifted mathematically to score more than 700 on the SAT-M by the age of 13; only 4 per cent of college-bound 17 and 18 year olds in the U.S. attain such a score!

To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!

These very much.

haha, my Chinese boss told me about that story. He said pretty much everyone in China knew that bitch killed her husband.

I can GUARANTEE that billionaire lesbian Chink couple is phony as fuck. I doubt they're real-deal dykes even.

Chinese are ALL about looks and status. That's it. Pairing two extremely wealthy women and marrying them for the world to see does two things:

China seems progressive and Gay-rights friendly to the world, while Chinese citizens either don't care or don't like it personally.

China now has the title that the most wealthy marriage in the entire world lives there, projecting that they have wealth and power.

I don't really have anything personal about Chinks, old boss was Chinese and he was a very decent and good man, saw Chinese foreign exchange students all the time, one gave me a pack of Chinese smokes.

They have to go back though.

Calm down faggot, no need to sperg out like a retard, I'm not at all expertly versed in the various Baptist sub-sects of Christianity. I did a cursory search regarding the so-called "Independent Baptists" and I see now that they appear to be much more of a fundamental and stringently conservative group. That bodes well for their hating of the kike. Perhaps your advice is well taken.

Fuck cartoons

that's the answer

fuck cartoons

It's the Aryan way

Fuck catrooons!

It is damaging. The women I work with that don't have kids suck at their job. When I'm in charge it feels like a bellow sigh of relief for all the guys in the room when the shitty single women are finally off the clock and we can actually get shit done. There is one based girl we work with who has a few kids and works with us as a part time gig. She listens and fits in with us the other girls act like they haven't been fucked good for their entire lives.

when i grow up , ill still be bowing







SAVE Holla Forums!!!







SAVE Holla Forums!

2's full o' 7's

thats double the truth

They have nothing to worry about. They didn't really earn it after all.

So women actually don't know what they want?

They know that if they earn more, that mean they know can´t ask men to be providers and all that jazz.

They make money sure, but it is THEIR money, so they cant spend it as easily!


"The University of Chicago found that…"

Interesting that cultural-marxists themselves doesn´t like that development.

The end of the equation is that there is less taxpayer money to fleece. At least not without pissing women off.

They are lazy cunts that doesn´t want to work very hard but sure like to spend the money men earned.

That is the "culture" they are talking about and it ends with equal pay, hahaha!

Sure some men also feeeels emasculated not being these womens prison bitches but they are cuckolded, beta/omega losers. Don´t feel sad for them.

anyone have caps?

I personally blame this on a society that obsesses about money and encourages marrying some arsehole you sort of knew in College or a bar. Then when it isn't that, it's what people think of you in the office or the 'community' like we're still stuck in that god awful high school. Fucking hell people, there's more to life than just money and stupid bullshit.

Just become a good person, fashion your own life according to your actual ideals, and earn enough shekels to support that, and then you shouldn't have a problem finding a woman a few years younger who hasn't been completely ruined by society yet.

My point is, reaching the shekel threshold is pointless since you don't want these "career oriented" women who have this problem in the first place. Better to have your best go at a genuine life, and becoming the man you want to be, and if you succeed, you'll find the kind of woman who fits with that path. If you fail, at least your not a soulless shekel slave married to a neurotic Marxist.

sage for doublepost

what about artificial wombs tho?


One thing I've noticed about preachers and denominations hating extra-hard on a particular something is because they're jacking up the Bible's teachings in another place and they feel like their "passionate" displays makes up for it (it doesn't.) Don't go looking for a church to join without knowing the Bible cover-to-cover beforehand, so you can see if it's a church that truly has convictions. It will be difficult, and even the Bible admits this through the Parable of the Ten Virgins, which says about half of all Christians ever are faithful in name only.

Firstly a google search finds that this was a pasta from an asian on Stormfront in fall 2015.

Well they are derived from the upper classes of China, Japan, and Korea. Is it a surprise that when they are a small population which has undergone selection for high IQ already that they have high IQs? China, Japan, and Korea also practice "face" when providing students for international testing samples. The US PISA scores are a national aggregate. China puts in scores from select provinces or cities. Japan and Korea select a sample set from specific school districts.

The Asian American population are expats whose parents were the upper crust of their societies. So their high scores are expected. And they fit with the scores derived from the upper echelons of the Asian nations which are shown in the PISA data. All seems to fit. But when you look at Han Chinese as a whole their mean IQ is between 100 and 102 not the 108 claimed in your sources. Remember that asians engage in "face" they always want to look good in public.

Literally how women think.

The only reason women earn more than men today is because of blatant favoritism anyway. You think ONE of the girls in that study had a job position she actually earned herself?

Except that is completley false. Chinese imports were directed through state mediated traders and western shippings could only bring their goods through select ports where they were segregated in enclaves to prevent smuggling and black market transfer of goods. There were no "tarrifs" because the Chinese didn't have the concept as part of their culture. Instead the government would set minimum prices for imported goods every 2 years, ie they had defacto tariffs by price fixing. Also the Chinese had no "economic dominance" in terms of trade goods since they produced fewer exports than Holland, Britain, Spain, or France. They did have a high GDP and large internal market, particularly for subsistance goods. 200 million dirt farmers living hand to mouth might seem great for giving you a high GDP to crow about but it means little in terms of developing military or industrial power.

No they weren't more efficient, however they were more numerous and they didn't sell to the internal market because they could make more by selling to exporters. Also they weren't "cotton manufacturers" that implies that they produced native cotton. They took cotton from other areas such as the American south and wove that cotton into raw fabric. That was their primary export.

Except you wont because you're not a nihilist faggot. Sort yourself out, faggot.

All divorces are failures, the goal is 'til death do us part. A divorce after 3 years sounds a lot better to me than a divorce after 40 years.

Man, I was signed up for some of that shit for a minute last year. Nothing but fatties, sheboons, and single mothers with all kinds of demands:
…and, of course, the ubiquitous
Bitch - you're a 24yr old single mother; or a 37 year old cat lady with a thousand cock stare - don't talk like you're not a skank.

But then on the opposite side of that are the ones that are in their 30s, good looking, never married, no kids, in decent shape, and seem somewhat normal overall, but then they won't even respond when you reach out. Even if you do manage to find a decent broad with a good head on her shoulders, there's always the risk that she'll eventually become whorified and try to take you for everything you have. (Speaking from experience.)

Online dating is soul crushing. It's best to never even bother with that shit. All you can do is be the best man you can be and wait for one to come to you. Know that at her core, she's a greedy, manipulative whore, and conduct yourself accordingly. Even if she's "the one" and you end up getting married - prenup, prenup, prenup. I can't stress that enough.

Women should be ashamed to make more than men. Why? Because discriminatory government programs and social pressure are the sole reason for it, not their own worth and skill.

Apparently those don't mean much if you've been together long enough.

I don't buy into the propaganda that all women are evil vagina witches, but let's be real here: there's a huge fucking problem and sweeping it under the rug does not help the situation.

Lowered-wages due to female participation in the workforce, divorce and child custody laws, false rape accusations, feminism, single motherhood… these are not imaginary problems, nor are they solely the work of the Jew. If not for millions of good goy girls who happily lapped up the Jewish indoctrination, we would not be facing our current demographic decline.

As the other user said >>9821811: MGTOW is a symptom that wouldn't exist if we lived in a healthier society.

I'll even go as far as saying that it's a necessary evil. The government-NGO-academic complex is predicated on the exploitation of White men and it will endure as long as White continue to permit this exploitation.

It's well and good to say that you should get a job, find a girl, and start a family, but consider that the system is set up to parasitize your labor:

You can't build a society out of NEETs, but at the same time, NEETdom is a natural and sane reaction to an exploitative system. You can be a good goy and work your fingers to the bone for 50 years, and you will only have subsidized parasites. In this respect, the normie is worse than the NEET, as the NEET contributes to the destruction of an anti-White system, whereas the normie has 2 ex-wives and pays 2K$ per month for the kids they conceived by cheating on him, in addition to the 1.5K in taxes to subsidize Triquaqsh's nigger lifestyle so he can go out and fuck more White wimminz.

Isolated White enclaves may weather the storm, but, on a societal level, there is no possibility of reform, only of wholesale destruction.

Women earn more than men in quite a few industries, especially when they are younger.

The state of things really can't go much longer, can it? Men are dropping out at increasing rates, women are increasingly unhappier year after year. Debt and spending power get worse and worse, immigration keeps climbing. This mess cannot sustain itself much longer, right?

It is not that much trust me. I have done the typical college route (no debts though) and got a masters degree started working my way up from from 24.

I am 31 now and earn about 100.000,get a company car for 15k a year (BMW) and pension plan of about 25K a year. I have home equity to the extend of about 250K of a 550k apartment.

Now you must be thinking that is a lot and that any man should be happy with it. It is not though, it is but a drop in the ocean of real wealth and it still feels like I am poor.

Older ones are. Any that have been divorced or are unmarried after 30 are damaged goods. Avoid at all costs.

Look at Japan, then ask yourself again for how long societies can slowly wither.

Women are neither evil nor good since they have no agency. They are slaves to their hormones and feelz of the moment. Essentially they act much more naturally than men do, because men are both capable and taught to control their emotions.

ausfag, or retard in some shit area?

Japan is only falling because of the direction of their politics, they cannot conqueror the world so they are slowly succumbing to it. I don't see a large subversion as there still is the cultural embrace of racial Japanese over foreigners. Also anime, manga and every other weird thing they do makes it one big mess for the Jews to try and subvert because where do they start?

I see that if Japan cannot get its military back it'll just go back to harems, peasants and shogunate but with more fantastic technology.

What political platform is causing their depopulation?

It can if men start stepping up and change the trajectory of society [ and we can brainstorm how this can be done which is where the value of a forum such as this this board is evident]
Encorage men you personally know to not drop out
Find a woman and become her friend, try to show her the value of a righteous life
Practice prudence, preach prudence
No, which is why we are tasked with changing the course of civilization.
Please don't be defeatist.

They don´t EARN shit, they GET it. Look around your room and name one thing you know for certain to be invented by a woman or having a woman share more than 50% of the work force needed to produce it. I know they didn´t invent much because they used to have babies in the past, which was good. But now that they make up 40% of the work force they are supposed to build more than they consume.

The politics panders to their fucked up economic system which turns everybody into 60hr/week wagecucks who have to spend 3 hours a day drinking with their co-workers rather than have a family. And that's if they are wagecucks rather than tempworkers.

That said they have a big problem because it seems like their entire population has a low birthrate. In the US liberal whites have a 0.9 birthrate but conservative whites sit at 2.7 despite having more stem and business degrees(ie more actual education) than the liberal whites. There is no statistical discrepancy in the IQs of the two demographics and they don't interbreed much and haven't for nearly 70 years.

What I think we are really seeing is the death of every demographic which is not innately anti-hedonist and anti-modern. Niggers, spics, and mudslimes born in the west have below replacement birthrates. Azns born here have far below replacement birthrates. Kikes have a 0.8 birthrate in the US and constantly interbreed with liberal whites.

Bread and circuses are killing most of the population. It if wasn't for the importation of shitskins the US would be far more right wing than it was in 1950 simply because liberal whites haven't been breeding since 1940 or so. Society used to coerce people into engaging in biologically adaptive behaviors. Christianity and civic duty encouraged them to breed. And in the past without the entertainment media available today the only real pleasures available to these people were family life, so being natural hedonists they fucked, had children, and enjoyed the normal pleasures of having a family. Right now though offering them a simple family life is like offering a cokehead a coffee, they've suffered such over-stimulation through their party-culture, drugs, entertainment, and all the other distractions that modern can offer that they don't want a "boring" life with kids. Until they are old and broken and can't engage in most of those things anymore. Then they regret it but only because somebody took away their pleasure stash.

If we weren't being innundated by shitskins this would be the greatest thing ever. Modernity is killing those who were weak at heart and only survived in the past because society forced them too or because the environment didn't contain such distractions.

If we can survive this, if we can exile the mudmen from our nations, the survivors will be such cruel heartless bastards that there will be no stopping them. They will be immune to kikery and modernity because it has nothing to offer them.

I get where you're coming from, but you just want to prolong the life of a system that is sucking out the lifeblood of our people. The longer we opt in, the longer ZOG can survive, and the worse our position will be.

It's apparent that we can't elect our way out of this, and just trying to be the one upstanding guy in a sea of degeneracy won't work either. As long as any of the neoliberal Western governments in Europe or America continue to exist, they will be anti-White forces, and they will continue to exist as long as Whites finance them. You offer no comprehensive solution to this problem, other than "play your cards right". You will find that "playing your cards" right is becoming harder and harder each year, and it's very much possibly to play your hand perfectly and still end up fucked up by the state and the family courts.

A society in which one is required to be an expert on psychology, economy, opsec, the college racket, and the legal system just to avoid the myriad pitfalls that have been put in one's way is not a healthy one, nor will most people be able to deliver the superhuman effort required to do so.

Trying to redpill a girl is clearly better than being in a polyamorous relationship with a pink-haired feminist, but it's not a reliable solution, nor a comprehensive one. The root cause of the feminist problem is (1) Jewish influence and (2) the legal system, and you won't fix either of these by just putting your blinders one and trying to get by as best you can.

You don't get a woman to talk to her, you flamboyant homo.

Oh boy.
Z-generation men and women will be embarrassed that the previous generation sank this low intellectually and spiritually.
Out-earning someone just means you are better at producing debt. Nice heritage you're leaving there.

Analogously to the Egyptian death myths, you can judge how mentally and personally rich a person is when you see them face death first or second-hand. Money helps make problems go away, as well as things that could rob you of happiness, but it cannot create the substrate from which happiness itself grows. That is the real meaning of the "money can't buy happiness meme".

They are hot, though.

Pay attention to this anons. It's the truth. They are children in adult bodies. The next time you're at a family gathering, listen to the old women talking. After 50-70 years they might have learned enough to put together a meal or change a diaper but that's about it.

To be frank I've expected much much worse…

Something I've noticed in my peers I'm a college senior for reference is a general hesitation to thrust themselves into situations that require more responsibility of them or that may be excessively uncomfortable. While I understand that this isn't necessarily "dropping out", it appears to be a precursor in millennials.
I'll be honest, it's a tempting prospect.
From my own (limited) dating experience, women are petty and shallow. They lack all of the manners and courtesies of their ancestors yet retain all of their flaws. To be honest, I would want nothing to do with these people were they men.
I can see why the more romantically inclined retreat into waifuism and anime - it's the only way for them to sate their desires because the women that surround them are anything but feminine.

What about motherhood? What about childhood abandonment trauma from being tossed in daycare? There's a tremendous cost in not having a mother, just as there is in not having a father. Families are important.

Imagine a world without this endless cycle of trying to appease and appeal to women. What most women seemed to have forgotten, is that they were created for us by God to be a companion to Men, not our equal, always our subordinate. With the rise of female empowerment, we have seen the utter ruin of the world. The curse of feminism destroys everything that it touches, no matter the country. It is unnatural and Godless, an abomination and an affront to human values and dignity.

Modern society is circling the drain, and the main culprit is female empowerment. Suffrage wasn't about making women more equal to men, it was about starting a societal shift towards making them more powerful and having more rights than Men, and making it seem that is was the right thing to do. It worked.

Instead of this ever waking nightmare we call modern society, imagine living with a strong Father, and a mother who knew her role as a child bearer and caregiver. Going to schoo,l and actually focusing on learning something, instead of having to navigate a disgusting social club that caters to women specifically every day. Not to mention minorities being propped up and supported, only because it makes women feel good.

I truly believe our society is held up by a small handful of people who actually give a damn, and that number is quickly dwindling. Our nation won't fall from outside threats, but from within, as female empowerment quickly disenfranchises that last remaining Men that actually care.

Great post. Capped for future reference. I've thought a bit about this exact thing myself. What we have to fear is that the family/nationalist-orientated people with fight for their cause and suffer massive losses, much like what happened in WW2. The warriors of the world died, and what survived was a bunch of faggotry.

Then you're an idiot. 550,000 dollar house is a waste of money on your salary. And fancy cars are for ultra rich and fools. They depreciate faster than a woman in her 30's.
I managed to live frugal and save 50% of my salary last year of only 59,000. For me, increasing my earnings to 100,000 will get me set for life

Hitler dubs of truth. Fact is though many of these supposedly stronk womyn are simply too weak to be stay-at-homes raising a brood of children. It's fucking hard work physically and mentally and these modern day women are too fragile. In many ways the "oppressed" woman of the olden days was much more badass than today's version.

Shouldn't that picture say censor not sensor?

>Ignatiev, the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia, was raised in Philadelphia.[4]

>Clark's father's family was Jewish; his paternal great-grandfather immigrated to the United States from Belarus

Every. Fucking. Time.

Thanks fucking god. Now I can select and drag to the tab bar without idiots throwing a space into the link and breaking that functionality.


We can do better without women, and we will do better. We will leave cucks like you in the dust. This is the future.

Lol I remember this article by British bitch. Ex happily remarried with fam and forgot about her while she stayed awake dreaming he'd return 15 years after she shanked him.

calm down we are creating/ created artificial wombs,we won the gender war chill bro

There was no gender war. It was made up by the Jews to distract humanity from white genocide, which is what really goes on.

Educations negative effect is felt far more strongly among women so it shouldn't matter how educated the man is.

Didn't you just contradict yourself dumbass?

Either way the point is we can't even find a solution because femanons and white knights keep trying to shut down discussion of the problem.

You wouldn't believe me if I told you they were both shills. Right?

Isn't that an oxymoron?

Young women find themselves in mid-level management at most companies because upper management are all reedy motherfuckers who are uncomfortable looking another man in the eye and could never command their respect.

It gets passed off and justified as feminism but the reality is this is the only way things could be when you stuff colleges full of Jewish pajama boys and relegate the actual leadership cohort of the country into non-institutional entrepreneurship, and all of those startups are of course almost entirely staffed by men. This is how the US' private sector is divided. There are white male work places and then there are non-white + white female work places. A combination of Affirmative Action and no leadership material capable of corralling actual men into a unity of purpose in large institutions.

Feels excruciating, man.

Women have not evolved mentally past the simian stage because, unlike males and their reproductive expendability, there's no so intense selective pressure over it.

Mostly the best of any era's males got to reproduce while in the case of women just having a womb gave you value in the tribe.

If you're stupid enough for women to be as smart as you, you'll do fine.>>9821978

Millenial and Generation X themselves are false phrases devised to split any post-boomer generations against each other.

Tell me, user. In a medieval setting, what is the difference between a peasant woman and a royal princess?

In the middle ages a royal princess could most likely read, write, play an instrument, speak more than one language - and have a dozen kids. That's in addition to her family connections that could bring further wealth to the court.

The illiterate peasant woman could cook, sew, tend crops and shit out a dozen kids.

Does that about cover it?

Exactly. Now, tell me, what exactly does the post-industrialist female citizen share with these two, after the advent of Marxist Suffrage?

Few royal princesses had so many kids. Having that many kids as a noble or royalty would lead to infighting for inheritance of the kingdom/estate.

Learn to handle women you teenager.

For the royals, I think some of it was a function of just trying to have enough kids so that one or two might survive to the age of majority. As for the peasants, they needed farm hands too. Lifespans up until even the late 19th century were scarily short.

Make up stuffs when indeed the average South Koreans are significantly smarter than the average White Americans

Honestly, I'm not trying to be an autist but the only similarity I see between the three subjects is they all have a pussy.

Make up stuffs when indeed the average South Koreans are significantly smarter than the average White Americans

Pretty much every study shows East Asians have a higher proportion of very smart people than Europeans.

Asians cheat on tests

Yes, women are terrible when left to their own devices.

That's why you need to start a relationship with them early and train them to be decent people and mothers. Their dad didn't do it, so it's up to you.

… Race gaps on the SATs are especially pronounced at the tails of the distribution.among top scorers—those scoring between a 750 and 800—60 percent are Asian and 33 percent are white, compared to 5 percent Latino and 2 percent black. Meanwhile, among those scoring between 300 and 350, 37 percent are Latino, 35 percent are black, 21 percent are white, and 6 percent are Asian. …

Now, tell me why women suddenly would lose both avenues of knowledge and strength for their positions in life?,0px,100,9999px&ssl=1

"So at the top, there should be 51% whites and 14% Asians, instead there are 33% whites and 60% Asians. My math is not that good (I’m white), but it looks like Asians are doing four times better than they should."

Did a bot break or something?

Because their husband would lose those and they'd just follow?,0px,100,9999px&ssl=1

asians outearn whites and are overrepresented in STEM compared to whites, because they're smarter. get over it.

Asians are just too smart

This thread seems to required this redpill so you (and the shills involved) can stop being little whiny faggots.

Marry a young woman from a religious community
Don't marry a woman and just knock her up as a gf. Even if she leaves you, you've succeeded.
False. Most men are equally retarded and exacerbate relationship issues. Your chances of staying married are dramatically higher if you understand how to be a good husband. Images related.

ass-blasted chink detected


The slant-eyed Asians are especially strong in mathematical fields. In fact, they seem so superior to Eurowhites that any reasonable person might expect them to dominate the sciences and engineering in the whole world in coming years. A few of the examples I have given here might be explained by culture, local demographics, and so on. Collectively they appear to be a death knell to European intellectual mastery, set to overwhelm America in the STEM fields of science, technology, orienteering, and math.

Smoking is degenerate user. And chinese tobacco contains literal shit.

Why does the Bell Curve and the subsequent Murray data all show that NE Asians(Jap, Jughead, ect) have a higher mean IQ than whites, 104-5 vs 103-4 respectively, but also shows they have a lower rate of deviation from the mean and that the total distance of deviation from the mode is lower?

Are you stupid or do you not understand the concept of sample selection.

The meaningful comparison could be generated if you used the same testing criteria, overseen by the same individuals, on a randomly selected sample of the relevant populations and of sufficient size for it to be representative in the case of statistical outliers appearing in the sample.

They did that in the Bell Curve studies and numerous IQ studies which have been conducted by non-asian sources. These studies freely admit that the mean IQ for NE Asians is higher and though they don't make much noise about it they also confirm that they have a lower standard deviation from that mean.

So when all your comparative studies are based on Asian students in the US education system, a population derived from middle or upperclassman NE Asians whose families emigrated or who are present in the US only for education are you surprised when their scores do not reflect that of the populations they were derived from as a whole?

Everybody is dismissing you because your methodology is shit and doesn't account for sample selection.

And don't post 6 replies under two IPs, I will only respond to one. Assuming you aren't a bot.

Just beat them and run pimp game. It triggers their provider instinct.

Yeah, there are multiple chink we are kangs shill-bots here. Odd given the OP but perhaps it's just a hamfisted attempt at demoralization.

Good job you just created a fucking communist you retard.

I see that you are also a gentlefellow of measured countenance.

Exactly, agree 100%. The men here forget that women are weak by nature, and will accept "New world order" much faster than males. And you look nowadays, generation Y and Z the males are mostly just as trendy, vain and self obsessed, so its easy for women to do it too. women are not natural leaders, and will only feel (((empowered))) if given a (((helping hand))). Women are out of grace. Grace is a woman virtue, and look around at women today, exactly what shlomo wants.

My parents had a good marriage despite my mom making almost twice what my dad did. Also, he retired early in his 50s while she's still wage cucking. I always thought it was alpha to do what he did, marry some career driven nerd type and let her do the providing while watching sports all day.

The Bell Curve's 2012 version says the mean IQ for whites in the US is 103 and the mean for asians is 104, I don't care what the gifted testing of 8 yea- olds says. IQ gaps change given the age of the participants and the testing in the linked PDF stops at 12th grade. The brain doesn't finish developing until you are 24 years of age.

And as I already explained this pertains only to Azns in the USA, which is a sample that may not reflect the populations of countries.

Also from the Stormfront thread. If Azns are so smart then why do you have to parrot other's words on a fucking white nationalist forum to white nationalist image board?

women sicken me. They truly deeply sicken me.

Fuck it let the islamists win, if that's the only way to contain this virus then let it be.

I don't think you read that right.




its a sign that you need another child


Right. He's supposed to say fashy or alt-right. Ja?

Most beta thing you can say, user. Always a fedora talking about muh evolution too.


But they are. How do you not consider this a fact? The history of our race have put women and men into two different roles: the woman are the childbearers, nurturers, the ones who keep the home and family, and men are the breadwinners, the hunters, the warriors, the ones who go out and do dangerous shit to provide for their family. Men are the ones who fight the wars while women stay home and raise the children. Men are expendable in that it's simply what their natural role is in a healthy society, that isn't to say men don't matter, it's just a biological fact that because men are stronger and faster and better physically, and don't bear children, they are the ones who are a "better choice" for being lost to society. That's not an active choice we as a society necessarily make, it was just a choice/quality developed by Mother Nature.

To try and deny this means you deny the very fabric of what we're truly supposed to be according to nature.

Neither are expendable. A woman without a man is not whole, and a man without a woman is not whole. To say that any man is replaceable is retarded. We should just keep importing shitskins if that's the case.

Those pics were really good.

We aren't talking about the entirety of the white race being expendable, or that mens' expendability means all men everywhere are expendable and it's okay if they're all gone. It's in the context of war and dangerous jobs. Do you send women off to fight in war? Or mine coal in deep tunnels? No? Why not? Because they are not as expendable as men, which is simply what nature has created us to be when compared to women. That does not mean that women are "more important" than men, it simply means nature placed women into a role that would be more destructive to society if lost than that which a man provides: producing and raising children.
I'm not claiming they're fucking interchangeable, and I'm not claiming they aren't important. Are you autistic or something? How is this the first time you've heard about men being expendable? This is stuff they teach us when we're in middle school learning about wars. You are clearly not understanding the context whatsoever, men's expendability is simply the nature of man. That also does not imply that men's lives are carelessly thrown away, either.
There is no implication or logical conclusion to create this statement. No where did I even imply that every man on the planet can be equally replaced by any other man, that's a fucktarded strawman you've constructed. I honestly think you might be seriously autistic, this is like trying to explain social cues to someone who simply doesn't understand.

I'm honestly surprised I need to explain this, this is common sense kind of stuff, I can't imagine how you haven't heard of this or even thought of this. Men are warriors, women are childbearers. Do you seriously think we only send men off to war because they're "better at the job?" They certainly are but it isn't the only fucking reason, and having ONLY men fight wars is a universal quality innate to every single society on the planet.

If this was the first time I had heard of men being expendable I wouldn't have said
except I've heard it too many times from the same people.
You don't say.



Ah I see so you're simply here to shitpost about "muh fedoras" and not actually engage in any honest discussion. To many retards like you shit up my board.

Except that I was raised roman catholic and I didn't say anything about evolution fucking once. You're a fucking kike who didn't provide any counterarguments to anything I said and you're just sidestepping everything so you don't need to deal with it, just so you can whine about atheists. You're like some oversensitive girl, you think someone is a fedora therefore the most obvious thing of the nature of man isn't true. What a retard.
I went to Saint Joseph's Middle School here in burgerland.

Any more falsehoods you want to vomit in an attempt to validate your own opinions based on nothing but feelings?


I don't care where you were raised or what you were raised as, you're promoting their falsehoods. When they still promote this idea on TV and pop culture to this day, you know it's a load of shit. Men are not expendable.

If you enjoy men being discarded by women as if they are in endless supply and "lesser" men committing suicide, just keep spouting your bullshit. Good goy.

HAHA this is so true

Well ackshually, the Chinese have a law that states that if you injure a person severely, you'll have to pay their medical expenses and the expenses of their children and their grandchildren. If they were killed in the accident however then all is forgiven. So what do the Chinese do when they injure someone in a motor accident? They "accidentally" hit them again (and again and again…) until the motor accident creates an accidental death rather than injury.

I dare say that's actually good. By taking a step back it shows how fucking retarded the whole Instagram/ snapchat thing really is. All the thousands of girls out there with their inflated egos thinking they're hot shit and all they're doing is sticking their ass in the air and taking a picture

Fixed your picture.

Absolutely this.
A woman would much rather have a time slice of a top alpha, along with 10 or 20 other women, than be limited to a man she "settled" for.
If you want infidelity to end then you either need to accept open marriages (in reality, all marriages are open already, because women will do what they like now that social consequences have been removed) to remove the "cheating" by a technical cheat, or (the proper solution) you need to reintroduce extreme social sanctions for infidelity and promiscuity.
#2, which is the only solution, requires the revocation of female suffrage and most of the "women's lib" laws passed in the last 100 years, because women will never willingly give up their power.

You mean that they're mindless drones, like niggers?
But Holla Forums still holds niggers accountable for their actions.
Even a dog knows right from wrong.
Women do too, and they positively DELIGHT in doing wrong, like a dog which knows that its master will never be able to chastise it again, so women know that Big Daddy Government will cart off the "man of the house" if he so much as questions her spending.

This just sounds like a typical female rationalization for their desire for a richer men without feeling like a gold digger.
It's doublethink.
They want to be seen as strong independent women who are just as good as men, while still seeking mates that are better than them.
Also, I am disturbed by the fact that I HATE the women in OPs pic, they all look like utter cunts.
It's an expression of patronising smugness and entitlement that has become increasingly common in recent years.

Don't bother with trying to please any woman on any kind of deep personal level. Most are out to suck your soul and take any and all resources they can get from you. Don't feel the pressure from others forcing you into long term relationships because you want to fit in with other morons. Fact is us men thrive as lone wolves, nomads, vagabonds and putting the pussy on a pedastal only makes you weaker. Fuck bitches and keep your money.

Its all a damn mess and we need a heavy reset. Civilization always ends up like this, the women are left out of control, the men give up and retreat into sheltered safe spaces. Then comes the collapse and the people are either consumed by the invaders or harden back up.

This is why many people have dropped out.
The thing with wealth is, it's never enough.
The things you own end up owning you.
What you need is for Tyler Durden to blow up your apartment and show you how to become enlightened.

She can still divorce you, you'll still enter the JUSTice league.
You just created a single mom, the children will be non functional faggots.

You don't. Either society shames them into line or they play you like a damn fiddle. They'll stroke your ego and claim to be turned on by your confidence while laughing behind your back at how easy it is to manipulate your ego while they plan the divorce for gibs.

third pic gave me a good chuckle, thank you


What's the difference?

That's 100% normal teenage behaviour.
You have a life and legacy most anons here will never have. I'm not saying your life isn't shitty, but it's not the total failure you've accepted.

Teach your daughter how to drive, well.

Gotta love how they imply that it is not these same women initiating all the divorces.

You might get your wish fullfilled.


I can't relate to MGTOWs because they see things for what they are, but instead of manning-up they just say "well, I'll never be that guy so I guess I'll just hate women/Chad or try and come up with some lone-wolf on a motorcycle into the sunset self-image" rather than just changing their behavior.

Then it's just an endless refrain about what they can't change or can't do or can't live with or can't or can't do X because "the courts" , biology etc.

100% talk about what they can't do and zero talk about what they can do.

best girl. she's single too, calanons

No, they're told from the time they can comprehend anything that they are princesses that deserve the world, and their dysfunctional slut mothers inject man-hate into them on a daily basis. Then they are pushed and told they NEED an education to "escape" the plight of their hag mothers. "Better go to college or you'll be STUCK like me!!" Remember, we're talking about inter-generational transfers of feminist man-hatred at this point in history. Shits been fucked a long time, and all women are fucking damaged.

I don't know what the answer is. The hardest part for me, being a high value male from a stable traditional family, is just how overvalued women think they are. I can't tell if this is some kind of collective comforting emotional reinforcement or if they're just fucking insane. These narcissists are not even human. It makes it very easy to neg them constantly because they are all literally fucking garbage. I look upon them with disdain… and in my prime years where my earning potental is skyrocketing I view them all more as threats to my livelihood than possible additions to my life. Again… I don't know what the answer is.

Of course they are… they had people like us creating redpill factory communities on Holla Forums. If anything they are a product of our (millenials) effort and rebellion against the decadence of modernity.

You must have closed your eyes and whistled past the pages upon pages of anime waifu pillow fucker neets that shitposted this board to oblivion over the last few years.

The architect of the opium subversion strategy used against China was an iraqi court jew named David (IIRC) Sassoon. The pretty brutal strategies used by Imperial Britain becomes very much more understandable once you realize that the Imperial British political leadership was (and still is) informally subordinated to the economic leadership and that economic leadership was (and still is) jewish to the core.

Not even close.

This is why marrying 5/10 modest yet intelligent women is best. With selective breeding we can move the mean.

It is propaganda against marriage. The biggest subversion is it counts some asshole who marries and divorces 10 times as 10 distinct divorces instead of chalking it up to 1 damaged individual. The percentage drops dramatically if calculated to measure how successful A PERSON might be at achieving a stable marriage.



The Way Out Is Through

lmao the eternal JUDEO-christan strikes again

Those bell curves are based on american "whites" which means that the sample population was ~70% white european and the rest colored caucasians. If native english IQ is set to 100 american whites average 98 and germans 102. Suddenly the superior asian IQ gap is gone. Another aspect is that the IQ tests used today are simply not very good tools. A WAIS test suite is composed of a large number of subtests primarily stressing the left side of the brain.The final IQ number is computed from a weighted average of these subtests and if you change the weighting you could make racial and gender IQ differences far more pronounced to the advantage of north european and north east asian males and the disadvantage of everyone else. Psychology is to a great extent disinformation covering for jewish social engineering schemes and not real science. F.ex the popular raven matrice test is simple to administer but it mangles two variables (brain processing speed and brain complexity computing) into one result. This means that two people with very different real world IQ can have an identical raven matrice score. So what does it really measure?

Translation: user, will that bring you more cash to provide for me with?
It's always about more resources with women, unless you're Chad Thundercock. Women are materialistic and shallow; it's their nature.

Close themselves off from women while still paying taxes to a State that enables this shit behavior in women. #CUCKED.

I score well on matrices but my processing speed is bad, thus I score significantly lower on tests which focus more on speed, e.g. Wonderlic.

If you reduce it to math it makes sense, but the math is the least important piece.

What do you do if you are ugly? I am in good shape but I can't fix my face.

E.g. matrices: 120.
Wonderlic 109.

That is what beards are for. You can literally reshape your face.

Get a haircut and a beard that maximise your facial aesthetics. Work on your charisma and the way you signal using facial expression.

You're embarrassingly insecure. Are you a leftist?

That makes no sense whatsoever to work hard and only get to keep 35%, if you factor in basic expenses that's like 5 to 10% left for your own. JUST!

Leave the country, go work in a none taxed country, like the bahamas, thailand or somewhere else. You can live a stress free live making alcoholic drinks in the summer and enjoying the island.

It makes no sense to suffer such a enslavement for your work, it's even more gruesome if you as a man actually did nothing wrong whatsoever and she just wanted to ride the cock carousal again because she is unable to bond. This is what all men should do when the cunt isn't feeling the marriage anymore and files for divorce. I can't believe the chumps allowed no fault divorce to be implemented. Pick up your shit and just leave. The State will wise up and not want to pay the bill for female hypergamy so the no fault divorce will be the first thing to go.

Yea its basically like dancing… you just can't stand in the same place for too long. e.g., move your face around a lot.

We Trump Tax Cuts Now tho user

Quads of simple yet based teachings. You're welcome Holla Forums

Double dubs of self checking and validation, you're welcome, Me.

I can't grow a beard yet. All the men in my family weren't able to grow beards until at least 28.

Too many dubs makes a man weak. Chasing dubs, forcing dubs, lusting after the dubs, chasing the dubs, eating the dub dubs. All of these things makes a man a faggot, not a hero.

Beard growth depends on certain hormone levels. It may be the case that your family have genes that are responsible for low levels of these hormones. Do a search for which which hormones control growth (can't recall names atm) and find out how to boost them naturally. It's possible in some cases grow a thick beard from a sparse peach fuzz patch.


How did you get a masters at 24 I started uni at 18 and got my lolBA at 22, MA programs in my field are more than 2 years.

Tradwives are trannies you stupid faggot fuck off back to your alt kike cesspool

This is what pisses me off about crusty old conservatives who complain about young men not marrying any more. They just don't seem to realise that WOMEN DON'T WANT TO MARRY MOST MEN any more.

Women always seem to "marry up", and since they more likely to be college educated their list of potential candidates is lower than it ought to be. We now have a situation where every idiot woman with a sociology degree feels entitled to marry to a doctor or a lawyer. Tradesmen, despite being far more necessary to society, are seen by most women to be beneath them merely because it doesn't require a university degree.

Mock it all you like, but the fact is that society was far healthier when people used to believe these things.

That is because you're historically illiterate and thus have no perspective. Prior to the comet that gave us a big reset about 11,000 years ago our civilizations were creating massive stone architecture and europeans were spreading across the globe flourishing and conquering. Your desert religion has done nothing to restore this, and has instead stood as a barrier every step of the way of us rediscovering the natural world. Your semitic cult is to blame for our current tolerant regression. Your semitic cult cannot take credit for the default state of nature, quote "traditional" marriages and institutions. These things have been with us for more than a hundred thousand years. Your semitic cult is to blame entirely for the "don't think, just do" goy-sheparding mentality that has left the modern mind uninocculated from the depravity and decadence we face now. Instead of real answers and solutions your semitic cult fabricated lies and enforced them with torture as a control structure to maintain power.

The eternal JUDEO-christian strikes again.

It's true. Women need to be shaped, dominated and guided by men but not the way this faggot actually suggests it. His oldfagging shows and the fact that he needed 20 years of marriage until finding out what's wrong speaks for itelf. Part of molding a women is slapping and teaching the retarded shit out of her, and not accepting this faggot shit: "muh wimmin is a tender bonsai garden".

He would have learned more by playing a jap slave trainer gamer.

I respect anyone who still tries, but can't help but feel sad for you.

checked, more truth

Reminder Jews did this. Reminder any time you find yourself outraged at society, that its probably(and most likely provably) because something Jews did decades ago, and they are the real blame.

The 14 words dont mean "have a kid".

The 14 words mean "Get rid of the people who make it hard to have kids"

Having a child doesnt secure shit. Taking back your country, the media, the government, etc.. thats how you secure the future. The man who came up with the 14 words was sentenced to 200 years for assassinating kikes, robbing armored trucks and counterfeiting money.

This does not absolve the golem of the crimes it committed.

Fucking capped for posterity.

Women aren't support to have jobs, they are supposed to make babies and keep the birth rate above 2.1 so the civilization doesn't collapse like it is now.

false dichotomy. You should be doing both.

im still laffin

Women are equal to men, but have different roles. Its not like their role as mothers puts them beneath men, both roles are equally important to society. Without children, there is no society. Women aren't the sole parental force in raising children though, men also have important roles in being a strong father figure. This whole "back in the kitchen!" meme, and the perception of stay-at-home mothers as being something a lowly woman might do, something beneath a "modern" woman is pure cancer. Women should be proud to have made a good family, to have raised good Children. I cant remember how many times my mother said "What will people think of me, Id be a bad mother if I did X" Its a point of pride.


You may secure a future, but not have children. You may have children, but not secure a future. Of course you should have children, lots of them. David Lane had plenty of words on how white people should act in regards to reproduction, but securing a future wont happen by having a lot of kids, especially not in this current environment were in. White children under 8 are the minority in the US. Canada will be 20% white in 2060. For every 10 kids you can have, the jews can import 100 niggers, and make 3 of those kids mix with them in the end, turn another into a faggot, make 2 more kill themselves, and the other 4 probably wont reproduce because of economic and social factors, like how consensual sex is now rape.

The 14 words obviously include the idea of having children, but that is not what it means to secure a future. If everyone here had 100 kids, it wouldnt change shit.

Nah. A societal collapse will mean the end of what we call 'western' culture, much like how the Bronze Age Collapse brought a end to Ancient Egypt, Assyria, and the Greeks of Odysseus's time (with many other cultures, like the Hittites and the Canaanites, disappearing seemingly overnight). Or how the fall of Rome ended Latin culture for all time, though many claimed to be it's true successor. But a new civilization always emerges from the ashes like a Phoenix.

The end of the Bronze Age gave rise to the Hellenic Greeks, Romans, Persians, and unfortunately the cackling Jew. The end of Rome gave rise to Kingdoms who descended from the Barbarians that sacked it who then, in turn, formed the basis for western civilization. And these progenitors are always seen as some backwoods people who'll never amount to anything, like the Latins were seen by the Greeks and Phoenicians, or the Germanic Tribes by the Romans. So it won't be the Arabs and blacks, their genes and intellects have been too heavily damaged by generations of inbreeding to really be capable of building a civilization, who inherit the west but something more akin to the Mormons or the Armenians.

Hell we might even see something weird a few hundred years down the line like having the Zoroastrians making a comeback and driving the Moslems back into their feral sand nigger homeland. Or the Feral Niggers once again getting properly domesticated and civilized by their kind Dixie masters.

Most logical thing I've read all week on this board.


I thought I was the only one who saw that when it was first posted and see the screencap every time and still think it's retarded.

The guy basically says that you should be constantly focused her and let her do all this pointless artistic and domestic crap for no reason and doesn't even entertain that most men would prefer not to have all of that. There's cucked equality relationships, there's traditional ones, then there's "traditional" marriages like this one where you basically have to be a surrogate father at all times or she whines and leaves you.

The question I always ask, and never get a proper answer to, is if we raise the birthrates by a factor of 2, what are we going to do if third world immigration increases by a factor of 5? Just breed more?

The longer we stall it the worse things get. Things like immigration, feminism, and the current state of cultural marxism have to be solved first before we try to have a baby boom.

Well I hope the camps start soon we have a lot of worthless people in society.

I-I'm done, Holla Forums. After three years of feeding me the sickest truths and burning the most horrible images into the recesses of my mind, y'all have finally found something that broke me. After three years of pouring oil all over me, you toss a match and let me burn with the power of a million suns.

You turned a once carefree, bluepilled teenager into a self-respecting, rational young man. I have seen many man-made horrors beyond my comprehension passed as truth, history, and culture. I have seen individuals harassed, tortured, and killed for attempting to find the real answers to our problems. This country's government, as well as the world it created, is run on corruption and lies. Only after three years, however, was there an impulse activated deep inside of myself to act on that corruption.

This impulse does not compel me to act directly and suddenly. Instead, my actions will be psychological. I am going to educate myself a hundred times more forcefully than I do now, and I will not stop until I know all the enemy's strategies and ten tactics against each. I am going to force myself to any position of power I can obtain and marry my cute white conservative girlfriend. I do not have to become the next Hitler (I cannot, being a European immigrant), but rest assured that I will spend my life working to put that Hitler there.

All of us were "different" growing up, and I believe that is because we were the only ones who truly questioned what we were being taught. (((They))) feared us and tried to bring us down, but those attempts backfired; they had no idea just how talented we were. We are the Grande Armée on steroids: thousands upon thousands of Napoleons ready to hit from every angle imaginable. All we are doing now is waiting for the perfect moment to strike for our cause.

And I will only be happy when we bring the globalist scumbags to their knees, or if I die in the attempt to get you to do so. Seventeen-seventy-six and fourteen-eighty-fucking-eight.

I have a working class manufacturing job that doesn't pay that well, almost anybody that I work with that is in an established relationship (married and/or with kids) the woman makes more than they do. Poor women.. pay equality when???

To add, the women in these relationships have some front office shit or "massage therapist" occupations.

Sorry, I agree with a lot of this thread, but these arguments are retarded and we have to refute them before people embarrass themselves using these arguments in a public argument.

If the money supply were fixed (it's not), this would technically be (approximately) true. However, even if that were the case, although wages would decrease, spending power per capita would *increase*, because the net production capacity of society has gone up. A lot of people who were formerly sitting at home (women) are now working, so society gets more shit done.

Of course, most currencies are deflationary, so wages (in dollar/euro amounts) have gone up, just as purchasing power per person has also gone up. But wages are the wrong thing to look at; you really care about purchasing power.

True, and this is a serious problem. Use this in arguments. The declining birth rate is bad.

This isn't really true; the market can absorb basically any amount of surplus labor unless government regulations get in the way. More people working = more money to spend = people buy more shit = more jobs. (That's a very rough and hand-wavy explanation, but it gets the idea across.)

This is inconvenient for men, but I don't think you'll find much traction with this argument. Practically speaking, I would advise against using it. The obvious feminist response is "Oh, so this is about men's egos?". It's too susceptible to snarky feminist responses.

Both of these are true, but unfortunately most normies are programmed at school to react violently to anyone pointing out that men and women have obvious differences.

MTGOW is objectively correct. They are right that men get fucked high, hard, and often by legal systems that pick women over men, every time.

However, more important than un-fucking the way men are treated is preserving the white race.

It doesn't matter if men finally stop getting treated like shit if it's only because Mohammed and Dayquan get to beat their wives and there are no white people left to object to beating women.

And I was stupid and naive to think that getting /fit/ would solve my problems. Now I'm nothing but an empty husk. I will never have anyone in my life.

They have to be chemically disgusted with you in order to prevent incest. Same goes for teen boys and their moms.

done? or just beginning…

If you don't want to be a father then you understand nothing about patriarchy.

how high minded of you, get based or get the fuck out faggot

how high minded of you, get based or get the fuck out faggot, it's time brothers, it's time

kike pushing gender dnc

It's times like this I'm curious whether or not becoming an actual serial rapist is all that detrimental.

Shit, if I do it right I'm probably gonna be thanked for it afterword with how most western sluts go.

this is true, but patriarchy makes you slow and stupid and closed minded, we are coming for you and your women faggot, we see you and your fathers work, none too impressed too bad you're killing the very thing keeping you alive in that system,

Kek, the thing is, if women didn't take all the jobs there would be more demand for employees, pay rates then rise, women get to relax at home all day long playing with their kids and hanging with their fellow women. The time spent with your husband becomes more precious and he doesn't have to worry about whether or not he wants kids because he doesn't have to deal with them much. The man goes off and achieves his dream in his dream job. But what do you do about he jobs that men don't want to do, it's okay all the fags and trannies can take them! Banning work for women would mean less time wasted in fields of study that they really aren't naturally capable for after hormones set in. So how much are women allowed to learn then, if they were banned from employment, except in exceptional cases. Studying hospitality, cleaning and children studies should be a must. If they aren't studying the same subjects then children will barely interact with the other sex unless events are held or people are assigned to each other based on race and compatibility? What if a gender eventually became a hermaphrodite from too much evolutionary segregation?

ok big guy

huh? You take a wrong turn in your adventures across the internet?

You mean like japenese men and their quest for artificial wombs?

close, more like she will blame others that she is an unlovable piece of shit, and use word games to dodge the fact that she regrets her life choices. Stop pretending that women are honest with themselves, let alone anyone else. This is why I really don't want a relationship. The lack of honesty just kills me.

And she'd probably win 50%+ of his earned income and his house in that divorce.

Stopped reading there.

Kill yourself millenial. Nihilism is for faggots.

Go back to twitter, millenial.

Are you under the jewish impression that weddings need to be massive events with rented $6000 tuxedos and dresses?

Stop projecting degeneracy and lust for cartoons onto actually mentally well people like Hitler.

Remove non-whites, no reason to masturbate to annihilation like a faggot.

We have IDs here.


Stop being a pussy and get a job, nigger.
You belong in a bog.


Putting aside the entire canned debate of MGTOW, there are two points to consider. First, the Western model of social interaction is assumed to be "normal". It is not. One trip to Tomsk or Odessa can shatter that particular paradigm, but the average guy is absolutely and irrefutably convinced that every single woman in the world acts like an American feminist. While hypergamy is universal, some women actually consider getting, and keeping, the attention of a man similar to winning the lottery. I suspect the pathos seen around MGTOW is based in the desire of men to "settle the score" with Western feminists. At some point guys need to learn that you can't beat people into loving you.

Second, ignoring the impact MGTOW and the Marriage Strike is having on Western society borders on full blown autism. How can anyone that merely scratches the surface of this topic not be aware of the multitude of news report about the "Man Drought", "Why can't I find a man?" or "Men on Strike"? We are either approaching critical mass, or have already reached it. We have already won. It is inevitable that politicians will be forced to react to men walking away from marriage and fatherhood. Hell, it is already starting to happening. inb4 archive fags

The economy will begin to ramp up soon, and it will be similar to The Reagan Boom, but this time around men will not soon forget how feminists and women in general shivved them at every given opportunity. When the tide turns, men will be riding high, and women will be left at the docks. So as of right now, men have two options;

1.) Get started early by earning and online ESL certificate, heading over to Eastern Europe, finding a super-hot young waifu that actually loves and treasures you, and popping out some dual-citizen, multilingual prodigies.

2.) Chill, observe, bitch on the internet, bitch some more, and when Trump hits the first 10 million deportations and employers begin legit scrambling for employees, as it was when I was a kid, hop back into the job market and wait for elected officials to begin catering to the the whims of the now enlightened and financially secure male demographic. It will happen.

While I am a great advocate of remedial slander and collective shitposting, men need to understand that we are winning, and the winning will only increase.

People always approach MGTOW and women in general from a cultural perspective. As if women even have the intellectual agency to create a matriarchy.

The concept of MGTOW isn't a new movement. I'm not even sure why it exists. It's based on individualism so it serves no purpose for brotherhood or any sort of social bonding. It's not religious and doesn't even tell you to not fuck women. It's essentially a few guys who decided to circle-jerk over the fact that they don't want to settle down (something men have always done) and a bunch of ugly manlet virgins latching on to bitch and moan about not receiving female attention.

I think people don't understand that the direction we are heading in is pretty fucking inevitable with technological advances. Men are already by default worth about 1/10th of womens biological value by birth alone. This is evident in DNA having more female variety but significantly less male variety (meaning King Chad III fucked everyone in the kingdom), and evident in everyday life with dating. So you take men who have already been worthless for all of human history and remove the one thing that man made to combat this which was religion. Couple that with labour becoming irrelevant due to technological advances and about 85% of all men are suddenly completely useless to society. Most men have low IQs, commit the most crime, etc.

The only real answer is a complete reset of society through a collapse of civilization. I really don't see religion becoming dominant again as much as I'd like for it do be.

Anyways, I just thought I'd add a slightly different perspective on things since most people seem to just REEEE about women being evil and shit. Even if we didn't need women to reproduce you'd still have the same problems with the bottom of the barrel men leeching and shitting the place up. Without religion a.k.a. equal breeding opportunity through self chastisation of every man and woman you're going to run into problems no matter what.

You're right (((they))) gave women to many options probably on purpose but as reality sets in all those options will far apart there won't be a chance to critique and there won't be consent.

Yeah, you're probably not an autist.

This is straw man argument. MGTOW isn't about manipulating women into loving you. This thought is the result of a mental subversion, the same kind of mental gymnastics that they indoctrinate these days at universities. The reality is much more direct: MGTOW is simply a means for men to protect themselves in a world where everything is constantly against them, and even moreso if they're white.
Personally I don't want a relationship at all. I don't even rent hookers or look for women to have casual sex with. It's completely meaningless and I have nothing to gain from it. In contrast, I've observed hundreds of times family, friends, and co-workers having big relationship problems, where the man ends up on the losing side (yeah, hundreds of times, I'm getting up there in years). Lucky for me, I managed to avoid all that, and I count my blessings every time. The weirdest part for me is that some of those who got divorces several times just don't get it why I don't want a relationship. But others outright agree, or even tell me constantly: "don't ever get married, it's not worth it".

This is retarded logic.

Yeah OK…so at no time did I or do I advocate manipulating women into loving men. If for no other reason than it is not possible to love someone you do not respect. I support your choice to go monk, as it is a valid course of defensive action in feminist-dominated Western culture. That said, for those guys out there that refuse to surrender their fate to feminist dogma, I encourage getting on a plane to Eastern Europe where insanely hot young waifus are plentiful, and entrenched family courts are not even a thing. I think one thing men tend to forget is, men have and ever-growing set of options, and women are running out of options at an exponential rate. In short, I do not subscribe to defeatism.

user, we had the feminists in checkmate back in 2002. The revolution will not be televised etc etc.

Cato the Elder buttravaged the feminists 2000 years ago in writing In Support of the Oppian Law. Two millennia later, men possess keen historical insight, and the ability to commiserate anonymously via the interwebs.

They tried drinking and partying until blacking out, they blew cash to go shopping every weekend, they tried traveling to exotic locations to take photos for everyone to see on Facebook, they fucked various men they barely know and cheated on their boyfriends for fun, they got their useless diploma by taking out a loan they’ll never be able to pay off, they bought their Lululemon outfit and tried hot yoga, they decided to hop on the feminist wagon to feel empowered and to hate on men.

But no matter what, they still feel miserable and still feel like they need to “find” themselves. It’s as if the more freedom women are given, the unhappier they get. They jump here and there for momentary pleasures, but they can’t seem to find any meaning in life because they simply refuse to live like a woman. They bought into the feminist lies and now they are hollow beings drifting around in our modern world, constantly searching, constantly blaming, constantly dissatisfied. - Corey Savage, Return Of Kings.

Resources and Labor together makes products. It used to be that Labor was the limiting factor, but increasingly it is resources we are maxing out.

Twice as many workers can not farm twice as much grain. Can not drill twice as much oil. Cannot cut twice as many trees. Etc etc.

Women don't want to earn more than men simply because they fear getting shafted in a divorce court by them, basically what we've been worrying about for decades

This is true. Women may think they're winning, but decade after decade, they are increasingly unhappier. Happiness has been denied to us other than the short term pleasures.

here's my 2c.

had a loving gf mad crazy about me. we had a baby and my coldness, her programming (strok independent….now housewife) and temporary lack of funds (had to wok all day) separated us emotionally to the point of trying to kill each other.

women crave a driven man. this is not wrong. it's what is expected of them. regardless of the jew indoctrination we ARE white men and if we do the things WE like with passion i guarantee you your woman will worship you.

i'd say ambition is the foremost quality for mate selection (not necesaarily success).

get driven, even if it's about nazi frogs. but actually alter real life not internet imageboards.

followup: you can see white women fawning over niggers who are not in the least way succesful. what niggers have is drive, even if it's only to fuck white wimmi z.

let's get motivated, to kill all jews why not, and their panties will get moist instantly.

i'm willing to bet moldylocks rubbed one out thinking about prophet nathan damigo (pbuh)

this! many men do not deserve to reproduce and are just as bad as the women they bitch about.

You're a full on idiot

If you do not breed or further the future of children of those who did breed then you are useless to us. The way to a woman's heart and respect is thinking of the children. We are the only ones who do that. We're the only ones with a message to lift them from the horrible unsatisfying materialism they're lost in. Honestly it's not even a fair competition. If you can't find a woman who will adore you for that then you're a cuck. KYS.

We have this thread time and time again. Women threads only serve to blackpill anons and are entirely useless otherwise. The only way to fix the problem concerning the opposite sex as they are completely helpless to control their animal desires and instincts is to change the law.

That's a fake story.

Woah, she won't be for long. Now we just need this trend to pick up.

we're in endgame mode now, rich chads are mostly jews

goy chads are mostly broke or spending their boomer parents shekels to appear rich

Someone could create an insurance company to save men from divorce.

However, it would be like selling life insurance to a 60 year old cigarette smoking alcoholic.

How the hell did we not come up with this ourselves?

Lots of anons with brains moving to /polk/ is really starting to show here. You faggots don't even realize that you're as bad as feminists at this point. A female who doesn't like the results of feminism and was never around to implement is not to blame for it when she is not being one. Also, two plus two is four. I know it's complicated, but do everyone a favor and start paying attention to how things actually work.

That's because your cuck shit was slowly making things worse the entire time, Abraham. Of course things were better before–that's literally just rephrasing the thesis that christ insanity has slowly damaged things for 2000 years, just like all the other semitic faggotry.

It's ALWAYS Jews at the root of everything.

Ancient Germanic tribal law dictates that the value of a woman's life is twice that of a man's, which is why I have saged this faggy MGTOW thread full of anti-woman garbage.

I coined that term back in the day. I don't agree with your post, though.

We didn't come up with it because, while there are ladies here, the board is mostly male. We are two halves of a whole. Never tolerate hatred towards the opposite sex of your own race.

I didn't know the sage sage faggot was a woman.

Now I'll tell you why women outearn men.

Only in startups a man can outgame the system and reasonably make more shekels than women if he doesn't get jewed by ((venture capitalists)).

Traditional white collar career paths are all about being the goodest goys.

Guys are naturally rebellious if they have some balls and want to be their own man instead of some ZOG slave.

Women are naturally born submissive and they don't question why they have to undergo years of useless studying in random subjects until they're allowed to learn something useful and they naturally want to appease teachers instead of challenging them.

I have been struggling hard most of my life because I was unwilling to appease man hating feminist hag teachers and the like which is a death sentence in europoor, where you can't just get a GED and go to college but are forced to go through the system or stay outside of it.

Well, MGTOW is the more rational version of Feminism. Both sides of the same medal: people feeling entitled while trying to find a good looking partner in a now competitive environment, where previously marriages and relationships were restricted to local settings.

It's OK to have competition when dating but the problem is individualism and muh special snowflake which makes everyone think he/she is a 10/10 and deserves a ripped Chad with 300k/year and 200IQ, while men think they deserve a super hot model who is into cooking, gardening and all that other shit.

This whole problem is getting more serious because people also lose the ability to properly socialize or develop true empathy due to social networking or the short lived relationships because we move for our jobs/college and so on a lot.

I fully endorse the idea to rake in a trad waifu from eastern europe, who otherwise wouldn't have much perspective in Ivan-country but by commiting to this, you really need to have at least 4-5 kids. Because this is your primary task.

Second option is going full wizzard and devote to changing/nuking the system without wasting your time on degeneracy like watching shit or playing games 24/7.

The only reason I hate MGTOW is because I stay in shape, constantly try to improve myself on a personal level, and when I get discouraged because I can't find a woman who's similar, I get called an MGTOW blackpiller.

Yeah, don't feel discouraged. Just learn to have power over your dick, otherwise your balls will constantly send fuck/wimmin signals to your brain and make you miserable if you can't find a proper one.

The only sollution is to re-condition your dick signal or hate women. The latter one will make you bitter and you will involuntarily project this attitude outwards and it will not only influence your interaction with woman but with everyone else. Train your dick, re-condition your balls to ultimate manliness and with time the urge to find a slut to bang will subside due to the superiority you feel.

We're far beyond that user. I turn 25 in less than a week, and I've never even been on a date.

nigga please, ukrainian and russian girls are the coldest gold diggers out there and they age really really badly

they want mafia igor, not some well earning cuck from a western country that they consider weak

the kind of behavior russian alphas get away with would never fly in a western country if you actually want to hold down a job instead of being in and out of prison

russia is a shithole for a reason, it's a winner takes it all country where women fawn over guys with flashy cars that extorted / jewed together shekels to buy it. nobody actually runs businesses that add any real value to anyone. it's a place where strong mafia igors squeeze the weak.

now on to the better slavs: if you go slav, go polish

they're catholic, fairly traditional and as a german guy I know several guys that are in solid marriages with polish women

I heard poland is getting more pozzed but I'd take a polish waifu over a german one in a heartbeat.

Germany is completely unsaveable at this point. Any woman with a halfway decent career that's not totally ugly is a hardcore man hating feminist cunt. That's just no basis for any healthy relationship that won't end in a divorce quickly.

you fall for le jew meme that white poverty equals truly lacking anything

they have a house, they had food, what more do you need?

the latest cuckphone? a flashy car? don't fall for artificial jewish desires

why not? Even if you have to date some normie sluts to get experience around women is still better than full autism. You don't have to fuck them, but just learn how to handle women in general.

who is talking about grinding shekels? I think you underestimate poverty in eastern europe.

If a woman suitable for marriage were to come along, I would get serious, but for now I'm content to use Tinder and have ONS from time to time. I'm not a master or anything but worst comes to worst I can hire an escort if I go dry too long. I'm dropping out of college (about to end freshman year) and going into Air Force, I want to travel as much as possible. I've heard GREAT things about foreign (white) women, so I'm hopeful prospects will be better. My dad was in the Army, he told me there are girls who will do anything for an American soldier.

But really the only thing I can count on is myself, to be smart and forge an enjoyable life. I don't trust women hardly at all and I'm extremely independent, I can just pour all I have into my hobbies when I'm not working, if people are so shitty then I already decided long ago I don't NEED friends or women to be happy. And if that's my bottomline, then I'm not worried about what life has in store. Ignoring some ridiculous outcome like getting kidnapped and tortured or becoming a bum (shit that almost certainly won't happen), I have no worries about my future.

I would really regret not bringing white children into the world. That would be a huge regret.


Yeah, they stopped looking sorta cute to me after a saw a video of one torturing a pupper with a torch.

Gas all non-whites I say, maybe the japs can stay.. maybe..

This thread is black-pilling me hard. I fucking hate jews with every bit of my soul.

Our women are infected with the brain disease of feminism.. I wonder what portion of girls my age (22) are cancer.

I still need to make at least 5 white sons though. It's not going to be easy trying to find a european qt, who thinks Hitler did nothing wrong.

The fucking vaginal jew. :/

Women are like water. They take the shape of their environment. The only difference between women 70 yrs ago and now is the culture they inhabit, the women themselves are the same beast. Hate the game, as they say. Personally I'm hoping to find better luck in different countries.

If I leave you with any lasting lesson, it is that all women are the same, the only difference is the environment. It fits with their submissive nature. Don't hate them for it.

Horrible mistake. Political activity among women is a warning sign even if it's a position you agree with. Find an apolitical qt that wants to raise children and make a good home and tolerates your adoration of National Socialism and Hitler. That's what matters - a mother that can create a strong, stable, loving household.
Eventually she'll even start complaining and joking about Jews if you gently nudge her in the redpill direction.

If you tards spent more time working on cryptocurrency projects and less time bitching about the jews you'd be richer than these sluts anyway

They're worried their husbands are losing the plot.

I can empathize with that.

Personally I blame drugs and porn.

user, i'm like you. Will turn 24 in a few months and i don't date on a regular basis.

What helped me getting more confident and less autistic around women was just asking them out and being around them. That's it. You don't even have to have sex with them. You don't even have to kiss them if you don't want to. Just take them to a local Café or something, buy them and yourself a cup of cofee. And just sit and talk for a while.

I don't care about 95% of these womens company. But it's a great learning experience regardless. You'll feel better about yourself, so when the right one comes around you know exactly what to do and not to do.

There's your problem. Women aren't into improving themselves.

I've rarely see women use drugs, especially hard drugs. No, the problem stems from women themselves and their passivity.

How about you stay where you fucking are amerinigger, nobody wants you here.

Because men were the first into the market, pretty much every job a man does is heavy overregulated, if not destroyed by pampered shitlibs who parasitize his work and show zero appreciation for it.

The pendulum will swing back the other way once we move into outer space. Women will largely be too afraid to work in such a harsh, unregulated environment and men will dominate.

Women will become planet bitches.

Women probably actually feel ashamed. They want their husbands to succeed that is their nature. My wife regulairly puts her own interests behind mine.

Women spend all of history knitting in the shades while watching their husbands hunt game. And they're content with that life.

Contrary to virgin beliefs women are actually very nurturing and supportive creatures. Even Hitler described them as the moral stronghold of society. Why? Because they are always worried to be 'good girls'. Back in the 30s that meant being a feminine, nice and faithful mother. The worst thing that can happen to a woman is social ostrazising which is why the punishment for cheating was a walk of shame through the village centre. Women don't want to be I a position were other women talk a bad about them behind their backs. Think highschool girl behaviour because that is what it is, women never grow out of it which is good. But being a 'good girls' now means pretending to be for women's right to work and dressing very lewd. And those who don't are doing made fun of. In the begining this was to 100% artificially pushed via the media (Edwards Bernays) but eventually women were convinced that. It acting in that way was a reason to talk bad behind someone's back and so this media meme became reality: just out of women's fear to left out. On a psychological level this worked exactly like a bankrun or a stock market bubble. Women are also capable to endure alot of hardship. And so even though 99% of women are unhappy at work and actually feel bad about earning more than their husband because their instincts tell them they want to be dominated by the man, they keep going because they are Africa to be left out and ostrazised.

By the way that's the same reason why Muslim women pretend they wear the Vail out of free choice.

Actually there are tons of women in generation Identity. How about you move your next mgtow ass to one of their meetings. It's legit 1/3rd of the movement which is impressive sin e women usually don't do politics

Same pic twice

I know people like you. Every thing they say is either directly or indirectly about themselves. Anyway glad to see you're woke

I draw maps and make up cultures for a hobby, my mom always asks me why I don't try monetizing it somehow.

My absolute nigger. Though I usually go to a map randomizer of some kind and play around with it until I see some interesting geographic features and play with it from there.
Do you mostly go for low fantasy cultures or alt-history type stuff?
Sage for off topic.

I guess low fantasy, it's mostly costume work and political/religious institutions.

I have been married, cannot confirm. I'm better at pretty much anything she does. Maybe that demotivated her idk but unless I made her do stuff she would not do anything for me.

No blowjob, no food etc.

She also expected me to become daddy 2.0 taking the lead in anything and telling her what to do.

I work in a niche field, had no work for her or ways to make herself useful.

In the end she followed some new age cuck guru and divorced because she did not give two shits about me anymore by her behavior even though the vaginal jew is always good at proclaiming things are different than they seem.

Lessons learned: Unless you have strong leadership abilities and ways to get her to make herself useful you're probably fighting a losing battle.


Women are only nurturing when their hormones tell them to be, i.e. when they get feelz that tell them so.
Otherwise they are less moral than the average man because they can delude themselves into thinking they are right no matter what.

Also without checking I can tell you that the girls that go to ID meetings are there to hunt for successful men, got dragged there by their boyfriend or some other ulterior motive. This is the case for EVERY non-feminine activity.

This is pretty true if your woman isn't broken. Women follow their feelings and being pumped and dumped enough, or getting abortions, or being on birthcontrol or etc etc can literally break them.

Based good advice. Knowing a woman wanted more from you satisfies 95% of your mating urges. Also great practice cuz all that's really left is to stick your dick in it.

I believe that goes for most (if not all) women. It ranges from support for nationalistic and/or racial ideals to something simple like preparing and cooking meals. Unless I took charge and showed her by example how simple it was, she would have not taken it upon herself if it was by herself.

Of course, one can either take two roads understanding this.

You made me laugh.

Boomer women had the world handed to them on a fucking silver platter. Of course they are retarded materialistic cuntbags.

Intelligent women have made up less than 5% of the white population since the 1940s.

Intelligence is a muscle built against resistance women have almost no environmental pressures to excercise this "muscle" and so it has atrophied for 5 generations and still going strong.

We are so influential despite not really being organised because this environment is extremely harsh to information based purely on emotional arguments. So the chans are completely impervious to 95% of women who's K selected intelligence has been breed out of existence over the last 75 years.

Bullshit. Intelligence doesn't atrophy. Women are just genetically predisposed towards the average, unlike men.

I can see this phrase replacing "cuck" by the 2030's

Quad 4's of Truth. May we all have happy wives and many white children!

Adult IQ is like 80% genetic. Society changes how women use their brain. Not really how much of it they got. At least not in he short term.

All of the stuff in the picture was written by a woman. Reread it with that knowledge.

Does it mention millennial men are worried and ashamed of girlfriends and wives that have slept around more than them?

Tell that to the nigger who hasnt read a book in 400 years.

Your newfag is showing

We're totally equal in every way

beat up women

its only fair those faggets

I think he meant husbands that are degenerating and not taking the dominant role out of sheer inadequacy.

Some women literally have to mother their husbands because they're so hopeless. Love is the thing that keeps them together, otherwise they wouldn't bother.

I don't see why this is a bad thing. Wives should expect their husbands to pull their weight. Men should make themselves pull their weight.
I think it's sad that it's gotten to the point where the women have to literally push their husbands from being slackasses.
They should come to Holla Forums where we try to motivate men to "uncuck their shit". Because that's what I see them doing.

Hitler was a cuck

-animal rights
-any respect for females
-not actually exterminating every single filthy fucking kike there is

If I become dictator after societal collapse you better prepare your anuses

I'll consider it all for the end result.
Don't agree with everything but its got some stuff.. also mildly entertaining.

If such a collapse occurs you'd better hope there will be sufficient white population to continue

You're a fucking idiot. We don't send women to war because they'd get their asses kicked. It has nothing to do with any fucking expendability bullshit.

Putting it mildly. That shit was hilarious. On a sadder note, now that I see the bigger picture I can't tell where the degeneracy began or where it ends.

You're wrong. Men dominate the high and low end of the IQ. Women are clustered in the middle for reasons that should be obvious (they are not expendable like men are). 30% of genetic mutations are in Y chromosome alone. It's where a large part of the experimentation occurs, thus where geniuses are found.

Claiming woman to discredit is exactly like claiming woman to gain credit it means nothing. Show poster's tits or GTFO. Create a thoughtful response or stfu.

Fuck me that first pic makes me wanna have a sexual emergnecy with those sluts. But lets face it At this point every man who seeks serious relationships with women is a soft cuckold,
because he’s the last man in a 30-man gangbang trying to give tender kisses on the lips and labia of a woman who has been rode hard and defiled for years. We are out of options except for WHITE SHARIA

100% Jew luxurys are a way to chase the dragon. "Just this and i'll be happy." They rot all the same. A car is shit in 20 years, A house in 200. A soul is eternal. Find mushroom Jesus.

Translation: HEY user, can I use you as a walking bank account?



Hold up, I swear I have seen a screencap of these two on twitter saying they weren't against mudsharking or something, somebody posts it please.

if you're gay or bisexual, just ditch women altogether, Holla Forums

donate your sperm every month to compensate.

Never seen that, but there are plenty of examples of ebegging.

Go away eastern europe¢ral&southern europe is full.