Mods sticky

Mods sticky

Stay mad fag

Fucking hell at least get the meme right. Holla Forums is plettipol. Holla Forums is zolebbit.

stickied ;)

How can you be so sure it's not the old ones?

Because the old ones will have nothing to do with this.

Imagine being this butthurt.

Look at all these non arguments and Holla Forums not denying it!

lol drubf bdfo






Faggots don't understand that Holla Forums is like hitting the bar after work for Holla Forums after a long day of naming the Jew.

I hope you're not talking about our Holla Forums…

Of course. Where else do you think Holla Forums shitposts at? Definitely not Holla Forums because the pedos scare them away.

You could sticky that if you were BO
Too bad you never ever

Sudocuck, sudocuck, where's your buck?

I don't give a fuck about politics. I give a fuck about shapeshifting parasites trying to enslave and murder me and mine. Any thing that shakes society up enough to enable whites to fight back and murder jews is okay in my book.

not/r/Da_Drumpf (aka. 8/pol/) ?