Legion made by Jewzzard(TM)

Class Halls are not new Garrisons they said

Legion will be a great expansion they said

You will be shocked by "positive" and "good" things in Legion they said

Other urls found in this thread:


didn't know WoW got a mobile spinoff.

Blizz should stop pretending they make real games and move to mobile.
On related not, is there no other wow threads nearby? Do we need another one?

We need as many as possible to warn the addicts, the draw is real now that we're in summertime and legion is being hyped up with the new movie.

Keep as much cash out of blizz's hands as possible.

Don't worry, I used a 10 day trial to check out WoD and I was done in less than 2 days. How anyone still pays for this shit is beyond me. To fix the damage Blizz would have to revert how many years worth of dumb design choices?

from what I can tell the vast majority of WoW players are socially handicapped people in their 40s. the paid youtube video makers are not indicative of the playerbase.


Wow this voice acting is really bad even for blizzard.

Also illidan is apparently night elf jesus now.

New movie fucking raped the lore. It wasn't necessary to change so much in order to bring on War1 lore in line with WoW lore, but that's what you get when you hire a quack to write the script.

Each expansion since WoTLK has had less and less content, ever since they cut more than half of cata later-patch content. Before I quit after rejoining for WoD, my guildies were complaining about how there's barely anything new in the expansion and no new battlegrounds at all. Legion will burn up any goodwill leftover among all but the cuckest of cuckcore blizzdrones.

the wod bait & switch was the last chance for wow

that sub spike made famous in the "black man laughing" video won't happen again

Illidan in Legion is same as Kerrigan story in SC2


As someone who last played WoW during Catacylsm, I don't understand any of this.

wouldn't be a ptr without shamans, shamen?, getting shafted.

the private server threads are on hiatus till WoC comes out

They removed the talent tree? Everything is the same what a dumb game.

I liked making a guy that had mixtures of both trees.

Fuck I loved mixing and matching talent trees back then for unique but still strong builds.


at least there's still elemental.
I really like the mistweaver changes too, but I don't think I could stomach the gutted brewmaster.

Nothing will ever beat Cataclysm voice acting. Nothing.

We've known that shit for at least a month.

Please at least TRY to keep up with this trainwreck, thanks.

Shit was so good.

Movie is non-canon, user. It's a cinematic universe that's going to split off into its own thing.

Blizzard wants to be Marvel.


It's an MMO.
MMO genre is a relic of the past now that you can implement massive multiplayer games requiring actual skills, so naturally people who care about skill but enjoy social aspects moved on to other games, and people who love exploration of fantastic environments moved on to stuff like Oblivion and Skyrim because even Beth games look better than WoW. The only audience left is casuals, hence Blizzard is casualizing their games as fuck and implementing social game features.

FFXIV player here. WoW players go home.

You might as well have a crack awareness campaign in the ghetto, you'd have better odds of someone actually listening

even when wow was pulling 12 million subs they still infested every other game.

Dual wielding elemental shaman
Heal/tank Bear
Uncrushable tanks
Tanking Rogues
Blood Tank Deathknight
Plague Tank Deathknight
Frost Tank Deathknight
Tanking Shamans
Fury Tank

Good times Good times

I wished they added a fourth talent tree for every class. Well time goes on.

Thank you Blizzard for ruining fun.

Like there's a difference from WoW.

thats actually a thing?
I know you can dodge like crazy, but wouldnt they be the worst kind of tanks even for low level areas?

32/39 dual wield Frost/Unholy death knights were perhaps my favourite spec until Blizz said no fun allowed and patched them out. It was a shame too because they were actually pretty balanced. They were on par with 2H Frost and Unholy builds at low gear levels but below the diseaseless Blood spec which was also popular at the time and was also patched out.

Oh the poor innocent and faithful

Too hard and confusing for casuals and the more depth the game has the harder it is to balance. Those fags can't even bother to make a half decent expansion so of course they'll just gut everything to save themselves the headache of balancing things with bones and intestines.

I wasn't aware FFXIV's biggest update was a selfie screenshot mode.

enh was great in TBC

Read: WoW: lite
As someone who sunk over 1400 hours into it, its the same shit but even more simplified. It does aesthetics, atmosphere, and story much better, but those aren't things you should be focusing on in an MMO. That said WoW doesn't do anything an MMO should do at this point well either.

Blizzard was just fucking retarded for balance all along, I just wish they at least tried to fix it instead of just ripping everything out.
The real issue was how poorly thought everything was which then easily broke thanks to their fucking insane stat bloating.

That doesn't change the fact it still has the same, stale gameplay.

So much shit was great in TBC. There weren't many bad specs.

I guess it's inevitable. People tend to only think in extremes. If that wasn't the case then we wouldn't have such a problem with fanboys.

FFXIV is more hardcore than WoW, it's funny how people pretend it's WoW:lite when WoW:lite is WoW itself.

I'm still kinda pissed that their artifact weapons are fucking daggers, though. Although Artifact weapons in general seem like they're going to be underwhelming, even putting aside how lore-breaking they are.

In Cata, prot warriors were fucking gods at lower levels. In PvE, they could out-DPS basically everyone. In PvP, they could 3-shot a lot of classes. And that's on top of the reduced damage they take. Combining one with a Disc priest was a guarantee for fun times.


The only one of those that you're right about is story, and I specifically mean a story that requires your active participation to advance. Worldbuilding should be one of the most important parts of an MMO.

Wow what a feat. Truly a monumental undertaking. Quite impressive.

When something becomes too popular the suits search for ways to make it even bigger, milk it even more.
The answer devs have to that is simple, the only way to casualize a mainstream game is to lobotomize it further, remove whatever made it inaccessible for braindead soccermoms, 12 year olds and gurlgamers.

Why is Millhouse Manastorm a follower when he joined a Doomsday Cult that worked with a Fuck-You-and-Die Dragon (Deathwing)? And why would Vanessa Van Cleef want to be a follower after you "killed" her in heroic Dead Mines (cuz, you know, daddy issues)?

XIV has shit worldbuilding, the zones are tiny and empty. Its pretty and has nicer music is all I was trying to say. If you want to talk about immersion WoW does that better too as its more interesting to explore (because you can actually explore it).

Blizzard stopped caring a long time ago.

It's ok user they're just MMOs of course they are easy, can't have MASSIVE ONLINE without having a massive amount of retards, it's in the name.

There was a good video explaining it. the guy made an excellent point by comparing wow to mmos and saying it's like michael jordan to basketball.

Said cult seemed to basically die with Deathwing.

Vanessa just wanted the D.

Shit with corn is more appetizing than shit without corn, doesn't mean you want to eat shit. Or I don't anyway as I don't play these games anymore.

he never said it was more hardcore you dipshit.

He said it was WoW lite.
That's fucking stupid because WoW now is a facebook garrison game.
WOW is WOW lite.

The only thing holding it back from being on a fucking tablet is grafix

Retards never learn

You can't keep shouting backtracking like it means something when its not applicable in the least.

Miss nostalrius.

Whens TBC private server?



I wouldn't know about FFXIV, I'm annoyed that you wrote them off as unimportant to MMOs in general.


Excalibur is surprisingly good. There's some p2w but it doesn't really affect much of anything. Very stable and there's always heroics and pug raids and trash farming group going on, quite literally 24 hours a day.

Whats the population number for that server?

1.5k-2k online at any given time of the day.

To all you wowfags saying wow is casualised, WoW was always the most Casual of all the MMO offerings. Around WoW's release there was Ultima Online, Lineage 2, Ragnarok Online, Everquest and Eve Online. These were all way more hardcore and difficult than WoW.

Shaman and Paladin two classes that I always felt sorry for then, the very definition of receiving the short end.

Corecraft is a meme now

Vengeance is okish with few bugs

WoC is becoming a meme like Corecraft

L4G has all tiers released but half the shit isnt working

I'm a fucking retard and I deserve this fate

I remember when having a legendary weapon was a rare thing and the player that had it was considered a cool guy.

Thanks for giving everyone a "legendary" weapon, Blizzard.

Eve is the most hardcore to play on a basic level.

That said, WoW is incredibly hardcore when it comes to the world first race with new raids. It has gone so far that many top guilds have disbanded due to even hikkie nerds being burnt out.

Fuck you actiblizz, you had one fucking job and you somehow managed to fail at that. All you had to do was keep the shitters out of the rest of the MMOs.

Yeah, you deserve to get billied.

I never even used my 90 boost.

I miss aura's.

Ah, thats a shame. I kinda wanna go for a bigger population.

One of the reasons I loved nostalrius was because of its vast population number. It made communicating and dungeon finding so much quicker and better.

Incidentally, this is why LFD existed to begin with. If you were were on a low-pop server, you were pretty much fucked.

But we all know what ended up happening with that.

It's funny, I did level another monk to 100 in about 3 days, but I just didn't feel like doing it again. I've always been a PvP faggot, and I wanted to try a healer so I boosted a druid. Turns out that it's the class I'm best at, behind unholy DK.
I really wish my friends still played, doing arenas and beating nigger hunters who outgeared us until 4 am was a high point in my life.

I miss any meaningful combat content where they tried to be friendly with Warcraft 3 lore.

RIP Aura, RIP Divine Shield and RIP Exorcism


meanwhile rogues and mages have big important spells as baseline

Wow, what a fucking ride that's been.


They shoved the shitty system from Diablo 3 in a watered down version in WoW.

gotta choose between blood talons and moment of clarity though

I'd presume MoC will be about on par, if not better than BT early on, and get worse as the expansion goes on. BS seems like it will only be viable in bursty AoE fights.

ther is a reason for this, mainly because 1.0 was so poorly unoptimized that nobody could play it.
so to fix this they optimized the fuck out of the game and split up the maps so it even runs on a ps3. thankfully they still have large maps in the expansion but that is a million hours in so eh.


Remember when 9 months of a tier was a joke because it had happened once and was horrible?

Now that's the standard.

That's actually within the realm of what a Blizzard realm can hold

Sure did love going through zones with fucking no render distance, didn't you?

How about that GM that got so triggered he shut down Barrens chat for a few hours because it made him upset?

I'll remember the good times but the server was trash regardless

That's much better than the standard actually. The current content patch has a lifespan of 14 months.

They promised to open source it before being invited to a meeting with Blizz. Open sourcing it after that point would be like spitting in Blizz's face, and that's the last thing they want to do, since if legacy servers happen you can bet sure as hell the Nost devs will be part of the process, even though they didn't actually write most of the code. If Blizz releases legacy servers and says 'look we hired the guys who ran the server that started this outcry!' it'd be PR heaven for them.

Actually, that was fun.
Not to mention the daily Barrens shenanigans. Never heard about the triggered mod, although it's a shame they killed all ISIS guilds.

Holy shit. I'm so glad that I quit few years back.

while the render distance was shit.
everything else did not effect me or my enjoyment of nostalrius.

So why would I care at all about these things?

It didn't stop me ganking elves with Holla Forums and jewing out people as a rogue, or tagging a NPC quicker then the 20 faggots waiting around it and then seeing the salt build up from it.

Griefing faggots is fun but you can even do that in that fucking web based penguin chatroom people keep posting in webm threads.

Jay Wilson, the Diablo 3 director, was involved in the new addon.

Yeah I know the faggot responsible, but what amazes me is the fact they managed to make it worst from the original design.

meanwhile on the balance side of things everyone is praising the new boomkin revamp like the second coming of christ here to cleanse us of the sins of bad gameplay, while I'm still on the PTR trying to hash something out of it.

I fucking loved Ultime Online, too bad i can't remember my shenanigans in it.

one of my main characters was a poisoner/alchemist.

I used to load myself with meat, poison it with GM level poison, suicide at ettins and trolls so they'd loot the meat off my corpse. Stealth and watch people eat the meat and get deadly poisoned follow till they're low in stealth then finish em off.

I don't understand this design, you limit a shit ton of skills.

Previously you would have access to all those and the talent tree would reinforce the ones that fit your playstyle making them your priority in usage.

Are they mentally challenged thinking that limiting the number of tools is something fun???

i think pruning is a good thing. Have you tried to play EQ2? Every now again I think i want to return to EQ2, I login, see my screen literally filled with UI and buttons like fucking 200 buttons worth then quit the game.

It's easier for them to 'balance things' if they limit the options of everyone and make everyone the same.

The thing is they didn't work on the code, the coding running nostalrius wasn't Blizzards but a fork of MANGOS

a engine that EMULATES WoW, it isn't 1:1 Coding of WoW itself

Stopping you there, they doing that says "Yeah we can't do shit right anymore, here are legacy servers"

Not to mention they'd find a way to stick cash shops into say vanilla or TBC

why did the night watch join the burning legion?


Because Metzen decided to smoke crack again in order to advance the story plot.

i just spent like 30 minutes blowing through wowpedia

fucking EVERYONE turns out to be a corrupted agent of the legion, even total fucking rands like that lv 40 in the sw church. they truly are hacks


It was the Dragon Soul cinematics where I first felt blizz really stopped giving a shit. There's just a noticeable meh effort to what should be something amazing, taking on the villain that fucked up the entire world.
Did a huge amount of talent leave after firelands?


Fuck Chris Metzen. What a piece of shit, and to top all of this off they went on to create time travelling paradoxes. What a bunch of cunts.

You could see this few years back. Suddenly the only driving plots were characters left and right getting corrupted. It's not even some interesting kind of corruption and rather "im angry rawr and evil and i got spikes n shit for no reason" kind of corruption.

Corruption by itself is not that bad. It is just that Jewzard's writing team is so fucking inept they have to rehash every shitty plot they can.

That's exactly what I meant with the last part. Corruption as a concept is interesting. I like it both in my horror and in my porn.

Blizzard manages to ruin and overuse even that.


Metzen is so far up his own ass that he probably writes the shit alone. The rest just do side quests etc.


Properly done ala Lovecraft where shit just clashes and destroys reality? Yeah.
Metzen's HE SUDDENLY WENT CRAZY AND EVIL? Not even once.

you mean the guys in Duskwood?


in Cata beta warlocks could tank if they glyphed properly but that thing got changed after few patches

Fucking Christ don't get me started on how they've butchered Warlocks
>as pvp talents, meaning you can only use them in arenas and battlegrounds
>also they're all part of the same tier of talents so you can only know one of them at a time

When was the last time warlock tanking was a thing? Last I remember was serpentshrine caverns

MoP was the last instance of it being possible, with an official endorsement by Blizzard via glyph.

Warlock tanking was removed completely in WoD.

Last I can remember was the Blood Council in ICC. It might not have been the most optimal way of doing the fight but it was how my guild did it.
I think it was also used on Eredar Twins in Sunwell Plateau, but I didn't raid at that time.

I've had to do it in a pinch. It was Wotlk I think, and I was doing random dungeons when our tank dropped out. Rather than wait an eternity for a new one my group just told me to get in there and proc evasion and anything else I had. It suprisingly worked quite well.

Stopped playing shortly after Cata, so my knowledge is outdated, but the last time a ranged tank was required would be mimiron. His head would start flying and warlocks were still the best for ranged tanking I believe.

I know the lack of Warlock tanking sucks, but at least Locks didn't lose their whole fucking expansion kit like Druids in Faggot-Panda-Land. Blizzard decided to remove every fucking thing they gave Druids in MoP because they couldn't bother to figure out how to improve Symbiosis and the rest of Druid's MoP kits. Using a Resto Druid in MoP was pointless because they lost everything in WoD, making you relearn the class. I think that really convinced to skip WoD.

And at least Warlocks aren't as bad as Monks. All three specs suck since they came out, and it still lacks a decent armor set. I think they gave up on making Monk a decent class, hoping fanboys will love Demon Hunter, so they can stop whining about Monks.

the addicts are addicts though, what do they care of your warnings, ramblings and disgust?

Well, I guess as a backup tank it would be ok.

It'd be neat if they actually had a way to controll aggro, being a dodge tank is something thats not done enough in videogames.

quite the opposite Monks were OP when they launched and Monk healer was the best through entire expansion

Blizzard will make tons of money off the initial release, it will die off as people realize it's still garbage, the drones will sludge through, the marketing team will somehow manage to convince people the next game will be good, and the cycle will begin again.

Maybe full looms RAF/300% pots.

Levelling isnt as fast as you think it is.

Illidan was always a night elf. And he was a "good" guy in the first part of his existence

Before Legion invaded for the first time because he didnt had any opportunity to sieze power

I don't think you understand what he meant.

you're right. it's even faster

do rare spawns give more exp now or something?

Made this forever ago. I feel like I should lazily paint an ashbringer into it, since everyone has one now.

In response to Nostalrius getting taken down, Sodapoppin leveled a character to max in seven hours.

Shaman and Holy/Disc Priest were actually the best healers in MoP. Druids could be as good as Shamans if they gained the walk spell via Symbiosis. Monks were better tanks than healers or dps in MoP.

I don't know about WoD tbh, but Blizzard always had problems with that class since MoP.

With recruit a friend 300% bonus, heirlooms and 2 potions that both increase xp gain by 300%

A net gain of over 950% bonus xp.

Without that stuff, levelling actually takes a decent amount of time.

Those pots are over 5k gold a piece.

it took him less than 5 hours. multiply that by 10 and it's less than 50 hours, which is right at two days.

call me pedantic but i was assuming he meant getting to 100 in two irl days not 2 days /played

What sort of casual are you?

A casual with a full time job and a wife.

I don't get why people make alts once they do all the quests in a line to level up.

Once you hit the main city once, there's no reason to switch classes, because it comes down to three things

The system itself is flawed. There's no variety in gameplay difference, at this point it's just what sparkles you want to throw at people.

The system is definitely flawed.

However we are stuck with what we got. MMO's post wow are garbage.

wow is mediocre, but at least it isnt awful.

it's awful BECAUSE it's mediocre.

I wouldn't buy a bad game OR a mediocre one.

That's the rub.

The sticking point to people saying 'back when WoW was good' is the fact that WoW was never good.

WoW was a massive improvement over everquest in some very, VERY key components. Mostly relating to some early game stuff like quests you can actually find and do to increase your level and not taking 20 minuites to heal between every fight at level 1. But the spade must be called a spade. More than half of class specs weren't viable, itemization was garbage, the UI was a nightmare, PvP was almost entirely ignored aside from flagging player characters as attack-able and some parts of the engine were simply broken. Do you remember 8 debuffs per mob in 40 man raids?

However it was still a step forward from what people were seeing in a genera they genuinely wanted to experience. Plus, AND THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART, Blizzard was a legendary company for providing post release updates for their games. Even when they had no monotization methods, there were patches for original Diablo through Warcraft 3 that added features, put in balance changes and all sorts of things. That company at the time getting a game that payed them to do just that was a match made in heaven.

The problems for WoW existed even in Vanilla, but they were excused because Blizzard was at least addressing issues. By the end of Vanilla and especially at the start of BC they had vastly improved the UI, worked to make almost every spec viable, streamlined questing so you didn't need to grind to level and implemented tons of PvP options.

Even in wrath many of the rough edges in the combat mechanics of the game, the limitations of group makeup and ease of use issues were being finally banged out of the product.

But that's when it just stopped, and when people finally realized that there was nothing else to the game.

You see, Blizzard has been stricken by a cancer, and it's raiding. The way they implemented it even back in vanilla is the stupidest, most self destructive, toxic and exclusionary game design principles you can come across. To say that raiding for WoW is a money pit is a misrepresentation of pits. What they have is a development time bonfire.

WoW idiotically focused on making raids linear progression, which means that aside from catching up every raid is rendered mostly useless by the next raid for progression. Which means all the work done from Vanilla to Legion equates to JUST Legion raids. Even worse is that this wasted time is being compounded because rather than expand professions, put in alternate advancement, player housing that isn't shit, exploration, or expanding the market or social aspects of the game the developers have just made it a point to shunt every player into raids. Even if someone HATES raiding they are shoved into it kicking and screaming ruining both their own and the people who love raids experience.

And that's why the game is shit 'now.' Simply because the objective improvements that blizzard were making to the game have stopped and they have focused entirely on feeding their raid addiction as the rest of the RPG rots.

Seriously, WoW at this point would be VASTLY improved if it were just a lobby based dungeon crawl rather than an MMO.

Is there a compilation of Jewery Blizz has done? I've seen some for EA and Jewbisoft.


Honestly I thought Blizzard would've gone for procedural generated dungeons, they have a big enough pool of art assets to draw on. And they have the development team for it. No one wants to run another story driven dungeon the 400th time.

Once they announced the dungeons with the random debuffs/buffs for 'challange runs' it seemed like a logical way for them to go. However I'm 100% sure that they will see it overtake raids and either nerf them or make them effortless and remove any kind of meaningful reward.

The SLIVIR of hope for the game comes in that level scaling technology they are using for Legion. If they are able to get through the shitshow legion is assured to be and then focus the next expansion on applying that to the rest of the game and do a kind of 'cataclysm 2.0' to most of the game then you would have every zone, every quest, every dungeon and every raid become viable content again.

With even the slightest focus on things like elemental resistances and specializations that work better against certain types of monsters or zones better than others that could easily catapult the game back to a Renaissance.

But we all know that won't happen. They need that time to put out another raid boss. I hear this one involves BOATS!

Seriously, fuck Blizzards development priorities. Going to leave us with this abomination of a talent system and a 'crafting system' that isn't anything more than a rudimentary store that cost mats rather than gold. But I'm sure they'll have a raid with 6 unique themes, completely new art assets for every enemy in it, and new unique spell effects that require the engine to be slightly modified.

WoW is a dying game for several years now, Blizzard doesnt care anymore and thats why its slowly letting it rot away while focusing on other games that make more $$$$$ with less effort and investment like Overwatch, HotS, Hearthstone etc

Judging by the immense lore rape in Legion and them being in a real hurry to wrap things up i can only assume expansion after Legion will be the last one because they are setting up Legion to end where you repel invasion with heavy costs but then pursue Legion back to Argus.

Illidan becomes destined one to end Burning Legion aka Kerrigan from SC2 story copy pasted and he will prob jump from Burning Legion plents to restore life there

They have retconned almost everything, Titans were created by Elune and Elune is God above Gods, Old Gods are merely generals of Void Gods who "plant" Old Gods into planets so those planets can be devoured, Burning Legion is a good boi he dindu nuffin they just want to cleanse planets of Void God influence

Elune created the Naaru, not the Titans.
That's almost equally as stupid, though.

The moment TBC happened and they started handing out epics like candy I knew this would happen. It's an inevitable consequence of the route they took with game design. Casuals will complain that they can't get whatever item tier is considered rare and hard to get. When Blizzard concedes and hands those item tiers out as quest rewards or whatever, they lose all interest. After all, they only wanted epics because they were rare. The same now happened with legendaries, and I suppose some day quest rewards will give artifacts and casuals will complain they can't get .

Did you even play the game? It wasn't hardcore at all.

Yeah, within one degree of separation that's exactly what's going to happen. Might involve Illidan sacrificing himself, or another yet to be unveiled character showing up and fusing with him or some other such bullshit but that's how it's going to go.

Just wanted it to be stated that even now there is hope for WoW, there is still a path for them to come back, which makes the stated eventuality all the stupider.

At least the ultimate savior isn't going to be an or…. aah fuck. Illidan and Thrall are going to hang out and double up for the final bit aren't they?

Yes and No. In Vanilla they realized that only 1% of people ever even saw the content they focused on for the final patch. And that the raiding population was only like 10-ish percent of the population.

Rather than keep Raids elite and produce more content for non-raiders with their own rewards they decided that they should just focus on forcing as many people as possible into raids. Thus, since Raiding is literally the only thing to do it had to become easier. Which simply devalued the items but also the content that raiders were able to go through.

Casuals should have gotten Casual content and Raiders should have gotten Raider content. A healthy body needs fruits, vegetables and fat.

Just one of the "positive" and "good" changes coming in Legion

Meh. In the books he is quick to sell his loyalty to the demons.

Played UO until just after Banana Boyz left for Asheron's Call. Stayed until pre-cast shank. Then played Asheron's Call on the pvp-only server from 1999-2005. Then played nothing until DDO came out, a few years of DDO, and then nothing for a while again.

I miss the "hardcore" MMOs. I miss paying $15/mo to play, and not knowing what pay-to-win-faggots are. Lately I've been playing Neverwinter (honestly it's only a D&D game in name, otherwise it is literally just a re-skinned Star Trek Online). However the game is free-to-play with inter-app "distribution corporation" currency you buy from the distribution company, transfer into the game world, and then use to be a pay-to-win-faggot.

Clearly you didn't play the game or didn't pvp. You prolly didn't even into leveling up stealing and literally start the game with fucking full plate stolen from a town guard… Fuck off to one of your poofter gook "MMO" homosex-grindfests.

I don't think you understand what casual and hardcore mean. UO was borderline casual.

Hey, Star Trek Online is actually pretty good. The ship to ship stuff at least. The away missions are passable at best though.

Oh, come on, no MMO is actually all that 'hardcore' simply saying you have to dedicate a few hours without a break to something or hope that 40 other people don't fuck up isn't hard, it's just tedious.

About the hardest content I've ever seen in an MMO was the hunter legendary quest and even that just came down to understanding the mechanic they wanted you to use.

Metzen might as well say the following:
"Remember when we allowed you guys to customize your UI and camera view? Well, fuck that! We realized it showed us how WoW's UI is very outdated, and we also suck at raid designs. Now you're forced to play by our rules as you accept the god-awful class changes (hey, non-healing specs, how do you like your missing spells?!) and social justice shit my daughter and I are shoving down your throats. By the way, are you guys enjoying Overwatch?!"

The camera change wouldn't be so bad…if more than five fucking raid bosses didn't require you to zoom in and out of the fucking screen to figure out where their attacks are, or where you're supposed to go to avoid deaths.

I think Metzen is really trying to piss people off with Legion.

it's made for a game like WoW as it's a load-out, not a talent tree.
but its shit in a game like diablo where constant perpetual leveling is a thing, like path of exile.

not saying you can't have both systems, one for skills set up as a load-out while also having a main talent tree that is more boring power buffs and procs.

are there any good wotlk servers to try out?

whats going on in that screen? whos the boss

Hunter was infamous for having so many skills, yet a lot of them kinda sucked (Raptor Strike). It was one of the few classes that needed it.

There is a wrong way to prune classes of their skills (see Druids during the Mists -> WoD transition even though Resto Druids were apparently the best healers in WoD).

meant for

One of the shitty Dragon Soul bosses or Malygos.

it looks like the platform from maly but its a different background (looks old god related), and the actual mob itself i dunno who he is


i cant remember when earthquake was useful, apart from some gimmick with stacking them for the knockdown but really who does that seriously

wowmania looks pretty decent if you like blizzlike realms, warmane is also the most populated WOTLK server currently but has x3 exp rates

It's the dragon soul boss then (some Orc chick no one cares about).

Question I have seen a few times that its cannon that Anduin and that shitty dragon Wrathion? Are gay lovers ruling the alliance now or some shit this real?

From what I got in the last thread, it's just one retarded portion of the WoW community that turned them into a couple.

I don't get why anyone would think they'd be a couple because Anduin is a naive dumb-ass while Wrathion is an ass-hole who sacrificed people through half of Panda Land to shut down the Horde to "fight the Legion" (peaceful methods my ass).

Wrathion was a wasted, ruined character.

Yea i was aware of the tumblr push to get them to be the "First gay couple" but i remember reading somewhere it was cannon now and i just googled it after reading some shit here and couldn't find it so figured id ask.

It's a boss from Legion

As far as I know there's nothing official.
Besides, Wrathion is a wanted criminal in the Alliance now; partly for the whole Garrosh thing but also because his offscreen shenanigans in Draenor allowed a necromancer to infiltrate and wipe out an Alliance outpost.

It would be more likely that Anduin and Baine are lovers. Or really just recognize that fighting a war for the 100th time is stupid.

Baine is a pretty big guy though

top bantz

am I supposed to be able to tell what's going on in that image?

This is a WoW thread alright.

Better late than never, I guess.

Are they really going back to Eye of Eternity for the third time?! You're telling me they delayed the game until August, and the most they could pull off was another raid or raid fight in Eye of Eternity (on top of that, they had to cut content out of the game)?


Wasn't the guy behind it removed?

He "retired".

I'm told though that a few months ago when they brought on that one guy, the game suddenly started looking better. It was the guy who fixed up D3 after they took Wilson off it and put him on WoW (then mysteriously Wow turned into a giant shit show).

It's not the Eye…

The background is an Old-God-infested planet, by the way.

I know people have always ragged on WoW for looking cartoony but this seriously looks like some Pixar knockoff shit.

The "modern" art style that they've settled on since MoP has really only made it worse.

It's hard to describe but it's especially noticeable in what is supposed to be hair and feathers in new models. Everything just looks so cluttered, and it reminds me of when kids do that thing where they try to draw every individual scale on a dragon or every individual hair on a tiger.

Are these textures cool?

I honestly think it just looks like a mess.

I meant more the animation than anything. a lot of people seem to think "good animation=lots of wobbling and dangly bits" and I can't stand it.

That's a new thing as well. All races got model + animation updates in WoD and a lot of shit just got crazy bouncy. I know Night Elves gave people motion sickness just from their run animation for a while before they had to fix it.

In Legion even the old character models have the new animations, so there is no escape from the bounciness. I can't stand it. It started appearing in WotLK with new humanoid animations like the Vrykul and Tuskarr.

playable naga when?

What? What the fuck happened?

they made it so you only have to press a few buttons to do things instead of a gorillian. I disklike WoW but I don't get why you guys hate the pruning. Have you nigs seen what EQ2 looks like these days? 80% of your screen is fucking buttons.

that being said, of all the classes I've seen previews for it seems hunter is by far the simplest dps outside of survival which is some kind of whole new nightmare. But the hunter in that screenshot looks to be marksman judging from the lack of a pet and kill command

They really want everyone to have same weapons?

I'd rather have over omplicated than this piece of shit. If people don't want to spend time to learn the class they're playing they can just fuck off.

Why do you keep justifying the dumbing down of WoW by comparing it to everquest? WoW was already simple enough during vanilla

nigga, WoW always has been and always will be the most Casual MMO on the market. Pressing 7 buttons to do 1 thing doesn't take more skill, its just memorization, macros or having a custom UI that tells you what to press.

it's not like you ever used more than 5 or 6 buttons during a raid anyway. it's just cutting things because people are too lazy to hide them on their UI.

It was already a casual MMO which is why the continued casualization is so fucking pathetic. How do you not get this? The game was already baby mode ten years ago. Now we've gone so far beyond baby mode we have specs whose rotations are LITERALLY TWO BUTTONS NIGGER FUCK YOU.

Todays casual market is more casual than back then so to remain casual they gotta make it more casual. If you want a more difficult WoW play FFXIV, WIldstar or Rift.

Elune created elder Naaru, it's naaru but older better and bigger.

I can't warp my head around lore retcons whit anduin not being champion of light and what fuck they did whit Alleria and Turalyon.

Are they planing to bringing wow to consoles? All this streamlining and simplifying. thing salt if they bring wow to consoles but start whit vanila.

I grabbed this from polygon, since it was the first "source" I could find, so I'm doubting it's legitimacy.
Is this true?

Because if it's true, this is literally the fucking plot for sc2.

What the fuck happened? Warcraft used to be about fucking Orcs vs Humans, not this "SAVE THE WORLD XD" horseshit.

Of course I forgot the fucking image.

Are they really trying to make the legion 'the secret good guys this whole time'?

That's absolutely stupid and their new stated goal is completely contrary to all of their actions up until this point.

One of Blizzards biggest failures is teaching the market that 'challenge' comes from raid environments and ONLY the fact that it is a raid environment that establishes something as 'hardcore'

It isn't like they cant develop extremely difficult single player content that could serve as a gate to getting things at or above raid tier. In fact a quest that required you to demonstrate an extremely deep and nuanced knowledge of what a class can do would be a much better challenge than simply mashing out your damage rotation and hoping nobody else does something stupid.

The simplification and streamlining come down to just to Damage rotations. Which themselves are just an expression of terrible design. Someone mathed out how to push the most damage out of a class and, in a flash of idiocy, Blizzard decided that they should balance around THAT and embrace it rather than fight against it. There's always going to be a way to put out the 'most damage' but a proper developer would balance that by making it hinder a classes other aspects, or make things riskier or even designing challenges that aren't just 'do super huge damage all the time!' sponges or even set up phases where dealing damage to quickly is a bad thing.

Instead blizzard has embraced it up to the point that they even cater to the freaks who wanted to respec their character for every fight in the raid for a 4% increase in damage or some shit. First absolutely ruining talents, and then by making respecing so easy it's now considered standard that you will use Spec A for this fight and Spec B for the next one.

The idea that you HAVE to change specs between fights and that blizzard is making this easier infuriates me to no end considering their whole justification for removing the old talent system was that there was 'one best build' that everyone would use.


this would actually be a pretty good setup for suspense if they kept Illidan dead. Imagine having to tell thing that the hero they've been looking for was dead and one their own kind told you to kill him.


This is beyond retarded.

Whatever happened to that algalon bullshit? Any follow ups or connections to whatever the fuck this is

all Titans are dead, apparently Sargeras killed them all in a huge battle millenia ago and what we see today is just "Titan echo"



oh fuck me, seriously?
got an image?
I knew there were hints and shit to where the story is going but this just seems bat shit insane

But algalon is still around and observing the world
Who am I kidding, they probably forgot him


i dont have image i think i saw it on wowhead or something where it was put under spoilers, some of the "Army of Light" gang goes to Titan planet (apparently that exists too) to search for help against Burning Legion but they just find Titan corpses with lots of dust and shit over them implying they have been dead for thousands of years

i dont think they even remember who Algalon was or any other Titan related shit on Azeroth like Uldum/Un'Goro/Uldaman crater etc

BONUS lore rape: I will let you guess who these 2 on picture are, their story is they died in space and sent their son a VHS so he knows they died in space ;) but ofc the mailman forgot to deliver it for 20ish years

Yes, I have already seen that pic

Nethrezim were apparently not always evil as well. fucking hell can they leave anything alone?

also mommy is apparently a Night Elf now despite them now fighting in the second war.

>was in a hardcore raiding guild in vanilla, realized what a fag it made me, and started playing more casually around wotlk

i'm not trying to pretend I have good taste or anything i genuinely liked cataclysm and really liked what it did for combat but warlords was the worst thing ever made. remember how we laughed at mists of pandaria? remember how stupid we thought it was? i would give anything to go back to those golden days, thinking that wow could sink no further

can't find the exact page but there's the opening here.


also, planets are actually just massive titan eggs now and the old gods were infesting them because they can't actually beat a titan in a fair fight.


this new expansion is shaping up to be the legitimate finale and I have a feeling it's looking to be Naruto-tier retarded.


What the fuck is wrong with Metzen, can he leave the lore alone and stop ruining it with his retarded corruption fetish?

Got to admit, as retarded as that retcon is, the artwork and idea behind it is pretty fucking neat.

It just doesn't work in WoW and doesn't belong.

So is it true demon hunters have a 2 button rotation? What are the details on that cause it sounds fake.

with the talent system pretty much letting you pick how many buttons you have to press, demon hunters can spec like nothing but passives and use just their core 2 abilities

any good wotlk servers out there? I keep going back to molten and eternal wow,but i'm looking for a change of scenery

No reason to play with n friends. Look for chan guilds.

any chan guilds on a high rate wotlk?

i mean this in the nicest possible way because all joking aside you faggots are my friends but playing any MMO with a chan guild fucking sucks

there's usually a bunch of great guys who are almost instantly and constantly drowned out by the ebin memelords and total fucking retards yelling Holla Forums shit in chat and drawing attention or the like

it never works out, like ever

playing MMOs with 8channers is not that bad, sure you will have few idiots who think guild chat are Holla Forums threads and spam from time to time but you can simply ignore it during shitposting hour

Problem is when some of those idiots are hardcore Holla Forums shitposters and mainly cuckchan rejects (that refers to that they were so cancerous on cuckchans Holla Forums and /vg/ people started recognising them instantly when they post) weasel their way into officer or even GM positions within the guild and just treat their guild as their own tumblr blog.


yeah gurl

Fuck off gook.

To be fair, as feral, most of the pruning was justified, given current design. Basically everything outside of feral is fucking useless. Hurricane, once useful as the sole AoE ability, was replaced with Swipe in Wrath, as well as Thrash later on. Basically any ranged ability did fuckall damage, so having just enough to justify Heart of the Wild made sense. Healing is a bit rougher to justify, although healing as a non-resto only got weaker as time went on. Pounce and Rake being merged into the same ability made perfect sense, as did merging Shred and Ravage (as well as Mangle and getting rid of Claw). Claw was fucking useless once Mangle came into existence, and Mangle because useless once the debuff was removed and Shred's positional requirements were removed.

If anything, the lack of abilities are merely a symptom of the current state of a gameplay, rather than an explicit cause, if that makes any sense. Once upon a time, damaging and healing spells were semi-passable as feral. But once they became increasingly weak due to changing philosophy on hybrid classes, there was little reason to keep them around, aside from flavor.

Yeah. Ever since I think Cata, they've given a fat load of experience.

That's just Tumblr headcanon for the time being.

regular reminder that the only constant in warcraft lore is that good alliance characters die and shit ones live on

Death is better than life in CORRUPTED world.

daily reminder wod had 1 patch ,2 tiers of raiding, no bgs, no new areas, 5 reps, 8 dungs and let i remind you this was supposed to last.

fucking the god dam panda epac was better this this, there are so many things wrong with wod and legion that there is too much to count, so please dont give these jews anymore money they dont deserve it.


It can not be overstated how fucking infuriating this is.

>Fucking everything is corrupted (even the fucking Nathrezim are being corrupted all the way back to being holy pure beings, but using the excuse of 'uncorrupted not-demons)
>The player is berated over their participation in the original death of Illidan (because clearly everyone wanted to kill him)
>Elune created the Prime Naaru and may be God (as in The one true God)
I'm glad I don't really care too much about the lore because this expansion is going to be the absolute worst for it. It's like they went out of their way to fuck as much shit up as possible in as short a timeframe.

Here have a joke
Corruption of champions :^)

It really seems to me like they wanted to create one big narrative for WoW but had a hard time tying everything together. BC, Wrath, Cata - ESPECIALLY Cata -, and MoP all seemed to sort of come out of nowhere with their events happening very randomly. I don't mean "come out of nowhere" in that nobody saw them coming, but I mean the events that happen in them didn't really have a trigger in from the previous expansion. Early in the game, when people were speculating about what's next, you'd see answers like Outland, Northrend, Emerald Dream, South Seas, etc. It could have been anything because the story from the previous expansion never affected what would happen in the one after it. But ever since the end of MoP, there's been a clear effort to try and tie events together to make things seem more cohesive. Sure, ALTERNATE TIMELINE DRAENOR as a setting was pretty left-field, but ultimately it was a continuation of MoP's storyline. Just like Legion is a continuation of WoD, and the one after Legion will probably be a continuation as well.

Maybe nu-lore will improve once it gets off the ground in the expansions after Legion, maybe not. But probably the most important thing to keep in mind is that every story has an end. And considering this whole thing is involving the Legion, the Titans, and the Old Gods all at once, it'll probably be the end for WoW as a whole. The game really feels like it's nearing its end now more than ever.

Finally, Blizzard can put Metzen to sleep.

It's strange, but I feel these ideas, in the hands of a better writer, would have made a fucking amazing story for the game. Because what you essentially get is:

The description is better than the actual execution.

Holy shit and I thought they couldn't rape the lore any harder.

Fenoxo is worse than metzen and I don't say that lightly, CoC is only like 20% focused on corruption, the rest is tumblr-tier trannies and furfaggotry.

the Elune thing pisses me off more than anything because it's yet another thing that downplays every race other than Night Elves.

it's like every single fucking thing in this entire series either revolves around them or orcs.

that's the main story line.

I love reading about WoW's lore because I was never invested in it. It's like watching one very slow, never ending train-wreck.

to be totally fair only a small number of the encounters were actually written by him, the rest were submitted by fellow degenerates. notice how so very many of the characters in CoC are donut steele mary sues?

Calling it now: Illidan will fuse with a female spirit, like that bitch from Draenor or any throwaway female character and become a 2 spirit dark/light super god. The first tranny-sue. Just to bait the progressive crowd.

Blizzard have stated that they're selling expansions now and don't care about subnumbers.
I can't remember which one of the dev retards said that on the forum but who cares, I'm more trustworthy than those jews.

I guarantee that they will show sub numbers come legion launch again and then after the first tier of raiding, quietly stop showing sub numbers.

I really want to call Blizzard the worst game company, but the competition for that title is so competitive.

Man do I miss the old low quality War3 porn. Shit was way more creative back then too. And not dominated by fucking furries.

I stopped there

I had the hand of rag. It was never good and blizzard hated the spec. There was no +STR chain apart from some random naxx drops(that never dropped for us) so you had to wear druid leather.

On the other hand walking up to someone and erasing their existence with one swing 2% of the time never got old

Nah, that still sounds pretty bad and over the top.

Most stories have endings (e.g. Genndy Tartakovsky and Mainframe, who can't tell or end a story worth a shit even if they tried). As for Nu-Lore, with the current status of today's media (sjw-infested shit, censorship, etc.), Nu-Lore is going to be pretty bad.

He had the ability to veto stuff though, I don't really blame him for doing it because that's where the money is, but those same people shit up every promising english Hgame they come across.

just in case anyone was doubting the rumors.

They could at least give her a throne.

Bitch has been standing there for twelve years straight.


It used to be a thing in TBC. You could tank illidan as a rogue tank

It's too bad they didn't use this whole "class fantasy" schtick to bring bucklers back and make rogues proper tanks again like they were in beta.

that actually sounds interesting.

is this just a late game thing or would it be possible at any level?

Cuz I would totally wanna be a tank rogue if possible.

You needed very good gear and it was only possible on certain bosses. Even then it obviously wasn't optimal.

I can't remember if it even worked on Illidan pre-nerf, back when Shear absolutely had to be blocked or avoided.


this is what happens when you write 3 separate people write a character with say outside of their own take.

Did you have 3 people write your reply too?




You mean when he directly said screw elves give me demonic powers?

Or when he tried to destroy Azeroth using Eye of Sargeras then escape back to Outland not caring what happens to azerothians?

IIDF pls go

So if Elune is some sort super god what that mean to Cenarius? should he be like jesus or have naaru like powers? why is he just some Demigod.

Wasn't cenarius the son of ysera and that one nature god? The white stag I think it was

she also apparently didn't give enough of a shit to empower the pantheon so they could nip Sargereas in the bud nor did she ever do anything about the void gods. I'm sure there's some convenient excuse in quest text that amounts to dumping the blame on you.

hold up *takes a snort of cocaine*

What if Cenarius is not Malorne and Ysera's son but son of Elune and he was holding back his powers for the last 10 000 years?

*proceeds to retcon Cenarius into unstoppable champion of forest who will try to take Kil'Jaeden down in 1v1 fight*

Son of elune and malorne but rised by ysera

I wonder how that will work that now he's been


they should just go full circle and make follower quests into rts missions.

Listen, all I can say is you're in for a surprise at Blizzcon this year. :)

I almost fell for it, glad i didn't impulse buy legion

Can't wait for the following:

-Legion gets a lot of backlash, and they try to defend the game in front of everyone.

-"Movie hype" lol.

-Wil Wheaton will host it once again, causing the attendance to drop because no one likes Wheaton. They will hire some shitty band like Linkin Park again.

-More forced HoTS shit nobody wants because HoTS is a horrible, sleazy Moba.

-Another Hearthstone expansion with cards and features that really kills the f2p elements if the older expansions haven't done so already.

-A Diablo expansion or side game that will reek of more Social Justice shit than Legion and SocialJusticeWatch combined (playable class will be a tranny, and there will be anti-Gamer Gate jokes no one wants to put up with. It'll make the new Baldur's Gate look decent). They might as well throw some SJW shit into Diablo 3, since the game is fucking terrible.

-SocialJusticeWatch stuff that will be hit or miss. Mostly promoting more microtransactions because Blizzard doesn't know how to make their games fun beyond a month anymore.

-Something sleazy only Blizzcon people get access to like early access to a shitty HoTS/SocialJusticeWatch character everyone else will have to wait months for because Bobby Kotick and Chris Metzen are greedy dicks.

Yea, I'm really looking forward to Blizzcon this year.

you aren't looking forward to the Warcraft 4 moba? :^)

It'll probably be sleazier and more half-assed than HoTS.

Ya know I looked into the new classes and honestly I liked that they actually tried to breath some godamn new life into rogue, which was a part of why I gave up on it long ago, but it aint enough to make me want to play again so oh well.

Same with Hunter, but it's too little too late. The kicker is that despite these changes, most of the specs apparently suck, and aren't fun at all (Each Warrior spec got a kick in the dick, and they almost ruined off-specs that had revives and healing spells).

I would have loved to try all three Hunter specs as a Gnome Hunter* (probably BM or MM because I want to play with pets, or go apeshit with a gun).

*Any word if Gnome Hunters will be out before or when this shitty expansion comes out?

yes gnome hunter will drop in pre patch, so next month.

Will class changes also go in affect in the pre-patch? I might give it a while to see if Marksman and BM are fun (Fuck survival. Why do I want a melee weapon when I can use a gun and a fuck-off beast?).