Sargon of Akkad, master of the dialectic, explains why Ancient Rome and America are exactly the same, therefore that we must elect Trump in order to save liberal democracy and solve wealth inequality.
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Sargon of Akkad, master of the dialectic, explains why Ancient Rome and America are exactly the same...
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wew lad
Not even once
Sargon is officially retarded. I'm not sure whats worse, this video or Hilary suggesting Trump is in with the Russians
*Probably Sargon of Akkad
I can't put into words how much of a mental gymnastics feat this argument is
I hope he's just being disingenuous for youtube $$$ and isn't actually that fucking stupid.
I'm not watching the video but from this short excerpt you posted, assuming it is accurate and not a misrepresentation of his overall point, means he should vote for Clinton, tbh.
Seems he has confused Trump with B████ with regards to the demagogue role, because Trump isn't going to fix anything; it'll be more of the same, but worse.
So if we accept his analysis with B████ for Trump, then we're already too late.
Am i the only one here who wants to see Trump elected? Seeing the establishment get utterly pissed, especially people in the media, would be reward enough itself.
And he's by far the best candidate ever on trade. If he implements even half of the things he's promised the free trade/globalization aspect of neoliberalism would get completely destroyed.
his argument is that Trump is the only one who can fix the U.S. economy by giving everyone jobs, q.e.d. America will avoid a class war (heh) and still be able to protect liberalism around the world.
He also seems to think that Trump is like the Roman demagogues and that he's acting in the interests of the working class people.
This. Sargon's mistake is that, ironically, he is mistaking Trump for Duterte.
Anyone want to dispute his claim Hillary is crooked as fuck?
Who cares about this fucking idiot
So basically he's a liberal.
Still, his argument makes no sense
It makes some sense.
Oh, he's done a "America is the new Rome" video. People were saying this in the 90s.
Swallow the Vermin pill pleb before its too late
They weren't necessarily wrong then either. The question is, how many more cycles can the system handle?
He's trolling right?
Hey, Holla Forums faggots, watch a real man explain the parallels between the roman empire and modern-day america.
t. Holla Forumsack
Go defoo yourself.
I think that's a fine line anyway.
I genuinely don't think he's all about the money, like at all. He appears to be pretty principles, but being human, he's sometimes retarded. And he recognizes that too.
He's a neoliberal with a couple of kneejerk nationalist and protectionist policies. He won't do shit.
that guy is a propertycuck, don't post him
"principled". Damn typo.
I did not think Sargon could get more retarded. Also I fixed you're meme, faggot
he painfully lacks self awareness lol
quit getting distracted and read your theory friends.
youtube celebs suck
That's not the impression I get.
Even Shillery's supporters do not dispute that. She is a fucking kleptocrat, and everyone knows it.
this is not the point
the point is that we don't think trump is any better tbh
Lol, did Sargon read Spengler for the first time recently?
He supported S█████ months ago and made an analysis of the alt-right that compared them to sjws and it made so many alt-righters angry.
It seems Sargon has gone against his principle and is catering to these morons for $$$. Just like that girl who had the "Hitler dindin du nuffin" videos on Youtube who realized there was a market to stormfaggotry, especially more than ever.
Not even once.
Do us a favor next time you want us to see his garbage and WEBM his video instead of giving him viewbux.
Jesus, give a warning next time.
After all these email leaks, I would derive an intense sense of schadenfreude if Trump wins, especially knowing everything Hillary did to prop him up and how badly she wants to sit in the president's chair.
But I'd rather not see him elected, no. I keep dreaming of some hero hurling a block of c4 and ball bearings onto the stage of the debates and killing both those hogs, but alas.
Sargon is a fucking idiot.
You want to know why the Roman Empire came about? Economics. Particularly, Romans "fixing" the contradictions of their political/economic system by expanding their borders.
During its Republican faze, Rome keeps expanding outward, and as it does it naturally takes the prime agricultural land from its former enemies. Theoretically, all that land is supposed to go into the Ager Publicus and be administered by the state for the benefit of all Romans. In reality, since the patricians are the ones that administer the AP, more frequently than not they sell the majority of it to their rich friends for sesterces on the dinarius. To make matters worse, instead of employing the plebeans on these latifundia, they import cheap slaves to work and administer the land for them.
The constant warfare takes its toll on the Republican-era legions. Essentially, you had to be independently wealthy enough to buy your own armor and weapons and equipment. You also had to stay on campaign until the war was over. These independent farmers would be bankrupted, their farms seized, and their families turned out into the streets. This happens to such a degree that Rome experiences a recruitment crisis, as they no longer have a sufficient population of these citizens to draw from to sustain their legions. Rebellions start popping off in Sicily and Southern Italy due to the unrelenting exploitation.
To put things into perspective, the average Roman laborer made a handful of sesterces a day and spent over half of it on food. Pliny comments on the real estate inflation in Southern Italy, with the price of a farm rising from 4000ses to 600,000ses.
So what's a patrician to do? You can't make more land, but you can steal it. Rome expands ever outward. Thanks to Marius's military innovations, the poor, jobless plebs can now join the army, all expenses paid. If they live to the end of their enlistment they get 40 acres and a mule out in the provinces, taken from the ager publicus–or at least, whatever is left once the patricians take their share :^). It works for a while. Rome becomes more powerful. The rich become richer. The poor have an avenue out of poverty. Everyone wins!
Except it does nothing to resolve the class/economic contradictions that are leading to the instability in the first place. Things will get so bad that Rome experiences over a century of almost constant civil war as the state completely loses the ability to keep its wealthier citizens in check. Proscriptions and tyranny become the rule of the day, and the whole thing nearly comes crashing down around their heads.
Then Julius comes along, and then his nephew Octavian. They too "fix" the situation, with their primary innovation being the consolidation of the majority of state power within their persons. Along with their monopoly on state authority, they also have the loyalty of the legions to back them up. By putting the resources of the empire into the hands of one person, the instability caused by the unruly aristocracy is ameliorated for a time since no one else could compete with the emperor.
Unfortunately, this doesn't unravel the societal contradictions, either, and the same forces that created the situation in the first place continue. Land and wealth become consolidated in fewer and fewer hands. Subsequent waves of crises diminish the power of the emperor. Eventually, local landowners become powerful enough to ignore compulsion by the state, and the Emperor(s) is too busy trying to keep things from flying apart to bring them into line. The Germans invade (among others), everyone is left to fend for themself, and over a thousand years of Roman power goes down the drain as the supports necessary to maintain the empire abandon it.
tl;dr, tyranny in Rome comes about as the wealthy grow beyond the ability for the state to control, and if anything Trump is Catiline rather than Caesar, and if he thinks Trump is going to save him from the barbarians at the gates he's going to be in for a very rude awakening.
Sargoy has pissed off the left, the right and the libertarians. The only people still supporting him are his die hard fans also known as "Sargonists".
Rome fell solely due to the use of led.
Common, everyone knows this.
Jesus Christ at least Extra Credits tried to be subtle
Anyone who sacrifices their honesty for some youtube revs is fucking stupid anyway.
wait what? Does he seriously think Trump is more "republican" or pro-republic than Shilary?
What happened there was that, with plagues contributing to a labor shortage, farm produce became ridiculously valuable. An army marches on it's stomach, as they say, and the ever-expanding and increasingly specialized Roman army needed food in gigantic quantities. That made the small, previously irrelevent land owners, particularly those in Egypt and Africa, quite prosperous (fucking kulaks always ruin everything, am I right?). Agricultural production began to shift from that slave system that was used during the republic and the early empire towards a feudal system, with the enormously expanded Roman bureaucracy (created principally by Dioclesian) becoming an aristocracy.
Barbarian invasions are often cited as a cause for the collapse of the empire, but in fact the opposite was true. The barbarians propped the empire up for centuries. It would have fallen centuries earlier were it not for the mass migration of barbarian farmers.
When tribes like the Goths and the Alemani showed up on the Danube and the Rhein they did indeed have every intention of invading the empire and stealing the best farmland for themselves, but they were surprised by the Romans that they met. Rather than a row of spears and shields, the barbarians were met with smiles and a greeting that was something like, "Fuck yeah! Get your asses in here! Tell your friends! I hear Spain is beautiful in the Summer."
The empire was in the throes of a massive labor shortage, and peasants were worth their weight in gold, no matter if they were six feet tall and had legs covered in red hair. On the frontiers, emperors had all but stopped conscripting peasants in times of crisis and instead began doing the unthinkable of recruiting slaves into the legions. Slaves were just nowhere near as valuable as peasants working the fields. If barbarians wanted to farm the woefully undermanned farmland in the empire, then they would just make them Romans and give them all the land they could work. Roman emperors had long favored germanic barbarians as soldiers because of their great size, so the barbarians who did not want to be farmers would be more than welcome as soldiers.
The opposite was true. The Roman army was perpetually stretched perilously thin in an attempt to cover absolutely everyone after the Antonine Constitution, which had made every person in the empire a Roman citizen. The entire Roman military aparatus had to be reimagined to constantly provide protection for all of the citizens. Leaving provincials unprotected in the early empire was one thing, but leaving Romans unprotected was simply not an option.
The large legions were fractured into smaller and smaller units which had their fighting ability enhanced by technological innovations. Cavalry, cataphracts, archers, and dragoons made their way into the army who could move quickly and reinforce the tiny legions placed along the frontier. Of course, such units are expensive to outfit and train which caused its own set of problems.
The late Roman Republic actually does have a lot of similarities with America's current condition.
Back to Reddit pls
Carl is such a weenie.
I don't like empires
But at the end of the day we need to have a proper social structure when you have a small world overpopulated with people
These next few decades will be hell, but they're also unavoidable at this stage.
Which means we're heading for the same end in 250-400 years.
Good luck descendants! loljk I can't get laid ;_;
I'm not gonna lie, as much as I'd rather not vote, I really hope Trump wins the election.
He will end up as another banal sociopathic neocon and I will get to watch retards like Carl scramble to defend the legacy of their beloved god-emperor while Pence blows up another Middle Eastern nation.
It's hard to tell sometimes if Carl is just ignorant because he lives in the U.K. and doesn't understand U.S. propaganda, plain stupid, or completely disingenuous.
It's a part of the "liberal media" cliche spiraling out of control. Now people literally, genuinely think that all non-liberal media is automatically trustworthy and well-informed.
I don't think he will. He's handled a lot of the stress well to be frank. No other candidate could have handled the situation he was in better.
But I'm just glad we dodged the Clinton bullet. We'll be watching Trump closely though. He'd probably expect it to be honest.
This is concerning.
People are waking up to the liberal media lies and are freaking out a bit.
The liberal media just needs to return to telling the truth.
I'm guessing you haven't read the recent batch.
I also am nearly convinced this is all going to plan for her too
I mean come on, she literally said she'd like to see a candidate that was good with businesses in office
And I know she's still got a trick coming.
Hey look PragerU made the same argument.
What the fuck happened to sargon?
What do you mean?
He's always been this way.
Well that's a complete simplification and misrepresentiom of his argument. I don't really agree with him on most of it. The US and Rome are very different.
But his actually argument was pertaining to the life cycle of republics. He was trying to explain the similarities and give context to make parallels to the ancient Roman republic as an example. And what good is history if we don't attempt to learn from it for a better future.
Before the 1st civil war in the republic many reformers tried to get elected to make the necessary reforms that were needed to hopefully stave of the Republic's eventually demise. However, the oligarchs of the republic denied this and it eventually sparked into a very bloody civil war.
What Sargon proposes is that Trump is that reformer who may very well be needed to fix the problems within the republic. Which he certainly may be considering that Hillary is literally the establishment candidate who represents the corrupt status quo that has only been fucking the American people. He assumes that if we go down the road with the reform candidate we will avoid the eventual demise of the republic. And he tries to support his argument with a historical example.
I disagree with him, because they are different in that Trump will not have the power that the ancient Roman reform candidate would have had.
Tl;dr OP is a fag and doesn't really understand the argument and completely simplifies Sargon's argument into something that it isn't.
Quit trying to rationalize it, he's a lying fat idiot and doesn't give a fuck. It would just be darkly amusing to watch.
Much of his argument is based on this blind, unsubstantiated assertion that Trump is this god-emperor that will bring about a new golden age. There is literally no reason to believe this and he knows it on some level. Trump is the meme candidate and being Sargon he has way, way too much pride to admit he fell for the bait.
The very idea that Trump isn't a status quo candidate is nothing short of bizarre. The mainstream media does not merely want to support the status quo, it backs Clinton in particular because of simple, straightforward palm greasing. He will either reinforce the status quo or fuck up so badly that Congress will do it for him.
It ties in neatly to his obsession with republics: these are the best forms of government, period. He has no need to question this because it is what he believes, and he is always right.
fyi Vermin Supreme joined the Libertarian party.
The classics have a bad effect on people. Every person I know who studied them is an insufferable SJW/liberal who can only think in parallel.
He's talked about Fox being BS before.
He knows he just doesnt care
I enjoy Carl's attitude towards idpol but his political knowledge is appalling.
This is the most retarded moralfag shit I have ever seen in my entire life.
Purposelessness is blissful, not agonizing.
bullshit. Go dope yourself up on heroin 24/7 if you think blissful purposelessness is the key to life.
Eventually you will suffer, and realize the error of your ways.
whats the source of this webm?
This is a really cancerous attitude to have imo.