Antifa psychos are training at this center in Portland...

Antifa psychos are training at this center in Portland. They're probably training for mayday and its interesting that "Portland resistance" is posting a token black belt. I'm not too worried because theyre stupid enough to begin training 3 days before the actual event but we need to keep an eye on these people. Especially with how unhinged they are. These guys shut down our local parade that'd been tradition for 10 years, because the parade held a Republican float. No shit. They threatned to shut down and drag the republicans out of the parade. I really think it should be smart to begin training against these people.

Most of us got lazy from Berkeley and Trump winning. It isnt smart and these people are preparing for war.

This is happening all over the northwest. It would be smart to begin forming our own training like how National Action used to do.

Well, they're planning an all out riot on May 1st. They want to be cute for Soros

At the drop of a hat, literally every single of of these antifa lunatics could be wiped out in under 3 days.
We don't have a good enough reason to go out and take care of it though.
Anyone who worries about these faggots needs to grow a fucking pair.

"Don't worry goy. We could kill them easily. Dont train and prepare against their planned attacks. Just ignore the burning cities and riots."

So you're saying that you couldn't do it?
You're not prepared for when the fighting starts?
You've spent the past few years doing nothing?
You haven't seen the writing on the wall?
You're not ready for the Day of the Rope?
Get your fucking shit together you nuMale faggot.

What exactly are they planning for May 1st? I saw a sign written in red ink on a college wall that said "May 1st" with the anarchist logo above it. I live in the heart of a pozzed shithole, so I'm a little concerned, to say the least.

Why not secretly train with them? Learn their tactics and get in shape at the same time!

Let them. Portland is a shithole

Or we could just let them garnish enough hate, even among the normies that they are outright ostracized. Most of the group that makes up Antifa would leave afterwards imo, unless they want to escalate it even further and have the cops involved… Maybe.

Search up "May Day".
There's a very large (over a thousand) group of socialists who are planning to shut down all commerce in my area by barricading the roads on Monday.
They must have put up thousands of posters as well because they're on every street sign, lamp post, window, and wall.



underestimating your enemy, is the biggest mistake you can make. be always prepared.

No one is afraid of a bunch of masked cretins who have never lifted anything heavier than a dick and whose behavior amounts to "hey, let's burn and break shit". At the danger scale, they are below even a localized chimpout.

Oh my, is this a safe location?

preparation is never wrong

Something that you fail to grasp here is that we are prepared for much worse things, such as Planet of the Apes scenario. A bunch of antifags running around and breaking things are below any serious consideration. Call me when they start shooting and throwing Molotovs.

Too soon for it. they've only just started their attempts at militarization but expect some of them to be able to have a basic grasp on melee combat and tactics. Most of them will break the moment they see any kind of gun so if you're in the riot zone either get your guns cleaned up and present arms to make them avoid you or lock shit down and get with someone who has them, you oughta know at least one guy who does.

They do this literally every year on may day, nothing new. Hopefully they escalate this year and provoke riots that we can exploit.

There a couple ANTIFA MMA instructors. don't underestimate your enemy but also don't overestimate them so you don't do anything. Take them seriously every time and you will defeat them

Oh it'll be something with the level of butthurt they have right now the cultists are desperate to validate themselves, expect unguarded buildings to burn at the very least.

Considering one of the core concepts of that is to grapple your opponent and get control I doubt it'll be used. If one of them pinned someone the rest would instinctively start kicking the shit out of both of them. Besides that the disciplined ones would be avoiding those little shit fits carefully and trying to be effective else where.

How many times does it have to repeated that martial arts become useless in a streetfight? Knowing how to throw a punch is a good thing, but streetfights involve grappling in 99% of cases. Antifa employ nigger tactics - they will latch on you and try to bear you down on the ground. When you're there, they will start kicking you. Keep your distance and you'll be fine. Bear spray is your friend.

Hay Maker Gym in Chicago is advertised as a gym where leftists/Antifa can learn to fight. Just throwing that out there.

Trying to instil feelings of inferiority in comparison to "organized and trained" leftists to trigger right-wing youths to sign up to controlled opposition Zio-outfits LIKE NATIONAL ACTION.
But they sure gathered the inquirys and applications for MI5.
The Kikery, the Kikery, the Kikery.

That's what MMA partly is, you nigger

You've just described MMA. Thank you

ANTIFA is about 30 years too late to start training for the upcoming political civil war. Right wing militias have been /k/, /fit/ and Holla Forums minded for generations.

Shoving works wonders.
I can barrel through a crowd of these faggots and leave a path you could drive a mack truck through.
-t. Would've got drafted for niggerball

All your shit is passive "sit on a stool as these niggers fuck my wife shit". It's no different from the "patriots" that have been spouting "come and take them" passive aggressive taunts for at least a decade now and haven't done jack fucking shit since Waco.

Antifa goons aren't passive. They act and take initiative funded or otherwise they're not sitting on a stool waiting for you to hit them first.

I think we're gonna be okay.

Every time :^)

That's the point retard. There has been no war yet because of retards like you. We could have started the war decades ago.