How many lawsuits do you think will be made again Ja?
I'd say at least a hundred or so.
Fyre Festival General #2 - the scam continues
Other urls found in this thread:
How did they fell for this scam? It is clear as glass.
Celebrity endorsements, apparently.
Pic related.
Don't bullshit us, user.
Didn't some bands pull out, though? I know Blink-182 cancelled their show.
So are we going to go rescue them or should we let them wait a little longer to learn their lesson?
Another post from the sub.
"Instagram influencers."
Last thread:
Fucking reddit fags
Have they posted recently or are their phones confirmed dead now?
Also is there any anons operating on this, or is it a comfy happening while things burn down?
No way a nigger thought of this, theres kikes behind him and it was done as a propaganda stunt. He probably makes a comeback now. They tried to get Eddie Murphy to throw Bill Cosby under the bus, and he refused to do it, ending up being cut out of the special reunion episode or whatever. He was probably offered the same thing, a career comeback.
That's an edit, user.
You can't make posts that long on Twitter.
Kek, dat nigga's got balls.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if liberals accepted it due to fewings.
Just Jamboree is coming around in a few months
I don't know if any of you use twitter, but this iamges is fake
there's way more than 140 chars on that
try harder
Shhh. Let them dream.
Are you retarded? It's reddit, it's “le witty insult", not actual wit. They're "making a point and taking a stand".
I'm seeing some things suggesting some flights back have taken off, but not much else on the Twitter front. You know, aside from commies and Goons trying to break up the fun by crying about Trump or "the dangers of capitalism."
thats twitter not reddit fam, and thats too many character to be legit.
More the "dangers of not doing research and blindly obeying" than anything else. Bet the idiots haven't even taken measures against foreign diseases.
can someone give me a quick rundown on the fyre festival?
There's no death, only lost money.
Sit back and enjoy with some popcorn.
There was that tweet from the last thread showing people SIGNING A BLANK PIECE OF PAPER to get "refunds".
Yet. That we know of.
They are trapped.
Oh well, I'll rustle some jimmies anyway AND give them false hope.
Well, I guess you an relay them the nearest Embassy, if there's any.
Or get back to the airport ground. If there was one in the first place.
They were at the airport… padlocked in a tiny room without food or water. I guess the embassy isn't helping out much anyway. Some people have made it there too.
Bunch of rich kids went to music festival held by some rapper, arrive to find that their expensive tickets that are in the thousands of dollar price range was not what they wanted. Disaster relief tends instead of hotel quality stuff, cheese sandwiches instead of fancy food, their shit getting stolen, tents set on fire, and the bands canceling outright.
So we got these rich kids stuck somewhere, stuck in buildings and being corralled while they sign blank documents. It's a remarkable fuck up all things considered.
The nearest embassy is an island away from them. And assuming they are still stuck at the airport, they won't be going anywhere soon.
I fucking hate normalfags who eat this garbage up
The lefties fear guns more than they fear niggers.
Damsels in distress, sort the betas and claim the boobanimals.
no live feed?
RIP then.
What about they contact their parents so they charter some small plane and get out?
Meanwhile, said rapper is swearing up and down that it totally wasn't a scam.
Embassy is on other island and they have no idea how to get on the boat to the ferry and they wasted the energy on the phone by whining so much, something they should do better than this useless whining.
You know, I'm a NEET in my late 20s and I literally live in my parents basement at the moment. I've never felt so comfy being in this situation.
Oh man… I love this.
Did you not read my post?
I said it was made by leddit to mock Ja.
Bet that was… weird.
shadowbanned so fuck it I'll make them delet the account
I agree. Only rescue them if they swear to feed you tendies while you feed them cummies.
what a pity
Of course he would. He'll likely get away blame free, but this is a failure in every sense of the word. Now we just have to wait if he'll keep the second week going and say that the problems are fixed just to drag more of them in.
Lurk more or >>>out
Rescue them from what? Nothing really happened,
are you a special kind of retard. Do you have a superhero delusion?
This is so fucking retarded. Here's a great normalfag redpill though. Never put a nigger in charge of anything you care about.
All they had to do with buy a few thousand DiGiorno frozen pizzas and some Bud Light and nobody would have said shit.
All you had to do was say
And they fucking would have.
This is the type of opportunity that only a nigger can fuck up.
would be a good time for a nuclear missile test on those islands.
You replied to two different people and that second guy guy was responding to somebody else claiming the reddit page was full of 4chan-style posts.
Man, that flick was terrible. A masturbation fantasy from the first frame to the credits.
Stop posting, learn to read, or ask jewgle what >pic related> means you fucking mongoloid.
Have yourself checked for fucking autism too, mongo, you can't tell shitposting from sincerity.
I would assume that if you put someone like dr.dre in charge that this would be like a chiwawa trying to sound like a big dog judging by his demeanor.
I assume this must be related to his height and medicore skills in da royal league of rap biz besides him being greece level.
da fuck is a fry festival? sounds gay and retarded
Im new to this. Can somebody please explain what the hell is it how is it relevant to Holla Forums ?
I don't believe this was an elaborate scam, just general nigger incompetence.
I honestly spit on all the rich white kids who were 'duped' out of a good time. I hope they all get stuck on feral island and never return.
You could read the thread.
Now this is some shilling. You're not going to get an A+ in Community Studies being that blatant.
I saw Inglorious Bastards in theaters when it came out when I was younger. I remember after watching it it was the first time I thought to myself "Maybe the Nazis weren't so bad after all"
No kidding, even as a bluepilled faggot that movie rubbed me the wrong way.
It's gone.
whats this about being forced to sign blank documents???
Because of course post number 1619184 isnt going to be there, he fucked it up and it's
It's not too late to grab a helicopter and do a Holla Forums tier rescue operation. We'll only need to carry them until we are out of sight of the shore, we could make a lot of trips in a short time. Plus, we'll be helping the environment by keeping the sharks fed.
Learning something about different social bubbles and their reaction.
Actual footage of the live entertainment at Fyre Festival.
Dr. Dre would have at least had the instinct to put someone who knows things in charge. Beats was a success not because he knows the first thing about acoustics or audio speakers, but because kikes held his hand the whole way to make sure it was successful.
But yeah, any other nigger would have fucked this up too.
Gentlemen…to evil.
I remember thinking that after watching Swindlers list in elementary school.
But what really did it for me was freshman year of college when I had to write an essay about the injustices that white people have done to people of colour and I did my research by reading Mein Kampf. That english 101 writing assignment changed my life and made me a better person. All students should be made to do something similar.
Seems some of them were given blank pieces of paper to sign for their refunds to happen. Of course, their main website said 'no refunds', so this is something fishy.
10 reasons why Fyre is the best show this year
Sharks are allergic to commie meat. Let them starve on the beach and be devoured by mother nature.
Only one man can save them now.
Just to be clear: am I the only one who had never heard about this nigger until now or is he supposed to be famous?
"Escape from Shithole Island"
I simply know that someone like him wouldnt fuck shit because i took a look into his mind, and the way he raps speaks from a certain source of sincerity. The way someone speaks, and the way he makes certain subtile overtones sound is like personality conveyed.
I knew exactly what one it was going to be before opening it. I miss the 90s, but then again, it was only blissful ignorance, not actual bliss. Its not like everything has changed.
I think I remember him because of the first fast and the furious movie, guy had a song in it and I was unfortunate enough to be in plenty of enviroments where they played that song constantly. I might be mixing up niggers though
That's enough nigger worship for today, son.
Didn't some chink get kiked out of the Beats tech/brand/whatever?
Scratch what I said.
I remember watching Shindlers List in high school and we had an entire 3-month long course on how ebil Nazis were and how great Jews were. No one took it seriously and my friend got kicked out of class for saying Hitler identified Jews by their big noses. We all thought Nazis were cool.
I guess I've always been like that.
Its weird how much of a stereotypical liberal I acted like when I was really really young. Cared about the environment, loved niggers, hated Nazis, etc. I really think there was a gigantic psyops when we were all kids to be that way.
Probably. All I know is that Dre could not have had much to do with the actual success of the product itself.
Fuck my bad.
i think that's ourguy, but still hilarious
So when their signatures show up on forms saying they wave all legal rights am I supposed to be suprised?
Yeah, they should've been Beats by Segway Chink.
I don't hate these yuppies as bad as many here do, but there is a real beauty under girding the idea of modern people meeting their doom by means of seduction and manipulation at the miasmatic hands of trash culture, celebri-models, dancing niggers and the like.
Adult white people with more money than sense who want to go to fast and furious the island are in a way asking for it. If I had a boat I would still rescue them tho.
So what the fuck, did a genuine jigsaw bait a bunch of people into a padlocked room or is this some kind of publicity stunt?
The commies are eating it up
Dre would have been a very good marketer for it, but that's about it.
I mean I give the nigger some credit for buying/kiking the right thing at the right time, but that's about it.
He didn't design it, didn't engineer it, and probably doesn't even actually use it. He's just a nigger face that nigger-lovers are comfortable seeing. That's it.
Not really nigger worship you dumbfuck, it is more like analyzing what they think.
Sometimes if i look at things, just like that short video of that well fed lanklet where the cunts were got locked up, i immediately get a grap of their personalities. And in a way they react like grabbing a blunt object in their reach.l
yea, leftists and colored folk are getting a real kick out of this in a different way from us.
Not really. At this rate, I am expecting them to take selfies before going to the chopping block. Not a single speck of sense in their skulls.
A shit-ton of the people who went there seemed to be "colored" themselves, in the previous general someone was posting caps of tweets made by some stuck-up muslim cunt.
I almost pity the idiots. They did something retarded and everyone hates them for doing it.
What if this all turns out to be Trump deporting faggots who like Ja Rule?
lol yes they have no friends it is true. I pity victims of cultural machinations they dont fully comprehend the dangers of. It would be easier to pity them if they didnt so often drag everything around them into the pit, but this situation appears safely contained literally on an island.
Seems like they'll probably get a lot of money in a class action suit if they don't get eaten by the natives, no? If they're all rich there are already several families consulting expensive attorneys.
Just remember if Holla Forums and Holla Forums can agree on one thing nothing is imposible
Ja rulism when?
Nope. Nigger will just declare bankruptcy. Nobody is going to compensate them.
Also on the plus side, this might give pause to some regarding the possible disadvantages to going to jiggaboo festivals and blindly following celebri models.
Trips confirm dey gibs reparayshuns via enslavement or tire.
I dunno. The court system works for the powerful, moneyed, and connected. If rich people get really mad, they will find a way to get what they want through the courts.
Can we tip them that there are reports of a terrorist bomb at the airports?
LMFAO holy shit this is hilarious
I worked in the islands for a number of years doing real estate development and many of my friends are still in the Caribbean. I never worked on that particular island but they are all similar. The work force is all niggers and they work on whats called "island time", meaning almost never. It takes 3x longer to get anything done and every single contractor and supplier in the islands is a complete shit show. There are endless unfinished houses where Americans and Europeans started building but ran out of money quickly as they had no idea what they were getting themselves into. The locals were absolutly worthless. We would set up camps for imported asian labor and you basically had to do everything yourself in terms of management and logistics. A project that would take 4 weeks to plan in the US would take 6-12 to adequately plan for in the islands.
These dumb niggers thought they could just head on down to the islands and throw a festival using local sub 80 IQ labor and contractors as if they were dealing with white run white staffed production companies in the US who perform on time.
We could agree, as soon as you niggers realize National Socialism is the only socialism that ever worked.
No doubt the guy's career will be over, but you can't take from someone what they don't have.
How much cash/assets would this nigger really have to take?
Reminder that almost all niggers who rap go broke right after they stop selling shit tons of records. He has no investments, a gaudy ass house that he will take a loss on and some cars that smell like fried chicken and nigger balls.
They ain't getting shit.
Please let the man be right and they get scammed out of EVERYTHING.
So this is the type of shit people do when they have too much money.
Can't fucking wait for robots
In that case Holla Forums should be the blunt object of Holla Forums.
holy shit this guy is a fucking retard
Who won WW2 again?
but yeah National Socialism did work too bad Hitler couldn't defeat every country that he pissed off (read:pretty much the whole world)
I hope each and every one of them has their lives ruined to oblivion.
Tio: niggers don't sell records or do good ticket sales. Just about the only way niggers make money off music is doing lifestyle stuff. Hocking useless products like the beatsbydre, whoring out their instagram, promoting club parties. Typical rap concert for a giant rap act is also size of a typical club party, to make money you have to tour every fucking night. These festivals actually make them more money than anything because they can hoot and holler on stage (rap irl on a stage, don't ever go there) , and let the white artists who do dj shit actually bring in the ticket sales. White djs who have e a clue never bother with cross promotion anymore, niggers suck up too much money.
That actually sounds what like what most likely happened here. Ja Rule tosses a bunch of money at the locals and nobody with enough brains to manage it.
Plus to get shit done quick in the islands requires some bribes to the right people. Just expecting people there to be American or even mexican style productive without a bribe is seen as insulting.
Ja Rulezs at international buiznitches then prob freaked and started paying payouts and the locals strung him along knowing that the timetable was hopelessly unrealistic.
Not understanding the difference in black island labor and virtually any other kind is something I imagine the backers of fast and furious the island jamboree to be struck with.
The jews fear the hat.
Or we could just start acting like Europeans again. No work no pay. Better still, leave these lazy lazy folk alone. Fuck the Caribbean, we have our own lands.
I'm telling you man, this is a 70s/80s exploitation action flick in the making.
What the fuck is this? Is it some ripoff of Coachella?
Somehow her figure didnt allow the jews to be critical about her bodyweight while having big tits.
Because the homosexual jews want them to look like little boys.
You mean every country run by kikes. Without an argument that you know you would lose, they declared war on Germany simply for uniting their people, and for something that would be protected under the UN today (right of a people to self determination). Churchill also said its a war against Germany, not Hitler or National Socialism. They wanted a bunch of small Germanic countries that were easily to control, in the English, French and Russian sphere of influence. They were going to be crushed regardless of their ideology.
It was 4 established great powers against 1. National Socialism was successful and we all know it.
So rich white libs were baited into an "exclusive, high-class festival" and are now literally being mugged and raped by natives on a secluded island?
I knew commies were retarded when it came to their knowledge of history but this is fucking elementary school-tier.
t. /leftyshit/
Well, now they can get the authentic "dirty jeans" experience without buying muddy jeans from a mall.
pretty much the whole world was controlled by International Finance (jews)
Why do you think every great nation portraits itself as an eagle, an eagle is free it acts on his intrinsic self interest like every animal does, and every feather is part of this eagle wants to be part of this eagle and not like lupus that beflalls them like an invisible cage.
Everyone (including you own mother) would have you believe that it's actually all young white Trump supporters because only the rich voted for Trump/nobody who is rich supported Hillary and everyone who went is dumb and easy to con. Look and laugh at the helpless republitards who now want Trump to come save them, look how they can't operate without mommy's money, they don't know what being poor is like, hey lets go seize the means of production, etc. etc.
This is the Juicero of music festivals. Holy siht, I'm dying, guys.
Therese people are currently fighting online trolls instead of fighting for their survival.
The redpilled types get it much worse. Just look at what happened to Donald. At least the bluepilled ones aren't pushed into either joining, or dying. They're too unaware to be caught like that.
Too bad they didn't give these idiots chargers (or power supply like they promised), now we are missing out on their panic filled blog posts.
Top fucking Kek.
Maybe Fyre Festival is divine karma for the endless shill raids.
It's great. These 'kids' are pure cancer. Just wish Trump would crater the runway.
user you have no imagination.
Just tell there was a chemical attack that used this airport as base operation.
With some chance, there will be some missiles left.
Well at least Ja Rule is going to refund everyone. That'll ease the pain of being savagely raped by island people.
Checked. Kek confirms this is karma.
But you're forgetting the most important thing here. The moment the phones die, the real bloodbath begins.
Holy fuck this is the greatest thing I've ever witnessed.
It's been pure fucking gold all day.
Good point. I'm sure Jah will step up and do the right thing here.
Holy shit
How will her anus ever recover?
You know if we play our cards right we can probably end Ja Rule's career in case there's a slim chance it'll survive this
Just slap it onto her student loan debt in nigger-lesbo mud pie baking
Her anus will never recover. She hasn't been fucked his hard in her whole life.
Fucking gold.
whens nightfall?
Checked, stupid people with daddy's money.
Is there an exact census for the racial demographics of the island? Is it literally all pure niggers?
Ah, so many great events to witness. I'm glad I didn't eat my shotgun in 2013.
From Wiki
Keep in mind these are the people who flood Holla Forums to shill, it makes the lulz even funnier.
What time was it when they got there? Wasn't it early morning or something?
My teachers where not quite so obvious about their propaganda, I think in my case that made it more effective. I was pretty deeply bluepilled until a while after I started college. I remember when rapefugees first started swarming into Europe, I thought conservatives where stupid when they said that brown people will displace white people, all the "experts" on the subject said so, they had numbers and data to back it up, so it made sense to me. Even when I was about as blue pilled and left wing as a sane white man could get, I never had any disdain or hatred for my race, I though that we were on top and our position was unassailable, and it would not do us any harm to yield a bit to those less fortunate. The primary disagreement between us and the normies is NOT any difference in political opinion, but rather, the lense through which we view reality. Most liberals are NOT antiwhite, they are simply under the impression that whites are in no danger.
There was one thing that my teachers did in elementary school that backfired on them in a weird way, I wonder if any other Holla Forumsacks had asimilar experience. When I was in, maybe fifth grade, they made us watch a documentary about the Arab Israeli conflict and form our own opinions about it. Since this was before 9-11 I did not yet know what Muslims where or why I should hate them, I saw the Muslims as the poor innocent people of color, and the jews as the evil white oppressors. Truthfully, I came to hate the zionist jews for the exact same reason that I hated the Hollywood Nazis, the seed of antisemitism was planted in my head for a long time, I was a very bluepilled left wing liberal that hated israel and wished to see it's destruction, this made my redpilling process and sudden reversal of polarity, quite easy and painless.
Also, I am just as much in favor of protecting the environment and developing renewable energy sources as I was in my bluepilled days. We need to preserve the existence of our nation and a future for white children, THIS is why I am and will always be an environmentalist. The kikes are lieing about global warming but peak oil is a very real threat that affects people who need gasoline to drive to work more than yuppies with low lying beachfront property.
They're going on 36 hours now I believe
48 hour rule you know, without water, shit gets really real
So anons, what are you eating and drinking while watching these shitlibs go without?
Cracking me a pilsener
Missing out user.
Emmental on rye with a little soda water.
I'm eating a bowl of lukewarm ramen that is FAR less appetizing that that delicious sammich that is posted on everything Fyrefest related. Can yuppies really not just pack the ingredients back on the bread and eat the damn thing without complaining? It even has high quality lettuce, not the pale stuff from the middle of the head that most people throw away.
You can celebrate without eating and drinking shit
It has no meat.
Then what the fuck else are you supposed to do?
You live a pitiful life.
well heres the thing m8 would you pay over $700 for that cheese sandwich? because thats what those yuppies paid
Home-brew rakija.
That's not what I asked.
You didn't ask me shit, faggot.
Seagrams' Seven, neat
I'm not an alcoholic, I swear
I obviously did. Can't you read?
Point to the post, nigger.
I don't recall having a strong leaning one way or the other, but my background was complete shit. Abandoned by my parents and abused by my foster parents, I didn't really have a childhood of any sort. I didn't care about politics, or current events, as being desperately poor meant that none of it had anything to do with me. Once I got through a ton of shit and got a shit job that paid better than bare survival money, I bought the gun that I wanted when I was a kid, and then /k/ opened my eyes. The rest is history [not (((history)))].
If you have the solitude required to sleep constantly, you can go well past 48 hours with no water, but yeah, being on DEAD ISLAND is not going to cooperate with those plans.
Ramen is not food, sir. You have to jazz that shit up with chicken, peppers, spices, optionally cheese, and maybe an egg while it's still boiling.
I'd make a cheese sandwich to celebrate their suffering, but I feel worse than pissed-on shit at the moment, and I'm just waiting for the sun to go down so I can sleep my sickness away without waking up in the middle of the night.
i'm gonna celebrate by sleeping comfortably in a bed tonight, without paying being mugged and raped all day.
Good point.
That's not me, you dumb nigger, that's some other user.
Holy massive fuck, you're stupid.
Learn what IDs are, dipshit.
Ah yes im pretty sure it was the jews that made Germany invade poland and do other things like sink Brazil (a neutral country) ships for no goddamn reason sure it was the jews
You know very well that i didn't mean the entire world i just meant that the Axis made other countries to fight against for no reason (Brazil USA etc)
I was bluepilled as fuck in highschool but the propaganda still didnt have the desired effect on me. I didnt care much about the holocaust since it never really had anything to do with me and I was enamored by fascist iconography and imagery. I even got away with being a part of a fictional fascist party in civics class and this was in Canada. There was just something intrinsically stylish about the 3rd Reich and no amount of Jewish programming is going to change that.
kek I bet most people who went are liberals who sympathize with commies anyway
Teaching people the truth about the situation of the world today is a LOT more effective than trying to change their opinions. Nobody in their right mind would honestly support jewish hegemony unless they are on the receiving end of it. If we can just convince upper class white liberal yuppies that there actually are powerful forces out to subvert and destroy our civilization, they will flock to our side, leftist indoctrination be damned NOBODY wants to fight against their best interest.
If you didn't think what I asked was directed to you then why would you even reply to my post in the first place, dumbass?
Furthermore, at no point did I state that my question was directed exclusively to the guy I initially replied to.
Thread theme???
More and more as I realize I'm allowed, as a man, to have standards, I realize more and more women are simply unattractive.
"Save the White Race" doesn't work lad, attaching pro-white issues to issues people already care about does though
Tell that to all the white ethno masochists constantly crying about white privilage and the rectification of (((historical wrongs))).
Help me out, man.
Filename related
but seriously I know what you mean. Most women these day are slags
So, so, so much dead weight.
Good for those shitlibs. I'm sick of those rich cunts, i deal with these clueless, stuck-up, arrogant fucking asshole each and every day and they fucking deserve some sense of reality besides "muh party-life". Fucking sick of these people, they got a head-start on everyone else and they squander it away with stupid shit like this.
I hope they fucking get eaten by the niggers on the island.
Why are they starving?
Isn't there food on the island besides sandwiches?
It's not that hard to get a compass, user.
When you make a post click "Show Post options & limits, put the link the the thing and hit send.
>tfw work with an 8/10 aryan girl who's still a virgin at 24 and a total daddy's girl
>tfw she turned me down when I asked her out because she wanted to focus on career
It hurts user.
They don't identify their interests with that of other white people so they don't think they're fighting against their own interest. Even if most of the people they're defending would shank their guts without hesitating.
You think any of these people would come to the idea to forage?
Sorry to hear that user.
Fuck me those feels. I wasn't prepared for that user. I was just shitposting.
You're not smart enough to post here, you alcohol slave.
We need some caribbean tunes.
You must be making that shit wrong, when I make ramen, I make it taste fucking good.
I got turned down by this 9/10 thick irish girl because she has a bf she met in hs
So i kinda know that feel too
Whipped this up real quick. A million hours in MS Paint.
t. Yuppie fag.
Checked. And Kek'd.
I love it.
Next he'll suggest they hunt.
Trips of perfection.
When I was in highschool friends of mine literally thought that I was gay because I showed zero interest in hollywood whores with fake tits and was quick the reject advances from the overweight sluts that hung around my social circle. They were nice about it to, one girl offered to help my get in touch with a guidance counselor who specialized in helping LGBT youth that have trouble making friends and getting along with their peers. This is how I learned to hate homosexuality. The irony is that I started puberty a few years early and was possessed of an adolescent sex drive that would put slick Willy to shame. Problem was, it was mainly directed towards women who where good looking and actually acted like women, I was never attracted to the undignified whores that I was expected to salivate over. Truth be told, I grew up thinking that my standards where something to be ashamed of, a perversion that set my apart from society, a fetish that I must never tell anyone about. I actually came to identify with people of unusual sexual proclivities, since I was taught from a young age that I was one.
Absolutely amazing.
Well-deserved trips
Fuck this turned into a feels thread way to fast. That's some fucked up shit user. The worst part is you probably aren't the only to experience that.
Go home, Shitavious
It's universal in black culture
Hey Schlomo
Fuck I know that feel user. Everyone in college was convinced I was gay, because I was the only one that was single. I even had to deal with girls trying to hook me up with their gay best friends. I didn't exactly have an advantage though.
Sometimes I like to think I was set up, and it pisses me off like nothing else whenever I go to my parents house, and my mom looks at me with that look that says, "Why are you still single?" and I get shit for the standards thing too.
People all the time tell me I'm going to have to, "accept my wife for how she is" and it just decreases my desire to even bother trying to meet anyone. Sage for blogpost.
Plz stop feels
I mean I'm just a CTR shill, I don't know this kinda stuff.
I've been told the exact same thing.
Fucking hell even when you are dating a girl this bullshit comes out. They think just saying "this is just who I am" is an excuse for all types of bullshit behavior but god forbid you make a mistake.
Do you think these spoiled leftists would be smart enough to boil water before drinking it? I don't
Hey leftypol.
Wouldn't it be nice if they shelled the island?
As if they even know how to make a fire, even if they had flint and steel.
I've worked multiple third-world projects and you are spot on. Take any similar project in the First world and multiply the time and cost by 2 to 4 times and you get a feel for how things will go. What's also astonishing is being in some shithole with 40-50% unemployment, offering almost double the local average wage in cash and the fuckers still won't work.
These degenerates are just looking for an excuse to drink their own piss. I doubt they'll even think of it.
Fuck no they wouldn't. Meanwhile, that guy on the survivalist youtube channel entered the fucking Iron Age with mud and sticks.
They'd probably burn themselves and decide fire is to dangerous to have anyway.
But it was a gourmet cheese sandwich.
I guarantee you that most of them have no real hatred of whites but simply have the delusion that white people face no threat. It's a type of status signaling, they are saying, "Look at me!" "Through the hard work of me and my ancestors I have gotten myself into a position in which I am under no external threat and can freely render aid to my enemies without fear of them becoming powerful enough to harm me!" "You only want your country to maintain it's borders because you are low on the economic strata and cannot bear the burden of a decaying culture as much as I can." "You need to be punished for you low status, open borders are the way to do it, and always remember, I am so much better than you that even if immigrants destroy my culture and rape my daughter, I'll still have a better life then you ever could!"
It's all status signaling bro. Except of course, there are plenty of people (((them))) that are legitimately antiwhite because, white people ARE their enemy, and there is a small segment of mentally ill white people who truly are racial masochists, the jews see to it that these white people are given an unfairly large amount of influence over the public zeitgeist, for reasons that should be obvious.
There was a fire earlier today. Some tents got set on fire.
so this shit is why every other thread is so slow, hah! I skipped over this thinking it was a shitty woodstock rebirth or some shit, not dashcon 2.0 + niggers.
I've been conditioned to think any time a random vowel is replaced with a "y" feminist malarky is afoot.
that, plus jewgle who some of these bitches are.
yep, like that
Some of them are actually worth (((millions)))! There's a fuckload of 'fashion bloggers' and runway models and "lifestyle consultants" and other assorted lifeless elitist filth down there. Like that Sam Shorkey works for Vegan Fitness Daily.
Or like this Hallie K Wilson https://
they are exactly the kind of upscale yuppie dumbshits you'd expect scammed and left on an island full of drug runners or cannibal headhunters
This ain' no Hunger Games, this is The Beach!
and now you know how they become "rich"
It was basically meme fodder fun for everyone.
Like it's not even a real movie, look at the 'scene cuts'
These were all like 2 minute shorts with a barely related overarching plot all stitched together.
ended with some perfect meme
>lewd af Landa/Hammersmark choke scene, focuses on her feet through the whole thing so you know Quentin was masturbating off-screen as well
rewatch it with the scene cuts in mind. Every changeover ends with something you could throw on tumblr to get 100k shares. It's a literal shitpost movie disguised as "provocative propaganda." This is what Adam Sandler would make if he had talent. Shitty subject matter of course, but I like the idea. Ritchie does the same shit but with limey gangs so it seems a lot slicker/universal.
you can always tell the artfags, kek.
In a very art-faggy/armchair psych way he was saying Dr. Dre is no pimp but a pussy in pimp's clothing who's a complete doormat to his own bitches.
And it'd be true, look at Li'l Wayne's women vs his, if you can stand to. He tricks out his hos as nice as him while Wayne is like "Jes bring yo black dress and yo black-ass booty, ho!"
you see this with momma's boy rappers a lot, they talk tough shit but see every woman like their own mother so they slap other niggas down telling them to "respect da ladies"
yea probably, that or they'll scan it and sell it to russians to make some forged checks out of. Or if it's incomplete, the Philippines. Duterte's got some expert forgers that can fool even cartels.
now this is how you drug war, fagits.
Either way, their bank accounts are getting nuked, and they will be "signing" for new credit cards for life.
yea no
I am by no means a normal hippie or environmentalist but I legit felt sad for those Injuns having to put up with that shit.
They got Columbus'd a second time. A little spilled oil would be a much safer ecological disaster.
we've all been doing this backwards.
It's not Bash the Fash, it's Bash Porkies With The Fash!
this is incredibly common, and one of frankfurt's greatest fuckups. They truly did create uncontrollable golems due to their own "passing whiteness." Jewgle-fu "Rachel Corrie" and "Columbia + antisemitism" that was a major flashpoint.
Oh god!
I have no face and I must KEK
High quality user.
I celebrate by talking ,interacting having stupid fun with family and people I know maybe watch a shit movie or listen to music, not by drinking alcohol. I don't give two shits if someone wants to get drunk as fuck but if that's his or her only way to celebrate that person is fucking stupid and should consider what he is doing. I can understand why some people want to get drunk and forget about shit but it just really bad escapism, it fucks up your mind and body.
Home run.
Only if you're an escapist. Most of us are just people without sticks up our asses.
Is this going to end up being one big publicity stunt on "this is how muh refugees are treated"?
Getting drunk is escapism even when you celebrate shit, it's really simple.
vice city ref, nice
I pity you.
It was.
Should've read the thread before posting
i would laugh
refugees rape everyone, i don't think a single low T faggot at this thing would even have the power to fuck a watermelon
I used to drink a lot with friends, so you're wrong on that.
This whole thing is honestly a masterpiece in the art of stupidity.
They've been trying to spin it like that for the last couple of hours. But it's kinda failing, because everyone's too busy laughing at the "rich white kids" for the new narrative to take hold. So most likely it'll be considered a scam, but a scam in the name of "good".
Having fun in general is escapism :^)
how much of leftyfur is there on the island? is that why we haven't had to deal with their anthics for some time?
Sums my life up well enough.
Festival organizer tries to explain his retardation.
My absolute favorite part about this shitstorm is that muds and leftists have convinced themselves of a narrative where a bunch of privileged conservative whypeepo got BTFO and learned what it's like to be a refugee when in reality most of them were probably a bunch of virtue signaling "#refugeeswelcome" champagne socialists like most rich kids (because why the fuck would a racist spend thousands of dollars to go to a third world country to listen to nog music), when the reality is this probably taught them not to trust niggers.
"accept my wife for how she is"
Absolutely the worst, most cucked advice normalfags give
Just accept it!
Just accept it!
Oh no
Of course. I'm not saying escapism is bad, I'm just saying that if you really need to get drunk in order to celebrate or have fun you're doing something wrong. Again I don't give a fuck if you drink alcohol because you're fucking yourself over each time you do it.
But user, if the wife ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
t. boomer.
That's what happens when a country is overjewed.
Just accept it!
what a racist bigot!
Bud, if you aren't trying to escape anything then it's not escapism. It's just getting drunk.
Anyone else feeling /comfy/ in their cozy home?
So they couldnt dig out houses, or setup desalination systems? And none of this occurred to them before they started the festival?
You give them too much credit. They will end up spinning this into a massive virtue signal about muh refugees.
I have just done a full spring clean. Feeeelin comfy and sparkly clean.
When getting drunk you are escaping your sober state of being, it is always escapism. Basically you're saying getting drunk is fine if you don't have a reason, which is retarded.
We get it user.
Thanks, you glorious bastards. I love making posters like this, and it was made to order for the situation. I mean, if someone doesn't jump on the opportunity to make a survival movie based on the Fyre Festival, they're missing out.
It's not escape if you aren't running away. You're just some weak-willed faggot who can't handle his liquor.
Good argument, you really convinced me to think otherwise.
I can handle alcohol pretty well, not an argument.
Both of you are just looking for excuses for your shitty habits.
What did it for me?
WW2 history back in school.
For a giggle me and the other smart kids decided for our presentation project we'd work out the total financial/economic cost of the holocaust.
Working out things like total man hours, projected fuel expenditure, zyklon B manufacturing costs, etc.
It quickly became a presentation on why the holocaust was impossible. Due to factors such as time needed to burn human bodies, fuel shortages and a shortage of available man hours in the parts of the German military/state/SS we were told were involved.
everyone here in bananaland knows it nowadays and knew it back then.
Also again you are running away from your sober state, read better before you post
And you're picking a fight nobody but you cares to have.
they deserve it
Nice reddit spacing too you faggot.
Thank god someone gets it.
The easiest way to spot a Neocon larping as a Nazi is if they are anti-environmentalism.
On that note be wary of the "global warming is a lie" myth. The big oil kikes have co-opted this into the conservative neocon mindset and use it to deflect attention away from their crimes. Nazi Germany had some of the strictest environmental laws in the world and regularly made efforts to plant new forests and preserve nature. This is the true Aryan way of life, not senselessly destroying your land for a quick dollar like some kind of subhuman Haitian or rootless profiteer Jew.
Once we have taken care of the subhumans and their Hebrew enablers we can begin making this a world worth living in again.
Really, now. I'd love to see those numbers.
Not an argument.
Nice japanland cartoon too you faggot.
I doubt that. You're that one faggot who loses control and then preaches sobriety only after he's shat himself all over the couch.
It's not running away, if you're doing it voluntarily.
More hipster tales of terror from the Jew Yorker
The Fyre Festival Was a Luxury Nightmare
The problem is that proposed political "solutions" to climate change are all marxist wealth redistribution schemes.
Explaining that to people takes more effort than telling them global warming is fake. The later is easier for simple minds to understand.
Go have this debate somewhere else, this thread isn't about your opinion regarding alcohol. Nobody gives a fuck. Lurk or post about the Fyre shitfest.
Thread theme.
Care for the environment is paramount to the true Nationalist.
just lending some helpful words of encouragement
Not really, I used to drink a lot and always was able to handle it pretty well. So not an argument.
Again, getting drunk is escaping your sober state thus you run away from being sober voluntarily or not. Your shit habits will remain shit no matter what excuse you use. And in doing so you're fucking yourself up.
Not an argument.
Where's my free home, Driver's-license, Job, Cell-phone, free-dental-work-at-anytime and free hospital-visits?
Fuck, just give me a gym-card like they get and i would be satisfied besides the point that i'm a fucking parasitic scumbag who has lied his way onto another peoples soil, living off their expenses like a fucking cockroach.
Do you watch hollywood poz instead, Anonfama?
I only watch cave paintings.
2/10 bellybutton is fucking weird
Posts hidden
Festival created by niggers and she still blames white people.
Like these ones?
Hes literally more well known for being the subject of a Dave Chappelle joke than for his rapping
Thanks for telling me I am right.
Alas that was well over a decade ago.
We made many assumptions in regard to man hours per Jew though.
We estimated a total man hour expenditure across the entirety of the German military, SS and police of 12 hours per Jew (surprised I remember that number actually)
Covering everything from identification, to capture, to transport, execution and disposal.
Not including such things as time it took to die when executed and burning of the body. Since those had to be factored in elsewhere.
We figured the numbers would average out between the lot of them.
Now to be fair. The man hours weren't the major issue.
Something like 72 million man hours?
Feasible enough.
It was body disposal (since they were all burned we were told) that caused the biggest issues, though can't remember the numbers.
That and fuel requirements.
On the upside, if you meet any of these chicks, "Niggers, amirite?" has just become an acceptable icebreaker.
I was never normal so I never really believed the official narrative to be the absolute truth. I'm too enclosed in my armor to be propagandized. Also was lucky enough to go to military school here in my country which didn't repeat the mainstream and actually teached us about WW2 in an adult, non-cartoony way, because let's be honest. the only way to repeat the official narrative is to have a midle school understanding of geopolitics. maybe that's what the deliberate dumbing down of the population is about.
Bet your teacher was beet red after that.
No way, you were that faggot who got so drunk that you ended up in the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Nobody liked you when you drank. If it wasn't for your experiences drinking you would probably still be drunk to this day, like me.
It's not escape if you aren't running away.
I'm sure mine are a lot less shit than yours, with or without alcohol.
And I bet you I'll still live longer than your weak-willed piece of shit body can.
The only reason some arabs finish on time is because it's an executable offense in some areas. Some places like Bahrain aren't just built on the oil produced by long-dead bodies, but the dead of the modern day. Slow workers have their families beaten to force them to work faster, and they're just killed and eldest son taken as a replacement if they fail too often.
A Flip friend that went through uni to be an architect said he witnessed 7 executions in the year he was working on a skyscraper there.
It's hard to get lowborne arabs to work fast for westerners precisely because they know you aren't going to kill them
Pretty fucked up country. Heard Dubai is similar but more discreet due to a heavy amount of western investment.
that guy was off the chain. I had a pilled art professor (there's a surprising amount, saw another user mention having an old anti-fem Hungarian, probably because if you don't buy into the anal-sniffing crap the "(((art world)))" will still bless you with it, constantly) who showed that in class one day. Everyone was like "oh, so this guy is going to build a hut" and after he finish the roof and walls we expected it to end there.
it was only halfway done, he kept going, made a little moat, an irrigation ditch, built a wood-fired hot tub, a kiln to make clay pots, all our fucking jaws dropped the rest of the way. Ending the video with a working modern door with a metal handle he also made in the kiln.
drinking sewer rat piss*
Get off the beer meme friendo, go str8 lager or something harder.
Also ignore the (((historical))) sites saying ale and beer are the same cuz they're not, or every single European knight would look like Uncle Remus.
It doesn't taste like it but for many parts of your body shelf or brand-beer is essentially liquid fat.
also^ is the perception normies will have.
oh no, it's not a normie at all! =[
oh, the poor lad.
furries are stupid with money. Libturds are stupid with money. Double it up, and a poz answer is very likely.
This was shilled hard by some of the e-celebs stuck there right now. If they lived in a "fashion-centric" area they may be stuck there too.
Also furfags are all into that 'clubbing' shit so another likely way they heard of this.
you have absolutely no idea how far their Olympian gymnastics can go.
Remember the guy whose daughter got killed by helping rapefugees but he forgave them and even gave them money?
Yeah, that's this lot.
Hello Dr. Fred!
So. It's a shame we don't have any anons on hand with boats.
Could be a good way to scam money out of the parents of these worthless idiots.
While making us evil nazis look good.
As I recall the teacher figured it out around halfway through the explanation of Germany's fuel situation and the amounts being expended on corpse disposal.
At which point she immediately shut us up and pushed us out of the classroom.
Later telling us to keep our mouths shut because she was too old to be dealing with that sort of shit and had a pension to consider
Funny you mention that, the yuppies trapped in the Bahamas complained how they have no food, no water, no air.
Well, as much as I hate to admit it, she was looking out for her own best interests there. All it would have taken was one whiny little faggot to run screaming to his parents about MUH ANDYSEMTESM and her future retirement was fucked.
alternative thread theme
Wow twitter is really claiming it's rich conservatives involved in this. They're never going to learn
I knew what that was before I even clicked on it. Nice choice.
If I ever get a boombox to a protest you can bet that its going to be there. Holla Forums needs a music thread for anti-antifa rallies.
You put so much effort into this post I just thought you deserved a (you)
Fuuuuuck. Good luck with that if you don't already have one. I don't think anyone makes them anymore.
"Global warming" doesn't equal taking care of the environment. It's a political con. By taking away our freedoms and sovereignity in return for taxes and forced globalisation, because "it's a global cause, which calls for global measures".
It's kike bullshit. Global warming is and has been bullshit because they have been flip-flopping for decades about it, wether it's going to be an ice-age or a desert-epidemic and the biggest fucking institution got caught, completely out in the open about "fixing" and adjusting the results to fit their theories.
It's a scam, it's and has been pushed for years by ((them)) and the solution is all the same, "come together and let's tax the bad stuff". Falling for it, because nazi-germany cared for the nature is a way off seeing the world in a binary way. This kike-scheme to surrender even more freedoms and financial wealth to them vs actually caring about the nature have to mean you have to support the global warming-scheme, just because there are neo-cons sceptical of it.
Don't be a fucking retard and just smell the kike bullshit about it from miles away. There's a reason why Hollywood has been pushing it for years. There's a reason politician Al Gore became a fucking celebrity pushing this. There's a reason they put on a fucking big concert like Live 8 for it. Fucking don't trust the fucking media and those behind it. It's time to question anything.
China makes everything, and Goodwill still has portable stereos now and then. D cells are a BITCH, though. Even the non-rechargeable ones cost like $6 each, and the rechargeable ones are usually AA cells in a fake D cell housing.
O-oh my. Completely off topic but I think I just felt something.
All I want to know is if these yuppie fucks are still trapped on that island.
The negatives cancel out.
Fug, my heart
The feels start coming and they don't stop coming
Saw an article earlier today that says the Bahamian Ministry of Tourism is helping out with food and water while they try to get the tards on flights out.
Back in the day there was this black kid in my neighborhood, not an average nigger, more of a skater punk, but he had a boombox that stood 2 feet high, and took I think 20 D batteries. You could hear that thing all over the neighborhood. Imagine blasting Moonman on that at one of Antifa's little get togethers.
This fucking qt, my god.
From what I've heard, the Bahamians have shut down traffic to the island, while they figure out how to get them out of there. So basically, they're stuck there until further notice.
It's a guy
you think? she/he posted a pic already.
I kind of wish this didn't happen. Now these fucks have more of a reason to cry and whine on twatter about having suffered "trauma."
Fake boombox, cheap MP3 player, lantern battery to power a small amp and speakers, and a fucking bear trap for anyone who tries to kick and stomp it.
I just know I'll have to put up with some of these fucks in a few days, bitching about their roaming charges, and I'll get fired for laughing until I choke.
Seriously am I the only one seeing the money making opportunity here?
Oh to have a boat or a passenger plane in the area.
You could probably scam a double payday. A fee from the Bahamian government and a fee from the individuals you're giving a ride to.
You think every twitter account with a picture of a girl is actually a girl?
I'd start a #JaRules t-shirt company and sell him over as some sort of modern communist idol.
We should see if there are any bets running on the death/rape toll
Yep, simple and passive proven solutions to greatly increase efficiency in a country like super insulating your buildings are passed over for green wash gadgetry.
These faggots say every qt is a guy.
Where did you find this?
Do it. Actually do it. So many dumb reds will buy it.
I'm betting 20% rapes and 5% actual rapes. Murders will depend on what goes down after dark.
Alright so here's an important question I have to ask.
If one of them had their passport and other identification stolen and can't prove they're an American citizen, what happens?
Probably because that's usually the case.
no, let them starve to death. even better if there's food all around and they're just too dumb to forage.
jews get out RREEEEEEEE
I know, but a man can dream
that's how my cousin died.
Most of them are probably in the system for something. Can they do fingerprint checks to ID them?
Pretty sure they're being flown off
The situation was probably never really as bad as people made it out to be, just a big clusterfuck with no one in charge
I'm assuming the Bahamians or the US embassy works with them
Don't forget that these islands are literally right next to Florida
Her twitter is a fucking goldmine jesus christ.
What if she's here right now?
Its why you see countries like Germany close down their carbon neutral nuclear reactors in the face of a supposed climate catastrophe. Very strange behavior if they actually believed what they were saying themselves.
Or as Michael Chricton explained so long ago…
They're stuck there, most likely, until they get to the US embassy in which they'd have to prove their citizenship. Which would involve calling their rich parents to prove they're the real deal, and not Jamal who has their passport now.
The best part? They signed on some papers, which most likely means that they can't even sue the fuckers. And they're convinced those papers mean nothing, because they haven't been notarized.
Seriously, this is just the beginning of something beautiful. We're watching the con of the year here.
/k/ lives this life and has been furiously recruiting Florida streloks all day. But here and 4cuc/k/ are still split over whether to save kids for ransom money or storm the island, enslave the liberals and declare a /k/olony.
Sad, could make some dosh, a dude has a boat but too big a faction has gone all fidel on everyone's ass.
I would guess that although they don't require fingerprints to get one, your image is stored electronically and facial recognition software can match you up to your passport.
Dealing with the customs and immigration piece of this would be a big problem. You have to legally enter the Bahamas, then legally leave with some of these people, then legally re-enter the US. If they don't have their passports, it ain't good.
Also it's wise to memorize your social security number as a backup proof of identity if you travel abroad.
At least they gave her a reply.
An empty one, but still.
Indeed. A more comprehensive solution involves doing away with certain peoples who are extremely destructive. Aside from the big oil kikes, before the Japanese were defeated they were making great strides in this regard by keeping the Chinese horde in check. Now without an external threat to keep them down the chinks have managed to turn a huge landmass into a trash-heap that shits out smog and toxic waste in exchange for useless plastic crap. The decadent lifestyle and capitalist push to create inferior products with a short lifespan compounds this problem. In the old days people used to take pride in their work and build things to last. Many of our problems with waste and pollution could be solved simply by switching back to a lifestyle where things are made with quality and last generations instead of a few months.
A dangerous game that entices idiots to let the globalists work unchecked. While I can see where you are coming from I think that it is unwise. We must never allow our will to slacken and start taking the easy road of half truths. Compromising your beliefs and your morals leads to weakness of the will.
Doesn't matter what Hollywood says, Doesn't matter what Al Gore says, Doesn't matter you say. I have personally seen the climate in my area change and that's all the proof and debate I'll ever need. Just because some libshits want to use it as a method to redistribute wealth doesn't make it less real.
Let me ask you something though. Have YOU ever stopped to think (((who))) benefits from climate change denial? It sure as shit isn't the white man. It's all of the Arabs and (((Big Petrol)). Look up the board of directors for any oil company and see how many kikes you can find. If it's greater than the 1% of the world population they represent then maybe that will clue you in. Stop falling for neocon lies and learn to think for yourself.
We need to find a way to preserve the environment that is NOT a big commie cash grab and does NOT play into the globalist agenda. A big part of it should be electric cars, because cars give people independence.
There are plenty of liberal intellectuals who will say that the ONLY way to save the environment is to get rid of private vehicle ownership, get everybody in the whole planet to use public transportation, because this makes populations easier to control.
Another thing is renewable energy, noecohens LOVE how we have to buy oil from the Saudi royal family, and have big corporations that drill oil over the world, in brown countries, spic countries, etc. The oil industry is an international monstrosity, they love it this way. With renewable energy a country can be independent, and not have to rely on world trade to power industry.
Masochistics liberals love the idea of austerity, if brown people cannot maintain a civilization, why should whites be allowed? We'll have a smaller carbon footprint if we all live in slums and ride tuk tuks everywhere. Industry requires energy, getting rid of it will reduce energy demands. These people are the greatest enemy that the Aryan race has. Our civilization NEEDs to grow and prosper, to fulfill our destiny that is not on this planet but among the distant stars. We WILL continue to build bigger houses, drive bigger cars, and consume more manufactured goods than any civilization since. The only way we can do this reliably is to harness the near unlimited amounts of free energy that is radiated by our sun, there is no need for austerity, no need to curb our desires for growth.
This isn't jewry.
This is seperating fools from their money.
Putting it in the hands of someone more deserving, namely me.
Generally speaking you gotta get to the embassy.
If there isn't one you need to get in touch with someone back home who can then contact…I think its the US equivalent of the foreign office?
Either way they'll get in touch with your family/employer/any government departments that hold records on you to confirm your identity and then issue you with travel documents to get home.
Since they'll have used passports to get there, they should have a relatively recent photo in the database the issuing office stores them on.
The trick here would be to talk to the Bahamian authorities. Offer to provide passage for a set fee to anyone who has a passport.
Tell them your travel time and capacity.
Then be sure to drop them off at any port fitted to handle commercial passengers since it'll have customs/border control.
Making sure of course to notify them beforehand so they know whats happening.
At that point it's just a case of finding a way to get more money out of them
Isn't battery technology complete shit right now? Also it would just transfer the pollution to the power plants unless there was a solution for that as well.
Couldn't tell you my national insurance number.
Not even if I tried.
I'm pretty sure this is pasta, and you're a shill or bot
I was surprised as well when I found out that none of my friends have memorized their own SSN. Apparently that's not a thing people do.
She most probably is.
There are people who think it's wise to pay thousands of dollars to go to nigger island.
Electric cars are meh for their "environmental benefits" but are breddy cool. You can buy a used Chevy Volt for about the same price as a used Toyota Corolla of the same mileage, and save a bunch on fuel, plus electric motors are stupid low maintenance. Batteries are good enough nowadays.
Modern Germany is also the same place that is run by an ex-commie and thinks importing millions of shitskins won't cause a demographic change. So perhaps that isn't the best metric to base your judgements on.
Being completely wrong about the effects of global warming does not make global warming non-existent, ya dingus.
Same as peak oil, everyone predicted that would mean x, y or z would happen, including oil prices spiking crazy high. Then when it actually did start to bite SURPRISE! completely different impacts. Still terrible impacts though, but much more subtle and harder to directly link back to the cause.
Because this stuff isn't simple, but motivating people to do things about them requires a simple cause:effect linkage which in reality doesn't exist.
This is not the same thing as 'global warming is therefore bullshit lel'.
the dream
I saw my SS card when I was 6, and memorized the number immediately.
I know what they gain on the global warming scheme. Raising costs for regular people on oil=more wealth for them, because the governments have to maek up for the loss of income from the taxes to the ((big oil)). Not only that, you also force people into cities, because it's too expensive to drive alone. You force people to become serfs of public transit-systems.
And that's just local stuff that will affect you, locally. Big oil has nothing to lose by ganging up with the United Nations and driving up the prices of oil due to hightened prices and a monopolized market controlled by governmental and global institutes, it's what you would call a cartel basically if they were to go full through with the global warming scheme.
And it all ties into the United Nations Agenda 21/2030, where we are about to all become equal under the UN. That's the goal and that includes the "global warming"-scheme which is the main way for them to fool the white people into this.
You're a fucking moron for falling for this. Especially after 2008 when the main institute for researching the global warming, was fucking caught in emails for mixing with the results. How do you get away from that?
Why do fags post like this? It's so much of a hassle to hunt through your post to figure out what you're replying to whom that I just end up filtering posts like these.
In the debate, although he admitted that man must have at some point contributed to global warming but not necessarily caused it, Crichton argued that most of the media and attention of the general public are being dedicated to the uncertain anthropogenic global warming scares instead of the more urgent issues like poverty. He also suggested that private jets be banned as they add more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for the benefit of the few who could afford them.
Nice spokesman you got there.
It's advanced formatting that your twitter-addled normalfag mind can't understand. Git gud.
>>>Holla Forums
I'm no lawyer but I don't think that would work. One, these people would be signing these documents while they are trapped on an island and at the mercy of the organizers. If that's not legally duress, it's pretty damn close. Two, I don't think "you can't sue me" documents hold up in court, especially when signed after they fucked up.
Litigious kikes are already slobbering at the prospect of a class-action lawsuit and I can't say that it's not deserved.
Heil lobster
Yeah they're under such duress that they're tweeting about their problems instead of fighting back. Sure.
Whats this? I missed out.
Not everyone has the will to fight back, but it sounds like they were under duress.
warning it's Vice -→
This guy must've bought the ultra-deluxe VIP catering package. He's got a cold cut, melted cheese and a hamburger bun. Low rent niggas only get a cheese sandwich.
Hitler was resurrected with bionic implants.
They weren't under duress you idiot.
Today, like so many other days before it, was a good day to be a Nazi.
Global warming is bullshit in it's fundamental reasoning of man being in anyway shape or form responsible or able to change the climate of the planet.
We're not. It's shitlib megalomaniac thinking, that they are god. When nature is above them, above us and just accept it that way. Especially the fucking parts about carbon-dioxid is especially infuriating. A fucking volcano has more impact on the weather, but not on the climate.
The climate is ever changing but we're not warming up the planet in some kiddy-fucking-version of things bouncing off an ozon-layer (that was supposed to have huge holes in it or had completely evaporated in this very moment and the sun should've killed us all according to these brilliant scientists in the 80-90's).
I say fuck them all. The hysteria of global environmental concerns have been shilled by the media, by professional shilling-squads on message-boards (called the sceptics, look them up) and by schools for decades. Nothing of their wild predicitions and shitty half-arguments and lies have been proven to be true.
clean your fucking stove
That's fucking mustard.
I'm actually surprised more leftists aren't anti-S.
You have to go to oddball sites like Electronic Intifada to find them.
IMO this shows how little many of them value their actual principles, which leads to shit like the DAPL travesty.
If you think about it, they're not so much avoiding the JQ as staring through it. It's right there in their face in the form of Israel. But all their doublestandards and doublenegatives mean they disassociate themselves from "other whites" so they don't see poor and mid-tier white people are the Pallies in murka.
See, first they're taught Germany is the ''Ultimate ebil"
Then, they either go through a process that would "pill" a normal person (enrichment, divorce court, etc) but their preprogramming forces them to deny it happened, or get a pro-pally professor that compares Israel to the nazis all day long.
When you try to explain what really went on, they can't comprehend it, see.
Specifcally because the narrative of Nazis = bad Germany = Like Israel already exists
In order for a hyper blue-pill to acknowledge NS as good, their word-association mindset determines this means they must also excuse Israel's similar crimes.
IMO Tulsi seems like one of those that broke the conditioning like that too, from simply being over-filled with contradictory information. She remains blue and is too high up to openly question, but with how she took Syria's side, it's sitting there simmering at the back of her mind.
I got it pretty much the same way, not being able to grok all this contradictory "nazis hate jews" "these nazi jews hate goyim" stuff. Then of all people, Killary pilled me.
By taking out Gaddafi.
The narrative lens they put over there, I flipped it around to Libya vs US and just fell into the endless CIA rabbit hole.
This is probably one of the worst pill routes to take though, because it upended everything, and I fugged up my relationship because my GF was also on the edge of it, but then reflexively snapped back into the safezone when I pushed too hard about the only major goy signatories of PNAC being that one hindu, Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld.
Frankly, even if you love jews and are a jew you should still see them as less objectively bad as most of the US' "allies." Some of whom like Suharto are world-record winners, but even lib uni profs give those kinds of guys a pass because they're dictators of "capitalism-oppressed" parts of the world, so everything is spun as defensive.
Anyway it won't happen with Columbians or Berkanese, those are the end result of fully embracing the doublethink. But less popular/groupthink-friendly unis like MSU or OSU, even the teachers sometimes pill themselves in the midst of teaching this BS.
It's an interesting route to places like here to be sure. Didn't encounter any "red" sites on the way, no normie sites like redstate, no NA/WLP, no stormies, nothing, went from Libya to Berning (and was already going in loathing dems for even giving Killary a shot) then T_D during the DNC shit show to here.
last year was complete hell I tell ya. I feel like there's less blues that are knee-jerk anti-NS than they let on but feels and peer pressure rule their day.
750 limit and counteracting derailing nonces like
cuz mods are shit and don't react to things they should.
Right, they're not under duress.
I debated over whether it was mustard or cheese and had to go with cheese.
To summarise?
Strictly speaking?
They were due to the conditions they were in. Or at least can be regarded as such.
Also from what I understand an agreement that you can't sue an individual or company has to be signed prior to the event that may give you cause to sue them.
So it would have had to have been in the initial agreement they no doubt agreed to when buying the tickets.
Wife material right here.
He was pushing the overton window as far as it could go in 2007, playing the part of "I'm a good liberal like you", this is the only reason he could say these things on places like PBS.
Bit surprised you'd take troll suggestions such as suggesting private jets literally, when its simply about calling out hollywood/limousine liberals on their hypocrisy.
They were under duress, by the definition of duress.
You can towards something or away from it. You can be running away from sobriety or running towards drunkenness.
I don't think the 750 limit is as big of an issue as how much your posts trigger me
also don't you just filter by ID+ like a high-functioning autist?
That would be some pretty toxic looking cheese.
get this faget out of here
The science for this is not complicated. Our activities producing an enormous amount of CO2, and CO2 levels in the atmosphere change the climate of the planet.
It's that simple.
Again, you're confusing shit predictions about the impacts of climate change with the existence of climate change. Stop being silly, user. Droughts, extreme weather events, crop failures are all increasing at a rate closely linked to the planet warming.
Gondolas for all the fallen faggots in fallenarch island.
Watch the video, its the irrefutable case against universal suffrage. The cancer which has destroyed the west.
user there is a limit to how much CO2 can heat up the atmosphere, and methane is more potent. The bigger problem is higher CO2 levels causing methane leaks in polar ice.
>no cash because muh RFID wristband wow so futuristic
If that isn't duress, I don't know what is.
No, that's a dumbed down fucking way of explaining how nature works. CO2 doesn't nearly have the stated impact as you say, in that case the world should've been in a hellfire by now after that volcano in Iceland erupted.
It's time to question anything, stop being this type of good goy who believes in man-made global climate change. It's a thinly veinled kike-marxist scheme to make the world subdue to a global power to fight this made-up problem which we can't even affect, since we have actually no fucking clue how to predict how nature will work in the future.
egads, the SF representatives are equally stereotypical.
All the poorfags are SF "programmers" and the richfags are NYC models.
This would be a disaster even without what happened. Imagine all the catfights about privilege!
Coherent cases backing this aren't a normal thing on here, don't pretend that isn't true, even though we all "know".
this one is alright.
Karma for the shilling.
did you smash a birthday cake on that fucking thing?
Congrats, you're here forever.
tfw three years ago I use to be politically apathetic and would go on imgur for funny animal shit, saw a screencap from Holla Forums and someone in the comments talking about Holla Forums.
I thought, huh what's that?
Went there, found a holohoax thread and now I'm a Nazi
This is amazing.
It's like dashcon all over again, but better.
Pic related always seemed straightforward, coherent, and verifiable to me.
Then how come most fatties are dumbfucks?
Natural body size user.
Been lurking all day.
Holy fucking shit this is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
because they have no idea how to lose weight because they don't realize the problem is them ingesting fucking 8000 calories a day
Come on user.
Overabundance of fatty tissue affects the brain in a negative way.
Not really, lithium ion battery tech is improving all the time, while they will never reach KW per KG parity with gasoline tanks, we already have the technology to build electric cars with ranges more than half that of gasoline cars, they are pretty expensive but costs can be driven down and there are significant cost savings per mile since electricity is cheaper than gasoline, this expensive tech saves money in the end. We already have machines that can charge a battery to 80% in the space of 15 minutes, it's not even hard to do, it's just that there is not enough demand for them yet so we don't have economies of scale bringing costs down. I JUST got layed off from my job manufacturing HVDC equipment so I don't feel like going into detail about such things now It's cheaper to build a DC fast charging station than to build a gas station, evenbtually they will be ubiquitious and getting around with an electric car will be almost as easy as using a regular car.
This is an sub 80 IQ nigger tier argument that ignores basic thermodynamics. Internal combustion engines are very inefficient, they produce a lost of waste heat, coal power plants are comparatively a lot more efficient, most of the potential energy of the coal is converted to electricity. I don't know the exact numbers but I know that an electric car powered by coal power plants uses significantly less energy than a gasoline car. And of course, there is always the possibility of using renewable energy for electric cars, solar power if nigh limitless and can be stored using cheap (but heavy and inefficient) batteries to provide power at night and during cloudy days.
Renewable energy IS more expensive than fossil fuels, but it allows for limitless industrial growth, and that is what we need in order to secure the existence of our nation and a future for white children. I certainly won't want my white grandkids to live in a thatch roof hut like a nigger because our civilization relies wholly on fossil fuels that have since been used up. I'm sure some leftist enviromentalists would love the idea, but they don't speak for us.
Blink-182 pulled out last minute. There were a shit ton of warnings to people, but the promoter Billy did actually spend some serious money getting models and "social media influencers" to promote this thing, notably Hadid and Kendall Jenner, including a model shoot with yachts snd jetskis.
It is funny to me, it parallels modern society so perfectly, where it all about projecting an image on social media while real life is just a refugee tent city.
I think part of it too was the fact these chumps threw down thousands of dollars on an event that explicitly stated no refunds so they just had to pray the nigger was going to actually deliver the goods.
Precisely this. It was Instagram the festival, without substance and totally fake.
I've come to the same conclusion. While many are physically attractive, I've come to realize that almost none of them are what I would consider mentally attractive. In the old days, the physical trumped the mental, but I'm in my 40s and I'm realizing now that I should have invested in a nice high-functioning autist like myself. The problem was that, back then, we didn't know you could be autistic without staring at the wall and mumbling "I'm def'nitely an excellent driver." I wasn't diagnosed until it was far too late in the game.
wow, I'm so shocked!
I keep hearing that all the time, these niggers are so fucking stupid.
Oh yeah I saw that
>They can't legally scam us!
Checking those based trips.
I would literally rather no France than nigger France.
Nigger France = No France.
Are you kidding me?
Why did you put that vid in your reply ?
Please commit suicide immediately.
Right, so it’s very strange that you’re too stupid to comprehend that global warming isn’t happening.
Which is irrelevant, as the planet is cooling despite it.
They don’t, as proven by all historical records.
You’re that simple.
Your path to the red pill is similar to mine. I was never a full on leftist though, always fashioned myself a lolberg type before learning the truth. I skipped all the "red" sites as well however, and I'm thankful I was spared all that horseshit. Jumping into the deep end is not the route for every user, but it was definitely best for me personally. Anyhow, welcome to your new home.
Stop replying to it. It's clearly a shill. They always attempt to belittle and oversimplify when promoting the AGW bullshit, and "CO2 = bad" is their go to narrative.
I used to think the advent of instant global communications would make the younger generations more media savvy and skeptical but it seems there will always be a certain percentage of them who are impervious to spotting bullshit even as it's force fed down their gullets.
I mean headpats you sick fucks
Why do people repeat this shit? Women aren't dogs.
Opinions may vary.
A fellow man of culture, I see
Women deserve kindness my friend
They're certainly not my equal.
fucking furries I swear
In my personal opinion Tarantino wanted to take the piss out of his own audience with that movie. To reveal the wild beast beneath the normie façade soon as a convincing excuse is presented for extreme violence and cruelty. "They're Nazis anyway" says the normie as they're slaughtered like pigs, just as the Nazi allegedly said while slaughtering the Jew.
Which is my point, it convinces none who aren't already convinced. Both too far, and not far enough. Better to frame as an issue of rights and responsibilities as they pertain to a functioning republic.
Always be suspicious of anything that advertises itself with as many tits as this.
Short, but more hilarity.
NY Mag: I Worked at Fyre Festival. It Was Always Going to Be a Disaster.
I've never seen this much generic stock footage used in my life.
Kek checked
What in the actual fuck did these people truly expect?
you know, i'm not one for the french most of the time, btu some times they get the genes *just* right
For shits and grins bucky
Yup thats a nigger tier country for yah.
fresh OC
Girls do actually enjoy having their heads patted and hair stroked.
t. chad thundercock
Sounds like a case of a bunch of losers who were accustomed to everybody else always picking up the slack.
I wonder how the trigger pull is on that thing
Contrary to what Alex Jones would have you believe, user, anime is not real. It's not representative of reality.
My wife enjoys headpats, handholding and consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.
Git gud.
Standard trigger pull weight.
The trigger only fires the lower AR. The gas tubes are crossed such that the gas from the lower barrel works the bolt on the upper AR. When the upper AR's bolt closes, it fires automatically (safe!). The gas from the upper AR then cycles the lower AR's bolt.
Just get 60 round mags and a lightning link (soon to be made legal by Trump)
in the spirit of the times, i would say instead that anime is more representative of reality than reality itself
That's from my anglo chadcock, user.
that's way smarter than the shit rig bullpup conversion type trigger niggery that i had in mind
Build a transmitter and make Moonman #1 on pir8 radio.
I've been here longer than you fam, smh tbh 🐸👌
muh dick
There has to be a linkage to make sure it doesnt fire before the bolt is locked in to battery
I think maybe it only has an autosear, no trigger sear.
I've helped build a man camp or two in the third world for oil companies and other similar entities. Been in the exact same position as this dolt. Rubbish filled gravel pit, hostile/corrupt locals, poor comms, limited funds, scarce food/water and a board of directors who want that shit built fucking yesterday. Putting up bare bones accommodations for a few dozen workers is ball busting work - these faggots were promising a 5-Star luxury resort for wealthy hipsters. Incredibly funny shit.
I truly felt that chink's pain in the Empire of Dust documentary.
Anime has more in common with reality than the words of somebody who still believes in the holocaust and thinks that Nazis would be in favor mass immigration.
Digits confirm it. Empire of Dust is fantastic.
Do these numbers suggest that we should go to third world countries and build shelters for big businesses?
Hell, a lot of Arab countries who actually have infrastructure is mostly built by pajeets and malaysians they import and treat as a serf class. If it wasn't oil or propane, Saudi Arabia and Qatar would still be Afghanistan-tier.
Checked. Nice digits guy. Former lease operator / pumper user. Oilfield is good hard work
this coffee is escaping my uncaffeinated state of being. This steaky is escaping me from my hunger. That sugar making you feel energy?
I don't think so buddy. Deny yourself everything or you're not being your real self. it can't be the case that this real self is an illusion of the weak and you're actually escaping, running away from the ceaseless oscillation of a person through time and space, trying to pin yourself down to one thing, alcoholic or sober.
I think the numbers highlight the inadequacy of shitskins, niggers and kikes and how they will have an empire of dust if they kill off whites.
They would still be wandering around the desert eating dates, drinking camel milk and running souks were it not for oil.
Going through Dubai International and seeing all the slave Pajeets stacked up like cordwood trying to get in or out is a sight to behold. They've got a special area for the ones who are employed in the country.
This is a huge false flag. News corps. have footage but no one has uploaded to YouTube yet. Just pics.
I want to see footage, if even half this shit happened I want to see it.
You're right user. Dogs are loyal and love you unconditionally. Women not so much.
This is about the best I could find:
gotta check these digits. oh yeah and
When Iwas a poorfag I would lurk richkidsoninstagram to fill me with autismal rage and focus to better myself, and I'm having trouble finding the words to describe the ecstasy of my spiteful glee
And I did it all for free
Probably because there's probably no video of note to post and they're embarrassed they got suckered.
It's not as if they were being rocketed, mortared and otherwise shot at by AK wielding insurgents. It was affluent kids who got ripped off by rap niggers/kikes and were mildly inconvenienced because they didn't get unlimited booze and gourmet meals for 48 hours.
Yeah, wish I'd pursued that course but settled for a support role. Had one of the guys tell me they measured a temperature of 60 centigrade on a rig one day. 53C was my max.
One factor is over abundance of fatty tissue leading to elevated cortisol levels. This is actually why you will see slight improvements in cognitive tests of fatties high on marijuana as it counteracts the effects of cortisol.
You're a mudslime, aren't you?
Beer tastes like shit and it's a fucking waste of money.
Come back when you start to get hair on your balls, sonny.
Beer contains a lot of actual nutrients. Soda does not.
It is not. Beer brings people together. It is an inseparable part of western culture and both its taste and intoxicating properties have place in the life of a healthy, well-developed individual. Abstaining from beer itself is not a sign of being unhealthy or undeveloped, but abstaining from it for the reasons you do actually is. Tl;DR: you are a fucking sperg.
Google the names of the any of the millennials in the reports and you'll find … pretty much exactly what you're looking for. Like this self-proclaimed "philosopher" Gabby Fitzgerald.
You don't drink it for the taste unless you're a hipster microbrew faggot.
If you're drinking in moderation and being responsible with the rest of your diet a couple of beers a week won't make a difference.
Enjoy your gynecomastia, degenerate.
always liked whiskey more tbh
Sure thing.
Is it weird that I kinda almost feel more schadenfreude at the thought of this bitch eating those dogshit sandwiches and sleeping in shit conditions for the first time in her lifethan I do over her inevitable enrichment?
It's a tricky business. Lots of palm greasing and cunning needed. Once the local niggers see the capital flowing in then you are treated to baksheesh, permits, duties, fees, threats. I've seen billion dollar Western companies being shit on because they won't play the bribe game. The Russians and Chinese, not so much.
How did Hitler feel about beer in moderation, user?
i feel… like i am where i belong.
You know very well he didn't mean it like that. Either constructively reply to his retort or don't reply at all.
No. What is weird is why you'd feel the need to ask.
Fuck off; I was replying specifically to the first poster being a faggot and saying he doesn't like beer for the taste. It's an acquired taste you come to enjoy, but I think we can all look down on the hipsters acting high and mighty about their luxury beers.
That's why you drink in moderation, you stupid nigger.
Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on? Just got back home and have no idea what the fuck this is even about.
Then read, fool. There is no need for a TL;DR when the information is so compact already. Use your head and use google.
I was glad to be able to scrape together enough shekels for a few Jack in the Box tacos when I was her age. Send her to my compound for re-education.
I kinda feel the same. But I kinda don't feel anything. I just work a low-rent job saving money for college and come home to read books and browse Holla Forums. Everything about this just seems like a phony simulacrum of reality.
You guys should try get your hands on Fat Yak it's the good stuff without being pretentious, they've got it on tap most places here in Aus.
What's wrong with buying a beer that's brewed by an artisan that's perfected their craft and is a little more expensive because they don't use shitty grains and hops like Jewish owned Budweiser, Miller, Coors and the other major American beers which are literally owned by kikes?
Sorry, faggot, rather spend a few more bucks to support an actual local non Jew business than buy your shitty pisswater.
No avoiding alcohol is RIGHT!
Drinking is for (((Christians))).
any particular recipe or brand?
I'm glad they get to experience a little bit of hardship for the first time in their lives.
Didnt even know this was a fucking thing until just this second. "Use google" HA…hahahaha…no.
tfw headpatted my little cousins so often they're used to it and try to do it to me
That doesn't stop you from just seeking out the information you need to create an image of this event on your own like the rest of us, faggot.
So much cachet incoming for these spoiled kids.
What the fuck do you drink it for, then?
This is a real question, I've never understood why people like getting shitfaced.
Here is a video of Ja Rule's toast while they were planning it
To get shitfaced?
You should try experiencing it among trusted friends who like you, maybe you'll understand it then.
I am not insinuating anything there, I mean it as purely as I say it. This is not sarcasm nor irony.
According to an earlier post, you drink it for the … nutrients.
In all honesty though, it's the same (worse really) as smoking, and it should be treated the same by insurance companies. Though besides higher rates I personally think people who drink or smoke or are overweight etc. should be legally barred from receiving medical care at all.
Easy money, why wouldn't he be happy?
holy shit, you guys are still having this debate?>>9822639
Actually you definitely need to reduce your food intake to balance "a couple of beers a week."
A couple of beers a week is 500kcal, that's 2000kcal a month, 24,000kcal a year, or roughly 6lbs of fat you will gain by the end of the year if you don't cut out food elsewhere.
Beer tastes awesome, but it's bad for your health. I restrict it to special occasions on hot days.
Yeah. I like that we are all trying to improve ourselves here and shrug off the chains of degeneracy but come on anons on here act like middle age moms who pretend they don't like anything but salad because they think so much as saying pizza is good will turn you fat. All of us got taken in by this to some degree.
Absolute waste of time. If I'm friends with someone it's probably because I value what they say and what they think and they reciprocate. I might as well be with a complete stranger if they are incoherent, unresponsive, delirious, whatever.
Consuming alcohol doesn't make you better or more skilled at anything–if you enjoy doing anything, alcohol makes you worse at it.
This is a mess. Literally everyone but Holla Forums loses.
Holy shit. Did the music performers even show or was is basically a bait and switch?
Are your social interactions defined by skill?
Drink whatever you fucking want fags, I don't care, keep dancing around my actual point that wasn't even directed at you. No wonder you're so touchy about this shit; you probably are fucking hipsters.
This is why we keep saying "moderation", you fucking retard, nobody wants you to spend every day half drunk. It's been a part of European culture for thousands of years, it gives us something to differentiate ourselves from the invaders and you want us to trash it just because you personally don't like it.
Drinking in a social setting is nice; just spending a night talking with your friends over beers should be enough to convince you it has some merit. Helps you get over your nerves about talking about particular topics, can get to really know their opinions on shit.
If you can't figure a way to lose about 3 kilos over the space on a year then I think you have bigger problems than just drinking.
I'm sorry to tell you this, user, but you might have autism.
Utter bullshit.
Smoking causes irreversible damage with every single puff.
Tar and smoke particles from the cigarette you have today, will still be in your lungs 10,20,50 years from today, not that you will live that long if you continue smoking.
There is no such thing as smoking in moderation.
Drinking in moderation is completely feasible and causes no harm whatsoever, the only concern is to expend the extra calories or account for them by reducing intake of other carbs.
They're defined by some level of coherent conversation.
Quite a succinct summary user.
You sound like a chick who needs to spend all day talking?
Fam, there's a big difference between having a beer and being piss drunk.
Nice strawman.
The point is that no, you can't just drink 2 drinks and forget about it. You have to account for the calories or you will eventually get fat.
But yes it is easy to burn that off via exercise or compensate through diet. The user comparing moderate drinking to cigarette smoking is fucking retarded.
Last I heard they didn't show up.
He is probably a shitskin who can't digest alcohol.
The Instagram whores fed booze to the suckers but I don't believe there was a single shucking and jiving nigger who performed their scheduled minstrel show.
This is late 19th century tier scamming. I cannot stop laughing.
So you're saying that people drink for a purpose other than the negative effects it has on the brain?
By the way, this is wrong:
There is a huge difference between quality ales and mass produced shite like Budweiser, Heineken, Stella Artois or anything which comes in a can.
Maybe you live in America in which case you can be forgiven for not realizing that difference exists.
Sorry but the hipsters are right, craft beers taste much better. Whether they're drinking them because of that, or to project the image of connoisseurship is another matter.
This is good. Everybody should have a place where they belong, to be among ones own kind makes you healthy and constructive. The jews want all the world to be one single global culture with no allowance for uniqueness, they want you to feel like an outsider everywhere you go and to never be among your volk.
The final redpill for me was discovering Holla Forums and learning for the first time, that I was not the only connoisseur of animu waifus that was also an acolyte of Adolf Hitler. Being around others like me has been a great source of strength.
Gives me a similar vibe to the Bill Nye autism, tbh. The Jew is going back to old tricks.
I am sorry to say this, but you seem to be physically stricken with some kind of affliction that has impact on your cognitive abilities. Seek help.
They actually want two global cultures; one for them and one for their goy slave-cattle.
Can we stop fucking talking about beer now
This is extremely advanced Jewry.
You can still have a coherent conversation with someone who is drinking, you just might enjoy it a lot more if you are also drinking.
Okay, fine; drinking will make you put on weight if you don't work it off. My point still stands that a couple of beers a week in still very minimal; any average person should be able to work that weight off really easily. I'm not autistic enough to worry about gaining 3 kilos in a year because I know my lifestyle is healthy enough to work it off.
do you have a pic of those two emblems that arent the usual hakenkreuz?
So do Stormfront-tier White Nationalists.
Although they deny it, they attack any expression of ethnonationalism and deride those who, for example, with that Polish mass-immigrants would stay away from their country, as being "anti-White" and "attacking White brothers."
I would like to see the uproar if the Chavs of British council estates suddenly started moving to Poland en masse, taking jobs, housing, hospital beds, creating crime waves and basically milking the country at the expense of native Polish men.
They would be rioting in the street.
In Britain we are so used to it already that it is just accepted, another wave of immigrants performing another wealth extraction campaign.
Good walls make good neighbours.
Unfortunately Poles don't carry around a magical repelling barrier which stops shitskins entering the country. It's not 1 for 1, it's 1 AND 1.
Yes, you are correct.
I'm not autistic, I just have an attention for detail.
I'd rather this man "Save" them.
The only good thing about it are Nazi related gifs.
You are neither, you're just nitpicking because you have no argument. Anyone capable of walking a bit to catch the train to work and back will already have burned off those few bears. You know as much, but you still keep on with the "beer will make you fat" angle because you have no other arguments for your cause.
Beer is not bad for your health, in the Middle Ages people drank beer to gain nutrition as well as a social lubricant.
They drank it in the middle ages because they didnt have water treatment systems and knew you got sick from the water. They didnt even know that the alcohol was killing the pathogens.
I wasn't talking to you and as for "having no argument", my argument is quite clear.
The user I was replying to implied that drinking a couple of beers a week has no consequences, I showed that it very well can have consequences for your weight.
Now fuck off, shit stirrer.
No shit, but you can tell when you've consumed something with nutritional value because malnutrition is a distinct fuckin' feeling.
Better yet, in the Middle Ages drinking water was incredibly hazardous to your health because most towns didn't have acces to anything even resembling a halfway decent water purification system. It was pretty much the best way to get sick and die. You know what they did? They brewed beer. Fucktons of it, so every man, woman and child of the town / village / city had the beer to fulfill their daily requirements of water. It was literally a central point in your life to drink beer in medieval europe.
You've obviously never been on a bowling league. Alcohol is what we like to refer to as "aiming fluid"
This is a myth, beer does not contain enough alcohol to kill pathogens.
The reason it is sterile is because the water is boiled to make the wort.
nice find
It's like I'm watching Ron Popeil 40 years later. Yep, he's a jew and now has nigger assistants.
What's wrong with you?
Even though you very well knew that he was right and the CONSEQUENCE of anything but literally sitting still and drinking beer your entire life is that you wouldn't gain weight from drinking beer. Fuck off with your fallacies, faggot.
Wait, seriously? It would be the icing on the cake if he didn't let them bring cash and only cards, and then stock every food stand with cash-only registers.
neat picture
As in AC you retard
You're still a shit stirrer, implying I am anti-beer when I have written in support of it several times prior to your reply.
What "cause" would that be?
No, you're talking bullshit.
The consequence is that unless you do extra work or reduce your food intake to offset the extra calories of the beer, you will get fat.
Caloric excess is a consequence which will occur unless steps are taken to remedy it.
There is no argument against this, it is a fact.
It doesn't matter how active a person is, if their diet is already tailored to their activity level then drinking beer will cause them to gain weight unless they do even more work or eat less food.
You can claim otherwise all you like, but you are wrong.
Come back when your man tits go away, IPA drinker. Tell me, is the IBU high enough for you?
Confirmed for troll.
Historically, it was safer than water to drink due to lack of sanitation.
You must be new.
This is viral marketing for the new Cloverfield film, "God Particle".
You can spot U.S. speed limit signs (Bahaman ones have km/h).
That's why there are no videos on YouTube about it.
You write that but you don't even know why watermarked stock images are a problem.
Lurk more.
Nice doublepost, faggot. Triple- or even more post if you count the fact that you're just saying what you've already said with other posts in a different wording. Yet you still do not refute my claim, just try to dance around it like the jew boy you are. Also
Why a shit stirrer?
Why not just someone who was looking for an argument and got one? Sometimes I just like arguing with people. We all do. That's why we come to imageboards. It's a fun way to get into arguments and hone your actual argumentation skills (unless you just shitpost away). It's fun. Don't take it so seriously, friendo, for I bear no ill will against your faggot ass.
Bahamas use mph.
You're so obviously a goon.
This. Before bongs found about water sanitation, cholera outbreaks in large cities were common because everything was just dumped into the drinking water.
The full story is interesting, but to keep it short a man researching the cause of the outbreaks in London (since cholera was thought to be airborne at the time) found out that a brewery located dead center in an outbreak zone was still operating with all of it's workers healthy, and it had to do with the water being sterilized during the brewing process.
Because your stock images are lazy and newfaggy.
Good if it were true, but it isn't.
You're wrong, faggot.
Beer is liquid bread. Monks started brewing in Europe because they could drink but not eat during times of fasting.
Who won? You (THE READER OF THIS VERY POST) decides!
Using watermarked stock images as a reaction image is a meme, you nigger.
Context, asshole.
If it was started by monks then how come Tacitus describes widespread beer drinking in Germania?
CO2 is 2% of all greenhouse gas. Humans are responsible for an estimated 3% of that 2%.
You're making a laughing stock of yourself now lad
You can argue the origins of beer in Europe all you want, but Catholic Churches were being built in Germany as early as the year 900.
They drank it and popularized it in Europe as a way to prevent starvation and insanity during times of fasting and that's a fact.
t. Lived in Bamberg, 2000-2004
Look up why monks were allowed to drink it, how the purity laws came into effect.
Are you sure you aren't autistic?
Look at her face too she thinks she did a good job.
Typical for Guinness actually. But she has no idea how to pour the shit anyway.
Guinness is the Miller Lite of stouts. Get a nice Russian Imperial or Oatmeal Stout for the real deal.
Correct, the process of making beer makes water sterile, but it's not the alcohol that does it. Regardless, back then they didn't understand pathogens and pasteurization, but they did understand that beer didn't make them shit their guts out.
Nevermind… my bad. That's a microbrew stout, she's just a dumb cunt.
That picture makes me sad. Also, what a waste of perfectly good trees. Also also, are there going to be new trees planted, or just an open space in the shape of a swastika?
Sours are pretty fascinating.
They use yeast that falls out of the air naturally. And they taste very unique. It's the latest fad in microbrews. Has excellent probiotics too. It replaces natural bacteria in your digestive system that you lose. There are a lot of health benefits to having a beer in moderation.
1000/1000 well done.
If those companies had the resources to employ Blackwater, would that change things?
(checking trips)
10 outta 10, user. Would follow-up that masterpiece with some good old Cannibal Holocaust anyday.
Why do I feel unfathomable terror when staring at that picture?
Ja Rule used to always shout out "MURDER" in his songs.
It's the distilling process, is it not? Boiling water is what makes it sterile, unless I lack an understanding of how beer is made.
You do boil the water, but it's just to cook the grain. Distilled beer is whisky.
Chrysippus died of laughter
because he was drunk and gorged on figs and him and his friends made a donkey drink wine, the donkey went nuts and was wasted and broke a bunch of things and tumbled down some stairs
thats what Chrysippus died laughing at
I think you mean "MURDAAAH".
You know how I celebrate? I take my girlfriend out to dinner, download a movie and hold each other to sleep. I've done this with her for three and a half years and I thank god for even one more moment of that pure, Christian, joy.
Like the other man said, reject alcohol. A weekend of reading and classic music, or a night with your wife and best friend, is more relaxing than any wine.
user, I've got some bad news for you…
Alcohol is the liquid jew, it doesnt matter how big it is to culture.
SAVE Holla Forums!!!!!!!!!!!!
should be fucking her brains out so shes not 40 wondering why her life was so tepid and why she needs to organise mandingo parties in her snatch
there are only 3 groups that push this bollocks
conservacuck christians from America
mudslime turkroach kebab half-breeds
and problem hair hipster douche bags
you're one of these three categories most likely the 1st
you'll have Bach on your ipod to up your pretentiousness but you dont know one verse of a folksong off by heart
So do you just watch?
Truly, christian charity knows no bounds :^)
Beer has been around since the Stone Age, user. It's even speculated that beer is one of the reasons humans learned how to agriculture in the first place. Big brand-name beer is jew piss-water, but a lovingly crafted brew made from the grains of your own field and shared with friends is what defines cultural identity across the globe.
p.s. some of the best beers, in my opinion, are Belgian abbey beers, brewed by monks since the Middle Ages
BRB, selling my work clothes
Holla Forumswas there for you
will you be there for Holla Forums?
SAVE Holla Forums!
The general process of beer brewing is:
The yeast ferments up until there's enough alcohol to inhibit it or until the brewer stops it themselves. That's the final alcohol content of the beer. If you distill it, that's whisky. If you add distilled alcohol, that's malt liquor.
It's because these hipsters view work as ironic.
I did not know that, thanks for the primer.
No seriously, this was to be a fun thread laughing about retards and you and you guys' autism about fucking beer ruined it
You say that like these two things are mutually exclusive
I had the opposite experience in eastern europe.
Those guys could macguyver together a working nuclear reactor out of silly string and some clay pots if you asked them to.
This, big oil companies even theoretically profit from less fuel consumption. Think about it.
Not that user but
god-tier coffee
It cost around $12,000 to go to this festival. They probably wouldn't know the difference between the conditions that refugees experience and the conditions that lower class Americans experience. Nice attempt at damage control but anyone who falls for it is an idiot.
I actually agree wholeheartedly with the 2nd paragraph of the "Social Structures" sections. That would get rid of the worst whites, most jews (though I would also target the legal system) and a fair number of browns.
it's a retarded gaymbergoob meme
From a NYMagazine article wherein a former producer for the festival explains his < 1 week experience with the show.
archive .fo/qtak1
When will they learn, Kek?
That's completely not what I meant but whatever, you're too retarded to get anything.
I make sandwiches like that myself, what is wrong with it? How much did that cost?
$12k and a camp-out in a fema tent in a third-world country.
And i am struggling with train tickets to get to my Uni while working saturdays. Feels good that these people get scammed.
That kinda looks like a normal rock festival which you could get for 200€ but with worse food.
I like my coffee like my mass graves.
Pure black.
Have they figured out to get the foods by themselves yet?
You're joking yeah? You're not really comparing Eastern Europeans to Africans/Arabs are you?
So whats going on there. Has the cultural enrichment commenced?
They can't recharge their phones so no clues. I wanted the updated news much as you do. This is funny. The rich kids are too stupid to make a sandwiches. Haha, did you hear the word of SANDWICH being mumbled by the rich lips! That's common food.
And here we see what a cashless socity that (((they))) trying to make happen hard would look like.
So I was just thinking. Remember, during Gamergate, how much push-back came down because of all the rich cunts being told "No" for the first time in their shitty little lives? Remember how they all used daddy's connections to get themselves set up like heroes vs. a horde of misogynists? I'm wondering what the fucking blowback is going to be on the Bahamas for this shit-show. Trade sanctions, the mysterious discovery of terrorist cells, or some sort of massive invasion to liberate the Bahamians from their oppressive oil?
Where's the new news fags?
Have they all died or is that just their iphones?
this isn't Holla Forums
spoiler your porn, or better yet, don't even post it
but they're probably used up user
im gonna assume thats a guy until i see a picture showing more of the body, preferably with clothes
there wasnt any cleavage visible in the first pic, and that shirt was pretty revealing
That's what happens when you listen to marketing. Marketing is typically the most cancerous position at almost any company.
Just finshed watching it.
Not saying that the chinks are saints wouldn't not fucking over the local population, even if they worked correctly, but holy shit are the niggers dumb cant even do the simplest deals, like checking their stock and truck routs to know if they can deliver in time.
BTW the chink was right that they have different perception of time thats why colleges now allow niggers to be tardy.
At my job I have to calculate the distance of travel and any extra equipment/manpower needed to get the product delivered. If only I were a nigger and could dump the wrong shit 3km from the site and break half of it at the same time.
It's just a matter of degrees of competence. Were you a Westerner working in China there would be some of the same issues. They're a bunch of corrupt thieves too. But, poor old Chang. I've been in his shoes and know the frustration at asking chimps to perform basic tasks. It's maddening.
Roolling for the experience.
nukes are kiked as fuck media shilling as well as milfagged
stop using it faggot
Most longer festivals are like this these days.
IFF AGW were real and a legitimate concern, then every major power would be converting as much of their grid as possible to nuclear power, as that would be the most ethical choice.
It's identical in the Middle East. Today is the same as yesterday or tomorrow. It's all the same to them. They just sit around in a torpor drinking tea, chain smoking and saying everything that happens or doesn't happen is the will of allah.
i know right? mustard sandwich is the shit.
Go and read the dilution levels and practices used at these plants to pump out tritium and all sorts of shit. look into how nice tritiated water is. You can't remove it and every nuke station makes it.
They always leak and it just takes one of those particles to get lodged inside you and you're rolling for cancer. They are a threat to the fourteen words.
If you think otherwise you have not researched them.
We can't even store the old fuel without poisoning ground water long term.
Between fracking and nuke and other pollution, we going to not have much water for 1488 if we keep this up.
Exactly or use other solutions that are neutral. Co2 is climate kike taxing bullshit. We had much more Co2 in past, that's why insects and plants were so massive once.
Real problem is U2O3 is becoming harder and harder to find profitably. Basically it's a net energy loss to produce/store/refine even powering a power station.
Aka it's not sustainable.
Only reason is for fresh nuke material for obsolete normie bombs and queen+jews money grubbing, people-killing tactics.
So many deep pockets, so many (((lawyers))) …
Maybe this can put an end to the instagram cam-whore phenomenon.
This isn't very common. Most sour beers are made by adding bacteria to raw wort and letting them work for 24-48 hours, then boiling and fermenting as usual. There's no live bacteria in those beers. There are a few breweries doing legit wild fermentations, but if you pick up a beer from the grocery store labeled "sour" odds are it's the first kind.
12 years is basically all it takes for super-heavy water to be non-radioactive
besides, the food you're eating every day is more likely to give you cancer than the amount of radiation emitted on average by nuclear powerplants
it's not like fracking doesn't have it's drawbacks, look at Flint, they're water is flammable
besides tech evolves at an ever-increasing pace
So have they resorted to cannibalism yet or
merely disappeared, becoming yet more
victims of the dreaded Bermuda Triangle?
anons should make gofundme pages to help escape from #fyreffestival, pocket the gibscash for chicken tendies tbh.
i'm amazed no one has done it yet
If under 'research them' you mean wallowing in hysterical bullshit about ebil nukes, then yes, I have not researched them.
We can by building waste storage in proper places. It's management/economic problem, not technical.
There aren't other solutions, nuclear is the only option. Most of our rivers are already dammed to capacity so we can't add more hydro. Tidal only works in certain areas. Solar and Wind are both nice and all, but can't provide base load power. Pumped hydro storage is limited by geography as well.
It's nuclear or bust. If AGW were a real concern, then fucking tritium would be the LEAST of our concerns.
Then the Pu buckyballs, they don't go anywhere… they are able to be transported in steam/evaporation.
+ Cesium and the rest flying around.
Potassium from a banana is far less activity than e.g. Strontium in your bones.
Problem with the chance based thing and nukes is you never know. They found shit from Chernobyl in antarctica ffs. Other thing is we are covering the tip of the iceberg for what is emitted.
Ocean background radiation doubled in 2012 and nothing stopped since.
It's either bait, or you are literally retarded.
Massive insects - it's carboniferous period, signified by large amount of O2. Not CO2. Opposite. Plants develop lignine, bind CO2 into it, produce O2. As no organism was able to consume lignine, no CO2 returned to atmosphere (and turned into coal in the end). O2 goes up, insects (limited by trachea breathing performance) get larger.
1. Flammable water is harmless. You fart out as much methane as anybody drinks.
2. Flammable water is a naturally occuring phenomena that hasn't hurt anybody for millennia
3. The problem with Flint's water isn't that it catches fire. It's the fucking lead. That has nothing to do with power generation at all.
tl;dr: stop getting your information from moronic netflix documentaries.
you do realize Chernobyl was one of the worst designed nuclear reactors in the world, right?
it was like putting fucking fire in a wood box and then covering the box with gunpowder, that shit was extremely poorly designed
you do realize that nuclear tests in Nevada and in Russia toss shit up into the air REALLY FUCKING FAR right?
Las Vegas is covered in nuclear fallout, but you don't see people just fucking dying on the spot because of it
1. Plutonium has nothing to do with Buckyballs.
2. Plutonium has nothing to do with modern civilian nuclear power generation.
3. Buckyballs have nothing to do with nuclear power generation.
Stop getting your information from shitty hysterical blogspot webpages.
You do realize that it is used in consumer products? I have a couple guns and a compass which have it. Who the fuck cares.
And you can remove it, move the water somewhere, or split the water molecules with electrolysis.
Nuclear testing did kill John Wayne though. Probably a good thing it did, since that meant he died before his status as an American icon could be exploited too badly by the jews to push degeneracy. Then again I haven't actually watched many John Wayne movies, so maybe they were already doing that.
And there he reveals himself
I don't trust anyone that:
doesn't like dogs
irrationally hates anime
doesn't know how to pour a beer.
Not really practical since nuclear power plants require so much water for cooling and steam generation. That's why they're always next to rivers or lakes.
Not practical due to the volume and power requirements.
The better option is to just ignore it, because it's not a real problem. You have better things to worry about, like char on your grilled food or chemicals from all the plastic you're in close contact with.
And thank god for it. I am so ready for the IPA fad to be over. Sours actually taste good too unlike IPAs.