Trump deploys troops on the Turkish border threatening Turkey
Could we fucking finally reclaim Constantinople?

Other urls found in this thread: OF TURKEY


Okay you know what I don't even fucking know what to make of Trump any more. Half of the time he does something absolutely cucked and the other half he does something absurdly good like actually standing up to King Roach.

As much as chesscuck has become a meme he is definitely playing higher dimensional chess with the world right now. Sometimes this will play in our benefit. Sometimes it won't. But I think it's pretty obvious that Trump is on his own team right now. Fuck knows what will happen next.

Honestly, I'm the same. I wanted a chaos candidate and I got one.

That said, I wish he'd stop doing all the jew shit, hopefully his jew ass son in law gets indicted

He has to do the jew shit because the kikes still have a tight grip on the whole system. If he did what the retarded shills imply and went openly purging jews, he would get impeached within the week or worse and all efforts would be for naught.

Death to turkroaches.

Wew lad, I hope turkey gets assblasted and goes to invade syria

o wait

Have the Turks suddenly becomes enemies of Israel or something?

More like throwing a bone to the chess cucks as to nullify news of his cuckoldry. Promoting globalism only to have plebbitors put fingers in their ears for sending U.S troops on the Turkish border; which is about as effective as America sending soldiers to Poland, threatening Russia.

By who?

but trump is a zionist shill :^)

Is there another coup brewing in Turkey or is the country about to erupt in protests or something.
Maybe just a diversion.

That's the plan. And it's basic military tactics that he's been using for the whole campaign and presidency.
Make the enemy confused and chase his own tail so you can hit important points without giving away the plan.
He IS the chaos president.


>a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel.
Literally a zionist shill. Your point?

Trump is a harbinger for the apocalypse Do not lose your way user. WW3 and Civil War was inevitable.

It has to happen. Don't fight it.

Damn it.

Well, half of the Turkish population voted "no" during their referendum so I can imagine there is some trouble brewing in Roachland.

Yeah, I'm sure Trump is moving around US military assets for the sake of internet arguments on Holla Forums. Maybe you should cast aside your unwarranted and outright delusional sense of self-importance before you try to figure out what he's doing.

But Turks don't have nukes.

too obvious


This move seems to be against Syria, though.
How is this a good thing?

He is deploying troops near ISIS, where heavy fighting has been going on. US will involve itself in taking Raqqa to prevent the Kurds from doing it, something Turkey really doesn't want to see.

I'm speaking in entirety, autist. Start arguing any time.
/r/ing infograph of Kushner and his "social media" ad campaign for Trump targeting niche communities; specifically Holla Forums.

So? Its just about as effective.

you truly have it figured out

So Trump is promoting globalism in office while he funds this place for its fascist ideas?



Way to out yourself newfaggot, as if your absolute servitude wasn't obvious enough.

No. He used us to get elected obviously, we lead a massive campaign for an unknown candidate Ron Paul to a degree where his son Randlet had a chance of running and being recognizable. Keep throwing retarded half arguments at me, plebbit.

Wonder how Turkey will respond. How powerful are those wanting to get rid of Erdogan, can they try another coup thats actually successful?

Trump is an absolute madman and I fucking love it.

yes, I'm a newfag for pointing out that your theory of Trump making geopolitical decisions and moving around soldiers while threatening turkey is to appease us, you truly are retarded. He has no need, the election is over kike.
wewlad, you sure do fit in

He would be impeached within the week and a full blown police surveillance state would be entirely justified by the jewish overlords resulting in open conflict.

Trump is doing open heart surgery politics trying to remove a nest of rats from the chest cavity of our nation without them slicing anything vital open.

Are you implying Rand Paul needed our help for recognition in a presidential campaign, but not in the campaign for becoming a fucking senator of the United States? I suppose Chris Christie, Ben Carson, and Lindsey Graham also got our help too, otherwise nobody would have known about them.

No, you're a newfag for not knowing how statistics work on this website, retard. Stop spazzing out for a couple of seconds, take a deep breath, and as hard as it sounds prevent yourself from bashing on the keyboard before double checking that what you're replying to makes sense.
Incorrigible newfaggotry. I shouldn't even reply to you but this is for the rational lurkers on here, ""us"" as in Trump and his congregation in entirety you fucking mong. That includes Holla Forums and the chess cucks here, yes, but also all the other TRSodomites and numales like yourself who latched onto him when he was gaining traction, because of our social media campaign. Hope this isn't too "wordy" for you.

RON Paul did, idiot.

That is good. If true.


dues vult

Damn it, he breaks my heart and then wins it back moments later! How does he keep getting away with it Holla Forums?

I'm sure that snark makes you the most popular kid at tumblr but 'lol chessfags btfo' doesn't really work as a argument in this particular instance.

I'll explain your own fucking post to you because apparantly you don't remember what you said. You claim that the residual effects of Holla Forums's support for Ron Paul allow Rand to run for president. You ignore the fact that Rand Paul is a senator of the United States and that he acheived that postion without Holla Forums. You ignore that other candidates without said residual support were able to run just fine. You think that Holla Forums's support for Rand's father is the only thing that allowed Rand to run his campaign, and that makes you a complete fucking moron.

Well, what did you guys expected?
You wanted chaos, you voted chaos, you got chaos.

I am quite happy. I didn't come here to fight jews or kill niggers.
I came here to push the world closer to the edge. I don't care what happens next, at least I won't be bothered anymore.
This shit, the possible frexit, macedonia.
The worlds going up in flames and it's beautifull.
Shills don't matter. Neither do his suporters. The future has come and I extend my arms to the blastwaves.


I know how they work, they are subnet ranges and I was making a statement, even if its 24k people, thats a fucking low number to try to appease. Your condescension is showing you fucking kike, you aren't from around here, I would take a bet you haven't been here for more then a month.
very obvious
can die, I have been against TRS more then anyone here, and they hate Trump, or have you not been paying attention. newfag :^)
who the fuck on Holla Forums uses this word, its like you try to fit in but fail
what social media campaign would that be?
you act like a college kid, if it wasn't obvious by the end here that you don't belong, it is with this statement.

Sounds like you're an edgy sadomasochist.
You would belong more at home over at reddit.

This is the new tactic. It will also fail, just like the others.

Are redditors blackpilled? I imagine the more intelligent ones who aren't redpilled would have to be.


Jesus christ.

He's quoting one person several times, dipshit.

He writes like a Holla Forumsack well enough, but it's obvious he's a moron or a shill.

How's the cuckshed over in Sweden? Did they finally implement those fancy new heaters in the form of jihadi dick?


That reply was so low in effort I'm not even going to quote it.

Checking these trips. Trump is the chaos president and I love it.

Boots on the ground in Syria, to finally remove Assad. Nothing changed guys.


Not entirely, but let's not pretend it didn't largely contribute either, especially to normalfags and reddit who wanted anyone but Trump. Memes were at their prime, they even tried harnessing the energy for Bernie by blatantly ripping off the "its happening" gif. Yes, we were largely influential, and Randlet thought he could cruise off that influence as he was never seen parted from his father.
Yes, and?

Fuck off retard.

you sure showed me


Erdogan is based.


I fully expect some people to start pushing this simply to counter Trump.


Not gonna lie AI chan makes my dick rock hard sometimes.

Nice downvote, saging a stickied thread retard. Back to plebbit.



I guess it's best to embrace it. I'm in for Mr. Trump's wild ride.

A crusade against the roaches would be glorious.
I'd rather cleanse my own nation first.

I don't know what Trump is doing, he does worry me, but we have to remember he has information scores higher than what Holla Forums could ever dream of. Everything he does must be working towards something, and not stand alone events.

I do not understand what Trump is doing, but I trust him.

If Trump has a hard on for spending blood and treasure on foreign wars I prefer he retake Constantinople than help Israel ISIS overthrow Assad in Syria.

Fuck yeah let's go.

Lucky trips confirmed we will reclaim Constantinople!

He did this to me many times during the campaign. I even got ban hammered a few times on here for sperging out on Trump too hard. Then the next day he would give a huge speech critisizing international bankers and globalists or some other surprisingly based things he's done. After awhile I left him alone when he made blunders and cucked because he would soon come back a week later and soothe me with some firebrand rhetoric/antisemetic dogwhistling. Every fucking time. It's why I never abandoned the man again.

So even concern shills are capable of learning. Interesting. I'm glad you saw the error of your ways user.

So I guess retards can learn.

I wasn't shilling when I was sperging out on Trump for Jew cucking during the campaign. I was supporting him and was just being too much of a purist when he'd felate Israel. I learned by last summer to relax.

He hasn't even felated Israel once. If anything, he's edging the shit out of them and not letting them finish. It's like a Girls forM doujin.


I feel like a lot of the concern over his israel lip service was probably just sperging, but there was also a narrative being pushed during the election here by CTR/Liz/AppliedMemetic/etc. some people get caught up in it, its alright.

If nothing else he's actually managed to buy us a couple more years. Yeah, he's influenced by kikes left and right, but at least he occasionally throws us a bone. I really don't know what else to expect. I'm not big on waiting around for a savior. That's kike ideology.

There's always a lot of narrative being pushed here at any time. It's Holla Forums. A lot of understanding politics requires patience. That's why newfags are supposed to lurk. So they can learn not to sperg out when it's unnecessary.

No one is saying wait for Hitler, the idea for now is to shift the culture our way. and it's working

Fuck (((Turkey)))

Oh gee another war for israel. I can't wait.

Esp. fuck (((Erdogan))), and his tribe.

Learn your fucking history you dumb faggot.


It would have been retarded to just uncritically and blindly follow him from day one.

AIPAC speech last year was a full on tounge bath. It freaked out quite a few anons on here. I wasn't the only one.

I wasn't criticizing him for not being a mindless zealot. I was criticizing him for being a sperg.

Sperging was understandable a few times during the campaign. High stakes. Too much on the line to be relaxed.


Now you get it. We ALL have no fucking idea what is really going on. Trump is truly the "chaos president", and the media has devolved into making up stories for ad revenue since no one actually performs journalism or investigation anymore

I grew up with Trump, all he does is win. I don't like Ivanka, I don't like Kushner - but Trump's sons seem to be on the level

With the amount of resistance Trump has faced in his first 100 days, I am going to give him another 70 days before I start forming a real opinion on who President Trump is what he has accomplished. I have faith in Bannon and I have complete faith in AG Sessions.

Shills still can't into memes, served up on silver platters, pre-made and ready to go - no new CHESSCUCK memes. Sad

The shills don't even use ANY reaction images now, how can I take some black pills if you don't make me smile??

Chesscuck masterrace.


The only reasons I wasn't worried is because it was the first time he gave a public speech using a script, he didn't even write it, and he was very low energy when he gave it.


Maybe shills can learn.

That's why it's so fun to me to try and guess what'll happen next based on his previous actions and the circumstances current. It's almost like a game to me.

Israel is getting ready to take out Assad while US pivots to Asia.
The troops are to keep Turkey out while they do it. Syria will be partitioned, an area for the Palestinian State, most of Golan for Israel, something for Jordan, and the Russian base.


So. When did Huffington Post become a trusted news source user?

This. I loved Rand. I gave up on politics until I happened to run into non-Holla Forums redpilled guy I became good friends with. He introduced me to Rand and I campaigned for him.

Rand is a god tier politician that Nigel Farage likes more than Trump.

Rand is tired of us arming muslims and ignoring christian deaths. He also loves the Constitution more than ISIS loves fucking goats



Gonna have to point and laugh at you user.

Thanks for the kek, Randlet.

Trump was not meant to be the chaos President on Foreign policy, he was meant to be fucking very simplistic. That was why he was voted in. And this has nothing to do with Trump, the Pentagon is doing their body guard job so one shitskin group who is in Nato, doesn't kill other shitskins group that is supposed to be fighting ISIS. By the way, they are all there to remove Assad, so chess cucking on this is retarded. It's the kike Pentagon doing the chaos, as usual. The CIA doing the chaos, as usual. The pantomine and illogical moves as a matter of tactics, destabalise, destabalise, and wait for Israel to attack. Then the rest.

Fuck Trump's foreign policy, and anyone defending this kike game plan.

you tried at least
>had to post on tor because he knows what hes doing

Yeah it was written by Kushner which infuriated me even more because it meant that Kushner was his advisor on all things Jew-related.


You do realise everything that Erdogan has done has been with the full compliance of the US government, shooting Russian jets out of the sky and all since then till now.

Erdogan is a zionist lackey, like pretty much all the rest of the world leaders.
There is nothing to suggest this deployment is in any way against Erdogan.
This news get's stickied, but I see no news here about how Trumps attack on Syrian air defences at Al-Shayrat airbase facilitated isreal's raids on Syria recently.

Erdogan works for international jewry, incidentally the same bosses as the current US government does.


Russians are worse than Jews with thier persecution complex.

where do you think you are? go back to reddit

Seems more likely than although the day of the spray needs to happen

Nice rebuttal kike

I'm pretty sure only shills use this line now when they are trying to build a consensus.

doubtful you're pretty sure of anything


I'm sure I'm talking to massive faggot that thinks Holla Forums thinks Russia is a white man's paradise that wouldn't throw them in prison for anything they wrote on here.




Isn't king roach just trying to run his country like assad, saddam or gaddafi?

nah, he's a kike rat faggot

Is anyone besides Zero Hedge reporting on this?
They way they interpret the available information seems to be correct, but Zero Hedge has been wrong before.


Underrated first post





Nope. He's trying to run his country as the (((Ottoman Empire))).


Hyperborean digits of truth confirm! Shills go back to plebbit! PRAISE KEK! The God Emperor delivers!

out and never come back

Why did you all deny this image?

That's the problem with chaos, it has no restraints, absolutely not the time to question the vote you cast now. We ride the lightening to the end in 8 years!


Only the shills denied that image. The rest of us prepare for the new Hyperborean empire and are readying ourselves for action. We shall form a great Varangian guard, and retake constantinople!
Here is a flag for the new Byzantium. It's quite classy.




That's a bit tough to fit on a hat, I imagine.

Citation needed faggot

Just like how he was going to kill NAFTA :^)

If he's gonna be the chaos candidate then, i'm ok with this

i voted for the chaos candidate

Not enough ==Redtext==

He did though. That treaty is getting torn up and renogiated because Mexico and Canada cucked last minute and called to renegotiate. He has them over a barrel and any disadvantageous agreements for America to the original Clinton treaty will be eliminated. The new treaty will probaly be named something different also. NAFTA is kill.

just lurk, its really not that hard


Grow up.

I think its time for you to stop.

Could you be more specific?



the shitskins drawing wendy need to ADD THE FUCKING FRECKLES

I was wondering why I couldn't fap to those pics and I realized she was missing the freckles.

If you look up the artists of the no freckle pics you'll find they're all shitskins and shitskins have no knowledge of the beauty of freckles

You need help friend.

First pic is qt, the other two are non-white and don't count.

Your sample group is retarded and freckles are a white thing, not exclusively a potato nigger thing

got a (you) out of me though

I liked the Randlet, but realistically he never had a hope even if Trump hadn't run.

Shitskin spotted

Off by one, user.



The meme states that we'll have officially retaken Constantinople in 2020 on the 8th of April was it? Anyone recall where this came from? I snagged it off of a forum back before the election, but can't recall where precisely.

I believe it came from the future, user. Some time in April 2020 sounds about right.

I wait for great digits for confirmation. Regardless, I will prepare for the day that we march on the great city to the east, for the king of the Greeks.

But i thought turkey was anti assad?

So have we just confirmed chess?
Also didn't turkey hit a russian plane recently?

Whenever there is a cucked move, he pulls one of these.

And i don't think this is even a neocon move.

Do not underestimate meme magic.

QT 3.14
Disgusting Chink Mongrel
Disgusting Nigger Mongrel

You're a disingenuous cunt.

Maybe Assad is fucking irrelevant to everyone outside of Syria, and the only thing cool about him is just how much he manages to piss off both the kikes and the arabs, which is the reason Alawites were placed in charge of Syria in the first place, as a giant FUCK YOU to all the mongrels and shitskins in the region. bless him for that though

Compared to every other problem the kikes are a mountain. He cant just take that one head on. The majority of congress is loyal to israel and a solid 40% i havent checked in a while are literally israeli citizens. Making sure the Turkroaches dont make a landgrab in syria amounts to moving a single pawn.

In the end if he doesnt tackle the kike problem but still manages to fix the country, save for the kike problem, we will be the better for it and hopefully, in that case, he will usher in a real /ourguy/ president.


This is, at least publically stated, fundamentally about "muh plucky rebels!" dogshit kurds.

Fuck the kurds; hopefully the roaches and the kurds kill eachother.

Hopefully we don't actually give a shit about the kurds anymore and this is just a pretext for deus vult.

There was never a reason to give a shit about the kurds.

He didn't. Hotwheels had left the trump maga 2016 ad up as the default ad for when no one had bought the ad space instead of a "put your ad here" banner.

The future is not set in stone, it is set in memes


FOX and CNN will still exist? That's really the only thing surprising me there.

Some American blacks have freckles from the Scotch-Irish white supervisors humping the extra luscious negresses. Not rape, the field negress had the hots for the handsome "massah" and it just happened…then that negress would give birth to a mulatto and would be humped by another Scotch Irish farm hand. By this time the little mulatto chick had white blood and didn't relate to fellow negroes. Wanted a handsome white man just like her momma did. The Scotch Irish foreman got some jungle love from the mulatto negress. Then the civil war happened and that shit stopped. The mulattos went back into the full west African gene pool…but they still will have reoccurring traits like freckles and light skin. This is the American negro. 10% potato nigger and 90% jungle nigger. I'm half Irish so I'm not trying to inflame the micks.

I'd call you out for this shit, but you got dubs. Also, due to my red beard, I understand. To my dismay, the negress is immediately attracted to my beard… though with that said, there weren't many Irish here before the civil war, at least by comparison to Anglos and Germans of which the three comprise my genes and further, the kikes owned most of the slaves, though that may had been just because they owned the wholesale business of it.

Trump buys out CNN, and Fox completely bends the knee firing most of their anchors and hires anons instead. There are 15 minute segments about who is the best waifu on a daily basis


There were a ton of Scottish and Irish here before the civil war. The kikes would have delagated the dirty work of growing crops and handling the slaves to hard nosed Scottish or Irishmen in the south. The Germans were happy up north in Pennsylvania just farming and spreading west in to the empty wilderness of the current day Midwest. The Irish were in the north and south by the early 1800's. My grandfather fought in the civil war. He was actually second generation Irish so his father must have come over in the first big wave of Irish immigration in the 1840's. Don't buy the kike deconstruction of white American Identity. The Irish have been here since the revolutionary war and have disproportionately joined the military during America's wars.

Remember the defenders of the West.
Remember the Marble King!

Kurds especially piss me off because they're not native to the region at all. They're iranian nomadics very similar to gypsies,having lived most of their history in tents and stealing from/beating people for money.
They claim they want a homeland centered around Mosul when the city has literally never been theirs at any point; it actually belongs to the Assyrians, who are all christians, didn't mix with muds, and wiped out like 5 different types of jew back in their old empire days when the area around Mosul was Nineveh, the heaviest fortified city outside of china in the world. They were the first empire, and introduced cavalry into formal warfare.
If anyone deserves to have a free homeland in the middle east its the Assyrians for being old as dirt and never disappearing.

The rest of the southern and Eastern European riff raft came over in the 1870's/1880's. Prior to that, the Irish had been settled already and attending Ivy League schools, serving as elected politicians in local and state governments etc.


And half of the over hopeful fuckers here think he's threatening Turkey and not the far more obvious Syria, he's neo-con puppet at this time, if you think the troops are there for Turkey and not Assad you're a fucking retard.

Jews aren't immune to flattery.

Please do some basic research on the Irish and when most of them came over. It was pre civil war and the tail end of it was during the civil war The whole meme of: "Welcome to America, Paddy. Here's a rifle and a uniform" is actually true when the Irish were coming through a northern port during the civil war.

The kikes and the Eastern European/Southern Europeans came 25 years after the civil war when the Irish were comfy and established. The Southern European(100 year long Sicilian mafia crime spree)and kike(I don't have to state the obvious on Holla Forums)opening of the gates went well, eh.

If dubs, Constantinople will be made Christian again, and we will have our own nation





That's what I think is the case and was counting on Trump partly for that reason. A catalyst to agitate a culture shift to a point not even the system can survive it.

In a way the real thought should be "Let's build a savior" instead of waiting for one. Create the ideal environment and the right people will step up to the challenge.

His words shall be forgotten no more.

Ah, no.

I'm extremely hard right now.

its too bad the swampy shithole of piss and vinegar that is china spawned that first black plague and wiped out like half of them right when they were about to restore the full empire

And we're absolutely sure the kikes had nothing to do with this? Why didn't it happen sooner?

unless the jews were physically stowing the rats on board the trade ships or something, probably not. The plague went from china to india, then africa, and made its way up through egypt, which was the breadbasket of the empire at the time, and a shit-ton of rats would chill in the trade ships eating all the grain. As you can assume, the rats would carry the plague and then run loose in every city they touched down on, bringing the disease to Constantinople in only one year, and wiping out like half of europe over the next 200 years before finally ending in the 700s

Our digits will burn the Roaches and Jews with righteous fury.








save Holla Forums

You motherfuckers just memed a giant cockroach onto my bed as I was reading this thread. Kek is real


Kekstantinople will be a reality


Kek wills it!

He is the persona of a CHAOS god.

Holla Forumsiticians will never be /his/torians

how can 8599999 be 1 second after 8600000?

Looks like Kek has found favor with you, dear user.

The servers thread(OS-level I mean) handler probably locked up because too many posters were trying to get the GET at once

This is the result of all that kurd talk.
The US will back the possible creation of a kurd state. The turks will go batshit about it, so will the syrians because nobody wants to give up any land.
Naturally this will destabilize the region even futher and with an albanian conflict possible in the balkans things are not looking good at all.
This is not a good thing for the syrians and it has nothing to do with taking over constantinople.
Turkey is in NATO in case you have forgotten.

You mean the creation of the microstate Romania. We English speakers will have to go back to calling the other place Rumania.

That's quite possible yes. In fact that's far more plausible than any of the fantasies in this thread. It's probably more to do with the US wanting to stake a claim in the future of the region after the war is over though. Everyone wants a piece of Syria and the kikes in Washington are no different. Also the Kurds themselves are tight with Israel, another reason why the neo-cohens support the creation of Kurdistan.


Orthodox Christian here.

I'm okay with this.

For anyone who's interested, here's the Voice of Turkey shortwave schedule OF TURKEY
All times are UTC, the best way to listen is our good old friend the websdr from Twente
Right now they're broadcasting in german here.

Do you really have this above them?

What exactly is one supposed to hear from it ? The new achievement of the glorious erdogan leader ? How many thousands have been arrested today for wrongthink ?

We had better!

jews + rats….webm related

Their butthurt
And the other side of the story

Only in Kek's wildest dreams could something could to exist, and so it shall.

Most media does cover Erdogan, but does not cover Assad.
However the fact remains: there is no turkish opposition media in existence at the moment in turkey. Talk shit about Erdogan as a turk and you will get arrested.
I'm from bulgaria and a week does not pass without new news about his next set of arrests or tampling of opposition, fired journalists for several words against the new sultan and etc.
Yes there is opposition in turkey, the referndum vote was 51% against 49% but erdgoan won and if that is a government radio you can bet your ass it's talking shit about america like no tomorrow.


That's actually a really neat looking flag


It hurts me to say this, honestly, but not even the majority of roaches are stupid enough to vote for Erdoghan.

Soon Turkey won't have any Allies.


I didn't want it to be true. Because my translation of it was 'When two big ass leaders from opposite sides of the pole get elected, lots of germans will die in Turkey'

This will lead to a US-Russia conflict.

I expect dubs on my reply

US-Russia War

Well it was fixed, there were tons of people arrested for years before it, it was repressed in the media, there were added votes for erdogan, he keeps arresting his opposition even now.
But he won. And he now does as he pleases.

Really activates those almonds

Is that Angela Epstein's real son behind her in
the blue t-shirt, or did someone Photoshop
Adrian Brody's face on him?

100 senators out of 100 signed that pro-isreal bullshit. The entire senate is the problem.


I think reddit is more your speed, faggot-kun! Afu-fu-fu~

i think we can trade one ukraine for the entire world.

the watermellon seller just wants to be the ottoman big boss, and thinks he doesent anwser to anybody. right now hes pissed off that the US is supporting kurds, and that his terrorist friends are getting bashed so hes making compromises

There were plenty of rumors that the kikes spread the plague in those days. Would you put it past them? Why wouldn't they stow their rato relatives on the ships? Besides, the cities were where this spread the quickest.

What was heoriginally sayi…
nevermind… looks like it's the original text.

Plus their vertebrate is too rigid.

Too bad almost the rest of the entirety of his family sucked dick.

double checking this 4 reclaiming Constantinople.

I don't know why but that gif really speaks to me.




My grandma was telling us (and also showing a video of an elderly Muslim woman talking about) how back in Habbaniyah, some Jew told an Assyrian that they would make sure that the Assyrians are wiped from history and banished from their lands. It apparently was a common sentiment from the Jews, with some saying things like "it's better for you to just be slaves in Israel, otherwise we will wipe you from existence", etc. This was back when Israel was a new nation.

I believe verily that Jews are waging war on the Assyrian.

The Hagia Sophia will be out of roach hands and we shall hold mass.

Oh wow he can:
./configure && make

This move logically follows from Trump's position against ISIS and his rebranding of NATO.

Turkey and Israel have both been supporting ISIS behind the scenes. Trump can't just take action against either because the way world politics works is that you can only act in response to something. Like the bombing of the Syrian airbase, it was a response to the narrative that Assad gassed his own civilians (which is BS, but whatever). And once the Syrian air base was bombed, Russia and Syria were able to respond by bolstering and readying their defenses, giving themselves a stronger position from which to defend their borders against, oh, I dunno, attacks from israel, Turkey, or the States. Anyway, that's how that 4D chess played out and why it was brilliant.

Back to the NATO thing, Trump was already applying pressure to Turkey by making NATO only legitimate as an anti-terror organization. If NATO has been supplying weapons and supplies to ISIS, then they'd have to stop or else they'd be forcibly removed from NATO. If they're forcibly removed from NATO, then Russia can play with them at their leisure. Turkey don't want this, so it would be in Erdogan's best interests to stop supporting ISIS. If he's not going to do that, then it means (((somehow))) Erdogan's hand is being forced, either through greed or threat into supporting ISIS. Throwing troops onto Turkish borders just amplifies the message that Trump is sending, and likely also communicates the message to Putin without having to say anything behind the scenes. Also, it puts Trump in a good position to attack Turkey if Erdogan decides to go rogue and start forcing further destabilization in the middle East.

He is navigating world media and opinion while making his way toward his stated goals. Take nothing at face value, his move now is to effectively end Turkey's resupply of ISIS and the movement of stolen black market oil for those supplies.
He's doing this under cover of protecting the Kurds, who have a great deal of support among American citizens.

His goal is the destruction of the mercenary army known as ISIS, but not to do so in such a way as to be seen as pro-Assad & anti-Israel.

He will do as he said he would, never fear…but sometimes you have to do these things in a roundabout way, because world media is constantly trying to spew out agenda-driven propaganda.

Underrated post.
