Who's was the better of the two hitler or mussolini ?

who's was the better of the two hitler or mussolini ?

Hitler was a huge cuck that ragequitted after the soviets came for him

Gotta give it to Big Moose.

At least he went out like a real leader, unlike that Austrian faggot.

The third one


strasser ?

It would be Franco.



Hitler was a coward

at least with piss in the butt you don't get the taste of shit in your mouth

Piss up the butt for sure

what would even happen if Asser took power in the nazi party ?

would the not socialist party become slightly socialist and slightly less shit ?

Mussolini had theory, Adolf had feels.

He wouldn't betray the USSR and we would be living under full communism.

Benny had a better fit tbh.

Definitely, he could be considered a guild socialist
Otto was critical of Führerprinzip, which makes him less shit than Hitler by default.


Mein Kampf is such a fucking boring book. It's so self-aggrandizing and tedious. Even reading Ayn Rand is more enjoyable.



Hitler was a fucking god. His ideology had to be made illegal in Europe because it was too powerful.

Mussolini was fascist scum that teamed up with kings and big business. The German king despised Hitler.


Retarded nationalism > baseless occultist ethnic superiority complex

friendly reminder, cuck

maybe it wasn't because it was powerful but because it drove europe into a massive war


On the other hand Hitler wasn't a buttbuddy with industrial entrepreneurs like Krupp or Ford, right? :^)


Really makes me think



well at least he didn't go out like a total bitch by being an hero

Suicide is more honorable than letting your enemies control your last moments. Mussolini was a dumbfuck for not killing himself, now look at that pic lol

then go out shooting at your enemy don't just fucking give up and blow your head off

you have been too much time inside your echo-chamber, hitler is not respected by anyone

All images that exist of Hitler are when he was alive and healthy. R/fullcommunism always passes around that Mussolini pic to declare victory.

Hitler outsmarted them.

And people wonder why we should ban Nazis and Nazbols


Your kind is so desperate to control damage about Hitler being a little cuck that commited suicide that make up stories about him feeling to colombia, argentina and africa

your kind literally cannot accpet he killed himself

too bad he couldn't outsmart the soviet soldiers sent to battle with no rifles

"no goebbels if i fight the russians and if they kill me they might take pictures of my corpse(assuming the corpse still looks like hitler after the soviet were finished) and then they might take picture of it and then in the future kids on these things called computers will connect to this thing called the internet where people will go on a website called reddit where kids go on to pretend to be edgy and then they'll use my picture to declare that they've won arguments "