Kike boy Kushner may be in trouble

Hotpocket Edit: Lazy kike shill thread as usual, but Kushner may be fucked lol

This Zionst globalist son of a bitch kike may finally stop brainwashing Trump while he fights a long drawn out legal battle.

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plot twist: (((Kushner))) the Kike was the Russian agent all along.

Meme it.

no but seriously, thank fucking god, this kike needs the oven


Trump has proven he doesn't have the balls for things like pardons.

Might actually be true. Meme it anyway though.

so you mean Kushner will get fucked, good. nice subtle shilling

what if he left him in like that just to fuck him over later

thats what I was implying

Wouldn't matter. He'd be disgraced and out of the administration. Away from influencing Trump. Prison time would lulzy though…That's if he's actually the pivot man for the kikes in the admin. The whole "Kushner is pulling the strings" narrative might be disinfo.

The whole "white house factions" narrative, Kushner/Ivanka/Bannon etc etc etc is all disinfo in an attempt to cause Trump to appear weak so he loses support.

Kike in trouble is always good news regardless
There are no good jews

I agree, fuck Kushner and his kike family, but the anti-Ivanka and anti-Trump shilling is getting real old.

Why did this kike marry and is having children with a goy? Doesn't it make his children non-kikes? Is he sacrificing himself for the state of israel?

I really think its to keep attention off mcmasters and David Petraeus

Anyone who actually believed the kike Trump has been cucking THIS hard is somehow controlling him is a special kind of stupid

Id put money on the left not pressing it, and Sessions not either. Probably fades away without much further discussion, kikes and all.

Are you fucking retarded, or a shill? Ivanka is a globalist who married an actual Zionst kike and converted to Judaism so he would be with her.

Also, mods around here sure do LOVE KIKES. Pics related.



That 0 might be an 8, but anyone can figure that shit out.

Dangerous cunt, needs to fuck off

Not gonna lie mate, I've been worrying about it. Your post and that pic makes me feel better though

Oh, you didnt even try.

Hitler trips don't lie. All you kike lovers should go guzzle bleach.

kill yourself


Nah, I'm gonna keep spreading the TRUTH about Ivanka and Kike boy Kushner. You should consider it yourself though you worthless fucking kike.

you're a fag
get filtered, shill

Has anyone else noticed how the biggest Goldman Sachs uberkike has actually done nothing to harm Trump or attack Nationalism.

Still confuses me. if you want to discuss Trump's KIKE DAUGHTER/son in law without being called a shill and getting banned.

I've worked with GS jews. They just go where the money is. They're not really ideological, they worship the coin

I'd rather be a fag than a kike you fucking hook nosed piece of shit. Filtered.

Meh. This is Cernovich's kosher theory. I don't think the Jewish media would hesitate a second to bury Mcmasters and Petreas. They would however try to shift attention away from the many Israel first Jews in the admin and pin it on a couple of Shabbas goy, neocon yes-men like those two. Cernovich is probaly being fed info from Mossad operatives and he's running with it.

He's just a shekel manager.

it isn't wrong though just because it came out of cornokikes mouth, he was onto something after I did some research look more into David Petraeus and his connection and you will see. Its not a kosher theory, its just the wrong kike puppet to focus on. Mcmasters gets his order from some very high up kikes too. Its not like kushner isn't bad news, but he could very well be a huge distraction from something worse.

top kek you aren't even getting paid goy

Honestly something that always bothered me about Holla Forums is underestimating the ability and influence of white traitors.

Jews are not more intelligent than us, we have more white geniuses in the world than Jews have people.



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Right, generally people who aren't shills don't get paid. Retard.


Is Holla Forums now an arm of the Democratic machine?

It's implying that these shabbos goy are acting independently from thier neocohen masters and just want to fulfill thier own personal agenda. An agenda that matches the PNAC kike's plan that was hatched in the 90's. Pure cohencidence. Do you really think the Jews in the media would run cover from those two becuase they are so powerful?

not every kike is on the same page, they are all bad, but not all in agreement.



Yeah, there are factions. What's the point in relation to my post?

Are you okay?

the fact that they compete at times and use different methods. Some are worse then others, and Mcmasters is much more of a threat, that was my point.


Ivanka will start WW3!

"Why won't you listen to us – I mean ME reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

and those traitors always get thrown under the bus as the fall guys in the Jewish MSM, Hollywood and controlled kosher alternative media.

The neocohen Jewish faction that controlls Mcmasters, you mean.

Mods are fags, RIP

You're newer than the newest newfags.


obviously, he was the one who actually pulled bannon off the NSC not kushner and got flynn loyalist taken out and put as Singapore ambassador


plain ol fag

Right, Flynn leaves and Trump put in McMasters to placate the neocohens. He was thier guy. Put into that position to carry out thier agenda.

but thats implying that Trump doesn't keep him in check, its not like the NSC head has the total authority here to act without the president. I feel like these people are being given just enough rope to hang themselves with, only time will tell.

President Kushner hadn't seized power yet.

Press 1 button.

How many different things did Trump put that kike in charge of again?

I don't doubt he's very good at what he does. The new tax plan was fire.


IIRC, he was Trump's finance manager during the campaign, so he had already proved his loyalty. Doesn't excuse the rest of it, but it explains why he's been harmless thus far.

How do you know what's going on behind the scenes?

Nice double D's.

But why would Trump associate with poison like Petraeus? Is he doing that?! I thought that would be a big shitmine for CNN et al.

Trump did a 180 on Russian foreign policy

Maybe it's just a big sacrifice of the goyim that Jews in both Russia and America are setting up. Think of how they need a huge global crisis to really change things radically. I mean the Rothschilds/Jewish bankers have been funding/supporting both sides of wars to gain more control for centuries. Why do you think they would stop with thier old reliable tricks? I'm not saying that Trump and Putin wouldn't even have to be aware of the plan.



You need to improve on your haxor skills dude, the first picture contains the entire IP spelled out:

I grade 8/10.


good news but fucking spoiler that pic retard, that's gross

Are you trying to make people think you're retarded.

a shill op about what? kushner going to jail is a good thing, it puts attention on the bad parts of the Trump admin. Could of been his plan the entire time in order to replace them with even more extreme people and get his daughter and son in law out of his way. of course just speculating

The OP has useful info but it's tone is also in the same vein as the narrative "dumb Drumpf is just controlled by kikes and a shill muh release valve muh chesscucks". It's thinly veiled subversion at best.

what's wrong with you ? I saged my 1st post, not bumping this. I'm still considering the file used in op to be spoiler. Are you saying that I should have asked a mod to do it, how ?

see, you're a nigger.

fuck off

I guess, but take it and flip it back on them like I did. It can also be used to show that he is letting this kike get thrown under the bus

Are you an autist? OP stuck around for three replies and fucked off after saying Trump has no balls because he's shill projecting his own insecurities. That and the fact that I've only ever seen the op image used by shills pushing the "everyone in Trumps family is a kike, even Trump himself". Do honestly not have any reading comprehension?

Maybe ?
ok listen, there's no reason to argue over this. fuck off

no u

I did btw, I hate kushner for various reasons, don't you ?

So you
Do you see why this doesn't make sense?
Everybody hates kushner. He's a kike. That's the only reason you would ever need.

Pretty sure that Trump knows what he's doing.


what the…



Kushner and Trump are running a war racket in Best Korea™and they're going to get big #MAGA bux from making Worst Korea™ pay for our missile defense system. He's not playing chess anymore he's playing missile command.

But just like with chess, he's always one step ahead. Nork Commies and sand skins BTFO eternally.







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This is some military grade autism.

what did he mean by this

That's what he meant by this.

Gee I wonder…

Endchan was right about this shithole. Staff is as compromised as Trumpstein himself.

Enjoy your 6,000,000D chess.

didn't ivanka convert to jewish?

People bitching about this ban are stupid. He got banned for ban evasion, not his post.

if kushner goes under because of this, it furthers >muh russians
but if kushner doesnt go under, it doesnt further >muh russians, but the media would probably keep pushing it anyway

i think itd be better to throw kushner under the bus, if thats the applicable figure of speech

You were dropped on your head a lot as a baby, goon?

Fuck off you moeshitposting Holla Forums cancer.

Weak bait.

Weak revisionism, Schlomo.

It's beyond autism at this point.



Gas yourself you fucking Brony.


fuck off 4cuck

You're going to have to try harder than that, goon.

Go eat that nigger dick you love so much




I can just feel the angry little weakling spirit from your posts




Watcha slidin', rabbi?


I'm just here to animepost at this goon.


this is the OP.


Clearance especially TS matters a lot to NSA, or at least their agents polygraph testing people pay lip service to their stated ideals.


/nupol/ indeed. I take this site as a joke from now on, flee to the bunkers for real info.

it may not be simply "outsmarting" you flaming faggot. They may have threatened him with something worse than you can imagine and therefore force him to act a certain way. If you haven't noticed the attitude change in Trump and how the media portrays him (100% negative before now mostly neutral, exactly after the syria tomahawk bombing), you're being blind.


refute with arguments or shut up.

You seem a tadbit upset.

Underrated post.


Is 4D-Chess a homosexual sex act?

I think so too. Keep in mind Trump putting into place laws that ban these people from being lobbyists after leaving government positions so getting let go is not something they want to happen. Doesn't mean they still won't try fuckery though.

This is an excellent opportunity to throw that wormtongue yid under the bus. If you're on /the_donald/ go all out against Kushner, email the people at Breitbart and spam cuckchan.
That conniving jew needs to go.

Seems like Kikefy has a shitskin boner for Yael Trump.
