The Antifags are coming. Prepare your Pepes. Convert them. And if you cannot do that, break them

The Antifags are coming. Prepare your Pepes. Convert them. And if you cannot do that, break them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Look at me. I'm shacking in my little jackboots

They still dont get it do they?


This has been tried before, it didn't work.

Lel, they're being taught about us at universities.

They're raiding cuckchan ? they're going to raid their own allies then.


Why would a raid against 4chan bother us? 4chan Holla Forums is a disaster already.
What I find telling is anonymous message about heretics. Those that don't believe as them are outside of their religion and need to be purged, but I don't think they are self-aware to see it that way.


That's honestly worse than going to 4chan to shill for pennies.

Fuck all of the teenagers who turned anonymity into a fucking identity. The guy fawkes crowd completely missed the goddamn point.
To spoonfeed anyone who needs it: see attached. Hide your fucking power levels until the Day of the Rope, volk.

its worse, they are going to 4chan to shill for grades, and they pay the university. Its like reverse doing it for free, they pay to do it. Its even more retarded then I thought it was. Also, they keep shilling cuckchan and thinking any of it or here are altkike. They really still don't get it.



An idea I think we should push (and they won't like being associated with it either) is that these far-leftists have become religious zealots whose only argument is "Heretic!! Blasphemer!! Those words are forbidden!!"

Fucking gay. This is too hilarious to not know who is making their students shill for high grades. Also it makes these gender's studies departments look like a complete joke.


OP why did you black out the source?
can someone find the .edu site this came from?



this, I want to know which university is making shills pay to shill so I can laugh at them on the phone

Original thread: got pruned rather quickly.
tl;dr: OP wants to fap, takes sisters notebook finds open tab with this, warns Holla Forums. Sister goes to UC.

Could be a ruse. Why wouldn't he take his own computer to fap? But then again could also be an opportunity if exposed. Knowing university leftfags such a course is definitely possible.

It seems a little strange that this page would be the root of an entire subdomain, but I guess it could be a single-page application.

I found something, I don't know if this has anything to do with this class, but its from a university


I don't know what to say.

I found this on FB, so it wasn't my doing

They can't even into ban evasion on their own.

So it's potentially the July 4th Tumblr raids all over again?

The prof doesn't want them to know about VPNs, sockpuppets and astroturf just yet.

Fuck em, they will get converted just like the rest of us


Hmm. Normally when the kike-puppets get a keyphrase like that drilled into them, you can find several of them parroting it elsewhere. Pavlovian response and all that. In this case, the only indexed website containing the phrase is an active 4chan thread. I guess they only just started on this?

Hijack their threads and spam them with redpills, holohoax stuff etc.

This shit is from fucking Cornell? The Ivy Leagues have cucked so far that they believe that their brainwashing will keep their "young open minds" safe from us?
fits the length of the url in the picture, with something at the beginning of the URL I think, like


We gotta find a way to hijack their comms. Flood em with gore

Bill Nye went to Cornell didn't he?

You cannot make this shit up

So…time to spam gore on half pol?

Not gore, turn them against the kikes, our propaganda is based in reality, our propaganda is effective.

Notice the "#" at the end of the URL. That generally signifies that a link was clicked on that used Javascript to do something. It's possible that the site uses Ajax or somesuch to load a new page.

Thanks, the only image I had was the one I posted. Gotta be a Blackboard page, and with the add in, it does fit the urls of Blackboard when I was a student.


Tells you a lot about (((SJWs))). This is cringy m8. It's like they pay wojaks to come here get shat on. They may actually see the truth without filters and get redpilled.

Bunch of "privileged" kids on an establishment "temple of saturn" school having to get handled on how to do shit to cause confusion online, in a place like halfchan.

A lot of shilling groups like CTR were made of "student projects" at such brainwash institutions. And anonymous is such an establishment-backed op that I can't even imagine some kind of faggot who would partake on this unironically. They saying the "alt right" has become a joke made me kek hard. Weren't they the establisment now? Aren't you "taking down" their "elite members". "Anonymous" saying they were powerless is like a beagle barking at a wolf.

Maybe limiting your discussions to "non-transphobic people" and branding free-spech proponents as "fascists" only will get you away from the truth and detached from reality, but I don't expect such sheep to get that.

This is like a festival of dementia, falling for traps like shilling halfchan, or shilling at all, which have been proven ineffective for the millionth time, the worst part being the implication that Trump's brand is even decreasing in sales, and that it is not because he has outlined several products since he doesn't care about that anymore now that he is president. Pretty capitalist eh?

I'm scared now…

not gore, drop redpills like this:

But he got bluepilled through money from Netflix. He's a fucking joke now, but only because I think he got too greedy to care about the truth.

thats what I was thinking, got to scrape cornell university to find out which subdomain it is. But I'm almost certain It might be cornell we are looking at, unless someone can figure out what else might fit. Btw the font is 12 on calibre which means if you can find the length based on that.

This should also produce something which so far is hasn't.
fit both url and in the email address.

Welcome to Holla Forums leftist college students. Think about your towering mountain of college debt you will never repay. Then realize you will never convert us with your shit tier lies. We aren't feebly minded leftist college students after all. Then realize we don't have to pay tuition to come here. Then fucking kill yourselves.

take this to 4/pol/, its a battleground now

please either learn how to sage properly, or take the sage out of the name slot you fucking newfag

i'm not saging, but yeah i forgot

To be honest I think this is an attempt at inoculation.
They expose their students to us in a controlled manner and help them develop their doublethink/crimestop skills.
So when they face the truth elsewhere they can shrug it off and continue to believe the lies

It's rather clever actually.
Matching them up with strangers to encourage ideological conformity, telling them to contact the professor over any little thing so he can ascertain their current state.

I'd love to talk to whoever devised this
Arts and Science department at Cornell.

thank you user, it was triggering my autism.



This is somewhat unrelated, but searching through Cornell's website I found their LGBTABCD123 studies website. They have a fucking major in QWERTYGFGFABABA studies at an Ivy League university. The cancer runs deep

just maybe, it kinda fits, it might be 11 calibre font then, that would make it fit


>Please be forewarned that the content on Holla Forums can be very offensive and disturbing. You may feel free to take Safe Breaks while discussing activism on this website.

But then the issue becomes where to go from there. Don't see anything about "community studies," even when I search for it.


It's just going to be 60 random accounts doing bottom of the barrel shitposting completely uncoordinated.

idk, it could be like said, but then that leaves no room for a blackboard type subdomain, the url would be too long to fit a subdomain for a blackboard url, so the best bet for now is something cornell until we can find something else that might fit. Idk what the url for cornell's blackboard is

Keep digging then I guess. If it exists, we will find it.



OP said sister goes to UC.

just report and filter, continue the digging and ignore shills, we will more then likely get more damage control shills come flood this thread

That's because they have no arguments.

are the better ways to format searched like | "text from the post"

maybe then UCI? they are a cali uni the is pretty liberal

Top kek, if these faggots came here we'd probably make them break down with gore and smug anime

basically like how the history channel that doesnt translate the deutsch

They listed cuckchan because they dont ban for D&C, so they can openly flood the board. Read their strategy, they pretty much plan to slide everything off and leave only the cancer.

The UC campuses; probably one with a 4-letter domain, to leave room for a subdomain.

As if that'll change anything there. 4/pol/ is already cancer shit

it also needs to fit the email address at the bottom

what do you think? Could UCI fit? for the email at the bottom?

We might be more worried than we should be. I mean we are talking uni students. The laziest people on earth.

This user is right. We can make these faggots break down (if they ever come here) with just lots of smug anime and gore. Uni students are failures

wow, this is some next level disgust I'm feeling here

too short



This could also just be an elaborate hoax. Check original thread

They wont be coming here, but we should always be propagandizing cuckchan. Dont just post in threads, make your own threads and control the narrative. Its what the left is doing, so we should be doing it to counter them. Its not like when you post here, where everyone is on the same page and its for the expansion of our collective knowledge.. youre redpilling people in a hostile way, forcing them to swallow the pill. I say force the pill on cuckchan, its flooded with people who unironically dont care about white genocide. Make them care.

ya, it might be cornell, but if its a UC then it really narrows it down to a few, could be berkley, could be UCI maybe like I posted, could be UCLA. UCLA is another one that is super liberal and I wouldn't be surprised to have a class like that.

Honestly this.
4chan is seriously a fucking mess.
And the only way to make it better is to redpill the faggots there.


Go to google with suggestions and type "community studies UC"; Santa Cruz is the only name that pops up and just look at the fucking about page.
>The undergraduate core curriculum begins with the development of skills in social analysis and field observation/participation while deepening students’ knowledge of specific histories and theoretical perspectives essential to the study of communities and social transformation. Next, through the six-month full-time field study, students engage with specific communities through residence and participation in an organization with a social justice mission.

communitystudies. ucsc. edu/about/index.html

Some of them are already here, obviously.
>>>Holla Forums1616261

someone in this thread said UC Santa Cruz

Here's their login page. See if /g/ wants to help. See if we can't find an account out in the wild we could access and see this firsthand.

Also, their login page is "" and that would seem to fit.

what is the portal for ucsc?

i was playing around with campus ipcams awhile ago and looking at the url i guess the format would be

bbbb=acronym for the name of the building
cccc=acronym for the college campus
/#=almost a home page

so this is likely a building specifically for community studies

They're paying to learn how to shitpost.These fags will never win.

Not just any gore, tranny castration and BDSM faggot gore. Show them the darkresearcher archives and the castration thread pictures, they'll not be very supportive of trannies after seeing that! Throw in the pics of that nullo faggot holding his own severed testes in a jar paired with his ken doll crotch and it might send them catatonic.

there we go then, I think we might of found it, this might actually be it, now we need to see who the professor might be

Nice find; please ignore

Yeah that shit will do it well. Those faggots go into crying fits over fucking goatse, tranny gore shit will make them probably get PTSD (for the 24th time)

G. Carter Wilson is Faculty in that deparment, but the second half of the email address is too short.
[email protected]/* */

Go on! Read! Wonder! Learn! For you be reminded of the fact, your PC never forgets where you have been online.

Do employers know this is what students are doing to get their degrees nowadays?

Look, I agree they're lazy, but with a grade on the line, they'll check it out, and then the more SJWy they are(Again, possibly California), the more they'll try to fight for "tolerance"

because I think the domain for email is, or something of the sort

What matters more, is the fact that their pussy attitudes and personalities make them vulnerable to getting triggered by gore and similar.

these are just a few of the subdomains that they use

I don't think so. More of rape signals and pictures.

Why not both?

Probably even less. That's why racism works as a shibboleth online cause even just seeing the word 'nigger' triggers these fags beyond belief.

Illegal aliens, because they think nobody is illegal, which isn't the point of the term.

find the building community studies are held and the subdomain of that buildings /# page will be what we are looking for

kind of defeats the purpose of anonymity if you start assigning sexes

berkley belongs to hippies and commies nearly 100% of the time. the only time they "lose" it is when opposition comes to town and punches chicks with hairy cunts in the face

you niggers burn american flags


unless you're a trash receptacle, in which case you're going down. also the right becomes more popular with each passing day

ivanka's clothing line is selling record numbers

is jew a slang term like normie now?

By Kek, if you ever wondered where those people come from…

True. Gore will probably just hit them even harder, which is funny for us

That is their portal. Their info is pretty much all behind a login, unlike some other UC*/** sites that have a relatively full-featured portal that anyone can access with a login later on.

[email protected]/* */?

its even got the same background color and css as the OPs picture, look at the side of the image carefully and you can tell the color matches for the background CSS

excellent work keep digging
i think the best luck will be had with subdomains of the individual campus buildings

There has to be someone here who goes to UCSC who can confirm the URL patterns when they log in.

Hell I might post the vid of that human pup getting neutered via ball injections. That's fucked up. Or the insane shit Dark Researcher's into, the puppy people doing weird sex acts or alongside real horrified dogs. Or ISIS execution videos.
Can someone scrape and webm this link? It's too big to webm for me.:


That's definitely going to hurt them. Almost too fucked up for me, but I've seen so much already

I can't scan this site completely for some reason.

Found this shit

Font matches up, and it sounds like the tone matches as well.

oh no, it's our downfall!

Oakes Academic Building, apparently.

registrar. ucsc. edu/catalog/programs-courses/program-statements/cmmu.html

Nice. Might help narrow down the class; I'm thinking start digging with 102.

just put in and not the community studies subdomain.


The second pic looks like pure LARPing though. I haven't been back to cuckchan since before the exodus but even I remember shitposters making "We Are Anonymous!" posts all the fucking time, wall of text and all, about taking down halfchan for various reasons or another

I'd take this with a grain of salt for now

Yeah, doing that, just thought it was odd. I'm scanning it now.

what the fuck
Fucking BAMN projecting
Fucking good. Just yesterday some moms at Berkeley were holding the Holla Forums eye sign.

That entire thing so was pretentious, I almost can't believe that was written unironically.

this is the building we need the subdomain for
Community Studies Department
213 Oakes College
the oakes college building

See this post and notice the ID. That's darkresearcher. The stuff his tortured soul finds is enough to make these faggots shit fucking eggs like the guy in the video. Read the rest of his ID's posts. He has had a fucked up interesting life.

kill yourselves

Works for me, those little cucks have had it coming

Not the same font. e is different. o and d are more round in op

Now, if we are talking about 4/pol/, sure because 4chan in general became a fucking poz hole. If I see someone using "Alt-Right" and 8/pol/ in the same sentence I will shit a house.

Better start laying some bricks user, because you did, technically

read the thread next time kike

That was a cringey as fuck read. Let the edgelords come and get the redpill.

But in the original pic I posted, the font was still choppy, since I got in from FB. What's it like in the archive from before?

Gotta be 102, unless the 101 class' final exam/project is to critique the argument

8/pol/, the original alt-right imageboard

I will never understand the term "online activism".






Well of course I mean unironically or actually implying that 8/pol/ is Alt-Right. I'm getting so tired of this alt-right garbage.

bery funi i shid hous now :DDDDDDDDD

isn't the same font as or what do you mean?

Damn, I don't know why I thought the two fonts would be from Blackboard to "Here's why are liberals are better at sucking ass than other liberals"

Nobody is alt-right, it's just what people label other people as. If you're a liberal, anyone right of center is alt-right. If you're Holla Forums, anyone left of national socialist and right of cuckservative is alt-right.

OoOoOoOoOo spooky internet hackers come to take away t_D(oh nooooooo) and storfront(we dont caaaaaaare)

So someone in the area needs to walk in on a class and get pictures of the class. Use Facebook to dox the class and then make thier lives hell. Dont need to be a student. Dont need ID to just sit on a clas once or twice.

Aside from that cuckchan was already spammed to death with communism bullshit etc.


So can we get this confirmed? I wanna start getting these cucks

Then gas yourself. You wouldnt want us getting our hands on you.. Tikum Olam and all


Redpill all of the emasculated nu-males and newfags. Time to subvert them in a season of redpills. Give them the education they won't get anywhere else: The fucking truth.

They've already made up their minds.

This must be stickied for giggles.

What actually is the alt right?

How do I know if I'm alt right?

Depends on how much of a pussy you are.

Do you support civic nationalism and sucking black dick?

Dicky created the Alt-Right site/brand in 2010 as a response to Neoconservatism, thus Alternative. It was meant as a wide umbrella for all kinds of rightwingers, including Paleocons, Libertarians, Isolationisms, Neoreactionaries, HBD's, and yes, White Nationalists.

The Alt-Right has always been White Nationalist, though not exclusively so. I hope I made that as neutral as possible.

Are you blatantly ignoring the collapse of civilization? are you fluffing your bull's dick before he fucks your wife/daughter/sister? Do you LARP as a Nazi but are actually scared of getting called one?

checked and keked

May not be the right one. The website has his email listed as [email protected]/* */, which would be too small to fit in the space on the webpage. I sent an email to [email protected]/* */ and haven't gotten any response, but I did get a "Successful Mail Delivery Report" though. Not sure if that confirms if the email is real or not.

Would you say that it's implicitly White Nationalist? :^)

the email got censored by cuckfare

Refresh the page.

maybe just email him as a "student" asking about the Holla Forums assignment and if you can still turn yours in late, see if he responds and gives it away

Alt right is to Holla Forums what (((ebaumsworld))) was to Holla Forums and YTMND

They're just a bunch of opportunistic faggots using our memes and content to shill for shekels.

Wouldn't it be odd unless it was a university email asking him?

To be fair to Dicky, that one Tweet was misinterpreted, but yes, I do think he considers Homosexuality is a non-issue.

They're just a bunch of opportunistic faggots using our memes and content to shill for shekels.
The Alt-Right site originally came out seven years ago.

It was an Spencer's pathetic attempt at bandwagoning off of chan shit. If anything neocons probably help create it. Also you wouldn't call half of the people who associated with the "alt-right" white nationalists, just people who wanted to be politically incorrect and lurked on the internet. The Alt-Right never really existed at all, just a label used by liberals who don't know what chans are.

nope, sometimes I used to email my professors with my personal email all the time

Spencer is a faggot, and I'll bet you are too.

It seems like we've got some eager students here already. Have you noticed the sudden uptick in shit posts?

And your point? Just because he had site years back doesn't mean shit. It had absolutely zero traction until Holla Forums got big and they started taking content, memes, sense of humor, etc from Holla Forums

That's essentially what I did. I said I had a question about the assignment and used an email that looks normal. Says something about 'delivery via spamassassin' in the delivery receipt. Not sure if that means that it was sent to his spam box or when it was outgoing it went through a spamfilter on the client-side.

Imagine all the butts we could be rustling if neet anons here fought their way into janitor positions on cuckchan.

Yeah but those are normal shitposts. These would more like trying to argue like a liberal does with long posts and emotional appeals. This is just the normal spergs.

Don't think this is the right guy. Email address doesn't line up also guy is emeritus and fucking old. Don't think he even knows what an imageboard is.

Someone's really miffed though. Did we ever find the original document and how they planned to play community interaction?

I'm doing so as a "concerned parent"



Imageboards. Please do not use Reddit vocabulary on my imageboard.

I find it absolutely hilarious that there are class which legitimately do this kind of shit. I find it even more hilarious that the class specifically has a single website assigned. The whole point of activism is supposed to be that you're fighting for the cause you most believe in. If you're making it a class assignment to all do the exact same cause, isn't that defeating the point? Even if it's on the same web-site, why wouldn't a student be allowed to talk about another issue, like environmentalism? Why not, in fact, allow them to take the opposite stance entirely?

This sort of biased shit is the greatest cancer of modern education. At least I'm fortunate to be going to a university where the microeconomics professor can openly shit-talk Marxism in class.

don't do too many or make it obvious we are onto him, we want a response to confirm that this is his class or that we found where this class is being taken.

Only way you become a janitor on cuckchan is by circle-jerking in the IRC about how much you love communism is sucking cock.

The moderation in that shit-hole is completely fucked behind repair. Half the boards are unmoderated and mods/janitors delete whatever they want.

Janitors will delete posts they disagree with on Holla Forums and mods will ban posts they disagree with by using the reason "not video game related picture" if you post a reaction image.

It's the main reason I left because I couldn't go 2 days without getting a week long ban. And now I'm running into the same problem here with mods banning any criticism they disagree with and turning this into a trump hugbox centre for epic alt-right edge-lords who think the kike lover can do no wrong.

inb4 deleted post

Tomato potato.

So, the hacker known as 4chan is going to try and hack 4chan?

I feel like if it's just us, that you, "a student trying to get an extension" and me, a "concerned parent questioning the curriculum" wouldn't be out of place

Yeah, not sure. Plus, just noticed this line (pointed to). Might be gi… or gl…. Not really sure.

cant get a hit on the email with any tool
i dont think its a working address


pic related.

Actually we encourage Holla Forumsacks to do the same since the redpill cystoscopy can be rather painful. These antifags will discover that too.

starting the think ucsc is the wrong place all their supdomain pages layouts look alike and nothing like the layout of op's pic


Oh kek, thanks user.
Didn't know that
Dubs checked.

thats fine, but keep it limited to just those 2 emails, because if everyone in this thread starts shitposting his email he is going to figure it out.

Yawn. In 1995 I discovered some of the shitposting I was doing on usenet made it into a media textbook.

Wait, as in UC Berkeley?

Do tell.

use tor faggot

You know you're when you're digging up the rotting corpse of a prior iteration 'image board culture' to make you're agenda appeal to the cool kids.

you just made me feel old

*You know you're dying

I'll add a bit of nuance. Don't go full 1488 but you can lead by example. My wife is my maid and I pay her in cock.

Those who can not handle the truth are not worth investing in anyway. Don't ever take a "redpill break'. Those who are not inherently interested in self betterment tend to be underage, or "immature adults". They are find comfort in belonging to a movement and have no true desire to change or learn.

I'm fairly sure my dad invented certain cyber-crimes before they were illegal. The BBS days must have been glorious.

We are but shadows living in the glory of our ancestors.

They've been studying the art of the shitposter for 20 years and they're still this bad at it?

Identifying the font could be the key to finding the site. The font is very specific. Note there is a tiny gap between | and < in the k. There are only very few fonts that have that. Also the k is rather wide, nearly touching the e in "Make". I checked https:// and non of the common webfonts match.

It's easy to understand. The people that study shitposting are either fated to do one of two things: continue in their own lack of understanding, or become shitposters themselves.



Why not just read the book and figure it out for yourself?

Please don't tell me you read "cock" as "check."

I think he read "in cock" as "to cook".
Which is even funnier.

Mostly because I did it the first time and was very confused.

How can they claim to be true "Anonymous"?

When Anonymous is first and foremost the name of chan-dwellers. Just look above this post.

If you pay in cocks or dollars, you're still paying.

this should be fun.

It was around the time all that Scientology bullshit. Non chan-dwellers started larping "HURR WE ANONYMOOSE LUL, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE"

I don't know man, sounds more like maid play or something.
This is bait

Bait that shitty doesn't deserve a (You).

I'm not finding any more leads. Some fags are claiming it's Gianluca Stringhini, but he's a Computer Science Professor so I'm not sure what he'd be doing with Community Studies, but I guess these days people are so stupid that they need to consult a Computer Science professor to evade a ban. But he works at UCL, so that doesn't make much sense considering the part about Trump which may imply that it's a US University.

Nice thumbnail.

I concur.

Good advice, kikes.
Global jew removal soon.

That's Blackboard, it's an entirely different site from UCSC's main site

We created Anonymous to be as welcoming as possible so we'd have tons of faggots coming in and fucking shit up for the lulz. It was all experimental at the time. However the nature of it made it stupid easy to co-opt. Holla Forums is much, much more difficult.

Two years from now, there will be Holla Forums users who say they began to come here because of this project and that's how they became one of us.
And they will give us info about their old friends.

Screencap this post.

Trump is an international icon. More than likely they've been told that the chaos are the Trump grounds. They did mention it as being alt right.

maybe he is teaching a computer class about how to operate on image boards, its not entirely impossible to believe a cuck at one of these universities teaching comp sci is still not involved in community studies somehow. It might be one of those types of classes.

Holla Forums literally memed shills into reality

Ucl is a dead end. No community studies courses. The text is very clear there were at least 3 other courses

Public universities are quick to pander to the social justice crowd. They use diversity quotas in order to give the illusion of actual growth. Plenty of public universities sent out e-mails about rejecting the travel ban.

Lurk more.

Been a week or so since coming to Holla Forums, and immediately I find this.
It been a week or so since I laughed so hard it brought tears to me eyes. Thanks Holla Forums : )

That might actually redpill a good number of shills.
Kikes are kiking themselves right into a real holocaust.

What about georgec?

What in the fuck is the difference between right and alt right anyways? As far as I know it was a term made up by the media to describe the "really far right" right. What the fuck would "alternative facts" even mean???

Can you imagine if your class assignment follows you home? Lowers your grades, surrounds shitheel haul in free diapers, hacks your fb, shows everyone your dragon dildo collection, ruins your internship, causes you to be a shallow, good for nothing that can only find solace in the very imageboards you were assigned to originally.

Are you OK with a version of WN that is "inclusive" towards le based nationalist jews, le based BBC, le based faggots, and le based coalburners? The alt-right is right for you!

I am a hippie and I approve this message.

thats called poetic irony

The extremely really super far alt right aka white people.

Two years mandatory lurking!

It might be helpful to have several shibboleths on hand. Lets take into account that using so-called racist and sexist language are going to be verboten for the proposes of this project so stop using half measure language. Also it's going to be hard to tell once this starts so my suggestion is if anyone calls you a kike or shill just ignore. If user doth protest too much then we know we are dealing with a true shill. The shill cries out as he strikes at you!

i cant find anything about blackboard on ucsc but Cincinnati university i do

op may have literally meant UC

I can't even take this shit seriously any more after all of the Holla Forums memes.

At some point when I was looking I saw the words "Computer Studies"

Just post gore and watch the normies develop PTSD. It's such an easy and effective method.

Can't find a community studies department on uc's main website. Any idea what else the course might be called? Communication?

Read the thread. We already concluded that [email protected]/* */ is too short to fit into the blacked-out space.

This was posted on cuckchan before the threads were deleted.

I don't know if it is him but he is the guy who did the report on pol.

"Kek, Cucks, and God Emperor Trump: A Measurement Study of 4chan's Politically Incorrect Forum and its Effects on the Web"


I detected no less than 3 micro-aggressions in your post. Let me tell you about your xenophobic, homophobic, patriarchal beliefs and how they are affecting society. You really need to consider the feelings of every potential reader of whatever you write before you write it. That being said, white men are the parasites of society and blah blah blah racism oppression.

It looks wrong since there is a blue tip above the u though.

Even ironic faggotry is still faggotry.

But he's at ucl, not ucsb.

I'm not saying this is accurate I'm saying this is probably why some people think it is him.

Exactly! Here's another thought though could we identify the subtler students then goad them into saying some crazy shit and then send the caps to CampusReform or something? I can see the headline now: "Proffessor gives students a lesson in hatred"

Found a reference to his email being [email protected]/* */ here, but it seems a bit dated: (top right)
Maybe he's still using his email from UCSB while working at UCL?

Looks wrong.

seems like that could be a conflict of interest or security issue? If I ran a uni I wouldn't want another uni admin to have access to y employees emails.

It's anonymous, user.


He says it's a "UC school" not it's UC. But who knows?

For me I come to the conclusion, that it's just bait. The /po/ thing, safe breaks, randomly partnered with students from other universities worldwide are give aways.

I'm about ready to agree. There's a lot that's fishy to the story, and because the most obvious choice (UCSC) has been ruled out, there's not much hope.

The /po/ thing didn't sit well with me either, and it's not like there being more shills matters.

All retaliating, whatever form it took, would do is spark cries to crack down more on anonymous message boards.

Get physically violent with anyone who censors you IRL. Then we won't have to worry about online censorship. Everyone do this. It works.


Seems like bait to me.
No university partners with other universities for this kind of crap as it's too complicated for the professors (for whom teaching is a secondary role) to deal with.
But let's assume that part is true.
What professor refers to "non-white racial issues?" They assume whites don't have any racial issues by default and thus why in the hell would they need to specify?

But let's assume all of this is legit.
Aside from colleges studying us being interesting (and what we want) we have enough natural defense mechanisms - banhammers goreposting, shitposting, bunkers - to be essentially unfloodable, especially by fucking college students.

Can you suck a golf ball through a garden hose?

Do you dismiss anyone to your left as a cuck but anyone to your right as a purity-spiralling LARPer?

Their forum is open to view now. If you thought it was bad before wifegate, then holy fuck, you should check it out now. Nothing but "ironic" joking about being fags, spamming tranny threads, talking about qt3.14 gook waifus, etc. 200% degenerate.

>"b-but muh slippery slope doesn't real!" they said

my oh my, how far the mighty ANTIFA have fallen

Just recently watched Memories, damn was that a great movie.
Sage for offtopic

Everytime i use tor it seems all the IP's are already banned.

I keep getting an edit of that opening from Mulan going through my head.

that post is golden, if its real and not just pretending

If you think that's real you're fucking stupid.

it might be it might not, thats why I said "if its not just pretending"

If you think it even might be you're fucking stupid.

It's still fucking hilarious

Micro-aggressions detected. Intelligence is a social construct.

I wouldn't be so sure. those 60s campus radicals are still around waiting to be gassed


why? because you can't believe that someone would get pissed off enough to write a rant about how they can't infiltrate Holla Forums? Even if it isn't its golden, doesn't matter if its real or not.

Any success on responses?


Not if it's more believable that some random faggots wrote it for keks, especially when you read with a sarcastic tone in mind. You're fucking stupid.

God. They're so… gay.

That first image seems fake. URL is weird, language is just slightly off (I've never heard a leftist use the phrase "non-documented citizens", for instance), the explicit but generic mention of "Marxism" also seems wrong. All the language issues could be explained by this being from a lower-tier school where the classes are run by retards, but the URL seems pretty damning.

No. Got a read receipt, but that's it. Apparently [email protected]/* */ automatically forwards the email to [email protected]/* */ based on what the read receipt says.

leftists say "undocumented" or "non-documented" citizens all the time, the blatant marxist comment is probably real because they don't try to hide it in uni anymore, and the URL is weird but not really because there are plenty of short UC urls for portals that are short like that, the # just means that they pressed a JS button that ran JS code kind of like if you go to catalog and press the update button, you will see a # in the URL.

Remember when anonamoose legium was used for chaos and lulz?

I bet 99% of these niggers are post 2010 fags.

They say undocumented immigrants, not citizens.
In my experience, leftists either don't mention Marx at all or go into autistic hair-splitting detail about theory.

those were good days

Look at that fucking schnoz, the nose always knows test

Nothing on their list about opening boarders for isreal

We are the real legion. SIEG HIEL!

Does 4/pol/ even redpill anymore?

Some OC to celebrate Le Safe Breaks

it always happens. ALWAYS

Ah, it's glorious when the hippies form RWDS isn't it? Welcome to the rainbow family, user. Praise Kek!

Its a complete clutter of junk info now. They have destroyed right wing conversation by destroying conversation all together.

Time for reconquista?

You must find the true Holla Forums first, my friend.
the only redpill thread on 4/pol/, and it has nothing but an >asians are smarter than whites infographic
and the rest of the catalog is shitty memes, habbenings and a medieval risk thread
What the hell happened since we left?

Have you tried to post there lately? It keeps saying my posts are spam. I think they have filters for stuff like gas the kikes, RWN.

i read that with the implication that the prof can unban them, which would go hand in hand with the way 4cuck has been in the last few years…

My last posts there were shilling against TRS during that whole shitfest, lel. Never got filtered but I didn't mention jews beyond a "Kike Enoch" or two.
someone should go crosspost our infographics there

i had forgotten how bad it'd gotten, there was even a thread with people drooling over the wendy's mascot

Well Holla Forums?
Have you taken your Safe Break yet?

Imagine all the newfags going to Holla Forums and still not being able to escape the blue pill now.
w-would I never have watched TGSNT if 4/pol/ was as bad when I went there years ago?

Sorry, no Safe Breaks on this train.

i don't know what we can do besides wait for those able to find us manage it

I mean wait for those who can find us
it's been a long day forgive shitty grammar

If a tenth of us went there and spent an hour redpilling, we would overwhelm them. We have gigs of memes each, spread them far!

So in other words nothing changes, almost every thread on cuckchan are either leftist bait or red pill me on x.

It's a combination of factors. Raids, but I don't think that's the main one. Cuckchan is no longer taking new users in through Holla Forums, Holla Forums is now the entry point to 4chan. So there's a lot of shit. I don't think it's completely irredeemable. Yet. If this new board is something the mods are serious about, the shitposting Holla Forums, and no faggot mod tries to subvert the board to take down Holla Forums, we could finally have some way to gain hold there once again. Perhaps I'm just being overly optimistic, but I think that once moderation of the new shitpostless Holla Forums starts showing results, there could even be some cooperation between us and them. Can't dox without bans coming down on that side of things, but I still think it would be nice to have a significant portion of their users helping dig for info when needed. This could just maybe be a good thing for the old guard both here and there.

some more OC in honor of Safe Breaks


can't argue with those dubs

I see what you mean about the shitposting 4/pol/ being a potential beachhead to reclaim the homeland, we'll just have to wait and see how the moderation is.

You can only persuade someone open to hearing opposing arguments. Antifa is a bunch of indoctrinated non working class College dipshits who have been pumped full of Marxist bullshit. You are never going to convince them of anything. I'm a pretty reasonable guy, I think most people can and should be given a fair chance to reconsider their positions on things. But Antifa is populated by zealots, and the only thing that well ever silence a zealot is a bullet.

Mock them, deride them, but do not provide them the courtesy of any actual argument or debate. It is not what they're looking for, and they do not merit it in any case. If anything we should retaliate and go fuck with their hugboxes.

d-does it have a penis?

This is our opposition.


No, user. We must exploit the doubt among their ranks. For no cult is without a light of doubt, especially one so obviously self-contradictory. The trick is to pour water among the cracks and let it freeze and break up then do it all over again. We must force the cracks already there to spread.

Spend a half hour every day shitposting like a madman. Hit ALL BOARDS! Fuck, we could take /fa/ overnight spamming kek rings and fascist wardrobes.

I disagree, if you do nothing but absorb redpill 24/7 it very quickly becomes a blackpill. You have to give your mind time to absorb, process, and come to conclusions on information it is presented with. It's also important to maintain an active social/business life so that you don't become a tinfoil hat wearing shut in. You are no good to your people or your culture if you become incapable of functioning outside of Holla Forums.

We could try with the shitposting Holla Forums, but honestly when I read through the announcment of a new board, I thought that it basically was saying "after this split, Holla Forums will be more like it's 8ch equivalent." I'm not saying we can convert raiding parties of antifa and redditors immediately, but I do have the hope that after this purge of Holla Forums shitposters, we'll have a better chance changing the culture on 4/pol/ back to what it once was and we all know it could possibly be again.
If not, that's unfortunate. But we could easily turn the same operations of hopefully reclaiming the board from the (((civic nationalists))) in to just fucking with them for fun. Worst case is that nothing changes and it stays shit despite all changes. So the worst case seems to be that nothing changes, but we do have a chance at changing things for the better.

they better appreciate my hugo boss suit

I think you can do this with most leftists, but remember that Antifa are among the most zealous and brainwashed. It's the equivalent of some Soviet commissars attempting to get some SS to defect, it won't work. They'd be better served going for the less ideologically indoctrinated Wehrmacht.

Perhaps I am incorrect, but I sincerely doubt the odds of being able to convert zealots. They have already closed their minds off to discussion and doubt, they do not think logically.

TL;DR: Don't waste your time on zealots, go for the much more numerous and easily converted typical white liberals/moderates.

my thinking was that moderation would be a bit more lax on the shitposting Holla Forums making it an easier point of ingress and the lack of seriousness makes it easier to convert people. Compare the milquetoast shitlibs to anons shitposting on twitter over the election. Being and having fun is more effective than making it srs business.


he goes by deerprince

Well we could all play concern troll on how racist white people are on 4/pol/ act like we are those shills but only shill white genocide so we'd be reaching only actual white people.

You know go very overboard with posts in favor of white genocide and shrug off any rhetoric to the contrary. If the whites have some amount of survival instinct this will help them. Always use your enemy for your benefit.

If not, we'll make them appreciate it, Mr Orwell.

Holy shit you're right.

If you arrive at the redpill through philosophy, you have already progressed through the nihilistic blackpill.

National Socialism is the progression of philosophy past post-modernism. It's absolutely impossible to be defeatist when you have this mindset unless you regress to post-modernism.

user always delivers.

I arrived at the redpill through esoteric wisdom and magic. ok, i was hoping that Hitler was the good guy since I was five.

Fight Club should be required viewing for every millennial pussy out there. Also, notice how it's all white dudes in that movie. Zero diversity.

It was the last of it's kind sadly. I used to drop acid and then watch fight club, 300, and V for vendetta in a dark room, weekly, for an entire winter… those were dark days. I was also knife and swordfighting with life steel for fun around that time, with no armor but a pair of welding gloves. It's amazing I survived. You know, I'm not sure I still agree with this.

I say we show them new horrors that shall scare them away. Like faggots shooting up meth before taking a fist up the asshole, or synching up a song from a torture video, like that Ran Ran Ruu shit years ago except with eye stabbing gangrape and dismemberment. Hell show them that Baffometi stuff.

Only way to scare off normies is to break them with pure horror.


I'm tired of these anti-liberty cunts attacking free speech in the name of "inclusiveness".
I want to make them give peace a chance.
It's funny when Socialist White Nationalists are less fascist than people who claim to be "Anti-fascist".

Laughed so hard my wife had to read the posts. It's true though. so fucking true… all sexual energy went into blade. I even had a whore over once, and decided to let my battleaxe fuck her in my stead, because I was busy preparing to swordfight. Yes, my axe literally fucked the whore, because I was uninterested.


user theyre fine and were in trouble
They have


4pol is the definition of cancer who cares

We have an opportunity to fuck with a group of easily offended rainbow haired sociology and womens studies majors whose dyke professor sent them to us on a silver platter and you would pass this up?



Full article:

dailycall NGAh

Look who's riding.

Is this worthy of it's own thread or no?

I could swear there's a black cop

Respect these trips. First OP image must be fake. The web design also is kind of retro and not what the SJWs would do. They would use a template to achieve a sleeker aesthetic. 90s
web design is prone to trigger the PTSD they got from watching Friends.

It already has it's own thread.

tfw we are anonymous

Anyone else noticing hebrew lettering hidden in the design of the antfag flag logo?

I believe it. He told them to get ready to lose arguments too. As in, prepare to be redpilled? Secret ourguy? Sometimes all you need is a little bit of exposure.


I get what you're saying, but there's this fucking shit too


Maybe he wants them to realize that everything they're learning about is fucking useless and wrong, hence "get ready to lose arguments." He knows that the academia is flawed.

So maybe we can find the most triggering shit and spam their inboxes with it? Like this stuff?


I'd be down, but I have no skills for finding their inboxes

Shameful self-bump

Once I practice my editing a little more, I might provide.

GS may or may not be directly involved in teaching the class. He simply could be working in collaboration with another professor and offering his guidance as someone who has experience in monitoring "the underbelly of the Internet".

He does have two other papers out addressing the issue of cyber bullying…

Measuring #GamerGate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, and Bullying

Mean Birds: Detecting Aggression and Bullying on Twitter

The part about contacting him if someone gets banned has me wondering… Could that mean he'll assist and/or instruct the student how to get around any IP ban?

He knew they'd never win against us, so he told them not to use arguments, just emotional bullshit and consensus cracking in an attempt to shut down discussion.

I'm mad about the whole concept of university. As a business model University makes no sense. Imagine a burger joint where the customers that can't afford to pay get handouts, while those who can get none. Women and minorities also get free super-sized meals. But wait, did I say you actually get what you pay for? Oh no, buying a hamburger at burger university only means you have the OPPORTUNITY to get a hamburger. You think you can just pay for a hamburger and get it? That's only if you buy the chicken patty.

Universities should not be doctorate mills, but at the same time I can't imagine any other industry where I would spend so much money for only a chance to get a degree. If you asked any businessman/economics major how to write a contract they would tell you to lock your shit down and get everything legally guaranteed that you can get. What's more is even if you do stick it out and get your degree there is absolutely NO guarantee that it will get you what you are after A JOB. The whole process is insanity yet we push it to kids as if it is the only smart way to spend the most productive years of your life. This has convinced me more than anything else that our society is built on cannibalizing the young to pay for retirement funds, teachers benefits. They are young, they have years ahead to make up for the setbacks caused by deceptive adults! Fucking boomers.


I just watched it today and the MC got his shit kicked in by a nigger. The only one sure but still plus it had jews so it wasnt completely all white but more than enough

so what happened with this? do we have any names?


What the fuck is happening?

it's a database error. Posts in a thread all showed the OP's ID.

But there is nobody to my right.

Oh no, the useful idiots of the Jews are coming, we always get shilled.

To all antifa faggots. You're gonna hang on the best trees we can find.

Yeah, not planted info at all.

Pretty sure it's completely fake.
It's intended to cause paranoia, mass distrust and get everyone thinking everyone else is an antifa.
Firstly if it was genuinely leaked there would be no need to obscure the email addresses, in fact we would want them for counter-attack and the OP would know this.

its not a leak, really.
some halfchan user, allegedly found it on his sisters laptop.

It just doesn't look legit to me, for example the lessons would have titles, not just numbers.

Highlighted some of the problems which stand out.
But there are more. Leftist professors are retarded Kikes, but they tend to have pretty good grammar.

Idk, dude. Some professors are pretty retarded these days. Particularly in the soft sciences and the ehtnic/gender retardation studies.

The "Please avoid getting banned" part is kinda weird tho.

Can anyone figure out what university that's from. Regardless if the first pic is fake or not.
Second pic gave me a chuckle.

17 18 19
good job. one more year and they graduate.

Isn't this fucking illegal?

Their leaders definitely know the difference. Average joe doesn't.

Soon enough these on the fence altcucks will realize antifa hates all whites. If you'll notice its mostly white antifas as canon fodder at these rallies while their masters stay home laughing at them.

Laws only apply to non lefty whites nowadays.

Anonymous have been absolute faggots since project chanology.
All of the original members were arrested and the nu-user is SJW fag FBI front.

Also, love how they're implying we're the ones censoring people. How rich.

Anonymous stopped being relevant the day aligned with the Establishment narrative on Russia and the Middle East
Day the aligned with Antifa idiots and idpol

We need to go back.
It will never be our home again, but we need to occupy it. That's our homeland.

It's like watching our countries get flooded with shitskins all over again, except on the internet.

100% percent honest right now: I feel like throwing up.

i have never in my life seen such retardedness


so whats wrong with id's i seen same thing happen on Holla Forums other day but noone could explain it there either, and why does it seem to be confined to this one thread?

Check the date you faggot, between the same ID and the new ones appear.

Let them come.

so it's an old as fuck thread from the end of april, dafuck does that tell me you double nigger
I don't really give a shit about the mods but between this and that shitty macron sticky that got 10 replies over a space of 2 days they really letting shit slip up

So? The worst they got is spam. A few kids raid us, and we get the fuckers. If they are really desperate they might pay some fucks to take the site down, but that is the extent of their "power".

Choadmonkey was changing shit and it broke the old ids before the change.

cheers for a proper answer user, appreciate it


Why is the board so empt? Feels like no one is here.
