Funds disappearing from UK banks

People in the UK are reporting that their accounts have been drained to 0. Might be a hack attack or maybe the start of something (((bigger))).

Links (not archiving, I'm on phone and they're compromised anyway):


Other urls found in this thread:

Oh no, my money. Should've bought gold.

Hitler says the jews did this. Another great depression coming.

try buying a loaf of bread with gold

It works great. I have never in my life met a person who did not accept gold. Even if you go to a (((corporate))) store, the fucking clerk will take the gold and insert cash into the till.

Brilliant. Instead of stealing from hundreds of thousands of goyim by orchestrating crashes every so often, just steal every day from a couple of people who didn't rent the latest anti-nazi or interracial movie.


Trickbot malware.

Rothschilds are merely collecting their own funds. Shouldn't have gotten a central bank, goyim

This. Though definitely more of a silver trade for food, but pull out the gold piece and I'm definitely not going to ask how nu r u. Just say up and put my cash for the coin.


Didn't EU say that it will punish UK so badly that other EU nations won't try to leave?
I assume increased cyberattacks, destryoing the £ and more terrorism is on par for UK future, no?

Its just the tip (pun intended), I hope you goy are ready for bail-ins.

Only burgerstanis cant buy stuff with gold except for I think 2 US states that have passed laws recognising gold and other PMs as legal tender
Not available to US citizens or residents, uses precious metals as the account balance and when you use it they convert the cost of the purchase into an amount of gold (using the spot price) and deducts that amount from your account. Depositing funds into it works the same way.

They hold every ounce they say is in their accounts, plus a little more to cover deposits.

This better be over by tomorrow, It's not like I can actually do anything.

Is your debit card also out of action, lad?

i just checked my account and the money is still there
I have to get paid somehow, I always try to take everything out with atm anyway

There was a post a while back by an user saying a full on financial collapse would start like this, that funds would be inaccessible starting on a friday and continue over the weekend, and I seem to recall a bank holiday would be involved.

Can't find the post now. Anyone got the image?

Granted this only seems to be one bank.

I remember that post, didn't cap it tho.

It has to be all the banks, and it appears to be online services specifically for this one bank.

nice digits.