About art

The quality of visual art (paintings and sculptures, as an example) has diminished. No one can negate that fact.
Canned shit is being treated like a masterpiece.

It is because the things that defined the value given to a piece, have shifted from the visual beauty said piece has and the effort that was done to achieve said beauty, to the meaning of the art piece, the backstory.

The value given to art was always based on visual beauty. The old greeks admired the human form, and tried to represent it perfectly. The famous paintings and sculptures that were done during the middle ages and the renaisance where of extremely good quality, being pleasant to the eye. The ability to depict reality as closely as posible was praised.

Even to someone that has not had interaction with the culture in which the pieces done following universal standards of beauty, the piece retains value, as it is based on visual aesthetics.

Now, however, it's based on the story, the meaning that the piece has. One great example is "the shoes on the danube". It has been praised as a great masterpiece. The sculpture itself is a collection of shoes sticked to the ground, in front of a river. Each pair of shoes is supposed to represent a victim of the nazis. To a person that doesn't know the context, it is merely a collection of shoes. The viewer has to know the story behind the piece to understand why its valuable. If the message, meaning, or story of the piece is not known, the viewer will see it as fucking trash.

If the pieces done following the rules I stated in the paragraph above, are presented to an allienated individual, it will certainly not be able to spot the source of praise.

That is why the standards have fallen so low, because meaning is praised more than beauty. That is why trash like an untouched canvas is sold by millions of dollars.
It gets even worse when the context is not shown. How can you spot the diference between a masterpiece and a pool of vomit? you can't. Only if you are told that one of those two identical pools of vomit is a thoughtful representation of human nature towards its own existance, and specifically told which one is it, you will be a ble to spot it. It holds no value of itself, the value is given by the viewer.

The conception that beauty is subjetive has also help to sink the quality of art in general. The idea that beauty is not a shared perception between every human, but a fluid concept that is aplied by the mind over an object, and that it changes depending on the person. It has been proved wrong, but that it has doesn't mean that it will stop being pushed by every form of media.

In short, if the context of a piece is striped from it, and then it holds no value, it had no value to start with.

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Hitler noted that in the bavarian soviet republic art was uniformly ugly and that jews in weimar who led art galleries, newspapers etc exclusively promoted ugly art which reflected their ugly soul

Thread's gonna get anchored once it hits 30 posts.

Just a friendly reminder

npcs can´t into art
you need a soul for art

FFS user, the quality of art has not diminished. You want good art, find a fucking artist you like and PAY THEM a fair fucking wage to make something great. The issue is that the kikes and the state pay shit-tier kikes to fart out a blob.


Reminder that high art is a keeish laundering scheme


nice merchant lamp user, is it a 3d model or a real object you made ? I would buy one tbh

OP didn't make it, I did, it's a 3D model.

Anime is the only art that has worth.
Everything else, ever, is shit.

A while ago there was an art thread with a moonman mask for the OP pic, you probably saw it. An user in that thread made it.

I made it even further back than that around march 3rd of last year
I'm pretty shit a modeling though tbh, moonman user was good though.

Art's end product has actually advanced in some cases. Even some of our drawn porn blows the fuck, technically speaking, out of some of the 'classic masters'. The problem is it's totally disposable now. Nobody gives a fuck. You can spend 10,000 hours honing your skill to a peak human condition with all the greatest tools and advancements, both physical and conceptual, and you'll get, at best, a Daily Deviation on DeviantArt. Most of the time what you get is somebody quirking the 'well done' eyebrow as they scroll past your 100 hours of work on a single piece intended to be the culmination of your entire body of practice and knowledge. Art has become completely disposable.

t. artfag

shit b8 m8

Ass shattered goon detected.
Sorry your "art" is so inferior Afu-fu-fu-fu

Insults are not arguments. If you present your arguments about why anime is better than any other art form I will be happy to discuss said arguments with you.

He probably won't, but I've got a few minutes before I go to lift. So for the sake of discussion, I'll answer a question with a question:

Any art, or any current art?

it's minimalist, but the amount of work it would take to make anime that isn't 15fps and minimalist would be extremely difficult
That's where 3D rendering comes into play, you can make extremely detailed environments that don't have to have every frame drawn by humans with it, at the moment video games and CGI films might be the highest form of art.
As sad as it seems, pretty much all the 2D artists of today are making porn.


i thought it was a real lamp looking at the thumbnail of the op. You could sell this on ebay or amazon, people will buy it without noticing kek.
3d modeling is a form of art but the price of 3dprinter is way too high at the moment

I would compare 3D modeling with sculpting without resource limits. It is just a digitalized version of it's meatweb counterpart. It is like comparing a tablet drawing with a paper drawing.

I would also argue that 2D art is a completely separate medium to 3D sculpting and comparing both is kind of silly.

Okay I wanna call bullshit on that but it's basically the only bastion of animation left with any sense of realistic dimensions, which is hilarious and sad given the shit I've seen come out of anime. But compared to today's "Modern" art? I'd gladly place nippon work over shitting on a canvas after shoving paint up my anus.

You can render 2D paintings by using 3D sculpting.

You can't render it and have everything be automated and look good.

au contraire

better link

Making that probably takes as much effort as actually making the picture.

From a draw thread over at /a/

No actually they are. They are not sound arguments (as in necessary and sufficient) in the classic sense but in an informal sense they very much are an argument. Argument Ad Goonium is definitely a sufficient reason to discount much of what the reported goon is saying, unless they can provide evidence of a misapplied label.

For example.

If someone said, you ought not to trust this person's posting (even implicitly) and you could say, why user. Why should we not trust this person's posting? That original person could say "That person is a goon" and you knowing that goons are pieces of shit whose sole lot in life is attempt to shit in their own mouths faster then then they can expell it out of the other end are thereby convinced. You can see, how this follows the claim, counterclaim, reason and evidence parts that most people agree make up the jist of arguments (Arguments themselves are amazing because of their varied and common nature, no one has to be taught what an argument is because we all have them and anyone claiming that there is no argument except in the most formal sense is almost certainly ignoring implicit parts of the argument and being an asinine twat).


Dahm you!
Dahm you all!
What do you know of art?
The best art is the first art of the First Men!
When Viking men sailed to glory.
When before them,
the Barbarians of old slew the Roman invader!
And slaughtered the weak men of western Europe
who gave up their true Gods!
It was because their God was not the true god that they fell.
And it is why Europe the land of the Godless shall fall.

Look at the Jewels of better age.
The oath bands,
The sheildbiters,
The pendants,
The goblets,

We had so many jewels, so much wealth,
lost only when Rollo
took the Christian bath.
Norman blood.
Traitors blood!

Not sure why this post didn't get dubs.

A generation without loyalty deserves nothing!







SAVE Holla Forums!

A generation without loyalty deserves nothing!!!

Holla Forums was there for you in the darkness!







SAVE Holla Forums!

user, I…

Elementary art teacher reporting in. Some of my students are amazingly talented, respectful, look to traditional Romanticism for inspiration for their assignments, willing to spend time practicing, ect. However, 98% of them are horrendously lazy, spoiled, and can't get out of their own echo-chamber of their parents telling them everything they make is "so good!"

I'll give them simple instructions like "okay, draw your horizon line about a 1/3rd of the way on your paper"


I don't know how to help them get over themselves and push them in the right direction of learning precision and accuracy through hard work and dedication to a specific craft. I'm relatively young and soft spoken, so I'm having a bit of a hard time. any artfags lurking that could give me some advice?

The Greatest Story Never Told episode on the kike homosexuality propagandizing theater and art was great, it's virtually indistinguishable to the modern art festivals filled with drag queens and degenerates that belong in the oven.

Yeah, I'd say most of Holla Forums has been on board with that for a while now, user.

You have to entertain the tards while the smart kids get going on their own projects, when you have the tards all working on something, then you can spend 1on1 time with your smart kids. it's just group management stuff.

Also about "if context is stripped"
Smugs have zero text and they're stripped of context, but they convey the exactly desired meaning. So by definition not only are smugs art, they're high art.

I'm a self-learning "artist" and I've spent around 6 months trying to search composition, in the end the best stuff I learned where from Loomis and honestly mostly just looking at some old paintings. I don't think it is bad to focus on a story, but a sculpture itself is a collection of shoes sticked to the ground, in front of a river made a masterpiece? Yeah that's just ridiculous.

it may be worthy to examine the effect capitalism has had on art.

video games, for instance, have depreciated in quality over the years.

marketing campaigns can serve to depreciate the quality of products by convincing the consumer (huge swaths of people) that this or that is high quality when it is lower quality than previous products.

younger generations of consumers are lauding this or that game as having an excellent design (so strategic) or aesthetic (lol shiny things) when it is inferior. it is what they are given.

i'm just brainstorming here, but awareness of this as being a possibility is enough to improve conditions if necessary.


I'd highly recommend the documentary "Why Beauty Matters" by Roger Scruton to anyone with some time to kill that wants to learn more about how art has gotten to its current state.

Yep, the kikes can not create anything of beauty or value, they only posses a culture of critique. All they can do is belittle and criticize the things we hold dear like beauty and our moral/family values.

preservation of older materials is perhaps what's necessary to ensure quality does not depreciate.

capitalism is good, but it does need to be observed for potential unhealthy influence on the people.

who needs skill when you have technology, health when you have treatments, beauty when nothing is ugly, sex and love when you have porn and popmusic, a life partner when you have sex partners, direction when you have progress?
truth, strength and beauty may be the antidote to the poison we've been drinking all our lives, but it doesn't mean for most it won't be pearls to swine.

Many of history's greatest artists were either unknown or disliked during their own time. The reason why those artists have come to prominence now is on their virtue, not by how they were received by the audiences of their own time.

Cream rises to the top and is remembered, crap goes down the drain and becomes forgotten.

This piece has a the common effect of "I have never felt this way with music before".

(Wordless version, by the way)
They will listen to this 1000 years later.
They will not listen to shit that has been produced by faggots.

Funny :^)

Muh modern art and jews.

Off to the gas chamber with you.

wuts this


Classic art is alive and well and I see plenty of Jewish surnames.

Try not to cognitive dissonance too hard.




It's certainly become more common, and accepted–galleries that essentially rely on glossary-like pamphlets to explain the "work". Ironically, though, I think even legitimately good works of art rely on context now. That is, the context of the gallery. If you put an amazing painting of the Norwegian seaside in your sitting room, it would go unappreciated because the people of today are forgetful and vapid. The gallery setting provides at least some kind of stimulation and encourages people to come. Thanks partly to kitsch, fine-looking art has become too commonplace; the retarded art we get now is a response to kitsch and a lashing out in an attempt to get attention, by looking different. Modern art requires context to be understood, but requires no context to get attention the same way a minor but fine painting in a sitting room does.


Are you done?

Modern art didn't kill art it just played with it's corpse.


i'll try to make sense of art, even though we can intuit what it is.
art is a piece with expression as the intent.
there is good expression or art, just as there is bad expression or art.

"modern art" is mostly if not entirely shit as it, i'm assuming, diverges from good expression. it's experimental.
consider that this shitty experimental art can completely flood the art scene with shit. just fucking shit everywhere.

modern art proper is memetic.
interesting to note that memes can be subversive and shitposty.

preserve the good stuff. make sure it's not memoryholed.

I think the most fundamental problem with modern art is:
People thinking that just because all art is expression that the reverse is true, as well.
That all expression is art.

But that is not the case.

In the case of kikes, though, the vast majority of them just want to take the piss out of western values, make it clownish.


if you're concerned about art going to shit, then be concerned about your culture going to shit.
a shit culture will express itself shittily.

there's no idealism now.
no order or reason now. no goodness.

only experimentation now. just shitposts fucking everywhere for reasons.

Then make your own ideals, faggot. Be the Ubermensch, you stupid nigger.

i am

Good for you user, fight the good fight.

not a drawfag if that's what you're assuming.
don't like corruption of truth.
it's something else.

If you're doing what's right and carving your own path, then good for you.



I believe it's already a meme at this point.

I don't understand what you want.

That Picasso one is bullshit. Look at his early work, he's an accomplished artist who deliberately chose to invent cubism. There's also a great video of him drawing a perfect circle by hand. Unlike most of the hacks in abstract art, he actually had talent.

If only

If a master carpenter builds a table with all its legs a different length it's still a shitty table.

This thread needs Miles Mathis SO badly. Miles W Mathis. Look him the fuck up and start reading his website.
OP's account of what went wrong with art has a giant, jew-shaped hole in it. Modernism was a deliberately created golem, and beauty and realism in western art were very much destroyed on purpose. The art market was manipulated and distorted like every other kind of market. They transformed the art world into a wildly profitable shell game and money laundering scheme, while simultaneously making it serve as yet another judeo-bolshevik psyop to undermine our values and our civilization. controlling the press and the academy / university art departments, they could have pushed art in any direction they wanted - should anyone be surprised that they pushed it towards ugliness and meaninglessness, and more recently toward self-indulgence and self-referential identity politics and grievance mongering?

Anime is the implicit last stand of white identity.

been a serious artist for about a year now

always doodled and shit before but it was always garbage

about a year or two ago though decided to try it because intense hate and depression mixed with living in middle of nowhere and being insane. realized art is the only thing i have any skill in so i might as well, and taking art classes has made me a little more confident in my abilities (most of the art students around me produce complete and utter garbage, the ones that make technically sound work dont really have much creativity, but there are a few with lots of genuine skill and thinking, kinda a microcosm of deviantart tbh)

not really a professional artist so i cant say shit about the business and industry, the people ive been with in classes though are literally like fucking Holla Forums cartoons of liberals though they are fucking unreal, if any anons want some comedy or entertainment/cringe take an art class in CA thats all I will fucking say
however the professors are not as bad as some would have you believe but its really a mixed bag. there are some professors who actually will teach you the basics of drawing like proportion and lines and yknow, shit that defines good-looking art, before they move into more advanced areas. but some professors are utter garbage and you will be paying for what is essentially a more serious fingerpainting class. whats really bizarre too, the lower level art classes at community colleges seem of higher quality than the universities and academies ive been to , not sure how that is

looking for technical skill, go to community college.

looking for experimental, go to art school. well sort of, now a days its all about the money laundering "fine art" scam where you shit out as much work as cheaply as possible (especially shitty performance art) and pay big bucks to promoters and managers to get your name out there so the money launderer's art assesors can get the ridiculous valuations needed to avoid taxes.

Watch some old school animations. You need to learn a lot about the real world, anatomy, mechanics, light, textures etc to become a decent artist.

Why was this anchored?

Not necessarily true,

Did this autist seriously samefag an entire thread or is Holla Forums just fucked up for me

Best Post ITT