Unironically, I think that he is by far the best on-screen Batman...

Unironically, I think that he is by far the best on-screen Batman. He is the only one that didn't ham the shit out of the roll. Bravo, Ben.

Like coming in first at the special olympics tbh.

Ben Muslim lover is that you???

Sorry, you lose.

he's almost on par with Kilmer as a Bruce Wayne. His Batman is matched with Keaton, and as someone who grew up on Batman 89, that's a hard thing to say. My only gripe is that he's Frank Miller's edgy grimdark Batman, and not the Paul Dini Batman we all wanted.


He's channeling George Clooney in Avengers League

I unironically like the new Ben in his new movies. The man transformed.


Frank Miller's batman is fine. You're faggot ass calling it "edgy grimdark" doesn't devalue it. Fuck off with your consensus cracking jewry. Not everyone needs to think like you
kill yourfucking self

He was alright in BvS but he was written to be Tony Stark in JUSTice League so that took some points off. Not that bad overall.

Keaton is still the best.

They should have let Burton make the third film so he could bring Keaton back. I don't know what the fuck WB was thinking.

Ironically I think the same.

Batman Returns wasn't kid friendly enough for them.

He was pretty good, though it's obvious that he's been burned out by Snyder. He won't do it anymore after the last 2 shitshows

Plus it didn't do as well at the box office as the first movie did.

This scene sealed Dubsman as best Bruce, for me.

i liked b vs s but justice league is a huge pile of shit


Very underrated and true

It's kiddie shit go fuck yourself back to reddit

This guy is right. Take kiddie capeshit and Harry Potter back to reddit.

dubsman is best man
check em

BATeMAN is always best.

I really liked it as well.

Kilmer had weird lips.