I'm from the Russian 2ch and I found this, can someone tell me what's going on?
I'm from the Russian 2ch and I found this, can someone tell me what's going on?
Nothing special.
Women showing their true nature when they forget that anyone is watching.
Looks like some fat chick getting fisted
The noble Canadian native in their natural culture.
She stole the food of the others girls plate.
Do you have anymore webms of fat feminist bitches getting raped?
What's the story?
fucking wew, thanks for the laffs user
lol that's why I'm here, I thought you guys were experts on feminist bitches getting raped.
Probably some native from here (Canada). Haven't heard anything about it though, but I barely watch the news here anymore.
Finally found it.
She died.
Apparently it was indians fighting over drugs.
well, threads over
guess you can let this go to page 25 now
I actually still don't know wtf happened, why did they kill her?
This is all I can gather, it seems none of the details have been released.
They were blanketniggers and drugs were involved. There was a party going on nearby, too, so they were all probably drunk.
I'm guessing the fat chick stole something.
Fuck. Well, thanks for the info.
Feminist kicks towering 6'5 behemoth in the balls.
Justice is swift.
oh shit man you dont fuck with giants
Most non whites have no honor, they are vicious animals without self restraint.
The one doing the beating sounds high off hard drugs.
Are any of them white?
Oh shit nigga.
The one on the looks like a monkey in a human suit. More macaque than gorilla.
Fat shaming?
Since you're a russian snownigger, could you please provide me with the shoveldog video ? I used to have it on my VK account, but some russian lolis reported it and had it removed, and now it's impossible to find it.
Background: retarded slavic russian snowniggers kills a dog with a shovel, I think they were cleaning the streets for the Sochi Olympics or something.
No shovel dog is way older than that.
Way to out yourself as a newfag
Manitoba has one of the highest first Nations populations compared to the total population. It's only exceeded by the territories where most people aren't stupid enough to live there and keep living there. What this means is that Manitoba is Canada's Florida. Ts the place with the most welfare queens that's still within an infrastructure capable of supporting police, recording devices, and internet connections. Y'know, civilization. So a video like this getting out there is to a failure of humanity or anything, it was just a matter of time before all of the elements of Manitoba converged to capture the wondrous magic of first nation cultures.
vid or it didn't happen
Bla bla bla you're a newfag bla bla bla
still nobody has the fucking video, I bet you sorry asses only saw the gif.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
I fucking hate white knight beta boys trying to save worthless pussy
I've been here since 2014, so technically speaking I'm qualified to post here now.
Hang them.
Why did the cunt survive then? No quarter, NO MERCY!
SnowNiggers. Snowniggers.
Wtf is 2ch? The only 2chan I've ever found was a chink image board written in moonrunes.
Post more lads.
Your actions clearly demonstrate that this is not the case haha.
Lurk another 2 years because clearly it hasn't taken
The victim is 19-year-old Serena McKay. Her body was found on April 23, 2017.
The suspects, two girls aged 16 and 17, have been arrested and charged with second-degree murder. They are Lynnae Cook (filming) and Chrissy Jacobs (beating). Lynnae has a young son.
The suspects, as well as the victim, attended Sagkeeng Anicinabe High School.
The victim had last been seen by a friend of the family on April 22, 2017. She was reported missing on April 23, 2017.
As officers searched for her, a call came in at about 8 p.m. reporting that her body was found near a home in the area.
According to at least one source, the entire incident was the result of rumors.
user, there are more Russian image boards than there are brands of vodka.
This is disgusting. Think of her family.
God I hate this world.
lol why do the people around them get all loud and panicky? I've been around lots of confrontational situations like that and - maybe I'm just an autist - but I'm calm as fuck. It's not like anyone there was brandishing a gun or anything.
Here is an article on this whaling, happened in Canada.
Let's discuss it on
stop posting porn
What the fuck
You have no idea how bad things are here.
Only retards get so loud and panic.
Whoever posted this comment, you are a glorious bastard.
Fuck off.
this is the best time line
Jeez, you guys are still replying to my post ?
OK I got the message already, I'm a newfag and I have to lurk for 1488*10^6 years before I post here.
stop posting, mandatory lurking is to stop the spread of cancer
Pretty sad when women are the first leaves to step up and start removing beaners. Manitoba is where the beaners are crossing the US border, and we dont guard it at all, so they just walk across. We also dont deport etc.. so Manitoba has effectively turned into our California, or Texas.
Which explains why those (obviously drunk) women were stomping her head. Seriously though, leaf women taking a stance because the men are so fucking pacified. Shocking.
You heard her, save the video.
No shit. You could hear her head mush into a bloody pulp in OP's webm.
Looks like fun times
Just sounds like a head being punched. Im not blasting it or anything though.
did she died?
impossible. they are noble, proud, innocent creatures.
Were they stabbing her or punching her?
What relevance does this have to Holla Forums? I'll change my downvote to an upvote if there's a good reason.
Here's what I get from that; there was a detonator on the back of the bus that fell when they started driving so rus bro runs up and slaps the fucker on the ass end to make it go boom.
Source please
I'm a bit interested
I laugh at this picture every time without fail, and then I always feel bad about it. RIP that guy. Even though he got brutally murdered, at least when his face got reconfigured into Mr Potato-Head parts it made some autists on the internet giggle.
Now I want to find/make some sort of "sand nigger men really know how to treat women" or "shit skin men putting women in their place" compilation to send to feminists. But wtf is this video? 7 minutes when the first 3 they were just jibbering.
The messed up part is that he was never criminally charged, and within a couple years he was let out of the mental institution with very limited accountability. He should have been executed, I assure you he will never contribute anything of value to society, especially not since he removed a (I assume) productive white man.
wow this child. Kill yourself.
Wrong. The stick has a concussion grenade on it. Standard russian tactic.
Pfft. I cant tell if these new faggots are from that university class or the paid shills are trying to go with the new tactic of just acting as retarded as possible. Every fucking thread in the catalog has retards like this.
because it was a woman getting knocked the fuck back. socially and psychologically we are conditioned to freak out if anything happens to a woman whether she deserved it or not. (in this case it looks like she definitely deserved it) nobody really reacted much when she hit the man. she could have stabbed him and the crowds reaction still would have been way less intense then it was when he just shoved her back.
It's just fucking aboriginal murder. Not Mexicans or some shit. Aboriginals being the cancer that they are.
Once you have somebody down it doesn't take too many hits to kill them.
there is more to this.
i wish investigative journalism was a thing
Did he died?
Story behind this pic? Already know it's from Canuckistan but I haven't heard anything like this
featherniggers or chugs
Who? Link?
Chug and chief are my go-to for these gasbags.
Pretty horrible way to die– on your back, surrounded, whimpering, defenseless, scared shitless (that likely being literally the case at the end). I wonder how she felt when she re-watched herself in court. Real fucking smart when she yells "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" in front of the camera. Completely eviscerates any chance of her coming out of this with a regular life, despite being so young and in Canada. She will either an hero one day or receive some sort of avenger to give her the same death. Hope it's the latter.
Chugs not being able to handle liquor. My father is the same.
Taking the bait
Should have beat that Cunt into the Kitchen.
aboriginal? where did you read that?
are the killer girls niggers? beaners? canadians? aborigines?
Daily reminder that north-winnipeg is a horror show and I'm surprised that more of the happenings there don't end up on live leak.
Just feather niggers being themselves. No news here.
83% of canada doesnt have a permanent police presence.
Nope, its an entry stick. It has a explosive charge on the end, this is how entry is made in those circumstances.
So that means the 83% area are anarchistic?
its above the image
Guys. What the did I just find?
What the fuck was that kick? Was he pretending that he was Naruto or something?
I thought they pumped fentanyl gas into the place first?
a bot that copies threads/pages from the chans for farming views (cheating) for revenue
I bet ya that you'll only find antifa "anarchists" in parts of Canada with permanent police presence.
Absolute drug users, that's what they are it's what drugs make them become. The slow, uncoordinated movements. The murdered is sitting there taking it, unable to move.
Add that to the list of examples to refute the:
Shovel your own neck.
Fucking cunts.
shes a teenager, she'll be out in a few years back to drinking lysol and huffing gas on the rez with her victims cuzins>>9827333
It was inevitable that the Cartels would find their way to the reservations, or first nations, or whatever canacucks call them.
No, because police will go there if they have to, or if it is a white person who is committing a crime.
People are still replying to my post, several days after I posted it originally. Now I understand why people post bait threads and shitposts.
They could filter my posts, but noooo ! they have to reply.
Privet tovarisch
br have >>>/55ch/
krauts have >>>/kc/
what do russians have?
the BO for >>>/7get/ has a fetish for ruski 2ch but the board's kinda dead
Top kek, if only all feminist bitches were like this, their shitshow would be over very soon.
Most feminists don't believe what they're saying and only use feminism as a giant shittest so Chads have all the dominance above them and cucks wither and die (which mind you doesn't sound bad at first but is NOT desirable for a variety of reasons), only the most truly insane and/or ugly ones genuinely believe its ideology.
it's a shame that Russia has banned every nazi symbol or image,
I can't even imagine a being in a place like that.
You can hear the tone change after a few punches in at the end, sounds like the skull gets crushed
Why did they crushed her head for?
Did not know 2ch had a Kuril Islands board.
Punch yourself to death, chief.
This. Please elaborate.
what in the fuck is going on in this thread?!
The system fucked up (maintenance was also executed on this) and now everyone shows as the same ID. Go ahead, try and see some old threads you know whose posters weren't the same ID and see for yourself.
And nothing of value was lost?
Something fucky is among us.
This started after the downtime. Its either a database glitch, they implemented a way to group badgoy posts as one uid for reasons? or that user was right and they did install a mecha shill bot AI matrix feeding off leaky forums as a learning script and this uid shit is part of it being implemented.
I think the third is the most likely because.. fuck 70% of the replies since the downtime have been 4/pol/ circa 2011 tier
those are some rough homo's
Oh the humanity!
It's some kind of system error, I was the one who posted something that pissed some huskies a while back (shoveldog) and I just noticed I have the same ID as the bydlos.
What exactly am I supposed to be looking for in this video? Hearing dune coon banter isnt very interesting to me.
lol you faggot are so new your ears are still wet.
cucks/shills confirmed - you are new - gtfo
fucking kek