The Rise of the Police State and the Absence of Mass Opposition One of the most significant political developments in recent US history has been the virtually unchallenged rise of the police state. Despite the vast expansion of the police powers of the Executive Branch of government, the extraordinary growth of an entire panoply of repressive agencies, with hundreds of thousands of personnel, and enormous public and secret budgets and the vast scope of police state surveillance, including the acknowledged monitoring of over 40 million US citizens and residents, no mass pro-democracy movement has emerged to confront the powers and prerogatives or even protest the investigations of the police state.
In the early fifties, when the McCarthyite purges were accompanied by restrictions on free speech, compulsory loyalty oaths and congressional witch hunt investigations of public officials, cultural figures , intellectuals, academics and trade unionists, such police state measures provoked widespread public debate and protests and even institutional resistance. By the end of the 1950s mass demonstrations were held at the sites of the public hearings of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in San Francisco (1960) and elsewhere and major civil rights movements arose to challenge the racially segregated South, the compliant Federal government and the terrorist racist death squads of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The Free Speech Movement in Berkeley (1964) ignited nationwide mass demonstrations against the authoritarian-style university governance.
The police state incubated during the first years of the Cold War was challenged by mass movements pledged to retain or regain democratic freedoms and civil rights.
Key to understanding the rise of mass movements for democratic freedoms was their fusion with broader social and cultural movements: democratic freedoms were linked to the struggle for racial equality; free speech was necessary in order to organize a mass movement against the imperial US Indo-Chinese wars and widespread racial segregation; the shutting down of Congressional witch hunts and purges opened up the cultural sphere to new and critical voices and revitalized the trade unions and professional associations. All were seen as critical to protecting hard-won workers rights and social advances.
In the face of mass opposition, many of the overt police state tactics of the 1950s went underground and were replaced by covert operations; selective state violence against individuals replaced mass purges. The popular pro-democracy movements strengthened civil society and public hearings exposed and weakened the police state apparatus, but it did not go away. However, from the early 1980s to the present, especially over the past 20 years, the police state has expanded dramatically, penetrating all aspects of civil society while arousing no sustained or even sporadic mass opposition.
Multiculturalism is unnatural & unhealthy for society. Thus, all multicultural/multiracial countries must become police states in order to clamp down on the tension multiculturalism creates. The minute that police state ebbs you get Yugoslavia.
The most natural state of mankind is the nation state. Period.
William Nelson
Yugoslavia here we come.
Angel James
I've been watching this beautiful nation fall into a police state for most of my lifetime. I can think of no good reason every cop and security guard isn't wearing a body cam. They are cheaper than a gun, require less training to use properly and provide greater safety to all.
Luke Nguyen
B-but user, there was mass outcry to the police state! It all came from Black lives matter :^)
Carson Lopez
the last 5 US Presidents have had an agenda, it didn't matter right or left, republican or democrat, conservative or liberal. The NWO Police state has been the agenda. It's easy to see looking back on it now.
Landon Phillips
Multiculturalism is no different than taking one's fecal bacteria and smearing it in one's mouth. Now imagine a tube from one's ass a jewtube - weapons of mass memetics that we all understand consistently redirecting fecal matter into one's mouth.
Bentley Robinson
A lot of cops are wearing body cams and guess what they show that the police are usually doing the right thing. I'm not some bootlicker but I can't imagine being a cop and having to deal with nothing but bullshit all day and then still being friendly. That being said if we didn't have all these niggers and spics committing crimes we wouldn't need all these cops.
Blake Cruz
Niggers, beaners, and muslims need a police state. They need to be controlled, shot, and incarcerated. This is what happens when you invite cancer into your country and your cities. And why are you living in a shithole city if you're white anyway? Let the police slaughter these useless brown fucks.
Juan Roberts
jews. jew lawyers will leap on the tiniest indiscretion to win a compensation case these fucking jews are literally extorting police departments, and any organization really, for billions every year it's a part of the reason for diversity hires, it makes a company less liable for claims of discrimination but it's ALL down to jews
Michael Jenkins
I agree that the majority of cops are doing their job and aren't corrupt or biased. This leaves a small minority that do commit crimes, accept bribes and act in ways not according to the constitution and laws of this land. My point was that with all the benefits of body cams what logical reason could a police union have for opposing them? Why aren't they in more universal use?
ya, but the fuel bill on the county dime…
Aiden Jackson
Because USA is not autocractic so they can't fix the problems quickly and effectively.
Thomas Brooks
Robert Sanders
I took a Law course about twelve years ago and my instructor gave us some very ominous warnings about the militarization of police. His favorite example was how in such a short time, police went from revolvers to 357 magnums, to semi-automatic pistols. Despite the increased risk for unintentional injury of civilians and such firepower being completely unnecessary for domestic enforcement. He also picked apart federal training videos as we watched them and informed us not to take them very seriously. As they, hilariously enough, showed hapless cops getting killed on routine ticket stops by outlandish James Bond hidden weaponry and MacGuyver improvised weapons. I'm pretty sure there's not a single case of a cop ever being killed by a pen gun that shoots poison darts while writing a ticket, yet its featured in a training video. He went on to explain that these videos are cancer, training police to be afraid of the people they're charged with protecting. In reality, an officer's best survival tool is his confidence and his words when dealing with people.
Fast forward to the Ferguson riots, plagued by black masked provokers that looked suspiciously like antifa today. Giving police an excuse to use the military vehicles they acquired illegally in my opinion, against the people who unwillingly paid for them via taxes and shake down fines. The whole incident provoked in the first place by an officer who was likely buying fully into the fearmongering programs pushed on them. We're watching the men who are supposed to be there to protect us slowly evolve into an occupational military force, treating the US like the army did Iraq. It's happening and they're trying their best to subvert and turn your police against you.
The Ferguson riots are the best example of what will happen when people finally decide its time to protest for real. Guess who's going to be there to give police a reason to attack the crowds? I'll give you a hint. They're paid by Soros.
Jack Cook
I live in the south park area of Charlotte, North Carolina and have lived here for more than twenty five adulthood years. It's a nice area but I can tell you times have certainly changed. I'm white and a retired businessman doing well for myself but I never get or exchange any greetings of any value with police officers nowadays. They may think I was out driving drunk the night before or I have some coke in my suit pocket but they're actually all scared. That is what I sense from everyone, everyone is so god damn afraid. I no longer even think of police officers as being human beings doing a difficult job. I sense the rank and file police are filled with psychopaths.
Strangely I feel better able to protect myself against crime than I do having the police do it for me. The only people I encounter in my day to day life that I am afraid of are the police.
Carter Collins
Because "muh drugs" "muh gangs" "muh guns" "muh terrorists" "muh hackers". Turns out these faggots are the gun toting, drug dealing, gang members parking outside your house with stingrays are the real terrorists.
user, you are on to something.
Nathan Jenkins
Will come when they are disarmed (guns), trained in Jiu-Jitsu, and live in the community that they protect.
Trained swat-like faggots can still hab all da guns and sheeeeeeeit, as long as they are trained to handle weapons like the fucking seals.
Michael Hill
Rome was the original police state.
How can there be opposition when all your citizens are the enforcement. That's the best state system. Everyone is given a role.
Opposition only occurs when you don't have a role in the state.
Henry Turner
I bet you have the same opinion on illegals.
Sebastian Rivera
They militarized to deal with niggers and commies. Now we need them to DO THEIR JOBS!
Robert Torres
The nigger and commie rioters are tools of the state as much as cops are.
Mason Price
Until the 'good police' do what is right and enforce the law when their mayors and chiefs tell them to stand down and let communists beat good folk they are as good as 'moderate muslims'
Zachary Peterson
I've heard that libshits are going bananas trying to get body cams gone. They only prove without a doubt that cops are in the right and nogs are nigs.
Logan Martin
If they realized their mistake then that means police realized how they're a win-win in theory for them. (Provided they're not corrupt cunts who deserve to rot in jail.) From the bodycam footage I've seen, they seem to vindicate officers more than they prove guilt. Lots of things that would be subjective if recorded by the cop's memory (or imagination) are shown clear as day on camera.