How can socialism solve the crime problem?

How can socialism solve the crime problem?

This doesn't apply to venezuela (non socialist country, i'm not retarded), where poverty decreased but crime increased.

Or my little socdem country, where poverty decreased 22% since 2005 (when socdem party was elected) but crime increased 5% and it keeps increasing.

How do you explain this?

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ideally, less social alienation

Abolish Laws.

there are lots of social programs, but they keep robbing more

What country OP?


this tbh

try reading some books fam

Cultural revolution and a strong revolutionary discipline. It's the one thing Mao 'Kill all tigers and swallows' Zedong got right.

Solve? Like make crime never happen anymore?

easy. implement gulags

It won't. Sure we'll probably see theft significantly reduced but there's still going to assaults, rapes, and murders. Because socialism ain't a magic utopia.

Only the immortal teachings of Juche hold the solution.

When they implemented helmets, in WW1, injuries increased.
Cause people were not dying as much, instead got injured.

Point it, did crime increase, or did the police start arresting more?

I mean we're still talking about capitalist societies here. There's still an incentive to steal and so if people think they can get away with it, they'll steal. I'm interested in the fact that crime is increasing in Uruguay tho. Are there any other notable factors at play that may be behind this jump in crime?

Also I've shilled this before here, but Big Black Bob has an interesting, short piece on this.

A decrease in poverty by 22% still leaves the other four fifths of that population. It seems like it's pretty reasonable that crime would increase, because now, not only is there actually stuff for people to steal, those fortunate ones that are no longer poor are going to be using that money in ways they weren't before, like buying weed instead of making jenkem.

I would think also that the amount that poverty decreases is less important than how that shift is distributed.

you are the most petit-bourg larper piece of shit basement dweller pseudoradical i have seen in my life.

A lot of crime statistics are entierly based on reports so just because the reported crime precentage went up doesn't nesecarily mean the actual crime precentage went up, besides the increased precentage could also mean a more effective police force or the government cracking down own crimes like piracy or drugs more than before. Statistcs are hard to read and you shouldn't take them for certain.

Well you have to get rid of the niggers and the junkies.
Then we can have socialist utopia.

Crime increases because of low-iq people who live in areas of low trust. For example, you mention "your little socdem country," if you're referring to a Nordic country, especially Sweden, the crimes are committed by demographics which are easy to spot

Read the thread autismo

I'm going to derail the thread for a bit to ask:

Can you really find shit like this in brazilian supermarkets?

I think Duterte's approach of purging drug peddling scum should been seen as model and ethical approach. By removing the suppliers and clientelle of illicit drugs, family violence, property offences and anti-social behaviour will naturally take a dive. Also counter revolutionary and reactionary thought have a strong hold over lumpen degenerates as well as drug peddlers of any level.

go fuck yourself


Weed is legal here you christian fuckboy, and lumpens are not so relaxed like we thought they would be

If you are making a point that there needs to be fundemental social change (ie. Revolutionary Socialism) to address the fundamental inequalities and reactionary social values which cultivate drug use, then sir I agree with you.

You have to admit though, Duterte's promise to fill the Bay of Manila with corpses of druggos so the fish get fat is a progressive and ethical approach to illicit drug enforcement that should be seen as an example of sane and rational government policy.

I think he means that marijuana makes them criminals.

cf. Peter Hitchens

maybe public lynchings?

is that wrong?

Crime increased because people had more things to steal. Some people just prefer stealing phones, selling heroin, or kidnapping people to a honest job.

People's wages in Venezuela decreased drastically from 2013 onwards, so stealing shit became more lucrative.

That's already being done in Venezuela, no idea if it has affected crime.

Lack of fear in God tbh.

Restructure and repurpose the entire justice system. Increase funding for mental health research and care by a couple of orders of magnitude. Convert some prisons into secure mental health facilities aimed at rehabilitation - only the most dangerous offenders should go there. Most minor crimes should be treated with mandatory therapy, the exact nature of which should be decided by a mental health professional - not a judge. Abolish laws against drugs, copyright infringement, and possession (not creation or distribution) of CP. Provide an adequate social safety net to ensure that nobody is forced to turn to crime to survive.

I reckon just those changes would reduce crime by upwards of 98%.