Just fucking kill me…

Other urls found in this thread:


So the """art""" consists of a photo that's painted over?

yeah its supposed to be symbolic. They're copying over someones photo while simultaneously copying over someones history.

Isn't that an Incan/Mayan headdress? Believe me, I'm no Latin Studies major, but if they were going for EGIPSHUN QWANG, they failed horribly.
Don't they always try to portray themselves as Egyptian Kangs N Kwangs?
But if I were a liberal faggot, I'd accuse them of cultural appropriation.
I bet you're a fat fucking sub-Saharan gorilla.

Nevermind the "controversy" is that the "art" was stolen, fuck off and kill yourself for such a shit thread OP.


The fact that niggers almost universally look up to the Obamas, is really all you need to know about them.

This isn't new. The nigger's one art trick is "sampling" other peoples' art in embarrassingly obvious quantities, then writing it off as their own.

It's no wonder hiphop got so big, not only do jews approve of this behavior they are also their to provide the legal defense for the inevitable court cases.
So they:
help write the lyrics
produce and publish the stolen work
represent both artists the originator and the thief
inevitably collect shekels

This nigger tranny literally did nothing productive in 8 years. Why does she get a mural? Oh wait, that's on par with most niggers…

What WUZ they?
The shit look mezoamerican, not KANG.

I feel sorry for the negroes.

They have so little to be proud of.


poly rhythms, peanut butter, the list goes on…

They wuz everything.

They didn't event peanut butter lmao.
99% of what they invented was either remade from something similar or they just patented it.

Funny how the only culture niggers haven't appropiated is agriculture.

No, we wuz have a lot of Spics joining the group. They are unified in the destruction of the white race. Go watch the street preachers


obama is a bottom bitch boi





She looks like nu-Rita Repulsa in full battle regalia.

I really get fed up with this
bullshit. It's an insult to the Ancient Egyptians and a slap in the face to everything about Ancient Egypt that's been learned through archaeology, research, and study.

Kek, it fucking pisses me off.

t. Ancient Egyptian Mythologyfag



If only you knew how bad things really are.

i don't know where else to post this, it made me a bit angry

Don't believe their lies.




lol, that looks so disgusting.














I can't wrap my head around how stupid blacks are, they really take the cake when it comes to stupidity and trying to steal other people's cultures.

Don't forget we wuz also indians.



Oh shit, whitey stole dey art. Now da black man can never paint again. Dats how it works, right?


That pic has nothing to do with sandnigger slave trade. It depicts where slaves came from during the 1525-1800 when slaves were brought to the Americas.


Don't forget the White Man was created by Yakou, which ended up going out of control. White Man rebelled and gave these super genius niggers(that had space flight at the time) such a savage beating with only spears and stones that the White Man beating the intelligence out of their genetic makeup, so their prodigy would be as you see them today. Worthless stupid niggers.

That's Yakub, you white devil honkey.

Niggers on Delta flight

They said: 'We became aware of this incident and a video last week and immediately removed the pilot from duty while we completed a thorough investigation. Local law enforcement was called to respond at the time of the incident.

'The pilot has since been returned to work as our investigation found that his actions deescalated an altercation between passengers on the jetway floor during deplaning.'


Who is paying you?

Hey /fit/ what is "her" bicep routine?

its symbolic of how shit our enemies are

Obongo got a peace prize BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT.

This isn't that surprising.

Ja Rule?


It gets worse. And stupider.



You know? Shit is real for the black man. You know?

I have to admit that like three of those are me. Because I absolutely could not believe how stupid it was the first time I saw it, and then I just now had to go find it to share with you.
My eyes just rolled so hard it changed the speed of the Earth's rotation. Fucking groids.


bad enough that I should be killing people but I can't. its bretty bad bro.

taking the nigger out of africa was the biggest mistake ever made.

The subject is even copying over their true male sex.



those are about to become eunics, check out the hand binding

dey wuz everyone. they literally believe that white people were created by a mad negro scientist named yakub.

Name a people, and the nogs believe dey wuz dem.


I think by this they overcompensate how the kike took away their simple minded sense for beauty by "rap culture"

Whites habe the same problem, while we dont really overcompensate


What what?
The niggers in burgerland (since they had x% white DNA) were developing and by making everybody equal and enabling a ayo ma niggah culture the kikes controlling the US fucked everybody up, the niggers too. If burgers had sent them back to Africa in the 50s they probably would have put that shithole in line.

But instead they killed Gaddafi so ISIS&(((friends))) can flood Europe with niggers now.

The jewish record labels own all the music that niggers sample for their hip hop, so it's typically legal.


I have no idea what that means.

That first pic is DEEPLY upsetting to me.

Only one of them has a noose around his neck.

Probably all his illegitimate chillun wanna know what they's daddy look like.

Spread this anons. They killed Gaddafi to flood Europe with niggers. After a little research they will see the evidence how he holded the niggers back and got paid for it. Huge redpill for intelligent normies.

They are used to seeing their daddy behind a pane of glass.

Ayo Hol up
Back tha fuck up
So U be sayin'…?

Ancient Egyptian imagery depicts Edgy fucking everything up! Blacks, Arabs, Whites. Like they are their own culture and people, certainly not the same stock as 'black' African Americans, saying everyone is the same is fucking weird. Europe isn't even all the one race, come on now.

Sampling is degenerate nigger shit no matter what.

Vaporwave uses sampling extensively, so are you going to call that degenerate nigger shit too?

Yes. Make original music or accept the fact you're a nigger that can't make music without stealing other peoples' work.

Vaporwave is intentionally degenerate. It's post-ironic music.

Its pretty much textbook definition degenerate if instrumental music can be degenerate. Not that I don't enjoy it occasionally.

Sampling is for people who can't make a DX7 do anything other than buzz.

very good user

(((Youtube))) is known to fuck around with figures. You should know this by now. We saw it with Gex's uploads. Look at Bieber back in the day as well. All the things (((they))) will push, will have an agenda or some monetary plan behind it. jewtube is no different.


Then how did Felix Arvid Ulf "Kill all the Jews" Kjellberg get to the number 1 spot

we should make our own Kangz propaganda, where we replace White with jew

We can make it even more ridiculous (if that's possible) and start steering all this black resentment towards a more beneficial target. We could also rewrite the story of the jews fleeing Egypt, and make it about how the jews stealing the

Ark of the Covenant

was when blacks lost their power, after which, whites came and enslaved them. We can blame blacks losing their powers on the jews, then redpill blacks about the jewish role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Tell me this won't appeal to blacks?

There's no need to be upset user.

Too much writing and the writing is too small and in a whitey font
Do you expect nigs to be able to read that

It's to make it look authentic. This is the kind of stuff you will find on their main websites, less to be spread on social media.

I'm no expert on black-targeted memetics. The idea seems good to me. We need to turn "We wuz Kangz" from "da whitey gounna pay" to "Dat Heeby gonna pay"

Ok I can see what you mean but remember the reason that most memes fail is that they don't know how to project their message effectively
WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS barely works unless if it's making fun of said thing

What are some good hashtags / twitter accounts for WE WUZ?

Explain to me why this is a bad thing, why can't with kill two birds with one stone and essentially promote the idea that Egypt is the rightful birth place of american blacks.

Push them in the Hotep direction and let them leave.

egyptians could go to full chimp, and that's not pretty

Day 1

They will never leave their gibs in exchange for their pseudo heritage.

All they'll do is what they are doing now.
Noisily claim to be Egyptian kings and expect free handouts from the white devil in America.

We should create and spread more truths about the TRUE and incontestable black origin of the jews. I'm sure they will be most pleased to know.


Nice non-argument.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no multicultural cuck but those made me laugh sheerly on how belligerent they are about being racist. Not that the word means a damn thing.

Niggermania is full of idiots. Knowing niggers are subhuman doesn't make you redpilled in and of itself. You will get banned for naming the Jew.

Might also be circumcision.
