Fyre Festival General


I didn't see a general for this. It looks like a ton of rich kids got scammed into paying thousands of dollars to fly to some island for a music festival (cultural enrichment). It looks like many of them are getting redpilled up the ass by the locals.

There are reports that the locals are dragging of many of the females to some other site on the island. Most, if not all of them are stranded there and food is running out.

I see this as the ultimate redpill. This is the future that the commies are working for.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll dump images that I've gathered from the other chans.

Top fucking kek



The promoter was Ja Rule and many of the festival goers who paid tens of thousands for the vip treatment ended up with nasty ass sandwiches and all of their things getting stolen.

I havn't felt this much schadenfreude in a long time. Thanks op.


It is indeed very funny. I can only hope the survivors learn some valuable lessons from this: Don't go into the jungle unprepared and don't trust the merchant.



I have a mixed feeling about this. On the one hand they completely fucking deserve it, but on the other, I don't think I'd want to put someone in that situation

One can only hope they learn from this and realize what leftists are trying to do to America and the world.

Honestly what did they expect?

Well hey at least now they dont have to listen to blink 182.

They wont and you know it.
They'll blame Ja Rule, they'll blame Trump, they'll accuse everyone else but themselves and keep on like nothing happened

the reddit sub is now almost entirely 4chan shitposting.


Well its not like thr attendees have their phones anymore

I hope lots of women get raped. Nothing of value will be lost, but their tales of horror will save countless others.

They're pretty fucked. I read a report that a lot of the flights out are canceled too.

It could go full on Hunger Games if it lasts long enough and continues to deteriorate. This could be a view into the future of a progressive planet.

You see, the ovens were the least cruel solution

/r/pussypass gets shoah'd, then this happens.

Just when I'm about to get out reddit pulls me back in.

solid fukken gold

I can't help but picture this scenario if it were /k/ goers who were duped into such a situation.
Sovereign nation within the week.


I have no doubt that the media is going to memory hole this event hard. However, there will be a number of people who come out of this with a whole different outlook on life and on progressive politics. Of course, there will also be those who will just chug the koolaid even harder, but they're already dead.

It would be a sight to see.

Ha ha! This is even better. Everyone who went deserves every bad thing that happens to them. The writing was on the wall, but they still persisted on partying.

The currency would be nugget food.

This shit better blows up into some lord of the flies situation, those who live better get redpilled fast or get fucked by cultural enrichment.


All of y'all with twatters chexk the trending #fyrefestival even other goys are shitting on them for being extra good goys

Mom‏ @truongasm 27m27 minutes ago

As compensation for any ill will caused by #fyrefestival
Official Staff has announced all attendees will get an extra hour in the ballpit.


Where have I heard this before?

Some kid that is trapped there has decided to go full Huong Khe survival trying to find a way to make weapons and find any consumable water and food to make it out of there

we should hijack the hashtag and subreddit with shit like "OH MY GOD THERE ARE GUYS WITH MACHETES" to really give them something to worry about

Current situation: attendees reported phones are dying, majority of retards wants to remain in tents to be rescued, a few alphas are raiding all they can for alcohol and food, dozens missing and the low survival skills of the majority will cause deaths within hours.

This is comedy gold, i'm fucking dying here

it gets better:
FyreFestivalFraud‏ @FyreFraud

The luxury festival tents are left over disaster relief shelters from @USAID Fyre Festival scammed us! relieftents.com/ #fyrefestiva

They all look like such douchebags. They don't seem to comprehend how bad they could get fucked up in that kind of place, and since there is so much chaos, a good chance that nobody would ever know.

It's literally dashcon all over again. Wow.

Where exactly is this festival? How much it costs to get a boat there and rescue these cucks?

The catch is.. we rescue only white people. Throw them a lesson: you are with us, you survive. Your other choice.. multiculturalism.. you get raped and killed by non-whites.

read the OP, Exumas - Bahamas

No one who went there voluntarily should be rescued, but thats just me

What we should do is deliver those external batteries for phones, precharged, so we can get more keks from their posting. Just air-drop them in.
Also a couple of MREs so we can see them fight over them.

I've got a better idea
well you get the idea

So the camp became fairly loose, isn't that a good thing considering the consumerist choke on most music festiv-

Fucking why?
Also, the promoters and the rappers will be fucked for this. 1.5K for a fucking shitty tent and cheese sandwiches.

That might explain why it's so shit.

But what are the leeks for?


A lot of people want to show that they're not broke and like fancy stuff, so they'll dump their cash into retarded shit. Nothing says I'm rich like dumping 250k to listen to a nigger that speaks like vid related


Was this supposed to be a giant beach party or leftists larping as refugees? I'm so confused.

we'll need a charter helicopter, about a hundred kg paper mache and a ton of funs

This is what happens when you try taking part in events led by rappers and celebrities.

It's easy enough to see that everything with this likely devolved quickly due to a lack of security being brought on, probably because these dumb fucks are used to having American police nearby that can be called upon in a worst case scenario. But they went to another country and thought they could set it up like they were doing a little get together in Florida so locals on this island could come by and loot to their heart's content.

All the while, they fucked up everything with the food and didn't consider what they could do in a worst case scenario for it. If it was me, I'd go full on "we're doing breakfast time" while everything with the kitchen is fucked. You can purchase instant scrambled eggs that are in these giant plastic bags that you could for a minute and then are done, so there's a bunch of bullshit you can easily get done quickly with what items you have around for breakfast so that people aren't just starving and panicking.

The dumb fucks doing this screwed up with the security and food so now everyone is going to be scrambling to try and figure out what the fuck to do which will make it get 10x worse.

They probably thought it'd be a bit like Burning Man for the rich kids there. Every year now they bring out huge RVs, setup huge catering lines, have big entertainment come in for private parties and so on. Doing it in the Bahamas maybe seemed to these people it'd be like doing a cheaper version of Burning Man.



Nigger please.


That needs a webm.

He's going to force them all to leekspin for his amusement, it seems.

For the people that do the more elaborate partying at Burning Man it is a similar if not cheaper price range. You can find photos of the stuff they've done and it doesn't even look that fantastic in spite of the fucking huge price tag on it.

Which is why this Fyre event has red flags all over the place for how everyone was cutting corners on the most insane shit.

Like those Silicon Valley guys doing their RVs make sure to have security around to keep their shit from being stolen, in addition to even dragging out water that can be used by everyone the entire time. Which is why this seems comparable, these guys were doing this shit seemingly out in the middle of nowhere in the Bahamas which means needing to bring out a ludicrously large amount of supplies to keep things in decent condition and they obviously did no such thing.

Like this was a tent done at Burning Man one year. They get fancy with their shit at times.

So, how jewish is Billy MacFarland?
This sort of behavior seems jewy but the name makes him either a crypto or just a shitty goy who acts like a jew

Surely nobody could be this retarded, right?

What a huge waste of money. Burning Man is quite degenerate as it is without them burning money.

Yea, it is obvious they thought they could source their labor and supplies from the locals. fucking lul Not to mention the evidence suggesting the dumb nigger and jews running this spent the money before paying for anything. Hell, the failure signing the talent contracts was likely due to the talent's agents knowing better and demanding accommadations they weren't prepared to provide.

Theres a flight shutdown and the supplies have ran out, so, what do you think guys, also apprently like the pepsi botch ad, kendall jemner was also on this.


I imagine these celebs and their collaborators are going to get fucking sued to hell and back.

I'm doubting this part. I am betting that Ja Rule and his celebrity friends like Jenner all arranged this shit on their own. Anyone the least bit savvy would have realized this is just setting them all up for a lawsuit that could cost them money.

Someone incredibly Jewy may have been cheap, but they couldn't have tried endangering the lives of rich people that could hire lawyers.

That is if they can find fuckin Ja Rule and this Billy jew. Belle Hadid and other vapid instagram attentionwhores were promoting it, but the organizers are basicalky Ja Rule and this Billy Mitchell guy. Everyone is expecting Ja Rule to haul ass to bahrain or somethin

This is going to be a huge legal issue for them, but a lot of what makes it fun for us is happening right now.

I'm serious about this. I got the money. I'm in Orlando.

Are they blocked on the island or what?

Noticed on twitter, that the basic tickets 'only' cost about $1.1k for this multi-day event.

So a couple hundred dollars a day isn't near enough to afford the kind of shit they were suggesting they could.

The best you could do right now without even spending money is what


Private flights could risk it, but miami has shutdown any flights and the embassy is having a shitfit as many of the retards cant talk their way into identifying themselves basically ja rule managed to scam literal oxygen thieves who cant defend themselves at all

Could probably make a LOT of money ferrying cucks off of that island.

What a good morning.

Holy shit it's nigger Kamp Krusty.

What money, locals robbed them off passports, wallets and clothes. Hence the identification mess at the cucknadian and burger embassies

This is great

It's almost like they didn't realize that whatever sort of niggers live in the Bahamas aren't going to be able to put on a complex production

I think he meant that it would be cheaper to put on the festive. The ticket prices are just part of the scam


I'm totally shocked.

How much would a boat cost to go there? Need passport? Can I take guns?

Bit of both.

Like with the egg thing I mentioned earlier, there's tons of little things that can be done that are super fucking cheap yet can at least bring some semblance of civilization back to the these millennials that are stuck in this refugee camp.

Might as well take everything you want over there and ask ass in exchange of safe evavuation off the island


It's like 300 miles from Ft Lauderdale, as the crow flies
I'm assuming the other two are yes and no

it's worse!

some people are spending nearly 10k to watch Ja Rule….. why? Ja Rule isn't worth that much, he hasn't been popular in a decade!

What do you get for 10k? because it can't be to listen to some black faggot.

Bump, I needed a good laugh.


i better see blood, i want some fuckin' lord of the flies/battle royal shit to happen.

inb4 this is the premise for some reality tv show

Obviously they were expecting it to be vacation quality as well.
If you really liked Ja Rule and thought you were getting a luxury Bahamas vacation - like 5-star accommodations like Sandals with fancy singing niggers, it's conceivable that some retarded rich faggots would do this.


a fool and their money huh?

Hey y'know they probably are in fact good,solid tents! They'll be fine!



Is this the guy organizing it?

Women in charge of getting shit done.

I-is that… real?
Oh my fucking god. This looks worse than previously thought imaginable. I have not stopped laughing the entire time I've been reading this.
But this? This is… I have no idea and I can't stop giggling.
Please accept this humble reaction image. I don't have one that accurately describes my emotions right now.

Sounds about right.

The $1k price tag for the majority of these people probably made this sound like some decent deal. Which is probably why they were planning on charging for drinks, snacks, and whatever else as shown in the party planning bullshit that was found. These aren't all people spending $5k-$250k a ticket otherwise they'd probably have personal security on hand.

This is incredible. Say it with me libs and women.


i bet this wasn't supposed to get into the hands of the people who paid though the nose for this.

welcome… to the fyredome.

What the fuck?

Checked out. Too fucking expensive. Fuck that.

They deserve to be raped and murdered.

trending on twitter:


drop some redpills


Fucking kek

Might as well enjoy the shitshow from the sidelines mate

does anyone have a better OP image?

this is fucking beautiful, i love this.

Is it true there is still flights heading to Fyre?


Funniest shit I've seen in ages.

Catered food, open bar and a villa. Har! Dumb fuck paid $2700 for a cheese sandwich and a second hand tent. And he probably won't get to see his hero nigger minstrels shuck and jive either.

Ah I see now, it was $450 at the low end PER DAY.

Ahahahahaha, these rich fucking chads deserve to get cucked by the natives. Seriously, fuck these people.


Nah m8 read the thread. Miami has cancelled all flights and the Amuerican embassy are only letting go the few who still have their passports, locals have em trapped like.lambs to the slaughter, cultural enrichment or battle royale to happen any second now

The out-of-order numbering implies to me that these are notes from a meeting, like people throwing out ideas and a facilitator writing them down in the order they come out, then this person arranging them in their proper priority. I think it says a lot that they hadn't even been to the site up to two weeks before an event like this. It's like the whole thing was staffed by people who are used to others covering for their laziness. Nothing got done. The picture of literal palettes of building material sitting there still shrink-wrapped says it all really. Everyone just assumed someone else was going to do it, and in the end nobody did it.

There's a pack of dogs/wolves staring at them now. Holy shit I'm gonna follow all day and eat cheese sanwiches.

Lol third pic.

Now suddenly when there is no state controlled group that is on your side protecting you rights for militas and weapons for the common peasant seems really nice.


The locals are probably waiting for the last cell phone to die or be stolen so they can send in the rape squads. kek

i better see blood.

Phones are already dead last attendee tweet was 45minutes ago. No way they would let that much time go just because.

Think the rich chads will be able to protect themselves and their women?

Probably not, I don't think the rich instagram crowd believes in gun right or in self defense.

If it gets bad it'll turn into every man for himself. Libs have no honor and the men see no value in protecting the women, only themselves.

This is possibly the best gift they can give to the libs without outright killing them.

Great timeline

I feel as though the libtards that are rescued from this will use this experience to say they know how refugees feel about being put into camps. No doubt they won't learn anything from this but I feel they will delude themselves into thinking they learned something valuable to get their money's worth.

If I was there I would genuinely be happy, it's an excuse to go hog wild and start killing niggers with a wooden plank. After you take out a couple coons you can form a harem of women to protect and fuck.

We're talking about trust fund kids majorly and ultra pozzed leftards, while I dont doubt this situaion -could- reactivate primal instincts like survival and tribalism, Im on the opinion that except a small warband of chads everyone is gonna huddle up in the tents and await death/salvation

Hopefully none of them will survive long enough for this to happen.

Hilarious. Can't wait to see what these tards have to say if/when they make it back to the States.

smh tbh fam

what even

also how come they had enough money to pay out of their ass for some rapper event but not enough money to get private security?

That's actually a good point that I didn't even think of. Why are all these white chads going to a festival which will obviously be full of coal burners? I don't get it? Shouldn't the rich have standards? I can find better women at my local barnes a noble.

Nah, they're all likely to stay pissed that their vacation got fucked over. They'll be out for blood since every major news organization seems to be reporting on this as a major fuck up.

Ja Rule is going to get his ass sued.

We're all equal maaaaan.

I won't lie, anyone that could afford to spunk 10k (USD) upwards on a weekender 'organised' by rapper negroes kind of deserves everything they get, or didn't get in this case.

Seriously if you've that kind of cash to fling about for a music festival it's pretty clear you never 'earned' that money honestly for yourself to begin with.

Spoilt brats with parent's trust funded lifestyles need to get ripped off for the eternal greed cycle to continue

Because the chads are looking for a ficky, not a wife.

This is the perfect storm of ZOG degeneracy, tbh.

They were sold on the idea this was some fantastic weekend long party on a tropical island, with fine cuisine, open bars, and some music of questionable quality.

Instead they get the FEMA death camp treatment.

you think you know better than FEMA what to do with this months tent shipment?

Isn't it about 8am there?

They're all upper-middle class yuppies who thought they were going on a $12K Caribbean vacation to listen to turn-of-the-millenium bands people haven't heard from in a decade, but instead now they're stranded in a literal FEMA camp in a third-world country without power, running water or electricity.

It's the plot to an exploitation film, really.

I think it is 8am there right now, also, theres a guy still tweeting but he never landed hes stuck in the plane so he cant know current conditions on ground.


Almost 7 a.m.


Help me archive every page of their website

can somebody get hold of Ja Rule so we can make sense of this?


We need to turn this into `incompetent niggers.`


Checked and keked, my friend.

Next a bunch of white people go out there, do the panning themselfes instead letting it to a nigger entertainer, manage to have a way better trip at a fraction the costs.

Its hard to ship stuff for a event like that but not imposible.

Wonder what 7.5k can get you when you book your average vanilla Travel agency vacation.
But hey its their dady money they are spending, nobody would actually pay this much of their own earned money, except they are really loade, but then they wouldnt spend it on something like this because if they are smart eough to make this much cash they know waht to look out for, first thing is a Niggerian prince scame 2.0 form a African niggerin ape music producer.

Guy I know managed to fly from the US to Europe for some event, get a tent and supplies for about a week for about that money.
Of course eerything was very basic, he didnt need to starve, fear being jumed by feral subhumans or sleep in the dirt.
So how can you fuck up so bad if sums over 10k are involved?

Strange is that I didnt even hear about this shit, must have made the word only around libshit money babies circles, bet they did everything to keep intel going out to "right wing autists" who would have pooked holes in the thing way before it happened and mybe turned a few.

Why didnt the just throw a few bucks for an event planer and a few bucks more for an old middsized boat to bring all the suff there, what would that have been 50k tops.

Rinser repeat, make money every year by scaming trust fund babies with litterally 10 min of work you need to do yourselfe by calling up the guys who did it last year.

Yup those wannabe comies are the first to buy fully into capitalism and opium for the masses.


Anyone have a better map than this one? I'm wondering where exactly on the Island they are.


anyone has this where she holds the refugees welcome sign?

That's because the nigger is sleeping off a crack binge.


It was like being in the holocaust.

He apparently did a show last night in the US (Chicago I think?), so he may be off having no idea what the fuck is happening down at his festival.



watch this

Sorry couldn't embed it

kek, I lost my sides

My sides, what a bunch of idiots.

Its anudda dashcon!

no kidding

google.com/maps/place/23°37'58.9"N 75°55'09.6"W

Seems like a lot of it is loaded by scripts and can't be archived

it's like pottery


Yep, I'm gonna start screenshotting. Did archive the medium page, though. This will all be useful in the lawsuit against the nigger.


Wait so they pay up to 7k for one day of a festival? if you arrive on the 28th and has to fuck of (propably very eraly in the morning) on the 30th. the fuck?

Well atleast now we know that those attending are not jews.

Is this nigger pouring beer on vegetables?

HAHAHAHA so now the power went out too?

Beer/ale marinated onions and peppers are surprisingly good on the barbie. But bananas and tomatoes. My fucking sides.

Those are the celebrity chef gourmet meals
The ready mix concrete residue adds to the flavor

Let's remember that there's another weekend coming up in May which will surely be a clusterfuck, if not canceled>▶Anonymous 04/28/17 (Fri) 04:15:06 9475d7 No.9817

They're going to get the mud cookies next.

tag on instagram?

True. Seems like this Billy guy probably sold Ja Rule on the plan saying he take of accommodations while Ja uses his connections to attract performers and sell tickets to an unheard of festival. Ja being thristy for another big payoff and a shot of regaining some celebrity couldn't resist.

The packages were supposed to be all expense paid resort vacations with a concert as a cherry on-top. Considering that Blink-182 were set as the headliners, I could see them appealing to a ton of nostalgia fags who listened to them as teenagers and now have money to blow in their mid to late 20's.

The whole incompetence of his shit show irks me as much as anything. A small group of Holla Forumsaks with no event planning experience could've thrown this thing successfully, especially with the amount of funding it had.

No mate, its an old tweet from an attendant who was laughing about a power outage and how life now has him in a worse situation

We are working to comfortably accommodate guests and deliver a great experience. If you have needs, please head to the "BLUE HOUSE" on the main festival site. Security, first aid, and Fyre Festival staff are here to assist immediately, 24/7.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, and in line with a culture of safety, all inbound charter flights to the Exumas have been canceled. Your ticket and any funds uploaded to your RFID band will be refunded.
Thank you for bearing with us as we work through the growing pains that every first year event experiences. Revised itinerary information will be shared soon for the remainder of this weekend and weekend two.

What was that supposed to entaiL?

Being prioritized by niggers.


This is probably a ritual sacrifice.






If there are no Jews among the guests, I'd say you could be right. Similar to that Korean boat thing. Maybe this is a sacrifice of gentiles.


Honestly, the real stuff is funnier than anything anyone can come up with.

Does anyone have a list of festival goers and their social media profiles?

I want to see if anyone is Jewish.

got a offline website archive, since it archive.is doesn't like it. some things are a bit broken, but good enough.


forgot to mention: its unedited so it still has google-analytics shit in it, use noscript.

How will Trump react?
There are a few hundred US citizens trapped on an island not too far away from his country, they are likely being robbed and raped. Surely he's gotta do something about it, no? At least say something on TV.

It is amazing. Besides, you "pay" for this shit through sponsors. Need 20k gallons of drinking water? Call up Aquafina and offer to plaster their name everywhere for dropping off a truckload of bottles.

Here is what the "Duo" was supposed to be lul.


So according to what I can tell from his twitter, Steven Stubbe is an oil man who reads the WSJ and retweets Rick WIlson. He's the definition of a cuckservative. Hopefully he gets murdered by a nigger first.




Why do these faggots protect their tweets?

Why ? He's the stupidest motherfucker around.





I'm kekking my arse off boys
Hope they all fucking die












This thot managed to get off clean.

Cuckboi looking displeased.

Now I understand what Hitler said about propaganda.


this made my day

Reading through all of this in the threads and the hashtag has made my day.


>"oh no I'm being locked in against my will! best get a picture for my instagram!"
Fucking pathetic.

kek, don't you understand user? They have no choice, look at that scary security guard, there's no way they could overpower him.


Thank god they aren't that dumb.

It's not that at all, the very idea of fighting back just doesn't occur to them.
Just look at this fuckwit sitting in a dumpster, begging his father to send him money. How the fuck is money going to get him out of it?
All these people know is money and social status, they deserve everything they're getting right now.

I'm willing to bet they didn't even ask him why they were being locked in, they just accepted it.
They'd fucking sit there and starve thinking that someone would come along and sort it out.


To summarize it all.


Kek, and what does the "Duo" actually look like?



I wonder if this is the Brett Zimmerman on the registry.




Seeing him dig cantalope rinds out of a dumpster quelled my rage

This has to be a joke.



The same as all the other FEMA tents.

They don't know what else to do

It's fucking beautiful.


Alright. We're talking jungle here, right? They have a jungle right next to them, which probably carries edible fruit, with edible insects running around in.

Eventually we should start seeing murder and cannibalism as the partygoers slowly lose their minds.

What the fuck?!

There is also lunatic natives would would love nothing more than to kidnap a bunch of these people and ransom them off/eat them.

These things just don't occur to them, they don't understand something as simple as that, they only understand money.

Cashless as in these retards paid all of their money to get in.

You know guys, I once talked a swiss investment banker, about rich kids, their parents, this sort of shit.

He told me that in 90% of the cases once the parents die these rich kids end up destitute in about 10 years.


In another 6-10 hours she'll probably be offering to suck any random cock for a bag of stale Cheetos and a bottle of water.

This whole thing was bound to fail from the start.
There is no universe out there were this thing isn't a clusterfuck.

One of these is the Fyre Festival. The other is a refugee camp.

Fyre reminds me of this.

It's so ridiculous.
A quick google search, and you get this
The Bahamian jungle is full of nutrients, all they have to do is get off their asses and go looking for food in the jungle after a quick google search on their internet connected phones.


It's why the richer ones have financial planners who are treated like they're a branch family in old powerful families. Even if you're a screwup, there's other people who owe blood debts to your family who will back you up after your parents are gone.


She'll have probably beaten her fenemy to death and will be sucking the marrow out of her bones by the time the UN peace keepers roll in.

Far to nice and well equipped for Fyre



Just look at this though.
They're not even attempting to stop things from happening, these feckless sods that are used to having their peers think for them, and the MSM thinking for their peers.
Once you cut those off, they wander around lost and confused, they don't have the ability to think for themselves, so they're just sitting there.

These people have no survival instincts whatsoever.
If a bunch of natives decided to get them some white pussy the only thing they would have to worry about is some stuttering hedge fund yuppey throwing a dead iphone at them and crying.


He's a kike from Berlin as well.


"n-n-no d-d-don't rape!…. that's i-i-illegal!…."
That's the best they'd put up in terms of opposition.




They recognise that they're hungry but they're so used to being kept that they don't make the next step to "Let's find ourselves some food", they just wait for someone to bring it to them
Fucking kek, I'll be glad when the death toll starts rising

Actually, there's not as much shit growing as you think. I spent some time in Antigua doing Army training in the 90s. Pretty barren, tbh.
This thread and some of the fond memories it has made me recall has made this a banner fucking morning. I needed this.

Exactly; their mind only knows money.


These people will probably die within the first week of a major societal collapse.

Ja Rule is jewing the jews.

Well he is doublefucked huh.

Who the fuck pays nearly $22k for a concert.


I should change my question, HOW does one of these jobless hippies afford something like this?

Trust-fund babbies with daddy's credit card.

The Daily Fail gives a nice summary.


"A fool and his money are soon parted."

hey Holla Forums

Rich jew retards.

I remember watching a episode of Dooms day preppers and there was this guy who was basically going to rob everyone else, i like the idea of being a raider but not his target choice, i'd go after the rich population, and Fyre Festival is why.

Don't insult hippies by comparing them to these people. At least hippies have an ethos, these are just materialistic hedonists who want to fuck mudsharks and get high while listening to nigger tunes and posting on instagram.

4k hahaha


Hippies tend to be very White too.

my fucking sides will never recover


They're falling for reddit shitposts.





Why does she need locks, those look fine as they are, is she implying that she can't trust the diverse locals?

cuz, that's racist as fuck.

Holla Forums should do charity work, bait in a bunch of hipsters to an indy music festival but cancel it like this and then watch it all fall apart and see who gets awoken


why tho

This truly is the best timeline.


I love a good Happening in the morning.


So how apocalyptic are the lawsuits from these guy's parents going to be? Thousands of retarded rich parents with an army of lawyers, coming to get ja rule. Nigger better be prepared to dumpster dive.

Ja Rule is liable for the event though. The event organisers will probably just declare bankruptcy

Wrong clip >.<

The hipsters are getting cranky.




Well. This Stubbe guy certainly has his ear to the ground with respect to the latest Viral Media. But he's extremely unkind.

might just take the money and disappear to africa.


The more you learn: I never knew "instagram influencers" were a thing, before this fiasco.

Even with all that money and help while living in the modern world. They still fuck it up.






sounds great :^)

Read the thread, they're mainly Jews.

Nothing to see here, goy. Move along.

I think they were expecting party drugs. They wouldn't notice the lack of food and the pickpocketing if they were on drugs.



Tbf these commies are fucking retarded.



Let me get this straight, instagram went from "that photo app with filters" to a full blown social, and it's got their own e-celebs like Pewdipie? And I guess they're after pozzed hobbies like nigger or indie music.

I was thinking something a bit more in line with island culture.

This thread has made my morning.

Ah, you mean that outside of Western countries and tourist enclaves, brown people and life in general isn't all cozy, fuzzy and friendly?
The begging for help from Twitter and the embassy is pretty funny, and a good illustration of the liberal mindset. They are entirely reliant upon authority figures for their safety and welfare.
Whether it be parents footing the bill of travel, police or government.
Self-reliance is an alien concept.

Holy shit man this is the best thing ever. People trolling the fuck out of everyone, niggers assmad, women assmad, libshits assmad, rich kids assmad, everyone fucking REKT.

God I thank 2017 for existing.


BHS370 from Nassau, Bahamas, to Exuma (this is a small plane, it won't fly any festival goers out)
SWQ41 from Miami to Exuma

Check flightradar24.com. Sorry, can't post screenshots.



Indeed I think this might be a little overblown, meaning that these faggots are scared shitless for what is basically shitty reception. Sure they got scammed, but so far there's been no mass violence and rape. unfortunately They sure act like they've just come back from hell though.


I love the smug gap year student who has just arrived back from some tourist area in the far-east, who tries to use the fact that their parents paid for them to travel there as a way to frame every argument.
>when did you last travel to user?


Tbh if this happened 60 years ago, this wouldn't be considered a scam because hippyshits found a way to turn away from civilization at every opportunity. It's the liberal kids who live in air-conditioned safe spaces 24/7 that are the problem.

Hey man, we need to have a laugh once in a while too. King of Dragon Pass, Civ threads and webms. Just to keep us sane in a world that seems fucked beyond recognition.

Do it.

And here we have society at its most basic level. All these rich kids will be hopefully better for it lol

If you don't think this is a HUGE redpill and a potential career finale for many of the celebrities supporting this you're as wrong as it can get. That is, excluding the literally 100s of niggers laughing at White people stranded in an island with nothing to eat or drink.

Sorry but the very reliable site SNOPES.COM debunked that billboard.
not really, they created a strawman (claiming that the poster is claimed to be in Finland) and debunked that, typical snopes tactic

That has to be an elaborate photoshop right? That can't be real…

Those are 733-ks lethal gas grenades disguised as radishes. Once you activate them in water overnight they explode and saturate the air with 6 million ppm of zyklon b.

>[email protected]/* */

Physically impossible.
And yes I realize you were being ironic but fucking up like this just spoils the joke.

This must be fake. Funny, though.

What did Snorlax mean by this?

Did you mean Slowpoke, or is she really that big?

She really is.
Look at the date.

Brevik. Brevik. Wasn't that guy some kinda a hero or something like that?

So lads, why don't we find some photographs of machete attacks in Africa, flip the pictures 180 horizonal so that Tineye and Google images won't find them, and start presenting them as photographs from the island on Reddit?
Posing as stranded leftist students.
I see much potential for red pilling.
Blah blah blha.


In case anyone wants to troll the organizers

They're telling me to call the number of a cafe?

No idea why I find this so funny but God my sides are dying.



It smacks of that Tumblr gathering where someone shat in the ball pool.
Where they paid an extra $80 for an additional 45 minutes in the ball pool, or whatever it iwas.





Kek. This would make them furious.
Does anyone have the image of the woman who explained to her rapist that she was a Malcolm X scholar? I tried searching for it but all that shows up is that white guy who fucked a drunk girl and then did a Tedtalk on rape. What a (((coincidence))).

This is a bad idea because when the REAL rapes happen, leftists will be able to dismiss them "4chan trolling"

Kek I laughed so hard that day.

Shitty newfag, good propaganda doesn't need to be lies. Indeed, it may not lie.

INDEED IT SHOULD NOT LIE! Propaganda is truth as the truth will stand forever but lies always die.


I don't think all their talk of "nazi frogs" has been much to their benefit. They can't just claim something had something to do with some nebulous entity somewhere. People don't elieve it anymore.




WRONG! Propaganda is both truth and lies. Good propaganda is making sure your enemy doesn't know the difference.


Fuck off Reddit.

I don't see a bad thing in your outlined scenario


I had to stop in the Bahamas once due to a hurricane, can confirm that the airport is shit and they do NOT have their shit together. We waited 6 hours for the plane to be ready then the crew expired so they had to fly a new one in from Miami. We ended up leaving another 4 hours later or something like that.

Even some random media outlet is laughing it up.


I should be schadenfreuding hard reading this thread, but you can actually feel their panic and desperation through their messages. I kinda feel bad for them too.

Right-wing altruism and humanitarianism is one of our biggest weak spots.
You think any of those leftists would give a flying fuck if something similar happened to "evil nazi racists"?
They would be hoping for your death.


I am convinced that this thing is a packet snooper. IOT is just a load of shit.

Tell him the nigger is telling you to bix nood. Also they just took your skittles.

Just remember, user, they would never feel bad for you. No matter how badly you were suffering, they would want you to suffer more.
Let yourself go. Dehumanize yourself and face the fucking bloodshed, user.

You realize you can email him too. The more people that take up his time, the longer the trust fund kids have to spend around packs of feral niggers.

[email protected]/* */

Odds are that too, but hipsters are really hung onto the jetson's ideal of having the universal remote control (their iphones).

there are a lot of jews there


Money well spent!

Looks like it's already down.


i dont know for sure whether or not its real but im gonna tell you that is real, and assume so myself

don't act like they'd ACTUALLY check their email at any time after people started arriving there

(((Leo Fairman)))
It's amazing how many actors/ celebrities/ bands etc that I always had an aversion to turn out to be kikes
I had no idea at the time, just a gut feeling that I didn't like them, or that they were shit/ untalented
hype never worked on me, and it is even less effective now that I know that it is always (((hype)))

kek, at least we have some screencaps and the medium page archived

So when does the CIA start arming the moderate rebels?

that has to be a dude, look at that face and legs. he's looks like a crossdressing rugby player


Black men are a feminist issue.

do you want to see more?

I wonder if we can get them to claim they got stuck in cattle trucks.


This. They are drones and mindslaves who fuck up our societies. They must be hit hard by the consequences of their brainless bystander arrogance or they will never learn, and even if they learn they will remain useless consumers following faggy trends.

of that bloke? sure, if you can convince me that it's a woman

sort of jealous of these people tbqh, they're on the front lines of the start of a race war and they're just pissing themselves. This is the kind of stuff I think about when I'm falling asleep


Those are women's shoulders. They'd be much wider if she were a tranny.


Holla Forums would have brought guns and kept the locals away, that is why it would have been a success

corral the filthy libshit masses, play them some bongos and jungle tunes and forcefeed them cheese sandwiches

sounds deliciously delicious

kek this is my favorite thread in probably a month

idk that thing's shoulders are broader than mine

still not convinced those looks like man boobs, and it has a bulge

Hallo, Michel.

bringing attention to liberals getting robbed and raped by the nogs they defend is great propaganda.
If we false flag it, many people who might otherwise have had their worldview pushed in our direction will just dismiss the stories as "trolling" and go back to their "nogs are just like us" programming.

All they had to do was give them their nigger music and a bed. They didn't even need tents. Booze food and it'll all be a big mudshark orgy anyway. Just put some fucking gay ass candle lanterns everywhere and people will praise it for being "minimalist" and "eco-friendly."
Literally, the niggers didn't have to do very much and they couldn't even give them more than cheese sandwiches.

If you do this, you have to fly the Reich flag from the top of the boat and blare Nazi music as you approach the shore.

Imagine the PR for us when liberals have to tell everyone they were rescued by nazis.

This is bad how?

Niggers are laughing at them, white people are sneering about this is what refugees go through they must be all let in. The rape victims will get nothing, no respect.
I doubt they will take the pill, just blame capitalism and virtue signal about how people in need feel.

$7k for concert tickets and round trip air fare from Australia to the States isn't cheap either.



The ironing

how have our numbers grown over time?
by converting normies
a lot of user's were liberal once
or do you prefer that we have LESS people who think as we do?
are you trolling me?
or do you think going SEIGE is the only way we win?

Oh no, those poor girls, they look so sad and tired!

Holla Forums reporting in, I hope this big guy doesn't cause problems.

Wonder what cuckboi is listening to
Also only 7 and a half hours? These faggots obviously don't work

Should have been more subtle towards the end, otherwise, I kekd.

I'm crying in laughter here guys.

These faggots deserve it in my opinion. You have to really think what kind of I'm With Her normalfag dipshits would ever pay that much money to go to something like this. It's the same people who go to things like Coachella. I hope they all got real festival ready for this one.

Have any of you ever seen a rap act live? It's horrible. Literally groups niggers (they are called hypemen) yelling into microphones and jumping up and down to pre-recorded tracks.

Too obvious


This is gold.


Why would anyone want this?


How did he end up naked?

No, can't say that I have tbh. I avoid niggers and nigger music at all costs. Sounds like a fucking pavement ape shitshow

(((Bill McFarland))) welp there's the nostril that snorted all the cash>>9818272

I used to work at a music venue hence the exposure. Look it up on Youtube. I'm not joking it's that bad.

I'm so glad this is happening to these people.


god that fucking logo is terrible, why is all the fancy new age cuckshit embracing terrible minimalistic aesthetics?

Ok. I'll look it up , just this once cause I like you user. My feels feel bad that you had to work around that trash. Hopefully your outlook has picked up since then

Hot damn white sharia is sexy as a mf!

The weak should fear the strong.

They have rfid band with funds loaded onto them. The only cash they had on hand was for drugs.


Dad's money. Student loans.

that's r/transpassing-tier

Is that the antifa slag?

Of course.


You don't even know. Some of them get paid by the tens of thousands of dollars to promote corporate brands in a few social media posts. It's a goldmine for attention whores and wannabe celebrities.

You have to think this is the advertising budgets corporations used to use on TV and radio… it's a big fucking money. And these models got payed thousands of dollars a post to just use the hashtag #fyrefestival

I worked there when I was a lot younger. It was cool to see all the other bands though. Rappers are just the anti-thesis to what live music should be about in the first place and here we have an entire generation who thinks this garbage in normal.


Tell them you are hearing monkey noises outside of the tent.

Spoiler that shit.

My sides

Forget these shills and redpill others with the only TRUTH about this fiasco: that 100% of these trustfund babies were liberals.

then lets do it

Gotta ask, story behind this?
Container full of corpse movie props or what?

so what happens to the gluten / dairy intolerant kids which we know most of them are?

If they really give these idiots their money back, the Fyre Festival deserves getting sued, especially when they could have conned some idiot fucks and walk away with the money.


I'm good with this. What actual bands would be invited to perform? The logistics are not overwhelmingly daunting either. I've read ideas floated above that mentioned hired freighters for 50k and companies donating water and food and shit for muh publicity
It could be done. Fuck yeah 20 million jew bucks could go a long way dudes

Is this the birth of something amazing?


doesnt look like a good way to store human bodies. if they didnt have these autopsy scars id say movie props


Holy shit, guys. You realize this is our generation's Woodstock, right? Sometimes these music festivals capture the vibe of the culture, and even though they're sihitty mud puddles like Woodstock was, it becomes a cultural milestone for them and everyone else aware of it. Well guess what, this is it. No free love here, motherfuckers. This failure will be representative of how fucked those who don't know what's coming will be, and how rich those who who see them as prey will get.


Instant self sustaining utopia

Holy shit, is that from that festival?

Yeah I thought as much, the discoloration didn't match real bodies either. Just asking if they were for any known movie or corpse dummies used in hoaxes or something.



You need to go back to Reddit.

Hahaha. I had more detailed plans for parties in high school

No you.

or maybe some alphabet agency wanted to study the reactions of whites being ushered into fema camps instead of waiting for another katrina. or maybe its just the end result of nigger incompetence and millennial execution. who knows, not me.


well if the alphabet gangs weren't planning on using this to study whites they sure are now


I blame the patriarchy and capitalism.


That, dear user. Is a gunt.

That chick was actually in tears. What a shitshow this is

fat upper pussy area
Or fat upper pussy area-TOE


Kek. Gunt is fucking top mein Dude


This is Natural Selection at its finest. If anyone has the urge to make a sockpuppet account and shout at these human pieces of trash "Why don't you just go into the forrest to eat, dumbfuck!?!" resist that urge. These people need to die from their own stupidity. Those that eventually do decide to go out will be better people for it. I want to laugh at this thread but it's getting too cringy.


I'm sure more Instagram Influence would be more valuable than money in the hellhole he's in now.

"Please don't leave the island! Just wait a little more, we're totally taking you out this day, we promise!"

My fucking sides
pay 12k to get scamed and sent to rape island where there is no food or water
have your shit stolen only to be locked in an airport untill they can send u home
Best timeline

They are trapped on the island. The monkey cops probably are co-oping along with the robbers.


Being so dependent for long time on the people and money make them psychologically fragile and stupid. They don't have the disability and the people with disabilities are better than them. Hahaha, this is funny. No pity for them.

This is it, isn't it.

That's where the final sacrifice plays out. The hapless victims will be driven to madness, and in their desperation attack each other. We'll see cults form before our very eyes, fighting against each other over what little resources there are. And when the resources run out, and they start eating each other, the Old Ones will draw closer.

The Fyre island is a sacrificial pyre. We'll see the forces from beyond the stars rip reality asunder, and walk through. This is where the apocalypse happens. And their prophet, the last man standing, will finally see the world for what it really is, and gouge his own eyes out. His empty eyesockets will be the gateways for the horrors to step forth and rule the Earth with their tentacled fist.

I'm scared, but I can't stop laughing.

Or, this might not be the final play in a Lovecraftian plot, but simply rich kids getting scammed. But I seriously want them to end up as food for the Old Gods. IA! IA! KEK FHTAGN!


Makes sense to keep updates until they have fled to their safe haven.

Bahamas official twitter:


No one help her. Muh me strong woman!

Kek irl
chads BTFO

this can't be real. my sides are orbit

Is Ja Rule REALLY behind this shitshow?


-t. Bahamas

The dub just answered your question, sir.

Fucking retards all of them.

It is, google invested $120 million into it, why would a tech company invest so much into a device that just crushed fruit?

Don't be so mean to these good guys! They are tryingto be anti-racists.

Apparently they were going to livestream the concerts on youtube, but the fuckers deleted the stream so we cannot watch the true event.

It's not even an island, just a part of the island, not some private resort like they were promised.

They're acting as though they're in Lost when really they could have just walked along the road to a hotel. They didn't even think of doing this, it's just their original plan has gone tits up and they don't know what to do now.

But it doesn't actually crush the fruit, it just squishes out pre-crushed fruit that costs 10x more than the actual fruit.

This is getting funnier.

Fuck, if that's true than that hasbeen is gonna get sued into bankruptcy.


They would squish them by the hands but who want to drink the mystery poison?

Kek is with this post.


Thanks Satan


Oh satan you know exactly what we want

it's bigger than my bulge wtf

Lel, literally niggers in a nutshell because their brains are on the same level as a 13 yo white child. They can't into remembering to make payments on time without an adult holding their hand.

Checked and keked

Inside the packets are pre chopped fruit pulp, all it does it crush it to get the juice out oh and it has always online DRM and you need the overpriced crusher to even buy the packets in the first place.
It would be cheaper to just buy the fruit and juice them yourself at least then you wont have an overpriced google spybot in your kitchen.



Rich jokes, that is so richly funny!!

That's where you're wrong, you dumb bitch. People are fainting (oh no!) and I'm nothing less than disappointed that things aren't escalating further so that the rich kid jokes (which are firmly grounded in reality) become even funnier.

Not my problem.
Hopefully the worst has happened

Oh no

Oh no this is so distressing, let me play the worlds smallest violin.

They didn't enrichened themselves with the backup external battery to recharge their phones so we can leaf at them. How disappointing.

That could be pretty fun if it was 1/10 the price and the bar stayed stocked

Kek at the self-awareness

What's the point of chaining a glass door shut with a big ass chain? Is it because it's liberals inside?

The FEMA theorists will generate more FEMA memes. Haha.


How do you kek at something that doesn't exist?

So they rob them outside.


Wait I've seen this episode

So when does Ja Rule come back and take the kids cockfighting

Is there a term of this retarded kind of argumentation. A friend I told about this fiasco is also saying the same kind of retarded shit and portraying them as stupid kids who made a mistake.

This may be a rhetorical question, but is there anyone of worth stuck in this shit?


hee hee


I'm sure their body parts are worth something.
Aside from that, no.

Video starts with handrubbing.


Pic related

If they are rich then they are being hostages to blackmail the parents for the money.


Mate, these are the folks that abort most their fucking kids, they're incapable of love.



Fuck it, I'm going for it. Planescape here I come.

They rob the phones and sell the phones to anyone. Someone would use the information on the stolen phones to blackmail them.

Satan trips demand it.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

Shit yeah. someone do it!

I'd fuck that.

How many will die from food poisoning? Or even better, from lack of toilets?

Look at what kind of event this is; do you really believe that anyone there is worth a flying fuck?

Are you glad that you aren't dumb as they are?

Has this shitstorm fizzled out or is it still ongoing. I dont want this thread to die.

Selling the organs for oogo stuff?

such ignorant psychopaths!

Someone can tell her it's the Trump curse that has fallen on her. Make sure to include the gigantic infographic which shows all the those who have succumb to the curse. (This assumes she's a dumb cunt stuck on that island).

Holy shit.

This guy put up a video showing what the festival was like last night.

It's going to turn into the Green Inferno by tonight.


Oy vey, the not-sees only gave us cheese sandwiches!

spoilerExcept the Germans actually provided the promised orchestras kek

I've never seen someone fucking up his spoiler like this before.

Only when their spirits are broken shall they have our permission to leave.


This whole thing is hilarious.

Disease breakout…no medical care over there, is there a clinic to deal with medical issues?

I should be angry, but for some reason i am not.

All right you double niggers, hear hear
We're going to write a nice letter one word at a time to Ja Rule and friends thanking him for being a oxygen wasting piece of shit who massive fraud scam gave us a case of the hearty keks.
I'll start this thing:

Because the Ric kids are suffering because of their stupidity and laziness. You are poor so have to work for money that made you productive and fit instead of being unproductive and weak.







They really are screwed, the U.S. embassy is on another island, and if they have no money or identification, they cannot go anywhere.

Probably in the same condition as security there.



The funniest part is that this FyreFestivalFraud guy has been preaching that this will go south…


People knew and were blowing the whistle, but nobody listened.


This reads like a horrible parody of Conan.

No medical, independent thinking and security. They must be fighting over foods by now.

The worst part of this is going to be the shitty liberal rags whining about how pathetic white people are for the way these cucks are acting. The worst part is, they're right. These are our "elites", and they've degraded to the point where not having their asses wiped every second is a life threatening experience.

If I had to guess they're sorting out who amongst them are the most oppressed.

This guy wants us to know they're not all rich kids, though to me, it's more pathetic to waste your money like this when you can't afford to.

They are literally too stupid to walk to the side. Obviously the private education didn't work on the stupid people


Cry me a fucking river, faggola.

I like to browse Imgur's front page to see what the Reddit-lite normalfags think about current events. Surprisingly, this made it to the front page.

http:// imgur.com/gallery/PDtWJ

If you have a sockpuppet account, it might be fun redpilling them, or else laughing in their faces

Why waste on the niggered festival? To earn the brownie points.



reddit.com /r/fyrefestival

on reddit it's good too. have a look. the fag mod said he'll add more (((moderators)))

this is too good


There are so many red flags are up but they are too blind to see.

I'm actually angry for the waste of money, I would've invested that shit in my store, could've maybe fixed the house, but nope. They have to go to the Bahamas to see a nigger that hasn't been a thing for 20 years.

Fuck these people. I hope they end up starving to death.


Half of them might be on the loans so it is likely that they are in the deep debts now.

The first thought in my head when I heard this was "Ja Rule is still alive?"

the eternal thot


I have never heard of this nigger before this thread.


Fuck the jews. Fuck the communists. These are the first ones that need to be killed.

Do it fast, a bullet to the brain. Kill them and take back all they stole from us.

They seal the top and have roasted veggies in alcohol. I would do white wine, but then again I'm not a nigger.

Plantains, not bananas, genius.

I wonder if he still feels the same way now that the women are saying "rape me" with their slut clothes to the locals?

Look at faggot supreme over here. Jesus Christ, I hope he dies at the hands of the natives after being passed around as their rape-slave.

The banana taste good when roasted with the melted chocolate in the banana.

At least this is some bad PR for the "influencers".
Anything that discredits traditional means of social/media affluence are good for us. Millennials trust these "influencers" like their parents trusted the evening news. I don't have much sympathy for these fags, but I do think I get it. Our culture is bankrupt and the only supposed salvation sold to these people is partying on private beaches in the bahamas. Here is your chance to actually experience the "good" part of life and its only a couple grand. What is couple grand to feel like life is worth living? Or so their thinking goes. I was actually sort of learned the same lesson these kids are learning when I was teenager going ill-prepared to a festival. Granted, my ticket only cost $20 or so and after me and my friends decided we came ill-prepared, we just returned home as the location was only an hour drive away. It really is amazing how naively they went into something a massive as flying to a foreign country with absolutely zero research or backup plans for anything that might go wrong.

These are not white people. This is cancer.

Is it really this easy to bribe trust fund hipsters?

what a faglord

Talk about entitlement and privilege.



They are babies. Aussies suffered more painful sunburns than they do and yet they don't use the pain meds, not even the pandol.

These fucking people.

The local niggers could have destroyed the phone tower and just kill all of them/sale to slavers
and when their parents start asking just call them racists


This gets better and better. They keep getting scammed, but they are like puppies with think their only way out is to trust the guy who beat you.

These people were rich enough to have constant exposure to the good life in the materialistic sense of that phrase. Even then they decided that wasent good enough so they blew their money on some glorified FEMA camp on some nigger infested island.

There are certain experiences that transcend materialistic excess and these subhumans will never encounter those because they are so utterly lacking in higher qualities. I honestly hope they never get to live an actual good life.

Someone can respond with "If it's not binding, then who is to say you'll get a refund faggot?" The last word because him and the responder above him are faggots who, just because someone is wearing a hat/has a certain political ideology, can't find what they say funny/feel the need to act like pricks against good advice.

Oakland fire, we need you again.

Woo, he's gonna need morpheine for that sunburn.


Hell, it can even be argued that they just signed a waiver.

My sides have departed for Pluto.

You're a sick fuck, even by Holla Forums standards, but I can't argue with those trips.

I am laughing the laugh of a Floridian who knows exactly what these island savages are like.

>inb4 some Bahamian Holla Forumsack goes running to the nogs, yelling "Guys! I just had the best idea!"



Plz tell us user.

Where the hell is that cunt, Anita, when you REALLY need her to provide info on "problematic" videos, you liberal fucks?

Everyone that went to this festival should be denied entry back. Their parents should be deported. Their property and their parents property should be seized. Theirs and their parents citizenship taken away.. These people are traitors.

They only have one race: the shekel race.


They all look the fucking same. They all have the same exact faces, the same expressions, they wear the same clothes and accessories and they all emulate the same personality.
It's astounding, with every passing day the NPC theory becomes more likely to be true.


That image, holy fuck.


You can't banish stupid kids for being stupid kids, or else we'd lose our entire next generation, and the one after that, and the one after that, etc. Everyone is, at some point in their life, a stupid kid. Besides, I'm sure the female attendees have suffered enough by being "enriched" by the local wildlife.

This is why you never hire college students. A 5-6 digit "education", zero practical experience, zero common sense, especially women. This would have been better managed by some poor fag who works at a gas station or a restaurant.

All the little shit hole islands are pretty similar:

If you go to the islands, STAY ON THE RESORT. You pay so much at the resorts to keep the filth of the locals at bay; even then they sometimes hire non-white/asian workers who will try to rape/swindle you. Just fucking go to the keys; Bahia Honda/Cedar if you like the nature and Key West if you want to be around other drunk assholes.

Summer is coming Holla Forums will you take your girlfriend to a music festival?

Isn't Key West a fag hangout? Someone told me that, once, but I never found out if it was true or not.

all of the cities in florida and the caribean is a glorywhole of gay dicks


I know this is a fake tweet but holy shit I will kek if that's what this nigger was doing.

Only been to the French ones and Dominica . You are accurate except Dominicans asked why I would go to an island without a beach. At least they have Guinness brewed on the island. The locals on these islands hate the Haitians like the plague for being even more niggers than they are.

The best part is these fags are finding out NO ONE cares. The niggers are happy the rich whites are fucked, the commies hate the rich, we hate the liberal degenerate fucks, and the conservatives hate the liberal fucks.

gas yourself

I'm no commie but during the day of the rope the assets of nonproductive richfags need to be seized.

Yes. But everywhere in Florida that is a nightlife/tourist trap is a fag drag.

Sucks to be in South Florida.

t. North Florida.

Oh my sides! Everyone hated them. Poor fags.




can someone link to the source on this? I need to find out if this is real.

This clip as provided hours upon hours of enjoyment.

Sup Holla Forums - what were you thinking we'd say? "Oh no, those poor kids getting raped by niggers"? Fuck that. They had the duty to be at least somewhat aware of what they were getting into. Every last one of those little shits had it coming. Maybe they can stop being little shits and actually take some responsibility for their lives now.

This is going to boost the economy.
Think of all the bad purchases people will make.
"Yeah, I bought the TempurPedic mattress for $4,000. Still a smarter move than going to Fyre Festival!"

I despise having anything in common with Leftists though. I hate it more than I hate rich liberal retards.

I actually just bought a car for like 4k, it was a steal



Did no one think to bring a boat?

I hear leftists drink water and breathe air just like you and me


This would not be the case if they were all dead.

Yeah, but it'll still be pretty fuckin' hilarious.

They have statues of him up in Norway.

If it runs for a week and then dies, you still made a smarter purchase than those who bought tickets to Fyre Festival. Feels breddy gud, right?

where were you when irl became a 80s b-movie?

it would still be more mobile and useful than this dumb shit, yeah
i could buy dog shit and get more functionality from that

I so wish I was a pilot right now. Take a bunch of you over there so we can do flybys but not land.

or maybe charge for exfil :^)

I am amazed at the incredibly naive decision they made and flew in to trap.

This has been a series of events meant to determine the American public's reactoin towards the removal of certain subsections of their population even with access to techology and knowing of their plight. The test has successfully shown that we will be capable of putting people in FEMA camps right away without any resistance, for it will all be readily dismissed as funny even when capable of communicating.

Exhume Mas

We should start a line of t-shirts mocking these faggots.

it's one thing to be forced into a FEMA camp, it's another to literally stick your hand into a bear trap and pay money to do so

So, does anyone here want to set up a gofundme for these poor little rich kids?

No, they wanted to look at instagram niggers and paid the price.

you mean "steal all this money from these rich kid's parents"?

True, it was more so mean to be taken as a funny proposition. I.e. a sort of "conspiracy theorist" account of the event.

yeah yeah, Poe's law and all really is making me doubt when people are being serious on this kind of thing, a lot of people are just straight up retarded these days

Nobody like trust babies/fake riches. I am pretty sure the rich flags whom create or control business by hard work hated them as well.


Oy vey remember the six gorillion our kids spent on this weekend

He's starving a bunch of faggy jews to death on an island that increasingly resembles lord of the flies and I'm supposed to hate him? Ja Rule is /ourguy/.

Can confirm with a Dominican neighbor of mine. He even said they deserved the earthquake for all their voodoo shit. He's a hard worker too.

And they all carry around an extremely lightweight device allowing them to look up and get any information they want

He still has to go back.

Why do you think we give a shit if some beaner nigger retard you're friends with is a 'hard worker'?

Seriously, what the fuck are you trying to imply with that statement? That all Dominicans are 'based'? That we need them now? Dominicans ARE niggers, they have nigger blood.

Fucking kill yourself.


user you gotta dial it back a notch and check your reading comprehension

He was using secondhand anecdotal evidence to support and confirm what another user thought

Have some shitty OC.

I've been to big music festivals before and they are usually well-controlled events with lots of planning, security services, and corporate sponsoring. One was even very family friendly. I was actually disappointed because back then I really did want the crazy, out of control Woodstock like experience. Make me think these manchildren wouldn't even be able to handle Woodstock. They would have cried about all the mud, and having to subsist on PBJ sandwiches made impromptu by local hippies and homeowners. Still, everything turned out fine and the festival became famous because in this case the locals up in upstate NY were hmm what race I imagine?

Enjoy the show.

Need to do mockups of fema camps with fyre festival promotional material.
They didn't think anything was wrong when the niggers couldn't even spell the name of the event correctly?

I hope he deploys another MOAB.

That one will become village elder of this group.

Just two more.

In a perfect and just world, none of them would ever return. I hope they eat each other. May the strongest spoiled shit survive. He alone can return.

Checked, kekt and screencapt

Do you think it could be meme'd that the "local-yookels" will keep them there until only one of them is dead? Hell, if one knew someone on the island, they could have him offer to take them, but only one of them. Since they're selfish little faggots in "literal" hell, they might bloodbath over it.

Does it look like I give a shit? Maybe you need to check your reading comprehension. No need to tell us about how some shitty smelly beaner-nigger is a 'hard worker' unless he's trying to imply he's a good boy.

Which guess what, he was. Zero Tolerance you shitskin enabling goon.

You reminded me of a jap movie about the students whom are forced to wear the bomb collars. Only of them came back alive.

He's an old man who gets up around 5 am everyday. His son is a piece of shit though. Also, he has plans to make a little junkyard in his backyard, which is not allowed in our towns bylaws. Rest assured that if he does my family will contact authorities and shut him down. I'm not his friend I am his neighbor. Relax a bit. I've hardly ever even directly communicated with the guy. I'm just saying literally everyone hates haitians.

Why does that look like Shia?

Thieves steal luggage from /k/. Two hours later it's all returned untouched after a few of the thieves are caughtt are crucified with 25 centimeters of wood up their asses.

checked these hitler dubs
maybe they're saying that Shia is stuck somewhere in this shit…

The niggers destroy everything they touch. Make me wonder why they are still extant.


It's in the Bahamas. Holla Forums expeditionary force to go kill all the niggers in what is obviously a lawless area?

Because of people like the ones who all went to this little 'party.' I don't like blaming white kids, but there is something called enabling. Wake up call now though.

It's obvious they don't have rule of law there. Any Holla Forumsacks that have access to a troop carrier? I'll volunteer.

Okay, now I'm done.

my sides

Great reactions

As if it wouldn't bankrupt him anyway, even if it wasn't a scam. He's lying.

Imagine the shitstorm if a bunch of nazis were to show up there and rescue these weak faggots from the niggers.


I'm down, I have a couple thousand rounds, I could probably put the nignogs down myself. A few dozen Holla Forumsacks and we'd have the whole island cleaned out in a day.

Considering the security there is looser than HRC's vag, these nazis could, theoretically, without me condoning any violence from my part :^))))))) get away with killing quite a bunch of niggers before hopping on their boats and doing a 360.

Yes please.

>$500 to get on my boat
>$500 to get on my boat!



I'd just make them all shave their heads to get on the boat, repeat the 14 words and heil hitler.

Nothing, now, as far as I know. All the headlining talent have backed out and the shitstorm is in full churn.

Some of those men are of European stock, TAKE CHARGE. You think a small handful of Caribbean’s are going to give you shit if several hundred European men start acting with authority? No, they will do exactly what you tell them (like not locking you and your women in a room, and perhaps making you some half decent food). By the time the transport turns up you could probably have that island running at peak efficiency.



Absolutely perfect.

The demoralization of the sheeple is complete.


All I can see looking at this logo is

Precisely why I would never live in a city, I don’t even like visiting them. Surround yourself only with capable individuals who still hold within them a desire to thrive.

These festival goers make me sick, sat there waiting for death and around their women to. Have they no shame, no primal instincts left?

Can't tell if gay or omega male acting like a woman on social media for attention.


They grew up with a boot on their neck. They don't know any different.

So old and so relevant. Vidanons get to work.


Shame them into obedience


Screw that, it's only 2 tweets.

No need to ship anyone anywhere, colonization is mutually beneficial as long as you don’t allow the usual suspects to come in and undermine things for their own greedy satanic gain. But I am only talking the short-term solution here; there is literally no need for these people to be cowering in fear. MUCH larger populations were colonized by even smaller groups of Europeans in the past and this bunch of detritus can’t even get the locals to bring them a bottle of water, can’t prevent them from imprisoning them? Just raise you fucking voice and be willing to strike if there is any funny business. Natural order will be established.

They may as well be dead.


I've been a lot of festivals over the years, I'm going to a few this year as well.
I don't know how the fuck anybody going to this couldn't see it was a scam straight away, it wasn't setup in a way similar to any other festivals. They used weird stock images and didn't show many pictures of the venues. Check Fuji Rock Festival or Coachella and see if they advertise themselves like that, because I guarantee you they don't.

Even the Burningman faggots do a better job. Even a worthless hippy is better than a nigger.

That's from every spring break ever.

Man, it says that on the page itself, it says something like "images are cosmetic" or some shit like that.


Burningman is a well-oiled machine, don’t let the hippyish exterior fool you, there are some VERY talented even organisers behind it.


Dubs confirm, checked
Even though it's degenerate and for faggots, it's definitely better organized than this nigger-organized "festival"

poorfag who works at a gas station here. can confirm food stockpiles, musicians, nig-exterminators, private living accomodations, transportation, hookers, drugs, alcohol, and the means to get said products from point a to point b with at least 2 backup suppliers on call would be all accounted for at least 3 months in advance along with a personal inspection of the entire venue every week.
to-do list:
1.have security clear out the niggers then clean all the nigger residue out of the venue.
2.build some shit
3.get some more shit over there

Never been, but I would imagine to get all those richfags in the middle of the desert for years of that shit would take someone with talent to make it worth it.

Agreed, it literally prints money. It also has a level of credibility having been around for decades.

What a bunch of worthless niggers. This was a money making machine. They just couldn't get it done.


I wonder, did the europeans who landed on the bahamas colonize it with fewer people than these rich kids?

New thread soon

you mean now