VICE: How Meme Culture Is Getting Teens into Marxism
On social media, youths are seizing the memes of production to prove that continental philosophy isn't just an academic abstraction.
VICE: How Meme Culture Is Getting Teens into Marxism
On social media, youths are seizing the memes of production to prove that continental philosophy isn't just an academic abstraction.
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If you want to see more cancer from the goybook pages they linked in the article:
Shitty memes, what's wrong with them ?
So it's literally just a strained, unfunny ripoff of Countersignal memes?
Means nothing in science. Evolution was controversial when it was first introduced. Atomic power was also controversial.
Means absolutely nothing and has no bearing on the outcome of data. If you are worried about the race of people doing it, that's not an argument.
Large sums of aggregate data with large sample sizes using trusted means of SAT tests, IQ tests and genetic testing is incorrect methodology? This is news to me.
Argumentum ad populum.
Conclusion: Fuck the helicopter, we're gonna need to throw this bitch out a C-130 in a halo drop into an open and active volcano.
Nah they've got worse like whatever the fuck this means.
But scientism user!
How will Holla Forums ever recover?
Of course it's fucking failing. The reason right wing memes gain traction is because humor is fundamentally based in reality. It's the act of making light of or mocking situations and people that in some way reflect the real world.
Marxism is a shitty fucking philosophy with no basis in reality or human nature. Something that has no core truth cannot be made humorous because it does not relate to the real world. This is why the left far left doesn't have a sense of humor, and it's also why their propaganda is absolute dumpster tier.
As long as they cling to Marxism, they will never be able to successfully "meme" it.
wewlad, do they mean kinda like global warming
You mean this.
Isn't this exactly the thrust of praxeology and Austrian economics, which gets shit on by leftists for being "magic" because it's not based on empiricism?
they also can't make humor about certain topics like, muslims terrorists or gay millenials for instance just because that will offend most of their userbase
Grab them by the pussy, or rather seize the means of reproduction.
They do work on a certain a priori. That is that all men are equal by nature and not by law. It's not scientifically based, nor sound. Yet all their political ideology stems from it. Since it cannot be empirically supported, they instead use sensibilities and not reason. Hence the turning away from empiricism.
Uh huh.
Forget i said anything.
Well the next sentence is about how they have a selective skepticism with what they believe is scientific knowledge which user
already expanded on before me.
This. Commies should just stick to cult tactics since they're the most effective for them.
yep, they can't either way
Holla Forums memes are based on humour.
Humour disarms your conscious self and leaves sub-conscious defenseless against the narrative that is pushed.
Lefties are just using memes the same as any other propaganda. Hammering in the dry information.
It might have worked when they had the presses and countless numbers of pamflets to share but it's useless against the fact that you can store more information in digital format.
Why do lefties fail every time?
time to start memeing quotes from the Gulag Archipelago on their goybook pages
What do you all think the average age of these faggots? 14? 15? Their memes are what I would expect from naive high schoolers who think they are smarter than their parents and have the whole world figured out but haven't worked a day in their life.
Why is that head angel a nigger?
These aren't even remotely clever. They're not even close to that post-ironic antihumour that faceberg memes have become. It's well known now that leftists have an underdeveloped amygdala, that part of one's brain which allows you to identify threats. Identifying a threat has its roots in finding abnormalities and nuances that slip below immediate perception, but are immediately picked up by those parts of the brain which categorise the environment. This lack of perception explains why leftists can't into humour, as it relies on picking out the peculiar incongruities of a situation and extrapolating them into a satire. Further, there's no respect for the context within each meme - why is Karl Marx handing out messages to other students? Why is the student angry about it? There's no real in-universe reason for any of that to be happening. The reaction is at most a bemused confusion. Any laughter derived from this is founded in a prior familiarity with the image macro, much like the advice dog format. The message itself is no longer funny, it's just an echo and poor imitation of something that was once much more clever.
Someone else on Holla Forums has said it once before, but leftists can't concoct memes or really any sort of humour unless you're already part of their ingroup, in which case it's less humour and more circlejerking - a pastime well enjoyed by people with just barely enough esoteric knowledge to be able to form exclusive groups; otherwise called pseudointellectuals. They get more joy from knowing more than other people than they do from the knowledge itself. That part is a function of intelligence and maturity, but I'm sure there's a mental defect that covers that too. Maybe their pituitary glands are completely calcified.
The ones that try to make memes about the content of Marx's works? They're probably grad students neck deep in Marxist academia, 22-35.
The ones that just steal our memes and lefty-fy them? 16-25.
The face seems to be gouged out from the stone leaving only the black "concrete" underneath.
Your nose is showing.
Top fucking WEW. I have $100 that says someone from Holla Forums either wrote or was interviewed in this article.
I wonder what mental gymnastics they would employ if told that two of those coolass swag dudes in the first pic called Slavs human trash that needs to be wiped out from the face of the earth?
That's why the type of comedians who used to be good because they were blunt about reality are now total shit because they're not anymore
They'd say that Slavs are white oppressors anyway and probably owned nigger slaves for six gorillion years too.
Tumblrinas and numales couldn't be as fat as they are without the wonders of gabidolism; they would all be eating sawdust or bullets. Checkmate gommies.
They really have no clue do they.
I just felt my memesticles recede back into me reading that. This is beyond how do you do fellow kids, this is senile granny trying to be hip tier
Why is there so much fucking text in the lefty one?
this would only make me hate marxism
I mean, that's it? That's the article?
Waste of time. This is not worthy of a discussion.
That's just your average lefty "meme".
Reply back that NeoConservatism is just renamed Trofskyism and see if we can goad him into making more Anti-Trofsky memes with that premise.
They want to sound smart and overexplaining things that you know only a small amount about is how the autistic tries to seem smart.
It's just fucking sad pathetic shit but for the sake of intel on the normalfag sphere in case anyone starts falling for it.
Prolefeed at its finest.
normalfags were a mistake
Funny thing is, I bet Holla Forums understands Marxism better than actual Marxists and could come up with funnier memes.
A bunch of random shit that the creator probably thinks SOUNDS good with varying degrees of proof via the Scientific Method with
Mathamatics and Medicine is listed. What in the literal fuck
Anthropology is in there along with Geomotry
I'm literally stuttering out loud attempting to understand the premise of this Venn Diagram
What the hell is OOO? Did he mean OO, Object Oriented Programming? What is the significance of the underlined terms. How is political philosophy (Epistemological anarchism) a science? You could claim social science but Anarchism is but an interpretation of ideal society based on the analysis of Human interaction. Interpretation does not mean science. How is Hortoculture, chemistry and medicine fo in the "Not Science" category. What is the significance of the cross-over in the venn diagram. Does the cross-over section mean that it's not science but treated as such? That still doesn't make sense but it's all I could possibly think of.
Maoism is also listed under "Science". Someone explain this to me or I'll be up all night attempting to understand the thought processes behind it. It makes no sense any way I look at it.
It's just faggotry packed in a leftist """""meme""""".
That image is 100% correct though, fucking freaks always defending their goddamn pseudosciences like psychiatry. I'm sure they mean "accept trannys" with biology and "accept the chemical model for mental illness" with chemistry. Fucking subversive faggots.
So what you're saying is that leftists are literally mentally ill and that this "meme" is the product of survere undiagnosed scitzophrenia and whoever made it should be immediately removed from society?
I legitimately hope that's the answer because this is pissing me off trying to understand this
Does anyone have that "WELCOME TO OVEN TOWN" thing that was made the last time leftists tried to meme?
It basically started as a shitpost, and it's still better than anything these fuckers made.
Was not expecting random shitting on horticulture. Is fertilizer now a myth? Must be in the way of them getting cushy environmental adviser jobs. Apparently enough people don't want to hire a hippy just because they shit in their backyard compost to make it more natural.
learn to see through it
Translation: become a nihilist and accept relativism
Translation: accept tranny bullshit
Translation: right-wingers are morons who can't into math.
Translation: accept the chemical model for mental health
Translation: let us grow pot
Translation: avians live in their own filthy why can't we?
Translation: accept allopathic medicine that treats symptoms for profit instead of curing diseases.
A worm in your apple does not change the definition of an apple. All of these things are science, but our apples have lots of (((worms))) in them.
What does the center of the Venn Diagram represent?
Then why did you make these overcomplicated messes?
Leftist memes don't make you leftist. You're leftist by default when you turn 14.
Wishful thinking. It doesn't because it uses insular language.
Are these pictures getting teens into Dwarf Fortress?
Right: science, bad goyim
Left: not science, good goyim
Center: Science that leftists don't hate
You need to understand how marxists use language - the roots of these things are based in science, but the modern versions and the agendas they exist to serve are not scientific or even agendas that acknowledge the scientific roots of the practice these people have subverted.
Old jewish proverb: Kike hears one word, thinks two things.
Sciences that are genuinely unbiased and do not exist to serve agendas because they are fairly air-tight practices that aren't prone to subversion from either side and exist mostly as abstract concepts with no real application in reality minus Geometry.
yes they are
I actually think this picture is brilliant, not because it's correct, but because it perfectly describes the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE crowd.
Aside from being a shitty meme, what is its purpose? Are they trying to say Mao was good? Why would anyone think that?
Excuse me, what the fuck is this.
Good civilizations who know no math go nowhere.
I guess the Friendship Graphs are to triggering for them anyway.
I hate thesd fuckers so very much. I am at a point where participating in their deaths would bring me great joy.
I don't know but I feel we need to contact someone over it, some kind of authority on mental health. Not even being funny. This is disturbing.
Remember, the article said that this was a kid who was fresh out of High School. This is a mentally ill child. If we don't get him the help he needs now he may never recover.
1984 is what they learned at school. the world is a mess because of that, everything is upside down
I could go on but you get my point. fuck this gay earth
This is a very true statement and is why they wish to continue to turn the voting group back and back. The younger you are the less experienced you are yet want everyone to be friends, for everything to be free, and fairness for all. It takes failure and getting a job that sucks to wise up going more in our direction. In addition if you never escape institutions in your life you never change.
The worst people are:
school → uni → government/corporation job
They never grew up, they stated in institutions their whole lives and have the mentality of a 14 year old.
Leftists are seeking to micro-manage what people think, so they can't risk leaving anything to interpretation with their memes. The walls of text you often find in lefty memes are there to prescribe exactly what they want people to think. A consequence of this is that their memes basically die on the vine because they're 'locked in', incapable of growing or evolving.
Ay hol' up.
Weren't the marxist tools of deconstruction and feels/I can think my way out of reality all cooked up in the analytic tradition?
By contrast, right-wing philosophers were continental. Both offer critiques of science, but whereas the analytic argument is along the lines of: "you can't (formally) prove science, that's just your opinion, it's time we took my feels into consideration", the continental one is is: "yes, we have microwave ovens now, but does that make us better people? Where is our civilization heading? Yes we can make VR-waifu bots, but should we? Science is a tool on the world and man, what values should guide the hand that wields it?"
Tldr: Analytic philosophy is: "your science questions and findings are meaningless and constructed, my personal constructions are just as good. Stoop triggering me.
Continental philosophy: "science is a powerful instrument, but let's not forget to ask the bigger questions. Knowledge without wisdom is folly.
That is probably one of the better explanations for it. Thank's user!
And they can't have cross-examination and interpretation being a thing because that means people will eventually reach the truth and as we all know the truth is full of wrongthink and is also extremely *-ist.
Two-pronged attack: try (and fail) at meme generation, and come up with reasons why free speech only applies to them.
kay, I don't like the socialist fags but I don't think that I can believe ANYBODY is this stupid
You deserve a (You). Absolute 10/10.
The way that meme takes a simple idea and makes it almost incomprehensible through its language is infuriating. It's something you see in a lot of Jewish post-modernist philosophy. Essentially it's a way to escape criticism by claiming you're too stupid to understand it. The only people it appeals to are faggot college students and low testosterone professors, people with way too much time on their hands, because they're the only ones who waste their time reading it. I've met people who like this garbage and they're always pseudo-intellectual, egalitarian faggots.
Open a book by Evola, Spengler or Nietzsche and you can see the difference immediately. Sure, they're not easy reads, but that's because the ideas are actually complex. With post-modernists its all the image of intelligent, without the substance.
Even commies admit their system doesn't work, as even under communism the workers steal from their jobs!
An excerpt from A Worker in a Worker's State
In Search of the Great Homer
++A homer is an object made for his own purpose or pleasure by a worker using his factory’s machines and materials. It is not made for sale as an additional source of income. The word does not appear in most dictionaries, but appears to have been the most widely used equivalent in England and North America.++
“Homers? Is there any chance of homers?” is often asked by those thinking of leaving this factory, when they’re tipped off about another place. Many factors must be taken into account when you want to change your job. Although for most workers homers are not vital, they’ll make them if they have the chance, and they’ll try to create the opportunity if it doesn’t exist already. Some will pay a high price to obtain a position that allows them to make homers.
The government journals portray workers who make homers as thieves. Similarly, the factory bosses “fight” against homers. Warnings and sanctions rain down on the heads of those who misappropriate materials, use machines for their own purposes, or tap the factory’s supply of electricity. If the factory guard finds a homer in our pockets or on our bodies, he has caught a thief.
But even if the journals don’t acknowledge it, both workers and bosses know very well that this is just words. The real damage to the factory is the time lost in making an object—time which cannot be utilized by the factory. “If the foreman knows you’re making homers, he’ll send one of us to fetch some glue and he’ll stick you to your machines for the rest of the day,” said my neighbor, joking with someone who was borrowing a tool from him to make a homer.
The secret of this passion for homers is not a simple one. It can’t be reduced to the minimal value of the knick-knacks which the workers actually make and, especially on piece-rates, how long they take bears no relation to the value of the time lost.
Workers on hourly wages turn to homers when they have given to the factory what the factory has demanded, or when they have a free moment. If hourly workers make homers they don’t risk anything—except being found out. Not only will they then be punished, the discovery will also offer an excellent opportunity to demand increased production from them.
Workers on conveyor belts, or on fully automatic machines, completely delivered from the pressures of time, are only likely to make homers in their dreams. Technological development has given these workers a moral superiority, which at least forces the government satirists to look for a new theme in their attacks.
But the piece-rate worker manages his time himself, and each minute that passes without an increase in the number of pieces represents a financial loss for him. With the constant pressure of piece-rates, the factory does all it can to preach the morality of labor. According to the rate-fixers’ estimates, the piece-rate workers should themselves renounce their passion for theft. In fact, management has to admit that nothing—neither prohibitions, nor punishments, nor public humiliation by the security guards—will persuade them to give it up.
Perhaps it is more than an empty play on words to say that we “loot” [that is, cut corners in violation of regulations] in order to have time to steal.
Making homers is a real addiction; those who go in for it know that they do themselves more harm than good. The bosses and the rate-fixers view the persistent refusal of piece-rate workers to give up this habit in terms of the basest instincts. “How does a person like that bring up his children? We gave him sound advice and even delivered a sharp rap across his knuckles, but nothing will stop him from pilfering,” the foreman grumbles, talking about a homer addict. Yet the passion for “looting” does not upset the bosses. Not because they force us to do it, but because “looting” doesn’t cost anything except the strength, nerves, wellbeing, thoughts and life of the worker—even when he thinks that he is stealing something from the factory.
Why, then, are piece-rate workers so fond of making homers? The usefulness of homers cannot be the real motive, because the worker’s life is so dependent on the workshop, the machine, his materials, and his eight-hour shifts that there is no chance whatever of his making anything which he really needs. It would be a dubious triumph for “do-it-yourself”—given the gigantic level of infringements that would be involved—if the conditions of work were such that they permitted workers to make everything they needed for setting up house in the form of homers. Then, certainly, homers would be worthwhile, since every worker could do repairs, and make small gadgets cheaply and with little effort.
Some of my colleagues still harbor a nostalgia for the days of the domestic artisan, but they rarely talk about their feelings, except when they are embarrassed or are making an excuse if someone catches them out. “Peasants, too, give what they produce to the State, but they don’t buy their vegetables in a market. Here, there are all the tools you could want, and stacks of discarded materials—but if I want to repair my faucet, I’m supposed to call the plumber.” This sort of talk is really a rationalization; it doesn’t bear much relation to the real motives for making a homer.
Perhaps the mechanics and fitters, who are paid by the hour, really do have the means—thanks to homers—to set up their families, since they have at their fingertips, in the workshop, all the tools and machines necessary for household repairs large and small. But I am chained to my machine even if, at the most once a week, I find after an interminable number of runs that I have won a little time for myself. It is impossible for the piece-rate worker to flit across the workshop like a butterfly and to fiddle around with other machines. The foreman would see him at once, and fix him up with more work. Besides, the others are also riveted to their machines, and in any case our machines are too specialized, too large, too powerful, and too complicated: they themselves dictate what we can make with them.
And so in fact homers are seldom useful things. Bizarrely enough, when they are, it is generally not for some outside use, but for something needed within the factory. In theory, there are special workers to manufacture the base plates and braces for mounting pieces, but in fact we must make them ourselves. It is an unwritten rule that when feasible we make everything our jobs require with our own machines. Such operations have real utility, but are also infuriating. They are hardly paid but they are necessary to get through faster, or even to complete a job.
Even around such necessary preparatory work, the mysterious aura of homers begins to appear, to the extent that everyone calls these pieces “homers” even though in fact they entitle us to a supplementary payment. No one would think of telling his neighbor how he’d run through a series, and no one would be interested if he did. But everyone can talk with gusto about these preparatory “homers,” and find an interested audience. Without doubt, the reason is that we plan this work ourselves, and can complete it as we think best.
Our machines rarely give an opportunity for other useful kinds of homers. But that doesn’t do away with homers, it only changes them. For piece-workers, homers are ends in themselves, like all true passions. Here the passion is for nothing other than work, work as an end in itself. The diverse forms of homer have only one thing in common: they have to be of a size that can be surreptitiously smuggled out of the factory. Some have not kept to this rule; and finished objects lie gathering dust in their locker, or their tool boxes, or beside their machines, until the worker changes his factory, when they try to get them out, or, if this is hopeless, give them away.
For us, the potential of milling machines, lathes, and borers stimulates and at the same time limits our imaginations. The raw material is chiefly metal. The objects that can be made are key-holders, bases for flower-pots, ashtrays, pencil boxes, rulers and set squares, little boxes to bring salt to the factory for the morning break, bath mats (made out of rolls of white polystyrene), counters in stainless steel to teach children simple arithmetic (a marvelous present), pendants made from broken milling teeth, wheels for roulette-type games, dice, magnetized soap holders, television aerials (assembled at home), locks and bolts, coat-holders for the changing-room cupboard, knives, daggers, knuckle-dusters, and so on.
In place of the order, “You make that,” comes a question: “What can I make?” But if this work is an end in itself, it is not thereby without a purpose. It is the antithesis of our meaningless “real” work: the possibilities are limited, but the worker who makes a homer uses his head and keeps his eyes open. He scans the raw materials around him, weighs up the unexploited capacities of his machines and the other auxiliary machines, like the small disc-cutter in the corner of the section or the grinding-machine, as he examines the hand tools at his disposal. Then he decides. He decides on what he will accomplish and works to realize that chosen object and not for some other purpose. If he uses the product itself, then before all else he will relish the pleasure of having accomplished it, and of knowing when, how, and with what he made it, and that he had originated its existence.
This humble little homer, made secretly and only through great sacrifices, with no ulterior motive, is the only form possible of free and creative work—it is both the germ and the model: this is the secret of the passion.
The tiny gaps that the factory allows us become natural islands where, like free men, we can mine hidden riches, gather fruits, and pick up treasures at our feet. We transform what we find with a disinterested pleasure free from the compulsion to make a living. It brings us an intense joy, enough to let us forget the constant race: the joy of autonomous, uncontrolled activity, the joy of labor without rate-fixers, inspectors, and foremen.
A complex organization forces me to maintain a minimum level of quality in my daily work. In making homers, quality, which itself arises as I have envisaged it, is the aim itself, the profit, and the pleasure. It is so natural that the question is no longer “What are you making?” but “How are you making it?”
The joy of this unity between conception and execution stands in extreme contrast to our daily work. “Where is the blueprint?” an inspector asked as usual when he came over to make a check. M— loves to repeat the brazen response (fortunately it did not get him into trouble) which aimed to rub in that for once he and the inspector had nothing to say to each other: “It is here, in my head.” The inspector had to puzzle over this for a while before it clicked. M— was making a homer. In outward appearance, nothing had changed. The same movements, which otherwise served only to increase production for the factory, were transformed by what he was doing into an activity of an entirely different kind.
By making homers we win back power over the machine and our freedom from the machine; skill is subordinated to a sense of beauty. However insignificant the object, its form of creation is artistic. This is all the more so because (mainly to avoid the reproach of theft) homers are rarely made with expensive, showy, or semi-finished materials. They are created out of junk, from useless scraps of iron, from leftovers, and this ensures that their beauty comes first and foremost from the labor itself.
Many do not care if their noble end-product clearly reveals its humble origins; but others hold fervently to the need for a perfect finish. Were it not that homers have to be made in a few snatched minutes, and that often we can’t get back to them from one week to the next, if making homers were not such a fleeting activity, then one could almost claim that there were two schools: the first “Functionalist,” the second “Secessionist” [a pre-Soviet Hungarian art movement celebrating excessive decoration]. There are also passing fashions in homers. And just as homers are a model of nonexistent joys, so they are the model for all protest movements.
Making homers is the only work in the factory that stands apart from our incessant competition against each other. In fact it demands cooperation, voluntary cooperation—not just to smuggle them out but also to create them. Sometimes my neighbor asks me to do the necessary milling for his homer, and in return makes a support for me on his lathe. On these occasions we wait patiently until the other “has the time.” Among piece-rate workers altruism is rare. Even in making homers, aid without a return is inconceivable. But it is not a matter of like for like: no one calculates how much his help is worth, or the time spent on it. Sometimes one can even come across selflessness without any expectations of recompense—which could never happen in “real” work. Most friendships begin with the making of a joint homer.
These different joys are obviously marred by the knowledge that they are only the joys of an oasis in a desert of piece-rate work. Slowly, the factory returns to itself, the computer dries out the oasis, the pressures of production continue unchanged. Despite this, everyone is cheerful during these few precious minutes. This is manifestly obvious to all but the bosses—who don’t need to worry about the constant bad temper of piece-rate workers except insofar as it relates to production; and who don’t display the least understanding of this loophole to happiness, not even as a matter of tactics. A foreman’s anger is a sure indication of the happiness that the worker sows with a homer.
I am convinced that homers carry a message. “Artisanal tinkering, survivals from a dying industry: if homers are a negation, then they are only a nostalgia for the past.” This might be said if you didn’t grasp the importance of homers for workers on piece-rates. In fact, they don’t know the old handicrafts any more and they detest the private customers for whom they often do black market labor after factory hours.
Workers would gladly renounce the artisan character of homers, but they have no other way to assert themselves over mechanized labor. Similarly, they would gladly produce things which made sense, but the production of senseless homers is their only chance to free themselves, for a few minutes, from the “good sense” of the factory. They would gladly manufacture, often collectively, things which were useful for the community; but they can only make what they want to make on their own, or at most with a few others.
So these two steps towards the senseless—producing useless things and renouncing payment—in fact turn out to be two steps in the direction of freedom, even though they are swiftly blocked by the wall of wage labor. In fact, homers are a vain attempt to defect from the cosmos of piece-ratios.
Suppose that all of our work could be governed by the pleasures of homers, then it would follow that in every homer is the kernel of a completely different sense: that of work carried out for pleasure. The industrial psychologist, the expert in managerial methods, the social technician, and all the growing number of specialists who are replacing functionaries once breathless with the heroism of labor cannot comprehend the hopelessness of their task if they are unable to understand the pleasures of homers. Their task is to dry out the oases while filling the desert with mirages. Were it not that these experts in production are also dispensers of our livelihood, in command of discipline and achievement, we would enter the age of the Great Homer. This alienated sense, imposed from outside by wages (and its denial, the consolations of forbidden irrationality), would be replaced by the ecstasy of true needs. Precisely what is senseless about homers from the point of view of the factory announces the affirmation of work motivated by a single incentive, stronger than all others: the conviction that our labor, our life, and our consciousness can be governed by our own goals. The Great Homer would be realized through machines, but our experts would subordinate them to two requirements: that we use them to make things of real utility, and that we are independent of the machines themselves. This would mean the withering of production controls. We would only produce what united homer-workers needed and what allowed us to remain workers united in the manufacture of homers. And we would produce a thousand times more efficiently than today.
To take the whole world into account, to combine our strength, to replace rivalry with cooperation, to make that we want, to plan and execute the plans together, to create in a way that was pleasurable in itself; to be freed from the duress of production and its inspectors—all these are announced by the message of the homer, of the few minutes that resurrect our energy and capacities. The Great Homer would not carry the risk of our frittering away strength senselessly; on the contrary, it would be the only way to discover what is even precluded by the homer of wage-earners: the real utility of our exertions. If we could direct our lives towards the Great Homer, we would gladly take on a few hours of mechanized labor a day, so long as it was needed. Otherwise, if everything remains as it does today, we face a terrible destiny: that of never knowing what we have lost.
Connoisseurs of folklore may look on homers as a native, decorative art. As yet, they aren’t able to see further than that. But they will, and the day will come when homers are no longer forbidden but are commercialized and administered. People who work on automatic machines will be able to buy homers in the shops after seeing them in magazines or on television. Then, no one will suspect that homers were originally more than a “do-it-yourself” hobby or a mere pastime; that they once shone through factory controls, the necessity of making a living, and the pressures of wages, as a surrogate for something which by then perhaps will be even more impossible to name than it is today.
The tiny gaps that the factory allows us become natural islands where, like free men, we can mine hidden riches, gather fruits, and pick up treasures at our feet. We transform what we find with a disinterested pleasure free from the compulsion to make a living. It brings us an intense joy, enough to let us forget the constant race: the joy of autonomous, uncontrolled activity.
So they admit that "nazi frog" memes are funnier and right to the punch with no soft cushions. The leftist "meme" has so much shit scribbled on it for an image macro that it's clear that the leftist "meme" has to tell the onlooker what to think, and etc. couple that with clear commie/Jew indoctrination that the "meme" itself is full of Jew trickery. Plus, it seems like the commie has to explain the " joke" and that's what makes it more unfunny
Underrated and amazing post. This is precisely the problem with not only their memes, but their entire ideology.
The only "meme" that they have that is even remotely funny is stirner
Humor is a spook.
Is this a bot?
Except lefty memes suck, and fail on every level. Nobody is getting converted to antifa faggotry by lefty "memes".
Read his first post, you double nigger.
>An excerpt from A Worker in a Worker's State
Memes as the most refined system of communication work precisely because they convey basic emotions from which leftists are trying to escape.
They will become good at them when they change their worldview because they are antithetical.
I think one of the big problems is that the normie doesn't understand or care to learn the commie buzzwords like "bourgeois." And if the commies try to explain it to them in the meme, it becomes a mess
There's also the simple fact that leftists have always been humorless cunts and every comedian who aims at a left-leaning audience has to walk on eggshells 24/7.
That picture should be reason to expell xir from xir college.
I checked, because I was wondering too
OOO probably means "object-oriented ontology"
it seems to be a word-salad mashup that pretends to be "a school of thought that rejects the privileging of human existence over the existence of nonhuman objects"
the reason for the existence of this mountain of bullshit is probably to explain why some philosophy major has the right to write a 50 pages article on a talking dog or petunia bowl in a comic strip without sounding stupidly ridiculous to the educated ears of other philosophy majors
incidentally, advanced knowledge in this most esoteric and refined domain of exploratory thought is probably a fundamental reason why young, progressive and liberal philosophy majors are condemned to forever fail at memes
What the fugg, as if the "oy vey native plants are racist goy" wasn't bad enough.
Well, the soviets also told farmers to plant their seeds in the snow so they'd grow cold-resistant crops, so I'm not even surprised anymore.
They only know to destroy, not create, how else do you explain their abject hatred of everything living and natural? Them "caring about the environment" is just lipservice, they couldn't give one ounce of a fuck about the environment.
that is the absolute truth
in fact, the left is so intellectually miserable that we are at risk of decline for not having worthy opponents against which to pit our strength
see, the last berkeley battle that didn't happen because they were scared of meanies
we should make a Fool's Day thread where we make a few hundred worthy leftist memes that leftists can use against us for the next year
then we can mock them more
Even though thaqt is fucking stupid that at least follows a logical train of thought:
Life adapts to its surroundings therefore by planting seeds in soil covered in snow the plant will adapt to the cold weather.
It's filled with falicies but it still follows a train of thought.
This makes no sense whatsoever and any attempt at tracking a train of thought leads nowhere. It is my firm belief that the people who made this venn diagram are mentally ill sckitzophrenics who need to immediately be removed from society.
Nice picks, those are some classic injokes with DF players. At least when DF makes a meme via RNG it's awesome like a crown engraved with it's own image creating recursive loops into infinity or someone who literally killed half a civ to become it's king. Lefty shit? Can't even properly meme their own 'heroes'!
And also a good way of explaining why I'm not worried about lefty memes. They're just circle jerking because in their need to feel intellectually superior to everyone it's over complicated drivel aimed at stoking their own egos, not inviting anyone new into the scene.
Shit I thought african niggers were stupid!
Just because they do not resonate with you does not mean their memes are failing.
You're not the target carrier for these memes in the first place.
>>>Holla Forums
I'm not from there. I'm just one guy who isn't poisoned by the Holla Forums bubble syndrome.
They had an entire pseudo-science built around explaining differences in humans, animals and plants away that didn't rely on heritage, so their "we're all equal" shit didn't fall apart.
Just gonna be a lazy fuck and link wikipedia
The best part is that Holla Forums's memes are taken apart in the exact same way in different corners of the internet. People really are closing themselves off into bubbles. You know how Holla Forums is laughing all the time about how these people or those people don't understand Holla Forums? That kind of shit goes both ways, you autists.
I've been showing them to normies I know and they honestly don't get it or just get offended. The only one who "get" it are already brainwashed into the cult. I mean jesus christ they're trying to say Mao and Stalin were good people, fuckers known for mass murder to push their agenda.
If you aren't from Holla Forums then you're an autistic who doesn't belong here
Or he might be getting monetary compensation for his effort.
Plz don't bully me.
And right on cue, the canned reply to anything outside of Holla Forums's hivemind purview.
You're not as mysterious and elusive as you like to believe yourselves to be.
The shill is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a sh aillnd you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
What is this if not a poor quality circlejerk thread? But keep on crying
at anyone pointing it out.
Yes, yes, the perfect just so story. The perfect drug for your cognitive dissonance: the "i'm being shilled" pill.
I'd report you but I'd need more than "This weirdo is probably mentally ill if not a shill and makes replies that lack any sense"
Why leave? So you can go on happily with your pathetic circlejerk?
I just keep it simple, Humans are animals but animals that got so clever they thought beyond eat, sleep, and fuck, thus sentient. Nothing else we have encountered has managed to do this or surpass us in it. Therefore Humans are yes a step above the animal kingdom, fucks sake we used it to become the apex predator when literally everything else can kill our ass easily. And even then humans aren't made equal as some are literally defective and others are so below average they barely count as human.
Shit made my head hurt user.
You also sound out of place. You're trying to sound intellectual when you don't have to and you're instigating derails. Thus shill is apt as you're trying to kill discourse in the thread by making it about ME ME ME I'M SURPROR TO EVERYONES HEREZ LISTENS TO ME!
You sound exactly like a leftist. Lot's of big words with basically nothing inside them.
Case in point you're shit flinging to start a fight.
You know I'm right. This is the regular Holla Forums masturbation session.
I'm not trying to sound intellectual at all you blowhard. I'm just calling a circlejerk what it is.
Because you don't belong here. And I can just filter you, no amount of shitposting you do can change anything. So it would be best if you just leave so you don't waste your time posting to people to people have have filtered you a long time ago.
At this point I'm just filtering he's annoying me now.
So where the fuck were we again? Russians using snow to grow crops or something and leftypol using the shittiest method of meme production possible?
It will change little, I know that. That was my whole point from the start and why this whole thread is pathetic: different memes work for different people.
The overwhelming majority of people do not change. Everyone is usually acting out their innate tendencies. Memes are banners. Others do not carry Holla Forums's banner? How fascinating, not.
Filtering out sources of cognitive dissonance is the natural thing to do.
Just like your memes, you type a lot of words but don't say a single fucking thing. You certainly try to, but it just doesn't work, and everyone with a functioning brain laughs at or ignores you.
You moron, a big reason why moat people think their memes are shit is because they're unfunny and filled to the brim with nothing but text, instead of keeping their message simple and to the point and actually being funny at the same time. Most normalfags see this and they're confused as to what the fucking thing is even trying to convey.
You could have picked anything to call out Holla Forums's hugbox behavior and you chose memes, sad.
Except your dipshit lefty humor only works on "people" who are already agree with lefty shit.
It's like making a movie reference, someone who hasn't seen it won't get what you're talking about or why it's supposed to be funny.
Holla Forums humor on the other hand is entirely self-contained and works on anyone, regardless of political allegiance or knowledge.
Why do you think Pepe caused international headlines?
I keep seeing that they can't express their ideas in 14 words or less.
Made this one a while ago.
That shit actually got me to try DF back in the day.
It's too slow now. Even in adventure mode, if I go to a goblin pit, I move at a snails pace. It could just be because I have a toaster, but I recall Holla Forums even complaining about it.
That is more Brave New World than 1984.
I haven't played it in like 10 years. Back then my fps would always grind to a halt when i hit 50-100 dwarves and cats started breeding out of control.
world activation user. It killed everyone's CPU making it cry like a little bitch before hand. Even top tier shit crawls on it's knees for DF now.
Look at this! Now look at the wonderful examples of left meme in comparison. The simple fact that the nazi meme lets you draw your own conclusions instead of being spoonfed the maker's "correct" answer!
Anybody have a screencap of that post about the difference between left-wing and right-wing memes with the pic of Pepe having pee'd himself. Can't find it anywhere.
Where's the punchline? Where's the joke?
Yeah. I miss having worlds with long histories, now I have to get something in the 300-600 year mark. shit sucks.
This picture is gold.
You know the memes are bad when you actually want to spread them despite being opposed to them.
Hold up is that a real commie meme or is that an example made by you?
Post-modernist retards who think science is "social construct" so like anything else.
These Poople is worse than flat earthers
What is the source, context and what year was this written? Fascinating read.
IIRC it was one made by the "ZOMG I'm a total Memer and I love Mountain Dew so much guys I'm a transexual gaymer girl" when we had that thread. I still don't believe such a person exists. I think it was made up by Vice or whoever wrote that piece of shit
Chris Chan exist, Laurelai exist, ADF-Fuensalida exist.
So i not doubt.
What in the everliving fuck is hauntology? Did I just go full retard, or did classrooms not used to teach ghost magic? Can anyone TL;DR that, I can't even decipher the wiki page any further than "One guy's Marxist fanfiction"
But it is not a matter of mere subjective preference. These memes are objectively bad as vectors for transmitting the ideals of the authors. What message they have has been utterly eclipsed by the authors' trying to one up one another in references to boring basic bitch leftist punditry so that they're essentially just the standard walls of inane text you can get from any conversation with a """Marxist""" and nothing unique as a meme.
I am not wholly in sympathy with Holla Forums either, but when I see a Jew in an oven I smile, or if I am a libshit, I become enraged or try to think of an oh-so-unruffled ironic response. Either way the meme has done its job. Its not meant to explain ideas, its meant to imply the ideas are already well understood and use them as a common point of cultural reference so that agreement is subconsciously forged through participation in the enjoyable narrative. This is how Holla Forums so effectively converts people who come to it with entirely different viewpoints.
90% of leftist memes are just pointless sperging about some pseudo-arcane Marxist dogma which isn't even immensely intellectual given that these ideas are entirely mainstream to anyone with a basic humanities education at a shit-tier western university. The rest are just appropriated Holla Forums memes or laughable moralistic raging. You do not need to agree with Holla Forums to see who wins.
Paul Watson is a good goy but he's right when he says nothing triggers liberals like the fact that the right is the new counter culture. The modern left has only ever existed as counter culture and has been able to attack the establishment from an outside position. Now they have to defend and, they can't and, it terrifies them. They know how influential we can be and have been using memes and, they assume like a typical liberal that because we are on the right we are stupid and, because we're stupid and the're smart they should be better with memes than we are. So they are trying very poorly to do what we do. They can't accept that they are the stupid ones, their whole identity is tied to the idea that being liberal makes them smart.
This is a great point. On our side there is a clear delineation between "memes" and what we call "infographs". Memes to us usually have little to no words. The meaning is derived primarily through the visual with layers of obvious and just-under-the surface messages. If we need to convey large amounts of text or data we switch to the infograph format. On a leftist meme the visual aspect is just a placeholder, something they can write their message over but there is rarely and logical, meaningful or funny connection between their text and visuals. Their ideas are shotgun blasted over visuals they usually have no connection to. As with most forms of communication simple is better. it also helps that we're right
>haunt: of a ghost : to visit or live in (a place)
>-ology: study of
It's the study of spooks I'm guessing
The left will always fail when memeing because it puts itself into boundaries, it's safe, and it concerns itself with how people will react to the joke. I think 75% of comedy is people who react to it like "Wow, he shouldn't have said that I feel bad for laughing, but that's true".
Even niggers make decent memes, why can't commies?
It would be the ultimate BTFO if we started ironically copying their own memes and using it against them. There becomes a point where a joke is so bad that it starts being funny again.
Go home Holla Forums shill
That was my first thought, too, but try this on:
Marxist ghosts. I'm not kidding.
I mean this is the work of a fucking schizophrenic. It's a single quote taken completely out of context that had an entire book written about it. There's no way the writer didn't pen this shit as an exercise in absurdity, I refuse to believe someone exists that could write that sincerely.
Then again, apparently there are people who consider it "good science", so I might as well give in to the cynicism.
Why are leftists incapable of being funny? Noticed this with comedians and leftists in general.
Post screencaps of said deconstructs of our memes then.
Underrated post. the uunderdeveloped amygdala can also explain why they lash out so violently when in groups and perceive people espousing sentiments they disagree with as genuine danger
Because they can't relate to anyone, and no one relates to them. They were never told no, never allowed to try and fail, so now they're mentally stunted adults whining about things that the rest of the world stopped carrying about when they were toddlers. That's why their entire ideology is based on whether or not something is "fair" or not, when any well-adjusted adult knows life simply isn't fair.
But can Myles work in a field and plant crops? Can he learn the skill of a mechanic or electrician. Can the millennial+ generations do anything, are they prepared for jobs that aren't comfy office time wasters that really don't produce anything. Let's hope we all figure out how to eat online opinion articles otherwise our upcoming generations are going to starve.
Being funny involves thinking outside the lines and being creative. Leftists depend entirely on being told what to say, believe, and think. Comedy is about coming up with clever and unique ways to say things that people aren't expecting that will make them laugh.
Not to mention leftists all adhere to strict social norms. If they step out of line, they are in deep trouble with their peers. So they can't be risky or too far from everyone else. Which is why their humor ends up ego stroking and with this attitude that it's "lol I'm so right look at this guy that doesn't agree with me he's so dumb lol". They can't break from norms so they're forced to try and be humorous that way.
Leftist humor is what happens to humor when it's smothered with fear of wrongthink. Their jokes are always "lol look how awesome we are everyone else who disagrees with us is so stupid lol".
18+ year old Tumblr cunts expanding to Facebook is "teens getting into Marxism"
Top fucking kek.
for fucks sake it's the only good thing the man has ever done
>I have no clue what to write for this, even ironically I can't figure out why it would be problematic
it's probably bc most farmers and gardeners are white, have you ever seen a nigger plant a garden? they can barely even pick cotton worth a damn
Good analysis. Capped for posterity.
really makes you ayo hol up muh guy doesn't it
I am REEEEEEEEEing so hard right now.
Typical tricks Schlomo
Fun fact: chans weren't the first place where I heard everyone as faggot. But then his twink complained and he had to mellow, at least that's the story I heard.
The best way to fuck with a (((leftist))) is to never let them lead the conversation. Put your points out there and remember that this is for third parties watching. (The leftist is literally retarded thanks to the programming, same goes with feminists.)
Leftist memes always fail, because leftist rhetoric and ideology is simply false. It's a lot harder to make a point when it requires you to use all sorts of bullshit made-up terminology and jump through a dozen hoops to make a "clever" argument. Everything leftists believe is always completely opposite of what you inherently know and observe in your life, and thus is requires all this bullshit explanation.
It's a lot harder to explain why 2+2=5 rather than 2+2=4. Because 2+2=5 is false. This is why our right-wing humor and memes are so easy. Because they're simple to understand. Because they're true.
The only times leftist memes thrive is in a controlled environment (read: the old media before the advent of the internet and social media) because they have a monopoly on it, and can force whatever they please. That's why, for example, a dindu nuffin fabrication like Emmett Till was able to trick people into believing the 1960s civil rights movement, but a dindu nuffin fabrication like Mike Brown or Trayvon Martin fails to make anyone side with BlackLivesMatter. Because the media no longer has a monopoly on the memes of production, comrade.
Good read, user.
There's a big clue here about what Myles is up to:
There may be some planting going on, but I think it's the drama teacher's cock in Myles' ass.
it truly amazes me that someone spent so much time on something with this much meta-humor and absurdity in it
You have to admire how perfectly he captured that kewl, soulless and "radical" 90's feel.
The last time Holla Forums tried to make the worst meme possible this happened and it was still better than every leftist meme combined
Thank you user.
How did I miss this thread? I need to lurk moar.
Every single leftypol fag who comes here ALWAYS without fail uses meme arrow + "muh"
Like that's the definitive end to everything. Because you use a meme arrow and say "muh".
God these people are stupid.
How do you make THE FUCKING FONT fuzzy and low-quality?
so dumbass question but what exactly is facism? I hear it all the time but I can't figure out what they mean when people say it
Ooh, edgy. The system that has maybe 6 billion people working for a third of their lives to keep themselves fed is surely shaking in its boots now.
Which one of us is going to tell them about the Jews?
these memes are truly the worst memes I have ever seen
These faggots don't get how you need the meme to have a punch, have a simple message that is also funny.
And yet these faggots with their undeveloped amygdalas just fail miserably at it.
It's funny and sad. Moreso funny.
Fascism has two meanings. In one, it is the comprehensive political system that combines extreme nationalism with a controlled market system to direct the production of goods toward a perceived national interest.
In the other, it means you don't belong to the speaker's particular leftist denomination.
The second definition is right about where the discourse is these days, you fucking fascist.
That's actually funny. But I kek'ed when
They're taking the piss out of themselves, and triggered you all who tried to make sense of it.
All in all, one of the better leftist memes I've seen.
Jesus, that doesn't even seem like an attempt to make a bad meme.
Facism is when you discriminate against someone because you don't like their face.
back to Holla Forums with you.
👌👌👌😂 tbh fam
You guys hit the nail on the head.
shit post, friend
Political cartoon < edgy joke
Edge is good.
Not in a better society;_;
what the fuck is a pupper?
a gay leftist "meme"
They have to call actually puppies "puppers" so they don't offend people who identify as puppies.
TO PUT THE 🔯🔯🔯JEWS 🔯🔯🔯IN THE OVEN [🔥🔥🔥🔥💀🔥🔥🔥🔥]
check my dubs faggot
Is sad Pepe and Wojak a joke? Memes aren't necessarily funny you dumb newfag.
you ruined your dubs now check em
The meme originates, as all memes do, from the chans. However, as far as I can determine, it owes most of its spread among normies to plebbit.
Pupper is not a leftist meme, it's just a normie meme
I think it's just a stupid way of saying "puppy". You know, when you see something cute your voice goes up and you're friendlier, which is a normal instinct (you should act this way among young children, for example).
whatever it is it is insanely stupid.
Also, I found this /k/ meme, which is apparently older than all the reddit crap as well.
I was referring to my previous dubs. Nigger
It's still a shit meme anyway, since it's normie/leftist now
You don't check your own dubs fuccboi 😡😡😡😡
forgive me, I just find emojis fucking hilarious
It has its place, but that place is certainly not in crappy political meme.
Actually, I may try some meme experimentation and see if I can't work out a good political doggo meme.
It's not the meme that makes the man, but the man that makes the meme.
WTF I hate elves now!
cheeky nigger
Best of luck to you user.
True. I honestly just find the common usage of "doggo" now irritating.
Mocked this up on my work PC with MS Paint. I'll do an updated version of it when I get home and can use a better program.
better than any pupper meme I've ever seen
The problem is that the proper definition of fascism is rather hard to pin down, and can overlap with other government models. Generally speaking the idea is that fascism puts every social organization with power (church, businesses, unions, etc.) under the direct control of the government. It's why it used to also be called "totalitarianism" and why it is frequently assumed (mistakenly) that National Socialism and Communism are also forms of fascism.
Admittedly, I should have researched what happened to modern continental philosophy before making that post.
They're both jewed now. Continental philosophy devolved to feels, analytic to autistic scientism.
Still, continentals gave us luminaries such as Nietzsche and Heidegger.
What do analytics have? Kikenstein?Maybe Russel's Principia Mathematica? That particular autism was doomed from the beginning, as Godel shows.
I've never seen an analytic philosopher try to say anything that was even remotely important. And they were proud of it, dam it . What they did say, they strived to convey with the utmost autistic precision and clarity, often to the opposite of the intended effect. No longer would philosophers strive to divine and carve upon the tablet of history the values of the future and wisdom of the ages, they would be contempt to play language games , reduce knowledge to the lowest common denominator and deny that any other questions can be meaningful . As for their contributions to the 'philosophy' of science, while impressive in an autistic sort of way (what wasn't stolen, that is), they are about as useful to the working scientist as an ornithologist is to a bird. What a world. Nazism doesn't grow out of ivory towers.
seig heil, pupper
You didn't already?
I propose this definition of fascism:
The attempt by an overseeing government to bring into balance the selfishness of unrestrained individualism with the danger of total collectivism, for the benefit a racially, culturally and religiously homogeneous people.
You need a soul to make good and powerful memes, without a soul everything you make is lifeless, dead and disgusting. Communism/marxism/socialism is made by the jew to ruin the goy, jews are soulless therefor communism and all things based on that are soulless. Not only that everything they've made is soulless and dead just like the desert they clawed out from. Their memes only touch the mess wicked and soulless of people, people that always will be lost.
Your post just explained this to a fucking T.
I have little idea what you're talking about but if you are talking about autists furiously talking in the wee hours about if this or that word is appropriate, it's actually a good thing. Your whole computational system that you use to convey your thoughts whether rational or not use this kind of autism of naming things properly because computers don't interpret as humans, they just run the calculations.
I see what you are going for, but then what would you define National Socialism as?
This is how leftist comedians operate when they're not playing a neutral/conservative character (see: The Colbare Repor). It's not about making actual jokes. It's about giving your leftist audience validation. That laughter you hear is the relieved laughter of someone who has had their opinions reinforced by someone in authority.
Err, this one.
a german puppy
fucking stupid
i agree actually
this settles it. troll account
or maybe just a kid who's really full of himself
eines tages wird unsere geduld zu ende sein
i'm so sick of these poor faggots. they're just as eager to consume anything others produce as 'capitalists', but they're too lazy to work for it.
A German version of my definition, with a specific emphasis on combating Marxism/ Communism.
sieg heil, pupper
I know there are other NatSocs on the board who will want to argue with the details on that, but I won't.
Holla Forums is trying to run side by side of Holla Forums but they are few steps behind any real idea of how to promote their ideas.
Copying what Holla Forums is doing will never be succesful, just so Holla Forums lurkers know.
Thank you base Grampa for kicking that cunt!
You can learn a lot from Game of Thrones.
Who owns vice? why are we not fucking with these faggots? That bike lock guy is small potatoes compared to these kikes.
Underrated post
The opposite of a pussy.
The left is many things, but funny isn't one of them.
(Checked) I think it's Mazinkaiser vs The Great General of Darkness.
Leftists don't want us learning how to control our bitches.
This literally doesn't mean anything. It literally makes no sense.
Well, that's part of it. They were content to declare the 'big questions' meaningless while the world moved on. To ignore the problem of values and the direction of civilization. To put it shortly, they lacked balls.
I know what a Turing machine is. A program is meaningful if it executes an intended algorithm .
Unfortunately, there is no algorithmic way to check whether a program is meaningful or not. The halting problem is unsolvable.
If you make a well-defined system of meaning, it must necessarily be incomplete. To check that it's valid, you would need an even bigger system. (Godel's second incompleteness theorem) . It's turtles all the way down.
A philosopher's duty is to gasp new concepts and establish values by which to live. The analytic project was doomed to failure because to justify existing abstractions in a formal way you need to appeal to even higher ones. There's always a bigger circle. Meaning comes first at an intuitive level, only later comes justification. To reverse the order is to make philosophy dead.
This. This is precisely why they are triggered so easily. Their facade is too easy to shatter.
How about just "Brevity is the soul of wit".
We all already know about Vice, the hipster publication…
Nice. Every meme I see from them they are trying at the same time to convince you to reject reality. They have to have an essay on every image because there's so much reaching and justifying to get to the outright denial they live in.
They're stale memes because Marxism is a rhetorical materialist religion.
It has it's own theological texts, it's own heresies, it's own rhetoric, it's own special meaning. Most of it is rhetoric to explain certain marxist myths that, like miracles don't make sense but have to because they just HAVE TO. The Economy forms man, like God formed Adam and Eve. Marx is the great prophet of this religion. He foresaw the great next step in economics: it can only be communism! All of this is based on a very particular world view that he alone with Engels developed based on their understanding of the past: Big economic epochs that changed human nature. Slave economy, feudal economy, capitalism and in the near future Communism. Humanity's great sin is the economic enslavement of the people and the christ figure, the one paying for our sin, are the proletariat. But soon the Proletariat/Christ will rise again and the Kingdom of Heaven will be upon us!
And like in so many great religions of our History after the Prophet dies the great debates begin. Everyone of course agrees with everything the great Prophet had said but the interpretation deviates. And so we enter the stage of rationalization: What did Jesus mean by "Render unto Caesar…"? Is this an endorsement of the State? 'The State is the secular way of God ruling the way and the Church is the religious way!' says Luther! The Catholics disagree 'Clearly Jesus would have wanted the Pope to stand above the worldy kings and bless him!'. In the same way the Marxist theologians begin to debate. "How exaclty will communism come about? And how exactly will it look like?" - 'It will be without currency of course!' say the Hoxhaists. 'It will be archived using vanguard elites that help bring about the change!" says the great theologian Lenin but others disagree "Surely Marx did not endorse any kind of statism!" they say as they begin to cite passages and psalms of the great Bible of Marx. 'A permanent revolution!' exclaims the wise Trotsky before being purged from the Church for deviating too far from the orthodox beliefs.
Learn what a fucking comma is for
Because just as any metaphysical religion so does the materialist religion have orthodoxies and heresies. Comrade and marxist prince-bishop Stalin, leader of the great inquisition and Protector of the Word (peace be upon him) had to purge millions of heretics who were practicing mental witchcraft and have clearly gone insane. And since then thousands and millions of splinter cults and sects have formed each claiming to have found the real interpretation of the sacred text and all of them incredibly cautious of not deviating from the orthodox way of formulating your economic theory. Debates between communists become long tedious rants full of empty rhetoric and nit picking about the exact meaning of a vague abstract ideas. The worst thing that could happen to such a learned elder is the usage of an banned and blasphemous word that had been linked to the teachings of failed or banished theologians deemed heretics by the orthodox Internationalé. Words and their sacred meaning are because of the very rhetorical nature of all theology important to the Marxists and great effort is put into controlling what people, marxists or not, say just like a Muslim might strike you for a blasphemy you were not aware of.
And of course anyone who did not acquire the esoteric wisdom by plunging themselves into the convoluted and demented theology of the sacred Prophet of Marxism must clearly be a barbaric, anti-intellectual possessed devil worshiper or obviously mentally ill. And just like other religions that try to bring the faith to 'the youth' with rad skating priests and cool church rap their attempts at memes are stale and just not funny because they attempt to convert you to a faith instead of making you laugh. These over complicated texts in these marxist memes are just theological babble and religious axioms that come down to 'it's true because the prophet said so'. And every time you mention a failed communist system it was of course the false interpretation of the prophets words. Just like protestants are not actually real Christians in the eyes of the Catholics so was the USSR not real socialism. In the end most marxist theologians have spend so much time with debating the holy test and it's interpretation that they totally forgot if these theories actually apply to reality at all. Or maybe Marxism has become it's own separate expanded universe reality and every time a communist leader fails to realize it he feels he has to punish the sinful population for having this wicked heathen right-wing nature by putting them into Gulags.
I doubt it's a coincidence that the Talmudic faith which is just a long two thousand year debate of rhetorical interpretation of the Torah's text has been entertained by the same people that created marxism. And I also doubt that it is a coincidence that the russian revolution was started by an orthodox priest who lost faith in Christianity after the Tsar's guard had against the Tsar's will shot into a protest.
sieg heil, pupper
tl;dr when making memes leftists are incredibly cautious to not commit a rhetorical sin of their religion: racism, sexism, greed, heretical behavior, blasphemy
And they must make sure that their communist memes must be within the official sanctioned way of presenting their ideology. Just using the word worker in a wrong context could see you get ostracized from your entire communist clique.
Vice was actually voted the "least cool" out of all media and brands by teenagers. This actually pissed a lot of them off because they always perceived themselves as the cool kids.
Now this article comes out and it's nothing but untruth and trying to make communism sound hip and edgy for the kiddies.
Also, autists are the best meme-makers and the vast majority are right wing. I know because I am one and autists don't give two fucks about leftist causes because we are outcasted from society.
Not too sure about that. Have you seen the wikifags?
(checked x2)
The left has plenty of autism user. It's just much lower functioning.
Vice? Last time I saw that network they were glorifying the fucking JEW of all things in some "documentary" dick stroke film. Says about everything to me and glad they're shitting out like the trash they are.
That explains everything. These dumbfucks literally believe everything is relative, solipsism is the way to go. They took one class on philosophy, got to the chapter about muh brain in a vat and declared themselves the ruler/god of the universe.
So they agree faggots are degenerates who should be put to death then?
seig heil, pupper
Am I the only one who wants to throw niglets and spiclets into boling hot lava?
These mutant freaks and their fat, round, mischievous faces piss me off so much. They look so disgusting.
Down Syndrome kids look easily 100x better than these micegenated abominations.
I'll be honest that seems excessive. Nits breed lice but there's no reason to torture them. Torture is the realm of the Jew. The aryan kills like like a merciful angel of death.
Lava kills instantly. I'm so disgusted by how niglet and spiclet babies look that they have to be cleansed with fire.
You seem vaguely alphabet. I hate those ugly faggot babies, but they should just be thrown off somewhere that'll get them quick. No need to waste time on them.
I'm the alphabet? You engaged me faggot.
My GF used to babysit these little shits once because where I used to live was full of spics and niggers. I saw first-hand how fucking gross and weird these kids looked. They behaved like they had some mild autism too, really weird behavior and even facial expressions were bizarre, miscegenated spic ones had thick eyebrows, smelly even after a bath. Very different from white kids.
The toddlers were even worse. Their parents never raised them right so they would often do shit, act like disrespectful little cunts taunting that they'd tell their parents my GF hit them if she dared to get in the way of their "games", which involved throwing markers and shit at her.
Lava is as quick a method as any, I just hate the sight of them so much that I wouldn't want to even leave a corpse behind.
No, no it does not. .com/watch?v=kq7DDk8eLs8
sterilize the adults so they don't have kids, problem solved. baby killing is for jews, thinking ahead is for whites
I don't know man, i'm against abortion myself, but for those kids growing up in those hideous forms is torture in of itself.
Might be better to end it sooner than later, at least that way they'll be to young to feel any of the pain they'll feel later on.
Looks pretty quick to me.
Huh wasn't the video I was thinking of. There's one where instead of sinking the payload skips around the edge of the whole crater like god damn air hockey, shooting off pieces of molten shit everywhere.
Well of course. Because if Marxists actually understood Marxism, then they wouldn't be Marxists at all. The entire ideology is completely self-contradictory and makes no goddamn sense.
Just my impression. Like I said, I hate them as much as you do.
Maybe I've been shitposting too much today.
Their memes don't even approach dank
Chomsky's universal grammar is unfalsifiable pseudoscientific bullshit. It's just typical jewish tricks. It's fucking blatant that low IQ peoples in places like Africa and Australia end up developing languages that are, therefore, much less linguistically and mentally complex than the languages made from smarter peoples. Chomsky just uses pilpul kikery to tell you why your eyes are actually deceiving you and the ooga booga abbo language is actually just as complex as indo european languages.
Excellent read. You know, I have to wonder what the "radical left" looked like before Marx came along. Before all this communism and anarchy bullshit that started happening in the 1800s.
that was one of the most striking things once I looked back on my schooling after being redpilled. They taught what communism is, what capitalism is, the various leaders and nations, but when it came to Germany and national socialism it was always about how evil the germans were and their supposed war crimes, we were never taught exactly what national socialism was aside from a vague summary about racial discrimination and antisemitism. I mean hell, my idea of a possibly functional form of communism was p close to national socialism but I never realised it because they literally never taught anything of substance about it.
ironically or not it would've been better than seriously saying "Memes are also undeniably accessible and democratic: memers make content on their own terms, and in doing so seize "the means of production."". Who the fuck says memers? These are the kind of people who would wear a doge shirt and talk about taking an arrow to their knee
Oh I know, I just think it was better than his political work. It's absolute crap when it comes right down to it, I just thought it was odd that lefties would mention his linguistics at all, let alone in a negative light
Pre Marxist socialism was pretty alright, and is the foundation for the socialist part of National Socialism.
also memes are inherently not democratic, they're meritocratic. You don't vote for which memes are the best, they just rise and fall naturally based on their individual merit/humor/relevancy/whatever
Sorry I misenterpreted your comment.
The left has been shit since the French Revolution.
Jacobins must hang.
What's funny is that we are the cool kids. We've made our content so extreme that no corporation wants to touch or coopt it. When Urban Outfitters sells a shirt with Hitler's face on it we're probably done, but until that day, gommunists and their merch are totally marketable and ours aren't - which is actually what makes us cool. If you're not too edgy for Urban Outfitters how could you 'possibly be cool?
actually thought this was our strawman of their bad memes for a second.
I mean, there's no way their memes cold really be that bad…
…and then I checked the article and saw it was real. Wew.
That article was just too painful to read
Probably 15-25. Remember that most of the see college as a way to extend childhood.
Because leftist can't meme for shit.
Sadly, that's actually one of their better attempts at memeing.
Leftists can't meme.
the jacobins were basically proto-lefties. they believed in rousseau's abstract teachings that has poisoned the well of thought untill today. Have you ever encountered these beliefs:
All of these are standard marxist and liberal beliefs and have their origins in the jacobin movement (esp. rousseau) and freemasonry kinda helped to spread these beliefs from lodge to lodge accross borders to all intellectual elites in a pre-globalized world without mass media were spreading ideology was nearly impossible without some form of network like churches (reformation) or lodges.
Funny enough the jacobins actually persecuted the church and tried to replace the catholic faith with two 'rational' anthropocentric materialistic religions. The cult of Reason (no gods allowed only my own enlightenment) and the deistic Cult of the Supreme Being (there is a god and he is personofied virtue). If theose sounds shitlib to you then you're right. the one was atheist fedora tip memes coming to life and the other virture signaling so hard that you indirectly declare yourself to be godlike in virture.
They also tried to force gender equality and conscript women, make a 10 day week and a 10 hour day. And more crazy stuff. Infact they invented general conscription which helped conquering europe with napoleon as he had 3 armies of conscripted citizens while even the mighty russia only had one of professional soldiers.
Of course as we all know the whole thing ended in them literally saying they will rule via terror and thousands of people being executed for failing to adapt their nature to the new abstract culture created by the most radical lefties of that time: the Jacobins.
I don't think edgy has anything to do with it.
All those corps are just scared of the ADL and the army of Jew laywers to try to profit off our memes.
I've often heard that the French revolution was also the birth of modern nationalism. I remember back in high school they talked about how the French invasion bolstered German, Polish, and slavic forms of nationalism. At other times I hear they were proto-bolsheviks. I know Edmund Burke talked about how "intellectuals" Europe wide all gathered in Paris and danced around a fire singing about world equality. Anyone care to clarify?
I actually feel bad for lenin in that pic. I mean, sure, throw him out of a helicopter and burn in hell, but Christ man, that gay hat?
user… I… I want to see that though.
TBH Marxism is more a means to study history than real economics. It's just trying to use (bad) economic theory to understand the process of history.
I honestly think if Spengler had actually been thorough in his research and less esoteric his ideas he could have developed a reasonably good counter-point to the marxist/progressive theory of history. To be honest, there's nothing stopping anyone from trying to finish his work and make it more 'rational' and 'academic', even if Spengler himself would have hated that idea.
dont tell the enemy what they're doing wrong
An honest confession from an oldfag.
For many of us, that was originally the point. We didn't want our little shitposting/raid clubs to get co-opted, and we did it by becoming repulsive to normies. Similar to how we deal with shills by posting gore.
Except in order to become more convincing, we started reading stuff. At first it was just putting Hitler quotes on stuff as a joke. Then we realized we like the quotes. Then we started reading more.
I think there was an original core of actual natsocs that existed, but most of us were just internet edgelords that became nazis by accident when we started actually reading more about the stuff we were shitposting about.
you better hope your boss didnt see you making that
Yes, they were. In the beginning liberalism and Nationalism were the same. Not all liberals were insane. Think about it this way:
How can you create a republic in which citizens all collectivly own the nation, a constitution gives everyone the same rights and noone is owned by another human if you still have a Monarch, someone who literally declares to be the god mandated owner of the country. Dring that time you might have been a dutch man but it could be that the spanish king because of some dynasty memes ruled you. And maybe in 20 years the french king would inherit the land once the spanish king died and lost the title to your region. We always think of kingdoms as just older medieval nation states but they were actually just alot of regions owned by one family/dynasty which could be traded, inhereted, split up amongst your sons or stay in one family for ages. Most of the time Kings would respct the regional laws and local rulers without imposing sudeenly a spanish way of life onto dutch people though.
So in order to break the 'chains of oppression' the only sensible thing for the liberals was to organize a new nation state republic based on the common roots of the people. That is were nationalism and later the romanticism movement comes in. Artists, songwriters and archtitects that focused on the ancient roots of the 'nation' or 'volk'. Suddenly you see a spark in interest and self-identification with the gauls in France. And pf course there were many nationalist people who thought the liberals idea of spending the nations money on schools for all children (another good thing the early liberals did) instead of on some kings private palace was good for their own people. By the way the american democrats obsession with education reforms stems from exactly those roots just taken way too far. Not all revolutionaries actualy wanted to get rid of the king, just the radical jacobins. Anyways, there were some other systems around. The french revolution was quite radical, but enlightenment ideas were successfully ,erged with monarchy in other places. British constitutional monarchy having both a constitution and a King who didnt have absolute power anymore. And Friedrich the great of prussia limiting himself (because of english influences and friends) and giving the german people basic rights, sp that the future kings couldnt just execute some peasant for looking funny at him just because he feels like it.
Of course the french fuckfest perverted like crazy and turned into an empire (the whole democracy thing wasnt THAT populair yet since most of the greek philosophers that sparked the enlightenment actually hated greek democracy) just like rome and started going around spreading their revolution. They created new states like Westphalia and so on. Europe using the metric system and britian not is because of that onquering. Eventually the frogs got kicked back to their lands and the king reinstalled but their ideas had spread. But now people (mostly a studentmovement) wanted nationalism and democracy but that revolution (~1848) failed. Anyways that (germans all sharing a common hatred for the french and working together to get rid of them) was the seed for nationalism that would later be used by bismark to unite all of germany. But not as a republic but a federation of kings under the emperor/kaiser + some semi-democratic council and parliment with limited rights. Then ww1 Well and the rest you know.
Fuck off back to containment /leftycuck/
Forgot to say burke actually was sympathic with the french revolution untill the more sensible conservatives in the movements got pushed away by crazy leftisgs who wanted turn society and all tradition on its head. His reaction to the terror in france basically created modern conservatism. which from an enlightenment viewpoint is still liberal, just that it wants to conserve the traditional society after they created a constiutional republic or constitutional monarchy.
Sounds like what happened to me as an old-school Holla Forumstard. It was all a joke until it all of a sudden it became completely sincere without me realizing it.
tell me, if a communist were somehow teleported to an island a fifth the size of Australia along with 50 million other communists and somehow ALL of those communists were forced to be proletariats with you being the only bourgeois person in the entire brand new communist nation, and you told them they could leave at any time they like if they stop being communists and pass an anti-communism test(and you actually let them leave), then would more than the teenagers ever actually stop being communist, or would they just claim that it isn't real communism because it doesn't work?
oh, and I forgot that there'd also be a military of robots with a few proles that are forced by the robots to perform maintenance on them and whatnot
You seem to have put a lot of effort into a metaphorical situation that can only end in 50,000,000 helicopter rides….
And this is what fills me with hope for the future. I have plenty of normie friends that crack Hitler jokes for fun. They've already breached the taboo so I make it my sacred duty to thin the veil between joke and truth with every passing day, each joke containing just one more little glimmer of the reality than the last. One day, they too will see.
Its Hegels dialectic used on the material world to explain the past.
So bad, it's good.
Why do leftist Marxists like Stirner? Stirner thought Marx was a blow hard faggot and that Der Einzige und sein Eigentum was written almost as a satirical critique of Marxist materialism
Because if everything is just a social construct they can make reality be whatever they want it to be, whether it be thusly or suchas.
Vice News is like that 30some year old aging hipster covered in tattoos who's a manager at a Hungry Howies you'd see at a bar or coffee shop bragging to young girls that he knows where to get weed
Capped because this made me laughed while taking a drink and chocolate milk came out of my nose and it was extremely uncomfortable
agreed. cruelty is the realm of the sick. we are cultural kevorikians
Checkin these trips. Sounds pretty spot on what you said. 2005 Holla Forumstard here
There's also the lesser known fact that Vice has a lot of Ex-CIA working for them. Remember when that "Double-O Dipshit" debaticale happened? Well the people involved were friends of Vice writers and some were writers themselves. Looking through archives (I had read it once or twice before so I knew what to look for) thse people were also promoted on the magazine.
I always had a fucking feeling that hipster bullshit was some sort of deep state goverment psyops.
HOW. HOW THE FUCK. How is it even possible to produce a meme this shitty? It's not even a Meme anymore, it's like it needs a new word to describe it. A Mome.
I'm sorry anons, my entire computer setup is fucky and I thought I was posting into the webm thread.
I don't know user I think he may have the next generation in his hand with that steak one. These faggots are trying to make their memes the 21st century equivalent to sniffing your own farts at a dinner party where no one understands but the people who want to seem smart laugh along anyway. I'm sure this is oing to get a lot of traction and people totally wont just skip over to hot or not.
Wut? Are you stating that Stirner wrote everything was a social construct or that that is what they believe, so they fit Stirner into that world view?
(((Dwarf))) Propaganda
as someone who just completed their STEM bachelors what is scientism?
this is some breddy gud shitposting
pls explain
what have the fucking commies come up with now
is science now racist because the scientific method isnt subjective
Honestly comparing marxists to religions is an insult to religions. /christian/ seems to be able to talk to eachother about their differing sects but you take a stroll over to Holla Forums there seems to be little to no dialogue between the various ideologies going on. Their only unifying factor seems to be hating us.
SAVE Holla Forums!
basically this
i made this OC stolen from their shitty memes
Absolutely disgusting understanding of philosophy.
That's pretty small and unreadable
'Scientism' refers to a belief that science is infallible and its conclusions should be taken as matters of faith. Basically I like to think of it as the retarded 'I f'ing love science' crowd who have never had a critical thought in their lives and accept everything at face value regardless of the particular monetary or ideological motivations of the scientists involved.
As a political weapon it seems to be in use, not without cause, by every interested party. Science is a battleground now. Don't pretend you didn't know that. Even saying plainly objectives facts like niggers have low IQs is now forbidden.
These are embarrassingly bad holy fuck
Repost these there anyway.
That Irish guy is dropping serious redpills there.
You can walk away now, user. Your job here is done. Top fucking KEK.
I think he means what the fuck are you trying to convey
Political cartoons are fucking shit.
That includes Zyklon Ben.
WORDSWORDSWORDS isn't clever, fucking hell I hate political cartoons so much. They always lack any subtly.
I had actually to do a double-take to realize it wasn't shill media.
Down to the media-safe propoganda friendly media. Soulless is a perfect way to describe it. It seems like it was completely manufactured by out-of-touch normalfag marketing interns.
Ben Garrison is pretty good, though.
Communist memes are so fucking lame. I don't like to use the word "cringe" any more but they truly make me cringe whenever I see them. The Porky meme from Holla Forums is particularly bad because it's such a blatant ripoff of the happy merchant. It feels just like watching a pastor rap about jesus in a poorly thought out attempt at converting teens to christianity.
read the kikepedia page on it. pretty fucking definitive tbh famoilia
This, I've been around this page for a while and they're taking the piss.
Fixed it
Is bullshit. It's easily solved even by DNA replication systems which have error correction machinery to ensure the program is duplicated correctly.
The fatal flaw in Godel's work is the axiom that something bigger than itself must exist to do the checking for completeness. When instead, two similar sized bodies can exist which check each other for completeness, and know that each other exists.
TL;DR: Idiot forgot you could divide to conquer.
This. I believe this why the good memes tend to be right wing as the right is generally meritocratic
On the right the hard mean sciences that make me feel stupid and insecure. On the left the nice easy sciences that make me feel smart and superior to others.
no user, Jacobins are the left. That's were the right vs. left dichotomy comes from. Do your study properly next time (jacobins were funded by bankers and masonic groups)
Or fucking be one of them (Whalmy Shitmer)
Oh god, this is a great idea
Good read. It's kind inspiring to see humans will still find their humanity in the little things under inherently inhuman communism.
Not just mock. We could make memes specifically tailored to mock the memes that we feed to them.
That's an extremely sociopathic view. Scientifically. If you don't think babies are adorable there's literally something wrong with you.
Oh, you're on Holla Forums so that was a given. And you still support the man who calls himself a globalist.
These, but also I think they see something like our "Navy seal pasta" in the wild before learning of imageboards and legitimately cannot grasp why it's funny, or what the meme is trying to say.
They believe we pass it around because hurr everything to the right of me luvs gunz becuz they have small penis and it confirms our biases.
So they try to get something of theirs functioning the same way by writing a goddamn thesis on a simple reaction image macro.
which inevitably leads to this. The meme gets even longer because they replaced "Navy Seal" with "Menshevik" and now must explain what a Menshevik is and why it's even important before they continue.
Anyone ever seen those old brittorian era humour books where part of the goal is to annoy the reader by ()ing after every other noun? (some spin on "shaggy dog" I forgot the name of) It's like that, but they legitimately do need to explain the shit
they are so far beyond funny not even Exxon can find it to drill something out of it.
reread the text. It works both for lefties and rights.
In other words something that brilliant no lefty would ever make.
The amusing part of all that is the systems that somewhat reject portions of Marxism are the ones that can actually last a good while.
Stalinism, china post-Maoism, "Chavezism"
the farther they reject their origin, in any way, the less they get fucked.
Pretty sure that's a good sign it's a terrible system, no wonder they want to discount them as "not true marxists"
that second one is horrible either way, but I think one reason they hate tankies so much is Stalin lends himself well to memes by being a well-renowned paranoid kill-everything fuckstick. I constantly see Stalin memes come up during internal leftie fights with intent to trigger the more SJ-leaning one in the battle.
Like "normal" leftie runs against a virtue-signaling tranny: "Hah hah, you are funny, I kill you last" or "Haha, I like joke, advance to start of line! To Gulag." Plus the inherent yakov smiroff appeal of Ruslish.
You can do similar with other prominent Russians, like how Yeltsin's a drunk to everyone, so you can easily 'sell' any point just by throwing him in there drinking, either to mock it or promote it.
However these other goofball academics, especially the endlessly wordy German branch, no, there's just no way. You see how swift capitalist quotes are compared to Marxist "quotes" all the time on those famous people sites. "The man who dies rich dies disgraced" and "surplus wealth is a sacred trust (onoes already ruined by possible religious reference) which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community" Andrew Carnegie.
Put that up next to any marxist spiel against all capitalism in it's entirely, they're like 2 fucking paragraphs long. It kills me when they put marxist shit on a T-shirt, how would anyone read that shit. But they could never promote welfare off of Carnegie because he's specifically a self-proclaimed capitalist.
I got a few of their memes i was gonna put in a video about antifa
Their memes are low Energy and overall pathetic with no real impact
"we" (as in GG we) actually kinda dug into this a bit but then Gawker started blowing itself to pieces. Kinda wonder now if any (((CIA))) assets in Gawker were "activated" specifically to make them take attention away, Denton being a sacrificial lamb of sorts.
Similar to how Milo became "GooderGoy Numbah One" "we" couldn't find anyone willing to take on Vice.
If Vice was such a fakeout operation, why would so many more "respectable" papers they were fighting with be afraid of exposing them?
Not even kikebart touched this stuff, we had to find a screwball 2-bit commie art student to publish the dig finds. (and to be fair unlike Milo he actually did a good amount of footwork himself being in the area, even as he now flies solo, which is probably why unlike Milo they viewed him as a lethal threat)
https:// [email protected]/* */
These all used to be hosted on the main medium site proper, but not even the place that allowed both "assassinate Trump" and "assassinate Clinton" posts wanted to let Vice-related materials stay up. Yeah, turns out it would've been impossible for GG to handle Vice. This seems as much CIA as CNN is. It should also be noted Vice started out as a magazine about all drugs even the illegal kinds. We all focused on Vox due to the goon connection, but forgot about the CIA's drug running.
So much suspicious shit, and so much suspicious funding. His "financiers" don't apparently care his numbers are faked and it's nothing but bots, and it's supposedly got more funds than the NYT but runs its HQ out of rusted little shacks and cheap studio apartments. And what isn't ghostly VC comes off of being literal shills.
And, more CIA-implying, note the bizarre relationship between VICE, ISIS, and Nutella.
IDK what this Nutella shit is all about as I never touched the stuff, seemed like a shitty meme snack, but it's probably a good idea to get it away from anyone you know. It feels like they're MKUltra-ing right out in the open with this shit.
Also there was once a jew that worked for them named Sally Hayden, and her 'buddy' (he's 40 years older so, probably one of those kinds of relations) from Forbes Ken Silverstein started looking into the Epstein connection and published info through her that damned Clinton but cleared Trump.
Sally's co-credit was removed from this article, and all of Ken's own crossposted contributions except for this were removed, seems like a subtle warning to them. Sally also mentioned feeling like she was being followed and watched until September, and experienced 2 swattings, though mistaking them as angry Trumpeters since most of her output was anti.
Her non-trump stuff all had to deal with child kidnappings and feminist gender nonsense, so it's likely she did that out of being offended at everyone else using fake child rape charges against him. Weird thing is, those are left up, but all the Trump stuff is gone, and Vice's web.arc pages have all been blanked (though not removed) Lotta freaky and unusual shit going on with Vice. Never seen that odd special treatment for anyone else, if they want stuff removed it usually gets the ol' "can't crawl because of robots.txt" message.
This last part isn't a part of DanV's write-up series but it was interesting to note when one of 'their own' stepped in a turd and got to Shane's bad side, received the same Gary Webb-esque treatment as Dan did.
Oh yeah, this is definitely to "millenials" what "ponychan" and "Round Stable" are to bronies/horsefuckers.
kek, that last one, shameless ripoff.
#2 wtf
Almost alone among Western scientists, John Desmond Bernal, Professor of Physics at Birkbeck College, University of London, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, made an aggressive public defense of Lysenko and some years later gave an obituary of "Stalin as a Scientist". However, despite Bernal's endorsement, other members of Britain's scientific community retreated from open support of the Soviet Union.
AThey have this shit too, which screams cultural marxism. I want to believe these people are all actors
Nutella is like the chocolate version of peanut butter.Its way more popular with children than adults because its quite sweet.
where did I say otherwise? Do your comprehensive reading practice properly and regulairly please.
Solve the halting problem or gtfo. I am serious give me your debunking of the incompleteness theorem and we can discuss. The DNA argument is BS. DNA does not include all possible "problems". It's just one example of a problem that is decidable. To disprove gödel you need to prove that all problems are decidable.
pretty much yea. Its funny to see leftist parties like Syriza being these coalitions of around 20 different marxist sub-sects.
And by the way aside from early christianity and protestantism I dont think christianity's problems outweight their usefulness to the common people overall. The catholivs even ended up persecuting the first SJWs who were basically vegan, anti-marriage, anti-wealth, commune loving gnostic christians in the 11th century (Catharism). But the way marxism works is very related to how monotheism seems to turn out most of the time in history just more fanatic.
forgot the picture
==sieg heil pupper=
I wish I had your ability to articulate myself. This was a better read than a lot of blog posts 10 times as long manage to be.
Yes, because if you truly understand marxism you'd be against it. Unless you're a kike but that is a given.
Still though, those petunia bowls are pretty based…
Don't forget cuckoldry enthusiasm. That's big there too.
Gets cut off… fuck you yt. The thing that went in the mind of the bowl of petunia's mind is "Oh no, not again" and then the narrator continues to sat that if one were able to understand what that thought menat that individual would be able to understand all the secrets of the universe.
Bad cut clips ruined the joke
Leftists have been in their own hole so long that they have completly lost all sense of wit and common sense. Leftist memes were once good. Take Dougless Adams here. Very good humor and philisophical sillyness.
And compare that to this embed of a leftist bernie sanders OC. The contrast is so stark it's embarassing.
This one is actually ok but there is a sharp decline in quality. Compare that one to this other one that actually had more circulation. Why was that one less circulated than this one? This one is worse.
"We're comming Bucko" became their catchphrase. It's a rehash from some idiot trolling the Hal Turner show nearlky a decade ago.
It just fails on all levels. Only a kike is angered by the possibility of a pig having a top hat.
If you trace the origin of pigs as an anomprphic representation of an enemy I think the earliest you can find is George Orwell's Animal Farm which was an Anti-Communist book by an ex-commie. If you look back any farther you might find some political cartoons depicting some industrialists posessing a monopoly but to jump from industrialist holding a monopoly to an entire representation of capitalism is reaching. This is especially true since industrialists no longer exist in capitalistic society. Either you have a system of factory workers under supervision from OSHA or you have true modern "industrialists" in actual communist countries like Vietnam, Korea, and China.
So what exactly does the pig represent in their cartoons? Our happy merchant represents the Jewish race while theres either represents a stereotype of a time gone past or a personification of the capitalist ideal.
Our happy merchant is superior and their pig is inferior.
Holla Forums knows we're a board that is anti-capitalist too, right? Or do they all fall for the "We're a diverse culture of conservatives, liberterians, and anarcho-capitalists who are Nazis just to be edgy for the lelz" meme?
This is wrong. There is an algorithmic solution. Run the program. If it halts, then decide if it is meaningful. If not, then continue running it.
Now imagine you have N programs and want to find the meaningful ones. You can just run each one for 1 time step (one state transition), check for termination, sort the ones that terminate, and repeat.
It is 100% algorithmic.
I think your statement should be: There is an algorithmic way to sort meaningful terminating programs from not meangful ones. However, it is generally undecidable for non-terminating programs.
It is easy to get bamboozled by supposedly impossible things, but there is almost always a lot of wiggle room in which things can work. Just look at the success of boolean satisfiability solvers that rely on heuristics. The problem that they try to solve is NP complete, yet they work remarkably well in practice.
Never thought of it this way before. Thanks Holla Forumsack.
This jew wishes, lel.
You forget something basic.
I love how they go on to show a bunch of memes which would be anathema to even the more lefty teens.
ha, I missed that thread. The first thing that came to mind when I saw that was "Kitsch"
How the fuck is """Maoism""" science?
These people are advancing to levels of autism not even 8ch has seen.
How are all of the "Not Science" topics somehow not science?
sieg heil, pupper
Yes I also notice that the (baddoubleplusungood) also has some things which overlap with (good) science. If only a pleb like me not versed in continental traditions ould understand.
'06, ours were the "high water mark" years, to paraphrase Hunter S Thompson
no words for this. OP your selection images say more than a 10,000 word essay could. Just no fucking words for this.
Checking these sweet Hitler dubs in the hopes that more young'uns get into the wonderful past time of Dorf Fort.
I think that game helped condition me for the Holla Forums NatSoc mindset, by exterminating hordes of useless beekeeping, soapmaking, fish disecting migrants.
Checking these sweet Hitler dubs in the hopes that more young'uns get into the wonderful past time of Dorf Fort.
I think that game helped condition me for the Holla Forums NatSoc mindset, by exterminating hordes of useless beekeeping, soapmaking, fish disecting migrants.
Why do people like this think anthropology is positive when they actively fight against all research anthropologists have made in the past 60 years?
Their "memes" are like Francis E. Dec rants but for faggots.
Are you new here?
Sieze da meanz of prdaction :DDDDDD
It does mean however, that white people who brought the scientific method and industrial society to the rest of the world do science which is based on evidence and not cultural marxism and political correctness filtered thru jew media.
I always love it when leftists critique "problematic" studies for being ethnocentric or having bad methodology, but they also refuse to perform similar studies themselves.
For example, they'll claim that the data on IQ of african bushmen and australian abbos was poorly selected, but they won't go back and redo any IQ tests. They're just hiding behind the alleged lack of evidence to try to say that the opposite claim is true.
you need a good sense of humor, critical thinking and a soul for memetics
the left posesses neither of those attributes
At least Dec was unintentionally funny.
Yeah they love him even though he was probably the most retard of a commie yet read this for shits and giggles:
It's sad to think that chinks would be less of the soulless automatons there are now if it weren't for king chink and his red chinklets destroying practically all of their history and culture.
OPs pics are cringeworthy.
try saving it as jpeg on a very low quality
Wow, same actually.
kek'd so loud the cat looked at me sideways.
He might have a promising future as a drag queen - unless we've tossed them all off of buildings before he fulfills his dream.
Where is VICE IP adress? in Bizarro world?
There was a meme i was going to try and make but my computer got majorly fucked over and can only now use it to lurk now. It was gonna be this picture with a MAGA hat on him but i wont be able to get it made anytime soon.
I've always taken a lot of offense at that redpanels comic, it's actually the main reason I wasn't upset when he up and quit. How the fuck can you have a handwringing 6million in the same comic that suggests that the "88" half of 14/88 is holding us back?
didn't mao go to yale?
didn't mao go to yale?
Everyone calm down for a second. Now I'm not going to pretend I understand this "meme" completely, but I think it's supposed to be a sarcastic jab at themselves. Obviously physics is a science, nobody could be so stupid as to believe otherwise. What they are probably attempting to do is poke fun at themselves by pointing out their own tendency to get wrapped up in overly esoteric philosophies. Of course they don't view this as a weakness, and hence somethign they'd actually want to poke fun at, they simply are trying to wear a mask of humor. That's the impression I get anyways, but I really don't fully understand it.
because fags like Richard Spencer are on TV while everyone on this board is in a perpetual state of purity testing other posters. Just watch as I'm called a jew-loving DC shill for just bringing that up
Why are leftists so mind-boggling trash at making quality memes? It honestly continues to astound me how horrible they are.
Also, rate my OC.
Get fucked, you worthless cuckold. All non-whites need to be wiped out including the babies.
fill in the nose
like this?
This is mostly wrong
Extreme TLDR that oversimplifies a lot: Analytic = nu-atheist Fucking Love Science fedora tippers (Russell), continental = nutters really into weird metaphysics (Hegel)
Both can end up either left or right, though the right-wing tradition is stronger with continentals (Heidegger, Nietzsche, Evola). Leftists from the analytic tradition tend to be neoliberals or social democrats, while leftists from the continental tradition tend to be full-on Marxists.
very nice, saved it
you're a man who does not identify as feminist?
you're a man who likes Donald Trump?
Yeah, please don't make your shit memes, you fucking /r/the_donald redditor. Get the fuck out of here.
Remember, if you are a hardcore leftist you have to hate Chomsky because his linguistics privileges the human species over other animals because humans are the only species that can develop complex language. So those radical leftists are forever trying to teach cats and wasps and niggers how to communicate and deluding themselves into thinking they are making progress so as to prove Chomsky wrong.
What the fuck is wrong with these people that they literally dedicate their lives to trying and failing to scientifically prove that humans aren't special? Such people should have been euthanized the moment someone noticed them develop such tendencies; you hate yourself and other humans, so just die, don't try to spoil everyone else's existence.
Reminder a pair of panels repeated a few times is funnier than every meme leftists have ever created combined.
ha that picture reminds me of how capitalism has a great depression every generation. how many trillions of dollars vanished over night in 2008? Capitalism is very good at creating imaginary wealth that disappears when margins are called.
As opposed to having a financial crisis every single day?
That is so fucking terrible that I wouldn't be surprise if its a false flag.
Weren't those "depressions" caused by the bankers themselves?
You're conflating capitalism with jewish economics. That's okay, it's a common mistake among newfags.
sieg heil pupper
And how do you check for errors in the error corrector? Oh that's right, you need another error corrector for that, and then another for that one, and so on. Congratulations on proving your complete lack of understanding of the theorem in just a single sentence.
That's the very fucking definition of the halting problem, you just admited it's unsolvable. You're as braindead as the other user.
what about a male feminist trump supporter?
seemed like good meme potential
My sides
Are my maymays good? They're more like hyde-core political comics tho
Yeah, the (((brand))) has some spoopy feelings to it. But then again with Operation Mockingbird we should know all (((MSM))) is (((CIA))) anyway.
They have a natural level of incompetence that can't be duplicated or imitated. It's fucking impossible. The only way to meme as badly as leftists is to be a leftist.
This has to be very elaborate shitposting.
Either way, toppest of keks
why are we surprised?
its not that hard
first you make a picture, half of which is really, really cringy
then you add a section of the communist manifesto to the other half
if you wanna make one even worse than that, just put in some cartoon character saying "HEY KIDS IM A COMMUNIST AND HERES WHY" while gesturing towards part, if not all of, the communist manifesto
so for example, you could take that picture you have there, shrink it down to half size, then make it 1/30th of the picture size while the rest of it has the communist manifesto
but actually i guess even that wouldn't be as bad as stuff like
is this leftist tier yet
you seem to have missed the important part that leftists typically have bad taste, and so they also have a bad sense of humor, if any at all
now maybe if that picture were true people might find it funny, but it isn't true, and isn't funny to me because of that
It's either that or nukes, regardless if you believe in (((climate change))) or not it won't even matter if we just get our shit together
The issue to me is that it's obviously made poorly on purpose. Leftist memes feel like they're actually trying to be funny, but just aren't.
do you not understand user?
they arent made poorly on purpose
they really try to make them good
Yeah, that's what I was saying. The one I replied to is obviously made to be shit.
but that's the thing, their humour is never based in truth and they're always trying to force memes
but how can they try and still fail?
antifa existed in the 90s?
Oh look and their best meme is stolen from us.
damn thieving commie kikes.
Jet skis are super duper radical and extreme man.
No idea. I guess they don't get that humor is far more effective when it's not just written out like an image macro.
thats closer to being leftist bad, but not quite there yet
maybe try doing it over from scratch and basing it off of pop culture references if you want it to be leftist-tier bad?
Brevity is the soul of wit, and they are devoid of wit. Not really that complicated.
again, bad taste
Clearly he is doing hauntology.
Whatever the fuck that is.
we wuz dogs n sheit
Holla Forums
hijacking lefty pol, help pls
6,000,000% better kamerad pupper!
Because you know you won't eat under Bolshevism.
So Holla Forums and VICE are connected?
rofl. for how much the left goes on and on about being the funny and creative side it amazes me the ease with which all their shit that falls flat is modified into something funny. like this is no prize meme but given the stale imagery they used, it's passable.
what the fuck is any of this supposed to be.
Its too bad about her retardation
Some of these memes make the posters look bad. These are terrible, terrible memes
what do girls with daddy problems and small tits do? is there an equivalent to going sjw and turboslut mode that I'm not aware of?
Leftists really are lost when the original programmers are all dead.
i'd say only if it's for the purpose of resulting in a greater proportion of good memes.
the organic method is the one that empowers the people. physical and spiritual (capacity to reason, true beliefs, good spirit) health… that which improve the culture will result in improved memes. it's an upward spiral: a holy infusion. he inspires to the ideal.
they enemy has proven time and time again that they cannot but shoot themselves in the foot.
the worry is degeneration and boiling frogs.
When even a faggot like Sargon can easily identity that the left's biggest problem is that they are a bunch of unfunny, uncool, cringey faggots who don't even know they are cringey faggots, there's no point in denying or trying to dress up their crude attempts at memeing as clever or witty.
Their memes are like watching your Mom try to do the hip new breakdancing moves she learned at the rec center while trying to rape about Poh-Kee-Mans.
i know the gommies make shit memes, but i figured you guys were still cherry-picking the very worst ones. after having spent time in their OC thread, i no longer think this.
fuck they are not funny at all.
I dunno, the one that says "this is communism" with a picture of a nigger pretending to read was pretty funny.
To put it bluntly, leftist memes are tantamount to the insufferably snobbish know-it-all kid who tries to be funny, but comes off as condescending; Crossed with that of poorly designed comics or games that just can't hide their agendas they're trying to push, and come off as thinly-veiled propaganda.
Dubs fuckin confirm
there is the expression and there is he who expresses.
cooption is a concern only because of confirmation bias or emotional appeals, the usual tricks on the masses. this is assuming that 100% of the opposition is retarded or not meming. .
not sure what point the bottom one is trying to make, or what the joke is
Looks like it's about Britain getting culturally enriched.
There are people who think Assad and Putin are Socialists?
Dueturte I can get but not Assad and Putin
In a NatSoc Country there wouldn't be the Kikes or the Nigs to make this inequality happen
Exactly Capitalism is a shit system, sure it's a better system than Communism but it sure ain't NatSoc
And what is the economics of NatSoc? How does it differ from Capitalism and Communism.
Got a link to it the survey?
It's real. Look up "Lettuce Dog" on Facebook.
Doesn't help that 98% of electives at my college all seem to have to include some sort of Marx bullshit.
Except the Warrior-ship and Honor class. Which fills all +300 spots in the first day of elective picking usually.
I went to link you a pdf of the 1932 NSDAP economic platform, but apparently polchan is down. Its not the simplest thing to explain, but the general idea of it is helping people help themselves, instead of handing things out to people. They were loaned money, trained in construction and put to work on building their own homes, which they would be paid to build, too. The homes were on the outskirts of cities, getting them out of Jewish slums. They were given enough land to grow a fairly large garden, so they could eat healthier - but only if they put the work into it themselves. Specific types of traditional commercial crops like grain were banned from private gardens to prevent a collapse in the market. Im not sure the exact specifics of the way it was budgeted, but Im pretty sure part of it was a loan, which would have normally been welfare money just handed out for nothing anyways, that they got people out of the welfare line and into a job, which resulted in them being a net contributor instead of a drain on the system. If you paid back your loan, good stuff! If you defaulted, who cares, it was welfare money normally anyways. There was more to it than that though, they also had large land reclamation campaigns, taking back the swamps and bogs, forests, barrens etc. and turning it into productive land. They put in import restrictions on goods from countries like France - if they could be making it themselves anyways. It wasnt just handing shit out, as I said, it was helping Germans to help themselves, for the benefit of all Germans… and the loans, they set up a central bank to give the loans instead of having to rely on kikes etc.
Goebbels does a quick summation in "Those Damned Nazis" - gives a few paragraphs on "Why we are Socialists" "Why a workers party". It doesnt explain hard details, but it does point out the differences, such as how Marxist socialism is about "questions of the stomach" where as German National Socialism is about so much more.
they didn't exist in the 90's. It was a facebook "meme" from the Zomg I'm a mountan dew tranny gaymer girl who is an ex 4channer so kewl thread.
Fuck off lolberrg. Go run to mommy Rand and wish that Ron Paul was the president.
I will see if I can track down the 1932 NSDAP economic platform. I always see NatSoc economics brought up like it is the magic solution to monetary woes, but I never see a concrete breakdown of what that is. Thank you for the post.
Most people dont understand it. I had someone accuse me of being a lolberg/ancap because I thought there was an economic aspect to National Socialism at all. The guy thought there was no economic aspect, and that it was just pretty much capitalism with no Jews. Thats the level of understanding some people have of National Socialism.
Theres a little tiny book on it called the Nazi Economy Recovery, I bought it, and started reading it.. but it was written in a hostile tone from the start, trying to downplay the economics at all, and suggesting that because previous governments had used land reclamation, that it wasnt such a big deal how the Nazis used it etc. It was written as a study in a series, I believe by Cambridge university. Anyways, shamefully (since its so tiny) I failed to actually read it, and misplaced it after I put it down. I really didnt like the shilly intro.
research.calvin. edu/german-propaganda-archive/sofortprogramm.htm
Theres the 32 plan, pretty sure its the same document.
pretty sure they outlawed usury, instead of compound interest it was a flat fee for a loan, meaning you paid a set amount on top of the money you were lent instead of accruing more debt monthly on top of the original loan.
also hitler printed his own money, that instead of being backed by debt it was backed by a promise of labour. apparently this is a good idea? i've never understood it.
Someone needs to animate this as a constant scroll.
A labor backed currency was a type of credit-backed currency where 1 hour of labor = x amount of credit and or goods produced like food or clothes.
that depression reflects cultural degeneration, which naturally includes corruption.
objectively true ethos as zeitgeist and its enforcement rectifies this; and hard times spark this fire.
strong men good times
He totally didn't fall down 5 flights of dumbbells while LIFTing a set of 3 stairs to the back of his head.
nah, there's a lot of legitimate tagalongs.
Fyre should prove more than anything stupid people with loads of not-their-own-money will fall for anything.
Like I can believe Ariana Huffington isn't on the take, you can't build incompetence that great, it has to come naturally.
I didn't think so but you know, (((Steinem))) was recruited straight out of her gender studies classes, so maybe a couple of the trannies are literal spooks.
You seem to think that wasn't intentional. Well, maybe not the first time, it was like a buncha scams, con jobs, pure speculation, and in the case of one goy, citibank's Charlie Mitchell scieno-tier cultism all landing on the same day. (He was nicknamed "Sunshine" for his ridiculous optimism in an endlessly expanding market, and that "if you played the market right any American would never need to work." Well okay smartypants, who's going to make the shit you're trading then?)
basically none of that would've crashed it on its own but dozens and dozens of these all coming into play at once caused an entire highway's pileup of failed bets.
'08 though was very specifically two companies, Goldman Sachs and Blackstone Inc (oh hey guess which candidate was a board member + got half their primary funding from too by the way, not to mention which president dismantled Glass-Steagal, which was supposed to specifically prevent this BS) and every other involved party was a damn 'mark'
metaphysics == science
metaphysics == not science
Therefore, science == not science
Even that would be better than what we have now. Think of economic policy as the rules to a game, and Nationalism as the rules of who you allow to play it. More important than having a good rulebook for your game is making sure there are no cheaters who will just break those rules or interpret them to their own benefit anyway.
They're kind socialist, but patriot too. Non of them are about muh markets, but muh order.
Sieg Heil, pupper
I think you fellas are being taken on a ruse cruise - lysenkoism is "science" and empiricism is "not science". It's got to be ironic.
For the most part - various extreme fringe religious sects like the levellers in 17th century England or Mazdakites in 6th century Persia. They were essentially communists, just operating inside some set religious frameworks.
Then came the enlightenment and you got the current crop of "secular humanist" left. Marx may have written their bible, but proto-marxists already existed in revolutionary France - the Jacobins.
brianna wutang clan? you know he's trying to run for office or something, right?
You mean the one with the shapes and shit? kek
How are we going to get them to understand that having food and water and a functioning society isn't all it's cracked up to be? Tough sell.
It can be.
Why do they suck this bad, Holla Forums? How are they so painfully unfunny?
I think they exist since Trotsky, he created International brigade to go fight facism in Spain. In Europe, people like to taunt them with their recurring slogan "Follow your leader" and show them a picture of a pickaxe.
Because Kant -> postmodernism. Physics is a made up thing goyim, it's a subjective science that can't teach us anything about the real world. Objectivity can't exists fam, since we all interpret the world through our subjective senses. Mathmatics is just a made up thing created by our minds, it has no power to describe reality shitlord.
geez don't you guys read Kant,Heidegger,Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, [insert endles list of of relativists here]
The thing is, this is exactly what they think. It sums up all their arguments and insults against Trump, without even using too many words. But they would never use that particular meme because it has "niggers" in it. They would let a fairly succinct (in their minds), legitimately amusing means of "educating" people because it has a bad word in it.
They'd harm their own message to protect their own message.
physics is anppressive science because it keep niggers down with gravity
My sides will never be the same!
Commie memes are trash but in my experience people do tend to absolutely lap them up. Take any old shit you want, throw a 'seize the means of production,' 'redistribute wealth to the proletariat' or 'revolt against the bourgeosie' in there as the punchline and proceed to watch its likes on Facebook soar into the thousands. It's the juxtaposition between jokey situations and the incredibly formal language that does it, I guess.
Holla Forums-
Your memes are mostly shit rehashes of other boards and sites memes and autistic walls of text and charts, with only a few good ones.
You tolerate the mediocre or shit ones because you agree with them. or because their aimed at and make sense to you, even though they're shit to anyone else.
your circlejerking is embarassing to look at.
Leftist memes are shit because they always look like some corny shit you can find at Spencer's or Hot Topic. The first image alone is poison it's so all I can describe as public school or daycare.
yah right
And now, user, you know what it felt like to be an REM or U2 fan in the mid 80's, before the (((alternative music))) scene started.
I don't remember the point where I finally correlated all the strange behavior with tribe members but I'm sure glad there is a place like this because the (((mefia))) won't let you discuss it.
It always makes me think of a butcher.
they also list 'good science' as fucking Maoism
is there anything to Maoism besides breaking every antique you find and starving 60 million people to death?
they also have a boner for Freudian psychoanalysis
Freud was a quack and none of his theories are taught in universities in the psychology department as fact
Jung is still relevant but Freud goes in the trash
and Historical Materialism? thats just Marxists attempting to reduce all of humanities drives for the past 10,000 years of civilization to the accumulation and transference of capital
they're claiming economics, political ideologies and fucking linguistics to be sciences?
I'm going to assume for the sake of my sanity that I have just been trolled.
you have not
empiricism according to the left is no better than astrology
No, because this is actually a funny parody.
They are Lacan tier of postmodern fags, has no discernible detail to divide them to actual retards.
They refers these fedorafags as ebiw natsis
This is the most cringe I've experienced in a while.
This one is actually fucking hilarious–if it was intended to explain why the Right is so much better at memes?
Nobody believes that–including you. We've gotten here because we're funny as balls.
It does make sense though.
Must suck when the forgotten gods of yore frown upon your efforts. Not that we'd ever know
I don't understand the humor here but the people commenting on this over at circumcised penis book seem to find it absolutely hilarious.
dubs confirm our divine favor
The anti-fascists have been around since fascism arose. Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin hosted an anti-fascist rally in the 40s that fundraised to support the soviet war effort on the eastern front.
When argueing about IQ tests the counterargument given for low testing scores in Africa is that the tests had limited sample sizes and weren't adjusted appropiately. Nowadays tests are less fluctuous for Africa and the average IQ seems to be 70 for the southern / central nations and around 85 for the arabic nations.
Another argument against the gap between white nations and nigger nations is the flynn effect. The flynn effect occurs less in nigger nations because their job economy is less dependant on cognitive ability, while in western economy there is a huge emphasis on cognitive ability. Though there have been recent studies done that put the flynn effect into question claiming that such an effect would stall / stop at a certain point.
The flynn effect is basically the explanation for why people in our time score higher on the exact same IQ tests than people in 1950-1960.
I had to do an assignment on Plutarch and he seems like he could be one of those.
Makes a big stink about "kindness", vegetarianism, and generally being a sophist dick.
I think we started noticing lefties more because as they got dumber they also got more organised.
Until today, we've essentially got the mob from the Frankenstein movie, still wielding fire but slathering themselves in extremely flammable hair dye.
Memes need an element of truth for it to be successful.Communism is false. It cant become a meme, it can only be forced fed, it will never be self replicating.
Never ever
I dunno, I like the message of #4
socialism is sitting on your ass and reading books all day long
How convenient
see this is funny because it reflects reality, like that guy said earlier
This is why you can't meme Holla Forums. Concision is the soul of wit.
Why is every post up until this point with that ID?
Forget to change IPs again, chaim?
That's not the objective definition for fascism.
Most of you will never find out what it really was.
It happened to all threads when the site went down
In reality, fascism is the governmental system which places ultimate legislative, judicial, and executive power in the hands of one individual. In the minds of everyone who uses the word as an insult, it's "anyone who disagrees with me".
Humor has to have a basis in reality. Making fun of kikes is funny because they have consistently observable traits and behaviors that no one can dispute. Same goes for any race.
The right can make jokes about things everyone understands whether they are consciously aware of it or not. Edgy humor about niggers committing crime works because it's true.
Ranting about how white people are the cause of all the worlds problems despite the fact that they ended slavery and created wealth in every country they set foot in like the decedents of fucking Midas himself doesn't exactly resonate with the average person.
at least use a current photo of her
Vice is quite weird, for all the money they move around they sure as fuck don't use it to pay for journalistic talent (assuming something like this even exists). ffs, half the chicks at Vice look like they'd let you do anal for a line of coke.
I honestly wish McInnes wasn't such a useless alcoholic piece of shit because he probably has fucktons of dirt on the internal working of Vice.
I want TRS to go and stay go.
Not a fan of (((Lolberts))) but user what you are saying is not praxeology. The philosophy is based on the axiom of "human action" that leads to a foundation of methodological individualism and speculative propositional law based on Aristotelean logic from this first principle. There is no presumption of equality.
I wish their socialist utopia existed so these fags could be sent to the gulags
To be fair boatmurdered and memes got me into DF when I was a teen.
you can't even make this shit up
Well they weren't entirely wrong.
Brave New World was required reading in senior year at the Catholic school I went to.
Did anyone ever come up with a fix for this? I haven't played in a few years because of the slowdown.
It's the same thing, Dwarf fortress is marxist commie garbage. Modern dwarf fortress has gay, lesbian and genderqueer dwarves and Toady cuck refuses to allow any gunpowder based weapons because muh problematic gun violence.
It's really bizarre to me that autists everywhere have become koolaid drinking feminists over the last 4 or 5 years.
I always assumed pepe had just finished jacking off in public in that picture. Weird
Right now it means someone that a liberal disagrees with
I want normalfags to leave
I was unaware people thought of brands and media in terms of coolness. God these kids are fucked.
Holla Forums doesn't have an identity. They rely entirely on us for their existence
This is so fucking true that it's scary. You never saw /polv/, or /poltech/ boards ever being made (or if they were it couldn't have been serious). But Holla Forumscucks put lefty on everything in their attempt to co-opt the site. Also they cheat at video games.
No. At best its a shit political comic.
Too much effort. Just make it a picture of sad Trump. I guarantee you they'll lap it up
Did I miss /icup/ again?
normies will never get it
You're trying to be both "kool with da kidz" and wordy at the same time. Even antifa knows better than that.
If you're making a joke "Hello fellow kids", make sure to use minimum effort. Get a single unedited picture, have "capitalism" inserted randomly into a sentence with a different colour to the rest of the sebtence.
seig heil, pupper
I'll just leave these here. It's like they're shit memes but they create real powerful memes. Idk who's jooing who anymore
Oh yeah I forgot
Seig heil pupper
If anyone reads this please think positive thoughts for my dog… She needs it
sieg heil, pupper
Give it a rest already
fuck off vice
I realize it's sick but every time I see they first picture I wonder if they each stabbed the guy one at a time or if they all did him at once. Look at the one knife in his upper jaw…how the fuck do you even stab that far. That's through bone right? Fuck that would be a bad way to go
you jew-loving DC shill :^)
having said that, remember that Holla Forums for all its self-professed ironic and "funny" memes is only funny until you remember that Holla Forums is genuinely insecure over "degeneracy" and "racemixing" which in themselves are only memes. This shit can't be pushed forever, and the helicopter squads will only be funny to the point where you will find yourselves thrown out for not being pure enough nazis.
Sweet fucking jesus.
Even the memes making fun of leftist memes are funnier.
someones butthurt that they're school teacher teir lame.
Hey how about you tell the next generation how EXTREME marxism is and how radical it is.
Cowabunga dude.
we call them "normalniggerkikes", reddit
sieg heil, pupper
Literally 'biology isn't real'
Probably a major contributor to several starvation events in Russia.
His supporters actually believed that grain could become barley through exposure to barley.
Believed random weeds could transform into grain.
Sent 3,000 Soviet biologists to the gulags, permanently stunting the country's agricultural and medical development.
Oh boy. Some real big brain stuff.