In the previous thread, we went into Ruby Ridge, which is a clear-cut example of the US government will kill you for not having the correct beliefs. What they did to Randy Weaver and his family was wrong and there should have been more action against the government than there was.
There is no good TLDR for Waco. Some people believe he was a child-molesting meth-head and some believe he did nothing wrong. All I can say for certain is that the federal government was wrong for murdering 76 men, women and children in the manner that they did.
The agents taunted and terrorized them until they finally shot and burned them all to death. This was not simply about David Koresh being a criminal, but about the lives of the men and women killed because they believed in something the government didn't want them to believe in.
Lots of millenal newfags think the 90s was a grand time, but if you examine the events, you'll understand how some oldfags found white nationalism and an extreme hate for ZOG. The 90s nearly killed us all.
ITT: Dump your Waco information, websites and documentaries and let's have a discussion about Waco and what you believe about ZOG's actions on April 19th, 1993.
In the next thread, we will examine Timothy McVeigh and the events of the OKC "bombing." Understanding the 1990s should help the younger redpills understand where we've been and how the movement has shaped itself since then. Understand why every militia and white nationalist movement is nothing but phony mustachioed cops trying to get you to admit or commit a crime.
Get comfy, watch vid related documentary if you aren't intimately familiar with the Waco Massacre and a stunning display of federal government over-reach and heavy handedness. THIS IS WHY WE HATE ZOG.