The Waco Massacre


In the previous thread, we went into Ruby Ridge, which is a clear-cut example of the US government will kill you for not having the correct beliefs. What they did to Randy Weaver and his family was wrong and there should have been more action against the government than there was.

There is no good TLDR for Waco. Some people believe he was a child-molesting meth-head and some believe he did nothing wrong. All I can say for certain is that the federal government was wrong for murdering 76 men, women and children in the manner that they did.

The agents taunted and terrorized them until they finally shot and burned them all to death. This was not simply about David Koresh being a criminal, but about the lives of the men and women killed because they believed in something the government didn't want them to believe in.

Lots of millenal newfags think the 90s was a grand time, but if you examine the events, you'll understand how some oldfags found white nationalism and an extreme hate for ZOG. The 90s nearly killed us all.

ITT: Dump your Waco information, websites and documentaries and let's have a discussion about Waco and what you believe about ZOG's actions on April 19th, 1993.

In the next thread, we will examine Timothy McVeigh and the events of the OKC "bombing." Understanding the 1990s should help the younger redpills understand where we've been and how the movement has shaped itself since then. Understand why every militia and white nationalist movement is nothing but phony mustachioed cops trying to get you to admit or commit a crime.

Get comfy, watch vid related documentary if you aren't intimately familiar with the Waco Massacre and a stunning display of federal government over-reach and heavy handedness. THIS IS WHY WE HATE ZOG.

Other urls found in this thread:'s Tool Kit.pdf It's Time.html[]=waco–Howe_generational_theory&oldid=779136453#Timing_of_generations_and_turnings

What always gets me is that Koresh was an avid jogger. The Feds could have nabbed him anytime they wanted on his morning run. Quick and clean. But it isn't a Fed raid without dead women and children.

He went into town, jogged, 3 times a week to get mail. They could have gotten him whenever they wanted. They CHOSE to kill 76 branch Davidians.

You fucking new fag. It was a false flag attack. It was staged so put in Federal Regulations on DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

AGAIN since you ignored it last thread OP:

You fucking new fag. It was a false flag attack. It was staged so put in Federal Regulations on DOMESTIC TERRORISM.

Did you not notice that "bombing" was in quotations, you ignorant nigger? Fuck off with your derailing you fucking kike.

Because you're a stupid faggot, it was in quotations in the other thread as well because I don't believe McVeigh bombed the Murrah building that day, you fucking retard.
Do you know what it means to put something in quotations in that context? I means that it's alleged. I'm talking about the official story, which is totally false. So calm your fucking tits and wait for the OKC thread.

The Last Will and Testament of the Branch Davidians

The men, women, and little children murdered during the Waco Massacre by the BATF and FBI tell their own story on camera, during the siege. The haunting story that keeps Janet Reno awake at night..

Thank you for this. Earlier I posted some not-so-great docs about this in the RR thread. Keep the good shit coming.

Also, here's a FLIR helicopter cam of the entire thing, proving that they fired into the compound when they deny firing a single shot.

This is the proof that they will not let you run a self sufficient community. So you can go innawoods but it's really only a temporary solution. You being at one with God and nature and saying (((they))) have no rights over either of those things is the most dangerous truth.

We have to expose the satanic system or die facing it down.

Oh, and thanks OP for doing these.

I would suggest doing a thread on the Bonus Army. The military crushing unarmed veterans after World War One. Veterans and their families looking to get money owed faced cavalry charges, infantry, and tanks. Two dead. Over a thousand injured. MacArthur and Patton were involved.

I am not familiar with this but very intrigued. Why not make it? I read the post in the last RR thread about it. I don't know much about it. Please educate us. Do it either after this one or after the OKC one.

I've read in another thread that the branch davidians basically ran an underground railroad for pedo victims of the US elite.
They took the sex slaves and abused children and railroaded them into Mexico.

And if you look what they did to their compound. They used fucking tanks and flamethrowers against women and a lot of children hint hint

But yeah, Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma were in a larger scope a reaction against the militia movement that started in the 90' when the old Bush went all out NWO on USA.
Also, Cooper has some nice stuff on the topic.

Don't forget about the South Park episode. That does a good job too.

Horrible movie.
**Good job OPs for those threads,
It just is depressing seeing all of it again**

Fuck me and my fucking up spoilers
going back to bed


It's a pretty fascinating point in American history and the history of militia and right wing movements in this country. We talk plenty about Kaczynski, deservedly so, but these events are seldom touched upon.
So much so that many people are reminded of it and shocked that they forgot about it.
This is actually the type of shit that I consider to be Holla Forums bread and butter along with Holohoax threads and other false flag type events.
I think it's important that we look back now before it's all memoryholed while we have autism on our side. If Eric Clanton can be found in 48 hours, what are we missing about these events? We need the autism on this stuff as well or we may not ever get out what actually happened. And if you know what happened, remind everyone. We haven't forgotten that cops are faggots and never to trust anyone who is part of ZOG.

Daily reminder that chucky schumer defended the actions of the ATF and FBI and used it to jump start his way into some real political fuckery. Janet Reno also became a crazy cat lady and died child-less. No wonder she didn't give a fuck if a bunch of kids died.

The whole thing really pisses me off and I only really learned about everything almost twenty years after the fact.

Just watch out for the tanks and choppers. They'll really fuck your shit up.
Seriously, if this shit happened at an earlier time, like even the 1970s or early 80s, this probably would have started a revolution. All 3 events happened in such a short span. After all this, you can't deny that ZOG is real and it will kill you whenever it wants.

Fear is the mind killer.
Do it, encourage privacy amongst members, and don't puss out like Waco/Ruby Ridge.

Waco/Ruby Ridge is a potential future, so you prepare for it.
Bermed earth walls around compounds. Hidden tunnels, with choke points, between buildings.
Squat, fireproof buildings, again sub terrain or earthen reinforced.

A man's home is his castle. Make one.

Look up "The Land" belonging to The National Alliance. Currently it is being rebuilt by William White Williams and Kevin Alfred Strom. You could help

seems all right I guess but I really don't want to deal with other people trying to act in charge. I want my own land, my own family, my own people.

Really helping my paranoid mind here guys thanks. I already keep the wifey in the dark about a lot of shit (getting her to love hitler was a task) but this is the kind of stuff I can't let think about or she will stress to no end about it.

A lot of people know who Bill Hicks is here. One of the few comedians who was actually /ourguy/ - mostly. He was there at the Waco Compound and here's what he has to say about it.

Here user, I have a manual put out by Ragnar Benson in response to the Waco siege, it's called David's Tool kit All about how to fuck up Modern Tanks, APCs, choppers and anything ZOG has up it's silken sleeves. May it help you!'s Tool Kit.pdf

Implying that Reno has enough of a conscious to stay awake at night…

She's dead user. He last words in public were "Donald Trump will never be president in my lifetime." And she died just before election day…

Some of kek's finest handiwork.

Could someone who is better read on the topic of cults explain give me a quick rundown on how the Branch Davidian's compound differed from Jonestown?

Better refreshments.
Seriously that's a good question. Part of the reasoning given for the incident was that "they didn't want another Jonestown."
Koresh could be considered to have been a cult leader and many thought so. Some people believed he brainwashed the Davidians and religion is a form of brainwashing itself.
The only difference was that they had no reason to think Koresh would kill them. Apparently if you want to die, you have to do it in a government-approved way. Like with a .50cal round shot by a hostage team or a blazing fire started by the ATF.
In the end, it doesn't really matter if it was another Jonestown because the Feds made sure they got to kill them first.

The most important thing he ever did was tell the truth all through revelations, which is ironic, especially the last 10 mins.
Also it's Alex Jones.
Nothing is real and also it is when you think it is. Fucking miraculous really.

The 90's were terrible. Millenials think it was awesome because they were still pooping thier pants and drinking from thier sippy cups.
90's is when that first wave of boomer Jews and totally Jew-bot Marxist boomers began to totally take control of the government and media. Comparatively, the 90's wasn't as pozzed/multiculti and jewed as today but that's because the WW2 gen Jews and thier puppets knew that they couldn't push too hard because even normies were redpilled on communist subversion, pushing anti Christian immorality and intentional poisoning of culture was actually a real threat by the 'left'. So they really had to be incremental in thier agenda. The 90's boomer Jews began to just openly flaunt thier power and accelerate thier agenda.

The worst part of that time was their was no real internet resources to learn and disseminate info about the Jew World Order. It was still a time of news letters and leaving flyers in windshield wipers.

Here's what Bill thought of Jonestein.

Hour of the Time broadcast from 1-4-00.

That Underground Railroad story sounds like disinfo. Koresh thought he was the Jewish messiah. Insane guy. What the government did his followers was criminal though. That was the Jews and marxists in the Clinton admin's revenge/hatred on armed white Christian Americans.

Didn't Hillary encourage the siege as first cunt?

I know some post-boomers (born in 1972) that liked the 90's and the Clinton Era. They said the reason they liked it was that the economy was high and things made sense. They don't seem to understand the concept of an economic bubble nor the Clinton Administration.

Haha things made sense back when we were making weapons and selling them to countries and we believed everything we were told on teeeveee….
Now we're attacking those countries it just doesn't make any sense…..
It's almost like some strange force was tricking us into doing things that are self destructive.

The essential training of Millenials to view the world stupidly is not new. Plus Millenials were not children in the 1990's. Millenials were born between 1977 and 1994 and estimate at 70 million Americans (Newsweek, January 1 2000. P. 112. "The Last Word: Now It's Time for Generation Next: The Future will be Grand Because our Kids will be its Keepers. Meet the Millenials, and Rejoice" by Anna Qundlen)

One out of seven is black, on of seven is latino, and since that their population is so diverse and and there is greater openness in their schools they did not have lilly-white illusions that colored [the author's] insular childhood. (ibid)

Be greatful that the millenials are so diverse. It's up to them now! Be good goyim and vote for Bernie!

Web version found. It lacks the photograph of the author who has such a big nose you'd swear it was photoshopped It's Time.html

Ask yourself: Would you rather live that life of your dreams and raise children in a healthy environment like that, or would you rather raise them in ZOG, destroying yours and their souls every day?

I think the chance is worth it, personally.

I was a teenager-college age in the 90's. The economy didn't have a huge impact on me. I was a news junkie and my father was a "conspiracy theorist" with a huge book shelf of Conspiracy books that you could by at book store like Barnes and Noble. No books naming the jew though. So I would consider myself pink pilled during that time. 90's were terrible.

Nope, 1983-2000. Look for more sources on the millennial birth years.

They intentionally blur the generational years to IRL D&C

45-62 is boomers. 62-83 is gen-x
83-2000 is millennial.

Newer photo is worse than the one from 2000. Hahah

It should be based on who raised the kid. So if they were raised by boomers, they're X, if they were raised by X, they're millennial, if they were raised by millennial, they're z. If it's cross generational parenting, then they are either lost or the newest generation.

Of course, this assumes you can measure this. In practice, it should be the parent or legal guardians generation.

In the same magazine it has an entire section devoted to how the next century may look, as well as the next few decades. It's so fucking Jewish. I should make an effort to digitize these old magazines but I don't have the time. Like this is amazing:

What Will and Won't Survive the 21st Century:

Will Survive:
The Beatles
whipped creme
in-line skates
flowered chintz
New Hampshire Primary
Mickey Mouse
paper clips
hair spray
the British Monarchy
Monopoly (the game)
Hershey's Kisses
garter belts
Wizard of Oz
waffle irons
outdoor grills

What won't survive:
designated-hitter rule
wax paper
Columbous Day
exit polls
middle names
paper currency
Miss America
Microsoft (the monopoly)
corrective eyeglasses
Harry Potter
Christmass trees
phone books

(Newsweek, January 1, 2000 p. 52: "Hail and Farewell: What will and won't survive the 21st century" by Steve Needham and Christian Michaels)

We all should read old magazines. It's a study in Pre-internet poz. Truly amazing to read this bullshit and think "People used to have this as their only source of information. No wonder the world is fucked"

Thinking about this I probably have some kike-written articles about Waco released during or after. Anyone interested? I'd need a few minutes

Yeah, I agree. I'm guessing at least half of kids born around 83-to late 80's had boomer parents.

I remember reading fucking conspiracy books at the library and talking to the homeless, and I was still a child!

Kids being born in the late 70's to mid 80's were overwhelmingly born to baby boomer parents. Therefore they are gen xers. I would move the millennial date up to 1990. Sage for off topic autistic post.


Anyway, I'm sure we'd all love to believe that someone is getting those kids out of that hell on earth, but I have a hard time believing it was the Branch Davidians. Is there anything close to proof about that?

Except the simpler answer is that the women were being constantly impregnated.

1. Congratulations for being more tinfoil than the rest of us at an age where you should have been enjoying whatever little amount of happiness we're allowed to have as kids
2. What does talking to the homeless have to do with anything? I imagine for every "Jews did this!" lesson you got, you got three "Martians did this!" conversations (if you weren't just molested by some of them).

Yes, of course. Further analysis is always welcomed here.

I'll look through my collection. Might be able to scan them, if not I'll just hand-type them

Thank you in advance.

Sorry for getting everyone's hopes up but I seem to have either lost or have been robbed of my box of 1990's news periodicals. If you want early 2000's or 1969 through 1989 I hae you covered though…

Kevin Alfred Strom is a pedophile.


Born in '86 here. Boomer parents.

Then put that TOP OF THE LING in the thread. Instead you allude to them being "base Nationalists".

Fuck you FED OP


sage all "le base children killing Nationalist threads" We're not fucking ISIS

sage all "le base children killing Nationalist threads" We're not fucking ISIS

Junky moron Communist. Fuck off

I'd consider him a lolberg with Holla Forums sympathies.

All Internationalists are Communists… They can change their pyramid scheme all they want, the end result is the same.

I mean… the guy's political views were strange. In some skits he would talk about everyone becoming one and he certainly did a lot of drugs, but not heroin that I know of. He died of bone cancer, I think.
But he certainly liked freedom and I remember when he blew up and called a heckler a cunt and told her to kill herself.
At the time, the things he was saying weren't a total leftist shitshow.
He definitely believed in personal responsibility, and at times appeared to hide his power level on kikes. Even on that clip, he directly mentions the JQ without outright calling them kikes.
He's a weird guy to pinpoint on the spectrum. He was a little bit of everything.

It should be used as a warning and a reminder for people, don't be fucking naive. They are not going to let US have things our own way, outside of their society. We are not only the cornerstone upholding this ((society)) from crashing, we are also the kikes nr. 1 enemy. They fear us and thus, they will never let us go off grid.

If you do, don't fucking announce or make a hassle about it.


He was a druggy that had one great bit about cave men taking shrooms. His politics were essentially no more right wing for that era than Howard Stern.
He's over rated as fuck and only famous again because of that kike loving traitor alex jones.

Didn't we cover this in either the muhlisha or the ruby ridge thread?

I don't wish to detract from the message of this thread, but I must point something out. Things are different now, namely, Trump. We can proudly step up to the police and media, in full MAGA regalia, and state "Sir! We are PATRIOTS! Everything we do, we do for 'Merica!" and recite the fucking pledge of allegiance to the media if we have to, and fucking mean it. That's something that they simply cannot spin against us, no matter how hard they try.

Okay, buddy.

Covered it, but I think it deserves its own thread. It was a huge deal at the time, totally separate from Ruby Ridge.
This pissed off a lot of actual patriots and libertarians. This single incident is the reason white nationalists don't trust the government.
I mean, as much as Vietnam or JFK pissed off everyday people, this did as well.

What can men do against such reckless faggotry?

checked, I remember it, just not sure why you would start multiple threads for it.

thread theme

Clearly the one labeled "Ruby Ridge" was about that specific incident, although some people did post OKC and Waco stuff in it, even though I made it clear early in the thread that I was going to create separate threads for each event.
Anons don't read threads. Go figure.


Yes, I got that. Why not make one thread for all related topics, since you wanted to discuss all three and said so from the beginning? Especially since they're basically general threads.

I don't have a problem with the topic, I just don't understand the benefit in having 3 threads when 1 would do.

I for one welcome as many of these threads as possible, as Holla Forums is becoming almost indistinguishable from r_thedonald. These types of threads are fundamental in redpilling the influx of newfags this board has received since the election season in the depth of the situation.

Pretty much this. I want to have an archive of all 3. When someone wants to know about Waco, give them the archive to this thread instead of derailing another.
Also, some good OC may come of it. Would be nice to have autists that weaponize to come and perhaps come up with something someone has missed for the last 20 years because they didn't know about it.
That's my reasoning.

Also, you consider this a slide thread and not the 6,000,000th thread about Trump's kike son in law?
When was the last time you even heard something about Waco? Either I'm the best and most creative forum slider ever or you're kinda retarded.
If I wanted to slide, I'd just make another Yael Kushner thread. Nigger, pls.

From the RR Thread.
Pics of the gunmen standing over charred corpses.


this is fucking absolutely serious, get your fucking ass over to /polk/'s homesteading thread or /tennessee/, we're doing this regardless, the area is defensible

Don't fail your family, we just have to actually do it absolutely openly and legally.

Fucking come along, I don't want serfs though- I want equals.

you too, motherfucker. come to what I mentioned above. this thread will die because I mention it. archive this and remember. apologies for shitty video quality- I wanted to preserve the sound quality

Yeah no shit, they were playing audio clips of tortured animals over loudspeakers 24/7.

Fucking sickos.

Why did they played the audio for? Sound like they are demoralising them for entertainment.

Psychological warfare. They were probably trying to get them freaked out or have them snap. In the end the taunting and terrorizing helped because they did fire shots.

It's fucking sick either way, and not something your government should be doing against you.

Holy shit, it's John Tutturro in drag
Here, have the FBI's files on Waco including a complete set of transcripts of the siege[]=waco


Schumer was chair of the investigation and called it off as soon as evidence began rolling in.
Chuck Schumer is even more fucked than his disgusting meatflap of a niece, Amy Schumer.



repair the broken cache fucking server, ffs



Here's an idea for the next thread: link archives of this and the prior one, keep the whole thing together.


no way. unless you count the (((school system))) as raising the kid.

How did people not get outraged over this.

That's so fucking weird, I was just looking up what happened in WACO cause someone said Branch Dividians were our goys.

The elites had to have the Branch Davidian Village eliminated because they were right next to the CIA Drug Trafficking airport and members were tracking flight data

1. Two of the Branch Davidian village members had been able to hack into the
Pentagon/CIA/FBI Black Ops databases, and discovered that the CIA with the
utilization of the CIA's Buffalo Airlines, were daily transferring Cocaine,
laundered money, special operations agents, kidnaped children for CIA
pedophile programs, and arms at the World War Two runway that bordered the
Branch Davidian Village.

2. The entire village knew about the CIA's Buffalo Airlines activities that
tied directly to George Bush Senior and his direct involvement with the
CIA, the Mafia, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Columbia, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Mexico, Peru, and other global locations, that included the global
elites intelligence operations, banking operations, drug transfers, arms
transfers, child pedophile kidnaping and transfers, aircraft refueling,
and global money laundering network.

3. The Branch Davidian village members surveillance of the CIA Guns for
Drugs transfers were known to the CIA due the CIA computer security having
traced the hacking back to the Branch Davidian Village. Take note: the
main incendiary device that was used by the Special Forces attack on the
Branch Davidian Village was brought about where the commanders of the
genocide were under the direct orders to take out the computer room first
and then kill all of the inhabitants, and then use this genocide as warning
to any one else who may want to tamper with the CIA/Mafia/global elites
clandestine drugs/money/arms/kidnaping operations.

+6 More

RIP those who died, and RIP Sonny Bono

Here's another good link with Clinton ties.

And always Remember Sonny Bono who stood up to Janet Reno and the elites and was killed for it.

Yes, creating multiple threads when one would do is still sliding, even if you aren't deliberately trying to shit up the board more than it is it accomplishes the same thing. Too late now, just remember it in the future. It's not hwndu or kushner-tier of course

Regularly since I come from the gun crowd, plus people here talk about it every April. My problem is not the topic, but that these threads aren't fleshed out enough to be spread so thin.

How sad. A thread on the last page is not even a week old. There's no quality discussion huh?

Are Anons aware that David Koresh had Jerusalem syndrome, which he supposedly got whilst on holiday in Israel.
I expect (((they))) would diagnose a large proportion of us with it (except that you are supposed to go to Jerusalem to get it)

apparently just bots
lots of useful stuff when it comes to militiawork, hosted by either some /k/ommando or the alphabet guys but the guides are good

Codemonkey kept fucking with the website's code and caused IDs default to one ID per thread each time. It also reset the unique IP counter on the board index.

feudalism is just ancap society advanced to the point that the (((rich))) bought up the poor as serfs.

If you have the funds pull another Jonestown and wipe the world of a few more idiots. If you just want land and peace, you're on the right track. No community, keep it to family.

Isn't that the alter ego of Alex Jones?

According to the Strauss-Howe generational theory Millennials were born 1982-2004.–Howe_generational_theory&oldid=779136453#Timing_of_generations_and_turnings

On a side note the generation after millennials is either called the Homeland Generation (as in the post 9/11 Homeland Security era) or Generation Z (who the fuck keeps thinking the "generation [a letter]" format is a good idea??)

Id be ok if they took out the Jeffers compound this way. Most of those mormanniggers are nonfixable

Z is for zyclon b