TRUMP: Today, I signed an Executive Order on Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection
TRUMP: Today, I signed an Executive Order on Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection
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What about Snowden?
Why do all these fucking bots that mass-reply to any Trump tweet within seconds of it being posted get verified? They're all obviously bots. I mean, posting an entire conversation thread within seconds is not something that a person can do, yet they all have a fucking checkmark next to their name.
I wonder if this appies to Assange too. I hope it does but I suspect Trump will not pardon Assange while he needs Graham and McCain to pass some bills so it will probably be toward the end of his presidency
I'm wondering these two things, too. That would be awesome if this is the case.
That hologram?
He just ended Common Core too
eh hemmm. I said
Yeah, highly suspicious.
Should we tweet that to Trumpster?
Assange isn't technically a whistleblower though he just publishes their work.
Needs a statement about Snowden.
Filtered, you pathetic waste of digits
I'll count it as a victory when he does something that can't just be wiped day two of the next president's term.
This is only for accountability and whistleblowers for the VA. Dog shit OP pushing fake news with miselading title.
This executive order is insignificant unless you want to report an employee at the VA for mistreating a vet or some shit. Trump still thinks its ok to extradite and imprison Assange and anyone else who does any useful whistelblowing or publishes it.
Low effort OP strikes again. This is ONLY directed at the VA.
President Donald J. Trump visits VA and signs executive order ‘Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the Department of Veterans Affairs’
VA partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services
New fraud, waste and abuse taskforce
Removing red tape at state-owned Veteran nursing homes
But why would he wipe his own executive order?
pick one.Snowden has a nice hollywood career
do you have a brain, plebbitor ?
hah, of course.
Removing red tape by adding a new layer of bureaucracy
Shutup shills, Trump is perfect and is the savior of the white race and anyone who doubts this is a shill that deserves to be banned.
its almost like he keeps confusing everyone on purpose to obscure his real intentions or something. Its like he keeps giving us hints that hes still on our side but people keep ignoring them by people I mean shills, its obvious whos pushing the narrative right now
They should still run to assange before getting shot. It is an executive order, it will only last until the next president.
Get rid of Kushner and Ivanka, then we talk.
Funny enough it seems like it's mostly getting posted by meguchan faggots.
Read the thread, the only thing that's covered under this is people exposing improper care in the VA.
If a kid goes to school without Commie Core for 8yrs, that is doing something you black pill faggot.
who the fuck even is meguchan? guess someone new to add to my radar.
ok, so downplay the EO, this is still a good thing, I read the thread, I get its for the VA, but the same thing could be applied to other departments too.
Holla Forums but with goons. It's where that tripfag is from.
quick and strong.
Haha, the others may not have enjoyed your comment, but It made me scoff and laugh at the same time, kind of an indignant noise but still bordering on somewhat of agreeance. I always hoped if any would, if Trump was who we all hope him to be, he would be the man to end the "state of emergency" that allows him to rubber stamp anything he wants as an executive order. And force the system back to its ye olde ways of congress and power to the people. Wasnt it nixon? Or someone who called a state of emergency but it was never revoked? Dont quote me … Or hate me … Ahh jees c'mon Holla Forums, dont pull that face at me ..
saw him in the other thread. Welp time to give them a little bit of a time out until they learn like TRS to stop shilling here
I get it, I'm all for it, I'm just saying it isn't a permanent victory, and I want it to be one. Also, I know it's only ~100 days in so I'm hopeful that he can cement all of this.
I meant as in the one after him. 8 years and all that
for all of you meguchan fucks consider this a first warning. Stop shilling here, you are not welcome
"Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the Department of Veterans Affair"
This does nothing for the rest of the 99.972% of the government.
Gas yourself, freemason.
It's like none of his actions support those hints and he's only doing it so dumb fucks like you won't turn on him.
You always need a boogeyman. First it's shooped discord caps now it's animu/pol/ what will be next?
I wonder why you guys never mention all the alt-kike idiots that have also turned on Trump. Is it possibly because you follow them and are willing to excuse their actions because they "do so much for the Movement™"
Get fucked.
I actually don't care if this is a shill. The point still stands.
Trump needs to back the fuck off Based Wizard. Else this could all just be lip-service while they plot for Assange to slip on a banana down a flight of stairs after shooting himself in the head twice from 100m away.
That DMS though.
Eh, this move inspires enough confidence in me personally to think he'll be okay, but we'll see
Imagine that being your career. Just image doing that for a living
I mean at least I fucking hope he's getting paid to do that because if he's doing it 4free then there's no hope
You base your entire theory on a couple of pixels? You're delusional, kiddo
And the fact the "g" is cutoff actually makes it look more genuine, not less, if it was a photoshop there is no way the g would've gotten cutoff like it is in your screen
And the a? And the artifact under the a? And the evidence that someone's name had been imposed over another? and the fact that those screencaps are spread by 4cuck /ptg/ cancer who are probably Kushner's Cadre shills.
Nice >reddit spacing too. You are probably one of them.
I predict the Ecuadorian Embassy either give him up on Sunday or they fake an attack on the embassy where Assange is accidentally killed or given placcy surgery and a new home in tel aviv or st petersburg or rio.
If you've seen their twitter, they are in heavy need of a gitmo vacation. Incessant libshittery all around.
What someone else does and whatever narrative they spin doesn't change Trumps actions. His actions are what merit criticism or praise. If you have to come to conclusions based off of others reactions to trumps actions you are a low IQ nigger and should kill yourself.
The fact of the matter is that Trump has already made shitty choices both in who he has surrounded himself with, appointed, and the policies that have followed thereafter. This executive order is a perfect example of Trump making policy decisions on things that don't really matter and then either ignoring the real issues like assange and saying "its ok" with sessions trying to extradite and imprison him etc.
If you can't make value judgements on your own and need others to weigh in you should consider removing yourself from posting entirely.
Fuck Snowden. He never published a tenth of what he had.
Why Sunday? What's happening on Sunday?
And, in case it does happen, I expect all you motherfuckers to be searching the Bitcoin Blockchain for the DMS keys. This is where they'll be shooting to.
Did you even read the link you retarded chesscuck shill
No of course not, this wont do anything to Snowden or Assange you retard.
It will be the anniversary of something and they do love their games.
Top Kek, no matter what Trump does, the shills try to belittle it and pretend electing Trump is the worst possible election outcome.
I thought Assange is being targeted by Trump right now?
Pls redpill me on this.
I get it, we should all be faggots because Trump bombed a nothing airbase a few weeks ago.
At this point I estimate a 30% chance that they're in Trump's employ and deliberately sabotaging the kikes' ability to smear him, 70% chance that they're as stupid as they sound and aiding Trump by sheer accident.
Good, maybe now you faggots won't cry shill every time someone blows the whistle on HIM.
Guess not.
meguca dot org iirc
And Wikileaks?
of what?
There is no such thing. Life is a constant struggle. Peace only comes after a great cost has been paid. Even then it can be stolen away by lax standards of self, and social, discipline.
How many times has it been so far? Are you tired of winning yet? Did hasbarafag kill himself yet?
Even if is the case, this is the line of thinking we need to adapt.
Yes, the next president may be a pussywhipped beta bitch who reverts all of Trump's work at the beginning of his term, but we're still going to get a good 7 or so years of what he does for the country between now and December. Enjoy it while you can.
As Dr. Seuss once said, "Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened."
Did you miss your time window for the first post?
Iranian Embassy SAS Raid, back then nobody suspected a thing but it was years before 9-11 and so long after JFK. Check the body they collect from the steps and put on the stretcher it's so obviously a dummy it will make you laugh.
It's actually worse because you took that sentence and removed the last part to make it sound like it meant any and all whistleblowers. Are you taking lessons from CNN?
Who cares about him? He's a deep state agent, his "whistleblowing" was a false flag, a mere mission given to him by his superiors.
Trumps EO protects real heroes like Assange of Rivia.
After 7 years of Trump you would hope the country would be a more redpilled place that didn't appreciate beta cucks
I'm glad that the DREAMers that Trump fought so hard to protect and grant pseudo-amnesty to will enjoy these new freedums
Whatever happened to "considering" prosecuting Assange (who isn't even a leaker just publishes the leaks)? Was that more fake news?
You're like a battered housewife.
Dubs confirm shills are beaten housewives.
It doesn't though. This EO only applies to the Veteran's Administration. See
C-checked senpai!
Yeah, it looks like an information gathering tool. Fuck goons.
People who sell what they have for loadsemone to China before trying the whistleblower route aren't exactly whistleblowers.
This is only for the VA
It's a good first step, but we MUST pressure him to do the same thing for the CIA, NSA, FBI, DHS, Pentagon, IRS, FDA, EPA, and every other fucking agency.