The game's too scary. I can't do it

The game's too scary. I can't do it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't play any games like that. It sends me into a schizophrenic panic and I become violent.

How does everyone else play these games? Seems dangerous.

It's just another generic jumpscare horror game, user. Suck it up.

what a fucking pussy. it's not real, just get over yourself and grow the fuck up

If you think thats scary, you have not seen pic related

I find deep sea stuff to be really comforting

>got scared so bad by a ghost climbing up out of a well in fatal frame 3 that i actually threw the controller and yelled "CUNT" it was the first word that jumped into my head

Age sucks. Die young i'm only 33


The only time I was ever freaked out by a video game is during that old hotel mission in VtMB.
In my defense, I was like 15 at the time, and it was like 4 in the morning. It was easy to become immersed.
There is literally no reason to not play Malkavian btw.


I'm 23 and feel real fear playing scary games. It's too much man. I get chest aches from being startled and surprised to boot

I've always had a problem with jumpscares ever since I was a kid because when I was 6-7 I was going through an optical illusions website and one of them was that one where you stare at it until a face pops out.

I'm fighting it though, forcing myself to watch screamers until I stop being such a bitch about it.

But user, what if you watch so many that they start to happen in real life?


There are a few, but it's mostly paranoia and claustrophobia driven.
The two that always spooked me the most were the plague doctor and the fucker that goes berserk chases you if you look at his face, though the paranoia of running into the statue or the old man linger over you the entire time you play.

Just because it's popular with meme youtube ecelebs doesn't mean it's a bad game.

Time for this old gem

Yeah, nah, fuck off.

What happened to SCP?

Not animated, I swear

Youtube ecelebs stopped playing the games, so it went back to being a niche interest and spooky stories.


If you are talking about the wiki, tumblr took it over. The game had its moment in the sun and faded away.

sounds like the set up for some edgy anime.

Same here, there are a tiny amount of horror games that I think are good and this is one of them. Same goes for movies, the vast majority of them are either too cheesy (most older ones) or rely heavily on jumpscares (newer ones).
I'd have to rank them as:

>3. several parts of Half Life 2, and I'm not really talking about Ravenholm
anything after those that I've played has been too insignificant to list here

>3. Coraline it is a travesty that a kids movie has a better grasp on horror than 99% of horror movies
>6. Green Room this wasn't even intended to be a horror movie

please let me know if I missed anything that you think is good, I am desperate for good horror. And if you're trying to recommend some walking sim like SOMA or cheesy slasher like Nightmare on Elm St then kys fam

The site is ran by monkeys but they aren't nearly as retarded as someone who would go and define types of files by the extension after their name, such as Microshit. I'll assume you're a windows user who has never used anything else, in every other operating system ever having an extension after the name is an arbitrary way of telling you what type of file it is and is completely optional. Actual filetype information in the opening bits of a file that you can't see without opening it in a hex editor or something.

Explain? Are some scps about evil white males now?

This game would be even better if they just patched the fucking Memory Access Violation bug they've had since day 1.

by default your os tries to figure out files with magic numbers.
I use linux as my default os, your assumptions are way off

What's there to tell? If imagery is to shocking or unsettling, it can excite me to a dangerous level where I can no longer regulate. I've got it mostly under control these days though. So the potential for "hilarity" (at least for other people) is not really there anymore.

Now it's just a very unpleasant state to be in, so I avoid it.

I'm such a bitch when it comes to these games. I'm 6'8" and 290lbs and I had to turn off fucking Slender when my little cousin came over to show me.

Never understood this. Why don't they just blink each eye independently?

When GG happened alot of the mods turned out to be anti-GG. That was the beginning of shit hitting the fan.

My little cousin didn't want to watch this "kiddie's movie" when it came up on TV. He wasn't talking very much after we watched it.

SCPs, the early ones anyway, are extremely creative. I'm talking like they could each have their own franchise, game, or movies.

webm and link related

the video doesn't accurately depict his capable speed yes, if you're in space he'll keep running around the globe to the shortest point to you, seeing people, and killing them along the way, still remembering you when he's finished

nigga, kys

You missed Underhell

Eventually you'll make a mistake, especially when you know your life is at risk

Isn't 173 faster than light last time I checked?

I just got the mental image of a guy nestled in a space station content 096 will never get him. Then the station alerts to an incoming projectile. Guy looks out the window to see a roxket hurtling towards the station, 096 at the controls screaming its head off and pointing at him from the cockpit.

What's 173 got to do with this?

Hey, this is the guy who makes baurotrauma

what the fuck

I'd prefer a containment breach scenario from a strategy/management level.

Alright I'll go check it out, thanks!

name a movie that does eerie ambient horror better or even just name a better horror monster then tell me why it's better.


My whole childhood got fucked up by Stephen King's It.

Since that day i hate clowns and i'm so happy that i got a chance to see that movie again when i was around 12. And the only thing i saw was a bad horror movie that never bothered me again.

The SCP game is one of those games that I think does randomly generated levels well. It makes everything much more unexpected and unpredictable. Which is a key element to horror. If only the actual SCP website wasn't completely fucking ruined by SJW's and the like.

I still can't play the game. I can play just about any other horror game to some extent but this one just couldn't be done.

true, when tumblr found out about SCP they started making their own shitty ones and submitting em

spook time

post spooks

From what I remember it's basically turned into a big circlejerk of who can write the most special snowflake overpowered SCP out there similar to 682. Some of the more "problematic" entries were also censored with more information [REDACTED]. One of the SCPs censored was something along the lines of a little girl that had to be tortured to prevent her from potentially destroying the world or something, and more and more parts of her entry kept getting removed for being too "gross".

I think the original authors actually wrote around that. I remember a note stating how the SCP would eventually think you're toying with it or "cheating", so it would just kill you outright.

I loved It until it started being about stupid alien shit, Stephen King is a hack fraud that needs to not ruin every book he writes by forcing in unnecessary magic or sci fi elements at the end. The only reason that the Shining wasn't as shit as the rest of his works was because the magic part of it (the shining ability) was almost completely unrelated to the plot which makes you wonder why he even put it there.

The book was far better (no fucking reason for the nigger kid to exist; he should have died), but the movie did damn well for the shit that it had shoved into it.

there's an scp that's basically a phone app that (harmlessly) stalks the installer. I think it was Mal0 or something like that. I think that's be a neat premise for a game

also it's sort of cute, but that's just me

The retards took over and most tales or SCPs are now about feminism and "muh stronk womyn" stories.
Long gone are the days about warped reality and articles that actually give you the shivers or pique dark interests.
It's all shit now.

I remember that fucking thread
It was spoopy until he posted the light penis

They also let some polygender furry faggot into an admin position, so the big author circlejerk collided with SJWism until more and more of the old authors were purged. We had extensive threads on this here and on /tg/.

wait what

you mean like a penis drawn with a light source

Did anyone archive the SCP's before censorship and purging began?

Yeah, some sort of photography trick to make a light penis. This thread was a while ago, I only vaguely remember it.

These are old and gay. Post the /r9k/ story where the guy saw a face in his house

It was a little girl who got raped every day by like 15 D-Class workers to prevent the birth of one of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Somebody wrote a tale that made it so she doesn't actually get raped, but it's a ruse to make everyone who works at the Foundation THINK she is being raped, which prevents the birth of the Horseman of the Apocalypse.

There is a large pdf with select pre-purge SCPs floating around.

Here we go again. Get the fuck over yourself dude. No one cared then, and they don't now.

just go to waybackmachine

user, do you think he deserves death?

Nigga watch some real horror movies. It Follows had a neat concept but the movie was basically a grand scale Halloween. Watch John Carpenter's The Thing and Jacob's Ladder and get at me.

For something more recent you can Try the Babadook. Modern horror is a bit bankrupt at the moment.

found it. as a mystery game, this one would make a great psuedoantagonist as they hunt down pervious users to try and understand what's going on, before mal0 can catch them…or something


why do i want to hug it

dunno but I've got the same urge…

I loved the first half of Babadook but then it completely shit the bed in the second half. I'll check out those other two though.

you literal nigger, these are SELECT CREEPYPASTA I personally sifted from thread dumps over the last few years

If there was an archive of creepypasta out there somewhere that was updated normally that wasn't a subreddit I'd post fresh shit from there.

In fact, I might just go and look there anyway. These threads always die prematurely.

You both have the souls of a detestable loli.

That SCP is harmless. You download an app and it ends up following you trying to hang out

like some kind of google toolbar?

I agree about the Babadook. It had a great setup and it just lost all tension when you finally saw the Babadook take over. I really only listed it because there's hardly a horror movie that came out in recent memory that isn't either part comedy or just CGI gore porn.

wow, gee, sign me up

It's like one of those stupid filler apps. You just end up with that thing as an imaginary friend. No one dies from it.

I'm sure someone will try to fuck it





Here's a true story that happened to me, I swear on me mum:
>It was me all along.
>I then remember my mother's room's door has a mirror covering it from top to bottom, The door was closed the entire time and I was shitting myself over my literal reflection on a mirror.

It's called an exposure shot, cameras work simply by opening and closing a hole behind the lens (the shutter) and all the light that passes through that hole is captured onto film or what ever the fuck digital cameras use to capture light.

Because you can adjust how much light is captured based on how long the shutter is held open you can create an exposure shot by simply holding the shutter open for an extended period of time, which with a properly stabilized camera can be used to create a blur effect with all the things that are in motion in the shot. Naturally bright lights like a laser pointer will be captured more clearly and thus lets you "draw" because it's capturing every point the laser pointer is pointed it. Think of taking a movie and smashing every frame into a single still image.


there is no stone overturned is there

Download the app to get an imaginary friend with benefits. Also there was like six pics of that thing

i watched that shit movie with my sister and we laughed through the whole thing

it was terrible.

she saw it in theaters and urged me to see it because she knew i would get a kick out of it

that movie was fucking retard, its a killer STD ghost, yeah real fucking scary

Deep sea it is.


So, user, what game even is that?

I don't know. I found it in a deep sea thread a while ago. It started with an S.

its called


Yeah I just found it. It has a kikestarter.

Also this is all I have.

I've had that shit saved to y drive for over 5 years now and it makes me laugh like a retarded seal every time I happen to chance on it. The images are 10/10 shit.


Easy solution.

Honestly, I can't name a single game or movie that does scare me these days. Hell, even shit like Amnesia is more soothing than a mario game at this point.

Fucking Jacob's Ladder really fucked up with my way of thinking. It actually made me a little depressed for a couple of days after watching it.

The Thing was just an excellent movie in general. The suspense is great, I still get shivers down my spine while watching it.

Kind of spooky to know that a popular musician can disappear with no trace with a loyal body double replacing them, and a ton of media silence to maintain the status quo

Man all this shit pisses me off. I really liked SCP shit it was so cool, would read for hours and shit. Kinda want to start it over, if possible maybe keep a few or a whole new thing all together because the new one is so fucked. I think i'm going to start writing some shit, wanna get something done do it yourself right?

ok cool whatever

Damn straight. Same goes for video games, too.

Your reply.

Where are you going to post it? I'd like to read whatever you get started. I might have to get into writing spooky stories myself.

This thread or idk i'll find someplace. I don't know much about places to put it up. Maybe if there is a board dedicated to that. I'm sure there is.

I could definitely write. But it would be pointless to encourage the same shit they started with. The fact is that the community that made the SCP foundation is cucked to hell. Maybe something similar would be interesting but trying to maintenance it as something other than another generic creepypasta site would be pretty hard considering that by the creation date of the wiki the creepypasta fandom had only just started to come to normal fag popularity.

Step it up OP.

One SCP I really liked was some sort of infection that infected some Slavic villages that turned its hosts into slaves of some hivemind. It was based off body horror and left a lot of questions unanswered. Really good horror from the expedition logs.
Fuck, now I need to find that.

Well they changed things from what I understand to make it more mainstream. Maintenance wouldn't be too hard just make sure there is good quality but that doesn't always mean complexity.I'd be up for getting something started, I wana talk about this more but I don't wana fill up this, anyone know a better place to discuss this? Horror board maybe?

This pic filename I think

Jacob's Ladder is my favourite movie of all time

I have a friend who used to make fun of me for it, then asked me why I liked it so much. I explained it to him, like, what if *we're already dead? what if this is all a test? what if it doesn't matter?** and all that shit

Yeah, that one. I think mutilation/body horror is what gets to me the most.

What is /x/?

I was thinking it but idk /x/ is kinda ehhhh


It's dead/slow, so at least you know your posts won't go anywhere.

Those, and the ones that mess with people's heads get me.
I forget the number but I think it was called a sleep killer or something. Spooky shit, that one.
Another one about insects that infect people and turn them into their hives.

I think if we're going to use a new board, we need something more original than /x/. I'm thinking we could call it /horror/, /eerie/, or /macabre/. Really, anything else besides /x/.

I remember that one. The insects would take over a human host, and live in them for as long as possible. The human stayed alive the entire time, and when they died the insects moved on to the next host.

That wasn't it, the one I'm thinking of becoming a hive occurred after they died. It also involved hyperdontia.
I wish I remembered the numbers but it was years ago when I was into SCP

Yea honestly rather just start a new board, I'll make it, any name suggestions? Most are taken.



because that's where you tell scary stories



I like these too


only le 90 kids will get :^)
Might be too long, though

Nope, there was boards called /CONDUCTORWEHAVEAPROBLEM/ and shit like that.

This is the exact time to shill another board and why we should be mentioning them. Isn't /fringe/ the new /x/? I don't keep up on board drama but I'de go there unless there unless somethings going on. I would try to start communicates and bring about a culture.

Though I'm not huge in to the supernatural I love writing. It might be fun to try and make some creepy posting. Though admittedly I can't really contribute right now as I'm busy with life. I don't want to sound like I'm cheesing you out or something but I just can't spend the time to contribute.

Can I post stories about girls kissing girls on this new board?

Not unless it's lovecraftian abominations making out with each other and it causes everyone witnessing it to bleed from their eyes.

Just because SCP isn't a group of edgy naziboos doesn't make it tumblr. If your skip got deleted it was because it was shit, not because the essjaydoubleus persecuted you. Git gud

Only if you're afraid of the dark.

That shit belongs on /d/, you sicko.


I really want to see this but I can't find it anywhere on the internet, wat do


Surprisingly most of these are open I think, I like /campfire/ but then it mat be too much about storys and not just scary things. Scps arent really storys they are fake documents and I think we should be open to stuff like that. /spooky/ is cool but may be too bait easy for skele memes. Strawpoll or something like that?

It wasn't in the theaters very long. Just wait until it hits DVD which should be soon.

Will ghost girls work?

What's it about user?

Well it got out of theaters fairly recently so you'll have to wait on the DVD release before anyone puts it up on a torrent site or google/amazon get a deal to stream it.

In the meantime go watch Blue Ruin. It isn't very scary but it is similarly tense and way more depressing.

Yeah I saw it right when it came out and they had like 2 showings the day after it released, while at the same time having around 8 for batman vs superman. I really hate hollywood/casuals.

put all of the ones you like into a randomizer and let it happen

couple more suggestions

It's Patrick Stewart as a psycho, come on

It's just weird that I can't even find CAM versions, not a lot of interest in the movie

Already watched Blue Ruin, it's why I can't wait for Green Room

Let's poll it.
But I'm not doing it

I just made it into a poal of the ones I think are pretty good. add more if you come up with anything. In ten minutes whatever is on top might win unless something weird is added.

Exile on a uninhabitated island would suffice.

While we wait, for the title what should it be. "Interesting and scary things"?

"Turn out the lights."


"… And then a skeleton popped out."

Lock your doors
Stay out of the woods after midnight
Listen for extra footsteps
Check for missing or newly appearing group members
If no one else sees it, ignore it all costs
No dolls allowed

8ch is being retarded going to be a minute to get this up

Hey I've wanted to write spoopy stories for a while now! I'm 110% behind this!
I've gotten it started. Going to be setting it up for a while but feel free to start.

No one's talking about their skips being deleted.
We're talking about how the quality of them is extremely lacking now.

that's the one

That's it

Were we actually thinking of the same one?

There's only white on black background, you nigger.

Yeah it was the one I was thinking about.

try it in VR, I've heard it easier that way


Why create a new board when you still have /fringe/? Just dust it off and it's as good as new.

Has every good horror plot been done? Is there any way to actually create something NEW and scary?

It feels like every idea has been used up.

I smell tumblr here

Have anything to back that up? The border of proof is on you

So just like all (straight white cis male) gamers for all games. #feminism

That was a shit movie. Is litteraly about an STD
Go and watch babadook. That's a good one and also about depression and loss

Man, Babadook was aces.

That's not what he said

For the record, this is what they think "good" SCPs are these days.

Yeah, that's a haunted game cartridge "creepy" pasta just slapped with the SCP name. Yeah, that sucks.

Anyone got any links to more good SCP game footage. There's way too much to shuffle through.

Not quite bad. I'm pretty spooked by now myself.

It hurts. I handled Silent Hill just fine, but they aren't all that scary, just top tier atmosphere. I was good with Alien Isolation as well, dark and headphones too.

Surely it has. We've covered deranged psychos, supernatural psychos, paranormal, zombies, monsters, aliens, robots, cosmic entities beyond our comprehension, grief, depression, ultra gore, abortion, birth, death, rebirth, undead, science, ancient evils and more.

Have you played Eternal Darkness?

does it want to play video games?

I have not. Does it emulate well?

It does.

I'd call you a little bitch but it gets to me too.

So, Saya no Uta with yuri?


Mfw I actually blinked when it changed

nigger are you being retarded as a hobby, or is it a full time gig?

I found this:

though tbh I don't watch movies in anything under bluray quality any more unless there is no alternative.

Oh shit, OP's 50 Blessings now.



Why doesn't Holla Forums work together to make a picture list of all scp's, except color coded for how much its worth reading. Ex: green dot great tier, yellow meh tier and so on.

I need to get more reaction pics

It's taken directly from a movie called Odd Thomas.


I think the power of suggestion is affecting you here. It's like when autists view videos knowing and hoping to get triggered and lo and behold - triggered. I'm not suggesting that you're like that but it's in a similar vein. You want to enjoy a horror game so you preempt and prepare yourself to feel fear and become afraid.

You anons are essentially hypnotizing yourselves.

I genuinely dislike horror games and movies. When we hit puberty, almost every time me and my friends got together to hang out, we watched a horror movie or played a horror game. It got boring. When one of my childhood friend invited me to see that newish movie about the doll being possessed by a demons and trying to kill this chick's baby, i was just shooting the shit through the whole movie. The basement scene was nice i guess, but the rest was utter shite.

While I agree with you, isn't that the point? I mean, if you're so scared that you can't play the game then you're overdoing it, but part of the enjoyment is the suspense and thrill. As says, it's really easy to kill all the tension by just fucking about whilst playing.

Well, that ties into all sorts of other problems then. If not playing vidya to have fun enjoyment, then any cherished hobby becomes a bore.

I don't like to go for middle ground arguments, but in this case it's probably best.

I would say horror games are fun the same way a roller coaster is fun: The fun is derived from an adrenaline rush, even though you're never in any real danger. However, if the perceived threat, potential or simulated, triggers a fight-or-flight response that's too overwhelming, someone would not be able to actually enjoy the experience.

No user, you are the demons

**I don't think that horror is shit it's just that it was constantly crammed down my fucking mouth so i dislike it. And to be exact watching or playing shit with your friends by itself makes everything better.
It's just that games like condemned/penumbra i just fuck around instead of get caught by the atmosphere, or movies where i'm only invested in guessing the plot and when the scares will happen, from which i somehow derive joy. I never react to tension of spooks. Sure i flinch when jumpscares happen if they aren't expected at all, like that one in the movie when the kid gets fucked up by a demon and the dad goes into his mind(i guess) and the demon appears behind someone in a low key talking scene.**

fug i forgot i hit enter

Detestable coward, end thine own life knave!!!!

There was once a man named Jack he was happy with brown hair and he was always used to being around children when he would rock them to bed.Oneday he joined the army on his first day he said bye to his mom and his last words to her were "bye mom see you in hell".His mom thought wierd.So he got his head shaved and started wearing a hoodie.The general got mad at him and said "get that asshole hoodie off"Jack shot the general and then thought kill was fun.He blew up one guy and a kidney flew into his mouth.He thought "these taste good".One guy said dieing"cut your eyes out BITCH".Then the guy died with Jack standing there laughing and thinking "This is so fun".That night Jack was banned from the army with the army people being recoverd/Jack got so mad and furios that he cut his eyes out and said "now just need a mask".He found a mask and began rubbing blood from his eyes under the eye part of the mask.His mom heard him laughing and said "Jack sweetie are you ok".Jack said "ok? IM BETTER".

Jack said "Mom you look a little tired".When his mom went to bed he got a giant sharp knife cut out his moms kidneys and ate them then he ripped out his moms liver and ate it.The next day Jack yelled "kids lets play knife tag".The kids cheered and played with Jack but it wasnt the tag you played when you were a kid they were all kidney and liverless and dead.Jack thought "yum kidneys".He thought about everyone he killed and said "more kidneys equals more nutrtion".Police are still on the lookout if you see this man that fits the description call 911.


I dont think ill be able to sleep tonight

Which SCP is that?

Yep. the Malkavian playthrough is the best one

I made the mistake of not looking shit up and starting with a malk on my first play through.


i was outta has was when thsi shit shat out your like 15???

Grow some fucking balls user. Fucking dead space gave me more chills than that whole shitslush of a wannabe crappy pasta ever has and dead space isn't even fucking scary.

Goons/tumblr dividing and conquering like usual.

Is your dog dying or something?

Paranormal shit. I never really browsed besides giving it a glimpse here and there but it's pretty awful from what I know of. On halfchan it's all ghost roleplay and the /x/ here is so dead that you can post all the way back to early 2015.

I haven't kept track of this memegame in awhile, how many more SCP Shitty creepypasta rip offs have it added since?

Meant Dio from jojo's bizarre adventures

if i ever so ignorant i could be a first he be all tied up he second palce he

anons just postin pasta m8.

I know but I thought he used it because he didnt know what the fuck I was talking about

Shoulda turned on the faucet in the tub when the fucking thing crawled down the drain. Full blast heat baby, roast that son of a bitch.


I find that I fuck around too much with movies/games too much with friends around - even if it's something serious. And once you watch or play a specific genre too much you start to deconstruct it.

And that's why not everything is for everyone. Like that girl playing that monster shooter game in VR (even if she's acting), she's trembling and screaming to something that wouldn't make me flinch.

There was a weird as fuck actual horror comedy movie which is VERY similar. I can't remember the name, but the monsters were made from this black dust/smoke like thing, and they killed everyone who knew about them. There was a part when a dude approached the MC because he knew that the MC saw them too. The MC asked if he responded to them, and the dude was like "yeah i flip them off and some shit", and not even 3 seconds later the dude was hit by a car.

Sexually Transmitted Demon?

More please.

narcotics test proceeding was a wasted opportunity.

Tried it, but the letters always ended up looking like one of those Senator Armstrong shitposts. You know the ones.


I was half expecting a candlejack referen

The T could still use some work but meh good enough.
Second pic is if someone wants to edit it to be better.

Eyy, looks really good. Saved


That story came out long before Odd Thomas was a movie.

user, that's called fear. An animal in fear reacts in two ways: fight or flight. user fights.

The most spooky thing that ever happened to me was barely hearing a woman's scream from the woods next to my house while having a bonfire

It was probably a fox

What is it with Windows 8/10 users and including the window border in every single screenshot they take?

Could be a number of reasons, but I'd put it on the fact that playing games in windowed/borderless is top-tier shit and people can't be assed to carefully cut the game from the window.

I use 8.1 jewvidia and all games run about 10fps faster when full screen vs windowed/borderless.

Reminds me of this.

I never have read something from Stephen King, is he good or it just overrated?

Little Mermaid?

it's someone's fursuit, so maybe you can

i like stephen king novels. as pretentious of a faggot as it makes me feel to say this, his writing style is really unique and i like it - it's much more conversational, as if he's telling you a story. a lot of books just throw big words at you and tries to sound smart, but king books try to sound as if it's just a casual conversation to you

his stories are hit or miss, though. the dark tower series was really good up until wizard and glass (the "prequel" story about Roland as a young lad and his lost love wah wah so sad"), but i wouldn't start with them since by the end they reference almost every other book king has ever written. maybe just The Gunslinger because I honestly feel it might be the best book i've ever read, and stands on its own as a story of a badass gunslinger crossing the desert in a world that died a long time ago. the stand was pretty good, the shining was excellent and doctor sleep, the sequel that came out relatively recently was actually a lot better than it had any right to be, and his older short stories are by and large excellent

It would be good if the statue didn't clip through the walls all the time. it's a very buggy game. And some of the meme shit, like the weed, make it look like a 14 year old Bern victim made it.

The concepts are very spooky though, everything has a depraved and decayed look that's really unsettling.

The game's too buggy. I can't play it.

Help ;-;

A lot of them were fixed. When's the last time you tried it?

Nice knowing you user.

I meant to type read this ;-;

great mindset to play horror games

Why are you acting like a lil' bitch?
Why don't you act like a man?

If you've ever browsed the SCP website, you've probably noticed that plenty of stuff there could have been come up with by a fourteen-year-old of some description. And I'm not just talking about the bezt lizard evar.

I know they've had problems with Mary Sue SCPs that are too edgy to exist, but too popular to take down, for a long time now.

We need game, that starts being scary spooky shit… Ends up being H-Game with monsters.
Bonus points for female monsters, not monster girls.

Some call it creepy,
but i call it even cute.

We've got the board up and running if anyone is interested please come join us.



The most annoying part of the SCP wiki is the pure POTENTIAL it has, along with segments of its 'lore'. Things like the Church of the Broken God, the Library, the Shark Punching Center, etc, have amazing and cool things that they could be. But it's all so annoyingly 'so cool and edgyyyyy', especially that dogfaced motherfucker who likes to wink wink nudge nudge be satan.

Sounds fun!
I wish something paranormal would happen to me. I live in fear and anxiety and I've never seen something like this. Instead, my life is dull and boring.
My dreams reflect that. I have depressing, gray, colorless dreams sometimes when I feel like I got nothing going on.

Go in the woods about 10-11 o clock at night, preferably around August and make some wood knocks. Listen for a response

Do tropical rainforests count? I'm from South America.

Sorry, I was under the impression I was talking to a person.

Wow what a meanie.

Yeah I fucked up and said movie instead of just Odd Thomas in general. Not sure when that story was written but the Odd Thomas novel was published in '03.

They do

Do I have to go in February since our seasons are reversed?

nice b8 m8

Not really, no. The creepy shit happens all-year round.



I know this post was days ago, but every time I see this image I laugh at how it appears to be wearing sweat pants. The idea of a monster stalking people but being really concerned with wearing comfortable pants entertains me.

Does anyone have the one story about an user meeting Beezlebub in a cornfield?

I've downloaded and installed only yesterday because this thread got me interested in it.

The two guards accompany me but instead of taking me to the first monster the front guy blocks the doorway.

So I thought I had to press the button to open the door to the left of me.

I only found out this was a bug because I watched a Let's play.

At least I think there was a vibrator/dildo joke, I might be remembering it wrong

I hate how pozzed SCP's community has become. All these fucking 'brave' progressive stories with fucking pronouns and alt lifestyle couples.


Faggots always infiltrate and destroy communities like that if nobody stops them.
Fucking genestealers.
